/* Phlips webcam INDI driver Copyright (C) 2003-2005 by Jasem Mutlaq This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA 2005.04.29 JM: There is no need for this file for Video 4 Linux 2. It is kept for V4L 1 compatibility. */ #include "v4lphilips.h" #include "webcam/pwc-ioctl.h" V4L_Philips::V4L_Philips() : V4L_Driver() { } V4L_Philips::~V4L_Philips() { } void V4L_Philips::initCamBase() { #ifdef HAVE_LINUX_VIDEODEV2_H v4l_base = new V4L2_Base(); #else v4l_pwc = new V4L1_PWC(); v4l_base = (V4L1_Base *) v4l_pwc; #endif } void V4L_Philips::initProperties(const char *dev) { // Call parent V4L_Driver::initProperties(dev); IUFillSwitch(&BackLightS[0], "ON", "", ISS_OFF); IUFillSwitch(&BackLightS[1], "OFF", "", ISS_ON); IUFillSwitchVector(&BackLightSP, BackLightS, NARRAY(BackLightS), dev, "Back Light", "", IMAGE_CONTROL, IP_RW, ISR_1OFMANY, 0 , IPS_IDLE); IUFillSwitch(&AntiFlickerS[0], "ON", "", ISS_OFF); IUFillSwitch(&AntiFlickerS[1], "OFF", "", ISS_ON); IUFillSwitchVector(&AntiFlickerSP, AntiFlickerS, NARRAY(AntiFlickerS), dev, "Anti Flicker", "", IMAGE_CONTROL, IP_RW, ISR_1OFMANY, 0 , IPS_IDLE); IUFillSwitch(&NoiseReductionS[0], "None", "", ISS_ON); IUFillSwitch(&NoiseReductionS[1], "Low", "", ISS_OFF); IUFillSwitch(&NoiseReductionS[2], "Medium", "", ISS_OFF); IUFillSwitch(&NoiseReductionS[3], "High", "", ISS_OFF); IUFillSwitchVector(&NoiseReductionSP, NoiseReductionS, NARRAY(NoiseReductionS), dev, "Noise Reduction", "", IMAGE_CONTROL, IP_RW, ISR_1OFMANY, 0, IPS_IDLE); IUFillSwitch(&CamSettingS[0], "Save", "", ISS_OFF); IUFillSwitch(&CamSettingS[1], "Restore", "", ISS_OFF); IUFillSwitch(&CamSettingS[2], "Factory", "", ISS_OFF); IUFillSwitchVector(&CamSettingSP, CamSettingS, NARRAY(CamSettingS), dev, "Settings", "", IMAGE_CONTROL, IP_RW, ISR_1OFMANY, 0, IPS_IDLE); IUFillSwitch(&WhiteBalanceModeS[0], "Auto" , "", ISS_ON); IUFillSwitch(&WhiteBalanceModeS[1], "Manual" , "", ISS_OFF); IUFillSwitch(&WhiteBalanceModeS[2], "Indoor" , "", ISS_OFF); IUFillSwitch(&WhiteBalanceModeS[3], "Outdoor" , "", ISS_OFF); IUFillSwitch(&WhiteBalanceModeS[4], "Fluorescent" , "", ISS_OFF); IUFillSwitchVector(&WhiteBalanceModeSP, WhiteBalanceModeS, NARRAY(WhiteBalanceModeS), dev, "White Balance Mode", "", IMAGE_CONTROL, IP_RW, ISR_1OFMANY, 0, IPS_IDLE); IUFillNumber(&WhiteBalanceN[0], "Manual Red", "", "%0.f", 0., 256., 1., 0.); IUFillNumber(&WhiteBalanceN[1], "Manual Blue", "", "%0.f", 0., 256., 1., 0.); IUFillNumberVector(&WhiteBalanceNP, WhiteBalanceN, NARRAY(WhiteBalanceN), dev, "White Balance", "", IMAGE_CONTROL, IP_RW, 60, IPS_IDLE); IUFillNumber(&ShutterSpeedN[0], "Speed", "", "%0.f", 0., 65535., 100., 0.); IUFillNumberVector(&ShutterSpeedNP, ShutterSpeedN, NARRAY(ShutterSpeedN), dev, "Shutter Speed", "", COMM_GROUP, IP_RW, 60, IPS_IDLE); } void V4L_Philips::ISGetProperties (const char *dev) { if (dev && strcmp (device_name, dev)) return; #ifdef HAVE_LINUX_VIDEODEV2_H V4L_Driver::ISGetProperties(dev); return; #endif /* COMM_GROUP */ IDDefSwitch(&PowerSP, NULL); IDDefText(&PortTP, NULL); IDDefText(&camNameTP, NULL); IDDefSwitch(&StreamSP, NULL); IDDefNumber(&FrameRateNP, NULL); IDDefNumber(&ExposeTimeNP, NULL); IDDefNumber(&ShutterSpeedNP, NULL); IDDefBLOB(&imageBP, NULL); /* Image Groups */ IDDefSwitch(&CompressSP, NULL); IDDefSwitch(&ImageTypeSP, NULL); IDDefNumber(&FrameNP, NULL); IDDefNumber(&ImageAdjustNP, NULL); /* Image Control */ IDDefSwitch(&WhiteBalanceModeSP, NULL); IDDefNumber(&WhiteBalanceNP, NULL); IDDefSwitch(&BackLightSP, NULL); IDDefSwitch(&AntiFlickerSP, NULL); IDDefSwitch(&NoiseReductionSP, NULL); IDDefSwitch(&CamSettingSP, NULL); } void V4L_Philips::ISNewSwitch (const char *dev, const char *name, ISState *states, char *names[], int n) { /* ignore if not ours */ if (dev && strcmp (device_name, dev)) return; /* Connection */ if (!strcmp (name, PowerSP.name)) { IUResetSwitch(&PowerSP); IUUpdateSwitch(&PowerSP, states, names, n); connectCamera(); return; } #ifndef HAVE_LINUX_VIDEODEV2_H /* Anti Flicker control */ if (!strcmp (AntiFlickerSP.name, name)) { if (checkPowerS(&AntiFlickerSP)) return; AntiFlickerSP.s = IPS_IDLE; IUResetSwitch(&AntiFlickerSP); IUUpdateSwitch(&AntiFlickerSP, states, names, n); if (AntiFlickerS[0].s == ISS_ON) { if (v4l_pwc->setFlicker(true, errmsg) < 0) { AntiFlickerS[0].s = ISS_OFF; AntiFlickerS[1].s = ISS_ON; IDSetSwitch(&AntiFlickerSP, "%s", errmsg); return; } AntiFlickerSP.s = IPS_OK; IDSetSwitch(&AntiFlickerSP, NULL); } else { if (v4l_pwc->setFlicker(false, errmsg) < 0) { AntiFlickerS[0].s = ISS_ON; AntiFlickerS[1].s = ISS_OFF; IDSetSwitch(&AntiFlickerSP, "%s", errmsg); return; } IDSetSwitch(&AntiFlickerSP, NULL); } return; } /* Back light compensation */ if (!strcmp (BackLightSP.name, name)) { if (checkPowerS(&BackLightSP)) return; BackLightSP.s = IPS_IDLE; IUResetSwitch(&BackLightSP); IUUpdateSwitch(&BackLightSP, states, names, n); if (BackLightS[0].s == ISS_ON) { if (v4l_pwc->setBackLight(true, errmsg) < 0) { BackLightS[0].s = ISS_OFF; BackLightS[1].s = ISS_ON; IDSetSwitch(&BackLightSP, "%s", errmsg); return; } BackLightSP.s = IPS_OK; IDSetSwitch(&BackLightSP, NULL); } else { if (v4l_pwc->setBackLight(false, errmsg) < 0) { BackLightS[0].s = ISS_ON; BackLightS[1].s = ISS_OFF; IDSetSwitch(&BackLightSP, "%s", errmsg); return; } IDSetSwitch(&BackLightSP, NULL); } return; } /* Noise reduction control */ if (!strcmp (NoiseReductionSP.name, name)) { if (checkPowerS(&NoiseReductionSP)) return; NoiseReductionSP.s = IPS_IDLE; IUResetSwitch(&NoiseReductionSP); IUUpdateSwitch(&NoiseReductionSP, states, names, n); for (int i=0; i < 4; i++) if (NoiseReductionS[i].s == ISS_ON) { index = i; break; } if (v4l_pwc->setNoiseRemoval(index, errmsg) < 0) { IUResetSwitch(&NoiseReductionSP); NoiseReductionS[0].s = ISS_ON; IDSetSwitch(&NoiseReductionSP, "%s", errmsg); return; } NoiseReductionSP.s = IPS_OK; IDSetSwitch(&NoiseReductionSP, NULL); return; } /* White balace mode */ if (!strcmp (WhiteBalanceModeSP.name, name)) { if (checkPowerS(&WhiteBalanceModeSP)) return; WhiteBalanceModeSP.s = IPS_IDLE; IUResetSwitch(&WhiteBalanceModeSP); IUUpdateSwitch(&WhiteBalanceModeSP, states, names, n); for (int i=0; i < 5; i++) if (WhiteBalanceModeS[i].s == ISS_ON) { index = i; break; } switch (index) { // Auto case 0: if (v4l_pwc->setWhiteBalanceMode(PWC_WB_AUTO, errmsg) < 0) { IUResetSwitch(&WhiteBalanceModeSP), WhiteBalanceModeS[0].s = ISS_ON; IDSetSwitch(&WhiteBalanceModeSP, "%s", errmsg); return; } break; // Manual case 1: if (v4l_pwc->setWhiteBalanceMode(PWC_WB_MANUAL, errmsg) < 0) { IUResetSwitch(&WhiteBalanceModeSP), WhiteBalanceModeS[0].s = ISS_ON; IDSetSwitch(&WhiteBalanceModeSP, "%s", errmsg); return; } break; // Indoor case 2: if (v4l_pwc->setWhiteBalanceMode(PWC_WB_INDOOR, errmsg) < 0) { IUResetSwitch(&WhiteBalanceModeSP), WhiteBalanceModeS[0].s = ISS_ON; IDSetSwitch(&WhiteBalanceModeSP, "%s", errmsg); return; } break; // Outdoor case 3: if (v4l_pwc->setWhiteBalanceMode(PWC_WB_OUTDOOR, errmsg) < 0) { IUResetSwitch(&WhiteBalanceModeSP), WhiteBalanceModeS[0].s = ISS_ON; IDSetSwitch(&WhiteBalanceModeSP, "%s", errmsg); return; } break; // Flurescent case 4: if (v4l_pwc->setWhiteBalanceMode(PWC_WB_FL, errmsg) < 0) { IUResetSwitch(&WhiteBalanceModeSP), WhiteBalanceModeS[0].s = ISS_ON; IDSetSwitch(&WhiteBalanceModeSP, "%s", errmsg); return; } break; } WhiteBalanceModeSP.s = IPS_OK; IDSetSwitch(&WhiteBalanceModeSP, NULL); return; } /* Camera setttings */ if (!strcmp (CamSettingSP.name, name)) { if (checkPowerS(&CamSettingSP)) return; CamSettingSP.s = IPS_IDLE; IUResetSwitch(&CamSettingSP); IUUpdateSwitch(&CamSettingSP, states, names, n); if (CamSettingS[0].s == ISS_ON) { if (v4l_pwc->saveSettings(errmsg) < 0) { IUResetSwitch(&CamSettingSP); IDSetSwitch(&CamSettingSP, "%s", errmsg); return; } CamSettingSP.s = IPS_OK; IDSetSwitch(&CamSettingSP, "Settings saved."); return; } if (CamSettingS[1].s == ISS_ON) { v4l_pwc->restoreSettings(); IUResetSwitch(&CamSettingSP); CamSettingSP.s = IPS_OK; IDSetSwitch(&CamSettingSP, "Settings restored."); updateV4L1Controls(); return; } if (CamSettingS[2].s == ISS_ON) { v4l_pwc->restoreFactorySettings(); IUResetSwitch(&CamSettingSP); CamSettingSP.s = IPS_OK; IDSetSwitch(&CamSettingSP, "Factory settings restored."); updateV4L1Controls(); return; } } #endif // Call parent V4L_Driver::ISNewSwitch(dev, name, states, names, n); } void V4L_Philips::ISNewText (const char *dev, const char *name, char *texts[], char *names[], int n) { V4L_Driver::ISNewText(dev, name, texts, names, n); } void V4L_Philips::ISNewNumber (const char *dev, const char *name, double values[], char *names[], int n) { // Nothing for V4L 2 to do here #ifndef HAVE_LINUX_VIDEODEV2_H char errmsg[ERRMSGSIZ]; /* Frame rate */ if (!strcmp (FrameRateNP.name, name)) { if (checkPowerN(&FrameRateNP)) return; FrameRateNP.s = IPS_IDLE; int oldFP = (int) FrameRateN[0].value; if (IUUpdateNumber(&FrameRateNP, values, names, n) < 0) return; if (v4l_pwc->setFrameRate( (int) FrameRateN[0].value, errmsg) < 0) { FrameRateN[0].value = oldFP; IDSetNumber(&FrameRateNP, "%s", errmsg); return; } FrameRateNP.s = IPS_OK; IDSetNumber(&FrameRateNP, NULL); return; } if (!strcmp (ShutterSpeedNP.name, name)) { if (checkPowerN(&ShutterSpeedNP)) return; ShutterSpeedNP.s = IPS_IDLE; if (v4l_pwc->setExposure( (int) values[0], errmsg) < 0) { IDSetNumber(&ShutterSpeedNP, "%s", errmsg); return; } ShutterSpeedN[0].value = values[0]; ShutterSpeedNP.s = IPS_OK; IDSetNumber(&ShutterSpeedNP, NULL); return; } /* White balance */ if (!strcmp (WhiteBalanceNP.name, name)) { if (checkPowerN(&WhiteBalanceNP)) return; WhiteBalanceNP.s = IPS_IDLE; int oldBalance[2]; oldBalance[0] = (int) WhiteBalanceN[0].value; oldBalance[1] = (int) WhiteBalanceN[1].value; if (IUUpdateNumber(&WhiteBalanceNP, values, names, n) < 0) return; if (v4l_pwc->setWhiteBalanceRed( (int) WhiteBalanceN[0].value * 256, errmsg)) { WhiteBalanceN[0].value = oldBalance[0]; WhiteBalanceN[1].value = oldBalance[1]; IDSetNumber(&WhiteBalanceNP, "%s", errmsg); return; } if (v4l_pwc->setWhiteBalanceBlue( (int) WhiteBalanceN[1].value * 256, errmsg)) { WhiteBalanceN[0].value = oldBalance[0]; WhiteBalanceN[1].value = oldBalance[1]; IDSetNumber(&WhiteBalanceNP, "%s", errmsg); return; } IUResetSwitch(&WhiteBalanceModeSP); WhiteBalanceModeS[1].s = ISS_ON; WhiteBalanceModeSP.s = IPS_OK; WhiteBalanceNP.s = IPS_OK; IDSetSwitch(&WhiteBalanceModeSP, NULL); IDSetNumber(&WhiteBalanceNP, NULL); return; } #endif // Call parent V4L_Driver::ISNewNumber(dev, name, values, names, n); } void V4L_Philips::connectCamera() { char errmsg[ERRMSGSIZ]; switch (PowerS[0].s) { case ISS_ON: #ifdef HAVE_LINUX_VIDEODEV2_H if (v4l_base->connectCam(PortT[0].text, errmsg, V4L2_PIX_FMT_YUV420) < 0) #else if (v4l_base->connectCam(PortT[0].text, errmsg) < 0) #endif { PowerSP.s = IPS_IDLE; PowerS[0].s = ISS_OFF; PowerS[1].s = ISS_ON; IDSetSwitch(&PowerSP, "Error: unable to open device"); IDLog("Error: %s\n", errmsg); return; } /* Sucess! */ PowerS[0].s = ISS_ON; PowerS[1].s = ISS_OFF; PowerSP.s = IPS_OK; IDSetSwitch(&PowerSP, "Philips Webcam is online. Retrieving basic data."); v4l_base->registerCallback(newFrame, this); IDLog("Philips Webcam is online. Retrieving basic data.\n"); getBasicData(); break; case ISS_OFF: PowerS[0].s = ISS_OFF; PowerS[1].s = ISS_ON; PowerSP.s = IPS_IDLE; v4l_base->disconnectCam(); IDSetSwitch(&PowerSP, "Philips Webcam is offline."); break; } } #ifndef HAVE_LINUX_VIDEODEV2_H /* Retrieves basic data from the device upon connection.*/ void V4L_Philips::getBasicData() { char errmsg[ERRMSGSIZ]; bool result; int xmax, ymax, xmin, ymin, index; v4l_pwc->getMaxMinSize(xmax, ymax, xmin, ymin); IDLog("X (%d,%d), Y (%d,%d)\n", xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax); /* Width */ FrameN[2].value = v4l_pwc->getWidth(); FrameN[2].min = xmin; FrameN[2].max = xmax; /* Height */ FrameN[3].value = v4l_pwc->getHeight(); FrameN[3].min = ymin; FrameN[3].max = ymax; IDSetNumber(&FrameNP, NULL); IUUpdateMinMax(&FrameNP); IUSaveText(&camNameT[0], v4l_pwc->getDeviceName()); IDSetText(&camNameTP, NULL); IDLog("Raw values\n Contrast: %d \n Brightness %d \n Color %d \n Sharpness %d \n Gain %d \n Gamma %d \n", v4l_pwc->getContrast(), v4l_pwc->getBrightness(), v4l_pwc->getColor(), v4l_pwc->getSharpness(), v4l_pwc->getGain(), v4l_pwc->getGama()); updateV4L1Controls(); if (v4l_pwc->setFrameRate( (int) FrameRateN[0].value, errmsg) < 0) { FrameRateNP.s = IPS_ALERT; IDSetNumber(&FrameRateNP, "%s", errmsg); } else { FrameRateNP.s = IPS_OK; IDSetNumber(&FrameRateNP, NULL); } result = v4l_pwc->getBackLight(); if (result) { BackLightS[0].s = ISS_ON; BackLightS[1].s = ISS_OFF; } else { BackLightS[0].s = ISS_OFF; BackLightS[1].s = ISS_ON; } IDSetSwitch(&BackLightSP, NULL); result = v4l_pwc->getFlicker(); if (result) { AntiFlickerS[0].s = ISS_ON; AntiFlickerS[1].s = ISS_OFF; } else { AntiFlickerS[0].s = ISS_OFF; AntiFlickerS[1].s = ISS_ON; } IDSetSwitch(&AntiFlickerSP, NULL); index = v4l_pwc->getNoiseRemoval(); IUResetSwitch(&NoiseReductionSP); NoiseReductionS[index].s = ISS_ON; IDSetSwitch(&NoiseReductionSP, NULL); index = v4l_pwc->getWhiteBalance(); IUResetSwitch(&WhiteBalanceModeSP); switch (index) { case PWC_WB_AUTO: WhiteBalanceModeS[0].s = ISS_ON; break; case PWC_WB_MANUAL: WhiteBalanceModeS[1].s = ISS_ON; break; case PWC_WB_INDOOR: WhiteBalanceModeS[2].s = ISS_ON; break; case PWC_WB_OUTDOOR: WhiteBalanceModeS[3].s = ISS_ON; break; case PWC_WB_FL: WhiteBalanceModeS[3].s = ISS_ON; break; } IDSetSwitch(&WhiteBalanceModeSP, NULL); } #endif #ifndef HAVE_LINUX_VIDEODEV2_H void V4L_Philips::updateV4L1Controls() { int index =0; ImageAdjustN[0].value = v4l_pwc->getContrast() / 256.; ImageAdjustN[1].value = v4l_pwc->getBrightness() / 256.; ImageAdjustN[2].value = v4l_pwc->getColor() / 256.; index = v4l_pwc->getSharpness(); if (index < 0) ImageAdjustN[3].value = -1; else ImageAdjustN[3].value = v4l_pwc->getSharpness() / 256.; ImageAdjustN[4].value = v4l_pwc->getGain() / 256.; ImageAdjustN[5].value = v4l_pwc->getGama() / 256.; ImageAdjustNP.s = IPS_OK; IDSetNumber(&ImageAdjustNP, NULL); } #endif