$Id: History,v 1.9 2008/03/27 16:47:21 gcosmo Exp $ ---------------------------------------------------------------- History file for geometry/solids/test/SBT ----------------------------------------- This file should be used to briefly summarize all major modifications introduced in the code and keep track of all tags. It DOES NOT substitute the CVS log-message one should put at every committal in the CVS repository ! ---------------------------------------------------------- * Reverse chronological order (last date on top), please * ---------------------------------------------------------- Feb 18, 2008 - I.Hrivnacova --------------------------- - Added missing solids in specific: G4Ellipsoid, G4EllipticalCone, G4EllipticalTube, G4ExtrudedSolid, G4Orb, G4TessellatedSolid, G4Tet, G4TwistedBox, G4TwistedTrap, G4TwistedTrd, G4TwistedTubs. - Changed logger precision from 16 digits to 20, as 16 were not sufficient to reproduce the errors in debug. - In DrawError(): o draw the solid first, otherwise the command vis/viewer/set/style does not affect solid drawing. o draw volume only, if errorIndex=0. - In TestOutsidePoint(): allow a difference within the surface tolerance for the distance of a point on surface. - In DebugXX() methods: added printing of the tested values. - Added method DebugSurfNorm(). - Corrected output of time string. Nov 9, 2005 - G.Cosmo --------------------- - Implemented migration to from deprecated . Dec 1, 2003 - G.Cosmo --------------------- - Updated vis-manager to recent visualisation drivers. - Cleared compilation warnings... Nov 18, 2003 - J.Apostolakis ---------------------------- - Attempted to update to changes in G4VisManager which require the objectTransformation (a G4Transform3D) for all Draw methods. Jan 08, 2002 - G.Cosmo ---------------------- - Migrated SBTrun.cc and SBTvoxel.cc to Geant4 4.0. Apr 20, 2001 - G.Cosmo ---------------------- - Updates for migration to STL vector, modified SBTrun.cc. Jan 25, 2001 - E.Medernach -------------------------- - Introduced program to process fatal execution error from Fred (new directory "process"). Dec 14, 2000 - E.Medernach -------------------------- - Improved support for Boolean solids: o Modified: SBTrun.cc, G4InteractiveSolid[.hh.cc] o Updated "log" area. Nov 09, 2000 - G.Cosmo ---------------------- - Cleaned up files and moved to new directories. Aug 22, 2000 - E.Medernach -------------------------- - Added parameter script support with automatic exit - Added a directory for geant4 script and for log files - Added a pause like fred/pause to be used for visualization - Added the current solid in the log file (second line in the log file) script to visualize errors with comment: ErrorView