This version of the ATLAS cone is coming from SpartyJet v2.20.0 We have copied the following files JetConeFinderTool.cxx JetConeFinderTool.h JetSplitMergeTool.cxx JetSplitMergeTool.h that do the real work and based the coding in ATLASConePlugin.{hh,cc} on ConeFinderTool.cxx by adapting to the ClusterSequence requirements. copied LorentzVector.{cc,hh} from CDFCone/CDFcode in the FastJet plugin ... then, - added et() == Et() - added e() == E copied Jet.{cc,hh}, JetDistances.hh, CommonUtils.{cc,hh} from SpartyJet then - added #include in Jet.hh - Cleaned a bit (mostly removed the m_log) - Check FIXME 9 !!! (related to maxiteration) - in #include directives, fixed the dirs - added "namespace SpartyJet" in JetConeFinderTool.hh - replaced StatusCode by int (as it was originally defined - removed the string argument in the JetConeFinderTool ctor - removed the string arg of the JetSplitMergeTool ctor - replaced 4-vect component access using a function (e.g. px()) with direct access (e.g. px) IMPORTANT: - LorentzVector might conflict w its definition in CDFcode - changed the GeV to 1.0 instead of 1000.0