#if 0 FLI CCD INDI Interface for Finger Lakes Instruments CCDs Copyright (C) 2003 Jasem Mutlaq (mutlaqja@ikarustech.com) This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "indidevapi.h" #include "eventloop.h" #include "indicom.h" void ISInit(void); void getBasicData(void); void ISPoll(void *); void handleExposure(void *); void connectCCD(void); void getBasicData(void); void uploadFile(const char* filename); int writeFITS(const char* filename, char errmsg[]); int findcam(flidomain_t domain); int setImageArea(char errmsg[]); int manageDefaults(char errmsg[]); int grabImage(void); int checkPowerS(ISwitchVectorProperty *sp); int checkPowerN(INumberVectorProperty *np); int checkPowerT(ITextVectorProperty *tp); int getOnSwitch(ISwitchVectorProperty *sp); int isCCDConnected(void); void addFITSKeywords(fitsfile *fptr); double min(void); double max(void); extern char* me; extern int errno; #define mydev "FLI CCD" #define COMM_GROUP "Communication" #define EXPOSE_GROUP "Expose" #define IMAGE_GROUP "Image Settings" #define DATA_GROUP "Data Channel" #define MAX_CCD_TEMP 45 /* Max CCD temperature */ #define MIN_CCD_TEMP -55 /* Min CCD temperature */ #define MAX_X_BIN 16. /* Max Horizontal binning */ #define MAX_Y_BIN 16. /* Max Vertical binning */ #define MAX_PIXELS 4096 /* Max number of pixels in one dimension */ #define POLLMS 1000 /* Polling time (ms) */ #define TEMP_THRESHOLD .25 /* Differential temperature threshold (C)*/ #define NFLUSHES 1 /* Number of times a CCD array is flushed before an exposure */ #define FILENAMESIZ 2048 #define LIBVERSIZ 1024 #define PREFIXSIZ 64 #define PIPEBUFSIZ 8192 #define FRAME_ILEN 64 #define TEMPFILE_LEN 16 enum FLIFrames { LIGHT_FRAME = 0, BIAS_FRAME, DARK_FRAME, FLAT_FRAME }; typedef struct { flidomain_t domain; char *dname; char *name; char *model; long HWRevision; long FWRevision; double x_pixel_size; double y_pixel_size; long Array_Area[4]; long Visible_Area[4]; int width, height; double temperature; } cam_t; typedef struct { int width; int height; int frameType; int expose; unsigned short *img; } img_t; /*static int streamTimerID; Stream ID */ static flidev_t fli_dev; static cam_t *FLICam; static img_t *FLIImg; static int portSwitchIndex; long int Domains[] = { FLIDOMAIN_USB, FLIDOMAIN_SERIAL, FLIDOMAIN_PARALLEL_PORT, FLIDOMAIN_INET }; /*INDI controls */ /* Connect/Disconnect */ static ISwitch ConnectS[] = {{"CONNECT" , "Connect" , ISS_OFF, 0, 0},{"DISCONNECT", "Disconnect", ISS_ON, 0, 0}}; static ISwitchVectorProperty ConnectSP = { mydev, "CONNECTION" , "Connection", COMM_GROUP, IP_RW, ISR_1OFMANY, 60, IPS_IDLE, ConnectS, NARRAY(ConnectS), "", 0}; /* Types of Ports */ static ISwitch PortS[] = {{"USB", "", ISS_ON, 0, 0}, {"Serial", "", ISS_OFF, 0, 0}, {"Parallel", "", ISS_OFF, 0, 0}, {"INet", "", ISS_OFF, 0, 0}}; static ISwitchVectorProperty PortSP = { mydev, "Port Type", "", COMM_GROUP, IP_RW, ISR_1OFMANY, 0, IPS_IDLE, PortS, NARRAY(PortS), "", 0}; /* Types of Frames */ static ISwitch FrameTypeS[] = { {"FRAME_LIGHT", "Light", ISS_ON, 0, 0}, {"FRAME_BIAS", "Bias", ISS_OFF, 0, 0}, {"FRAME_DARK", "Dark", ISS_OFF, 0, 0}, {"FRAME_FLAT", "Flat Field", ISS_OFF, 0, 0}}; static ISwitchVectorProperty FrameTypeSP = { mydev, "CCD_FRAME_TYPE", "Frame Type", EXPOSE_GROUP, IP_RW, ISR_1OFMANY, 0, IPS_IDLE, FrameTypeS, NARRAY(FrameTypeS), "", 0}; /* Frame coordinates. Full frame is default */ static INumber FrameN[] = { { "X", "X", "%.0f", 0., MAX_PIXELS, 1., 0., 0, 0, 0}, { "Y", "Y", "%.0f", 0., MAX_PIXELS, 1., 0., 0, 0, 0}, { "WIDTH", "Width", "%.0f", 0., MAX_PIXELS, 1., 0., 0, 0, 0}, { "HEIGHT", "Height", "%.0f",0., MAX_PIXELS, 1., 0., 0, 0, 0}}; static INumberVectorProperty FrameNP = { mydev, "CCD_FRAME", "Frame", IMAGE_GROUP, IP_RW, 60, IPS_IDLE, FrameN, NARRAY(FrameN), "", 0}; /* Binning */ static INumber BinningN[] = { { "HOR_BIN", "X", "%0.f", 1., MAX_X_BIN, 1., 1., 0, 0, 0}, { "VER_BIN", "Y", "%0.f", 1., MAX_Y_BIN, 1., 1., 0, 0, 0}}; static INumberVectorProperty BinningNP = { mydev, "CCD_BINNING", "Binning", IMAGE_GROUP, IP_RW, 60, IPS_IDLE, BinningN, NARRAY(BinningN), "", 0}; /* Exposure time */ static INumber ExposeTimeWN[] = {{ "CCD_EXPOSURE_VALUE", "Duration (s)", "%5.2f", 0., 36000., .5, 1., 0, 0, 0}}; static INumberVectorProperty ExposeTimeWNP = { mydev, "CCD_EXPOSURE_REQUEST", "Expose", EXPOSE_GROUP, IP_WO, 36000, IPS_IDLE, ExposeTimeWN, NARRAY(ExposeTimeWN), "", 0}; static INumber ExposeTimeRN[] = {{ "CCD_EXPOSURE_VALUE", "Duration (s)", "%5.2f", 0., 36000., .5, 1., 0, 0, 0}}; static INumberVectorProperty ExposeTimeRNP = { mydev, "CCD_EXPOSURE", "Expose", EXPOSE_GROUP, IP_RO, 36000, IPS_IDLE, ExposeTimeRN, NARRAY(ExposeTimeRN), "", 0}; /* Temperature control */ static INumber TemperatureN[] = { {"CCD_TEMPERATURE_VALUE", "Temperature", "%+06.2f", MIN_CCD_TEMP, MAX_CCD_TEMP, .2, 0., 0, 0, 0}}; static INumberVectorProperty TemperatureNP = { mydev, "CCD_TEMPERATURE", "Temperature (C)", EXPOSE_GROUP, IP_RW, 60, IPS_IDLE, TemperatureN, NARRAY(TemperatureN), "", 0}; /* Pixel size (µm) */ static INumber PixelSizeN[] = { { "Width", "", "%.0f", 0. , 0., 0., 0., 0, 0, 0}, { "Height", "", "%.0f", 0. , 0., 0., 0., 0, 0, 0}}; static INumberVectorProperty PixelSizeNP = { mydev, "Pixel Size (µm)", "", DATA_GROUP, IP_RO, 0, IPS_IDLE, PixelSizeN, NARRAY(PixelSizeN), "", 0}; /* BLOB for sending image */ static IBLOB imageB = {"FITS_BLOB", "FITS", "", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; static IBLOBVectorProperty imageBP = {mydev, "CCD_FITS_BLOB", "BLOB", COMM_GROUP, IP_RO, 0, IPS_IDLE, &imageB, 1, "", 0}; /* send client definitions of all properties */ void ISInit() { static int isInit=0; if (isInit) return; /* USB by default {USB, SERIAL, PARALLEL, INET} */ portSwitchIndex = 0; FLIImg = malloc (sizeof(img_t)); if (FLIImg == NULL) { IDMessage(mydev, "Error: unable to initialize driver. Low memory."); IDLog("Error: unable to initialize driver. Low memory."); return; } IEAddTimer (POLLMS, ISPoll, NULL); isInit = 1; } void ISGetProperties (const char *dev) { ISInit(); if (dev && strcmp (mydev, dev)) return; /* COMM_GROUP */ IDDefSwitch(&ConnectSP, NULL); IDDefSwitch(&PortSP, NULL); IDDefBLOB(&imageBP, NULL); /* Expose */ IDDefSwitch(&FrameTypeSP, NULL); IDDefNumber(&ExposeTimeWNP, NULL); IDDefNumber(&ExposeTimeRNP, NULL); IDDefNumber(&TemperatureNP, NULL); /* Image Group */ IDDefNumber(&FrameNP, NULL); IDDefNumber(&BinningNP, NULL); } void ISNewBLOB (const char *dev, const char *name, int sizes[], int blobsizes[], char *blobs[], char *formats[], char *names[], int n) {} void ISSnoopDevice (XMLEle *root) {} void ISNewSwitch (const char *dev, const char *name, ISState *states, char *names[], int n) { long err; int i; ISwitch *sp; /* ignore if not ours */ if (dev && strcmp (dev, mydev)) return; ISInit(); /* Port type */ if (!strcmp (name, PortSP.name)) { PortSP.s = IPS_IDLE; IUResetSwitch(&PortSP); IUUpdateSwitch(&PortSP, states, names, n); portSwitchIndex = getOnSwitch(&PortSP); PortSP.s = IPS_OK; IDSetSwitch(&PortSP, NULL); return; } /* Connection */ if (!strcmp (name, ConnectSP.name)) { if (IUUpdateSwitch(&ConnectSP, states, names, n) < 0) return; connectCCD(); return; } /* Frame Type */ if (!strcmp(FrameTypeSP.name, name)) { if (checkPowerS(&FrameTypeSP)) return; for (i = 0; i < n ; i++) { sp = IUFindSwitch(&FrameTypeSP, names[i]); if (!sp) { FrameTypeSP.s = IPS_ALERT; IDSetSwitch(&FrameTypeSP, "Unknown error. %s is not a member of %s property.", names[0], name); return; } /* NORMAL, BIAS, or FLAT */ if ( (sp == &FrameTypeS[LIGHT_FRAME] || sp == &FrameTypeS[FLAT_FRAME]) && states[i] == ISS_ON) { if (sp == &FrameTypeS[LIGHT_FRAME]) FLIImg->frameType = LIGHT_FRAME; else FLIImg->frameType = FLAT_FRAME; if ((err = FLISetFrameType(fli_dev, FLI_FRAME_TYPE_NORMAL) )) { IUResetSwitch(&FrameTypeSP); FrameTypeS[LIGHT_FRAME].s = ISS_ON; FrameTypeSP.s = IPS_ALERT; IDSetSwitch(&FrameTypeSP, "FLISetFrameType() failed. %s.\n", strerror((int)-err)); IDLog("FLISetFrameType() failed. %s.\n", strerror((int)-err)); return; } IUResetSwitch(&FrameTypeSP); sp->s = ISS_ON; FrameTypeSP.s = IPS_OK; IDSetSwitch(&FrameTypeSP, NULL); break; } /* DARK AND BIAS */ else if ( (sp == &FrameTypeS[DARK_FRAME] || sp == &FrameTypeS[BIAS_FRAME]) && states[i] == ISS_ON) { if (sp == &FrameTypeS[DARK_FRAME]) FLIImg->frameType = DARK_FRAME; else FLIImg->frameType = BIAS_FRAME; if ((err = FLISetFrameType(fli_dev, FLI_FRAME_TYPE_DARK) )) { IUResetSwitch(&FrameTypeSP); FrameTypeS[LIGHT_FRAME].s = ISS_ON; FrameTypeSP.s = IPS_ALERT; IDSetSwitch(&FrameTypeSP, "FLISetFrameType() failed. %s.\n", strerror((int)-err)); IDLog("FLISetFrameType() failed. %s.\n", strerror((int)-err)); return; } IUResetSwitch(&FrameTypeSP); sp->s = ISS_ON; FrameTypeSP.s = IPS_OK; IDSetSwitch(&FrameTypeSP, NULL); break; } } /* For loop */ return; } } void ISNewText (const char *dev, const char *name, char *texts[], char *names[], int n) { ISInit(); /* ignore if not ours */ if (dev && strcmp (mydev, dev)) return; /* suppress warning */ n=n; dev=dev; name=name; names=names; texts=texts; } void ISNewNumber (const char *dev, const char *name, double values[], char *names[], int n) { long err; int i; INumber *np; char errmsg[ERRMSG_SIZE]; /* ignore if not ours */ if (dev && strcmp (dev, mydev)) return; ISInit(); /* Exposure time */ if (!strcmp (ExposeTimeWNP.name, name)) { if (checkPowerN(&ExposeTimeWNP)) return; if (ExposeTimeWNP.s == IPS_BUSY) { if ( (err = FLICancelExposure(fli_dev))) { ExposeTimeWNP.s = IPS_ALERT; IDSetNumber(&ExposeTimeWNP, "FLICancelExposure() failed. %s.", strerror((int)-err)); IDLog("FLICancelExposure() failed. %s.\n", strerror((int)-err)); return; } ExposeTimeWNP.s = IPS_IDLE; ExposeTimeRNP.s = IPS_IDLE; ExposeTimeRN[0].value = 0; IDSetNumber(&ExposeTimeWNP, "Exposure cancelled."); IDSetNumber(&ExposeTimeRNP, NULL); IDLog("Exposure Cancelled.\n"); return; } np = IUFindNumber(&ExposeTimeWNP, names[0]); if (!np) { ExposeTimeWNP.s = IPS_ALERT; IDSetNumber(&ExposeTimeWNP, "Error: %s is not a member of %s property.", names[0], name); return; } np->value = values[0]; FLIImg->expose = (int) (values[0] * 1000.); /* Set duration */ if ( (err = FLISetExposureTime(fli_dev, np->value * 1000.) )) { ExposeTimeWNP.s = IPS_ALERT; IDSetNumber(&ExposeTimeWNP, "FLISetExposureTime() failed. %s.\n", strerror((int)-err)); IDLog("FLISetExposureTime() failed. %s.\n", strerror((int)-err)); return; } IDLog("Exposure Time (ms) is: %g\n", np->value * 1000.); handleExposure(NULL); return; } if (!strcmp(TemperatureNP.name, name)) { if (checkPowerN(&TemperatureNP)) return; TemperatureNP.s = IPS_IDLE; np = IUFindNumber(&TemperatureNP, names[0]); if (!np) { IDSetNumber(&TemperatureNP, "Unknown error. %s is not a member of %s property.", names[0], name); return; } if (values[0] < MIN_CCD_TEMP || values[0] > MAX_CCD_TEMP) { IDSetNumber(&TemperatureNP, "Error: valid range of temperature is from %d to %d", MIN_CCD_TEMP, MAX_CCD_TEMP); return; } if ( (err = FLISetTemperature(fli_dev, values[0]))) { IDSetNumber(&TemperatureNP, "FLISetTemperature() failed. %s.", strerror((int)-err)); IDLog("FLISetTemperature() failed. %s.", strerror((int)-err)); return; } FLICam->temperature = values[0]; TemperatureNP.s = IPS_BUSY; IDSetNumber(&TemperatureNP, "Setting CCD temperature to %+06.2f C", values[0]); IDLog("Setting CCD temperature to %+06.2f C\n", values[0]); return; } if (!strcmp(FrameNP.name, name)) { int nset=0; if (checkPowerN(&FrameNP)) return; FrameNP.s = IPS_IDLE; for (i=0; i < n ; i++) { np = IUFindNumber(&FrameNP, names[i]); if (!np) { IDSetNumber(&FrameNP, "Unknown error. %s is not a member of %s property.", names[0], name); return; } /* X or Width */ if (np == &FrameN[0] || np==&FrameN[2]) { if (values[i] < 0 || values[i] > FLICam->width) break; nset++; np->value = values[i]; } /* Y or height */ else if (np == &FrameN[1] || np==&FrameN[3]) { if (values[i] < 0 || values[i] > FLICam->height) break; nset++; np->value = values[i]; } } if (nset < 4) { IDSetNumber(&FrameNP, "Invalid range. Valid range is (0,0) - (%0d,%0d)", FLICam->width, FLICam->height); IDLog("Invalid range. Valid range is (0,0) - (%0d,%0d)", FLICam->width, FLICam->height); return; } if (setImageArea(errmsg)) { IDSetNumber(&FrameNP, "%s", errmsg); return; } FrameNP.s = IPS_OK; /* Adjusting image width and height */ FLIImg->width = FrameN[2].value; FLIImg->height = FrameN[3].value; IDSetNumber(&FrameNP, NULL); } /* end FrameNP */ if (!strcmp(BinningNP.name, name)) { if (checkPowerN(&BinningNP)) return; BinningNP.s = IPS_IDLE; for (i=0 ; i < n ; i++) { np = IUFindNumber(&BinningNP, names[i]); if (!np) { IDSetNumber(&BinningNP, "Unknown error. %s is not a member of %s property.", names[0], name); return; } /* X binning */ if (np == &BinningN[0]) { if (values[i] < 1 || values[i] > MAX_X_BIN) { IDSetNumber(&BinningNP, "Error: Valid X bin values are from 1 to %g", MAX_X_BIN); IDLog("Error: Valid X bin values are from 1 to %g", MAX_X_BIN); return; } if ( (err = FLISetHBin(fli_dev, values[i]))) { IDSetNumber(&BinningNP, "FLISetHBin() failed. %s.", strerror((int)-err)); IDLog("FLISetHBin() failed. %s.", strerror((int)-err)); return; } np->value = values[i]; } else if (np == &BinningN[1]) { if (values[i] < 1 || values[i] > MAX_Y_BIN) { IDSetNumber(&BinningNP, "Error: Valid Y bin values are from 1 to %g", MAX_Y_BIN); IDLog("Error: Valid X bin values are from 1 to %g", MAX_Y_BIN); return; } if ( (err = FLISetVBin(fli_dev, values[i]))) { IDSetNumber(&BinningNP, "FLISetVBin() failed. %s.", strerror((int)-err)); IDLog("FLISetVBin() failed. %s.", strerror((int)-err)); return; } np->value = values[i]; } } /* end for */ if (setImageArea(errmsg)) { IDSetNumber(&BinningNP, errmsg, NULL); IDLog("%s", errmsg); return; } BinningNP.s = IPS_OK; IDLog("Binning is: %.0f x %.0f\n", BinningN[0].value, BinningN[1].value); IDSetNumber(&BinningNP, NULL); return; } } void ISPoll(void *p) { long err; long timeleft; double ccdTemp; if (!isCCDConnected()) { IEAddTimer (POLLMS, ISPoll, NULL); return; } /*IDLog("In Poll.\n");*/ switch (ExposeTimeWNP.s) { case IPS_IDLE: break; case IPS_OK: break; case IPS_BUSY: if ( (err = FLIGetExposureStatus(fli_dev, &timeleft))) { ExposeTimeWNP.s = IPS_ALERT; ExposeTimeRN[0].value = 0; IDSetNumber(&ExposeTimeWNP, "FLIGetExposureStatus() failed. %s.", strerror((int)-err)); IDSetNumber(&ExposeTimeRNP, NULL); IDLog("FLIGetExposureStatus() failed. %s.\n", strerror((int)-err)); break; } if (timeleft > 0) { ExposeTimeRN[0].value = timeleft / 1000.; IDSetNumber(&ExposeTimeRNP, NULL); break; } /* We're done exposing */ /*ExposeTimeWNP.s = IPS_OK;*/ ExposeTimeRNP.s = IPS_OK; ExposeTimeRN[0].value = 0; IDSetNumber(&ExposeTimeWNP, "Exposure done, downloading image..."); IDSetNumber(&ExposeTimeRNP, NULL); IDLog("Exposure done, downloading image...\n"); /* grab and save image */ grabImage(); break; case IPS_ALERT: break; } switch (TemperatureNP.s) { case IPS_IDLE: case IPS_OK: if ( (err = FLIGetTemperature(fli_dev, &ccdTemp))) { TemperatureNP.s = IPS_IDLE; IDSetNumber(&TemperatureNP, "FLIGetTemperature() failed. %s.", strerror((int)-err)); IDLog("FLIGetTemperature() failed. %s.", strerror((int)-err)); return; } if (fabs(TemperatureN[0].value - ccdTemp) >= TEMP_THRESHOLD) { TemperatureN[0].value = ccdTemp; IDSetNumber(&TemperatureNP, NULL); } break; case IPS_BUSY: if ((err = FLIGetTemperature(fli_dev, &ccdTemp))) { TemperatureNP.s = IPS_ALERT; IDSetNumber(&TemperatureNP, "FLIGetTemperature() failed. %s.", strerror((int)-err)); IDLog("FLIGetTemperature() failed. %s.", strerror((int)-err)); return; } if (fabs(FLICam->temperature - ccdTemp) <= TEMP_THRESHOLD) TemperatureNP.s = IPS_OK; TemperatureN[0].value = ccdTemp; IDSetNumber(&TemperatureNP, NULL); break; case IPS_ALERT: break; } p=p; IEAddTimer (POLLMS, ISPoll, NULL); } /* Sets the Image area that the CCD will scan and download. We compensate for binning. */ int setImageArea(char errmsg[]) { long x_1, y_1, x_2, y_2; long err; /* Add the X and Y offsets */ x_1 = FrameN[0].value + FLICam->Visible_Area[0]; y_1 = FrameN[1].value + FLICam->Visible_Area[1]; x_2 = x_1 + (FrameN[2].value / BinningN[0].value); y_2 = y_1 + (FrameN[3].value / BinningN[1].value); if (x_2 > FLICam->Visible_Area[2]) x_2 = FLICam->Visible_Area[2]; if (y_2 > FLICam->Visible_Area[3]) y_2 = FLICam->Visible_Area[3]; IDLog("The Final image area is (%ld, %ld), (%ld, %ld)\n", x_1, y_1, x_2, y_2); FLIImg->width = x_2 - x_1; FLIImg->height = y_2 - y_1; if ( (err = FLISetImageArea(fli_dev, x_1, y_1, x_2, y_2) )) { snprintf(errmsg, ERRMSG_SIZE, "FLISetImageArea() failed. %s.\n", strerror((int)-err)); IDLog("%s", errmsg); return -1; } return 0; } /* Downloads the image from the CCD row by row and store them in a raw file. N.B. No processing is done on the image */ int grabImage() { long err; int img_size,i, fd; char errmsg[ERRMSG_SIZE]; char filename[TEMPFILE_LEN] = "/tmp/fitsXXXXXX"; if ((fd = mkstemp(filename)) < 0) { IDMessage(mydev, "Error making temporary filename."); IDLog("Error making temporary filename.\n"); return -1; } close(fd); img_size = FLIImg->width * FLIImg->height * sizeof(unsigned short); FLIImg->img = malloc (img_size); if (FLIImg->img == NULL) { IDMessage(mydev, "Not enough memory to store image."); IDLog("Not enough memory to store image.\n"); return -1; } for (i=0; i < FLIImg->height ; i++) { if ( (err = FLIGrabRow(fli_dev, &FLIImg->img[i * FLIImg->width], FLIImg->width))) { free(FLIImg->img); IDMessage(mydev, "FLIGrabRow() failed at row %d. %s.", i, strerror((int)-err)); IDLog("FLIGrabRow() failed at row %d. %s.\n", i, strerror((int)-err)); return -1; } } IDMessage(mydev, "Download complete.\n"); /*err = (ImageFormatS[0].s == ISS_ON) ? writeFITS(FileNameT[0].text, errmsg) : writeRAW(FileNameT[0].text, errmsg);*/ err = writeFITS(filename, errmsg); if (err) { free(FLIImg->img); IDMessage(mydev, errmsg, NULL); return -1; } free(FLIImg->img); return 0; } int writeFITS(const char* filename, char errmsg[]) { fitsfile *fptr; /* pointer to the FITS file; defined in fitsio.h */ int status; long fpixel = 1, naxis = 2, nelements; long naxes[2]; char filename_rw[TEMPFILE_LEN+1]; naxes[0] = FLIImg->width; naxes[1] = FLIImg->height; /* Append ! to file name to over write it.*/ snprintf(filename_rw, TEMPFILE_LEN+1, "!%s", filename); status = 0; /* initialize status before calling fitsio routines */ fits_create_file(&fptr, filename_rw, &status); /* create new file */ /* Create the primary array image (16-bit short integer pixels */ fits_create_img(fptr, USHORT_IMG, naxis, naxes, &status); addFITSKeywords(fptr); nelements = naxes[0] * naxes[1]; /* number of pixels to write */ /* Write the array of integers to the image */ fits_write_img(fptr, TUSHORT, fpixel, nelements, FLIImg->img, &status); fits_close_file(fptr, &status); /* close the file */ fits_report_error(stderr, status); /* print out any error messages */ /* Success */ ExposeTimeWNP.s = IPS_OK; IDSetNumber(&ExposeTimeWNP, NULL); uploadFile(filename); unlink(filename); return status; } void addFITSKeywords(fitsfile *fptr) { int status=0; char binning_s[32]; char frame_s[32]; double min_val, max_val; /*pixel_size = (float) PixelSizeN[0].value; min_val = min(); max_val = max(); temp = (float) TemperatureN[0].value; expose = (float) FLIImg->expose;*/ snprintf(binning_s, 32, "(%g x %g)", BinningN[0].value, BinningN[1].value); switch (FLIImg->frameType) { case LIGHT_FRAME: strcpy(frame_s, "Light"); break; case BIAS_FRAME: strcpy(frame_s, "Bias"); break; case FLAT_FRAME: strcpy(frame_s, "Flat Field"); break; case DARK_FRAME: strcpy(frame_s, "Dark"); break; } fits_update_key(fptr, TDOUBLE, "CCD-TEMP", &(TemperatureN[0].value), "CCD Temperature (Celcius)", &status); fits_update_key(fptr, TDOUBLE, "EXPOSURE", &(FLIImg->expose), "Total Exposure Time (ms)", &status); fits_update_key(fptr, TDOUBLE, "PIX-SIZ", &(PixelSizeN[0].value), "Pixel Size (microns)", &status); fits_update_key(fptr, TSTRING, "BINNING", binning_s, "Binning HOR x VER", &status); fits_update_key(fptr, TSTRING, "FRAME", frame_s, "Frame Type", &status); fits_update_key(fptr, TDOUBLE, "DATAMIN", &min_val, "Minimum value", &status); fits_update_key(fptr, TDOUBLE, "DATAMAX", &max_val, "Maximum value", &status); fits_update_key(fptr, TSTRING, "INSTRUME", "Finger Lakes Instruments", "CCD Name", &status); fits_write_date(fptr, &status); } void uploadFile(const char* filename) { FILE * fitsFile; unsigned char *fitsData, *compressedData; int r=0; unsigned int i =0, nr = 0; uLongf compressedBytes=0; uLong totalBytes; struct stat stat_p; if ( -1 == stat (filename, &stat_p)) { IDLog(" Error occurred attempting to stat file.\n"); return; } totalBytes = stat_p.st_size; fitsData = (unsigned char *) malloc (sizeof(unsigned char) * totalBytes); compressedData = (unsigned char *) malloc (sizeof(unsigned char) * totalBytes + totalBytes / 64 + 16 + 3); if (fitsData == NULL || compressedData == NULL) { if (fitsData) free(fitsData); if (compressedData) free(compressedData); IDLog("Error! low memory. Unable to initialize fits buffers.\n"); return; } fitsFile = fopen(filename, "r"); if (fitsFile == NULL) return; /* #1 Read file from disk */ for (i=0; i < totalBytes; i+= nr) { nr = fread(fitsData + i, 1, totalBytes - i, fitsFile); if (nr <= 0) { IDLog("Error reading temporary FITS file.\n"); return; } } fclose(fitsFile); compressedBytes = sizeof(char) * totalBytes + totalBytes / 64 + 16 + 3; /* #2 Compress it */ r = compress2(compressedData, &compressedBytes, fitsData, totalBytes, 9); if (r != Z_OK) { /* this should NEVER happen */ IDLog("internal error - compression failed: %d\n", r); return; } /* #3 Send it */ imageB.blob = compressedData; imageB.bloblen = compressedBytes; imageB.size = totalBytes; strcpy(imageB.format, ".fits.z"); imageBP.s = IPS_OK; IDSetBLOB (&imageBP, NULL); free (fitsData); free (compressedData); } /* Initiates the exposure procedure */ void handleExposure(void *p) { long err; /* no warning */ p=p; /* BIAS frame is the same as DARK but with minimum period. i.e. readout from camera electronics. */ if (FLIImg->frameType == BIAS_FRAME) { if ((err = FLISetExposureTime(fli_dev, 50))) { ExposeTimeWNP.s = IPS_ALERT; IDSetNumber(&ExposeTimeWNP, "FLISetExposureTime() failed. %s.\n", strerror((int)-err)); IDLog("FLISetExposureTime() failed. %s.\n", strerror((int)-err)); return; } } if ((err = FLIExposeFrame(fli_dev))) { ExposeTimeWNP.s = IPS_ALERT; IDSetNumber(&ExposeTimeWNP, "FLIExposeFrame() failed. %s.", strerror((int)-err)); IDLog("FLIExposeFrame() failed. %s.\n", strerror((int)-err)); return; } ExposeTimeWNP.s = IPS_BUSY; IDSetNumber(&ExposeTimeWNP, "Taking a %g seconds frame...", FLIImg->expose / 1000.); IDLog("Taking a frame...\n"); } /* Retrieves basic data from the CCD upon connection like temperature, array size, firmware..etc */ void getBasicData() { char buff[2048]; long err; IDLog("In getBasicData()\n"); if ((err = FLIGetModel (fli_dev, buff, 2048))) { IDMessage(mydev, "FLIGetModel() failed. %s.", strerror((int)-err)); IDLog("FLIGetModel() failed. %s.\n", strerror((int)-err)); return; } else { if ( (FLICam->model = malloc (sizeof(char) * 2048)) == NULL) { IDMessage(mydev, "malloc() failed."); IDLog("malloc() failed."); return; } strcpy(FLICam->model, buff); } if (( err = FLIGetHWRevision(fli_dev, &FLICam->HWRevision))) { IDMessage(mydev, "FLIGetHWRevision() failed. %s.", strerror((int)-err)); IDLog("FLIGetHWRevision() failed. %s.\n", strerror((int)-err)); return; } if (( err = FLIGetFWRevision(fli_dev, &FLICam->FWRevision))) { IDMessage(mydev, "FLIGetFWRevision() failed. %s.", strerror((int)-err)); IDLog("FLIGetFWRevision() failed. %s.\n", strerror((int)-err)); return; } if (( err = FLIGetPixelSize(fli_dev, &FLICam->x_pixel_size, &FLICam->y_pixel_size))) { IDMessage(mydev, "FLIGetPixelSize() failed. %s.", strerror((int)-err)); IDLog("FLIGetPixelSize() failed. %s.\n", strerror((int)-err)); return; } FLICam->x_pixel_size *= 1e6; FLICam->y_pixel_size *= 1e6; if (( err = FLIGetArrayArea(fli_dev, &FLICam->Array_Area[0], &FLICam->Array_Area[1], &FLICam->Array_Area[2], &FLICam->Array_Area[3]))) { IDMessage(mydev, "FLIGetArrayArea() failed. %s.", strerror((int)-err)); IDLog("FLIGetArrayArea() failed. %s.\n", strerror((int)-err)); return; } if (( err = FLIGetVisibleArea( fli_dev, &FLICam->Visible_Area[0], &FLICam->Visible_Area[1], &FLICam->Visible_Area[2], &FLICam->Visible_Area[3]))) { IDMessage(mydev, "FLIGetVisibleArea() failed. %s.", strerror((int)-err)); IDLog("FLIGetVisibleArea() failed. %s.\n", strerror((int)-err)); } if (( err = FLIGetTemperature(fli_dev, &FLICam->temperature))) { IDMessage(mydev, "FLIGetTemperature() failed. %s.", strerror((int)-err)); IDLog("FLIGetTemperature() failed. %s.\n", strerror((int)-err)); return; } IDLog("The CCD Temperature is %f.\n", FLICam->temperature); PixelSizeN[0].value = FLICam->x_pixel_size; /* Pixel width (um) */ PixelSizeN[1].value = FLICam->y_pixel_size; /* Pixel height (um) */ TemperatureN[0].value = FLICam->temperature; /* CCD chip temperatre (degrees C) */ FrameN[0].value = 0; /* X */ FrameN[1].value = 0; /* Y */ FrameN[2].value = FLICam->Visible_Area[2] - FLICam->Visible_Area[0]; /* Frame Width */ FrameN[3].value = FLICam->Visible_Area[3] - FLICam->Visible_Area[1]; /* Frame Height */ FLICam->width = FLIImg->width = FrameN[2].value; FLICam->height = FLIImg->width = FrameN[3].value; BinningN[0].value = BinningN[1].value = 1; IDLog("The Camera Width is %d ---- %d\n", (int) FLICam->width, (int) FrameN[2].value); IDLog("The Camera Height is %d ---- %d\n", (int) FLICam->height, (int) FrameN[3].value); IDSetNumber(&PixelSizeNP, NULL); IDSetNumber(&TemperatureNP, NULL); IDSetNumber(&FrameNP, NULL); IDSetNumber(&BinningNP, NULL); IDLog("Exiting getBasicData()\n"); } int manageDefaults(char errmsg[]) { long err; /*int exposeTimeMS; exposeTimeMS = (int) (ExposeTimeWN[0].value * 1000.); IDLog("Setting default exposure time of %d ms.\n", exposeTimeMS); if ( (err = FLISetExposureTime(fli_dev, exposeTimeMS) )) { snprintf(errmsg, ERRMSG_SIZE, "FLISetExposureTime() failed. %s.\n", strerror((int)-err)); IDLog(errmsg, NULL); return -1; }*/ /* Default frame type is NORMAL */ if ( (err = FLISetFrameType(fli_dev, FLI_FRAME_TYPE_NORMAL) )) { snprintf(errmsg, ERRMSG_SIZE, "FLISetFrameType() failed. %s.\n", strerror((int)-err)); IDLog(errmsg, NULL); return -1; } /* X horizontal binning */ if ( (err = FLISetHBin(fli_dev, BinningN[0].value) )) { snprintf(errmsg, ERRMSG_SIZE, "FLISetBin() failed. %s.\n", strerror((int)-err)); IDLog(errmsg, NULL); return -1; } /* Y vertical binning */ if ( (err = FLISetVBin(fli_dev, BinningN[1].value) )) { snprintf(errmsg, ERRMSG_SIZE, "FLISetVBin() failed. %s.\n", strerror((int)-err)); IDLog(errmsg, NULL); return -1; } IDLog("Setting default binning %f x %f.\n", BinningN[0].value, BinningN[1].value); FLISetNFlushes(fli_dev, NFLUSHES); /* Set image area */ if (setImageArea(errmsg)) return -1; /* Success */ return 0; } int getOnSwitch(ISwitchVectorProperty *sp) { int i=0; for (i=0; i < sp->nsp ; i++) { /*IDLog("Switch %s is %s\n", sp->sp[i].name, sp->sp[i].s == ISS_ON ? "On" : "Off");*/ if (sp->sp[i].s == ISS_ON) return i; } return -1; } int checkPowerS(ISwitchVectorProperty *sp) { if (ConnectSP.s != IPS_OK) { if (!strcmp(sp->label, "")) IDMessage (mydev, "Cannot change property %s while the CCD is offline.", sp->name); else IDMessage (mydev, "Cannot change property %s while the CCD is offline.", sp->label); sp->s = IPS_IDLE; IDSetSwitch(sp, NULL); return -1; } return 0; } int checkPowerN(INumberVectorProperty *np) { if (ConnectSP.s != IPS_OK) { if (!strcmp(np->label, "")) IDMessage (mydev, "Cannot change property %s while the CCD is offline.", np->name); else IDMessage (mydev, "Cannot change property %s while the CCD is offline.", np->label); np->s = IPS_IDLE; IDSetNumber(np, NULL); return -1; } return 0; } int checkPowerT(ITextVectorProperty *tp) { if (ConnectSP.s != IPS_OK) { if (!strcmp(tp->label, "")) IDMessage (mydev, "Cannot change property %s while the CCD is offline.", tp->name); else IDMessage (mydev, "Cannot change property %s while the CCD is offline.", tp->label); tp->s = IPS_IDLE; IDSetText(tp, NULL); return -1; } return 0; } void connectCCD() { long err; char errmsg[ERRMSG_SIZE]; IDLog ("In ConnectCCD\n"); /* USB by default {USB, SERIAL, PARALLEL, INET} */ switch (ConnectS[0].s) { case ISS_ON: IDLog("Current portSwitch is %d\n", portSwitchIndex); IDLog("Attempting to find the camera in domain %ld\n", Domains[portSwitchIndex]); if (findcam(Domains[portSwitchIndex])) { ConnectSP.s = IPS_IDLE; ConnectS[0].s = ISS_OFF; ConnectS[1].s = ISS_ON; IDSetSwitch(&ConnectSP, "Error: no cameras were detected."); IDLog("Error: no cameras were detected.\n"); return; } if ((err = FLIOpen(&fli_dev, FLICam->name, FLIDEVICE_CAMERA | FLICam->domain))) { ConnectSP.s = IPS_IDLE; ConnectS[0].s = ISS_OFF; ConnectS[1].s = ISS_ON; IDSetSwitch(&ConnectSP, "Error: FLIOpen() failed. %s.", strerror( (int) -err)); IDLog("Error: FLIOpen() failed. %s.\n", strerror( (int) -err)); return; } /* Sucess! */ ConnectS[0].s = ISS_ON; ConnectS[1].s = ISS_OFF; ConnectSP.s = IPS_OK; IDSetSwitch(&ConnectSP, "CCD is online. Retrieving basic data."); IDLog("CCD is online. Retrieving basic data.\n"); getBasicData(); if (manageDefaults(errmsg)) { IDMessage(mydev, errmsg, NULL); IDLog("%s", errmsg); return; } break; case ISS_OFF: ConnectS[0].s = ISS_OFF; ConnectS[1].s = ISS_ON; ConnectSP.s = IPS_IDLE; if ((err = FLIClose(fli_dev))) { ConnectSP.s = IPS_IDLE; ConnectS[0].s = ISS_OFF; ConnectS[1].s = ISS_ON; IDSetSwitch(&ConnectSP, "Error: FLIClose() failed. %s.", strerror( (int) -err)); IDLog("Error: FLIClose() failed. %s.\n", strerror( (int) -err)); return; } IDSetSwitch(&ConnectSP, "CCD is offline."); break; } } /* isCCDConnected: return 1 if we have a connection, 0 otherwise */ int isCCDConnected(void) { return ((ConnectS[0].s == ISS_ON) ? 1 : 0); } int findcam(flidomain_t domain) { char **tmplist; long err; IDLog("In find Camera, the domain is %ld\n", domain); if (( err = FLIList(domain | FLIDEVICE_CAMERA, &tmplist))) { IDLog("FLIList() failed. %s\n", strerror((int)-err)); return -1; } if (tmplist != NULL && tmplist[0] != NULL) { int i; IDLog("Trying to allocate memory to FLICam\n"); if ((FLICam = malloc (sizeof (cam_t))) == NULL) { IDLog("malloc() failed.\n"); return -1; } for (i = 0; tmplist[i] != NULL; i++) { int j; for (j = 0; tmplist[i][j] != '\0'; j++) if (tmplist[i][j] == ';') { tmplist[i][j] = '\0'; break; } } FLICam->domain = domain; switch (domain) { case FLIDOMAIN_PARALLEL_PORT: FLICam->dname = strdup("parallel port"); break; case FLIDOMAIN_USB: FLICam->dname = strdup("USB"); break; case FLIDOMAIN_SERIAL: FLICam->dname = strdup("serial"); break; case FLIDOMAIN_INET: FLICam->dname = strdup("inet"); break; default: FLICam->dname = strdup("Unknown domain"); } FLICam->name = strdup(tmplist[0]); if ((err = FLIFreeList(tmplist))) { IDLog("FLIFreeList() failed. %s.\n", strerror((int)-err)); return -1; } } /* end if */ else { if ((err = FLIFreeList(tmplist))) { IDLog("FLIFreeList() failed. %s.\n", strerror((int)-err)); return -1; } return -1; } IDLog("Findcam() finished successfully.\n"); return 0; } double min() { double lmin = FLIImg->img[0]; int ind=0, i, j; for (i= 0; i < FLIImg->height ; i++) for (j= 0; j < FLIImg->width; j++) { ind = (i * FLIImg->width) + j; if (FLIImg->img[ind] < lmin) lmin = FLIImg->img[ind]; } return lmin; } double max() { double lmax = FLIImg->img[0]; int ind=0, i, j; for (i= 0; i < FLIImg->height ; i++) for (j= 0; j < FLIImg->width; j++) { ind = (i * FLIImg->width) + j; if (FLIImg->img[ind] > lmax) lmax = FLIImg->img[ind]; } return lmax; }