/* * Telescope Control Protocol for Celestron NexStar GPS telescopes * * Copyright 2003 John Kielkopf * John Kielkopf (kielkopf@louisville.edu) * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * * 15 May 2003 -- Version 2.00 * * * */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* do NOT change this to config-kstars.h! INDI is independent of KStars*/ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif #ifndef _WIN32 #include #endif #include #include "celestronprotocol.h" #define NULL_PTR(x) (x *)0 /* There are two classes of routines defined here: */ /* XmTel commands to allow easy NexStar access. These */ /* include routines that mimic the extensive LX200 command */ /* language and, for the most part, trap calls and */ /* respond with an error message to the console. */ /* NexStar specific commands and data. */ /* The NexStar command set as documented by Celestron */ /* is very limited. This version of xmtel uses ta few */ /* auxilliary commands which permit direct access to the motor */ /* controllers. */ /* XmTel compatibility commands */ int ConnectTel(char *port); void DisconnectTel(void); int CheckConnectTel(void); void SetRate(int newRate); void SetLimits(double limitLower, double limitHigher); void StartSlew(int direction); void StopSlew(int direction); double GetRA(void); double GetDec(void); int SlewToCoords(double newRA, double newDec); int SyncToCoords(double newRA, double newDec); int CheckCoords(double desRA, double desDec, double tolRA, double tolDEC); void StopNSEW(void); int SetSlewRate(void); int SyncLST(double newTime); int SyncLocalTime(void); void Reticle(int reticle); void Focus(int focus); void Derotator(int rotate); void Fan(int fan); static int TelPortFD; static int TelConnectFlag = 0; /* NexStar local data */ static double returnRA; /* Last update of RA */ static double returnDec; /* Last update of Dec */ static int updateRA; /* Set if no RA inquiry since last update */ static int updateDec; /* Set if no Dec inquiry since last update */ static int slewRate; /* Rate for slew request in StartSlew */ /* Coordinate reported by NexStar = true coordinate + offset. */ static double offsetRA = 0; /* Correction to RA from NexStar */ static double offsetDec = 0; /* Correction to Dec from NexStar */ /* NexStar local commands */ void GetRAandDec(void); /* Update RA and Dec from NexStar */ /* Serial communication utilities */ typedef fd_set telfds; static int readn(int fd, char *ptr, int nbytes, int sec); static int writen(int fd, char *ptr, int nbytes); static int telstat(int fd,int sec,int usec); int CheckConnectTel(void) { return TelConnectFlag; } int ConnectTel(char *port) { #ifdef _WIN32 return -1; #else struct termios tty; char returnStr[128]; int numRead; fprintf(stderr, "Connecting to port: %s\n",port); if(TelConnectFlag != 0) return 0; /* Make the connection */ TelPortFD = open(port,O_RDWR); if(TelPortFD == -1) return -1; tcgetattr(TelPortFD,&tty); cfsetospeed(&tty, (speed_t) B9600); cfsetispeed(&tty, (speed_t) B9600); tty.c_cflag = (tty.c_cflag & ~CSIZE) | CS8; tty.c_iflag = IGNBRK; tty.c_lflag = 0; tty.c_oflag = 0; tty.c_cflag |= CLOCAL | CREAD; tty.c_cc[VMIN] = 1; tty.c_cc[VTIME] = 5; tty.c_iflag &= ~(IXON|IXOFF|IXANY); tty.c_cflag &= ~(PARENB | PARODD); tcsetattr(TelPortFD, TCSANOW, &tty); /* Flush the input (read) buffer */ tcflush(TelPortFD,TCIOFLUSH); /* Test connection */ writen(TelPortFD,"Kx",2); numRead=readn(TelPortFD,returnStr,3,2); returnStr[numRead] = '\0'; /* Diagnostic tests */ fprintf(stderr, "ConnectTel read %d characters: %s\n",numRead,returnStr); fprintf(stderr, "TelConnectFlag set to: %d\n",TelConnectFlag); if (numRead == 2) { TelConnectFlag = 1; return (0); } else return -1; #endif } /* Assign and save slewRate for use in StartSlew */ void SetRate(int newRate) { if(newRate == SLEW) { slewRate = 9; } else if(newRate == FIND) { slewRate = 6; } else if(newRate == CENTER) { slewRate = 3; } else if(newRate == GUIDE) { slewRate = 1; } } /* Start a slew in chosen direction at slewRate */ /* Use auxilliary NexStar command set through the hand control computer */ void StartSlew(int direction) { char slewCmd[] = { 0x50, 0x02, 0x11, 0x24, 0x09, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 }; char inputStr[2048]; if(direction == NORTH) { slewCmd[2] = 0x11; slewCmd[3] = 0x24; slewCmd[4] = slewRate; } else if(direction == EAST) { slewCmd[2] = 0x10; slewCmd[3] = 0x25; slewCmd[4] = slewRate; } else if(direction == SOUTH) { slewCmd[2] = 0x11; slewCmd[3] = 0x25; slewCmd[4] = slewRate; } else if(direction == WEST) { slewCmd[2] = 0x10; slewCmd[3] = 0x24; slewCmd[4] = slewRate; } writen(TelPortFD,slewCmd,8); /* Look for '#' acknowledgment of request*/ for (;;) { if ( readn(TelPortFD,inputStr,1,1) ) { if (inputStr[0] == '#') break; } else { fprintf(stderr,"No acknowledgment from telescope in StartSlew.\n"); } } } /* Stop the slew in chosen direction */ void StopSlew(int direction) { char slewCmd[] = { 0x50, 0x02, 0x11, 0x24, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 }; char inputStr[2048]; if(direction == NORTH) { slewCmd[2] = 0x11; slewCmd[3] = 0x24; } else if(direction == EAST) { slewCmd[2] = 0x10; slewCmd[3] = 0x24; } else if(direction == SOUTH) { slewCmd[2] = 0x11; slewCmd[3] = 0x24; } else if(direction == WEST) { slewCmd[2] = 0x10; slewCmd[3] = 0x24; } writen(TelPortFD,slewCmd,8); /* Look for '#' acknowledgment of request*/ for (;;) { if ( readn(TelPortFD,inputStr,1,1) ) { if (inputStr[0] == '#') break; } else { fprintf(stderr,"No acknowledgment from telescope in StartSlew.\n"); } } } void DisconnectTel(void) { /* printf("DisconnectTel\n"); */ if(TelConnectFlag == 1) close(TelPortFD); TelConnectFlag = 0; } /* Test update status and return the telescope right ascension */ /* Set updateRA flag false */ /* Last telescope readout will be returned if no RA inquiry since then */ /* Otherwise force a new readout */ /* Two successive calls to GetRA will always force a new readout */ double GetRA(void) { if( updateRA != 1) GetRAandDec(); updateRA = 0; return returnRA; } /* Test update status and return the telescope declination */ /* Set updateDec flag false */ /* Last telescope readout will returned if no Dec inquiry since then */ /* Otherwise force a new readout */ /* Two successive calls to GetDec will always force a new readout */ double GetDec(void) { if( updateDec != 1) GetRAandDec(); updateDec = 0; return returnDec; } /* Read the telescope right ascension and declination and set update status */ void GetRAandDec(void) { char returnStr[12]; int countRA,countDec; int numRead; writen(TelPortFD,"E",1); numRead=readn(TelPortFD,returnStr,10,1); returnStr[4] = returnStr[9] = '\0'; /* Diagnostic * * printf("GetRAandDec: %d read %x\n",numRead,returnStr); * */ sscanf(returnStr,"%x",&countRA); sscanf(returnStr+5,"%x:",&countDec); returnRA = (double) countRA; returnRA = returnRA / (3. * 15. * 60. * 65536./64800.); returnDec = (double) countDec; returnDec = returnDec / (3. * 60. * 65536./64800.); /* Account for the quadrant in declination */ /* 90 to 180 */ if ( (returnDec > 90.) && (returnDec <= 180.) ) { returnDec = 180. - returnDec; } /* 180 to 270 */ if ( (returnDec > 180.) && (returnDec <= 270.) ) { returnDec = returnDec - 270.; } /* 270 to 360 */ if ( (returnDec > 270.) && (returnDec <= 360.) ) { returnDec = returnDec - 360.; } /* Set update flags */ updateRA = 1; updateDec = 1; /* Correct for offsets and return true coordinate */ /* Coordinate reported by NexStar = true coordinate + offset. */ returnRA = returnRA - offsetRA; returnDec = returnDec - offsetDec; } /* Reset telescope coordinates to new coordinates by adjusting offsets*/ /* Coordinate reported by NexStar = true coordinate + offset. */ int SyncToCoords(double newRA, double newDec) { offsetRA = 0.; offsetDec = 0.; GetRAandDec(); offsetRA = returnRA - newRA; offsetDec = returnDec - newDec; return (0); } /* Slew to new coordinates */ /* Coordinate sent to NexStar = true coordinate + offset. */ int SlewToCoords(double newRA, double newDec) { int countRA,countDec; char r0,r1,r2,r3,d0,d1,d2,d3; double degs, hrs; char outputStr[32], inputStr[2048]; /* Add offsets */ hrs = newRA + offsetRA; degs = newDec + offsetDec; /* Convert float RA to integer count */ hrs = hrs*(3. * 15. * 60. * 65536./64800.); countRA = (int) hrs; /* Account for the quadrant in declination */ if ( (newDec >= 0.0) && (newDec <= 90.0) ) { degs = degs*(3. * 60. * 65536./64800.); } else if ( (newDec < 0.0) && (newDec >= -90.0) ) { degs = (360. + degs)*(3. * 60. * 65536./64800.); } else { fprintf(stderr,"Invalid newDec in SlewToCoords.\n"); return 1; } /* Convert float Declination to integer count */ countDec = (int) degs; /* Convert each integer count to four HEX characters */ /* Inline coding just to be fast */ if(countRA < 65536) { r0 = countRA % 16; if(r0 < 10) { r0 = r0 + 48; } else { r0 = r0 + 55; } countRA = countRA/16; r1 = countRA % 16; if(r1 < 10) { r1 = r1 + 48; } else { r1 = r1 + 55; } countRA = countRA/16; r2 = countRA % 16; if(r2 < 10) { r2 = r2 + 48; } else { r2 = r2 + 55; } r3 = countRA/16; if(r3 < 10) { r3 = r3 + 48; } else { r3 = r3 + 55; } } else { printf("RA count overflow in SlewToCoords.\n"); return 2; } if(countDec < 65536) { d0 = countDec % 16; if(d0 < 10) { d0 = d0 + 48; } else { d0 = d0 + 55; } countDec = countDec/16; d1 = countDec % 16; if(d1 < 10) { d1 = d1 + 48; } else { d1 = d1 + 55; } countDec = countDec/16; d2 = countDec % 16; if(d2 < 10) { d2 = d2 + 48; } else { d2 = d2 + 55; } d3 = countDec/16; if(d3 < 10) { d3 = d3 + 48; } else { d3 = d3 + 55; } } else { fprintf(stderr,"Dec count overflow in SlewToCoords.\n"); return 3; } /* Send the command and characters to the NexStar */ sprintf(outputStr,"R%c%c%c%c,%c%c%c%c",r3,r2,r1,r0,d3,d2,d1,d0); writen(TelPortFD,outputStr,10); /* Look for '#' in response */ for (;;) { if ( readn(TelPortFD,inputStr,1,2) ) { if (inputStr[0] == '#') break; } else fprintf(stderr,"No acknowledgment from telescope after SlewToCoords.\n"); return 4; } return 0; } /* Test whether the destination has been reached */ /* With the NexStar we use the goto in progress query */ /* Return value is */ /* 0 -- goto in progress */ /* 1 -- goto complete within tolerance */ /* 2 -- goto complete but outside tolerance */ int CheckCoords(double desRA, double desDec, double tolRA, double tolDEC) { double errorRA, errorDec, nowRA, nowDec; char inputStr[2048]; writen(TelPortFD,"L",1); /* Look for '0#' in response indicating goto is not in progress */ for (;;) { if ( readn(TelPortFD,inputStr,2,2) ) { if ( (inputStr[0] == '0') && (inputStr[1] == '#')) break; } else return 0; } nowRA=GetRA(); errorRA = nowRA - desRA; nowDec=GetDec(); errorDec = nowDec - desDec; /* For 6 minute of arc precision; change as needed. */ if( fabs(errorRA) > tolRA || fabs(errorDec) > tolDEC) return 1; else return 2; } /* Set lower and upper limits to protect hardware */ void SetLimits(double limitLower, double limitHigher) { limitLower = limitHigher; fprintf(stderr,"NexStar does not support software limits.\n"); } /* Set slew speed limited by MAXSLEWRATE */ int SetSlewRate(void) { fprintf(stderr,"NexStar does not support remote setting of slew rate.\n"); return 0; } /* Stop all slew motion */ void StopNSEW(void) { char inputStr[2048]; writen(TelPortFD,"M",1); /* Look for '#' */ for (;;) { if ( readn(TelPortFD,inputStr,1,1) ) { if (inputStr[0] == '#') break; } else { fprintf(stderr,"No acknowledgment from telescope in StopNSEW.\n"); } } } /* Control the reticle function using predefined values */ void Reticle(int reticle) { reticle = reticle; fprintf(stderr,"NexStar does not support remote setting of reticle.\n"); } /* Control the focus using predefined values */ void Focus(int focus) { focus = focus; fprintf(stderr,"NexStar does not support remote setting of focus.\n"); } /* Control the derotator using predefined values */ void Derotator(int rotate) { rotate = rotate; fprintf(stderr,"NexStar does not support an image derotator.\n"); } /* Control the fan using predefined values */ void Fan(int fan) { fan = fan; fprintf(stderr,"NexStar does not have a fan.\n"); } /* Time synchronization utilities */ /* Reset the telescope sidereal time */ int SyncLST(double newTime) { newTime = newTime; fprintf(stderr,"NexStar does not support remote setting of sidereal time.\n"); return -1; } /* Reset the telescope local time */ int SyncLocalTime() { fprintf(stderr,"NexStar does not support remote setting of local time.\n"); return -1; } /* Serial port utilities */ static int writen(fd, ptr, nbytes) int fd; char *ptr; int nbytes; { int nleft, nwritten; nleft = nbytes; while (nleft > 0) { nwritten = write (fd, ptr, nleft); if (nwritten <=0 ) break; nleft -= nwritten; ptr += nwritten; } return (nbytes - nleft); } static int readn(fd, ptr, nbytes, sec) int fd; char *ptr; int nbytes; int sec; { int status; int nleft, nread; nleft = nbytes; while (nleft > 0) { status = telstat(fd,sec,0); if (status <= 0 ) break; nread = read (fd, ptr, nleft); /* Diagnostic */ /* printf("readn: %d read\n", nread); */ if (nread <= 0) break; nleft -= nread; ptr += nread; } return (nbytes - nleft); } /* * Examines the read status of a file descriptor. * The timeout (sec, usec) specifies a maximum interval to * wait for data to be available in the descriptor. * To effect a poll, the timeout (sec, usec) should be 0. * Returns non-negative value on data available. * 0 indicates that the time limit referred by timeout expired. * On failure, it returns -1 and errno is set to indicate the * error. */ static int telstat(fd,sec,usec) register int fd, sec, usec; { int ret; int width; struct timeval timeout; telfds readfds; memset((char *)&readfds,0,sizeof(readfds)); FD_SET(fd, &readfds); width = fd+1; timeout.tv_sec = sec; timeout.tv_usec = usec; ret = select(width,&readfds,NULL_PTR(telfds),NULL_PTR(telfds),&timeout); return(ret); }