= Welcome to the Lal GuineaPig++ project = == The GuineaPig++ project == Guineapig is a beam-beam simulation code written by D. Schulte (CERN). The aim of the project guineapig++ at LAL is to provide an reliable, versatile, modular object oriented (C++) guineapig code. The expected benefit is the ability to easy implement new features and functionnalities. == People == * Developpers: Guy Le Meur, François Touze * Contributers: Cécile Rimbault... == configuration management == === [wiki:TechnicalDetails Technical details on the configuration management tools ] === == Download == === [wiki:DownloadKits download standalone kits] === === [wiki:DownloadSvn download from the SVN Repository] === We are using the SVN repository at: {{{ https://svn.lal.in2p3.fr/FLC/GuineaPig }}} If you are interest to get the code directly from svn, you should do the following command: {{{ $ svn co https://svn.lal.in2p3.fr/FLC/GuineaPig/guineapig++/tags/ }}} the format of is : guineapig++-x.x.x-b denote the name of the local directory where you wish to put the code guineapig. It should be . E.g. with version guineapig++-0.1.0-b: {{{ svn co https://svn.lal.in2p3.fr/FLC/GuineaPig/guineapig++/tags/guineapig++-0.1.0-b guineapig++-0.1.0-b }}} Note: In this case, you should first install CMT by yourself or check that CMT is available on your site. === Compile the software === To compile the software: CMT should have been installed by : {{{ > cd /CMT/v1rp/mgr > ./INSTALL }}} to compile and provide an executable : {{{ > source setup.[c]sh (once for a session) > cd /cmt > cmt make or make }}} E.g. with version guineapig++-0.1.0-b from tarball: {{{ > tar -xvzf guineapig++-0.1.0-b.tar.gz > cd guineapig++-0.1.0-b/external/CMT/v1r18p20061003/mgr > ./INSTALL > source setup.[c]sh > cd ../../../../cmt/ > [g]make }}} the executable is in a directory / the name of is determined by CMT, from the name of the machine. It is like : Linux-i686 or Darwin (on Macintosh) etc. Enjoy this product! Any question, remark or suggestion are welcome ! Please submit a report [https://trac.lal.in2p3.fr/GuineaPig/newticket here] == Aknowledgments == We are thankful to Antoine Pérus and Vincent Garonne (LAL) for helping us to build the first configuration environment of guineapig++ and the present TRAC page.