! 1) Settings used in the main program. Main:numberOfEvents = -1 ! no. of events to generate (-1 for all) Main:timesAllowErrors = 3 ! how many aborts before run stops ! 2) Settings related to output in init(), next() and stat(). Init:showChangedSettings = on ! list changed settings Init:showChangedParticleData = on ! list changed particle data Next:numberCount = 1000 ! print message every n events Next:numberShowInfo = 1 ! print event information n times Next:numberShowProcess = 1 ! print process record n times Next:numberShowEvent = 1 ! print event record n times ! 3) ALPGEN input file (note: no file extension given) Alpgen:file = main32 ! read 'main32_unw.par' and 'main32.unw' ! 4) MLM master settings MLM:merge = on ! switch on MLM merging MLM:nJetMax = 3 ! merging up to three jets ! 5) Other settings (demonstration only, change for full run) PartonLevel:MPI = off ! switch off MPI HadronLevel:all = off ! switch off hadronisation ! Note that for an e.g. W+0 jet samples, both ISR and MPI would ! by default start at the kinematical limit. Use options below ! to always start at the factorization scale instead. SpaceShower:pTmaxMatch = 1 MultipartonInteractions:pTmaxMatch = 1 ! 6) Further MLM settings (see 'Alpgen and MLM Merging' manual page) ! Default is CellJet algorithm with merging parameters set based on ! read in matrix element cuts. Exclusive/inclusive mode is set ! based on the read in value of 'MLM:nJet', and 'MLM:nJetMax' above. ! Pick custom merging parameters !Alpgen:setMLM = off !MLM:eTjetMin = 30. !MLM:coneRadius = 1.0 !MLM:etaJetMax = 2.0 ! Force inclusive mode !MLM:exclusive = 0 ! Force exclusive mode !MLM:exclusive = 1 ! Override 'MLM:nJet' !Alpgen:setNjet = off !MLM:nJet = 2 ! Disable automatic setting of Alpgen masses !Alpgen:setMasses = off ! Anti-kT algorithm with ghost particle jet matching !MLM:jetAlgorithm = 2 !MLM:slowJetPower = -1 !MLM:jetMatch = 2 ! Do not explicitly disallow any particles in the clustering !MLM:jetAllow = 2 ! Anti-kT algorithm with deltaR matching with factor 1. !MLM:jetAlgorithm = 2 !MLM:slowJetPower = -1 !MLM:coneMatchLight = 1.0 !MLM:coneMatchHeavy = 1.0 ! kT algorithm with ghost particle jet matching !MLM:jetAlgorithm = 2 !MLM:slowJetPower = 1 !MLM:jetMatch = 2