#if 0 STV driver Copyright (C) 2006 Markus Wildi, markus.wildi@datacomm.ch This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA #endif #define OFF 0 #define ON 1 #define REQUEST_DOWNLOAD 0x00 #define REQUEST_DOWNLOAD_ALL 0x01 #define DOWNLOAD_COMPLETE 0x02 #define REQUEST_BUFFER_STATUS 0x03 #define REQUEST_IMAGE_INFO 0x04 #define REQUEST_IMAGE_DATA 0x05 #define ACK 0x06 #define REQUEST_COMPRESSED_IMAGE_DATA 0x07 #define SEND_KEY_PATTERN 0x08 #define DISPLAY_ECHO 0x09 #define FILE_STATUS 0x0b #define REQUEST_ACK 0x10 #define NACK 0x15 /* Rotary Knob Key Patterns */ #define LR_ROTARY_DECREASE_PATTERN 0x8000 #define LR_ROTARY_INCREASE_PATTERN 0x4000 #define UD_ROTARY_DECREASE_PATTERN 0x2000 #define UD_ROTARY_INCREASE_PATTERN 0x1000 #define SHIFT_PATTERN 0x0008 /* increases rotary speed when 1 */ /* Mode Key Patterns */ #define CAL_KEY_PATTERN 0x0100 #define TRACK_KEY_PATTERN 0x0200 #define DISPLAY_KEY_PATTERN 0x0400 #define FILEOPS_KEY_PATTERN 0x0800 #define A_KEY_PATTERN 0x0010 #define SETUP_KEY_PATTERN 0x0020 #define B_KEY_PATTERN 0x0040 #define INT_KEY_PATTERN 0x0080 #define FOCUS_KEY_PATTERN 0x0001 #define IMAGE_KEY_PATTERN 0x0002 #define MONITOR_KEY_PATTERN 0x0004 /* The following bit masks have been take from Sbig's documentation */ #define ID_BITS_MASK 0x0001 /* mask for no bits*/ #define ID_BITS_10 0x0001 /* image is full 10 bits*/ #define ID_BITS_8 0x0000 /* image from focus, only 8 bits*/ #define ID_UNITS_MASK 0x0002 /* mask for units for scope*/ #define ID_UNITS_INCHES 0x0002 /* units were inches*/ #define ID_UNITS_CM 0x0000 /* units were cm*/ #define ID_SCOPE_MASK 0x0004 /* mask for telescope type*/ #define ID_SCOPE_REFRACTOR 0x0004 /* scope was refractor*/ #define ID_SCOPE_REFLECTOR 0x0000 /* scope was reflector*/ #define ID_DATETIME_MASK 0x0008 /* mask for date/time valid*/ #define ID_DATETIME_VALID 0x0008 /* date/time was set*/ #define ID_DATETIME_INVALID 0x0000 /* date/time was not set*/ #define ID_BIN_MASK 0x0030 /* mask for binning mode*/ #define ID_BIN_1X1 0x0010 /* binning was 1x1*/ #define ID_BIN_2X2 0x0020 /* binning was 2x2*/ #define ID_BIN_3X3 0x0030 /* binning was 3x3*/ #define ID_PM_MASK 0x0400 /* mask for am/pm in time*/ #define ID_PM_PM 0x0400 /* time was pm, add 12 hours*/ #define ID_PM_AM 0x0000 /* time was am, don;t add 12 hours*/ #define ID_FILTER_MASK 0x0800 /* mask for filter status*/ #define ID_FILTER_LUNAR 0x0800 /* lunar filter was used for image*/ #define ID_FILTER_NP 0x0000 /* no filter was used for image*/ #define ID_DARKSUB_MASK 0x1000 /* mask for dark subtraction*/ #define ID_DARKSUB_YES 0x1000 /* image was dark subtracted*/ #define ID_DARKSUB_NO 0x0000 /* image was not dark subtracted*/ #define ID_MOSAIC_MASK 0x6000 /* mask for mosaic status*/ #define ID_MOSAIC_NONE 0x0000 /* no mosaic, one image per frame*/ #define ID_MOSAIC_SMALL 0x2000 /* small mosaic: 40x40 pixels/image*/ #define ID_MOSAIC_LARGE 0x4000 /* large mosaic: 106x100 pixels/image*/ /* IMAGE_INFO - data for the image Notes: height - 0 or 0xFFFF if no data present exposure - 100-60000 = 1.00 - 600 secs by 0.01 60001-60999 = 0.001 - 0.999 secs by 0.001 packedDate - bits 6-0 = year - 1999 (0 -127) bits 11-7 = day ( 1-31) bits 15-12 = month (1-12) packedTime - bits 6-0 = seconds (0-59) bits 7-12 = minutes (0-59) bits 15-13 = hours mod 12 (0-11) + bit in descriptor can add 12 */ typedef struct { unsigned int descriptor ; /* set of bits*/ unsigned int height, width; /* image sze */ unsigned int top, left ; /* position in buffer */ double exposure ; /* exposure time */ unsigned int noExposure ; /* number of exposures added */ unsigned int analogGain ; /*analog gain */ int digitalGain ; /* digital gain */ unsigned int focalLength ; /*focal length of telescope */ unsigned int aperture ; /* aperture diameter */ unsigned int packedDate ; /* date of image */ unsigned int year ; unsigned int month ; unsigned int day ; unsigned int packedTime ; /* time of image */ unsigned int seconds ; /* time of image */ unsigned int minutes ; /* time of image */ unsigned int hours ; /* time of image */ double ccdTemp ; /* temperature of ccd in 1/100 deg C */ unsigned int siteID; /* site id */ unsigned int eGain ; /* eGain in 1/100th e/ADU */ unsigned int background ; /* background for display */ unsigned int range ; /* range for display */ unsigned int pedestal ; /* Track and Accumulate pedestal */ unsigned int ccdTop, ccdLeft ; /* position of pixels on CCD array */ unsigned int adcResolution ; /* value, 8 or 10 bits */ unsigned int units ; /* 0= cm, 1=inch */ unsigned int telescopeType ; /* 0=refractor, 1= reflector */ unsigned int dateTimeValid ; /* 0= valid */ unsigned int binning ; /* 1x1=1, 2x2=2, 3x3=3 */ unsigned int filterStatus ; /* 0= no filter, 1= lunar filter */ unsigned int darkFrameSuntracted ; /* 0= no, 1= yes */ unsigned int imageIsMosaic ; /* 0=no, 1=40x40 pixels, 2=106x100 pixels */ double pixelSize ; /* 7.4 um */ double minValue ; /* Pixel Contents */ double maxValue ; } IMAGE_INFO ; /* * $Id: serial.h 49 2006-08-25 18:07:14Z lukas $ * * Copyright (C) 2006, Lukas Zimmermann, Basel, Switzerland. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. Or visit http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html. */ #ifndef __serial_h__ #define __serial_h__ #define PARITY_NONE 0 #define PARITY_EVEN 1 #define PARITY_ODD 2 typedef unsigned char byte; /* define byte type */ /* Restores terminal settings of open serial port device and close the file. */ void shutdown_serial(int fd); /* Opens and initializes a serial device and returns it's file descriptor. */ int init_serial(char *device_name, int bit_rate, int word_size, int parity, int stop_bits); /* Calculates the 16 bit CRC of an array of bytes and returns it. */ unsigned int calc_crc(byte byte_array[], int size); #endif /*#ifndef __serial_h__*/