#!/bin/sh -xv AWK=/bin/awk SED=/bin/sed GREP=/bin/grep WC=/usr/bin/wc RM=/bin/rm CAT=/bin/cat TOUCH=/bin/touch DATE=/bin/date ECHO=/bin/echo LS=/bin/ls MKDIR=/bin/mkdir TR=/usr/bin/tr FIND=/usr/bin/find PRINTF=/usr/bin/printf XARGS=/usr/bin/xargs SORT=/bin/sort QSUB=qsub DefaultIFS=$' \t\n' IFS=$DefaultIFS scriptName="`basename $0`" echo "Processing script ${scriptName} at `date`" #Process cmd line args: the -src option is mandatory (source name as Abell85) #action: gain|mspec (gain: gain-like doucble median filtering # mspec: mean+sigma wo filetring) action="-act gain" sourceRadio= dateSelected= typeofproc= #first and last cycle to process # firstCycle= lastCycle= #use -sim option to simulate processing (debug the script as if...) simulationMode="" while [ $# -gt 0 ] do case "$1" in -act) action="-act $2"; act=$2; shift;; -src) sourceRadio="$2"; shift;; -date) dateSelected="-date $2"; dateJob="$2"; shift;; -type) typeofproc="-type $2"; type=$2; shift;; -fcycle) firstCycle="-fcycle $2"; fcycle="$2"; shift;; -lcycle) lastCycle="-lcycle $2"; lcycle="$2"; shift;; -sim) simulationMode="-sim On" $ECHO "INFO ${scriptName} running in SIMUL mode";; -h) echo >&2 \ "usage: $0 -src souce -date YYYYMMDD -type type [-fcycle firstCycle] [-lcycle lastCycle] [-sim to trig simulation mode]" exit 1;; *) break;; # terminate while loop esac shift done if [ "<${sourceRadio}>" = "<>" ]; then $ECHO "FATAL: You have forgotten to select the source option (-src)" exit 1 fi if [ "<${dateSelected}>" = "<>" ]; then $ECHO "FATAL: You have forgotten to select the date option (-date)" exit 1 fi if [ "<${typeofproc}>" = "<>" ]; then $ECHO "FATAL: You have forgotten to select the type option (-type)" exit 1 fi #Path to public backupable path publicpath="/afs/in2p3.fr/home/c/campagne/public" #temporary files to synchronize scripts tmppublicpath=${TMPPUBLICPATH} #Path of the utility scripts scriptpath="/afs/in2p3.fr/home/c/campagne/private/work/AmasNancay" #get the daq current irod status #JEC 1/10/11 Use generic baodaqstatus name #### tag=`${DATE} +%F` OUT1=${publicpath}/baodaqstatus-current.txt if [ ! -e ${OUT1} -o ! -r ${OUT1} ]; then $ECHO "FATAL (${scriptName}): ${OUT1} has a problem" exit 1 #JEC 29/9/11 avoid finished stuff # $RM -f ${tmppublicpath}/statusdaq.finished # ${scriptpath}/statusdaq.sh > ${OUT1} # while [ ! -f "${tmppublicpath}/statusdaq.finished" ]; do # sleep 30 # done # $RM ${tmppublicpath}/statusdaq.finished #protect against remove/rewriting # $CHMOD -v 444 ${OUT1} fi #assume 20 files/cycles cf. 30sec/cycle et 3sec par signal et fact 2 margin if [ "<${firstCycle}>" != "<>" -a "<${lastCycle}>" != "<>" ]; then jobBatchName="procspecmfib-${sourceRadio}${dateJob}${type}-${fcycle}-${lcycle}" nFiles=`expr ${lcycle} - ${fcycle} + 1` nFiles=`expr ${nFiles} \* 20` else jobBatchName="procspecmfib-${sourceRadio}${dateJob}${type}-All" #assume 30 cycles maxi! nFiles=`expr 20 \* 30` fi jobLogName="${jobBatchName}.log.$$" #Nbre de paquets utilises pour 1 spectre tspwin="5120" #calcul du scratch sachant que l'on nettoie apres chaque cycle nSpectra=`expr 20 \* 25600 / ${tspwin}` scratchSize=`expr 20 \* 500 + ${nSpectra} \* 200 / 1000 + 5` #le cpu total tient compte de l'emsemble des ficheirs a taiter cpu=`expr ${nFiles} \* 60 \* 50` qsub -l u_sps_baoradio,u_irods,T=${cpu},M=1000MB,scratch=${scratchSize}MB,platform=LINUX -eo -o $jobLogName -N $jobBatchName -mb -me -mu ${LOGNAME}@lal.in2p3.fr <