$Id: History,v 1.3 2005/11/09 14:53:08 gcosmo Exp $ ------------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================= Geant4 - an Object-Oriented Toolkit for Simulation in HEP ========================================================= History file ------------ This file should be used by the test developer to briefly summarize all major modifications introduced in the code and keep track of all tags. ---------------------------------------------------------- * Reverse chronological order (last date on top), please * ---------------------------------------------------------- 09-Nov-2005 - Gabriele Cosmo Migrated to from deprecated . 01-Feb-2001, Radovan Chytracek Added to G4 CVS repository 29-Jan-2001, Radovan Chytracek Added visualization of trjectories. Somehow does not work. Has to be investigated. 28-Jan-2001, Radovan Chytracek Input macros separated to have one for batch test and one for visualization in VRML and one for DAWN. Batch macro contains now particle gun setup to shoot consequently into all quadrants of the geometry setup. 25-Jan-2001, Radovan Chytracek Found out the problem with the reset of G4Navigator state. After geometry switch the dummy call to G4Navigator method LocateGlobalPointAndSetup(...) will reset the navigator's state and forces the re-optimization of geometry from the top. 20-Jan-2001, Radovan Chytracek Finished implmentation of geometry flip-flop from scratch which means deleting the whole old geometry and building the new one 14-Dec-2000, Radovan Chytracek - Created.