! File: main42.cmnd ! This file contains commands to be read in for a Pythia8 run. ! Lines not beginning with a letter or digit are comments. ! Names are case-insensitive - but spellings-sensitive! ! The changes here are illustrative, not always physics-motivated. ! 1) Settings that will be used in a main program. Main:numberOfEvents = 200 ! number of events to generate Main:timesAllowErrors = 3 ! abort run after this many flawed events ! 2) Settings related to output in init(), next() and stat(). Init:showChangedSettings = on ! list changed settings Init:showAllSettings = off ! list all settings Init:showChangedParticleData = on ! list changed particle data Init:showAllParticleData = off ! list all particle data Next:numberCount = 1000 ! print message every n events Next:numberShowLHA = 1 ! print LHA information n times Next:numberShowInfo = 1 ! print event information n times Next:numberShowProcess = 1 ! print process record n times Next:numberShowEvent = 1 ! print event record n times Stat:showPartonLevel = on ! additional statistics on MPI ! 3) Beam parameter settings. Values below agree with default ones. Beams:idA = 2212 ! first beam, p = 2212, pbar = -2212 Beams:idB = 2212 ! second beam, p = 2212, pbar = -2212 Beams:eCM = 14000. ! CM energy of collision ! 4a) Pick processes and kinematics cuts. Charmonium:gg2QQbar[3S1(1)]g = on ! colour singlet charmonium production Charmonium:gg2QQbar[3P0(1)]g = on ! " Charmonium:gg2QQbar[3P1(1)]g = on ! " Charmonium:gg2QQbar[3P2(1)]g = on ! " PhaseSpace:pTHatMin = 20. ! minimum pT of hard process ! 4b) Alternative beam and process selection from a Les Houches Event File. ! NOTE: to use this option, comment out the lines in section 4a above ! and uncomment the ones below. Section 3 is ignored for frameType = 4. #Beams:frameType = 4 ! read info from a LHEF #Beams:LHEF = ttbar.lhe ! the LHEF to read from ! 5) Other settings. Can be expanded as desired. ! Note: may overwrite some of the values above, so watch out. #Tune:pp = 6 ! use Tune 4Cx #ParticleDecays:limitTau0 = on ! set long-lived particle stable ... #ParticleDecays:tau0Max = 10 ! ... if c*tau0 > 10 mm