// SigmaGeneric.cc is a part of the PYTHIA event generator. // Copyright (C) 2012 Johan Bijnens, Torbjorn Sjostrand. // PYTHIA is licenced under the GNU GPL version 2, see COPYING for details. // Please respect the MCnet Guidelines, see GUIDELINES for details. // Function definitions (not found in the header) for various generic // production processes, to be used as building blocks for some BSM processes. // Currently represented by QCD pair production of colour triplet objects, // with spin either 0, 1/2 or 1. // Cross sections are only provided for fixed m3 = m4, so do some gymnastics: // i) s34Avg picked so that beta34 same when s3, s4 -> s34Avg. // ii) tHQ = tH - mQ^2 = -0.5 sH (1 - beta34 cos(thetaH)) for m3 = m4 = mQ, // but tH - uH = sH beta34 cos(thetaH) also for m3 != m4, so use // tH, uH selected for m3 != m4 to derive tHQ, uHQ valid for m3 = m4. #include "SigmaGeneric.h" namespace Pythia8 { //========================================================================== // Sigma2gg2qGqGbar class. // Cross section for g g -> qG qGbar (generic quark of spin 0, 1/2 or 1). //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Initialize process. void Sigma2gg2qGqGbar::initProc() { // Number of colours. Anomalous coupling kappa - 1 used for vector state. nCHV = settingsPtr->mode("HiddenValley:Ngauge"); kappam1 = settingsPtr->parm("HiddenValley:kappa") - 1.; hasKappa = (abs(kappam1) > 1e-8); // Secondary open width fraction. openFracPair = particleDataPtr->resOpenFrac(idNew, -idNew); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Evaluate d(sigmaHat)/d(tHat), part independent of incoming flavour. void Sigma2gg2qGqGbar::sigmaKin() { // Modified Mandelstam variables for massive kinematics with m3 = m4. double delta = 0.25 * pow2(s3 - s4) / sH; double s34Avg = 0.5 * (s3 + s4) - delta; double tHavg = tH - delta; double uHavg = uH - delta; double tHQ = -0.5 * (sH - tH + uH); double uHQ = -0.5 * (sH + tH - uH); double tHQ2 = tHQ * tHQ; double uHQ2 = uHQ * uHQ; // Evaluate cross section for spin 0 colour triplet. if (spinSave == 0) { sigSum = 0.5 * ( 7. / 48. + 3. * pow2(uHavg - tHavg) / (16. * sH2) ) * ( 1. + 2. * s34Avg * tHavg / pow2(tHavg - s34Avg) + 2. * s34Avg * uHavg / pow2(uHavg - s34Avg) + 4. * pow2(s34Avg) / ((tHavg - s34Avg) * (uHavg - s34Avg)) ); // Equal probability for two possible colour flows. sigTS = 0.5 * sigSum; sigUS = sigTS; } // Evaluate cross section for spin 1/2 colour triplet. else if (spinSave == 1) { double tumHQ = tHQ * uHQ - s34Avg * sH; sigTS = ( uHQ / tHQ - 2.25 * uHQ2 / sH2 + 4.5 * s34Avg * tumHQ / ( sH * tHQ2) + 0.5 * s34Avg * (tHQ + s34Avg) / tHQ2 - s34Avg*s34Avg / (sH * tHQ) ) / 6.; sigUS = ( tHQ / uHQ - 2.25 * tHQ2 / sH2 + 4.5 * s34Avg * tumHQ / ( sH * uHQ2) + 0.5 * s34Avg * (uHQ + s34Avg) / uHQ2 - s34Avg*s34Avg / (sH * uHQ) ) / 6.; sigSum = sigTS + sigUS; } // Evaluate cross section for spin 1 colour triplet. else { double tmu = tHavg - uHavg; double s34Pos = s34Avg / sH; double s34Pos2 = s34Pos * s34Pos; double s34Neg = sH / s34Avg; double s34Neg2 = s34Neg * s34Neg; sigSum = pow2(tmu) * sH2 * (241./1536. - 1./32. * s34Pos + 9./16. * s34Pos2) + pow4(tmu) * (37./512. + 9./64. * s34Pos) + pow6(tmu) * (9./512. / sH2) + sH2 * sH2 * (133./1536. - 7./64. * s34Pos + 7./16. * s34Pos2); // Anomalous coupling. if (hasKappa) sigSum += pow2(tmu) * sH2 * (kappam1 * (143./384. - 7./3072 * s34Neg) + pow2(kappam1) * (- 1./768. * s34Neg + 185./768.) + pow3(kappam1) * (- 7./3072. * s34Neg2 - 25./3072. * s34Neg + 67./1536.) + pow4(kappam1) * (- 37./49152. * s34Neg2 - 25./6144. * s34Neg + 5./1536.) ) + pow4(tmu) * (kappam1 * 3./32. + pow2(kappam1) * (7./6144. * s34Neg2 - 7./768. * s34Neg + 3./128.) + pow3(kappam1) * (7./6144. * s34Neg2 - 7./1536. * s34Neg) + pow4(kappam1) * (- 1./49152. * s34Neg2 + 5./6144. * s34Neg) ) + pow6(tmu) * pow4(kappam1) * 13./49152. / pow2(s34Avg) + sH2 * sH2 * ( kappam1 * 77./384. + pow2(kappam1) * (7./6144. * s34Neg2 + 1./96.* s34Neg + 39./256.) + pow3(kappam1) * (7./6144. * s34Neg2 + 13./1024. * s34Neg + 61./1536.) + pow4(kappam1) * (25./49152. * s34Neg2 + 5./1536. * s34Neg + 1./512.) ); // Equal probability for two possible colour flows. sigSum /= pow2( (uHavg-s34Avg) * (tHavg-s34Avg) ); sigTS = 0.5 * sigSum; sigUS = sigTS; } // Final answer, with common factors. sigma = (M_PI / sH2) * pow2(alpS) * sigSum * nCHV * openFracPair; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Select identity, colour and anticolour. void Sigma2gg2qGqGbar::setIdColAcol() { // Flavours trivial. setId( 21, 21, idNew, -idNew); // Two colour flow topologies. double sigRand = sigSum * rndmPtr->flat(); if (sigRand < sigTS) setColAcol( 1, 2, 2, 3, 1, 0, 0, 3); else setColAcol( 1, 2, 3, 1, 3, 0, 0, 2); } //========================================================================== // Sigma2qqbar2qGqGbar class. // Cross section for q qbar -> qG qGbar (generic quark of spin 0, 1/2 or 1). //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Initialize process. void Sigma2qqbar2qGqGbar::initProc() { // Number of colours. Coupling kappa used for vector state. nCHV = settingsPtr->mode("HiddenValley:Ngauge"); kappa = settingsPtr->parm("HiddenValley:kappa"); // Secondary open width fraction. openFracPair = particleDataPtr->resOpenFrac(idNew, -idNew); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Evaluate d(sigmaHat)/d(tHat), part independent of incoming flavour. void Sigma2qqbar2qGqGbar::sigmaKin() { // Modified Mandelstam variables for massive kinematics with m3 = m4. double delta = 0.25 * pow2(s3 - s4) / sH; double s34Avg = 0.5 * (s3 + s4) - delta; double tHavg = tH - delta; double uHavg = uH - delta; double tHQ = -0.5 * (sH - tH + uH); double uHQ = -0.5 * (sH + tH - uH); double tHQ2 = tHQ * tHQ; double uHQ2 = uHQ * uHQ; // Evaluate cross section for spin 0 colour triplet. if (spinSave == 0) { sigSum = (1./9.) * (sH * (sH - 4. * s34Avg) - pow2(uHavg - tHavg)) / sH2; } // Evaluate cross section for spin 1/2 colour triplet. else if (spinSave == 1) { sigSum = (4./9.) * ((tHQ2 + uHQ2) / sH2 + 2. * s34Avg / sH); } // Evaluate cross section for spin 1 colour triplet. else { double tuH34 = (tHavg + uHavg) / s34Avg; sigSum = (1./9.) * ( pow2(1. + kappa) * sH * s34Avg * (pow2(tuH34) - 4.) + (tHavg * uHavg - pow2(s34Avg)) * (8. + 2. * (1. - pow2(kappa)) * tuH34 + pow2(kappa) * pow2(tuH34)) ) / sH2; } // Final answer, with common factors. sigma = (M_PI / sH2) * pow2(alpS) * sigSum * nCHV * openFracPair; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Select identity, colour and anticolour. void Sigma2qqbar2qGqGbar::setIdColAcol() { // Flavours trivial. setId( id1, id2, idNew, -idNew); // tH defined between f and qG: must swap tHat <-> uHat if qbar q in. swapTU = (id1 < 0); // Colour flow topologies. if (id1 > 0) setColAcol( 1, 0, 0, 2, 1, 0, 0, 2); else setColAcol( 0, 2, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 2); } //========================================================================== // Sigma2ffbar2fGfGbar class. // Cross section for f fbar -> qG qGbar (generic quark of spin 0, 1/2 or 1) // via gamma^*/Z^* s-channel exchange. Still under development!! ?? //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Initialize process. void Sigma2ffbar2fGfGbar::initProc() { // Charge and number of colours. Coupling kappa used for vector state. if (settingsPtr->flag("HiddenValley:doKinMix")) eQHV2 = pow2(settingsPtr->parm("HiddenValley:kinMix")); else eQHV2 = pow2( particleDataPtr->charge(idNew) ); nCHV = settingsPtr->mode("HiddenValley:Ngauge"); kappa = settingsPtr->parm("HiddenValley:kappa"); // Coloured or uncoloured particle. hasColour = (particleDataPtr->colType(idNew) != 0); colFac = (hasColour) ? 3. : 1.; // Secondary open width fraction. openFracPair = particleDataPtr->resOpenFrac(idNew, -idNew); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Evaluate d(sigmaHat)/d(tHat), part independent of incoming flavour. void Sigma2ffbar2fGfGbar::sigmaKin() { // Modified Mandelstam variables for massive kinematics with m3 = m4. double delta = 0.25 * pow2(s3 - s4) / sH; double s34Avg = 0.5 * (s3 + s4) - delta; double tHavg = tH - delta; double uHavg = uH - delta; double tHQ = -0.5 * (sH - tH + uH); double uHQ = -0.5 * (sH + tH - uH); double tHQ2 = tHQ * tHQ; double uHQ2 = uHQ * uHQ; // Evaluate cross section for spin 0 colour triplet. if (spinSave == 0) { sigSum = 0.5 * (sH * (sH - 4. * s34Avg) - pow2(uHavg - tHavg)) / sH2; } // Evaluate cross section for spin 1/2 colour triplet. else if (spinSave == 1) { sigSum = 2. * ((tHQ2 + uHQ2) / sH2 + 2. * s34Avg / sH); } // Evaluate cross section for spin 1 colour triplet. else { double tuH34 = (tHavg + uHavg) / s34Avg; sigSum = 0.5 * ( pow2(1. + kappa) * sH * s34Avg * (pow2(tuH34) - 4.) + (tHavg * uHavg - pow2(s34Avg)) * (8. + 2. * (1. - pow2(kappa)) * tuH34 + pow2(kappa) * pow2(tuH34)) ) / sH2; } // Final-state charge factors. sigSum *= colFac * eQHV2 * (1. + alpS / M_PI); // Final answer, except for initial-state weight sigma0 = (M_PI / sH2) * pow2(alpEM) * sigSum * nCHV * openFracPair; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Evaluate d(sigmaHat)/d(tHat), including incoming flavour dependence. double Sigma2ffbar2fGfGbar::sigmaHat() { // Charge and colour factors. double eNow = couplingsPtr->ef( abs(id1) ); double sigma = sigma0 * pow2(eNow); if (abs(id1) < 9) sigma /= 3.; // Answer. return sigma; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Select identity, colour and anticolour. void Sigma2ffbar2fGfGbar::setIdColAcol() { // Flavours trivial. setId( id1, id2, idNew, -idNew); // tH defined between f and qG: must swap tHat <-> uHat if fbar f in. swapTU = (id1 < 0); // Colour flow topologies. if (hasColour) { if (id1 > 0 && id1 < 7) setColAcol( 1, 0, 0, 1, 2, 0, 0, 2); else if (id1 > -7 && id1 < 0) setColAcol( 0, 1, 1, 0, 2, 0, 0, 2); else setColAcol( 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1); } else { if (id1 > 0 && id1 < 7) setColAcol( 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0); else if (id1 > -7 && id1 < 0) setColAcol( 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); else setColAcol( 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); } } //========================================================================== // Sigma1ffbar2Zv class. // Cross section for f fbar -> Zv, where Zv couples both to the SM and // to a hidden sector. Primitive coupling structure. //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Initialize process. void Sigma1ffbar2Zv::initProc() { // Store Zv mass and width for propagator. idZv = 4900023; mRes = particleDataPtr->m0(idZv); GammaRes = particleDataPtr->mWidth(idZv); m2Res = mRes*mRes; GamMRat = GammaRes / mRes; // Set pointer to particle properties and decay table. particlePtr = particleDataPtr->particleDataEntryPtr(idZv); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Evaluate sigmaHat(sHat); first step when inflavours unknown. void Sigma1ffbar2Zv::sigmaKin() { // Breit-Wigner, including some (guessed) spin factors. double sigBW = 12. * M_PI / ( pow2(sH - m2Res) + pow2(sH * GamMRat) ); // Outgoing width: only includes channels left open. double widthOut = particlePtr->resWidthOpen(663, mH); // Temporary answer. sigOut = sigBW * widthOut; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Evaluate sigmaHat(sHat); second step when inflavours known. double Sigma1ffbar2Zv::sigmaHat() { // Incoming quark or lepton; for former need two 1/3 colour factors. int id1Abs = abs(id1); double widthIn = particlePtr->resWidthChan( mH, id1Abs, -id1Abs); if (id1Abs < 6) widthIn /= 9.; return widthIn * sigOut; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Select identity, colour and anticolour. void Sigma1ffbar2Zv::setIdColAcol() { // Flavours trivial. setId( id1, id2, idZv); // Colour flow topologies. Swap when antiquarks. if (abs(id1) < 6) setColAcol( 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0); else setColAcol( 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); if (id1 < 0) swapColAcol(); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Evaluate weight for decay angles. double Sigma1ffbar2Zv::weightDecay( Event& process, int iResBeg, int iResEnd) { // Identity of mother of decaying resonance(s). int idMother = process[process[iResBeg].mother1()].idAbs(); // For Z' itself angular distribution as if gamma*. if (iResBeg == 5 && iResEnd == 5) { double mr = 4. * pow2(process[6].m()) / sH; double cosThe = (process[3].p() - process[4].p()) * (process[7].p() - process[6].p()) / (sH * sqrtpos(1. - mr)); double wt = 1. + pow2(cosThe) + mr * (1. - pow2(cosThe)); return 0.5 * wt; } // For top decay hand over to standard routine. if (idMother == 6) return weightTopDecay( process, iResBeg, iResEnd); // Else done. return 1.; } //========================================================================== } // end namespace Pythia8