Custom Query (44 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#1 Comments on files somebody defect major component1
#2 geant4 UI : SecondaryLoop somebody defect minor Geant4.9.5 Interfaces
#4 geant4 export to VGM -> KML enhancement minor Geant4.9.5 OpenGL
#5 geant4 UI : suppress the on/off menu buttons ? enhancement minor Geant4.9.5 Interfaces
#6 geant4 UI : resizing frame OpenGL ? enhancement minor Geant4.9.5 OpenGL
#7 geant4 UI : print EPS and others task major Geant4.9.5 OpenGL
#8 geant4 UI : Tabs on OpenGL widgets ? enhancement major Geant4.9.5 Interfaces
#9 Geant4UI : Focus on the commandLine defect major Geant4.9.5 Interfaces
#13 Geant4 UI Qt : Qt4: win : G4UI session defect major Geant4.9.5 Interfaces
#15 geant4 UI : windows : export options defect major Geant4.9.5 OpenGL
#16 geant4 UI : windows :JPEG quality defect major Geant4.9.5 OpenGL
#18 geant4 UI : windows : export ps and pdf defect major Geant4.9.5 OpenGL
#19 geant4 UI : avoid bloking command Line when terminal typing defect major Geant4.9.5 Interfaces
#21 Add HepRepFiles to export options enhancement minor Geant4.9.5 OpenGL
#33 Do hierarchecal tree viewier enhancement minor Geant4.9.5 Interfaces
#34 Change zoom by axes enhancement minor Geant4.9.5 OpenGL
#38 Movie dialog defect minor Geant4.9.5 OpenGL
#39 Geant4 Qt: QtThread enhancement minor Geant4.9.5 OpenGL
#41 Crash lors du lancement de test 19 avec Qt => Puis passage en NURBS defect minor Geant4.9.5 OpenGL
#43 G4UIExecutive, G4VisExecutive =>recompilation problem defect minor Geant4.9.5 Interfaces
#44 Configure and building zlib task minor Geant4.9.5 Config
#45 OGLSQt and OGLIQt with non Qt UI defect major Geant4.9.5 Config
#46 Configure and default mode drivers build defect minor Geant4.9.5 Config
#47 help, cd, pwd, ls, history .... defect minor Geant4.9.5 Interfaces
#48 getenv and G4UIExecutive defect minor Geant4.9.5 Interfaces
#49 Gmocren documentation defect minor Geant4.9.5 Documentation
#50 Use test19 to check automaticaly all viewers defect minor Geant4.9.5 OpenGL
#51 Qt3 compilation warning defect major Geant4.9.5 Interfaces
#52 Rotation problem sometimes at 180°/360° defect minor Geant4.9.5 OpenGL
#53 XAW code defect minor Geant4.9.5 Config
#54 Improve speed during display defect major Geant4.9.5 OpenGL
#55 Modifying .icc file and force gcc to recompile ? defect minor Geant4.9.5 Config
#56 addition submenu in User interface defect minor Geant4.9.5 Interfaces
#57 Filter a mettre sur l'history dans le UI defect minor Geant4.9.5 Interfaces
#58 UI et Tab : /vis/open OGLSQt change la taille de la fenetre courante defect minor Geant4.9.5 Config
#59 Color change problem when redraw defect minor Config
#60 if turn on floating point exceptions, vis open any kind of gl, anything causes crashes. defect minor Config
#61 Display list reduce ? defect minor Config
#62 Opening new window should not resize UI defect minor Config
#63 coverage tool defect minor Config
#64 /vis/viewer/set/rotationStyle in Qt defect minor Geant4.9.5 Config
#65 Superposing views (in Xm) when printEPS defect minor Geant4.9.5 Visualisation
#66 Trace disappear, hiddenEdge, hiddenMarker defect minor Geant4.9.5 Config
#67 New command options on /vis/ogl/set/printMode defect minor Geant4.9.5 Visualisation
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.