COMMENTS ON IONISATION AND KNOCK-ON ELECTRONS WITH CORRECTION 1) Let us introduce Tbound (? 100 KeV); below Tbound the correction to the differential cross section is negligibly small. 2) There also exists Tmax (= function (E)) defined by kinematics. In this case, the following possibilities appear: 3) Tmax < Tbound; usual BBS energy loss (and Bhabha cross section – for Tcut < Tmax, with correction or without it, it does not play any substantial role) may be used, as it was earlier. But it takes place only for rather low muon energies. 4) Tmax > Tbound, with three possibilities for Tcut: 5) Tcut < Tbound: restricted BBS energy loss (< Tcut), numerical calculation of the total cross section with accurate formula and sampling with accurate formula are needed. 6) Tbound < Tcut < Tmax: for energy loss it is necessary to take “usual” restricted BBS (< Tbound) plus “twice restricted” numerically integrated energy loss for the interval (Tbound,Tcut), total cross section and sampling being similar to preceding point. 7) Tcut > Tmax: restricted BBS (< Tbound) plus twice restricted numerical (Tbound, Tmax); discrete interactions are not simulated. RPK 10.05.2000