#!/bin/sh -xvf #Basic tuning of system fuction used. AWK=/bin/awk SED=/bin/sed GREP=/bin/grep WC=/usr/bin/wc RM=/bin/rm CAT=/bin/cat TOUCH=/bin/touch DATE=/bin/date ECHO=/bin/echo LS=/bin/ls MKDIR=/bin/mkdir TR=/usr/bin/tr FIND=/usr/bin/find PRINTF=/usr/bin/printf XARGS=/usr/bin/xargs SORT=/bin/sort QSUB=qsub DefaultIFS=$' \t\n' IFS=$DefaultIFS scriptName="`basename $0`" $ECHO "Processing script ${scriptName} at `date`" ###### # Local functions ###### usage() { echo "usage: $scriptName " echo " - as Abell85" echo " - as 20110428" echo " - as GAIN|CALIBON|CALIBOFF|ON|OFF" } ###### # argument test ###### #Process cmd line args: the -src option is mandatory (source name as Abell85) #action: gain|mspec (gain: gain-like doucble median filtering # mspec: mean+sigma wo filetring) action="gain" sourceRadio= dateSelected= typeofproc= #use -sim option to simulate processing (debug the script as if...) simulationMode=Off # #first and last cycle to process # firstCycle= lastCycle= while [ $# -gt 0 ] do case "$1" in -act) action=$2; shift;; -src) sourceRadio=$2; shift;; -date) dateSelected=$2; shift;; -type) typeofproc=$2; shift;; -fcycle) firstCycle=$2; shift;; -lcycle) lastCycle=$2; shift;; -sim) simulationMode=On;; -h) echo >&2 \ "usage: $0 [-act ] -src souce -date YYYYMMDD -type type [-fcycle firstCycle] [-lcycle lastCycle] [-sim to trig simulation mode]" exit 1;; *) break;; # terminate while loop esac shift done #Check input if [ "<${sourceRadio}>" = "<>" ]; then $ECHO "FATAL: You have forgotten to select the source option (-src)" exit 1 fi if [ "<${dateSelected}>" = "<>" ]; then $ECHO "FATAL: You have forgotten to select the date option (-date)" exit 1 fi if [ "<${typeofproc}>" = "<>" ]; then $ECHO "FATAL: You have forgotten to select the type option (-type)" exit 1 fi #else # offtype=`$ECHO ${typeofproc} | $GREP -i OFF | $WC -l` # ontype=`$ECHO ${typeofproc} | $GREP -i ON | $WC -l` # if [ "<${offtype}>" = "<1>" -a "<${ontype}>" = "<0>" ]; then # datatype="OFF" # elif [ "<${offtype}>" = "<0>" -a "<${ontype}>" = "<1>" ]; then # datatype="ON" # else # $ECHO "FATAL: not supported: -type ${typeofproc}" # exit 1 # fi #fi srclower=`${ECHO} ${sourceRadio} | ${TR} "[:upper:]" "[:lower:]" ` #Path to public backupable path publicpath="/afs/in2p3.fr/home/c/campagne/public" #temporary files to synchronize scripts tmppublicpath=${TMPPUBLICPATH} $LS -l ${tmppublicpath} > /dev/null #Path where the job will do temporary IO . ${SCRIPTPATH}/set_iojobpath.sh iojobpath=$(set_iojobpath) cd ${iojobpath} localpath="${sourceRadio}/${dateSelected}${srclower}" $MKDIR -p ./${localpath} cd ./${localpath} mainDirectory=`pwd` #Path of the utility scripts scriptpath=${SCRIPTPATH} #select file per cycle #$ECHO "Select files process..." #keep only lines with structure: cycle_number first,last,step #Get sca files $ECHO "DEBUG (${scriptName}): START call getscafiles.sh ${sourceRadio} ${dateSelected}" OUT1=./getScaStatus.$$ #JEC 29/9/11 avoid finished stuff #$RM -f ${tmppublicpath}/getscafiles.finished ${scriptpath}/getscafiles.sh ${sourceRadio} ${dateSelected} > ${OUT1} 2>&1 #while [ ! -f "${tmppublicpath}/getscafiles.finished" ]; do # $ECHO "INFO (${scriptName}): waiting for ${tmppublicpath}/getscafiles.finished" # date +%T # sleep 30 #done #$RM -f ${tmppublicpath}/getscafiles.finished $ECHO "DEBUG (${scriptName}): END" getScaStatus=`$GREP "^\(FATAL\|ERROR\)" ${OUT1}` if [ "<${getScaStatus}>" != "<>" ]; then $ECHO "FATAL (${scriptName}): error to get sca file for $sourceRadio $dateSelected" $ECHO "DEBUG (${scriptName}): START with cat ${OUT1}" $CAT ${OUT1} $ECHO "DEBUG (${scriptName}): END" exit 1 fi scaFileSummarized=`$FIND . -name "sca*.sum" -print` if [ "<${scaFileSummarized}>" = "<>" ]; then $ECHO "FATAL (${scriptName}): strange sca file summarized not available: $sourceRadio $dateSelected" $ECHO "DEBUG (${scriptName}): START with cat ${OUT1}" $CAT ${OUT1} $ECHO "DEBUG (${scriptName}): END" exit 1 fi $RM ${OUT1} scaFileSummarized=`basename $scaFileSummarized` #set Irods environment . /usr/local/shared/bin/irods_env.sh -noverbose #download header files to be used for signal files selction $MKDIR -p ./Fiber1 dirFiberfile=`pwd`/Fiber1 dirIrods="/baoradio/data/AmasNancay/${sourceRadio}/${dateSelected}${srclower}/Fiber1" listOfFiles=( `ils ${dirIrods} | $GREP -i "header" | $XARGS -i basename {} | $SORT -k1.7n` ) IFS=' ' listOfFiles=( $( $PRINTF "%s\n" "${listOfFiles[@]}" | $AWK 'x[$0]++ == 0' ) ) IFS=$DefaultIFS # $ECHO "DEBUG (${scriptName}): Download if necessary the headers" # for ifile in ${listOfFiles[@]} do #test if the headers have not yet been downloaded if [ ! -e ${dirFiberfile}/${ifile} ]; then OUT2=./getheaders.$$ iget -f -K ${dirIrods}/${ifile} ${dirFiberfile} >${OUT2} 2>&1 igetStatus=`$GREP "^ERROR" ${OUT2}` if [ "<$igetStatus>" != "<>" ]; then $ECHO "FATAL (${scriptName}): error while iget:" $ECHO $igetStatus exit 1 fi $RM -f $OUT2 fi done # $ECHO "DEBUG (${scriptName}): START call select.sh ${scaFileSummarized} ${dirFiberfile} ${typeofproc}" # #Get list of file to process headerFileSelected=./selectSignal.$$ #JEC 29/9/11 avoid finished stuff #$RM -f ${tmppublicpath}/select.finished ${scriptpath}/select.sh ${scaFileSummarized} ${dirFiberfile} ${typeofproc} | $GREP "^#[0-9]" | $SED "s/^#//" > $headerFileSelected #while [ ! -f "${tmppublicpath}/select.finished" ]; do # $ECHO "INFO (${scriptName}): waiting for ${tmppublicpath}/select.finished" # date +%T # sleep 30 #done #$RM ${tmppublicpath}/select.finished # $ECHO "DEBUG (${scriptName}): END" # $ECHO "DEBUG (${scriptName}): START filling cycleArray, filesArray" # declare -a cycleArray declare -a filesArray $ECHO "DEBUG (${scriptName}): IFS value between<>: <$IFS>" IFS=$DefaultIFS $ECHO "DEBUG (${scriptName}): START cat $headerFileSelected" $CAT $headerFileSelected $ECHO "DEBUG (${scriptName}): END cat $headerFileSelected" while read v1 v2 do cycleArray[${#cycleArray[*]}]=$v1 filesArray[${#filesArray[*]}]=$v2 done < $headerFileSelected if [ ${#cycleArray[*]} -eq 0 -o ${#filesArray[*]} -eq 0 ]; then $ECHO "FATAL (${scriptName}): no header file selected (${#cycleArray[*]}, ${#filesArray[*]})" exit 1 else $ECHO "DEBUG (${scriptName}): non zero elements found for cycleArray and filesArray" fi # $ECHO "DEBUG (${scriptName}): number of elements <${#cycleArray[*]}> <${#filesArray[*]}>" $ECHO "DEBUG (${scriptName}): END" # # (timeShift) #Add 3sec to start ON / OFF #Substract 4sec to start DAB ON / OFF # #Take care: Cycle numbering starts at 1 in SCAFiles while Arrays index start at 0 # #for GAIN the reference cycle takes the middle of the run # #nwinmean donne le nombre de fenetre tspwin utilise pour faire calculer la moyenne des medianes de chaque fenetre #This is the nimber of paquets of the time window which change according to processing type $ECHO "DEBUG (${scriptName}): START switch on $typeofproc" # case "$typeofproc" in GAIN) $ECHO "process signal files for GAIN phase" ingain="" freqfilter="-freqfilter -" nwinmean="1" tspwin="5120" dirName="Off" cyclebasename="gaincycle" indexStartHour="6" timeShift="-4" timeDuration="14" firstCycleId=`expr ${#cycleArray[*]} / 2` firstCycleId=`expr ${firstCycleId} - 1` lastp1CycleId=`expr ${firstCycleId} + 1` ;; ON) $ECHO "process signal files for ON phases" ingain="-gain gain_${dateSelected}_${srclower}.fits" freqfilter="" nwinmean="5" tspwin="5120" dirName="On" cyclebasename="datacycle" indexStartHour="4" timeShift="3" timeDuration="30" firstCycleId="0" lastp1CycleId="${#cycleArray[@]}" ;; OFF) $ECHO "process signal files for OFF phases" ingain="-gain gain_${dateSelected}_${srclower}.fits" freqfilter="" nwinmean="5" tspwin="5120" dirName="Off" cyclebasename="datacycle" indexStartHour="8" timeShift="3" timeDuration="30" firstCycleId="0" lastp1CycleId="${#cycleArray[@]}" ;; MEANOFF) $ECHO "process signal files for OFF phases (MEAN)" ingain="-gain gain_${dateSelected}_${srclower}.fits" nwinmean="25000" tspwin="1" dirName="Off" cyclebasename="meancycle" indexStartHour="8" timeShift="3" timeDuration="30" firstCycleId="0" lastp1CycleId="${#cycleArray[@]}" ;; MEANON) $ECHO "process signal files for OFF phases (MEAN)" ingain="-gain gain_${dateSelected}_${srclower}.fits" nwinmean="25000" tspwin="1" dirName="On" cyclebasename="meancycle" indexStartHour="8" timeShift="3" timeDuration="30" firstCycleId="0" lastp1CycleId="${#cycleArray[@]}" ;; CALIBON) $ECHO "process signal files for CALIBRATION ON phases" ingain="-gain gain_${dateSelected}_${srclower}.fits" freqfilter="" nwinmean="1" tspwin="1024" dirName="On" cyclebasename="calibcycle" indexStartHour="2" timeShift="-4" timeDuration="14" firstCycleId="0" lastp1CycleId="${#cycleArray[@]}" ;; CALIBOFF) $ECHO "process signal files for CALIBRATION OFF phases" ingain="-gain gain_${dateSelected}_${srclower}.fits" freqfilter="" nwinmean="1" tspwin="1024" dirName="Off" cyclebasename="calibcycle" indexStartHour="6" timeShift="-4" timeDuration="14" firstCycleId="0" lastp1CycleId="${#cycleArray[@]}" ;; *) $ECHO "FATAL (${scriptName}): type of processing" usage exit 1 ;; esac # $ECHO "DEBUG (${scriptName}): END" # # #Compute time windows (Warning usage of GMT date) # $ECHO "DEBUG (${scriptName}): START compute time windows" OUT=./baotiming.$$ ${AWK} -v datesys=${DATE} -v type=${indexStartHour} -v shift=${timeShift} ' BEGIN {FS=","} { phaseStart=$type cmd=sprintf("%s +%%s -d \"%s\" ",datesys,phaseStart); (cmd | getline phstart); close(cmd); newstart = phstart+shift; cmd=sprintf("%s +%%T -d \"1970-01-01 %s sec GMT\"",datesys,newstart); (cmd | getline newStart); close(cmd); print $1,newStart,phaseStart; } ' ${scaFileSummarized} > ${OUT} # $ECHO "DEBUG (${scriptName}): END" # $ECHO "DEBUG (${scriptName}): START cat ${OUT}" $CAT ${OUT} $ECHO "DEBUG (${scriptName}): END cat ${OUT}" # $ECHO "DEBUG (${scriptName}): START filling cylceArrayBis timeArray" # declare -a cycleArrayBis declare -a timeArray $ECHO "DEBUG (${scriptName}): IFS value between<>: <$IFS>" IFS=$DefaultIFS #select the selected cycles idtofind="0" while read v1 v2 v3 do if [ ${idtofind} -lt ${#cycleArray[*]} ]; then if [ ${v1} = ${cycleArray[${idtofind}]} ]; then cycleArrayBis[${#cycleArrayBis[*]}]=$v1 timeArray[${#timeArray[*]}]=$v2 idtofind=`expr ${idtofind} + 1` fi fi done < ${OUT} $ECHO "DEBUG (${scriptName}): number of elements ${#cycleArrayBis[*]} ${#timeArray[*]}" $ECHO "DEBUG (${scriptName}): END" ######################### # specmfib exe ######################### prg="/afs/in2p3.fr/throng/baoradio/Library/Progs/TAcq/Objs/specmfib" if [ ! -e $prg ]; then $ECHO "FATAL (${scriptName}): $prg not found" exit 1 fi dirFiberfile=${iojobpath}/${localpath} curDir=`pwd` # $ECHO "DEBUG (${scriptName}): in principle $dirFiberfile == $curDir " # #force single channel forceSingle="-singlechan" #debug prtlevel="1" #Loop on cycles ## $ECHO "DEBUG (${scriptName}): START loop on cycles Ids ${firstCycleId} to ${lastp1CycleId}" #write the script to be send to Batch #get gain file if necessary if [ ${typeofproc} != "GAIN" ]; then OUT2=./igetStatus.$$ iget /baoradio/data/AmasNancay/${localpath}/gain_${dateSelected}_${srclower}.fits >${OUT2} 2>&1 igetStatus=`$GREP "^ERROR" ${OUT2}` if [ "<${igetStatus}>" != "<>" ]; then $ECHO "FATAL (${scriptName}): error while iget:" $ECHO $igetStatus exit 1 fi $RM ${OUT2} fi for ((i=${firstCycleId};i<${lastp1CycleId};i++)); do # #### # Check daq status #JEC 1/10/11 Use generic baodaqstatus name #### #get the daq current irod status #tag=`${DATE} +%F` #OUT1=${publicpath}/baodaqstatus-${tag}.txt OUT1=${publicpath}/baodaqstatus-current.txt if [ ! -e ${OUT1} -o ! -r ${OUT1} ]; then $ECHO "FATAL (${scriptName}): ${OUT1} has a problem" exit 1 # $ECHO "We should bring the DAQ status more up to date, this take 1 or 2min..." #JEC 29/9/11 avoid finished stuff # $RM -f ${tmppublicpath}/statusdaq.finished # ${scriptpath}/statusdaq.sh > ${OUT1} # while [ ! -f "${tmppublicpath}/statusdaq.finished" ]; do # sleep 30 # done # $RM ${tmppublicpath}/statusdaq.finished #protect against remove/rewriting # $CHMOD -v 444 ${OUT1} fi #time window selection tmproc="-tmproc ${timeArray[${i}]},${timeDuration}" #cycle cycle="${cycleArray[${i}]}" if [ "<${firstCycle}>" != "<>" -a "<${lastCycle}>" != "<>" ]; then if [ ${cycle} -lt ${firstCycle} -o ${cycle} -gt ${lastCycle} ]; then continue fi fi $ECHO "DEBUG (${scriptName}): process cycle $cycle" #cycle cycle="${cyclebasename}${cycleArray[${i}]}" #signal files selection infiles="${filesArray[${i}]}" # #Prepare BQS parameters: MEMORY, CPU...# infilesArray=( `$ECHO $infiles | $AWK 'BEGIN {FS=","} {for(i=1;i ${OUT3} 2>&1 # while [ ! -f "${tmppublicpath}/getsignalfiles.finished" ]; do # $ECHO "INFO (${scriptName}): waiting for ${tmppublicpath}/getsignalfiles.finished" # date +%T # sleep 30 # done # $RM ${tmppublicpath}/getsignalfiles.finished getSignals=`$GREP "^FATAL" ${OUT3}` if [ "<$getSignals>" != "<>" ]; then $ECHO "FATAL (${scriptName}): error while get signals" $ECHO $getSignals exit 1 fi $RM ${OUT3} #location of the signal file fibfile="${curDir} 1,2" # outDir=${curDir}/${dirName}/${cycle} $MKDIR -p ${outDir} # # where ami... # $ECHO "We are here `pwd`" $LS -lrth $FIND . -name "igetStatus.*" | $XARGS -i $CAT {} $LS ./Fiber1 | $WC -l $LS ./Fiber2 | $WC -l $LS -lR ${outDir} #Note: here act=gain means only that specmfib will use median-like algorithms (not only for gains...) $prg -act ${action} $forceSingle $freqfilter -prt $prtlevel -out ${outDir} -nmean $nwinmean $ingain $tmproc -tspwin ${tspwin},0,0 -in $infiles ${fibfile} $ECHO ${outDir} $LS -lrt ${outDir} #save results to Irods (use option -f ONLY to force override) iput -v -K -r ${curDir}/${dirName} /baoradio/data/AmasNancay/${localpath} # #clean the signal files which can at the end of the day fill completly the scratch directory of the batch work/AmasNancayer $RM -rf ${iojobpath}/${localpath}/Fiber1 $RM -rf ${iojobpath}/${localpath}/Fiber2 $RM -rf ${iojobpath}/${localpath}/${typeofproc} # # #end loop on cycles done # $ECHO "DEBUG (${scriptName}): END loop on cycles" exit 0