Changeset 154 in JEM-EUSO for ICRC2013

May 16, 2013, 3:13:21 PM (11 years ago)

version du jeudi après-midi

6 edited


  • ICRC2013/EusoBalloonDetector/trunk/icrc2013-EBDet-morettodagoret.aux

    r152 r154  
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    36 \@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {3.2}Front-End Electronics}{3}{subsection.3.2}}
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     44\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {3.5}Power Supply and Electrical Architecture}{3}{subsection.3.5}}
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    61 \@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {4.5}The Instrument tests}{4}{subsection.4.5}}
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     65\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {4.5}Instrument Tests}{4}{subsection.4.5}}
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    67 \bibcite{bib:Calib}{8}
    68 \bibcite{bib: PMT}{9}
    69 \bibcite{bib:OffOnLineAna}{10}
  • ICRC2013/EusoBalloonDetector/trunk/icrc2013-EBDet-morettodagoret.log

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    r152 r154  
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    14 \BOOKMARK [2][-]{subsection.4.3}{The ASIC settings}{section.4}% 14
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  • ICRC2013/EusoBalloonDetector/trunk/icrc2013-EBDet-morettodagoret.tex

    r152 r154  
    99%The paper title
    10 \title{Global description of EUSO-BALLOON instrument}
     10\title{Global Description of EUSO-Balloon Instrument}
    1212%The short title to appear at the header of the pages.
    18 C. Moretto$^{1}$, S. Dagoret-Campagne$^{1}$, J.H. Adams$^{19}$, P. von Ballmoos$^{2}$,P. Barrillon$^{1}$, J. Bayer$^{5}$, M. Bertaina$^{12}$, S. Blin-Bondil$^{1}$, F. Cafagna$^{7}$, M. Casolino$^{13,10,11}$, C. Catalano$^{2}$, P. Danto$^{4}$, A. Ebersoldt$^{6}$, T. Ebisuzaki$^{13}$, J. Evrard$^{4}$, Ph. Gorodetzky$^{3}$, A. Haungs$^{6}$, A. Jung$^{14}$, Y. Kawasaki$^{13}$, H. Lim$^{14}$, G. Medina-Tanco$^{15}$, H. Miyamoto$^{1}$, D. Monnier-Ragaigne$^{1}$, T. Omori$^{13}$, G. Osteria$^{9}$, E. Parizot$^3$, I.H. Park$^{14}$, P. Picozza$^{13,10,11}$, G. Pr\'ev\^ot$^{3}$,  H. Prieto$^{13,17}$, M. Ricci$^{8}$, M.D. Rodr’guez Fr’ias$^{17}$, A. Santangelo$^{5}$, J. Szabelski$^{16}$, Y. Takizawa$^{13}$, K. Tsuno$^{13}$
     18C. Moretto$^{1}$, S. Dagoret-Campagne$^{1}$, J.H. Adams$^{19}$, P. von Ballmoos$^{2}$, P. Barrillon$^{1}$, J. Bayer$^{5}$, \mbox{M. Bertaina}$^{12}$, S. Blin-Bondil$^{1}$, F. Cafagna$^{7}$, M. Casolino$^{13,10,11}$, C. Catalano$^{2}$, P. Danto$^{4}$, \mbox{A. Ebersoldt}$^{6}$, T. Ebisuzaki$^{13}$, J. Evrard$^{4}$, Ph. Gorodetzky$^{3}$, A. Haungs$^{6}$, A. Jung$^{14}$, Y. Kawasaki$^{13}$, \mbox{H. Lim}$^{14}$, G. Medina-Tanco$^{15}$, H. Miyamoto$^{1}$, D. Monnier-Ragaigne$^{1}$, T. Omori$^{13}$, G. Osteria$^{9}$, \mbox{E. Parizot}$^3$, I.H. Park$^{14}$, P. Picozza$^{13,10,11}$, G. Pr\'ev\^ot$^{3}$,  H. Prieto$^{13,17}$, M. Ricci$^{8}$, M.D. Rodr’\'iguez Fr’\'ias$^{17}$, \mbox{A. Santangelo}$^{5}$, J. Szabelski$^{16}$, Y. Takizawa$^{13}$, K. Tsuno$^{13}$
    1919for the JEM-EUSO Collaboration$^{19}$.
    2222%All the affiliations.
    24 $^1$ Laboratoire de l'Acc\'el\'erateur Lin\'eaire, Univ Paris Sud-11, CNRS/IN2P3, Orsay, France\\
     24$^1$ Laboratoire de l'Acc\'el\'erateur Lin\'eaire, Universit\'e Paris Sud-11, CNRS/IN2P3, Orsay, France\\
    2525$^2$ Institut de Recherche en Astrophysique et Plan\'etologie, Toulouse, France\\
    2626$^3$ AstroParticule et Cosmologie, Univ Paris Diderot, CNRS/IN2P3, Paris, France\\
    3333$^{10}$ Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare - Sezione di Roma Tor Vergata, Italy\\
    3434$^{11}$ UniversitaÕ di Roma Tor Vergata - Dipartimento di Fisica, Roma, Italy\\
    35 $^{12}$ Dipartimento di Fisica dellÕ Universit`a di Torino and INFN Torino, Torino, Italy\\
     35$^{12}$ Dipartimento di Fisica dell'Universit\`a di Torino and INFN Torino, Torino, Italy\\
    3636$^{13}$ RIKEN Advanced Science Institute, Wako, Japan\\
    3737$^{14}$ Sungkyunkwan University, Suwon-si, Kyung-gi-do, Republic of Korea\\
    38 $^{15}$ Universidad Nacional Aut—noma de MŽxico (UNAM), Mexico\\
     38$^{15}$ Universidad Nacional Aut—\'onoma de M\'eŽxico (UNAM), Mexico\\
    3939$^{16}$ National Centre for Nuclear Research, Lodz, Poland\\
    40 $^{17}$ Universidad de Alcal‡ (UAH), Madrid, Spain\\
     40$^{17}$ Universidad de Alcal‡\'a (UAH), Madrid, Spain\\
    4141$^{18}$ University of Alabama in Huntsville, Huntsville, USA\\
    4949\abstract{EUSO-Balloon is a pathfinder prefiguring the future fluorescence space telescope JEM-EUSO that should be installed on-board the International Space Station before the end of this decade.
    5050This telescope will be the payload of a stratospheric balloon operated by CNES, starting its flight campaign in 2014.
    51 Current technical developments for JEM-EUSO have been implemented in EUSO-Balloon. The complete design of this instrument is presented. It consists of an advanced telescope structure, including a set of three Fresnel lenses having an excellent focusing performance onto its pixelized UV Camera. All the stages of the signal processing are reviewed from the photodetector, the analog electronics producing the digitised data, and also the triggers selecting the events while rejecting the random background, the acquisition system allowing the data storage and the monitoring permitting the instrument control during operation. The key parameters of the instrument are presented and their chosen value motivated.
     51Current technical developments for JEM-EUSO have been implemented in EUSO-Balloon.
     52%The complete design of this instrument is presented.
     53It consists of an advanced telescope structure, including a set of three Fresnel lenses having an excellent focusing performance onto its pixelized UV Camera.
     54%All stages of the signal processing are reviewed from the photodetector, the analog electronics producing the digitised data, and also the triggers selecting the events while rejecting the random background, the acquisition system allowing the data storage and the monitoring permitting the instrument control during operation.
     55All stages of the signal processing are reviewed: the photodetector, the analog electronics producing digitised data, the triggers selecting events while rejecting random background, the acquisition system allowing data storage and the monitoring permitting instrument control during operation.
     56The key parameters of the instrument are presented and their chosen value motivated.
    5257%This camera is very sensitive to single photons, accepting signals within 6 orders of magnitude through an adaptive gain, and able to observe speed-of-light phenomena. The camera is an array of multi-anodes photomultipliers, whose dynodes are driven by Crockoft Walton HV generators capable of switching down the gain in few microseconds to protect the photodetectors against strongly luminous events.
    5358%Analog signals of the anodes are digitised continuously each time window (2.5 $\mu$s) by ASICs, performing two kinds of signal measurements and readout by a FPGA applying a first level trigger algorithm.
    6065\keywords{JEM-EUSO, UHECR, space instrument, balloon experiment, instrumentation}
     67\hyphenation{con-di-tions de-vo-ted a-node per-form a-nodes}
    68 EUSO-Balloon is a telescope aiming at verifying the conceptual design as well as the technologies foreseen to be applied for the construction of the future space telescope JEM-EUSO ~\cite{bib:EUSOperf}. Even if this instrument is a reduced version of JEM-EUSO, it however includes almost all the required components of the original space mission. The scientific and technical goals of its mission are reviewed in~\cite{bib:EBpath}.
    69 The physical performances if the instrument are estimated in~\cite{bib:EBSimulation}.
     74EUSO-Balloon is a telescope aiming at verifying the conceptual design as well as the technologies foreseen to be applied for the construction of the future space telescope JEM-EUSO ~\cite{bib:EUSOperf}. Even if this instrument is a reduced version of JEM-EUSO, it however includes almost all the required components of the original space mission. The scientific and technical goals of this balloon instrument are reviewed in~\cite{bib:EBpath} and its simulation is presented in \cite{bib:EBSimulation}.
    7075This instrument will be the payload of a stratospheric balloon operated by CNES, 
    71 to perform a series of night-flights at altitudes of 40 km, at various earth locations, lasting from a few hours to tens of hours. This program requires payload recovery after landing either in water or hard soil, and repairing after each mission. The special atmospheric environmental conditions and recovery requirements involve much precautions in the design and imply dedicated tests with the realisation of prototypes.
    73 This paper is organised as follows. First, section~\ref{sec:OverviewInstrument} gives the overview of the instrument, including its particular mechanical design adapted to the balloon flights.  Section~\ref{sec:Subsystems} provides details on the subsystems and highlights reasons for the chosen design. Afterward, the section~\ref{sec:AssemblyTest} deals with the series of preliminary measurements and tests which are mandatory before the commissioning of the instrument for exploration. Finally, the control and analysis tasks to be performed during the operation are mentioned in section ~\ref{sec:Operation}.
    76 \section{The Instrument overview}
     76to perform a series of night-flights at altitudes of 40 km, at various earth locations, lasting from a few hours to tens of hours. This program requires payload recovery after landing either in water or hard soil, and repairing after each mission. Special atmospheric environmental conditions and recovery requirements involve much precautions in the design and imply dedicated tests with the realisation of prototypes.
     78This paper is organised as follows. First, section~\ref{sec:OverviewInstrument} gives the overview of the instrument, including its particular mechanical design adapted to balloon flights.  Section~\ref{sec:Subsystems} provides details on the subsystems and highlights reasons for the chosen design. Section~\ref{sec:AssemblyTest} deals with the series of preliminary measurements and tests which are mandatory before the commissioning of the instrument for exploration. Finally, control and analysis tasks to be performed during the operation are mentioned in section ~\ref{sec:Operation}.
     81\section{The Instrument Overview}
    79 The EUSO-balloon instrument structure is shown in the figure~\ref{fig:globalview} and its main characteristics are given in the table~\ref{tab:properties}. These parameters will be justified in the section~\ref{sec:Subsystems} devoted to the subsystems. This parallelepiped-shaped telescope
    80 presents a wide field of view of 12$^\circ\times$12$^\circ$ for a collecting surface of  1 m$\times$1 m. It points to the nadir direction toward the earth.
    81 It basically consists in an optical bench associated to an instrument booth placed at the focal position.
     84The EUSO-Balloon instrument structure is shown in figure~\ref{fig:globalview} and its main characteristics are given in the table~\ref{tab:properties}. These parameters will be justified in the section~\ref{sec:Subsystems} devoted to the subsystems. This parallelepiped-shaped telescope
     85presents a wide field of view of 12$^\circ\times$12$^\circ$ for a collecting surface of  1 m$\times$1 m. It points to nadir direction toward the earth.
     86It basically consists in an optical bench associated to an instrument booth placed at focal position.
    8287The optical bench comprises two lenses. The instrument booth includes the whole electronics inside a pressurised watertight box. One side of the instrument booth is provided by the third lens.
    8389 \begin{figure}
    8490  \centering
    8793  \label{fig:globalview}
    8894 \end{figure}
    89  The instrument includes an external roof-rack permitting the fixation of complementary instruments like an infra-red camera for atmosphere monitoring.
     96The instrument includes an external roof-rack permitting to fix complementary instruments like an infra-red camera for atmosphere monitoring.
    92 \subsection{General characteristics and functions}
    93 The optical subsystem includes the optical bench which have the purpose of focusing parallel light rays in a  narrow focal point on a pixelized surface, consisting in an array of photodetectors called MAPMTs (Multi-Anode Photomultipliers). This Focal Surface (FS) is instrumented by an electronics which has the properties of a very high sensitivity in the UV range, fast measurement rate within the microsecond time scale, auto-triggering capability, event filtering and event recording. This electronics is capable to record on disk a burst of 128 consecutive sky pictures separated each-other by a Gate Time Unit (GTU) of 2.5 $\mu$s.
     98\subsection{General Characteristics and Functions}
     99The optical subsystem includes the optical bench which have the purpose of focusing parallel light rays in a  narrow focal point on a pixelised surface, consisting in an array of photodetectors called MAPMTs (Multi-Anode Photomultipliers). This Focal Surface (FS) is instrumented by an electronics which has the properties of a very high sensitivity in the UV range, fast measurement rate within the microsecond time scale, auto-triggering capability, event filtering and event recording. This electronics is capable to record on disk a burst of 128 consecutive sky pictures separated each-other by a Gate Time Unit (GTU) of 2.5 $\mu$s.
    102 \subsection{Instrument structure}
     108\subsection{Instrument Structure}
    103109The mechanics of the instrument is made of Fibrelam\textregistered \ panels, arranged together through fibreglass sections.
    104110The instrument is coated by an insulating cover to protect the instrument's components from fast temperature changes during balloon ascent and descent.
    108114The instrument is surrounded by buoys to avoid sinking in case of splashdown and to raise straight up the instrument booth above the water level.
    110 \section{The Instrument subsystems}
     116\section{The Instrument Subsystems}
    112 The instrument is broken down into subsystems defined to be the optics, the Focal Surface (FS), the photodetector with the MAPMTs, the signal measurement with the ASICs, the trigger readout with the Photo-Detector Module Board (PDMB) and the Cluster Control Board (CCB). The Data Acquisition System (DAQ) and the utilities like the monitoring also called the House-Keepting (HK) and the power supplies. Those subsystems are all described below. 
    113 \subsection{Optics subsystem}
     118The instrument is broken down into subsystems defined to be: the optics, the Focal Surface (FS), the photodetector with the MAPMTs, the ASICs measuring signals, the Photo-Detector Module Board (PDMB) and the Cluster Control Board (CCB) providing readout triggers, the Data Acquisition System (DAQ) and utilities like the monitoring also called the House-Keepting (HK) and the power supplies. Those subsystems are all described below.
     120\subsection{Optics Subsystem}
    114121The optics subsystem involves three lenses.
    115122Its goal is to provide the best focusing for the smallest focal distance. The focusing requirement is constrained by the pixel size of the photodetection system.
    116 Due to the wide angular field of view, it is necessary to combine 3 flat lenses. External ones are focusing one-sided Fresnel lens and the middle one is purely dispersive to correct for chromatic aberrations. These lenses are manufactured in PMMA material~\cite{bib:Optics}. The ray tracing calculations including the temperature profile expected for flights in cold and warm cases provide a focal length of 1.62 m and a focal point spread width of the order of 2.6 mm, smaller than the pixel size.
     123Due to the wide angular field of view, it is necessary to combine 3 flat lenses. External ones are focusing one-sided Fresnel lens and the middle one is purely dispersive to correct for chromatic aberrations. These lenses are manufactured in PMMA material~\cite{bib:Optics}. Ray tracing calculations including the temperature profile expected for flights in cold and warm cases provide a focal length of 1.62 m and a focal point spread width of the order of 2.6 mm, smaller than the pixel size.
    118125\subsection{Front-End Electronics}
    119 MAPMTs constituting the FS, provide anode signals measured and digitised by ASICs, themselves readout by FPGA to run the trigger algorithm. The FS is arranged into a so-called Photo-Detector Module (PDM) whose design and effective realisation is described in details in~\cite{bib:FrontEndEl}. We review in the following the main properties of this electronics.
    121 \paragraph{Focal Surface} The focal surface is a slightly curved surface, similarly to that of the JEM-EUSO central PDM. It is an array of 48$\times$48 pixels of 2.88 mm $\times$ 2.88 mm size exceeding slightly the focal point spread. Practically, the focal surface of the PDM is broken up into a set of 9 identical Elementary Cells (ECs), which are matrices of 2$\times$2 MAPMTs. The photocathode is covered by a BG3 UV filter. Inside the PDM structure, the 9 ECs are disposed and tilted according to the appropriate shape required for the FS.
     126MAPMTs constituting the FS provide anode signals measured and digitised by ASICs, themselves readout by FPGA to run the trigger algorithm. The FS is arranged into a so-called Photo-Detector Module (PDM) whose design and effective realisation is described in details in~\cite{bib:FrontEndEl}. We review in the following the main properties of this electronics.
     128\paragraph{Focal Surface} The FS is a slightly curved surface, similarly to that of the JEM-EUSO central PDM. It is an array of 48$\times$48 pixels of 2.88 mm $\times$ 2.88 mm size exceeding slightly the focal point spread. Practically, the focal surface of the PDM is broken up into a set of 9 identical Elementary Cells (ECs), which are matrices of 2$\times$2 MAPMTs. The photocathode is covered by a BG3 UV filter. Inside the PDM structure, the 9 ECs are disposed and tilted according to the appropriate shape required for the FS.
    123130\paragraph{MAPMTs} They are photon detectors consisting of a matrix of 8$\times$8 pixels. Each pixel is associated to an anode generating a charge or a current in output. Their sensitivity is as low as a few tenths of photon and their dynamic range can extend up to few thousands photon per $\mu$s when working at their nominal high gain, $10^6$.
    125132\paragraph{High voltage power supply}
    126133MAPMTs require to be polarised with 14 high voltages. The latter are generated by a high voltage power supply (Crockoft-Walton (CW) type to restrain the power consumption). The nominal high voltage of the photocathode is -900 V for a MAPMT nominal gain at $10^6$. The effective dynamic range can be extended up to 10$^7$ photons/$\mu$s by reducing gradually the gain down to 30. Fast switches (SW) responsive at $\mu$s timescale, adapt HV values to tune the MAPMT gain according to the intensity of photon flux.
    127 Because a large photon flux generating anode current above 100$\mu$A would destroy the tube, this automatic control system can even switch off the gain. Practically this switching decision logic is implemented in a FPGA reading out the \mbox{ASICs}. In the PDM, there is 9 independent CW with their individual 9 SW, assembled into two separated HVPS boxes, each CW controlling independently the 9 ECs High Voltages.
    130 \paragraph{ASICs} 36 SPACIROC~\cite{bib:ASIC} type ASICs are used to perform the anode signals measurement and digitisation of the 36 MAPMTs. These ASICs have 64 channels. Their analog inputs are DC-coupled to the MAPMT anodes. They process the 64 analog signals in parallel in two modes : 1) in photoelectron counting mode, in a range from 1/3 of photoelectrons up to 100 photoelectrons, by discriminating over a programmed threshold each of the channels, 2) by estimating the charge from 20~pC to 200~pC, by time over threshold determination for exclusive groups of 8 anodes current sums from clusters of 8 contiguous pixels. The 64 analog channels are balanced each-other relatively by gain matching over 8-bits.
    131 The discrimination voltage level used in the photon-counting is provided by a 10-bit DAC (Digital to Amplitude converter).
     134Because a large photon flux generating anode current above 100$\mu$A would destroy the tube, this automatic control system can even switch off the gain. Practically this switching decision logic is implemented in a \mbox{FPGA} reading out the \mbox{ASICs}. In the PDM, there is 9 independent CW with their individual 9 SW, assembled into two separated HVPS boxes, each CW controlling independently the 9 ECs High Voltages.
     137\paragraph{ASICs} 36 SPACIROC~\cite{bib:ASIC} type ASICs are used to perform anode signals measurement and digitisation of the 36 MAPMTs. These ASICs have 64 channels. Their analog inputs are DC-coupled to the MAPMT anodes. They process the 64 analog signals in parallel in two modes : photoelectron counting mode, in a range from 1/3 of photoelectrons up to 100 photoelectrons, by discriminating over a programmed threshold each of the channels and integrating mode, estimating the charge from 20~pC to 200~pC, by time over threshold determination for exclusive groups of 8 anodes current sums from clusters of 8 contiguous pixels. The 64 analog channels are balanced each-other relatively by gain matching over 8-bits.
     138The discrimination voltage level used in the photon-counting is provided by a 10-bit DAC (Digital to Amplitude Converter).
    132139In both cases the digitisation is performed by 8-bits counters every GTU. There is no data buffering on the ASIC. The data are transferred to the FPGA each GTU under the sequencing frequency of a 40MHz clock.
    134 \paragraph{Trigger} The Instrument includes two trigger stages. The level 1 trigger (L1) implemented in the FPGA (Xilinks Virtex 6) of a PDM-Board (PDMB), belonging to the Front-End Electronics. The PDMB readouts the data from the 36 ASICs into its internal memory (the event buffer) each GTU to compute the L1 trigger. Its principle consists in counting an excess of signals over background in groups of 3$\times$3 pixels lasting more than a preset persistence time. The background rate seen by pixel is monitored continuously to adjust in real-time the trigger threshold which is adjusted such as the L1 rate is kept at a fixed level of a few Hz compatible with the DAQ recording rate. The trigger is evaluated each GTU. Because Air-Showers may extend over 100 GTU, this trigger has the buffering capability over 128 consecutive GTU.
     141\paragraph{Trigger} The instrument includes two trigger stages. The level 1 trigger (L1) implemented in the FPGA (Xilinks Virtex 6) of a PDM-Board (PDMB), belonging to the Front-End Electronics. The PDMB readouts the data from the 36 ASICs into its internal memory (the event buffer) each GTU to compute the L1 trigger. Its principle consists in counting an excess of signals over background in groups of 3$\times$3 pixels lasting more than a preset persistence time.
     142The background rate seen by pixel is monitored continuously to adjust in real-time the trigger threshold keeping the L1 rate compatible with the DAQ recording rate (few Hz).
     143The trigger is evaluated each GTU. Because Air-Showers may extend over 100 GTU, this trigger has the buffering capability over 128 consecutive GTU.
    135144To reduce the dead-time induced by event readout, the event buffer is doubled.
    137 \subsection{Data acquisition}
     146\subsection{Data Acquisition}
    138147The data acquisition system is part of the computing system DP (Data Processing).
    139 It comprises the CCB designed to produce the second level trigger L2, which is described in~\cite{bib:CCB}. For each generated L1 trigger, the CCB reads the data corresponding to the 128 consecutive GTU from the PDMB buffer. In JEM-EUSO, the CCB is devoted to the combination of 9-PDMB triggers and to reduce the resulting combined trigger rate to about a few Hz or less compatible with the data storage capabilities of the DAQ. The triggering role of the CCB in EUSO-Balloon is marginal as there is only one PDM. However it has the task to read the whole event from the Front-End and to pass it to the CPU. The L2 decision is propagated to the Clock-Board (CLKB, based on a Xilinks Virtex5 FPGA) generating all the clocks used by the electronics, itself associated with a GPS-Board to provide the event time tagging data with an accuracy of a few microseconds.
    140 The CPU (Motherboard iTX-i2705 model, processor  Atom N270 1.6 GHz)  merges the event data with the time tagging data to build an event of a size of 330 kB, leading to a data flow of 3MB/s for a 10 Hz L1-L2 trigger. The CPU write all the data on disks (1 TB CZ Octane SATA II 2.5Ó SSD) and may also send to telemetry a subset of flagged events by CCB for event monitoring.
     148It comprises the CCB designed to produce the second level trigger L2, which is described in~\cite{bib:CCB}. For each generated L1 trigger, the CCB reads data corresponding to the 128 consecutive GTU from the PDMB buffer. In JEM-EUSO, the CCB is devoted to the combination of 9-PDMB triggers and to reduce the resulting combined trigger rate to about a few Hz or less compatible with the data storage capabilities of the DAQ. The triggering role of the CCB in EUSO-Balloon is marginal as there is only one PDM. However it has the task to read the whole event from the Front-End and to pass it to the CPU. The L2 decision is propagated to the Clock-Board (CLKB, based on a Xilinks Virtex5 FPGA) generating all the clocks used by the electronics, itself associated with a GPS-Board to provide the event time tagging data with an accuracy of a few microseconds.
     149The CPU (Motherboard iTX-i2705 model, processor  Atom N270 1.6 GHz) merges event data with the time tagging data to build an event of a size of 330 kB, leading to a data flow of 3MB/s for a 10 Hz L1-L2 trigger. The CPU write all data on disks (1 TB CZ Octane SATA II 2.5Ó SSD) and may also send to telemetry a subset of flagged events by CCB for event monitoring.
    143 The instrument behaviour is controlled at low frequency by the House-Keeping system (HK) which is a part of DP. It is based on a commercial micro controller board (Arduino Mega 2560) designed to control temperatures, voltages, and alarms raised by several boards. The CPU poll from time to time the alarms and initiate corresponding foreseen actions. HK is connected to the telemetry system to receive basic commands namely those that allow to turn on-off most of the boards power supplies through relays.
    145 \subsection{Power supply and electrical architecture}
    146 The instrument runs autonomously thanks to a set of 60 battery cells providing 28 V (225 W during 24 H) to a set of Low-Voltage boards generating isolated-decoupled lower voltages to the PDM (HVPS and PDMB), DP (CPU,CLKB,GPSB,CCB and HK). The electrical architecture follows the EMC rules to prevent floating reference voltages induced by bad grounding (current ground loop effect).
    148 \section{Assembly and tests}
     152The instrument behaviour is controlled at low frequency by the House-Keeping system (HK) which is a part of the DP. It is based on a commercial micro controller board (Arduino Mega 2560) designed to control temperatures, voltages, and alarms raised by several boards. The CPU poll from time to time the alarms and initiate corresponding foreseen actions. HK is connected to the telemetry system to receive basic commands namely those that allow to turn on-off most of the boards power supplies through relays.
     154\subsection{Power Supply and Electrical Architecture}
     155The instrument runs autonomously thanks to a set of 60 battery cells providing 28 V (225 W during 24 H) to a set of low-voltage boards generating isolated-decoupled lower voltages to the PDM (HVPS and PDMB), DP (CPU,CLKB,GPSB,CCB and HK). The electrical architecture follows the EMC rules to prevent floating reference voltages induced by bad grounding (current ground loop effect).
     157\section{Assembly and Tests}
    150159After fabrication, the subsystems directly related to the physics measurements need to be calibrated in an absolute way.
    151 The goal of the absolute calibration is to relate a measured digitised signal into the true number of photons impinging on the Focal Surface or on the first lens.
    152 Thus the Optics and the photodetection done by the MAPMTs will be calibrated.
     160The goal of the absolute calibration is to relate a measured digitised signal into the true number of photons impinging on the focal surface or on the first lens.
     161Thus the optics and the photodetection done by the MAPMTs will be calibrated.
    153162Other subsystems like the trigger has to be tested once the instrument is close to final assembly.
    154 Each of the subsystems of the instrument are calibrated if necessary and tested before the full integration. Then the assembled instrument is then tested entirely.
    156 \subsection{The optical tests}
    157 Even if the focal length of each lens and the combined focal length can be predicted by calculation, the real values resulting from the machining are poorly known, only at a few tens of centimetres accuracy. This is not enough to achieve a resolution smaller than the pixel size. Thus the relative distance between the three lenses and the Focal Surface has to be measured experimentally by using a large parallel UV beam along optical axis, sent over the first lens and measuring the Focal Length by adjusting the position of a CCD camera to get its position obtained for the narrowest focused spot.
    159 \subsection{Measuring the MAPMT performances}
     163Each of the subsystems of the instrument are calibrated if necessary and tested before the full integration. Then the assembled instrument is tested entirely.
     165\subsection{Optical Tests}
     166Even if the focal length of each lens and the combined focal length can be predicted by calculation, real values resulting from machining are poorly known, only at a few tens of centimetres accuracy. This is not enough to achieve a resolution smaller than the pixel size. Thus the relative distance between the three lenses and the focal surface has to be measured experimentally. It is done by using a large parallel UV beam along optical axis, sent over the first lens and measuring the focal length by adjusting the position of a CCD camera to get its position obtained for the narrowest focused spot.
     168\subsection{Measuring MAPMT Performances}
    160169Each channel of the MAPMT is characterised by its photodetection efficiency and by the gain of the phototubes.
    161 Before associating sets of 4 MAPMTs into EC, the MAPMTs are sorted according their gain to get EC with MAPMT with close gain for the same HV(see~\cite{bib: PMT}).
    162 For this, the gain are initially measured with sensitive, commercial multi-channels charge converters (QDC) for a gain, being a factor three above its nominal value, for a HV around -1100~V.
    163 Once the EC are assembled, the gain and the detection efficiency for each channels are measured with the ASICs at the nominal HV at -900~V.
     170Before associating sets of 4 MAPMTs into EC, the MAPMTs are sorted according their gain. It allows to get EC with homogeneous MAPMT gain for the same HV (see~\cite{bib: PMT}).
     171\textbf{For this, gains are initially measured with sensitive, commercial multi-channels charge converters (QDC) for a gain, being a factor three above its nominal value, for a HV around -1100~V.}
     172Once ECs are assembled, gain and detection efficiency for each channels are measured with the ASICs at nominal HV of -900~V.
    164173This operation is called the calibration.
    165 Both types of measurements are done with by illuminating the photocathode with a LED (monitored with a NIST-photodiode). The MAPMTs operates in single photoelectron mode~\cite{bib:Calib} to measure the single photoelectron spectrum for each of the 2304 pixels of the instrument camera.
     174Both types of measurements are done by illuminating the photocathode with a LED (monitored with a NIST-photodiode). MAPMTs operates in single photoelectron mode~\cite{bib:Calib} to measure the single photoelectron spectrum for each of the 2304 pixels of the instrument camera.
    166175This procedure allows to determine the exact high voltage to apply to the MAPMTs photocathodes  of each EC Units.
    168 \subsection{The ASIC settings}
    169 The ASICs measure the single photoelectron spectra at nominal high voltage for each of the channels by performing S-curve (by performing series of runs by ramping the discriminator voltage).
    170 Because the relative gain of the channels inside an EC-Unit differs slightly from one-another, the ASICs allow balancing the discrepancies between the channels. This done once the PDM is mounted and each MAPMT is associated to an ASIC. Then the nominal discriminator threshold at 1/3 of a photoelectron to apply to each ASIC is established.
    172 \subsection{The Trigger tests}
    173 Once the PDM is mounted, including the PDMB, the L1 trigger algorithm performance is checked by illuminating the Focal Surface by the light spot moving closely to speed-of-light, generated by an "old" persistent-screen scope.
    175 \subsection{The Instrument tests}
    176 The final tests will be performed after the integration of all subsystems inside the instrument. A check of the correct final position of the lenses  as well as that of the Focal Surface will be done by lighting up the first lens by a parallel UV beam along the optical axis. The size of the focused point on the Focal surface will be minimised by finely adjusting the position of the PDM at the sub-millimetre scale.
    177 At the end of  the integration and at launch site, basic health tests on the electronics will be performed by illuminating uniformly directly the Focal Surface or the first lens by a LED-controlled, in single photon mode, 
     177\subsection{ASIC Settings}
     178The ASICs measure the single photoelectron spectra at nominal high voltage for each of the channels by performing S-curves (series of runs by ramping the discriminator voltage).
     179Because relative gain of channels inside an EC-Unit differs slightly from one-another, the ASICs allow balancing the discrepancies between channels. This is done once the PDM is mounted and each MAPMT is associated to an ASIC. Then the nominal discriminator threshold at 1/3 of a photoelectron to apply to each ASIC is established.
     181\subsection{Trigger Tests}
     182Once the PDM is mounted, including the PDMB, the L1 trigger algorithm performance is checked by illuminating the focal surface by a light spot moving closely to speed-of-light, generated by an "old" persistent-screen scope.
     184\subsection{Instrument Tests}
     185Final tests will be performed after integration of all subsystems inside the instrument. A check of the correct final position of lenses and focal surface will be done by lighting up the first lens by a parallel UV beam along the optical axis. The size of the focused point on the focal surface will be minimised by finely adjusting the position of the PDM at the sub-millimetre scale.
     186At the end of the integration and at launch site, basic health tests on the electronics will be performed by directly and uniformly illuminating the focal surface or the first lens by a LED-controlled, in single photon mode, 
    178187as described in~ \cite{bib:Calib}.
    183192During the balloon flight operation, the instrument will be controlled from ground by an operator using a control program~\cite{bib:OffOnLineAna} interfaced to the TC/TM system (Telecommand and Telemetry) NOSYCA of CNES.
    184 At a given altitude reached by the balloon, a command will be issued to turn on the instrument. The HK system will turn on one by one each of the subsystems while the monitoring parameter will be downloaded at ground.
    185 When every parameters looks perfect, after having chosen the convenient configuration parameters for the ASICs and the Triggers, the balloon operator can launch the DAQ program running on the CPU. He will control basic run parameters, namely the background rate calculated by the PDMB. Conventionally the thresholds auto-adapt to the required L1-L2 rates unless the operator forces another mode of trigger settings. At any moment, the operator can shut down the instrument. This will be done when the balloon descent will be activated.
     193At a given altitude reached by the balloon, a command will be issued to turn on the instrument. The HK system will turn on one by one each of the subsystems while monitoring parameters will be downloaded at ground.
     194When every parameters look perfect, after having chosen the convenient configuration parameters for the ASICs and the triggers, the balloon operator can launch the DAQ program running on the CPU. \textbf{He will control basic run parameters, namely the background rate calculated by the PDMB. Le controleur ou le DAQ program? controler ou verifier?} Conventionally thresholds auto-adapt to the required L1-L2 rates unless the operator forces another mode of trigger settings. At any moment, the operator can shut down the instrument. This will be done when the balloon descent will be began.
    189 A reduced scaled version of the future space telescope JEM-EUSO, but with similar instrumentation, is being built to serve as a pathfinder embarked in the gondola of a stratospheric balloon. EUSO-Balloon is by itself a complete autonomous instrument capable to perform the same kinds of measurements as JEM-EUSO, namely the photo detection, the analog and digital electronics involving the signal measurements, digitisation and the trigger, implemented in the developed ASICs and FPGA. Also, a Data Processing system has been developed including the data acquisition and the instrument monitoring. This telescope will be operational for CNES balloon campaigns next year.
     198EUSO-Balloon, a reduced version of the future space telescope JEM-EUSO, but with similar instrumentation, is being built to serve as a pathfinder embarked in the gondola of a stratospheric balloon. It is by itself a complete autonomous instrument capable to perform same kinds of measurements as JEM-EUSO. This telescope will be operational for CNES balloon campaigns next year.
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