= Compiling from a tarball with CMT included = == from tarball == Lets take the example of the version guineapig++-0.1.0-b.tar : {{{ > tar -xvzf guineapig++-0.1.0-b.tar.gz > cd guineapig++-0.1.0-b/external/CMT/v1r18p20061003/mgr > ./INSTALL > source setup.[c]sh > cd ../../../../cmt/ > cmt make }}} note : from the version 0.5.0 on, you have to replace, for example, 'guineapig++-0.5.0-b' by 'guineapig++/0.1.0-b' in the previous instructions. the executable is in a directory / the name of is determined by CMT, from the name of the machine. It is like : Linux-i686 or Darwin (on Macintosh) etc.