#!/bin/sh # #Script sh d'extraction de fichier SCA des sequances Diodes a Bruit (DAB) #et Data des cycles ON/OFF #Bash script that extract from SCA files the DAB/DATA phases in ON/OFF cycles #It is supposed that the sequence is: DAB1 DATA1 DAB2 DATA2 #and that the DAB1 and DAB2 have equal number of subsequences # Auteur: JE Campagne (LAL Orsay) # Creation: 11 Avril 2011 # Revision: 12 Avril 2011 # o 12/04/11: mv date format to %Y-%m-%d %T for further treatment by 'date' # system function #Basic tuning of system fuction used. AWK=/bin/awk SED=/bin/sed GREP=/bin/grep WC=/usr/bin/wc RM=/bin/rm CAT=/bin/cat TOUCH=/bin/touch DATE=/bin/date ECHO=/bin/echo LS=/bin/ls MKDIR=/bin/mkdir DefaultIFS=$' \t\n' IFS=$DefaultIFS scriptName="`basename $0`" $ECHO "Processing script ${scriptName} at `date`" #temporary files to synchronize scripts tmppublicpath=${TMPPUBLICPATH} $LS -l ${tmppublicpath} > /dev/null #Path where the job will do temporary IO if [ ${ENVIRONMENT} = "INTERACTIVE" ]; then iojobpath="/sps/baoradio/AmasNancay/JEC" $MKDIR -p $iojobpath elif [ ${ENVIRONMENT} = "BATCH" ] ; then iojobpath=${TMPBATCH} else $ECHO "FATAL (${scriptName}): environment is ${ENVIRONMENT} not allowed" #JEC 29/9/11 avoid finished stuff # touch ${tmppublicpath}/sca.finished exit 1 fi cd ${iojobpath} if [ ! $# = 1 ] then $ECHO "FATAL (${scriptName}): usage: ./sca.sh " #JEC 29/9/11 avoid finished stuff # touch ${tmppublicpath}/sca.finished exit 1 fi fullfile=$1 if [ ! -e $fullfile ] then $ECHO "FATAL (${scriptName}): $fullfile not found: FATAL" #JEC 29/9/11 avoid finished stuff # touch ${tmppublicpath}/sca.finished exit 1 fi #The output file would be in "fullprocfile" filename=$(basename $fullfile) #extension=${filename##*.} filename=${filename%.*} extension=".sum" fullprocfile=${filename}${extension} #create empty output file $RM -f $fullprocfile $TOUCH $fullprocfile #extract the PERI lines valid for DAB and DATA OUT1=./tmp1.$$ $AWK ' $1=="PERI" { print "CYCLE",$6,$2,$3,$7,$8 } ' $fullfile > $OUT1 #Sequence of the cycle numbers (perform a unique filtering) tableau=( `cat $OUT1 | $AWK '{print $2}'` ) IFS=' ' tableau=( $( printf "%s\n" "${tableau[@]}" | awk 'x[$0]++ == 0' ) ) IFS=$DefaultIFS #scan each cycle OUT2=./tmp2.$$ for i in ${tableau[@]} do #extract the DAB calibration phases. Hypothesis: 2 identical sequences CALIB=./tmp_cycle_${i}_calib.$$ $AWK -v cycle=$i '$2==cycle && $5=="-1" {print $0} ' $OUT1 > $CALIB nlines=`$WC $CALIB | $AWK '{print $1}'` start1=1 let "end1=nlines/2" let "start2=end1+1" end2=$nlines #date Start/End of DAB1 $SED -e "${start1}!d" $CALIB | $AWK -v cycle=$i 'BEGIN {ORS=","} { split($4,b,"."); print cycle "," $3,b[1]}' >> ${OUT2} $SED -e "${end1}!d" $CALIB | $AWK 'BEGIN {ORS=","} { split($4,b,"."); print $3,b[1]}' >> ${OUT2} #date Start/End of DATA1: use date system function to add the duration to #compute the End,cf. End = Start + duration $AWK -v datesys=$DATE -v cycle=$i '$2==cycle && ( $5=="1" ) { split($3,a,"/"); split($4,b,"."); dateStart=a[2]"/"a[1]"/"a[3] " " b[1]; duree=$6 " sec"; cmd=sprintf("%s --date \"%s %s\" \"+%%d/%%m/%%y %%T\" ",datesys,dateStart,duree); (cmd | getline dateEnd); close(cmd); ORS=","; print a[1]"/"a[2]"/"a[3] " " b[1]; ORS=","; print dateEnd; } ' $OUT1 >> ${OUT2} #same as DAB1 for DAB2 $SED -e "${start2}!d" $CALIB | $AWK 'BEGIN {ORS=","} { split($4,b,"."); print $3,b[1]}' >> ${OUT2} $SED -e "${end2}!d" $CALIB | $AWK 'BEGIN {ORS=","} { split($4,b,"."); print $3,b[1]}' >> ${OUT2} #same as DATA1 for DATA2 $AWK -v datesys=$DATE -v cycle=$i '$2==cycle && ( $5=="2" ) { split($3,a,"/"); split($4,b,".") dateStart=a[2]"/"a[1]"/"a[3] " " b[1]; duree=$6 " sec"; cmd=sprintf("%s --date \"%s %s\" \"+%%d/%%m/%%y %%T\" ",datesys,dateStart,duree); (cmd | getline dateEnd); close(cmd); ORS=","; print a[1]"/"a[2]"/"a[3] " " b[1]; ORS="\n"; print dateEnd; } ' $OUT1 >> ${OUT2} #clean $RM $CALIB done #transform all the date/time into %Y-%m-%d %T $AWK -v datesys=$DATE ' BEGIN { FS=","; OFS="," } { for (i=2;i<=NF;i++) { split($i,a,"/"); newdate=a[2]"/"a[1]"/"a[3]; cmd=sprintf("%s --date \"%s\" \"+%%Y-%%m-%%d %%T\" ",datesys,newdate); (cmd | getline newdate); close(cmd); $i=newdate; } print $0; }' ${OUT2} > ${fullprocfile} #clean $RM $OUT1 $RM $OUT2 #JEC 29/9/11 avoid finished stuff #touch ${tmppublicpath}/sca.finished exit 0