####################################################################### # MACRO FILE NAME: exN03Vis9.mac # # # # AUTHOR(S): Guy Barrand # # # # DATE: # # April 08, 2004 # # # # CONTENTS: A simplest macro to demonstrate visualization of # # detector geometry and events # # # # USAGE: % gmake visclean # # % $G4BINDIR/exampleN03 # # Idle> /control/execute visTutor/exN03Vis9.mac # # # # REQUIRED PLATFORMS & SOFTWARES: Windows, OpenGL # # OPTIONAL : DAWN (version 3.85 or after) # # # # ENVIRONMENTAL VARIABLES (C-MACROS) FOR INSTALLATION: # # (See geant4/source/visualization/README for details.) # # # # G4VIS_BUILD_OPENGLWIN32_DRIVER # # (G4UI_BUILD_WIN32_SESSION) # # # # ENVIRONMENTAL VARIABLES (C-MACROS) FOR COMPILATION: # # (See geant4/source/visualization/README for details.) # # # # G4VIS_USE_OPENGLWIN32 # # (G4UI_USE_WIN32) # # # # ADDITIONAL NOTES: # # The compound command "/vis/open " # # is equivalent to the following set of commands: # # # # /vis/sceneHandler/create $1 # # /vis/viewer/create # # # # The compound command "/vis/drawVolume " # # is equivalent to the following set of commands: # # # # /vis/scene/create # # /vis/scene/add/volume $1 # # /vis/sceneHandler/attach # # # ####################################################################### ############################################## # Visualization of detector geometry and trajectories # with the OGL (OpenGL) driver ############################################## # Invoke the OGL driver /vis/open OGL # Set camera /vis/viewer/reset /vis/viewer/set/viewpointThetaPhi 70 20 # Create an empty scene and add the detector geometry to it /vis/drawVolume # Visualize events added to the current scene /tracking/storeTrajectory 1 /run/beamOn 1