Changes between Version 66 and Version 67 of Tutorial/JobSubm

Mar 3, 2009, 11:16:05 AM (15 years ago)



  • Tutorial/JobSubm

    v66 v67  
    133133''Note : Une option `-r` existe pour la commande  `glite-wms-job-submit` qui permet de choisir une ressource spécifique. Cependant cette option court-circuite le processus de match-making du Resource Broker (sélection du CE approprié à partir des différents requirements) et ne crée pas le fichier nécessaire (`BrokerInfo`) pour la gestion de données. Il faut donc préférer l'utilisation de `other.GlueCEUniqueID` dans la ligne `Requirements`.''
     135=== Controlling Retries done by WMS ===
     137After the job has been submitted to WMS, WMS goes through several phases until final submission of the job to the CE. For various reasons, errors can occured at each stage and a user can control the number of retries WMS must do through 2 JDL attributes:
     138 * `RetryCount`: defines the maximum number the WMS try to process a job in case of an error occured inside the WMS. Default is site specific and there is a maximum defined on the WMS itself.
     139 * `ShallowRetryCount`: defines the maximum number the WMS try to submit a job to the selected CE in case of an error occured on the CE. Default is site specific and there is a maximum defined on the WMS itself.
     141Until the maximum attempt has been reached the job never reached the state 'Done'.
     143''Note: when debugging jobs, it is often desirable to set `RetryCount` and `ShallowRetryCount` to 0 to get a quick feedback in case of errors.''
     145=== Some Other Useful JDL Attributes ===
     147JDL files accept many [ different attributes]. In addition to those already described, a few other useful attributes are:
    135149== L'environnent d'exécution sur le Worker Node ==