#!/bin/sh -xvf #download SCA file, proceed to introspection, and upload results DATE=/bin/date GREP=/bin/grep AWK=/bin/awk ECHO=/bin/echo WC=/usr/bin/wc CAT=/bin/cat PRINTF=/usr/bin/printf FIND=/usr/bin/find MKDIR=/bin/mkdir XARGS=/usr/bin/xargs SORT=/bin/sort RM=/bin/rm TR=/usr/bin/tr CP=/bin/cp LS=/bin/ls CHMOD=/bin/chmod DefaultIFS=$' \t\n' IFS=$DefaultIFS #set Irods environment . /usr/local/shared/bin/irods_env.sh -noverbose scriptName="`basename $0`" $ECHO "Processing script ${scriptName} at `date`" #which source to analyse #Process cmd line args: the -src option is mandatory (source name as Abell85) sourceRadio= freqBAOCalib=1346 bwBAOCalib=6.25 #use -sim option to simulate processing (debug the script as if...) simulationMode=Off while [ $# -gt 0 ] do case "$1" in -src) sourceRadio=$2; shift;; -freq) freqBAOCalib=$2; shift;; -bwd) bwBAOCalib=$2; shift;; -sim) simulationMode=On; shift;; -h) echo >&2 \ "usage: $0 -src souce [-freq freq in MHz (default ${freqBAOCalib})] [-bwd bandwidth in MHz (default ${bwBAOCalib})]" exit 1;; *) break;; # terminate while loop esac shift done if [ ${simulationMode} = "On" ]; then $ECHO "INFO ${scriptName} running in SIMUL mode" fi if [ "<${sourceRadio}>" = "<>" ]; then $ECHO "FATAL: You have forgotten to select the source option (-src)" exit 1 fi case ${sourceRadio} in Abell85) $ECHO "INFO (${scriptName}): process ${sourceRadio}";; Abell2440) $ECHO "INFO (${scriptName}): process ${sourceRadio}";; Abell1205) $ECHO "INFO (${scriptName}): process ${sourceRadio}";; *) ECHO "FATAL (${scriptName}): process ${sourceRadio} not yet foreseen" exit 1;; esac srclower=`${ECHO} ${sourceRadio} | ${TR} "[:upper:]" "[:lower:]" ` #Path to public backupable path publicpath="/afs/in2p3.fr/home/c/campagne/public" #temporary files to synchronize scripts tmppublicpath="/sps/baoradio/AmasNancay" #wakeup the NFS disk $LS -l ${tmppublicpath} > /dev/null #clean previous spurious files $RM -f ${tmppublicpath}/*.finished #Path where the job will do temporary IO if [ ${ENVIRONMENT} = "INTERACTIVE" ]; then iojobpath="/sps/baoradio/AmasNancay/JEC" $MKDIR -p $iojobpath elif [ ${ENVIRONMENT} = "BATCH" ] ; then iojobpath=${TMPBATCH} else $ECHO "FATAL (${scriptName}): environment is ${ENVIRONMENT} not allowed" exit 1 fi cd ${iojobpath} localpath="${sourceRadio}" $MKDIR -p ./${localpath} cd ./${localpath} #save the top directory topDir=`pwd` #Path of the utility scripts scriptpath="/afs/in2p3.fr/home/c/campagne/private/work" #get the daq current irod status tag=`${DATE} +%F` OUT1=${publicpath}/baodaqstatus-${tag}.txt if [ ! -e ${OUT1} -o ! -r ${OUT1} ]; then $ECHO "We should bring the DAQ status more up to date, this take 1 or 2sec..." $RM -f ${tmppublicpath}/statusdaq.finished ${scriptpath}/statusdaq.sh > ${OUT1} while [ ! -f "${tmppublicpath}/statusdaq.finished" ]; do sleep 30 done $RM ${tmppublicpath}/statusdaq.finished #protect against remove/rewriting $CHMOD -v 444 ${OUT1} fi #Nb: if we want to implement a loop on sources we have to take care of srclower... $ECHO "You have selected sourceRadio = $sourceRadio" tableau=( `$GREP -i ${sourceRadio} ${OUT1} | $AWK '( NF==4 ) { print $2 }' ` ) IFS=' ' tableau=( $( $PRINTF "%s\n" "${tableau[@]}" | $AWK 'x[$0]++ == 0' ) ) IFS=$DefaultIFS for i in ${tableau[@]} do # # start a "fresh" session cd ${topDir} $LS | $XARGS -i $RM -rf {} $ECHO "DEBUG: (${scriptName}) irods root dir $i" dateDAQ=`$ECHO ${i} | $AWK '{split($0,a,"/"); print a[6];}' | $AWK "{sub(/${srclower}/,\"\"); print}"` $ECHO "DEBUG: (${scriptName}): we are in directory `pwd` the topDir=${topDir}" $LS -lrt #Look if the date has changed since beginning of the job! curtag=`${DATE} +%F` if [ "<${curtag}>" != "<${tag}>" ]; then tag=${curtag} #it is necessary to update the daq status as the day has changed during the processing... (batch can take a long time...) OUT1=${publicpath}/baodaqstatus-${curtag}.txt $ECHO "We should bring the DAQ status more up to date, this take 1 or 2sec..." $RM -f ${tmppublicpath}/statusdaq.finished ${scriptpath}/statusdaq.sh > ${OUT1} while [ ! -f "${tmppublicpath}/statusdaq.finished" ]; do sleep 30 done $RM ${tmppublicpath}/statusdaq.finished #protect against remove/rewriting $CHMOD -v 444 ${OUT1} fi # # look if the calibration files already exist # alreadyDone=`ils ${i} 2>&1 | $GREP -i "calib_.*\.txt" | $WC -l` if [ ${alreadyDone} -gt 0 ]; then $ECHO "INFO (${scriptName}): calibration coef files already exist" continue fi # somethingTodo=1 input4calibOff=`ils ${i}/Off 2>&1 | $GREP -i "calibcycle" | $AWK 'BEGIN{FS="C- "}{print $2}' | $XARGS -i basename {} | $SORT -k1.11n` input4calibOn=`ils ${i}/On 2>&1 | $GREP -i "calibcycle" | $AWK 'BEGIN{FS="C- "}{print $2}' | $XARGS -i basename {} | $SORT -k1.11n` # if [ "<${input4calibOff}>" != "<>" -a "<${input4calibOn}>" != "<>" ]; then #look at the content of the calibcycle directory as may be the previous batch job has crashed tableauOff=( `$ECHO ${input4calibOff}` ) IFS=' ' tableauOff=( $( $PRINTF "%s\n" "${tableauOff[@]}" | $AWK 'x[$0]++ == 0' ) ) IFS=$DefaultIFS # nTotFilesOff=0 for j in ${tableauOff[@]} do nFiles=`ils ${i}/Off/${j} | $GREP -i "medfiltmtx" | $WC -l` nTotFilesOff=`expr ${nTotFilesOff} + ${nFiles}` done # tableauOn=( `$ECHO ${input4calibOn}` ) IFS=' ' tableauOn=( $( $PRINTF "%s\n" "${tableauOn[@]}" | $AWK 'x[$0]++ == 0' ) ) IFS=$DefaultIFS # nTotFilesOn=0 for j in ${tableauOn[@]} do nFiles=`ils ${i}/On/${j} | $GREP -i "medfiltmtx" | $WC -l` nTotFilesOn=`expr ${nTotFilesOn} + ${nFiles}` done diffOnOff=`expr ${nTotFilesOff} - ${nTotFilesOn}` if [ ${diffOnOff} -lt 0 ]; then zero=0 diffOnOff=`expr ${zero} - ${diffOnOff}` fi #allow up to 5 files differences if [ ${nTotFilesOff} -gt 0 -a ${nTotFilesOn} -gt 0 ]; then somethingTodo=0 $ECHO "DEBUG (${scriptName}): $sourceRadio $dateDAQ has <${nTotFilesOff}> Off-files and <${nTotFilesOn}> On-files but OK" else $ECHO "INFO (${scriptName}): $sourceRadio $dateDAQ has <${nTotFilesOff}> Off-files and <${nTotFilesOn}> On-files => one should rebuild has something is wrong" fi # fi if [ ${somethingTodo} -eq 1 ]; then # $ECHO ">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Do $sourceRadio $dateDAQ CALIBOFF" $RM -f ${tmppublicpath}/proc_script.finished if [ ${simulationMode} = "On" ]; then $ECHO "SIMUL: ${scriptpath}/proc_script.sh $sourceRadio $dateDAQ CALIBOFF" else ${scriptpath}/proc_script.sh $sourceRadio $dateDAQ CALIBOFF while [ ! -e "${tmppublicpath}/proc_script.finished" ]; do $ECHO "INFO (${scriptName}): waiting for ${tmppublicpath}/proc_script.finished" date +%T sleep 60 done fi $ECHO "INFO (${scriptName}): proc_script has finished" $ECHO ">>>>>>>>>>>> Done $sourceRadio $dateDAQ CALIBOFF" $ECHO ">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Do $sourceRadio $dateDAQ CALIBON" $RM ${tmppublicpath}/proc_script.finished if [ ${simulationMode} = "On" ]; then $ECHO "SIMUL: ${scriptpath}/proc_script.sh $sourceRadio $dateDAQ CALIBON" else ${scriptpath}/proc_script.sh $sourceRadio $dateDAQ CALIBON while [ ! -e "${tmppublicpath}/proc_script.finished" ]; do $ECHO "INFO (${scriptName}): waiting for ${tmppublicpath}/proc_script.finished" date +%T sleep 60 done fi $ECHO "INFO (${scriptName}): proc_script has finished" $RM ${tmppublicpath}/proc_script.finished #Todo see if there is errors in the log file before copy $ECHO ">>>>>>>>>>>> Done $sourceRadio $dateDAQ CALIBON" ###### else ###### $ECHO ">>>>>>>>>>>>> ANALYSIS Part of ${sourceRadio} ${dateDAQ}" #go to the .../source/date-sourcelowercase directory #download Off/calibcycle<> and On/calibcycle<> directories $MKDIR -p ${topDir}/${dateDAQ}${srclower} cd ${topDir}/${dateDAQ}${srclower} aboveOnOffDir=`pwd` $ECHO "DEBUG (${scriptName}): we are in directory: <`pwd`>" # mode="Off" $ECHO "DEBUG (${scriptName}): START download the ${mode} calib fits files" inFileDirectory="./${mode}" $MKDIR -p ${inFileDirectory} listOfCalibCycle=( `ils ${i}/${mode} 2>&1 | $GREP -i "calibcycle"|$AWK 'BEGIN{FS="C- "}{print $2}' | $XARGS -i basename {} | $SORT -k1.11n` ) IFS=' ' listOfCalibCycle=( $( $PRINTF "%s\n" "${listOfCalibCycle[@]}" | $AWK 'x[$0]++ == 0' ) ) IFS=$DefaultIFS firstCycleOff=`$ECHO ${listOfCalibCycle[0]} | $AWK '{match($0,"[0-9]+",arr); print arr[0]}'` nCyclesOff=`expr ${#listOfCalibCycle[*]} - 1` lastCycleOff=`$ECHO ${listOfCalibCycle[${nCyclesOff}]} | $AWK '{match($0,"[0-9]+",arr); print arr[0]}'` listOfCalibCycle=( "${listOfCalibCycle[@]/#/${i}/${mode}/}" ) for j in ${listOfCalibCycle[@]} do irodsDownDir="${j}" OUT=./getInFits.$$ iget -r -f -K ${irodsDownDir} ${inFileDirectory} > ${OUT} 2>&1 igetStatus=`$GREP "^ERROR" ${OUT}` if [ "<$igetStatus>" != "<>" ]; then $ECHO "FATAL (${scriptName}): error while iget fits files:" $ECHO $igetStatus $ECHO " ==> skip this run $sourceRadio $dateDAQ" continue fi $RM -f ${OUT} done $ECHO "DEBUG (${scriptName}): END download the ${mode} calib fits files" # mode="On" $ECHO "DEBUG (${scriptName}): START download the ${mode} calib fits files" inFileDirectory="./${mode}" $MKDIR -p ${inFileDirectory} listOfCalibCycle=( `ils ${i}/${mode} 2>&1 | $GREP -i "calibcycle" |$AWK 'BEGIN{FS="C- "}{print $2}' | $XARGS -i basename {} | $SORT -k1.11n` ) IFS=' ' listOfCalibCycle=( $( $PRINTF "%s\n" "${listOfCalibCycle[@]}" | $AWK 'x[$0]++ == 0' ) ) IFS=$DefaultIFS firstCycleOn=`$ECHO ${listOfCalibCycle[0]} | $AWK '{match($0,"[0-9]+",arr); print arr[0]}'` nCyclesOn=`expr ${#listOfCalibCycle[*]} - 1` lastCycleOn=`$ECHO ${listOfCalibCycle[${nCyclesOn}]} | $AWK '{match($0,"[0-9]+",arr); print arr[0]}'` listOfCalibCycle=( "${listOfCalibCycle[@]/#/${i}/${mode}/}" ) # #Check if there is the same number of cycles in Off and On mode # if [ ${firstCycleOn} -eq ${firstCycleOff} -a ${lastCycleOn} -eq ${lastCycleOff} ]; then firstCycle=${firstCycleOff} lastCycle=${lastCycleOff} else $ECHO "FATAL (${scriptName}): missmatch between Off and On mode" $ECHO "${firstCycleOn} != ${firstCycleOff} OR ${lastCycleOn} != ${lastCycleOff}" $ECHO " ==> skip this run $sourceRadio $dateDAQ" continue fi for j in ${listOfCalibCycle[@]} do irodsDownDir="${j}" OUT=./getInFits.$$ iget -r -f -K ${irodsDownDir} ${inFileDirectory} > ${OUT} 2>&1 igetStatus=`$GREP "^ERROR" ${OUT}` if [ "<$igetStatus>" != "<>" ]; then $ECHO "FATAL (${scriptName}): error while iget fits files:" $ECHO $igetStatus $ECHO " ==> skip this run $sourceRadio $dateDAQ" continue fi $RM -f ${OUT} done $ECHO "DEBUG (${scriptName}): END download the ${mode} calib fits files" #Get sca file $ECHO "DEBUG (${scriptName}): START call getscafiles.sh ${sourceRadio} ${dateDAQ}" OUT1=./getScaStatus.$$ $RM -f ${tmppublicpath}/getscafiles.finished ${scriptpath}/getscafiles.sh ${sourceRadio} ${dateDAQ} > ${OUT1} 2>&1 while [ ! -f "${tmppublicpath}/getscafiles.finished" ]; do $ECHO "INFO (${scriptName}): waiting for ${tmppublicpath}/getscafiles.finished" date +%T sleep 30 done $RM ${tmppublicpath}/getscafiles.finished $ECHO "DEBUG (${scriptName}): END" # getScaStatus=`$GREP "^\(FATAL\|ERROR\)" ${OUT1}` # if [ "<${getScaStatus}>" != "<>" ]; then $ECHO "FATAL (${scriptName}): error to get sca file for $sourceRadio $dateDAQ" $ECHO "DEBUG (${scriptName}): START with cat ${OUT1}" $CAT ${OUT1} $ECHO "DEBUG (${scriptName}): END" continue fi $RM -f ${OUT1} scaFile=`$FIND . -name "sca*.sum.trans" | $XARGS -i basename {}` #prepare job submission cd ${aboveOnOffDir} #the default spectra name is medfiltmtx, otherwise use -specname logFile="analyse_CALIB_${sourceRadio}_${dateDAQ}.log" $ECHO "DEBUG (${scriptName}): execute the analysis... should not take long. `date`" if [ ${simulationMode} = "On" ]; then $ECHO "SIMUL: ${scriptpath}/Objs/analyse -act calib -inPath ${iojobpath} -source ${sourceRadio} -date ${dateDAQ} -sca ${scaFile} -specdir calibcycle -numcycle ${firstCycle},${lastCycle} -calibopt mean -debuglev 1 -freqBAOCalib ${freqBAOCalib} -bwBAOCalib ${bwBAOCalib} >& ${logFile}" cat > ${logFile} <& ${logFile} fi $ECHO "DEBUG (${scriptName}): analysis finished `date`. Look for errors before saving to Irods" rcstatus=`$GREP -i "Ok calibration finished" ${logFile} | $WC -l` if [ ${rcstatus} -eq 0 ]; then $ECHO "INFO (${scriptName}): analysis problem for ${sourceRadio} ${dateDAQ}" $ECHO " START logfile" $CAT ${logFile} $ECHO " END logFile" #clean and leave cd ${aboveOnOffDir} $LS | $XARGS -i $RM -rf {} continue fi #Save into Irods $ECHO "DEBUG (${scriptName}): START save output files" $LS ${aboveOnOffDir} #use -f option for iput ONLY to force override if [ ${simulationMode} = "On" ]; then $ECHO "SIMUL: here we look for calib file and put them in Irods" else $FIND . -name "calib_*" -print | $XARGS -i iput -v -K {} ${i} fi #save analysis logfile $LS -l ${tmppublicpath} > /dev/null $CP ${logFile} ${tmppublicpath} $ECHO "DEBUG (${scriptName}): END save output files" #clean up to avoid scratch SIZE EXCEED LIMIT cd ${aboveOnOffDir} $LS | $XARGS -i $RM -rf {} fi done exit 0