Changes between Version 1 and Version 2 of TracInstall

Nov 13, 2005, 12:21:47 AM (19 years ago)



  • TracInstall

    v1 v2  
    1 = Trac Installation Guide =
     1= Trac Installation Guide = 
    4 The Trac web-based project management tool is implemented as a CGI- or standalone program. Trac is written in the [ Python] programming language
    5 and uses the [ SQLite] embedded database for persistant storage. For HTML rendering, Trac uses the [ Clearsilver] template system.
     4Trac is a lightweight project management tool that is implemented as a web-based application. Trac is written in the Python programming language and can use [ SQLite] or [ PostgreSQL] as  database. For HTML rendering, Trac uses the [ Clearsilver] templating system.
     6What follows are generic instructions for installing and setting up Trac and its requirements. While you can find instructions for installing Trac on specific systems at [ TracInstallPlatforms] on the main Trac site, please be sure to first read through these general instructions to get a good understanding of the tasks involved.
    88== Requirements ==
    1010To install Trac, the following software packages must be installed:
    12  * [ Python], version >= 2.1 (>=2.3 recommended).
    13    * Please keep in mind, that for RPM-based systems you will also need python-devel and python-xml packages.
    14  * [ Subversion], version >= 1.0. (>=1.1 recommended)
    15  * [ Subversion Python bindings] (Caveat: Trac uses the [ SWIG] bindings included in the Subversion distribution,  '''not''' the  [ PySVN] package!)
    16  * [ SQLite], version 2.8.x or 3.0.x
    17  * [ PySQLite], version >= 0.5 but < 1.1.0 (for SQLite 2.8.x), version >= 1.1.1 (for SQLite 3.0.x)
    18  * [ Clearsilver], version >= 0.9.3
    19  * [ docutils], version >= 0.3.3 (??)
    20  * A CGI-capable web server (tested on [ Apache] )
     12 * [ Python], version >= 2.3.
     13   * Python 2.4 is not supported on Windows since there are no Subversion bindings available for it.
     14   * For RPM-based systems you might also need the `python-devel` and `python-xml` packages.
     15 * [ Subversion], version >= 1.0. (>= 1.1 recommended) and corresponding [ Python bindings]
     16   * Trac uses the [ SWIG] bindings included in the Subversion distribution, '''not''' [ PySVN] (which is sometimes confused with the standard SWIG bindings).
     17   * If Subversion was already installed without the SWIG bindings, you'll need to re-`configure` Subversion and `make swig-py`, `make install-swig-py`.
     18 * [ ClearSilver], version >= 0.9.3
     19   * With python-bindings (`./configure --with-python=/usr/bin/python`)
    22 === Optional Packages ===
     21=== For SQLite ===
    24  * [ mod_python] (see TracModPython)
     23 * [ SQLite], version 2.8.x or 3.x
     24 * [ PySQLite]
     25   * version 1.0.x (for SQLite 2.8.x)
     26   * version 1.1.x or 2.x (for SQLite 3.x)
     28=== For PostgreSQL ===
     30 * [ PostgreSQL]
     31 * [ psycopg1], [ psycopg2], or [ pyPgSQL]
     33=== Optional Requirements ===
     35 * A CGI-capable web server (see TracCgi), or
     36 * a [ FastCGI]-capable web server (see TracFastCgi), or
     37 * [ Apache] with [ mod_python 3.1.3+] (see TracModPython)
     38 * [ setuptools], version >= 0.5a13 for using plugins (see TracPlugins)
     39 * [ docutils], version >= 0.3.3 for WikiRestructuredText.
     40 * [ SilverCity] and/or [ Enscript] for [wiki:TracSyntaxColoring syntax highlighting].
     42'''Attention''': The various available versions of these dependencies are not necessarily interchangable, so please pay attention to the version numbers above. If you are having trouble getting Trac to work please double-check all the dependencies before asking for help on the [ MailingList] or [ IrcChannel].
     44Please refer to the documentation of these packages to find out how they are best installed. In addition, most of the [ platform-specific instructions] also describe the installation of the dependencies.
    2646== Installing Trac ==
    27 Like most Python programs, install the Trac python modules by running the following command at the top of the source directory:
     48Like most Python programs, the Trac Python package is installed by running the following command at the top of the source directory:
    2950$ python ./ install
    32 This will byte-compile the python source code and install it in the {{{site-packages}}} directory
    33 of your python installation. The directories {{{cgi-bin}}}, {{{templates}}}, {{{htdocs}}} and {{{wiki-default}}} are all copied to $prefix/share/trac/ .
     53''Note: you'll need root permissions or equivalent for this step.''
    35 The script will also install the [wiki:TracAdmin trac-admin] command-line tool, used to create and maintain [wiki:TracEnvironment project environments].
     55This will byte-compile the python source code and install it in the `site-packages` directory
     56of your Python installation. The directories `cgi-bin`, `templates`, `htdocs`, `wiki-default` and `wiki-macros` are all copied to `$prefix/share/trac/.`
    37 The [wiki:TracAdmin trac-admin] program is the ''control center'' for Trac.
    39 '''Note:''' you'll need root permissions or equivalent for this step.
    41 For more information on installing Trac on specific platforms, see the [ TracInstallPlatforms] page (on the main project web site).
     58The script will also install the [wiki:TracAdmin trac-admin] command-line tool, used to create and maintain [wiki:TracEnvironment project environments], as well as the [wiki:TracStandalone tracd] standalone server.
    4360=== Advanced Users ===
    44 To install Trac in a custom location, and view other advanced install options, run:
     62To install Trac to a custom location, or find out about other advanced installation options, run:
    4664$ python ./ --help
     67Specifically, you might be interested in:
     69$ python ./ install --prefix=/path/you/want
    4973== Creating a Project Environment ==
    51 TracEnvironment is the backend storage format where Trac stores
    52 information like wiki pages, tickets, reports, settings, etc.
    53 An environment consist of a directory containing an SQLite database,
    54 human-readable configuration file, log-files and attachments.
     75A [wiki:TracEnvironment Trac environment] is the backend storage where Trac stores information like wiki pages, tickets, reports, settings, etc. An environment is basically a directory that contains a human-readable configuration file and various other files and directories.
    56 A new Trac environment is created using [wiki:TracAdmin trac-admin], like:
     77A new environment is created using [wiki:TracAdmin trac-admin]:
    59 $ trac-admin /path/to/projectenv initenv
     79$ trac-admin /path/to/trac_project_env initenv
    62 [wiki:TracAdmin trac-admin] will ask you where your subversion repository is located and
    63 where it can find the trac templates directory (the default value should work for a typical install).
     82[wiki:TracAdmin trac-admin] will prompt you for the information it needs to create the environment, such as the name of the project, the path to an existing subversion repository, the [wiki:TracEnvironment#DatabaseConnectionStrings database connection string], and so on. If you're not sure what to specify for one of these options, just leave it blank to use the default value. The database connection string in particular will always work as long as you have SQLite installed. The only option where the default value is likely to not work is the path to the Subversion repository, so make sure that one's correct.
    65 '''Note:''' The web server user will require file system write permission to the environment
    66 directory and all the files inside. '''Remember to set the appropriate permissions.''
     84Also note that the values you specify here can be changed later by directly editing the [wiki:TracIni] configuration file.
    68 The same applies for the subversion repository files (unless using the [ FSFS Subversion backend], something we highly recommend.
    70 == Configuring Apache ==
    72 Make "{{{trac/cgi-bin/trac.cgi}}}" accessible to your web server at {{{/cgi-bin/}}}, either by copying/symlinking or use the "{{{trac/cgi-bin/}}}" directory directly.
    74 Edit the apache config and add this snippet, filenames edited to match your installation:
    76 {{{
    77 Alias /trac/ "/usr/share/trac/htdocs/" #or where you installed the trac htdocs
    78 #You have to allow people to read the files in htdocs
    79 <Directory "/usr/share/trac/htdocs">
    80         Options Indexes MultiViews
    81         AllowOverride None
    82         Order allow,deny
    83         Allow from all
    84 </Directory>
     86''Note: The user account under which the web server runs will require write permissions to the environment
     87directory and all the files inside.''
    87 # Trac need to know where the database is located
    88 <Location "/cgi-bin/trac.cgi">
    89         SetEnv TRAC_ENV "/path/to/projectenv"
    90 </Location>
     90== Running the Standalone Server ==
    92 # You need this to allow users to authenticate
    93 # trac.htpasswd can be created with
    94 # cmd 'htpasswd -c trac.htpasswd' (UNIX)
    95 # do 'man htpasswd' to see all the options
    96 <Location "/cgi-bin/trac.cgi/login">
    97         AuthType Basic
    98         AuthName "trac"
    99         AuthUserFile /somewhere/trac.htpasswd
    100         Require valid-user
    101 </Location>
     92After having created a Trac environment, you can easily try the web interface by running the standalone server [wiki:TracStandalone tracd]:
     94$ tracd --port 8000 /path/to/projectenv
    104 '''Note:''' If Apache complains about the Set''''''Env line make sure you have the Load''''''Module for mod_env uncommented (Apache 1.3).
     97Then, fire up a browser and visit `http://localhost:8000/`. You should get a simple listing of all environments that tracd knows about. Follow the link to the environment you just created, and you should see Trac in action.
    106 '''Note:''' When creating a new environment, {{{trac-admin}}} will print a config snippet customized for your project.
    108 '''Note:''' If you are using [ Apache suEXEC] feature see [ ApacheSuexec] (on the project web site).
     100== Running Trac on a Web Server ==
     102Trac provides three options for connecting to a “real” web server: [wiki:TracCgi CGI], [wiki:TracFastCgi FastCGI] and [wiki:TracModPython mod_python]. For decent performance, it is recommended that you use either FastCGI or mod_python.
     104== Configuring Authentication ==
     106The process of adding, removing, and configuring user accounts for authentication depends on the specific way you run Trac.  To learn about how to accomplish these tasks, please visit one of the following pages:
     108 * TracStandalone if you use the standalone server, `tracd`.
     109 * TracCgi if you use the CGI or FastCGI methods.
     110 * TracModPython if you use the mod_python method.
    110112== Using Trac ==
    112 '''Congratulations!''' You should now have a running Trac installation at:
     114Once you have your Trac site up and running, you should be able to browse your subversion repository, create tickets, view the timeline, etc.
    114 http://<yourhostname>/cgi-bin/trac.cgi
    116 You should be able to browse your subversion repository, create tickets,
    117 view the timeline and use all the features of Trac.
    119 Keep in mind that anonymous users (not logged in) can only access a restricted subset of all Trac features by default.
    121 '''Note:''' If you don't want long, and relatively ugly, URLs, you can prettify them by changing your Apache config. See [ TracPrettyUrls] (on the project website).
    123 Please continue to TracPermissions to learn how to grant additional privileges to authenticated users.
    125 For user documentation, see TracGuide.
     116Keep in mind that anonymous (not logged in) users can by default access most but not all of the features. You will need to configure authentication and grant additional [wiki:TracPermissions permissions] to authenticated users to see the full set of features.
    132 See also:  TracGuide, TracUpgrade, TracPermissions, TracInstallPlatforms, TracModPython
     123See also:  TracGuide, TracCgi, TracFastCgi, TracModPython, TracUpgrade, TracPermissions