# - Try to find CFITSIO # Once done this will define # # CFITSIO_FOUND - system has CFITSIO # CFITSIO_INCLUDE_DIR - the CFITSIO include directory # CFITSIO_LIBRARIES - Link these to use CFITSIO # CFITSIO_VERSION_STRING - Human readable version number of cfitsio # CFITSIO_VERSION_MAJOR - Major version number of cfitsio # CFITSIO_VERSION_MINOR - Minor version number of cfitsio # Copyright (c) 2006, Jasem Mutlaq # Based on FindLibfacile by Carsten Niehaus, # # Redistribution and use is allowed according to the terms of the BSD license. # For details see the accompanying COPYING-CMAKE-SCRIPTS file. if (CFITSIO_INCLUDE_DIR AND CFITSIO_LIBRARIES) # in cache already set(CFITSIO_FOUND TRUE) message(STATUS "Found CFITSIO: ${CFITSIO_LIBRARIES}") else (CFITSIO_INCLUDE_DIR AND CFITSIO_LIBRARIES) # JM: Packages from different distributions have different suffixes find_path(CFITSIO_INCLUDE_DIR fitsio.h PATH_SUFFIXES libcfitsio3 libcfitsio0 cfitsio ${_obIncDir} ${GNUWIN32_DIR}/include ) find_library(CFITSIO_LIBRARIES NAMES cfitsio PATHS ${_obLinkDir} ${GNUWIN32_DIR}/lib ) if(CFITSIO_INCLUDE_DIR AND CFITSIO_LIBRARIES) set(CFITSIO_FOUND TRUE) else (CFITSIO_INCLUDE_DIR AND CFITSIO_LIBRARIES) set(CFITSIO_FOUND FALSE) endif(CFITSIO_INCLUDE_DIR AND CFITSIO_LIBRARIES) if (CFITSIO_FOUND) # Find the version of the cfitsio header execute_process(COMMAND egrep CFITSIO_VERSION ${CFITSIO_INCLUDE_DIR}/fitsio.h OUTPUT_VARIABLE CFITSIO_VERSION_STRING) STRING(REGEX REPLACE "[^0-9.]" "" CFITSIO_VERSION_STRING ${CFITSIO_VERSION_STRING}) STRING(REGEX REPLACE "^([0-9]+)[.]([0-9]+)" "\\1" CFITSIO_VERSION_MAJOR ${CFITSIO_VERSION_STRING}) STRING(REGEX REPLACE "^([0-9]+)[.]([0-9]+)" "\\2" CFITSIO_VERSION_MINOR ${CFITSIO_VERSION_STRING}) if (NOT CFITSIO_FIND_QUIETLY) message(STATUS "Found CFITSIO ${CFITSIO_VERSION_STRING}: ${CFITSIO_LIBRARIES}") endif (NOT CFITSIO_FIND_QUIETLY) else (CFITSIO_FOUND) if (CFITSIO_FIND_REQUIRED) message(STATUS "CFITSIO not found.") endif (CFITSIO_FIND_REQUIRED) endif (CFITSIO_FOUND) mark_as_advanced(CFITSIO_INCLUDE_DIR CFITSIO_LIBRARIES) endif (CFITSIO_INCLUDE_DIR AND CFITSIO_LIBRARIES)