#!/bin/sh #hypothesis: ON = data1 phase, OFF data2 phase #Basic tuning of system fuction used. AWK=/bin/awk SED=/bin/sed GREP=/bin/grep WC=/usr/bin/wc RM=/bin/rm CAT=/bin/cat TOUCH=/bin/touch DATE=/bin/date ECHO=/bin/echo FIND=/usr/bin/find XARGS=/usr/bin/xargs SORT=/bin/sort MKDIR=/bin/mkdir LS=/bin/ls DefaultIFS=$' \t\n' IFS=$DefaultIFS scriptName="`basename $0`" $ECHO "Processing script ${scriptName} at `date`" if [ ! $# = 3 ]; then $ECHO "usage: ${scriptName} " exit 0 fi #Path to public backupable path publicpath="/afs/in2p3.fr/home/c/campagne/public" #temporary files to synchronize scripts tmppublicpath=${TMPPUBLICPATH} $LS -l ${tmppublicpath} > /dev/null #Path of the utility scripts scriptpath=${SCRIPTPATH} OUT1=./selectFits.$$ #inputs x-chexk sca file inScaFile=$1 if [ ! -e $inScaFile ]; then $ECHO "FATAL (${scriptName}): $inScaFile not found" exit 1 fi #Where to look at inFiberDir=$2 inTypeOfPhase=$3 case "$inTypeOfPhase" in ON) $ECHO "INFO (${scriptName}): filter signal files for ON phases";; OFF) $ECHO "INFO (${scriptName}): filter signal files for OFF phases";; CALIBON) $ECHO "INFO (${scriptName}): filter signal files for CALIBRATION ON phases";; CALIBOFF) $ECHO "INFO (${scriptName}): filter signal files for CALIBRATION OFF phases";; GAIN) $ECHO "INFO (${scriptName}): filter signal files for GAIN = CALIB OFF phases";; *) $ECHO "FATAL (${scriptName}): use ON|OFF|CALIBON|CALIBOFF phase tags." exit 1 ;; esac ################# #fill the arrays association header file with start/end date&time # arrays declare -a sigStart declare -a sigEnd declare -a sigFile for fullfile in $( $FIND $inFiberDir -name "header*" | $XARGS -i basename {} | $SORT -k1.7n) do filename=$(basename $fullfile) extension=${filename##*.} filename=${filename%.*} ffn=${inFiberDir}/${filename}.${extension} # echo "process $ffn" while read -n80 L do [ "${L::3}" = "END" ] && break echo $L done < $ffn > $OUT1 strStart=`$GREP TMSTART $OUT1 | $AWK '{split($0,a,"/"); split(a[1],b,"="); print b[2];}' | $SED 's/^[ \t]*//;s/[ \t]*$//' | $SED "s/^\([\"']\)\(.*\)\1\$/\2/g" | $AWK '{split($0,a,"T"); print a[1]" "a[2];}' ` strEnd=`$GREP TMEND $OUT1 | $AWK '{split($0,a,"/"); split(a[1],b,"="); print b[2];}' | $SED 's/^[ \t]*//;s/[ \t]*$//' | $SED "s/^\([\"']\)\(.*\)\1\$/\2/g" | $AWK '{split($0,a,"T"); print a[1]" "a[2];}' ` if [[ -n "$strStart" && -n "$strEnd" ]]; then timeStart=`${DATE} +%s -d "${strStart}"` timeEnd=`${DATE} +%s -d "${strEnd}"` # echo "$fullfile start $strStart <$timeStart>, end $strEnd <$timeEnd>" sigStart[${#sigStart[*]}]=$timeStart sigEnd[${#sigEnd[*]}]=$timeEnd sigFile[${#sigFile[*]}]=$filename else $ECHO "WARNING (${scriptName}): $ffn PATHOLOGIQUE" fi done ############ #scan all the cycles # calib1start=$2; calib1end=$3; # data1start=$4; data1end=$5; # calib2start=$6; calib2end=$7; # data2start=$8; data2end=$9; #to pass to awk: use a "," as field separator awk_sigStart=$( printf "%s," "${sigStart[@]}" ) awk_sigEnd=$( printf "%s," "${sigEnd[@]}" ) awk_sigFile=$( printf "%s," "${sigFile[@]}" ) #attention a la derniere "," pour le calcul de nfile OUT1=./tmpselect1.$$ #selection d'une seul cycle pour debug $AWK -v datesys=$DATE -v type=$inTypeOfPhase -v str_sigStart="$awk_sigStart" -v str_sigEnd="$awk_sigEnd" -v str_sigFile="$awk_sigFile" ' BEGIN { FS=","; split(str_sigStart,a_sigStart,","); split(str_sigEnd,a_sigEnd,","); nfile=split(str_sigFile,a_sigFile,","); delete a_sigFile[nfile]; delete a_sigStart[nfile]; delete a_sigEnd[nfile]; nfile--; } { cycle=$1; if ( type == "ON" ) { phaseStart=$4; phaseEnd=$5; cmd=sprintf("%s +%%s -d \"%s\" ",datesys,phaseStart); (cmd | getline phstart); close(cmd); cmd=sprintf("%s +%%s -d \"%s\" ",datesys,phaseEnd); (cmd | getline phend); close(cmd); # print "Phase: ",type," cycle: ",cycle,": <",phstart,">:<",phend,">"; deltaStartSafety=4; deltaEndSafety=-4; } else if ( type == "OFF" ) { phaseStart=$8; phaseEnd=$9; cmd=sprintf("%s +%%s -d \"%s\" ",datesys,phaseStart); (cmd | getline phstart); close(cmd); cmd=sprintf("%s +%%s -d \"%s\" ",datesys,phaseEnd); (cmd | getline phend); close(cmd); # print "Phase: ",type," cycle: ",cycle,": <",phstart,">:<",phend,">"; deltaStartSafety=4; deltaEndSafety=-4; } else if ( type == "CALIBON" ) { phaseStart=$2; phaseEnd=$3; print "Phase: ",type," cycle: ",cycle,": <",phaseStart,">:<",phaseEnd,">"; cmd=sprintf("%s +%%s -d \"%s\" ",datesys,phaseStart); (cmd | getline phstart); close(cmd); cmd=sprintf("%s +%%s -d \"%s\" ",datesys,phaseEnd); (cmd | getline phend); close(cmd); # print "Phase: ",type," cycle: ",cycle,": <",phstart,">:<",phend,">"; deltaStartSafety=-6; deltaEndSafety=6; } else if ( (type == "CALIBOFF") || (type == "GAIN") ) { phaseStart=$6; phaseEnd=$7; cmd=sprintf("%s +%%s -d \"%s\" ",datesys,phaseStart); (cmd | getline phstart); close(cmd); cmd=sprintf("%s +%%s -d \"%s\" ",datesys,phaseEnd); (cmd | getline phend); close(cmd); # print "Phase: ",type," cycle: ",cycle,": <",phstart,">:<",phend,">"; deltaStartSafety=-6; deltaEndSafety=6; } else { print "FATAL: ",type," NOT YET SUPPORTED"; exit 1; } for (i=1; i<=nfile; i++) { diffstart = a_sigStart[i] - phstart; diffend = a_sigEnd[i] - phend; # print "file ",i," start ",a_sigStart[i],": diff <" diffstart ">:<" diffend ">"; if ( diffstart >= deltaStartSafety && diffend <= deltaEndSafety ) print "cycle ",cycle," file ",i-1," accepted ",a_sigFile[i]; } }' $inScaFile > ${OUT1} OUT2=./tmpselect2.$$ $AWK ' BEGIN { max=0; min=999999; }; ($1=="cycle") { table[$2] = table[$2]","$4; if($2>max){max=$2}; if($2 ${OUT2} $AWK ' BEGIN { FS=","} { print "#"$1,$2","$NF",1"; } ' ${OUT2} $RM $OUT1 $RM $OUT2 exit 0