Prepared by R.Kokoulin, May 22nd, 2000 Brief summary of G4 muon activity, May 2nd - May 23rd, 2000 S.Kelner, R.Kokoulin, M.Maire, A.Rybin, L.Urban 1. G4 muon tests The test procedure of the verification of muon interaction simulation which allows to check both mean free path calculation and energy transfer sampling has been suggested and implemented. First test results revealed appreciable deviations of the distributions of the energy loss from theoretical dependencies (for bremsstrahlung, pair production, nuclear interaction). Several bugs have been found and eliminated; it has greatly improved the agreement. The program of further G4 muon tests has been prepared and agreed, including thin target tests (extending the set of materials, energies, and increasing statistics), and thick target simulation which will allow to verify the consistency of consideration of restricted continuous energy loss. 2. Refinement of the processes already implemented Simple formulae and algorithm for sampling photon and muon angles in muon bremsstrahlung have been suggested and prepared for implementation in G4. It will be coded in the nearest days. Final states for other processes (pair production, photonuclear interaction) have been clarified, fixed and introduced into documentation. Logical scheme of a consistent inclusion of bremsstrahlung correction in high-energy knock- on electron production and ionisation energy loss is prepared. List of questions concerning the validity of multiple scattering model has been compiled. After answering these questions, the "calibration" simulation of MCS for high-energy muons can be performed. 3. Documentation Sections concerning three basic muon interaction processes (bremsstrahlung, pair production, photonuclear interaction) for PRM (Phys. Ref. Manual) have been extended, updated and corrected. Suggestions for improvements for the section in PRM about muon ionisation, and also comments and corrections for "Electromagnetic Physics" gallery have been prepared. 4. Extension of the muon interactions in G4 List of muon processes for further inclusion in G4 has been discussed. The processes of interest are: muon pair production by photon, muon pair production by muon, diffractive bremsstrahlung (which leads to a difference in positive/negative muon energy loss). Refinement of multiple scattering and introduction of the screening correction to bremsstrahlung and pair production based on recent calculations of radiation logarithm in HF model are also important and can improve the accuracy of G4-based simulations. The level of theoretical knowledge of these processes is sufficient for their implementation into algorithms and codes. Theoretical clarification of LPM and Coulomb corrections for electron pair production by muons is needed; these are important both for accelerator and high-energy cosmic ray applications.