// HadronScatter.h is a part of the PYTHIA event generator. // Copyright (C) 2012 Torbjorn Sjostrand. // PYTHIA is licenced under the GNU GPL version 2, see COPYING for details. // Please respect the MCnet Guidelines, see GUIDELINES for details. #ifndef Pythia8_HadronScatter_H #define Pythia8_HadronScatter_H #include "Event.h" #include "Info.h" #include "ParticleData.h" #include "PythiaComplex.h" #include #include #include using std::map; using std::set; using std::sort; namespace Pythia8 { class SigmaPartialWave { public: // Initialisation bool init(int, string, string, Info *, ParticleData *, Rndm *); // Read data file bool readFile(string, string); // Set the subprocess/incoming particles bool setSubprocess(int); bool setSubprocess(int, int); // Return sigma total/elastic, dSigma/dCos(theta) double sigmaEl(double Wcm) { return sigma(0, Wcm); } double sigmaTot(double Wcm) { return sigma(1, Wcm); } double dSigma(double Wcm, double cTheta) { return sigma(2, Wcm, cTheta); } // Return a cos(theta) value double pickCosTheta(double); // Return maximum sigma elastic double getSigmaElMax() { return sigElMax; } private: // Pointers Info *infoPtr; ParticleData *particleDataPtr; Rndm *rndmPtr; // Constants static const int LSHIFT, ISHIFT, SUBBIN, ITER; static const double CONVERT2MB, WCMBIN, CTBIN, MASSSAFETY, GRIDSAFETY; static const complex BINEND; // Settings int process, subprocess, subprocessMax, norm; // Current incoming and maximum L/I values int idA, idB, Lmax, Imax; // Masses of incoming, last bin, maximum sigma elastic double mA, mB, binMax, sigElMax; // Map subprocess to incoming and vice versa: // sp2in[subprocess] = idA, idB // in2sp[idA, idB] = subprocess map < int, pair < int, int > > sp2in; map < pair < int, int >, int > in2sp; // Isospin coefficients isoCoeff[subprocess][2I] map < int, map < int, double > > isoCoeff; // Storage for partial wave data: // pwData[L * LSHIFT + 2I * ISHIFT + 2J][eNow] = T map < int, map < double, complex > > pwData; // Values of Pl and Pl' as computed by legendreP vector < double > PlVec, PlpVec; // Integration grid [subprocess][WcmBin][cosThetaBin] vector < vector < vector < double > > > gridMax; vector < vector < double > > gridNorm; // Setup subprocesses (including isospin coefficients) void setupSubprocesses(); // Setup grids for integration void setupGrid(); // Routine for calculating sigma total/elastic and dSigma/dCos(theta) double sigma(int, double, double = 0.); // Generate Legendre polynomials (and optionally derivatives) void legendreP(double, bool = false); }; //========================================================================== // HadronScatterPair class // Simple class to hold details of a pair of hadrons which will scatter. // Stores indices in event record and the measure used for ordering // Store a pair of indices typedef pair < int, int > HSIndex; class HadronScatterPair { public: // Constructor HadronScatterPair(const HSIndex &i1in, int yt1in, int pt1in, const HSIndex &i2in, int yt2in, int pt2in, double measureIn) : i1(i1in), yt1(yt1in), pt1(pt1in), i2(i2in), yt2(yt2in), pt2(pt2in), measure(measureIn) {} // Operator for sorting according to ordering measure bool operator<(const HadronScatterPair& in) const { return this->measure < in.measure; } // Indices into event record of hadrons to scatter HSIndex i1; int yt1, pt1; HSIndex i2; int yt2, pt2; // Ordering measure double measure; }; //========================================================================== // HadronScatter class class HadronScatter { public: // Constructor. HadronScatter() {} // Initialisation bool init(Info* infoPtrIn, Settings& settings, Rndm* rndmPtrIn, ParticleData *particleDataPtr); // Perform all hadron scatterings void scatter(Event&); private: // Pointer to various information on the generation. Info* infoPtr; Rndm* rndmPtr; // Settings bool doHadronScatter, afterDecay, allowDecayProd, scatterRepeat, doTile; int hadronSelect, scatterProb; double Npar, kPar, pPar, jPar, rMax, rMax2; double pTsigma, pTsigma2, pT0MPI; // Tiling int ytMax, ptMax; double yMin, yMax, ytSize, ptSize; vector < vector < set < HSIndex > > > tile; // Keep track of scattered pairs set < HSIndex > scattered; // Partial wave amplitudes SigmaPartialWave sigmaPW[3]; // Maximum sigma elastic double sigElMax; // Decide if a hadron can scatter bool canScatter(Event &, int); // Probability for a pair of hadrons to scatter bool doesScatter(Event &, const HSIndex &, const HSIndex &); // Calculate measure for ordering of scatterings double measure(Event &, int, int); // Perform a single hadron scattering bool hadronScatter(Event &, HadronScatterPair &); // Tiling functions bool tileIntProb(vector < HadronScatterPair > &, Event &, const HSIndex &, int, int, bool); int yTile(Event& event, int idx) { return (doTile) ? int((event[idx].y() - yMin) / ytSize) : 0; } int pTile(Event& event, int idx) { return (doTile) ? int((event[idx].phi() + M_PI) / ptSize) : 0; } // Debug void debugOutput(); }; //========================================================================== } // end namespace Pythia8 #endif // Pythia8_HadronScatter_H