// PartonSystems.h is a part of the PYTHIA event generator. // Copyright (C) 2012 Torbjorn Sjostrand. // PYTHIA is licenced under the GNU GPL version 2, see COPYING for details. // Please respect the MCnet Guidelines, see GUIDELINES for details. // This file contains auxiliary classes for the parton-level processes. // PartonSystem contains info on a single partonic subcollision. // PartonSystems describes the set of subcollisions in the whole event. #ifndef Pythia8_PartonSystems_H #define Pythia8_PartonSystems_H #include "PythiaStdlib.h" namespace Pythia8 { //========================================================================== // The PartonSystem class contains info on an individual singlet. // Only to be used inside PartonSystems, so no private members. class PartonSystem { public: // Constructors. PartonSystem() : iInA(0), iInB(0), sHat(0.) {iOut.reserve(10);} // Stored quantities. int iInA, iInB; vector iOut; double sHat, pTHat; }; //========================================================================== // The PartonSystems class describes the whole set of subcollisions. class PartonSystems { public: // Constructor. PartonSystems() {systems.resize(0);} // Reset system list to empty. void clear() {systems.resize(0);} // Add new subsystem to list; return its index. Number of subsystems. int addSys() {systems.push_back(PartonSystem()); return systems.size() - 1;} int sizeSys() const {return systems.size();} // Set, add or replace info to one system. void setInA(int iSys, int iPos) {systems[iSys].iInA = iPos;} void setInB(int iSys, int iPos) {systems[iSys].iInB = iPos;} void addOut(int iSys, int iPos) {systems[iSys].iOut.push_back(iPos);} void setOut(int iSys, int iMem, int iPos) {systems[iSys].iOut[iMem] = iPos;} void replace(int iSys, int iPosOld, int iPosNew); void setSHat(int iSys, double sHatIn) {systems[iSys].sHat = sHatIn;} void setPTHat(int iSys, double pTHatIn) {systems[iSys].pTHat = pTHatIn;} // Get info on one system. bool hasInAB(int iSys) const {return ( (systems[iSys].iInA > 0) || (systems[iSys].iInB > 0) ) ;} int getInA(int iSys) const {return systems[iSys].iInA;} int getInB(int iSys) const {return systems[iSys].iInB;} int sizeOut(int iSys) const {return systems[iSys].iOut.size();} int getOut(int iSys, int iMem) const {return systems[iSys].iOut[iMem];} int sizeAll(int iSys) const {return (hasInAB(iSys)) ? systems[iSys].iOut.size() + 2 : systems[iSys].iOut.size();} int getAll(int iSys, int iMem) const; double getSHat(int iSys) const {return systems[iSys].sHat;} double getPTHat(int iSys) const {return systems[iSys].pTHat;} // Find system of given outgoing parton, optionally also incoming one. int getSystemOf(int iPos, bool alsoIn = false) const; // Find iOut index of given system and event record index int getIndexOfOut(int iSys, int iPos) const; // List all current systems. void list(ostream& os = cout) const; private: // List of all separate partonic subsystems. vector systems; }; //========================================================================== } // end namespace Pythia8 #endif // Pythia8_PartonSystems_H