$Id: History.N03,v 1.1 2007/05/26 00:18:27 tkoi Exp $ -------------------------------------------------- ========================================================= Geant4 - an Object-Oriented Toolkit for Simulation in HEP ========================================================= Example N03 History file ------------------------ This file should be used by the G4 example coordinator to briefly summarize all major modifications introduced in the code and keep track of all tags. ---------------------------------------------------------- * Reverse chronological order (last date on top), please * ---------------------------------------------------------- 26-10-06 John Allison (exampleN03-V08-01-04) - Migrate to new trajectory modeling commands: o vis.mac: Add new trajectory commands and helpful comments. o ExN03EventActionMessenger: Remove /N03/event/drawTracks. o ExN03EventAction: Remove SetDrawFlag and code for drawing trajectories in EndOfEventAction. o ExN03TrackingAction: Remove. (Trajectory choice now available by vis commands - see exN03Vis12.mac and exN03Vis13.mac.) o exN03Vis12.mac and exN03Vis13.mac: Further refinement. 19-09-06 John Allison (exampleN03-V08-01-03) - exN03Vis12.mac and exN03Vis13.mac: Further refinement. 12-09-06 John Allison (exampleN03-V08-01-02) - exN03Vis12.mac and exN03Vis13.mac: Switched off local trajectory drawing (/N03/event/drawTracks none) so as not to interfere with drawing from /vis/scene/add/trajectories. 31-08-06 mma - Code tidy. 30-08-06 John Allison (exampleN03-V08-01-01) - Improved visTutor/exN03Vis12.mac. - Added visTutor/exN03Vis13.mac: Further demonstration of time slicing. 16-08-06 John Allison (exampleN03-V08-01-00) - Added ExN03TrackingAction. Active code is commented out so it continues to use G4Trajectory. Introduced so that the code can easily be instated to get G4RichTrajectory for exN03Vis12.mac. - Added visTutor/exN03Vis12.mac: demonstration of time slicing. 16-06-06 Gabriele Cosmo (exampleN03-V08-00-06) - Use coherent allocation scheme for user-classes and initialisation in main(). 15-06-06 Gabriele Cosmo (exampleN03-V08-00-05) - Separate instantiation of the user-stepping-verbose class from initialisation of the G4VSteppingVerbose singleton. 06-06-06 mma (exampleN03-V08-00-04) - gui.mac : /N03/event/printModulo 02-06-06 mma (exampleN03-V08-00-03) - stepping action: replace Touchable by TouchableHandle 29-05-06 mma (exampleN03-V08-00-02) - stepping action: prePoint->GetTouchable()->GetVolume() 24-05-06 mma (exampleN03-V08-00-01) - cosmetic in stepping action 23-05-06 Vladimir Ivanchenko (exampleN03-V08-00-00) - use PrePoint in stepping action 06-12-05 Gabriele Cosmo - Trivial changes for support of CLHEP-2.0.X series. 03-12-05 John Allison (exampleN03-V07-01-04) - Quietened vis manager in batch mode. 22-11-05 mma (exampleN03-V07-01-03) - Update README 14-11-05 mma (exampleN03-V07-01-02) - DetectorConstruction: correct definition of Vacuum 15-10-05 mma (exampleN03-V07-01-01) - PhysicsList: AddProcess(new G4eBremsstrahlung,-1,3,3) ..etc.. 22-07-05 mma (exampleN03-V07-01-00) - RunAction: compute and print statistic at end of run. 31-05-05 mma (exampleN03-V07-00-03) - EventAction: decrease size of trajectory points. 30-05-05 John Allison (exampleN03-V07-00-02) - Completed replacment of vis manager with G4VisExecutive. 26-05-05 Gabriele Cosmo (exampleN03-V07-00-01) - Fixed compilation error in exampleN03.cc (no tracking-action existing...). 03-05-05 John Allison (examples-V07-00-03) - Replaced vis manager with G4VisExecutive. 02-02-05 Michel Maire (exampleN03-V07-00-00) - SteppingAction: sum stepLenght of charged particle even if edep=0. 21-11-04 Guy Barrand - visTutor/exN03Vis[5,10].mac : reverse notifyHandler and viewer/update so that someone using G4UIterminal see the detector at the moment of the /vis/viewer/update. Have /control/verbose 2 to dump viewer controls. 18-11-04 Guy Barrand - visTutor/gui.mac : have a Viewer pulldown menu. 15-11-04 Guy Barrand (exampleN03-V06-02-00) - visTutor/exN03Vis[5,10].mac : have commented examples on how to request the visualization of a particular volume. - visTutor/exN03Vis9.mac : WIN32 : having something with only OGLIWin32 in order to test that geometry and trajectories work. 14-11-04 Guy Barrand - ExN03DetectorConstruction.cc : in commented vis attributes ; have transparency = 0.6 for the logicGap. 12-11-04 Guy Barrand - exN03Vis[5,10.mac] : correct comments "an volume" -> "a volume". 11-11-04 Guy Barrand - ExN03DetectorConstruction.cc : add commented vis attributes in order that someone can test / play with the interactive expansion / contraction geometry system of the vis/OpenInventor driver. - gui.mac : gun pulldown menu. - exN03Vis[5,10.mac] : rm an unnecessary update and bad comments. 08-04-04 Guy Barrand (exampleN03-V06-01-00) - exampleN03.cc : Windows : Have G4UI_USE_WIN32 in order to have a default Windows GUI coworking with the OpenGL Windows driver. - exN03Vis9.mac : demo of the OpenGL Windows driver. - gui.mac : change menu items in order to reflect the used vis driver. 19-03-04 M.Maire (exampleN03-V06-00-00) - ExN03PhysicsList: cleanup of include. 01-12-03 J.Perl (exampleN03-V05-02-08) - Removed extraneous flushes from visTutor/heprep.mac to match new endOfRunAction behavior. - Cleaned up vis.mac. - Cleaned up vis part of README. 27-11-03 G.Cosmo (exampleN03-V05-02-07) - Removed OPACS script from visTutor. renamed scripts 6/7/8/9 to 5/6/7/8 respectively. Added scripts to gui.mac. 25-11-03 G.Cosmo (exampleN03-V05-02-06) - Open the geometry before cleaning stores in ConstructCalorimeter(). 12-11-03 J.Allison (exampleN03-V05-02-05) - ExN03EventAction: changed drawing mode from 2000 to 1000. 06-11-03 J.Allison (exampleN03-V05-02-04) - ExN03RunAction: removed ApplyCommand("/vis/...") statements. 06-11-03 J.Allison (exampleN03-V05-02-03) - ExN03EventAction: o changed to use G4VVisManager::Draw(const G4VTrajectory&, G4int draw_mode). o increased drawing mode from 50 to 2000. 06-11-03 J.Allison (exampleN03-V05-02-02) - Removed OPACS from ExN03VisManager. 24-10-03 mma (exampleN03-V05-02-01) - PhysicsList: AddProcess(Bremsstrahlung,-1,3,3) ..etc.. 15-09-03 mma (exampleN03-V05-02-00) - suppresion of sensitive detector and hits. - DetectorConstruction::DefineMaterials() invoked in constructor. The UI commands /N03/det work in preInit state as well in Idle. - suppression of specific code for curvated trajectories. 10-06-03 mma (exampleN03-V05-01-02) - mv heprep.mac in visTutor - back to eventAction.cc 1.17 28-05-03 G.Cosmo (exampleN03-V05-01-01) - Get rid of pedantic warnings ... 21-05-03 V.Ivant (exampleN03-V05-01-00) - ExN03DetectorConstruction: properly delete volumes and solids when geometry setup is updated. 08-04-03 mma (exampleN03-V05-00-06) - DefineMaterials: H2O->SetMeanExcitationEnergy(75*eV) 25-03-03 mma (exampleN03-V05-00-05) - Use G4PVPlacement and G4PVReplica constructors in logical mother. 20-02-03 V.Ivant (exampleN03-V05-00-04) - Migrade to cut per region 11-02-03 mma (exampleN03-V05-00-03) - DetectorConstruction : change names of volumes 30-01-03 mma (exampleN03-V05-00-02) - save random number seed. In README explain the rndm handling. commit rndmSeed.mac to show how to save and reset rndm seed 18-12-02 mma (exampleN03-V05-00-01) - code for smooth trajectory put in DetectorContruction::SetMagField() and TrackingAction::PreUserTrackingAction() 16-12-02 mma (exampleN03-V05-00-00) - UI directory /N03/ 19-11-02 jacek - introducing smooth trajectory display 25-06-02 ribon (exampleN03-V04-00-02) - fixed paths to macros in visTutor/gui.mac. 07-03-02 mma (exampleN03-V04-00-01) - remove cutForGamma, cutForElectron ..etc.. 14-02-02 mma (exampleN03-V04-00-00) - macros for em exercices 27-11-01 mma (exampleN03-V03-02-07) - DetectorConstruction: Vacuum is the default material. - newgeom.mac: a box of 40 cm of water. 19-11-01 John (exampleN03-V03-02-06) - Updated ExN03VisManager.cc for new graphics systems and defaults. 14-11-01 Satoshi Tanaka (exampleN03-V03-02-05) - exN03Vis8.mac : Batch visualization with the DAWNFILE driver - exN03Vis9.mac : Multi-page PostScript file generation (old exN03Vis8.mac) 07-11-01 Satoshi (exampleN03-V03-02-04a) - /vis/viewer/viewpointThetaPhi ==> /vis/viewer/set/viewpointThetaPhi 07-11-01 Satoshi (exampleN03-V03-02-04) - visTutor/exN03VisXX.mac's are rewritten with /vis/viewer/flush. - Some refinements of command sequences and comments. - Note that /vis/flushAll's are described but commented out. 07-11-01 Satoshi (exampleN03-V03-02-03) - vis.mac: /vis/viewer/refresh + /vis/viewer/update is replaced with their equivalent command /vis/viewer/flush. 24-10-01 mma (exampleN03-V03-02-02) - initInter.mac renamed vis.mac : OpenGL and DAWNFILE opened simultaneously. 19-10-01 Steve O'Neale (examples-V03-02-00) - Update reference output 10-10-01 mma (exampleN03-V03-02-01) - /vis/scene/endOfEventAction accumulate /vis/viewer/zoom (in newgeom.mac) - 80 columns everywhere 18-09-01 Satoshi Tanaka (exampleN03-V03-02-00) - Updation for automatic visualization at Hebden Bridge mini-workshop. - /vis/viewer/flush and /vis/flushAll are not included yet. (To be included in the next tag.) - /vis/drawTree may still require /vis/scene/notifyHandlers. (John Allison will revise the /vis/drawTree command soon.) 21-06-01 Satoshi Tanaka (exampleN03-V03-00-02) - visTutor/*.mac updated - Commands /vis/set/XXX's are replaced with /vis/viewer/set/XXX - Commands /vis/camera/XXX's are replaced with /vis/viewer/XXX except for /vis/camera/spin. - exN03Tree0.mac for ASCII DTREE and exN03Tree1.mac for GAG DTREE are created. 06-02-01 M.Asai (exampleN03-V03-00-01) - Migration to STL vector classes affected : ExN03SteppingVerbose.cc 4th February 2001 Steve O'Neale (tagset254) 21-11-27, Satoshi Tanake (exampleN03-V02-00-04) - The macro initInter.mac (by Michel) is revised. 1) The command "/vis/scene/create" is removed, since it is already included in "/vis/drawVolume". 2) /vis/viewer/update is added, since it becomes necessary when the OpenGL driver is switched to another driver. - In visTutor/exN03Vis5,6.mac (by Guy) "/vis/include/trajectories" is renamed into "/vis/scene/add/trajectories" and also commented out. (All other "/vis/scene/add/trajectories"'s are already commented out by Michel, since the C++ method DrawTrajectory() is now described in the event action. - Unnecessary "/vis/scene/create" are removed from visTutor/exN03VisX.mac when it is already included in "/vis/drawVolume" or "/vis/specify". - The command /vis/camera/viewpoint is removed from visTutor/exN03Vis0.mac in order to avoid crushing in reading it in execution of the G4 executable: $(G4BINDIR)/exampleN03 exN03Vis0.mac . - Comments updated in visTutor/exN03VisX.mac. 25th November 2000 Steve O'Neale (tagset210) - Update test outputs for min.delta energy cut - Update test outputs for energy cut table only for e- and gamma - Update test outputs for new tags in em processes. Note we skip round work in progress 21-11-00, mma (exampleN03-V02-00-02) - introduce G4UItcsh in exampleN03.cc - put all vis macros in a new subdirectory visTutor - prerunN03 simplified (compound vis commands) and renamed initInter.mac - code to control the drawing of tracks reinstalled in eventAction - bug corrected in PhysicsList::GetCutForProton() - PrimaryGenerator : default particle e- 50 MeV October 19, 2000 Satoshi Tanaka (exampleN03-V02-00-01) - Updated exN03Vis0-4.mac, incorporating recent development of vis commands - Updated format of comments in exN03Vis0-4.mac. - Created exN03Vis7.mac: demo of the VRMLFILE driver - Created exN03Vis8.mac: demo of multi-page PS file generation June 24, 2000 John Allison (exampleN03-V01-01-09) - Updated exampleN03.out for stand-V01-01-05 and utils-V01-01-03. June 17, 2000 John Allison (exampleN03-V01-01-08) - Updated exampleN03.out for geant4-01-01-ref-06. 14 June 2000 John Allison (exampleN03-V01-01-07) - Added #ifdef G4UI_USE_XM to protect #include "G4UIXm.hh" in exampleN03.cc. - Limit output in gui.mac (Guy Barrand). 13 June 2000 Guy Barrand (exampleN03-V01-01-06) - exampleN03.cc, prerunN03.mac : put execution of the gui.mac in exampleN03.cc with an #ifdef G4UI_USE_XM protection and remove it from preunN03.mac. This will gurantee no effect of the gui.mac on other G4UI sessions. - g4Xt.xrm : add a resource to limit contant of XmText widgets (in particular the one used to dump G4cout things). - exaN03Vis5.6.mac : remove commands that are in fact not supported by Xo and Invnetor drivers. 09 June 2000 Satoshi Tanaka (exampleN03-V01-01-05) : - In prerunN03, < /vis/scene/include/trajectories --- > /vis/scene/add/trajectories 09 June 2000 Guy Barrand (exampleN03-V01-01-04) : - correct some comments in exN03Vis5,6.mac. - add gui.mac. - trigger execution of gui.mac at end of prerunN03.mac. 09 June 2000 Guy Barrand (exampleN03-V01-01-02) : - add exN03Vis4,5.mac for a simple example of OPACS/Xo and Inventor driver. 09th June 2000 Satoshi Tanaka (exampleN03-V01-01-01) - exNO3VisX.mac's are updated corresponding to recent development of the new vis commands: (1) Compound commands are used wherever possible. (2) Ordering of commands and comments are rewritten to improve readability. (3) exN03Vis4.mac is created to demonstrate the compound command "/vis/specify". 05-06-00 M.Maire - cleanup of ExN03EventAction to limit the amount of output with exampleN03.large_N.in 20th May 2000 Satoshi Tanaka - exNO3VisX.mac's are updated corresponding to development of the new vis commands. - The command /vis/add/trajectories is added to exNO3VisX.mac's. Instead the C++ method "DrawTrajectory()" is removed from ExN03EventAction::EndOfEventAction(). 19th May 2000 Satoshi Tanaka - g4.xrm (Xt resource file for UI) is renamed to g4Xt.xrm 11th May 2000 Satoshi Tanaka (examples-V01-01-03) - Comments in examples/novice/N03/exN03VisX.mac 's are updated for DAWN Version 3.85a - Small changes to comments in SteppingVerbose. 25-02-00 H.Kurashige - removed RhoZeroDefinition from PhysicsList 10th November 1999 Satoshi Tanaka (examples-V00-01-12) - novice/N03 is updated - Vis macros for N03 are updated for the latest updation of vis commands (Introduction of /vis/viewer/update etc) 09-11-99 Satoshi Tanaka (examples-V00-01-11) prerunN03.mac : /vis/viewer/update is appended src/ExN03RunAction.cc: /vis/scene/notifyHandlers is in BeginOfRunAction() /vis/viewer/update is in EndOfRunAction() 14-08-99 Satoshi Tanaka TAG: examples-V00-01-02 Visualization tutorial macros are committed. (exN03Vis0.mac,..., exN03Vis3.mac) 19-08-99 Michel Maire - modify ExN03PhysicsList to keep the command setCut compatible with cutForGamma ..etc .. 31-05-99 Guy Barrand, Michel Maire - introduce a command interface based on Motif: G4UIXm 16th April 1999 H.Kurashige - modify ExN03SteppingAction::UserSteppingAction - modify ExN03EventAction - modify ExN03RunAction::BeginOfRunAction/EndOfRunAction - Add cutForGamma/cutForElectron/cutForProton in ExN03PhysicsList - modify ExN03PhysicsList::SetCuts 10-03-99 Michel Maire - Choose RaneCu as the default random number generator. - print the seed event%n 9-10-98 John Apostolakis - This used to be example N02. It is now N03. 25-02-98 Michel Maire - add a macro 'newgeom.mac' which gives an example of interactive redefinition of the geometry 11-09-98 Michel Maire - removed the function SetEmProcess() ( contained cin) and the class ExN02PhysicsListMessenger 27-08-98 John Allison - Removed /vis~/camera/zoom 3 - coworks with vis-00-02-05. 12-08-98 Michel Maire - Changed all the class name:N02 -> ExN02. 9-08-98 John Allison - Changed G4UIterminal to G4UIGAG. 20-07-98 Michel Maire storeTrajectory command move to prerun.mac 16-07-98 John Allison - Changed /vis~/Draw... to /vis~/draw. 9-07-98 John Allison - Added G4VIS_USE_DAWNFILE and G4VIS_USE_OPENGLWIN32 to N02VisManager.cc. 8th July 1998 G.Cosmo - Protected visualization code with G4VIS_USE. 6th July 1998 John Allison - Simplified N02VisManager. 16th June 1998 Michel Maire - Added G4_SOLVE_VIS_TEMPLATES to exampleN02.cc 10th June 1998 John Allison - Added template instantiation requests to exampleN02.cc for GNU_GCC. April 09, 98 G. Cosmo - Created.