%!PS-Adobe-2.0 %%Creator: dvips(k) 5.92b Copyright 2002 Radical Eye Software %%Title: CERN-MEMPHYS.dvi %%Pages: 29 %%PageOrder: Ascend %%BoundingBox: 0 0 596 842 %%DocumentFonts: CMR12 CMBX12 CMMI8 CMTI12 CMBX10 CMR10 CMMI10 CMR8 %%+ CMMI12 CMSY10 CMSY8 MSAM10 CMR6 CMSY6 CMR7 CMMI7 CMMI5 CMSY7 %%+ Times-Roman Symbol ZapfDingbats Times-Bold CMMI6 Times-Italic CMTT12 %%DocumentPaperSizes: a4 %%EndComments %DVIPSWebPage: (www.radicaleye.com) %DVIPSCommandLine: dvips CERN-MEMPHYS.dvi -o %DVIPSParameters: dpi=600, compressed %DVIPSSource: TeX output 2006.09.08:2302 %%BeginProcSet: texc.pro %! /TeXDict 300 dict def TeXDict begin/N{def}def/B{bind def}N/S{exch}N/X{S N}B/A{dup}B/TR{translate}N/isls false N/vsize 11 72 mul N/hsize 8.5 72 mul N/landplus90{false}def/@rigin{isls{[0 landplus90{1 -1}{-1 1}ifelse 0 0 0]concat}if 72 Resolution div 72 VResolution div neg scale isls{ landplus90{VResolution 72 div vsize mul 0 exch}{Resolution -72 div hsize mul 0}ifelse TR}if Resolution VResolution vsize -72 div 1 add mul TR[ matrix currentmatrix{A A round sub abs 0.00001 lt{round}if}forall round exch round exch]setmatrix}N/@landscape{/isls true N}B/@manualfeed{ statusdict/manualfeed true put}B/@copies{/#copies X}B/FMat[1 0 0 -1 0 0] N/FBB[0 0 0 0]N/nn 0 N/IEn 0 N/ctr 0 N/df-tail{/nn 8 dict N nn begin /FontType 3 N/FontMatrix fntrx N/FontBBox FBB N string/base X array /BitMaps X/BuildChar{CharBuilder}N/Encoding IEn N end A{/foo setfont}2 array copy cvx N load 0 nn put/ctr 0 N[}B/sf 0 N/df{/sf 1 N/fntrx FMat N df-tail}B/dfs{div/sf X/fntrx[sf 0 0 sf neg 0 0]N df-tail}B/E{pop nn A definefont setfont}B/Cw{Cd A length 5 sub get}B/Ch{Cd A length 4 sub get }B/Cx{128 Cd A length 3 sub get sub}B/Cy{Cd A length 2 sub get 127 sub} B/Cdx{Cd A length 1 sub get}B/Ci{Cd A type/stringtype ne{ctr get/ctr ctr 1 add N}if}B/id 0 N/rw 0 N/rc 0 N/gp 0 N/cp 0 N/G 0 N/CharBuilder{save 3 1 roll S A/base get 2 index get S/BitMaps get S get/Cd X pop/ctr 0 N Cdx 0 Cx Cy Ch sub Cx Cw add Cy setcachedevice Cw Ch 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get sf div put }if put/ctr ctr 1 add N}B/I{cc 1 add D}B/bop{userdict/bop-hook known{ bop-hook}if/SI save N @rigin 0 0 moveto/V matrix currentmatrix A 1 get A mul exch 0 get A mul add .99 lt{/QV}{/RV}ifelse load def pop pop}N/eop{ SI restore userdict/eop-hook known{eop-hook}if showpage}N/@start{ userdict/start-hook known{start-hook}if pop/VResolution X/Resolution X 1000 div/DVImag X/IEn 256 array N 2 string 0 1 255{IEn S A 360 add 36 4 index cvrs cvn put}for pop 65781.76 div/vsize X 65781.76 div/hsize X}N /p{show}N/RMat[1 0 0 -1 0 0]N/BDot 260 string N/Rx 0 N/Ry 0 N/V{}B/RV/v{ /Ry X/Rx X V}B statusdict begin/product where{pop false[(Display)(NeXT) (LaserWriter 16/600)]{A length product length le{A length product exch 0 exch getinterval eq{pop true exit}if}{pop}ifelse}forall}{false}ifelse end{{gsave TR -.1 .1 TR 1 1 scale Rx Ry false RMat{BDot}imagemask grestore}}{{gsave TR -.1 .1 TR Rx Ry scale 1 1 false RMat{BDot} imagemask grestore}}ifelse B/QV{gsave newpath transform round exch round exch itransform moveto Rx 0 rlineto 0 Ry neg rlineto Rx neg 0 rlineto fill grestore}B/a{moveto}B/delta 0 N/tail{A/delta X 0 rmoveto}B/M{S p delta add tail}B/b{S p tail}B/c{-4 M}B/d{-3 M}B/e{-2 M}B/f{-1 M}B/g{0 M} B/h{1 M}B/i{2 M}B/j{3 M}B/k{4 M}B/w{0 rmoveto}B/l{p -4 w}B/m{p -3 w}B/n{ p -2 w}B/o{p -1 w}B/q{p 1 w}B/r{p 2 w}B/s{p 3 w}B/t{p 4 w}B/x{0 S rmoveto}B/y{3 2 roll p a}B/bos{/SS save N}B/eos{SS restore}B end %%EndProcSet %%BeginProcSet: f7b6d320.enc % Thomas Esser, Dec 2002. public domain % % Encoding for: % cmb10 cmbx10 cmbx12 cmbx5 cmbx6 cmbx7 cmbx8 cmbx9 cmbxsl10 % cmdunh10 cmr10 cmr12 cmr17cmr6 cmr7 cmr8 cmr9 cmsl10 cmsl12 cmsl8 % cmsl9 cmss10cmss12 cmss17 cmss8 cmss9 cmssbx10 cmssdc10 cmssi10 % cmssi12 cmssi17 cmssi8cmssi9 cmssq8 cmssqi8 cmvtt10 % /TeXf7b6d320Encoding [ /Gamma /Delta /Theta /Lambda /Xi /Pi /Sigma /Upsilon /Phi /Psi /Omega /ff /fi /fl /ffi /ffl /dotlessi /dotlessj /grave /acute /caron /breve /macron /ring /cedilla /germandbls /ae /oe /oslash /AE /OE /Oslash /suppress /exclam /quotedblright /numbersign /dollar /percent /ampersand /quoteright /parenleft /parenright /asterisk /plus /comma /hyphen /period /slash /zero /one /two /three /four /five /six /seven /eight /nine /colon /semicolon /exclamdown /equal /questiondown /question /at /A /B /C /D /E /F /G /H /I /J /K /L /M /N /O /P /Q /R /S /T /U /V /W /X /Y /Z /bracketleft /quotedblleft /bracketright /circumflex /dotaccent /quoteleft /a /b /c /d /e /f /g /h /i /j /k /l /m /n /o /p /q /r /s /t /u /v /w /x /y /z /endash /emdash /hungarumlaut /tilde /dieresis /suppress /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /space /Gamma /Delta /Theta /Lambda /Xi /Pi /Sigma /Upsilon /Phi /Psi /.notdef /.notdef /Omega /ff /fi /fl /ffi /ffl /dotlessi /dotlessj /grave /acute /caron /breve /macron /ring /cedilla /germandbls /ae /oe /oslash /AE /OE /Oslash /suppress /dieresis /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef ] def %%EndProcSet %%BeginProcSet: aae443f0.enc % Thomas Esser, Dec 2002. public domain % % Encoding for: % cmmi10 cmmi12 cmmi5 cmmi6 cmmi7 cmmi8 cmmi9 cmmib10 % /TeXaae443f0Encoding [ /Gamma /Delta /Theta /Lambda /Xi /Pi /Sigma /Upsilon /Phi /Psi /Omega /alpha /beta /gamma /delta /epsilon1 /zeta /eta /theta /iota /kappa /lambda /mu /nu /xi /pi /rho /sigma /tau /upsilon /phi /chi /psi /omega /epsilon /theta1 /pi1 /rho1 /sigma1 /phi1 /arrowlefttophalf /arrowleftbothalf /arrowrighttophalf /arrowrightbothalf /arrowhookleft /arrowhookright /triangleright /triangleleft /zerooldstyle /oneoldstyle /twooldstyle /threeoldstyle /fouroldstyle /fiveoldstyle /sixoldstyle /sevenoldstyle /eightoldstyle /nineoldstyle /period /comma /less /slash /greater /star /partialdiff /A /B /C /D /E /F /G /H /I /J /K /L /M /N /O /P /Q /R /S /T /U /V /W /X /Y /Z /flat /natural /sharp /slurbelow /slurabove /lscript /a /b /c /d /e /f /g /h /i /j /k /l /m /n /o /p /q /r /s /t /u /v /w /x /y /z /dotlessi /dotlessj /weierstrass /vector /tie /psi /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /space /Gamma /Delta /Theta /Lambda /Xi /Pi /Sigma /Upsilon /Phi /Psi /.notdef /.notdef /Omega /alpha /beta /gamma /delta /epsilon1 /zeta /eta /theta /iota /kappa /lambda /mu /nu /xi /pi /rho /sigma /tau /upsilon /phi /chi /psi /tie /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef ] def %%EndProcSet %%BeginProcSet: 74afc74c.enc % Thomas Esser, Dec 2002. public domain % % Encoding for: % cmbxti10 cmff10 cmfi10 cmfib8 cmti10 cmti12 cmti7 cmti8cmti9 cmu10 % /TeX74afc74cEncoding [ /Gamma /Delta /Theta /Lambda /Xi /Pi /Sigma /Upsilon /Phi /Psi /Omega /ff /fi /fl /ffi /ffl /dotlessi /dotlessj /grave /acute /caron /breve /macron /ring /cedilla /germandbls /ae /oe /oslash /AE /OE /Oslash /suppress /exclam /quotedblright /numbersign /sterling /percent /ampersand /quoteright /parenleft /parenright /asterisk /plus /comma /hyphen /period /slash /zero /one /two /three /four /five /six /seven /eight /nine /colon /semicolon /exclamdown /equal /questiondown /question /at /A /B /C /D /E /F /G /H /I /J /K /L /M /N /O /P /Q /R /S /T /U /V /W /X /Y /Z /bracketleft /quotedblleft /bracketright /circumflex /dotaccent /quoteleft /a /b /c /d /e /f /g /h /i /j /k /l /m /n /o /p /q /r /s /t /u /v /w /x /y /z /endash /emdash /hungarumlaut /tilde /dieresis /suppress /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /space /Gamma /Delta /Theta /Lambda /Xi /Pi /Sigma /Upsilon /Phi /Psi /.notdef /.notdef /Omega /ff /fi /fl /ffi /ffl /dotlessi /dotlessj /grave /acute /caron /breve /macron /ring /cedilla /germandbls /ae /oe /oslash /AE /OE /Oslash /suppress /dieresis /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef ] def %%EndProcSet %%BeginProcSet: bbad153f.enc % Thomas Esser, Dec 2002. public domain % % Encoding for: % cmsy10 cmsy5 cmsy6 cmsy7 cmsy8 cmsy9 % /TeXbbad153fEncoding [ /minus /periodcentered /multiply /asteriskmath /divide /diamondmath /plusminus /minusplus /circleplus /circleminus /circlemultiply /circledivide /circledot /circlecopyrt /openbullet /bullet /equivasymptotic /equivalence /reflexsubset /reflexsuperset /lessequal /greaterequal /precedesequal /followsequal /similar /approxequal /propersubset /propersuperset /lessmuch /greatermuch /precedes /follows /arrowleft /arrowright /arrowup /arrowdown /arrowboth /arrownortheast /arrowsoutheast /similarequal /arrowdblleft /arrowdblright /arrowdblup /arrowdbldown /arrowdblboth /arrownorthwest /arrowsouthwest /proportional /prime /infinity /element /owner /triangle /triangleinv /negationslash /mapsto /universal /existential /logicalnot /emptyset /Rfractur /Ifractur /latticetop /perpendicular /aleph /A /B /C /D /E /F /G /H /I /J /K /L /M /N /O /P /Q /R /S /T /U /V /W /X /Y /Z /union /intersection /unionmulti /logicaland /logicalor /turnstileleft /turnstileright /floorleft /floorright /ceilingleft /ceilingright /braceleft /braceright /angbracketleft /angbracketright /bar /bardbl /arrowbothv /arrowdblbothv /backslash /wreathproduct /radical /coproduct /nabla /integral /unionsq /intersectionsq /subsetsqequal /supersetsqequal /section /dagger /daggerdbl /paragraph /club /diamond /heart /spade /arrowleft /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /minus /periodcentered /multiply /asteriskmath /divide /diamondmath /plusminus /minusplus /circleplus /circleminus /.notdef /.notdef /circlemultiply /circledivide /circledot /circlecopyrt /openbullet /bullet /equivasymptotic /equivalence /reflexsubset /reflexsuperset /lessequal /greaterequal /precedesequal /followsequal /similar /approxequal /propersubset /propersuperset /lessmuch /greatermuch /precedes /follows /arrowleft /spade /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef ] def %%EndProcSet %%BeginProcSet: 8r.enc % File 8r.enc as of 2002-03-12 for PSNFSS 9 % % This is the encoding vector for Type1 and TrueType fonts to be used % with TeX. This file is part of the PSNFSS bundle, version 9 % % Authors: S. Rahtz, P. MacKay, Alan Jeffrey, B. Horn, K. Berry, W. Schmidt % % Idea is to have all the characters normally included in Type 1 fonts % available for typesetting. This is effectively the characters in Adobe % Standard Encoding + ISO Latin 1 + extra characters from Lucida + Euro. % % Character code assignments were made as follows: % % (1) the Windows ANSI characters are almost all in their Windows ANSI % positions, because some Windows users cannot easily reencode the % fonts, and it makes no difference on other systems. The only Windows % ANSI characters not available are those that make no sense for % typesetting -- rubout (127 decimal), nobreakspace (160), softhyphen % (173). quotesingle and grave are moved just because it's such an % irritation not having them in TeX positions. % % (2) Remaining characters are assigned arbitrarily to the lower part % of the range, avoiding 0, 10 and 13 in case we meet dumb software. % % (3) Y&Y Lucida Bright includes some extra text characters; in the % hopes that other PostScript fonts, perhaps created for public % consumption, will include them, they are included starting at 0x12. % % (4) Remaining positions left undefined are for use in (hopefully) % upward-compatible revisions, if someday more characters are generally % available. % % (5) hyphen appears twice for compatibility with both ASCII and Windows. % % (6) /Euro is assigned to 128, as in Windows ANSI % /TeXBase1Encoding [ % 0x00 (encoded characters from Adobe Standard not in Windows 3.1) /.notdef /dotaccent /fi /fl /fraction /hungarumlaut /Lslash /lslash /ogonek /ring /.notdef /breve /minus /.notdef % These are the only two remaining unencoded characters, so may as % well include them. /Zcaron /zcaron % 0x10 /caron /dotlessi % (unusual TeX characters available in, e.g., Lucida Bright) /dotlessj /ff /ffi /ffl /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef % very contentious; it's so painful not having quoteleft and quoteright % at 96 and 145 that we move the things normally found there down to here. /grave /quotesingle % 0x20 (ASCII begins) /space /exclam /quotedbl /numbersign /dollar /percent /ampersand /quoteright /parenleft /parenright /asterisk /plus /comma /hyphen /period /slash % 0x30 /zero /one /two /three /four /five /six /seven /eight /nine /colon /semicolon /less /equal /greater /question % 0x40 /at /A /B /C /D /E /F /G /H /I /J /K /L /M /N /O % 0x50 /P /Q /R /S /T /U /V /W /X /Y /Z /bracketleft /backslash /bracketright /asciicircum /underscore % 0x60 /quoteleft /a /b /c /d /e /f /g /h /i /j /k /l /m /n /o % 0x70 /p /q /r /s /t /u /v /w /x /y /z /braceleft /bar /braceright /asciitilde /.notdef % rubout; ASCII ends % 0x80 /Euro /.notdef /quotesinglbase /florin /quotedblbase /ellipsis /dagger /daggerdbl /circumflex /perthousand /Scaron /guilsinglleft /OE /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef % 0x90 /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /quotedblleft /quotedblright /bullet /endash /emdash /tilde /trademark /scaron /guilsinglright /oe /.notdef /.notdef /Ydieresis % 0xA0 /.notdef % nobreakspace /exclamdown /cent /sterling /currency /yen /brokenbar /section /dieresis /copyright /ordfeminine /guillemotleft /logicalnot /hyphen % Y&Y (also at 45); Windows' softhyphen /registered /macron % 0xD0 /degree /plusminus /twosuperior /threesuperior /acute /mu /paragraph /periodcentered /cedilla /onesuperior /ordmasculine /guillemotright /onequarter /onehalf /threequarters /questiondown % 0xC0 /Agrave /Aacute /Acircumflex /Atilde /Adieresis /Aring /AE /Ccedilla /Egrave /Eacute /Ecircumflex /Edieresis /Igrave /Iacute /Icircumflex /Idieresis % 0xD0 /Eth /Ntilde /Ograve /Oacute /Ocircumflex /Otilde /Odieresis /multiply /Oslash /Ugrave /Uacute /Ucircumflex /Udieresis /Yacute /Thorn /germandbls % 0xE0 /agrave /aacute /acircumflex /atilde /adieresis /aring /ae /ccedilla /egrave /eacute /ecircumflex /edieresis /igrave /iacute /icircumflex /idieresis % 0xF0 /eth /ntilde /ograve /oacute /ocircumflex /otilde /odieresis /divide /oslash /ugrave /uacute /ucircumflex /udieresis /yacute /thorn /ydieresis ] def %%EndProcSet %%BeginProcSet: 09fbbfac.enc % Thomas Esser, Dec 2002. public domain % % Encoding for: % cmsltt10 cmtt10 cmtt12 cmtt8 cmtt9 /TeX09fbbfacEncoding [ /Gamma /Delta /Theta /Lambda /Xi /Pi /Sigma /Upsilon /Phi /Psi /Omega /arrowup /arrowdown /quotesingle /exclamdown /questiondown /dotlessi /dotlessj /grave /acute /caron /breve /macron /ring /cedilla /germandbls /ae /oe /oslash /AE /OE /Oslash /visiblespace /exclam /quotedbl /numbersign /dollar /percent /ampersand /quoteright /parenleft /parenright /asterisk /plus /comma /hyphen /period /slash /zero /one /two /three /four /five /six /seven /eight /nine /colon /semicolon /less /equal /greater /question /at /A /B /C /D /E /F /G /H /I /J /K /L /M /N /O /P /Q /R /S /T /U /V /W /X /Y /Z /bracketleft /backslash /bracketright /asciicircum /underscore /quoteleft /a /b /c /d /e /f /g /h /i /j /k /l /m /n /o /p /q /r /s /t /u /v /w /x /y /z /braceleft /bar /braceright /asciitilde /dieresis /visiblespace /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /space /Gamma /Delta /Theta /Lambda /Xi /Pi /Sigma /Upsilon /Phi /Psi /.notdef /.notdef /Omega /arrowup /arrowdown /quotesingle /exclamdown /questiondown /dotlessi /dotlessj /grave /acute /caron /breve /macron /ring /cedilla /germandbls /ae /oe /oslash /AE /OE /Oslash /visiblespace /dieresis /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef ] def %%EndProcSet %%BeginProcSet: texps.pro %! 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0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 cleartomark %%EndFont %%BeginFont: CMMI8 %!PS-AdobeFont-1.1: CMMI8 1.100 %%CreationDate: 1996 Jul 23 07:53:54 % Copyright (C) 1997 American Mathematical Society. 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b(p)t(oten)l(tial)f(of)i(the)e(CERN{MEMPHYS)933 1347 y(neutrino)g(oscillation)f(pro)9 b(ject)350 1913 y Fw(J.-E.)38 b(Campagne)1132 1877 y Fv(a)1175 1913 y Fw(,)g(M.)g(Maltoni)1803 1877 y Fv(b)1838 1913 y Fw(,)f(M.)h(Mezzetto) 2533 1877 y Fv(c)2567 1913 y Fw(,)g(and)g(T.)g(Sc)m(h)m(w)m(etz)3390 1877 y Fv(d)67 2147 y(a)108 2183 y Fu(L)-5 b(ab)g(or)g(atoir)g(e)35 b(de)f(l'A)-5 b(c)g(c)n(\023)-47 b(el)n(\023)g(er)-5 b(ateur)33 b(Lin)n(\023)-47 b(eair)-5 b(e,)33 b(IN2P3-CNRS)i(and)f (Universit)n(\023)-47 b(e)34 b(P)-7 b(ARIS-SUD)34 b(11)306 2303 y(Centr)-5 b(e)34 b(Scienti\014que)g(d'Orsay-B^)-50 b(at.)34 b(200-B.P.)g(34,)g(91898)g(Orsay)h(Ce)-5 b(dex,)34 b(F)-7 b(r)i(anc)g(e)51 2435 y Fv(b)85 2471 y Fu(International)34 b(Centr)-5 b(e)34 b(for)h(The)-5 b(or)g(etic)g(al)34 b(Physics,)g(Str)-5 b(ada)35 b(Costier)-5 b(a)34 b(11,)h(31014)e(T)-7 b(rieste,)34 b(Italy)-60 2603 y Fv(c)-25 2639 y Fu(Istituto)g (Nazionale)e(Fisic)-5 b(a)32 b(Nucle)-5 b(ar)g(e,)34 b(Sezione)e(di)h(Padova,)f(Via)i(Marzolo)f(8,)g(35100)f(Padova,)h (Italy)3 2770 y Fv(d)43 2806 y Fu(Scuola)h(Internazionale)f(Sup)-5 b(erior)g(e)35 b(di)f(Studi)h(A)n(vanzati,)f(Via)h(Beirut)g(2{4,)g (34014)f(T)-7 b(rieste,)33 b(Italy)1690 3295 y Ft(Abstract)320 3497 y Fs(W)-8 b(e)31 b(consider)e(the)g(ph)m(ysics)h(p)s(oten)m(tial)g (of)g(CERN)f(based)g(neutrino)f(oscillation)k(exp)s(erimen)m(ts)184 3609 y(consisting)e(of)f(a)g(Beta)i(Beam)f(\()p Fr(\014)5 b Fs(B\))30 b(and)e(a)i(Sup)s(er)d(Beam)j(\(SPL\))f(sending)f (neutrinos)h(to)g(MEM-)184 3722 y(PHYS,)43 b(a)g(440)h(kt)f(w)m(ater) 1167 3699 y(\024)1157 3722 y(Cerenk)m(o)m(v)h(detector)g(at)f(F)-8 b(r)m(\023)-43 b(ejus,)48 b(at)43 b(a)g(distance)h(of)f(130)h(km)f (from)184 3835 y(CERN.)35 b(The)h Fr(\022)743 3849 y Fq(13)853 3835 y Fs(disco)m(v)m(ery)h(reac)m(h)f(and)f(the)h (sensitivit)m(y)h(to)f(CP)g(violation)h(are)f(in)m(v)m(estigated,)184 3948 y(including)29 b(a)h(detailed)g(discussion)f(of)h(parameter)g (degeneracies)h(and)e(systematical)i(errors.)40 b(F)-8 b(or)184 4061 y(SPL)35 b(sensitivities)i(similar)g(to)f(the)g(ones)h (of)f(the)g(phase)f(I)s(I)g(of)i(the)f(T2K)f(exp)s(erimen)m(t)h (\(T2HK\))184 4174 y(are)i(obtained,)i(whereas)d(the)h Fr(\014)5 b Fs(B)38 b(ma)m(y)g(reac)m(h)h(signi\014can)m(tly)g(b)s (etter)e(sensitivities,)42 b(dep)s(ending)184 4287 y(on)36 b(the)g(ac)m(hiev)m(ed)i(n)m(um)m(b)s(er)d(of)h(total)i(ion)e(deca)m (ys.)58 b(The)36 b(results)g(for)g(the)g(CERN{MEMPHYS)184 4400 y(exp)s(erimen)m(ts)c(are)h(less)g(a\013ected)h(b)m(y)e (systematical)j(uncertain)m(ties)e(than)f(T2HK.)h(W)-8 b(e)33 b(p)s(oin)m(t)g(out)184 4513 y(that)d(b)m(y)g(a)g(com)m (bination)h(of)f(data)g(from)g Fr(\014)5 b Fs(B)30 b(and)f(SPL)g(a)h (measuremen)m(t)g(with)g(an)m(tineutrinos)g(is)184 4626 y(not)e(necessary)h(and)f(hence)g(the)h(same)g(ph)m(ysics)f(results)g (can)g(b)s(e)g(obtained)h(within)f(ab)s(out)g(half)g(of)184 4739 y(the)35 b(measuremen)m(t)h(time)f(compared)g(to)h(one)f(single)h (exp)s(erimen)m(t.)55 b(F)-8 b(urthermore,)36 b(it)g(is)f(sho)m(wn)184 4851 y(ho)m(w)d(including)g(data)h(from)f(atmospheric)h(neutrinos)e(in) h(the)h(MEMPHYS)f(detector)i(allo)m(ws)f(to)184 4964 y(resolv)m(e)g(parameter)f(degeneracies)h(and,)e(in)g(particular,)h (pro)m(vides)g(sensitivit)m(y)h(to)f(the)g(neutrino)184 5077 y(mass)e(hierarc)m(h)m(y)h(and)f(the)g(o)s(ctan)m(t)i(of)f Fr(\022)1567 5091 y Fq(23)1641 5077 y Fs(.)1866 6036 y Fy(1)p eop end %%Page: 2 2 TeXDict begin 2 1 bop -60 246 a Fp(1)135 b(In)l(tro)t(duction)-60 529 y Fy(In)29 b(recen)m(t)h(y)m(ears)f(strong)g(evidence)i(for)d (neutrino)h(oscillations)g(has)g(b)s(een)g(obtained)g(in)g(solar)f ([1],)i(atmo-)-60 649 y(spheric)25 b([2],)g(reactor)e([3],)i(and)e (accelerator)h([4])f(neutrino)h(exp)s(erimen)m(ts.)43 b(The)24 b(v)m(ery)g(near)g(future)f(of)g(long-)-60 770 y(baseline)31 b(\(LBL\))e(neutrino)g(exp)s(erimen)m(ts)j(is)e(dev)m (oted)g(to)f(the)h(study)g(of)f(the)h(oscillation)f(mec)m(hanism)j(in) -60 890 y(the)i(range)f(of)g(\001)p Fo(m)653 854 y Fq(2)653 915 y(31)757 890 y Fn(\031)c Fy(2)p Fo(:)p Fy(4)22 b Fn(\002)i Fy(10)1209 854 y Fm(\000)p Fq(3)1325 890 y Fy(eV)1443 848 y Fq(2)1515 890 y Fy(indicated)35 b(b)m(y)f(atmospheric) h(neutrinos)f(using)g(con)m(v)m(en)m(tional)-60 1010 y Fo(\027)-12 1025 y Fv(\026)64 1010 y Fy(b)s(eams.)43 b(Similar)30 b(as)g(in)f(the)h(K2K)f(exp)s(erimen)m(t)i(in)f(Japan)f ([4],)h(the)g(presen)m(tly)i(running)e(MINOS)g(ex-)-60 1131 y(p)s(erimen)m(t)g(in)f(the)h(USA)f([5])g(uses)h(a)f(lo)m(w)g (energy)h(b)s(eam)f(to)g(measure)h(\001)p Fo(m)2662 1095 y Fq(2)2662 1155 y(31)2766 1131 y Fy(b)m(y)g(observing)g(the)f Fo(\027)3543 1146 y Fv(\026)3618 1131 y Fn(!)e Fo(\027)3793 1146 y Fv(\026)-60 1251 y Fy(disapp)s(earance)32 b(probabilit)m(y)-8 b(,)33 b(while)f(the)g(forthcoming)f(OPERA)g([6])g(exp)s(erimen)m(t)j (will)d(b)s(e)h(able)f(to)g(de-)-60 1371 y(tect)26 b Fo(\027)176 1386 y Fv(\034)244 1371 y Fy(app)s(earance)g(within)g(the)f (high)h(energy)g(CERN{Gran)f(Sasso)h(b)s(eam)f([7].)41 b(If)25 b(w)m(e)i(do)e(not)g(consider)-60 1492 y(the)33 b(LSND)g(anomaly)g([8])g(that)g(will)h(b)s(e)f(further)g(studied)h(so)s (on)f(b)m(y)h(the)f(MiniBo)s(oNE)h(exp)s(erimen)m(t)h([9],)-60 1612 y(all)g(data)f(can)h(b)s(e)g(accommo)s(dated)g(within)h(the)f (three)g(\015a)m(v)m(or)h(scenario)f(\(see)h(Refs.)f([10,)14 b(11])34 b(for)h(recen)m(t)-60 1733 y(global)26 b(analyses\),)j(and)d (neutrino)g(oscillations)h(are)f(describ)s(ed)i(b)m(y)f(t)m(w)m(o)g (neutrino)f(mass-squared)i(di\013er-)-60 1853 y(ences)33 b(\(\001)p Fo(m)398 1817 y Fq(2)398 1878 y(21)505 1853 y Fy(and)f(\001)p Fo(m)860 1817 y Fq(2)860 1878 y(31)935 1853 y Fy(\))f(and)h(the)g(3)20 b Fn(\002)g Fy(3)32 b(unitary)g(P)m(on) m(tecorv)m(o-Maki-Nak)-5 b(aga)m(w)m(a-Sak)g(ata)32 b(\(PMNS\))-60 1973 y(lepton)h(mixing)h(matrix)f([12])f(with)h(three)g(angles)h(\()p Fo(\022)1910 1988 y Fq(12)1985 1973 y Fy(,)p Fo(\022)2057 1988 y Fq(13)2132 1973 y Fy(,)p Fo(\022)2204 1988 y Fq(23)2279 1973 y Fy(\))f(and)f(one)h(Dirac)f(CP)i(phase)f Fo(\016)3466 1988 y Fq(CP)3569 1973 y Fy(.)86 2135 y(F)-8 b(uture)32 b(tasks)g(of)f(neutrino)h(ph)m(ysics)i(are)e(an)f(impro)m(v)m(ed)i (sensitivit)m(y)h(to)d(the)h(last)g(unkno)m(wn)h(mixing)-60 2256 y(angle,)k Fo(\022)271 2271 y Fq(13)346 2256 y Fy(,)f(to)g (explore)h(the)f(CP)g(violation)g(mec)m(hanism)i(in)e(the)g(leptonic)h (sector,)g(and)f(to)f(determine)-60 2376 y(the)27 b(sign)f(of)g(\001)p Fo(m)567 2340 y Fq(2)567 2401 y(31)669 2376 y Fy(whic)m(h)h(describ)s (es)i(the)d(t)m(yp)s(e)i(of)d(the)i(neutrino)g(mass)g(hierarc)m(h)m(y)h (\(normal,)g(\001)p Fo(m)3585 2340 y Fq(2)3585 2401 y(31)3688 2376 y Fo(>)f Fy(0)-60 2496 y(or)39 b(in)m(v)m(erted,)44 b(\001)p Fo(m)645 2460 y Fq(2)645 2521 y(31)759 2496 y Fo(<)c Fy(0\).)64 b(The)40 b(presen)m(t)h(upp)s(er)g(b)s(ound)e(on)h Fo(\022)2388 2511 y Fq(13)2502 2496 y Fy(is)g(dominated)h(b)m(y)f(the)g (constrain)m(t)-60 2617 y(from)27 b(the)i(Cho)s(oz)f(reactor)f(exp)s (erimen)m(t)j([13].)42 b(A)28 b(global)f(analysis)i(of)e(all)h(data)f (yields)j(sin)3262 2577 y Fq(2)3318 2617 y Fy(2)p Fo(\022)3412 2632 y Fq(13)3514 2617 y Fo(<)e Fy(0)p Fo(:)p Fy(082)-60 2737 y(at)43 b(90\045)f(CL)i([11].)74 b(A)43 b(main)g(purp)s(ose)h(of)e (up)s(coming)i(reactor)f(and)g(accelerator)g(exp)s(erimen)m(ts)j(is)d (to)-60 2858 y(impro)m(v)m(e)f(this)f(b)s(ound)f(or)g(to)f(rev)m(eal)j (a)e(\014nite)g(v)-5 b(alue)41 b(of)e Fo(\022)2136 2873 y Fq(13)2212 2858 y Fy(.)66 b(In)40 b(reactor)g(exp)s(erimen)m(ts,)45 b(one)40 b(uses)47 b(\026)-54 b Fo(\027)3803 2873 y Fv(e)-60 2978 y Fy(in)35 b(disapp)s(earance)g(mo)s(de)g(and)f(the)h(sensitivit)m (y)i(is)e(increased)h(with)f(resp)s(ect)g(to)f(presen)m(t)i(exp)s (erimen)m(ts)-60 3098 y(b)m(y)g(the)f(use)h(of)e(a)h(near)g(detector)h (close)g(to)e(the)h(reactor)g([14].)50 b(In)36 b(accelerator)f(exp)s (erimen)m(ts,)j(the)d(\014rst)-60 3219 y(generation)28 b(of)e(so-called)i(Sup)s(er)g(Beams)g(with)g(sub-mega)g(w)m(att)f (proton)g(driv)m(ers)i(suc)m(h)g(as)e(T2K)h(\(phase-)-60 3339 y(I\))i([15])g(and)h(NO)p Fo(\027)6 b Fy(A)31 b([16],)f(the)h(app) s(earance)g(c)m(hannel)h Fo(\027)2006 3354 y Fv(\026)2080 3339 y Fn(!)c Fo(\027)2256 3354 y Fv(e)2323 3339 y Fy(is)j(explored.)44 b(This)31 b(next)h(generation)e(of)-60 3459 y(reactor)k(and)g(Sup)s(er) g(Beam)g(exp)s(erimen)m(ts)i(will)f(reac)m(h)g(sensitivities)h(of)e (the)g(order)g(of)f(sin)3305 3420 y Fq(2)3361 3459 y Fy(2)p Fo(\022)3455 3474 y Fq(13)3559 3459 y Fl(.)e Fy(0)p Fo(:)p Fy(01)-60 3580 y(\(90\045)c(CL\))g(within)h(a)f(time)h(scale)g (of)f(sev)m(eral)h(y)m(ears)h([17].)41 b(Bey)m(ond)29 b(this)e(medium)i(term)e(program,)h(there)-60 3700 y(are)39 b(sev)m(eral)i(pro)5 b(jects)40 b(on)f(ho)m(w)g(to)g(en)m(ter)h(the)f (high)g(precision)i(age)d(in)i(neutrino)f(oscillations)h(and)f(to)-60 3821 y(attac)m(k)32 b(the)g(ultimate)f(goals)h(lik)m(e)g(the)g(disco)m (v)m(ery)i(of)d(leptonic)h(CP)g(violation)f(or)g(the)h(determination)g (of)-60 3941 y(the)40 b(neutrino)g(mass)g(hierarc)m(h)m(y)-8 b(.)65 b(In)40 b(accelerator)g(exp)s(erimen)m(ts,)j(one)d(can)f(extend) i(the)f(Sup)s(er)f(Beam)-60 4061 y(concept)28 b(b)m(y)g(mo)m(ving)g(to) e(m)m(ulti-mega)i(w)m(att)f(proton)g(driv)m(ers)h([15,)8 b(18{)o(20])27 b(or)f(apply)i(no)m(v)m(el)g(tec)m(hnologies,)-60 4182 y(suc)m(h)33 b(as)e(neutrino)h(b)s(eams)f(from)g(deca)m(ying)i (ions)e(\(so-called)h(Beta)f(Beams\))h([21,)11 b(22])31 b(or)g(from)f(deca)m(ying)-60 4302 y(m)m(uons)k(\(so-called)f(Neutrino) g(F)-8 b(actories\))33 b([22,)13 b(23].)86 4464 y(In)37 b(this)f(w)m(ork)h(w)m(e)h(fo)s(cus)e(on)g(p)s(ossible)h(future)g (neutrino)g(oscillation)f(facilities)h(hosted)g(at)f(CERN,)-60 4584 y(namely)25 b(a)f(m)m(ulti-mega)g(w)m(att)h(Sup)s(er)f(Beam)h(exp) s(erimen)m(t)h(based)f(on)f(a)f(Sup)s(er)i(Proton)f(Linac)g(\(SPL\))g ([24])-60 4735 y(and)f(a)f Fo(\015)33 b Fy(=)27 b(100)22 b(Beta)h(Beam)g(\()p Fo(\014)6 b Fy(B\))22 b([25].)40 b(These)24 b(exp)s(erimen)m(ts)h(will)f(searc)m(h)g(for)2891 4665 y Fk(\()p Fj(\000)p Fk(\))2908 4732 y Fo(\027)2984 4750 y Fv(\026)3030 4735 y Fn(!)3133 4665 y Fk(\()p Fj(\000)p Fk(\))3151 4732 y Fo(\027)3226 4750 y Fv(e)3285 4735 y Fy(and)3468 4665 y Fk(\()p Fj(\000)p Fk(\))3486 4732 y Fo(\027)3561 4750 y Fv(e)3598 4735 y Fn(!)3701 4665 y Fk(\()p Fj(\000)p Fk(\))3718 4732 y Fo(\027)3793 4750 y Fv(\026)-60 4855 y Fy(app)s(earance,)53 b(resp)s(ectiv)m(ely)-8 b(,)56 b(b)m(y)49 b(sending)h(the)f(neutrinos)g(to)f(a)h(mega)f(ton)h (scale)g(w)m(ater)3455 4830 y(\024)3444 4855 y(Cerenk)m(o)m(v)-60 4976 y(detector)38 b(\(MEMPHYS\))h([26],)f(lo)s(cated)g(at)e(a)h (distance)i(of)e(130)f(km)i(from)f(CERN)h(under)g(the)g(F)-8 b(r)m(\023)-46 b(ejus)-60 5096 y(moun)m(tain.)42 b(Similar)28 b(detectors)g(are)f(under)h(consideration)g(also)f(in)g(the)g(US)g (\(UNO)g([27]\))g(and)g(in)g(Japan)-60 5216 y(\(Hyp)s(er-K)40 b([15,)17 b(28]\).)66 b(W)-8 b(e)41 b(p)s(erform)f(a)g(detailed)h (analysis)h(of)d(the)i(SPL)g(and)f Fo(\014)6 b Fy(B)40 b(ph)m(ysics)j(p)s(oten)m(tial,)-60 5337 y(discussing)g(the)f(disco)m (v)m(ery)h(reac)m(h)f(for)f Fo(\022)1482 5352 y Fq(13)1598 5337 y Fy(and)g(leptonic)h(CP)f(violation.)69 b(In)41 b(addition)h(w)m(e)g(consider)-60 5457 y(the)33 b(p)s(ossibilit)m(y)i (to)d(resolv)m(e)i(parameter)g(degeneracies)h(in)d(the)i(LBL)e(data)g (b)m(y)i(using)f(the)h(atmospheric)-60 5577 y(neutrinos)e(a)m(v)-5 b(ailable)32 b(in)g(the)f(mega)h(ton)f(detector)h([29].)43 b(This)32 b(leads)g(to)f(a)g(sensitivit)m(y)k(to)c(the)g(neutrino)-60 5698 y(mass)44 b(hierarc)m(h)m(y)g(of)e(the)h(CERN{MEMPHYS)i(exp)s (erimen)m(ts,)j(despite)d(the)e(rather)f(short)h(baseline.)1866 6036 y(2)p eop end %%Page: 3 3 TeXDict begin 3 2 bop 36 150 3708 4 v 1759 259 a Fo(\014)6 b Fy(B)783 b(SPL)527 b(T2HK)p 36 324 V 86 433 a(Detector)33 b(mass)998 b(440)32 b(kt)671 b(440)32 b(kt)482 b(440)32 b(kt)86 553 y(Baseline)1232 b(130)32 b(km)628 b(130)32 b(km)440 b(295)32 b(km)86 674 y(Running)h(time)g(\()p Fo(\027)c Fy(+)e(\026)-54 b Fo(\027)6 b Fy(\))634 b(5)32 b(+)h(5)f(yr)579 b(2)32 b(+)h(8)f(yr)390 b(2)33 b(+)f(8)g(yr)86 794 y(Beam)h(in)m(tensit)m(y)440 b(5)p Fo(:)p Fy(8)17 b(\(2)p Fo(:)p Fy(2\))k Fn(\001)h Fy(10)1677 758 y Fq(18)1784 794 y Fy(He)33 b(\(Ne\))f(dcys/yr)147 b(4)32 b(MW)480 b(4)32 b(MW)86 914 y(Systematics)j(on)e(signal)758 b(2\045)809 b(2\045)621 b(2\045)86 1035 y(Systematics)35 b(on)e(bac)m(kgr.)694 b(2\045)809 b(2\045)621 b(2\045)p 36 1099 V -60 1260 a Fw(T)-9 b(able)33 b(1)p Fy(:)42 b Fi(Summary)23 b(of)h(default)h (parameters)d(used)j(for)e(the)i(sim)n(ulation)e(of)h(the)h Fh(\014)t Fi(B,)f(SPL,)g(and)g(T2HK)f(exp)r(erimen)n(ts.)-60 1541 y Fy(The)29 b(ph)m(ysics)h(p)s(erformances)f(of)f Fo(\014)6 b Fy(B)27 b(and)i(SPL)f(are)g(compared)h(to)e(the)i(ones)f (obtainable)h(at)e(the)i(second)-60 1662 y(phase)f(of)e(the)h(T2K)g (exp)s(erimen)m(t)i(in)e(Japan,)h(whic)m(h)g(is)f(based)h(on)f(an)f (upgraded)i(v)m(ersion)g(of)e(the)h(original)-60 1782 y(T2K)33 b(b)s(eam)f(and)h(the)g(Hyp)s(er-K)g(detector)g(\(T2HK\))g ([15].)86 1944 y(The)k(outline)e(of)g(the)h(pap)s(er)f(is)h(as)g(follo) m(ws.)52 b(In)36 b(Sec.)g(2)f(w)m(e)h(summarize)h(the)f(main)g(c)m (haracteristics)-60 2064 y(of)44 b(the)h Fo(\014)6 b Fy(B,)45 b(SPL,)g(and)f(T2HK)h(exp)s(erimen)m(ts)i(and)e(giv)m(e)h (general)f(details)g(of)f(the)h(ph)m(ysics)j(analysis)-60 2185 y(metho)s(ds,)c(whereas)e(in)g(Sec.)f(3)g(w)m(e)h(describ)s(e)h (in)e(some)g(detail)h(the)f(MEMPHYS)i(detector,)h(the)d Fo(\014)6 b Fy(B,)-60 2305 y(and)35 b(the)h(SPL)f(Sup)s(er)h(Beam.)51 b(In)36 b(Sec.)g(4)e(w)m(e)i(review)h(the)f(problem)f(of)g(parameter)h (degeneracies)h(and)-60 2426 y(discuss)k(its)e(implications)i(for)d (the)h(exp)s(erimen)m(ts)j(under)d(consideration.)64 b(In)39 b(Sec.)h(5)e(w)m(e)i(presen)m(t)h(the)-60 2546 y(sensitivities)32 b(to)c(the)h(\\atmospheric)h(parameters")f Fo(\022)1927 2561 y Fq(23)2031 2546 y Fy(and)g(\001)p Fo(m)2383 2510 y Fq(2)2383 2571 y(31)2458 2546 y Fy(,)h(the)f Fo(\022)2724 2561 y Fq(13)2828 2546 y Fy(disco)m(v)m(ery)i(p)s(oten)m (tial,)f(and)-60 2666 y(the)e(sensitivit)m(y)i(to)d(CP)h(violation.)42 b(W)-8 b(e)28 b(also)f(in)m(v)m(estigate)j(in)d(some)i(detail)e(the)h (impact)g(of)f(systematical)-60 2787 y(errors.)43 b(In)32 b(Sec.)g(6)e(w)m(e)i(discuss)i(synergies)f(whic)m(h)f(are)f(o\013ered)h (b)m(y)g(the)f(CERN{MEMPHYS)j(facilities.)-60 2907 y(W)-8 b(e)30 b(p)s(oin)m(t)f(out)h(adv)-5 b(an)m(tages)30 b(of)e(the)i(case)h (when)f Fo(\014)6 b Fy(B)29 b(and)h(SPL)f(are)h(a)m(v)-5 b(ailable)30 b(sim)m(ultaneously)-8 b(,)32 b(and)e(w)m(e)-60 3028 y(consider)k(the)f(use)h(of)f(atmospheric)h(neutrino)f(data)g(in)g (MEMPHYS)h(in)g(com)m(bination)f(with)h(the)f(LBL)-60 3148 y(exp)s(erimen)m(ts.)46 b(Our)33 b(results)h(are)e(summarized)j (in)e(Sec.)g(7.)-60 3459 y Fp(2)135 b(Exp)t(erimen)l(ts)46 b(o)l(v)l(erview)g(and)f(analysis)h(metho)t(ds)-60 3742 y Fy(In)31 b(this)h(section)g(w)m(e)h(giv)m(e)f(the)f(most)h(imp)s (ortan)m(t)f(exp)s(erimen)m(tal)i(parameters)f(whic)m(h)h(w)m(e)f (adopt)f(for)g(the)-60 3862 y(sim)m(ulation)42 b(of)f(the)g (CERN{MEMPHYS)j(exp)s(erimen)m(ts)f Fo(\014)6 b Fy(B)41 b(and)g(SPL,)h(as)f(w)m(ell)i(as)e(for)f(the)i(T2HK)-60 3982 y(exp)s(erimen)m(t)35 b(in)f(Japan.)46 b(These)35 b(parameters)f(are)f(summarized)i(in)f(T)-8 b(ab.)34 b(1.)45 b(F)-8 b(or)32 b(all)i(exp)s(erimen)m(ts)i(the)-60 4103 y(detector)i(mass)g(is)g(440)e(kt,)j(and)f(the)f(running)h(time)g (is)g(10)e(y)m(ears,)k(with)e(a)f(division)i(in)e(neutrino)h(and)-60 4223 y(an)m(tineutrino)29 b(running)f(time)h(in)f(suc)m(h)i(a)d(w)m(a)m (y)j(that)d(roughly)i(an)f(equal)h(n)m(um)m(b)s(er)g(of)f(ev)m(en)m(ts) i(is)e(obtained.)-60 4343 y(W)-8 b(e)45 b(alw)m(a)m(ys)h(use)f(the)g (total)f(a)m(v)-5 b(ailable)45 b(information)f(from)g(app)s(earance)h (as)f(w)m(ell)i(as)f(disapp)s(earance)-60 4464 y(c)m(hannels)26 b(including)e(the)h(energy)f(sp)s(ectrum.)42 b(F)-8 b(or)23 b(all)h(three)g(exp)s(erimen)m(ts)j(w)m(e)d(adopt)g(rather)g (optimistic)-60 4584 y(v)-5 b(alues)25 b(for)f(the)h(systematical)h (uncertain)m(ties)h(of)d(2\045)g(as)h(default)g(v)-5 b(alues,)27 b(but)d(w)m(e)i(also)e(consider)i(the)f(case)-60 4705 y(when)40 b(systematics)i(are)d(increased)h(to)f(5\045.)62 b(These)41 b(errors)e(are)g(uncorrelated)h(b)s(et)m(w)m(een)h(the)f(v) -5 b(arious)-60 4825 y(signal)33 b(c)m(hannels)h(\(neutrinos)g(and)f (an)m(tineutrinos\),)h(and)e(b)s(et)m(w)m(een)j(signals)e(and)g(bac)m (kgrounds.)86 4987 y(A)41 b(more)g(detailed)g(description)h(of)e(the)h (CERN{MEMPHYS)i(exp)s(erimen)m(ts)g(is)e(giv)m(en)g(in)g(Sec.)g(3.)-60 5107 y(F)-8 b(or)40 b(the)h(T2HK)g(sim)m(ulation)h(w)m(e)f(use)h(the)f (setup)h(pro)m(vided)g(b)m(y)f(GLoBES)g([30])f(based)i(on)e(Ref.)h ([31],)-60 5228 y(whic)m(h)j(follo)m(ws)e(closely)i(the)e(LOI)g([15].) 72 b(In)42 b(order)g(to)g(allo)m(w)g(a)g(fair)g(comparison)g(w)m(e)i (in)m(tro)s(duce)f(the)-60 5348 y(follo)m(wing)38 b(c)m(hanges)i(with)f (resp)s(ect)g(to)f(the)g(con\014guration)g(used)i(in)e(Ref.)g([31]:)54 b(The)39 b(\014ducial)g(mass)g(is)-60 5468 y(set)f(to)e(440)h(kt,)h (the)g(systematical)h(errors)e(on)g(the)h(bac)m(kground)g(and)f(on)g (the)g Fo(\027)2970 5483 y Fv(e)3044 5468 y Fy(and)43 b(\026)-55 b Fo(\027)3286 5483 y Fv(e)3360 5468 y Fy(app)s(earance)-60 5589 y(signals)30 b(is)g(set)f(to)g(2\045,)h(and)f(w)m(e)h(use)g(a)f (total)g(running)g(time)h(of)f(10)f(y)m(ears,)k(divided)e(in)m(to)g(2)e (y)m(ears)j(of)d(data)-60 5709 y(taking)j(with)g(neutrinos)h(and)f(8)g (y)m(ears)h(with)f(an)m(tineutrinos.)45 b(W)-8 b(e)31 b(include)h(an)f(additional)g(bac)m(kground)1866 6036 y(3)p eop end %%Page: 4 4 TeXDict begin 4 3 bop 67 150 3647 4 v 1233 259 a Fo(\014)6 b Fy(B)804 b(SPL)735 b(T2HK)p 67 324 V 884 433 a Fo(\016)927 448 y Fq(CP)1058 433 y Fy(=)28 b(0)99 b Fo(\016)1353 448 y Fq(CP)1484 433 y Fy(=)28 b Fo(\031)t(=)p Fy(2)99 b Fo(\016)1887 448 y Fq(CP)2018 433 y Fy(=)27 b(0)100 b Fo(\016)2313 448 y Fq(CP)2444 433 y Fy(=)27 b Fo(\031)t(=)p Fy(2)99 b Fo(\016)2846 448 y Fq(CP)2977 433 y Fy(=)28 b(0)99 b Fo(\016)3272 448 y Fq(CP)3403 433 y Fy(=)28 b Fo(\031)t(=)p Fy(2)p 67 497 V 117 606 a(app)s(earance)33 b Fo(\027)117 727 y Fy(bac)m(kground)616 b(143)812 b(622)829 b(898)117 847 y(sin)237 807 y Fq(2)293 847 y Fy(2)p Fo(\022)387 862 y Fq(13)489 847 y Fy(=)28 b(0)607 b(28)862 b(51)f(83)117 968 y(sin)237 928 y Fq(2)293 968 y Fy(2)p Fo(\022)387 983 y Fq(13)489 968 y Fy(=)28 b(10)691 931 y Fm(\000)p Fq(3)999 968 y Fy(76)381 b(88)358 b(105)f(14)g(178)g(17)117 1088 y(sin)237 1048 y Fq(2)293 1088 y Fy(2)p Fo(\022)387 1103 y Fq(13)489 1088 y Fy(=)28 b(10)691 1052 y Fm(\000)p Fq(2)974 1088 y Fy(326)333 b(365)g(423)g(137)f(746)h(238)p 67 1152 V 117 1261 a(app)s(earance)38 b(\026)-54 b Fo(\027)117 1382 y Fy(bac)m(kground)616 b(157)812 b(640)805 b(1510)117 1502 y(sin)237 1462 y Fq(2)293 1502 y Fy(2)p Fo(\022)387 1517 y Fq(13)489 1502 y Fy(=)28 b(0)607 b(31)862 b(57)f(93)117 1623 y(sin)237 1583 y Fq(2)293 1623 y Fy(2)p Fo(\022)387 1638 y Fq(13)489 1623 y Fy(=)28 b(10)691 1586 y Fm(\000)p Fq(3)999 1623 y Fy(83)381 b(12)358 b(102)333 b(146)f(192)h(269)117 1743 y(sin)237 1703 y Fq(2)293 1743 y Fy(2)p Fo(\022)387 1758 y Fq(13)489 1743 y Fy(=)28 b(10)691 1707 y Fm(\000)p Fq(2)974 1743 y Fy(351)333 b(126)g(376)g(516)f(762)309 b(1007)p 67 1807 V 117 1916 a(disapp.)44 b Fo(\027)656 b Fy(100315)690 b(21653)714 b(24949)117 2037 y(bac)m(kground)665 b(6)910 b(1)878 b(444)117 2157 y(disapp.)50 b(\026)-55 b Fo(\027)680 b Fy(84125)715 b(18321)f(34650)117 2278 y(bac)m(kground)665 b(5)910 b(1)878 b(725)p 67 2342 V -60 2502 a Fw(T)-9 b(able)40 b(2)p Fy(:)46 b Fi(Num)n(b)r(er)29 b(of)g(ev)n(en)n(ts)f(for)g(app)r(earance)f(and)i(disapp)r(earance)e (signals)h(and)g(bac)n(kgrounds)f(for)h(the)h Fh(\014)t Fi(B,)g(SPL,)-60 2623 y(and)j(T2HK)g(exp)r(erimen)n(ts)g(as)g (de\014ned)h(in)g(T)-7 b(ab.)32 b(1.)51 b(F)-7 b(or)32 b(the)h(app)r(earance)d(signals)i(the)h(ev)n(en)n(t)f(n)n(um)n(b)r(ers) g(are)f(giv)n(en)h(for)-60 2743 y(sev)n(eral)21 b(v)-5 b(alues)22 b(of)h(sin)642 2708 y Fg(2)693 2743 y Fi(2)p Fh(\022)774 2755 y Fg(13)867 2743 y Fi(and)g Fh(\016)1061 2755 y Fg(CP)1180 2743 y Fi(=)f(0)h(and)f Fh(\031)s(=)p Fi(2.)35 b(The)23 b(bac)n(kground)e(as)h(w)n(ell)h(as)f(the)h(disapp)r (earance)e(ev)n(en)n(t)i(n)n(um)n(b)r(ers)-60 2864 y(corresp)r(ond)j (to)h Fh(\022)503 2876 y Fg(13)597 2864 y Fi(=)22 b(0.)37 b(F)-7 b(or)27 b(the)h(other)f(oscillation)f(parameters)g(the)i(v)-5 b(alues)27 b(of)h(Eq.)f(\(1\))h(are)e(used.)-60 3150 y Fy(from)34 b(the)40 b(\026)-55 b Fo(\027)389 3165 y Fv(\026)466 3150 y Fn(!)35 b Fy(\026)-54 b Fo(\027)644 3165 y Fv(e)715 3150 y Fy(\()p Fo(\027)801 3165 y Fv(\026)878 3150 y Fn(!)29 b Fo(\027)1055 3165 y Fv(e)1093 3150 y Fy(\))k(c)m(hannel)j(in)e(the)h(neutrino)f(\(an)m(tineutrino\))h(mo)s (de.)48 b(F)-8 b(urthermore,)35 b(w)m(e)-60 3270 y(use)h(the)g(same)g (CC)g(detection)g(cross)g(section)g(as)g(for)e(the)i Fo(\014)6 b Fy(B/SPL)35 b(analysis)h([32].)51 b(F)-8 b(or)35 b(more)g(details)-60 3391 y(see)f(Refs.)f([15,)13 b(31].)86 3553 y(In)31 b(T)-8 b(ab.)31 b(2)f(w)m(e)i(giv)m(e)f(the)g(n) m(um)m(b)s(er)h(of)e(signal)h(and)f(bac)m(kground)i(ev)m(en)m(ts)h(for) d(the)h(exp)s(erimen)m(t)h(setups)-60 3698 y(as)39 b(de\014ned)g(in)g (T)-8 b(ab.)39 b(1.)61 b(F)-8 b(or)37 b(the)i(app)s(earance)g(c)m (hannels)h(\()2207 3628 y Fk(\()p Fj(\000)p Fk(\))2225 3695 y Fo(\027)2300 3713 y Fv(e)2337 3698 y Fn(!)2440 3628 y Fk(\()p Fj(\000)p Fk(\))2458 3695 y Fo(\027)2533 3713 y Fv(\026)2618 3698 y Fy(for)e(the)h Fo(\014)6 b Fy(B)38 b(and)3313 3628 y Fk(\()p Fj(\000)p Fk(\))3331 3695 y Fo(\027)3406 3713 y Fv(\026)3453 3698 y Fn(!)3556 3628 y Fk(\()p Fj(\000)p Fk(\))3573 3695 y Fo(\027)3648 3713 y Fv(e)3723 3698 y Fy(for)-60 3818 y(SPL)g(and)f(T2HK\))h(w)m(e)g (giv)m(e)h(the)e(signal)h(ev)m(en)m(ts)i(for)d(v)-5 b(arious)37 b(v)-5 b(alues)39 b(of)e Fo(\022)2755 3833 y Fq(13)2867 3818 y Fy(and)g Fo(\016)3104 3833 y Fq(CP)3208 3818 y Fy(.)58 b(The)38 b(\\signal")-60 3938 y(ev)m(en)m(ts)f(for)c Fo(\022)433 3953 y Fq(13)539 3938 y Fy(=)e(0)j(are)g(app)s(earance)h (ev)m(en)m(ts)h(induced)g(b)m(y)f(the)g(oscillations)g(with)g(\001)p Fo(m)3267 3902 y Fq(2)3267 3963 y(21)3343 3938 y Fy(.)48 b(The)36 b(v)-5 b(alue)-60 4059 y(sin)60 4019 y Fq(2)116 4059 y Fy(2)p Fo(\022)210 4074 y Fq(13)312 4059 y Fy(=)28 b(10)514 4023 y Fm(\000)p Fq(3)639 4059 y Fy(corresp)s(onds)33 b(roughly)f(to)g(the)g(sensitivit)m(y)i(limit)e(for)g(the)g(considered) h(exp)s(erimen)m(ts,)-60 4179 y(whereas)k(sin)432 4139 y Fq(2)488 4179 y Fy(2)p Fo(\022)582 4194 y Fq(13)689 4179 y Fy(=)c(10)896 4143 y Fm(\000)p Fq(2)1025 4179 y Fy(giv)m(es)k(a)e(go)s(o)s(d)f(sensitivit)m(y)k(to)e(CP)g(violation.) 52 b(This)37 b(can)e(b)s(e)h(appreciated)-60 4299 y(b)m(y)31 b(comparing)f(the)g(v)-5 b(alues)30 b(of)f Fo(\027)37 b Fy(and)e(\026)-55 b Fo(\027)36 b Fy(app)s(earance)31 b(ev)m(en)m(ts)h(for)d Fo(\016)2454 4314 y Fq(CP)2585 4299 y Fy(=)e(0)j(and)f Fo(\031)t(=)p Fy(2.)42 b(In)30 b(the)h(table)f(the)-60 4420 y(bac)m(kground)36 b(to)e(the)h(app)s (earance)g(signal)g(is)g(giv)m(en)h(for)e Fo(\022)2105 4435 y Fq(13)2211 4420 y Fy(=)d(0.)49 b(Note)34 b(that)h(in)g(general)g (the)g(n)m(um)m(b)s(er)-60 4540 y(of)d(bac)m(kground)i(ev)m(en)m(ts)h (dep)s(ends)g(also)d(on)h(the)g(oscillation)h(parameters,)g(since)g (also)f(the)g(bac)m(kground)-60 4661 y(neutrinos)c(in)f(the)g(b)s(eam)g (oscillate.)43 b(This)29 b(e\013ect)g(is)f(consisten)m(tly)j(tak)m(en)d (in)m(to)h(accoun)m(t)f(in)g(the)h(analysis,)-60 4781 y(ho)m(w)m(ev)m(er,)38 b(for)c(the)i(parameter)f(v)-5 b(alues)36 b(in)f(the)g(table)g(the)g(c)m(hange)h(in)f(the)h(bac)m (kground)g(ev)m(en)m(ts)h(due)e(to)-60 4901 y(oscillations)f(is)f(only) g(of)f(the)h(order)g(of)f(a)g(few)h(ev)m(en)m(ts.)86 5063 y(The)43 b(ph)m(ysics)h(analysis)f(is)f(p)s(erformed)g(with)h(the) f(GLoBES)f(op)s(en)h(source)h(soft)m(w)m(are)g([30],)g(whic)m(h)-60 5184 y(pro)m(vides)38 b(a)f(con)m(v)m(enien)m(t)i(to)s(ol)d(to)g(sim)m (ulate)i(long-baseline)g(exp)s(erimen)m(ts)h(and)e(compare)g (di\013eren)m(t)h(fa-)-60 5304 y(cilities)c(in)e(a)g(uni\014ed)h (framew)m(ork.)44 b(The)33 b(exp)s(erimen)m(t)i(de\014nition)e (\(AEDL\))e(\014les)j(for)d(the)i Fo(\014)6 b Fy(B)31 b(and)h(SPL)-60 5424 y(sim)m(ulation)i(with)f(GLoBES)g(are)f(a)m(v)-5 b(ailable)33 b(at)g(Ref.)f([33])h Fw(***)k(to)g(b)s(e)h(up)s(dated!)52 b(***)p Fy(.)44 b(In)33 b(the)g(anal-)-60 5545 y(ysis)j(parameter)e (degeneracies)j(and)d(correlations)h(are)f(fully)g(tak)m(en)i(in)m(to)e (accoun)m(t)h(and)f(in)g(general)h(all)-60 5665 y(oscillation)h (parameters)h(are)f(v)-5 b(aried)36 b(in)g(the)g(\014t.)53 b(T)-8 b(o)36 b(sim)m(ulate)h(the)f(\\data")f(w)m(e)i(adopt)e(the)i (follo)m(wing)1866 6036 y(4)p eop end %%Page: 5 5 TeXDict begin 5 4 bop -60 246 a Fy(set)33 b(of)f(\\true)h(v)-5 b(alues")33 b(for)f(the)h(oscillation)h(parameters:)935 458 y(\001)p Fo(m)1101 422 y Fq(2)1101 483 y(31)1204 458 y Fy(=)27 b(+2)p Fo(:)p Fy(4)22 b Fn(\002)g Fy(10)1727 422 y Fm(\000)p Fq(3)1854 458 y Fy(eV)1972 417 y Fq(2)2028 458 y Fo(;)195 b Fy(sin)2370 419 y Fq(2)2426 458 y Fo(\022)2471 473 y Fq(23)2574 458 y Fy(=)27 b(0)p Fo(:)p Fy(5)17 b Fo(;)935 579 y Fy(\001)p Fo(m)1101 543 y Fq(2)1101 604 y(21)1204 579 y Fy(=)27 b(7)p Fo(:)p Fy(9)22 b Fn(\002)h Fy(10)1652 543 y Fm(\000)p Fq(5)1778 579 y Fy(eV)1896 537 y Fq(2)1952 579 y Fo(;)271 b Fy(sin)2370 539 y Fq(2)2426 579 y Fo(\022)2471 594 y Fq(12)2574 579 y Fy(=)27 b(0)p Fo(:)p Fy(3)17 b Fo(;)3715 519 y Fy(\(1\))-60 802 y(and)28 b(w)m(e)i(include)f(a)f(prior)g(kno)m(wledge)i(of)e(these)h(v)-5 b(alues)29 b(with)g(an)f(accuracy)i(of)d(10\045)h(for)g Fo(\022)3264 817 y Fq(12)3339 802 y Fy(,)h Fo(\022)3440 817 y Fq(23)3515 802 y Fy(,)h(\001)p Fo(m)3738 766 y Fq(2)3738 827 y(31)3813 802 y Fy(,)-60 922 y(and)k(4\045)g(for)f(\001)p Fo(m)611 886 y Fq(2)611 947 y(21)720 922 y Fy(at)g(1)p Fo(\033)t Fy(.)47 b(These)35 b(v)-5 b(alues)35 b(and)f(accuracies)h (are)f(motiv)-5 b(ated)34 b(b)m(y)h(recen)m(t)g(global)e(\014ts)h(to) -60 1043 y(neutrino)41 b(oscillation)g(data)f([10,)17 b(11],)42 b(and)e(they)i(are)e(alw)m(a)m(ys)i(used)f(except)h(where)g (explicitly)g(stated)-60 1163 y(otherwise.)-60 1475 y Fp(3)135 b(The)44 b(CERN{MEMPHYS)h(exp)t(erimen)l(ts)-60 1757 y Fw(3.1)112 b(The)38 b(MEMPHYS)f(detector)-60 2003 y Fy(MEMPHYS)24 b(\(MEgaton)e(Mass)h(PHYSics\))h([26])d(is)i(a)e(mega)h (ton)g(class)h(w)m(ater)2826 1978 y(\024)2815 2003 y(Cerenk)m(o)m(v)i (detector)d(in)h(the)-60 2123 y(straigh)m(t)29 b(extrap)s(olation)f(of) g(Sup)s(er-Kamiok)-5 b(ande,)30 b(lo)s(cated)f(at)f(F)-8 b(r)m(\023)-46 b(ejus,)30 b(at)e(a)g(distance)i(of)e(130)g(km)h(from) -60 2244 y(CERN.)e(It)f(is)h(an)f(alternativ)m(e)h(design)g(of)f(the)h (UNO)f([27])g(and)g(Hyp)s(er-Kamiok)-5 b(ande)27 b([28])e(detectors)j (and)-60 2364 y(shares)38 b(the)f(same)g(ph)m(ysics)j(case,)e(b)s(oth)f (from)f(the)h(non-accelerator)g(domain)g(\(n)m(ucleon)h(deca)m(y)-8 b(,)39 b(sup)s(er)-60 2485 y(no)m(v)-5 b(a)40 b(neutrino)h(detection,)i (solar)e(neutrinos,)i(atmospheric)e(neutrinos\))h(and)e(from)g(the)g (accelerator)-60 2605 y(domain)35 b(whic)m(h)g(is)g(the)g(sub)5 b(ject)36 b(of)e(this)h(pap)s(er.)49 b(A)34 b(recen)m(t)i(civil)f (engineering)h(pre-study)f(to)f(en)m(visage)-60 2725 y(the)27 b(p)s(ossibly)g(of)f(large)g(ca)m(vit)m(y)i(exca)m(v)-5 b(ation)27 b(lo)s(cated)g(under)g(the)g(F)-8 b(r)m(\023)-46 b(ejus)26 b(moun)m(tain)h(\(4800)e(m.e.w.\))43 b(near)-60 2846 y(the)35 b(presen)m(t)i(Mo)s(dane)e(underground)h(lab)s(oratory)e (has)h(b)s(een)g(undertak)m(en.)52 b(The)36 b(main)f(result)h(of)e (this)-60 2966 y(pre-study)k(is)g(that)f(MEMPHYS)i(ma)m(y)e(b)s(e)h (built)f(with)h(presen)m(t)g(tec)m(hniques)i(as)d(a)g(mo)s(dular)g (detector)-60 3086 y(consisting)f(of)e(sev)m(eral)j(shafts,)f(eac)m(h)g (with)f(65)f(m)h(in)g(diameter,)i(65)d(m)h(in)g(heigh)m(t)h(for)e(the)h (total)f(w)m(ater)-60 3207 y(con)m(tainmen)m(t.)78 b(A)43 b(sc)m(hematic)j(view)f(of)e(the)g(la)m(y)m(out)i(is)f(sho)m(wn)g(in)g (Fig.)f(1.)76 b(F)-8 b(or)43 b(the)h(presen)m(t)h(study)-60 3327 y(w)m(e)38 b(ha)m(v)m(e)f(c)m(hosen)h(a)f(\014ducial)g(mass)g(of)f (440)g(kt)h(whic)m(h)h(means)g(3)e(shafts)h(and)g(an)f(inner)h (detector)g(\(ID\))-60 3448 y(of)h(57)g(m)h(in)g(diameter)g(and)g(57)f (m)h(in)g(heigh)m(t.)62 b(Eac)m(h)39 b(ID)g(ma)m(y)g(b)s(e)g(equipp)s (ed)h(with)f(photo)g(detectors)-60 3568 y(\(81000)34 b(p)s(er)h(shaft\))g(with)g(a)g(30\045)g(geometrical)g(co)m(v)m(erage)h (and)g(the)f(same)h(photo-statistics)f(of)g(Sup)s(er-)-60 3688 y(Kamiok)-5 b(ande)34 b(\(with)h(a)f(40\045)g(co)m(v)m(erage\).)49 b(In)34 b(principle)i(up)e(to)g(5)f(shafts)i(are)f(p)s(ossible,)i (corresp)s(onding)-60 3809 y(to)e(a)f(\014ducial)i(mass)g(of)e(730)h (kt.)48 b(The)35 b(F)-8 b(r)m(\023)-46 b(ejus)34 b(site)h(o\013ers)f(a) g(natural)f(protection)i(against)f(cosmic)h(ra)m(ys)-60 3929 y(b)m(y)j(a)f(factor)g(10)548 3893 y Fq(6)587 3929 y Fy(.)57 b(If)38 b(not)f(men)m(tioned)i(otherwise,)h(the)d(ev)m(en)m (t)i(selection)g(and)f(particle)g(iden)m(ti\014cation)-60 4049 y(are)33 b(the)g(Sup)s(er-Kamiok)-5 b(ande)33 b(algorithms)f (results.)-60 4296 y Fw(3.2)112 b(The)38 b Fo(\015)33 b Fy(=)27 b(100)22 b Fn(\002)g Fy(100)37 b Fw(baseline)i(Beta)e(Beam) -60 4542 y Fy(The)27 b(concept)f(of)g(a)f(Beta)h(Beam)g(\()p Fo(\014)6 b Fy(B\))25 b(has)h(b)s(een)h(in)m(tro)s(duced)g(b)m(y)f(P)-8 b(.)26 b(Zucc)m(helli)h(in)f(Ref.)g([21].)41 b(Neutrinos)-60 4662 y(are)j(pro)s(duced)g(b)m(y)h(the)f(deca)m(y)h(of)e(radioactiv)m (e)i(isotop)s(es)f(whic)m(h)i(are)d(stored)i(in)e(a)h(deca)m(y)h(ring.) 77 b(An)-60 4783 y(imp)s(ortan)m(t)23 b(parameter)h(is)g(the)f (relativistic)i(gamma)e(factor)g(of)f(the)i(ions,)h(whic)m(h)g (determines)g(the)f(energy)-60 4903 y(of)41 b(the)g(emitted)h (neutrinos.)71 b Fo(\014)6 b Fy(B)40 b(p)s(erformances)j(ha)m(v)m(e)f (b)s(een)g(computed)g(previously)i(for)c Fo(\015)5 b Fy(\()3528 4867 y Fq(6)3567 4903 y Fy(He)q(\))42 b(=)-60 5023 y(66)34 b([25],)h(100)f([34{)o(36],)h(150)f([36],)h(200)f([37],)g (350)g([36],)h(500)f([37,)14 b(38],)35 b(1000)e([37],)i(2000)f([38],)h (2488)e([39].)-60 5144 y(Reviews)j(can)f(b)s(e)g(found)f(in)h(Ref.)f ([40],)h(the)g(ph)m(ysics)i(p)s(oten)m(tial)d(of)g(a)g(v)m(ery)i(lo)m (w)f(gamma)f Fo(\014)6 b Fy(B)34 b(has)h(b)s(een)-60 5264 y(studied)g(in)e(Ref.)g([41].)46 b(P)m(erformances)35 b(of)e(a)g Fo(\014)6 b Fy(B)32 b(with)i Fo(\015)g(>)29 b Fy(150)j(are)i(extremely)h(promising,)f(ho)m(w)m(ev)m(er,)-60 5384 y(they)45 b(are)f(neither)h(based)f(on)g(an)g(existing)h (accelerator)g(complex)g(nor)f(on)g(a)f(robust)i(estimation)f(of)-60 5505 y(the)37 b(ion)f(deca)m(y)i(rates.)56 b(F)-8 b(or)36 b(a)g(CERN)h(based)h Fo(\014)6 b Fy(B,)36 b(\015uxes)i(ha)m(v)m(e)g(b)s (een)f(estimated)h(in)f(Ref.)f([42])h(and)f(a)-60 5625 y(design)j(study)f(is)g(in)g(progress)g(for)f(the)h(facilit)m(y)h ([43].)58 b(In)37 b(this)i(w)m(ork)f(w)m(e)g(assume)h(an)f(in)m (tegrated)g(\015ux)-60 5746 y(of)f(neutrinos)h(in)g(10)f(y)m(ears,)j (corresp)s(onding)e(to)f(5)p Fo(:)p Fy(8)25 b Fn(\001)g Fy(10)2082 5709 y Fq(19)2194 5746 y Fy(useful)2478 5709 y Fq(6)2518 5746 y Fy(He)37 b(deca)m(ys)j(and)d(2)p Fo(:)p Fy(2)25 b Fn(\001)g Fy(10)3481 5709 y Fq(19)3593 5746 y Fy(useful)1866 6036 y(5)p eop end %%Page: 6 6 TeXDict begin 6 5 bop 623 1586 a @beginspecial 25 @llx 29 @lly 388 @urx 235 @ury 3042 @rwi @setspecial %%BeginDocument: ./fig1.eps %!PS-Adobe-3.0 %%BoundingBox: 25 29 388 235 %%HiResBoundingBox: 25.847999 29.458731 387.575988 234.053993 %%Title: (MEMPHYS.pdf) %%Version: 1 2 %%CreationDate: 03:51:36 PM 03/20/2006 %%DocumentData: Clean7Bit %%LanguageLevel: 2 %%Pages: 1 %%DocumentProcessColors: (atend) %%DocumentSuppliedResources: %%+ procset (Adobe Acrobat - PDF operators) 1.2 0 %%+ procset (Adobe Acrobat - general image support) 1.2 0 %%+ procset (Adobe Acrobat - monochrome image support) 1.2 0 %%+ procset (Adobe Acrobat - color image support) 1.2 0 %%+ procset (Adobe Acrobat - 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closefile } { pop } ifelse } if end } [/miDict /DataDict /_Filters] bld /RadialShade { 40 dict begin /background exch def /ext1 exch def /ext0 exch def /BBox exch def /r2 exch def /c2y exch def /c2x exch def /r1 exch def /c1y exch def /c1x exch def /rampdict exch def gsave BBox length 0 gt { newpath BBox 0 get BBox 1 get moveto BBox 2 get BBox 0 get sub 0 rlineto 0 BBox 3 get BBox 1 get sub rlineto BBox 2 get BBox 0 get sub neg 0 rlineto closepath clip newpath } if c1x c2x eq { c1y c2y lt {/theta 90 def}{/theta 270 def} ifelse } { /slope c2y c1y sub c2x c1x sub div def /theta slope 1 atan def c2x c1x lt c2y c1y ge and { /theta theta 180 sub def} if c2x c1x lt c2y c1y lt and { /theta theta 180 add def} if } ifelse gsave clippath c1x c1y translate theta rotate -90 rotate { pathbbox } stopped { 0 0 0 0 } if /yMax exch def /xMax exch def /yMin exch def /xMin exch def grestore xMax xMin eq yMax yMin eq or { grestore end } { /max { 2 copy gt { pop } {exch pop} ifelse } bind def /min { 2 copy lt { pop } {exch pop} ifelse } bind def rampdict begin 40 dict begin background length 0 gt { background sssetbackground gsave clippath fill grestore } if gsave c1x c1y translate theta rotate -90 rotate /c2y c1x c2x sub dup mul c1y c2y sub dup mul add sqrt def /c1y 0 def /c1x 0 def /c2x 0 def ext0 { 0 getrampcolor c2y r2 add r1 sub 0.0001 lt { c1x c1y r1 360 0 arcn pathbbox /aymax exch def /axmax exch def /aymin exch def /axmin exch def /bxMin xMin axmin min def /byMin yMin aymin min def /bxMax xMax axmax max def /byMax yMax aymax max def bxMin byMin moveto bxMax byMin lineto bxMax byMax lineto bxMin byMax lineto bxMin byMin lineto eofill } { c2y r1 add r2 le { c1x c1y r1 0 360 arc fill } { c2x c2y r2 0 360 arc fill r1 r2 eq { /p1x r1 neg def /p1y c1y def /p2x r1 def /p2y c1y def p1x p1y moveto p2x p2y lineto p2x yMin lineto p1x yMin lineto fill } { /AA r2 r1 sub c2y div def AA -1 eq { /theta 89.99 def} { /theta AA 1 AA dup mul sub sqrt div 1 atan def} ifelse /SS1 90 theta add dup sin exch cos div def /p1x r1 SS1 SS1 mul SS1 SS1 mul 1 add div sqrt mul neg def /p1y p1x SS1 div neg def /SS2 90 theta sub dup sin exch cos div def /p2x r1 SS2 SS2 mul SS2 SS2 mul 1 add div sqrt mul def /p2y p2x SS2 div neg def r1 r2 gt { /L1maxX p1x yMin p1y sub SS1 div add def /L2maxX p2x yMin p2y sub SS2 div add def } { /L1maxX 0 def /L2maxX 0 def }ifelse p1x p1y moveto p2x p2y lineto L2maxX L2maxX p2x sub SS2 mul p2y add lineto L1maxX L1maxX p1x sub SS1 mul p1y add lineto fill } ifelse } ifelse } ifelse } if c1x c2x sub dup mul c1y c2y sub dup mul add 0.5 exp 0 dtransform dup mul exch dup mul add 0.5 exp 72 div 0 72 matrix defaultmatrix dtransform dup mul exch dup mul add sqrt 72 0 matrix defaultmatrix dtransform dup mul exch dup mul add sqrt 1 index 1 index lt { exch } if pop /hires exch def hires mul /numpix exch def /numsteps NumSamples def /rampIndxInc 1 def /subsampling false def numpix 0 ne { NumSamples numpix div 0.5 gt { /numsteps numpix 2 div round cvi dup 1 le { pop 2 } if def /rampIndxInc NumSamples 1 sub numsteps div def /subsampling true def } if } if /xInc c2x c1x sub numsteps div def /yInc c2y c1y sub numsteps div def /rInc r2 r1 sub numsteps div def /cx c1x def /cy c1y def /radius r1 def newpath xInc 0 eq yInc 0 eq rInc 0 eq and and { 0 getrampcolor cx cy radius 0 360 arc stroke NumSamples 1 sub getrampcolor cx cy radius 72 hires div add 0 360 arc 0 setlinewidth stroke } { 0 numsteps { dup subsampling { round } if getrampcolor cx cy radius 0 360 arc /cx cx xInc add def /cy cy yInc add def /radius radius rInc add def cx cy radius 360 0 arcn eofill rampIndxInc add } repeat pop } ifelse ext1 { c2y r2 add r1 lt { c2x c2y r2 0 360 arc fill } { c2y r1 add r2 sub 0.0001 le { c2x c2y r2 360 0 arcn pathbbox /aymax exch def /axmax exch def /aymin exch def /axmin exch def /bxMin xMin axmin min def /byMin yMin aymin min def /bxMax xMax axmax max def /byMax yMax aymax max def bxMin byMin moveto bxMax byMin lineto bxMax byMax lineto bxMin byMax lineto bxMin byMin lineto eofill } { c2x c2y r2 0 360 arc fill r1 r2 eq { /p1x r2 neg def /p1y c2y def /p2x r2 def /p2y c2y def p1x p1y moveto p2x p2y lineto p2x yMax lineto p1x yMax lineto fill } { /AA r2 r1 sub c2y div def AA -1 eq { /theta 89.99 def} { /theta AA 1 AA dup mul sub sqrt div 1 atan def} ifelse /SS1 90 theta add dup sin exch cos div def /p1x r2 SS1 SS1 mul SS1 SS1 mul 1 add div sqrt mul neg def /p1y c2y p1x SS1 div sub def /SS2 90 theta sub dup sin exch cos div def /p2x r2 SS2 SS2 mul SS2 SS2 mul 1 add div sqrt mul def /p2y c2y p2x SS2 div sub def r1 r2 lt { /L1maxX p1x yMax p1y sub SS1 div add def /L2maxX p2x yMax p2y sub SS2 div add def } { /L1maxX 0 def /L2maxX 0 def }ifelse p1x p1y moveto p2x p2y lineto L2maxX L2maxX p2x sub SS2 mul p2y add lineto L1maxX L1maxX p1x sub SS1 mul p1y add lineto fill } ifelse } ifelse } ifelse } if grestore grestore end end end } ifelse } bd /GenStrips { 40 dict begin /background exch def /ext1 exch def /ext0 exch def /BBox exch def /y2 exch def /x2 exch def /y1 exch def /x1 exch def /rampdict exch def gsave BBox length 0 gt { newpath BBox 0 get BBox 1 get moveto BBox 2 get BBox 0 get sub 0 rlineto 0 BBox 3 get BBox 1 get sub rlineto BBox 2 get BBox 0 get sub neg 0 rlineto closepath clip newpath } if x1 x2 eq { y1 y2 lt {/theta 90 def}{/theta 270 def} ifelse } { /slope y2 y1 sub x2 x1 sub div def /theta slope 1 atan def x2 x1 lt y2 y1 ge and { /theta theta 180 sub def} if x2 x1 lt y2 y1 lt and { /theta theta 180 add def} if } ifelse gsave clippath x1 y1 translate theta rotate { pathbbox } stopped { 0 0 0 0 } if /yMax exch def /xMax exch def /yMin exch def /xMin exch def grestore xMax xMin eq yMax yMin eq or { grestore end } { rampdict begin 20 dict begin background length 0 gt { background sssetbackground gsave clippath fill grestore } if gsave x1 y1 translate theta rotate /xStart 0 def /xEnd x2 x1 sub dup mul y2 y1 sub dup mul add 0.5 exp def /ySpan yMax yMin sub def /numsteps NumSamples def /rampIndxInc 1 def /subsampling false def xStart 0 transform xEnd 0 transform 3 -1 roll sub dup mul 3 1 roll sub dup mul add 0.5 exp 72 div 0 72 matrix defaultmatrix dtransform dup mul exch dup mul add sqrt 72 0 matrix defaultmatrix dtransform dup mul exch dup mul add sqrt 1 index 1 index lt { exch } if pop mul /numpix exch def numpix 0 ne { NumSamples numpix div 0.5 gt { /numsteps numpix 2 div round cvi dup 1 le { pop 2 } if def /rampIndxInc NumSamples 1 sub numsteps div def /subsampling true def } if } if ext0 { 0 getrampcolor xMin xStart lt { xMin yMin xMin neg ySpan rectfill } if } if /xInc xEnd xStart sub numsteps div def /x xStart def 0 numsteps { dup subsampling { round } if getrampcolor x yMin xInc ySpan rectfill /x x xInc add def rampIndxInc add } repeat pop ext1 { xMax xEnd gt { xEnd yMin xMax xEnd sub ySpan rectfill } if } if grestore grestore end end end } ifelse } bd /currentdistillerparams where { pop currentdistillerparams /CoreDistVersion get 5000 lt}{true}ifelse { /PDFMark5 {cleartomark} bd } { /PDFMark5 {pdfmark} bd }ifelse /ReadByPDFMark5 { 2 dict begin /makerString exch def string /tmpString exch def { currentfile tmpString readline pop makerString anchorsearch { pop pop cleartomark exit } { 3 copy /PUT PDFMark5 pop 2 copy ( ) /PUT PDFMark5 } ifelse }loop end }bd %%EndResource %%BeginResource: procset pdflev2 6.0 1 %%Copyright: Copyright 1987-2001,2003 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved. %%Title: PDF operators, with code specific for Level 2 /docinitialize { PDF begin /_defaulthalftone currenthalftone dd /_defaultblackgeneration currentblackgeneration dd /_defaultundercolorremoval currentundercolorremoval dd /_defaultcolortransfer [currentcolortransfer] dd /_defaulttransfer currenttransfer dd end PDFVars /docSetupDone true put } bd /initialize { PDFVars /docSetupDone get { _defaulthalftone sethalftone /_defaultblackgeneration load setblackgeneration /_defaultundercolorremoval load setundercolorremoval _defaultcolortransfer aload pop setcolortransfer } if false setoverprint } bd /terminate { } bd /c /curveto ld /cs /setcolorspace ld /l /lineto ld /m /moveto ld /q /gsave ld /Q /grestore ld /sc /setcolor ld /setSA/setstrokeadjust ld /re { 4 2 roll m 1 index 0 rlineto 0 exch rlineto neg 0 rlineto h } bd /concattransferfuncs { [ 3 1 roll /exec load exch /exec load ] cvx } bd /concatandsettransfer { /_defaulttransfer load concattransferfuncs settransfer } bd /concatandsetcolortransfer { _defaultcolortransfer aload pop 8 -1 roll 5 -1 roll concattransferfuncs 7 1 roll 6 -1 roll 4 -1 roll concattransferfuncs 5 1 roll 4 -1 roll 3 -1 roll concattransferfuncs 3 1 roll concattransferfuncs setcolortransfer } bd /defineRes/defineresource ld /undefineRes/undefineresource ld /findRes/findresource ld currentglobal true systemdict /setglobal get exec [/Function /ExtGState /Form /Shading /FunctionDictionary /MadePattern /PatternPrototype /DataSource /Image] { /Generic /Category findresource dup length dict copy /Category defineresource pop } forall systemdict /setglobal get exec /ri { /findcolorrendering isdefined? { mark exch findcolorrendering counttomark 2 eq { type /booleantype eq { dup type /nametype eq { dup /ColorRendering resourcestatus { pop pop dup /DefaultColorRendering ne { /ColorRendering findresource setcolorrendering } if } if } if } if } if cleartomark } { pop } ifelse } bd /knownColorants? { pop false } bd /getrampcolor { cvi /indx exch def 0 1 NumComp 1 sub { dup Samples exch get dup type /stringtype eq { indx get } if exch Scaling exch get aload pop 3 1 roll mul add } for setcolor } bd /sssetbackground { aload pop setcolor } bd %%EndResource %%BeginResource: procset pdftext 6.0 1 %%Copyright: Copyright 1987-2001,2003 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved. %%Title: Text operators for PDF PDF /PDFText 78 dict dup begin put /docinitialize { /resourcestatus where { pop /CIDParams /ProcSet resourcestatus { pop pop false /CIDParams /ProcSet findresource /SetBuildCompatible get exec } if } if PDF begin PDFText /_pdfDefineIdentity-H known { PDFText /_pdfDefineIdentity-H get exec} if end } bd /initialize { PDFText begin } bd /terminate { end } bd Level2? { /_safeput { 3 -1 roll load 3 1 roll put } bd } { /_safeput { 2 index load dup dup length exch maxlength ge { dup length 5 add dict copy 3 index xdd } { pop } ifelse 3 -1 roll load 3 1 roll put } bd } ifelse /pdf_has_composefont? systemdict /composefont known def /CopyFont { { 1 index /FID ne 2 index /UniqueID ne and { def } { pop pop } ifelse } forall } bd /Type0CopyFont { exch dup length dict begin CopyFont [ exch FDepVector { dup /FontType get 0 eq { 1 index Type0CopyFont /_pdfType0 exch definefont } { /_pdfBaseFont exch 2 index exec } ifelse exch } forall pop ] 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6.45 11.22 11.48 c 2.58 4.9 3.87 11.61 3.87 20.25 c 0 10.58 -2.97 18.83 -8.77 24.9 c -5.8 6.06 -13.29 9.03 -22.57 9.03 c -8.26 0 -15.22 -2.45 -21.03 -7.48 c -6.84 -5.93 -10.32 -15.09 -10.32 -27.35 c 0 -11.35 2.84 -20 8.64 -25.93 c h 1432.54 94.63 m 3.74 4.26 8.39 6.32 14.06 6.32 c 5.68 0 10.32 -2.06 14.06 -6.32 c 3.74 -4.26 5.68 -10.58 5.68 -18.83 c 0 -8.77 -1.94 -15.22 -5.68 -19.48 c -3.74 -4.26 -8.39 -6.45 -14.06 -6.45 c -5.68 0 -10.32 2.06 -14.06 6.32 c -3.74 4.26 -5.68 10.71 -5.68 19.22 c 0 8.51 1.94 14.96 5.68 19.22 c h f* 1502.87 42 0 36.51 P 0 8.64 1.81 14.45 5.29 17.42 c 3.48 3.1 7.61 4.64 12.38 4.64 c 3.1 0 5.68 -0.65 7.87 -2.06 c 2.32 -1.29 3.87 -3.23 4.77 -5.42 c 0.9 -2.32 1.29 -5.8 1.29 -10.45 c 0 -40.64 11.35 0 0 41.15 p 0 5.16 -0.26 8.9 -0.65 10.96 c -0.65 3.23 -1.81 6.06 -3.48 8.39 c -1.68 2.32 -4.26 4.26 -7.61 5.68 c -3.35 1.42 -7.09 2.19 -11.09 2.19 c -9.29 0 -16.38 -3.61 -21.29 -10.97 c 0 9.55 -10.19 0 0 -66.95 h f* 1567.77 46 m 4.51 -3.61 11.09 -5.42 19.87 -5.42 c 5.29 0 9.93 0.9 14.06 2.71 c 4.26 1.81 7.35 4.39 9.55 7.74 c 2.19 3.35 3.35 6.84 3.35 10.71 c 0 3.87 -0.9 7.09 -2.71 9.68 c -1.81 2.58 -4.39 4.52 -7.48 5.93 c -3.23 1.29 -8.77 3.1 -16.77 5.29 c -5.55 1.42 -8.9 2.45 -10.06 2.84 c -1.94 0.77 -3.35 1.81 -4.26 2.97 c -0.9 1.29 -1.42 2.58 -1.42 4 c 0 2.32 1.16 4.39 3.35 6.06 c 2.19 1.68 5.93 2.58 11.09 2.58 c 4.39 0 7.74 -1.03 10.19 -2.97 c 2.45 -1.94 3.87 -4.64 4.39 -8.13 c 11.09 1.55 p -0.77 4.39 -2.06 7.87 -3.87 10.45 c -1.94 2.58 -4.9 4.64 -8.77 6.06 c -4 1.55 -8.64 2.32 -13.8 2.32 c -3.48 0 -6.84 -0.39 -9.8 -1.29 c -3.1 -0.9 -5.42 -2.06 -7.22 -3.35 c -2.32 -1.68 -4.26 -3.74 -5.55 -6.32 c -1.42 -2.58 -2.06 -5.29 -2.06 -8.26 c 0 -3.23 0.77 -6.32 2.45 -9.03 c 1.68 -2.58 4.13 -4.77 7.35 -6.32 c 3.23 -1.55 8.9 -3.35 17.29 -5.42 c 6.06 -1.55 9.93 -2.84 11.61 -3.87 c 2.19 -1.42 3.35 -3.48 3.35 -6.06 c 0 -2.84 -1.29 -5.29 -3.74 -7.35 c -2.58 -2.19 -6.45 -3.23 -11.61 -3.23 c -5.29 0 -9.29 1.16 -12.13 3.61 c -2.84 2.32 -4.64 5.8 -5.29 10.32 c -11.22 -1.81 p 1.29 -7.09 4.13 -12.38 8.77 -16 c h f* 1647.25 51.68 m -1.68 0 -2.97 0.26 -3.87 0.77 c -0.9 0.65 -1.55 1.29 -1.94 2.32 c -0.39 0.9 -0.65 2.97 -0.65 6.19 c 0 39.22 11.35 0 0 8.77 ^ 0 23.35 -11.35 -6.84 0 -16.51 -8.39 0 0 -8.77 ^ 0 -38.57 p 0 -6.84 0.52 -11.22 1.42 -13.42 c 0.9 -2.06 2.45 -3.87 4.77 -5.16 c 2.19 -1.29 5.42 -1.94 9.55 -1.94 c 2.45 0 5.29 0.39 8.51 1.03 c -1.55 9.93 p -2.06 -0.26 -3.74 -0.39 -4.9 -0.39 c h f* 1674.74 42 0 34.96 P 0 4.77 0.65 9.16 1.94 13.29 c 0.77 2.58 2.19 4.64 4.13 6.19 c 1.94 1.42 4.26 2.19 6.71 2.19 c 2.71 0 5.42 -0.77 8.26 -2.32 c 4 10.45 p -4 2.45 -7.87 3.61 -11.61 3.61 c -2.71 0 -5.16 -0.77 -7.35 -2.32 c -2.19 -1.42 -4.64 -4.64 -7.22 -9.29 c 0 10.19 -10.19 0 0 -66.95 h f* 1760.44 42 0 66.95 -11.35 0 0 -35.73 P 0 -5.8 -0.65 -10.06 -1.81 -13.16 c -1.29 -2.97 -3.35 -5.29 -6.32 -7.09 c -2.97 -1.68 -6.19 -2.58 -9.55 -2.58 c -3.48 0 -6.32 0.9 -8.64 2.58 c -2.19 1.68 -3.74 4 -4.52 6.97 c -0.39 2.06 -0.65 6.06 -0.65 12 c 0 37.02 -11.35 0 0 -41.41 p 0 -4.9 0.26 -8.39 0.65 -10.58 c 0.77 -3.35 1.93 -6.19 3.48 -8.39 c 1.68 -2.32 4.26 -4.26 7.61 -5.68 c 3.48 -1.55 7.09 -2.32 11.09 -2.32 c 8.9 0 16 3.74 21.16 11.35 c 0 -9.93 h f* 1816.57 54 m -2.97 -2.71 -6.71 -4.13 -11.09 -4.13 c -5.55 0 -10.06 2.06 -13.54 6.06 c -3.48 4.13 -5.16 10.58 -5.16 19.61 c 0 8.9 1.81 15.35 5.42 19.35 c 3.48 4.13 8.13 6.19 13.93 6.19 c 3.74 0 6.97 -1.16 9.68 -3.35 c 2.58 -2.32 4.52 -5.68 5.55 -10.19 c 10.97 1.68 p -1.29 6.71 -4.26 12 -8.9 15.61 c -4.64 3.74 -10.58 5.55 -17.8 5.55 c -5.68 0 -11.09 -1.29 -16 -4 c -4.77 -2.71 -8.51 -6.84 -10.84 -12.25 c -2.45 -5.42 -3.61 -11.74 -3.61 -18.83 c 0 -11.22 2.84 -19.74 8.38 -25.8 c 5.55 -5.93 12.9 -8.9 22.06 -8.9 c 7.22 0 13.42 2.19 18.45 6.45 c 4.9 4.39 8.13 10.32 9.29 17.93 c -11.09 1.55 p -0.77 -5.68 -2.71 -9.8 -5.68 -12.51 c h f* 1862.25 51.68 m -1.68 0 -2.97 0.26 -3.87 0.77 c -0.9 0.65 -1.55 1.29 -1.94 2.32 c -0.39 0.9 -0.65 2.97 -0.65 6.19 c 0 39.22 11.35 0 0 8.77 ^ 0 23.35 -11.35 -6.84 0 -16.51 -8.39 0 0 -8.77 ^ 0 -38.57 p 0 -6.84 0.52 -11.22 1.42 -13.42 c 0.9 -2.06 2.45 -3.87 4.77 -5.16 c 2.19 -1.29 5.42 -1.94 9.55 -1.94 c 2.45 0 5.29 0.39 8.51 1.03 c -1.55 9.93 p -2.06 -0.26 -3.74 -0.39 -4.9 -0.39 c h f* 1917.21 53.22 m -2.97 -2.19 -6.45 -3.35 -10.58 -3.35 c -5.68 0 -10.32 1.94 -14.06 5.8 c -3.74 4 -5.8 9.55 -6.19 16.9 c 49.92 0 p 0 1.29 0 2.32 0 2.97 c 0 11.09 -2.84 19.61 -8.51 25.67 c -5.68 6.06 -12.9 9.16 -21.8 9.16 c -9.29 0 -16.77 -3.1 -22.57 -9.29 c -5.8 -6.19 -8.64 -14.96 -8.64 -26.19 c 0 -10.84 2.84 -19.22 8.64 -25.28 c 5.68 -6.06 13.42 -9.03 23.22 -9.03 c 7.74 0 14.06 1.94 19.09 5.68 c 4.9 3.74 8.39 9.03 10.19 15.87 c -11.74 1.55 p -1.68 -4.77 -4 -8.26 -6.97 -10.45 c h 1892.96 95.79 m 3.48 3.48 7.87 5.29 13.03 5.29 c 5.8 0 10.45 -2.19 14.06 -6.58 c 2.32 -2.84 3.74 -6.97 4.26 -12.64 c -37.28 0 p 0.39 5.8 2.32 10.45 5.93 13.93 c h f* 2004.31 42 0 92.36 -11.35 0 0 -33.28 P -1.94 2.84 -4.52 5.03 -7.74 6.71 c -3.1 1.68 -6.71 2.58 -10.71 2.58 c -5.55 0 -10.45 -1.42 -14.96 -4.39 c -4.39 -2.84 -7.74 -6.97 -9.93 -12.38 c -2.19 -5.42 -3.35 -11.48 -3.35 -18.19 c 0 -6.84 1.29 -12.9 3.74 -18.19 c 2.45 -5.16 5.8 -9.29 10.32 -12.25 c 4.51 -2.97 9.42 -4.39 14.71 -4.39 c 8.26 0 14.45 3.35 18.71 9.93 c 0 -8.51 h 1962.9 94.76 m 3.48 4.13 7.61 6.19 12.77 6.19 c 5.16 0 9.42 -2.19 13.03 -6.45 c 3.48 -4.26 5.29 -10.97 5.29 -20.12 c 0 -8.26 -1.68 -14.45 -5.16 -18.45 c -3.48 -4 -7.74 -6.06 -12.77 -6.06 c -4.9 0 -9.16 2.06 -12.77 6.32 c -3.61 4.26 -5.42 10.71 -5.42 19.22 c 0 8.77 1.68 15.22 5.03 19.35 c h f* 2018 69.7349 35.0879 11.3521 re f* 2102.67 42 0 81.53 30.44 0 0 10.84 -73.14 0 ^ 30.44 0 0 -81.53 H f* 2155.74 42 0 34.96 P 0 4.77 0.65 9.16 1.94 13.29 c 0.77 2.58 2.19 4.64 4.13 6.19 c 1.94 1.42 4.26 2.19 6.71 2.19 c 2.71 0 5.42 -0.77 8.26 -2.32 c 4 10.45 p -4 2.45 -7.87 3.61 -11.61 3.61 c -2.71 0 -5.16 -0.77 -7.35 -2.32 c -2.19 -1.42 -4.64 -4.64 -7.22 -9.29 c 0 10.19 -10.19 0 0 -66.95 h f* 2241.44 42 0 66.95 -11.35 0 0 -35.73 P 0 -5.8 -0.65 -10.06 -1.81 -13.16 c -1.29 -2.97 -3.35 -5.29 -6.32 -7.09 c -2.97 -1.68 -6.19 -2.58 -9.55 -2.58 c -3.48 0 -6.32 0.9 -8.64 2.58 c -2.19 1.68 -3.74 4 -4.52 6.97 c -0.39 2.06 -0.65 6.06 -0.65 12 c 0 37.02 -11.35 0 0 -41.41 p 0 -4.9 0.26 -8.39 0.65 -10.58 c 0.77 -3.35 1.93 -6.19 3.48 -8.39 c 1.68 -2.32 4.26 -4.26 7.61 -5.68 c 3.48 -1.55 7.09 -2.32 11.09 -2.32 c 8.9 0 16 3.74 21.16 11.35 c 0 -9.93 h f* 2297.21 53.22 m -2.97 -2.19 -6.45 -3.35 -10.58 -3.35 c -5.68 0 -10.32 1.94 -14.06 5.8 c -3.74 4 -5.8 9.55 -6.19 16.9 c 49.92 0 p 0 1.29 0 2.32 0 2.97 c 0 11.09 -2.84 19.61 -8.51 25.67 c -5.68 6.06 -12.9 9.16 -21.8 9.16 c -9.29 0 -16.77 -3.1 -22.57 -9.29 c -5.8 -6.19 -8.64 -14.96 -8.64 -26.19 c 0 -10.84 2.84 -19.22 8.64 -25.28 c 5.68 -6.06 13.42 -9.03 23.22 -9.03 c 7.74 0 14.06 1.94 19.09 5.68 c 4.9 3.74 8.39 9.03 10.19 15.87 c -11.74 1.55 p -1.68 -4.77 -4 -8.26 -6.97 -10.45 c h 2272.96 95.79 m 3.48 3.48 7.87 5.29 13.03 5.29 c 5.8 0 10.45 -2.19 14.06 -6.58 c 2.32 -2.84 3.74 -6.97 4.26 -12.64 c -37.28 0 p 0.39 5.8 2.32 10.45 5.93 13.93 c h f* 2437.08 42 0 10.84 -56.63 0 0 31.48 50.95 0 0 10.84 ^ 0 28.38 54.44 0 0 10.84 -66.69 0 0 -92.36 H f* 2463.87 42 0 36.51 P 0 8.64 1.81 14.45 5.29 17.42 c 3.48 3.1 7.61 4.64 12.38 4.64 c 3.1 0 5.68 -0.65 7.87 -2.06 c 2.32 -1.29 3.87 -3.23 4.77 -5.42 c 0.9 -2.32 1.29 -5.8 1.29 -10.45 c 0 -40.64 11.35 0 0 41.15 p 0 5.16 -0.26 8.9 -0.65 10.96 c -0.65 3.23 -1.81 6.06 -3.48 8.39 c -1.68 2.32 -4.26 4.26 -7.61 5.68 c -3.35 1.42 -7.09 2.19 -11.09 2.19 c -9.29 0 -16.38 -3.61 -21.29 -10.97 c 0 9.55 -10.19 0 0 -66.95 h f* 2563.21 53.22 m -2.97 -2.19 -6.45 -3.35 -10.58 -3.35 c -5.68 0 -10.32 1.94 -14.06 5.8 c -3.74 4 -5.8 9.55 -6.19 16.9 c 49.92 0 p 0 1.29 0 2.32 0 2.97 c 0 11.09 -2.84 19.61 -8.51 25.67 c -5.68 6.06 -12.9 9.16 -21.8 9.16 c -9.29 0 -16.77 -3.1 -22.57 -9.29 c -5.8 -6.19 -8.64 -14.96 -8.64 -26.19 c 0 -10.84 2.84 -19.22 8.64 -25.28 c 5.68 -6.06 13.42 -9.03 23.22 -9.03 c 7.74 0 14.06 1.94 19.09 5.68 c 4.9 3.74 8.39 9.03 10.19 15.87 c -11.74 1.55 p -1.68 -4.77 -4 -8.26 -6.97 -10.45 c h 2538.96 95.79 m 3.48 3.48 7.87 5.29 13.03 5.29 c 5.8 0 10.45 -2.19 14.06 -6.58 c 2.32 -2.84 3.74 -6.97 4.26 -12.64 c -37.28 0 p 0.39 5.8 2.32 10.45 5.93 13.93 c h f* 2606.74 42 0 34.96 P 0 4.77 0.65 9.16 1.94 13.29 c 0.77 2.58 2.19 4.64 4.13 6.19 c 1.94 1.42 4.26 2.19 6.71 2.19 c 2.71 0 5.42 -0.77 8.26 -2.32 c 4 10.45 p -4 2.45 -7.87 3.61 -11.61 3.61 c -2.71 0 -5.16 -0.77 -7.35 -2.32 c -2.19 -1.42 -4.64 -4.64 -7.22 -9.29 c 0 10.19 -10.19 0 0 -66.95 h f* 2643.54 20.33 m 4.9 -3.61 11.35 -5.42 19.35 -5.42 c 6.71 0 12.38 1.29 16.9 3.74 c 4.64 2.58 8 5.93 10.06 10.32 c 2.19 4.39 3.23 11.74 3.23 22.19 c 0 57.79 -10.45 0 0 -8.26 p -5.16 6.45 -11.61 9.68 -19.61 9.68 c -5.8 0 -10.96 -1.42 -15.35 -4.39 c -4.39 -2.97 -7.74 -7.09 -10.06 -12.51 c -2.32 -5.42 -3.48 -11.22 -3.48 -17.67 c 0 -9.29 2.45 -17.16 7.48 -23.86 c 5.16 -6.58 12.25 -9.93 21.41 -9.93 c 7.35 0 13.54 2.97 18.58 8.77 c 0 -7.35 -0.26 -12.26 -0.9 -14.45 c -0.9 -3.87 -2.84 -6.71 -5.81 -8.9 c -2.84 -2.06 -6.84 -3.1 -12.13 -3.1 c -4.9 0 -8.77 1.03 -11.48 3.1 c -2.19 1.55 -3.48 4.13 -3.87 7.48 c -10.97 1.55 p -0.13 -7.22 2.19 -12.64 7.1 -16.13 c h 2651.03 94.76 m 3.48 4.13 7.74 6.19 12.9 6.19 c 5.03 0 9.42 -2.06 13.16 -6.19 c 3.61 -4.13 5.42 -10.32 5.42 -18.58 c 0 -8.51 -1.81 -14.71 -5.29 -18.7 c -3.61 -4 -8 -6.06 -13.16 -6.06 c -5.29 0 -9.68 2.06 -13.16 6.06 c -3.48 4 -5.16 10.45 -5.16 19.09 c 0 8.13 1.81 14.19 5.29 18.19 c h f* 2717.35 14.91 m 3.61 0 6.71 0.9 9.29 2.58 c 2.71 1.81 5.03 4.51 6.97 8.26 c 1.55 2.71 3.61 7.74 6.45 15.09 c 25.28 68.11 -11.35 0 -14.32 -39.09 p -1.81 -4.9 -3.35 -9.93 -4.64 -14.96 c -1.42 5.29 -3.1 10.45 -4.9 15.35 c -13.93 38.7 -12.13 0 25.41 -67.21 p -0.52 -1.16 -0.77 -2.06 -1.03 -2.71 c -1.55 -4.51 -2.71 -7.35 -3.48 -8.51 c -0.9 -1.55 -2.19 -2.71 -3.74 -3.48 c -1.42 -0.9 -3.48 -1.29 -6.06 -1.29 c -1.81 0 -4 0.39 -6.45 1.03 c 1.29 -10.45 p 2.71 -0.9 5.16 -1.42 7.35 -1.42 c h f* 2798.86 42.65 m 4.26 10.58 6.45 21.54 6.45 32.77 c 0 10.06 -1.68 19.61 -4.9 28.77 c -3.74 10.58 -9.55 21.16 -17.41 31.73 c -8.13 0 p 5.16 -8.77 8.51 -15.09 10.19 -18.83 c 2.45 -5.8 4.51 -11.87 5.93 -18.19 c 1.81 -7.74 2.71 -15.61 2.71 -23.48 c 0 -20.12 -6.32 -40.38 -18.83 -60.5 c 8.13 0 p 6.19 7.87 11.48 17.16 15.87 27.74 c h f* 2883.31 14.91 m -12.51 20.12 -18.83 40.38 -18.83 60.5 c 0 7.87 0.9 15.87 2.71 23.74 c 1.42 6.19 3.48 12.25 6.06 18.06 c 1.68 3.74 5.03 9.93 10.06 18.7 c -8.13 0 p -7.87 -10.58 -13.67 -21.16 -17.41 -31.73 c -3.23 -9.16 -4.9 -18.7 -4.9 -28.77 c 0 -11.22 2.19 -22.19 6.45 -32.77 c 4.39 -10.58 9.68 -19.87 15.87 -27.73 c h f* 2909.41 42 0 78.69 26.7 -78.69 10.97 0 26.96 77.27 0 -77.27 11.74 0 0 92.36 -16.38 0 -22.19 -64.24 P -2.32 -6.58 -3.87 -11.48 -4.9 -14.84 c -1.03 3.1 -2.45 7.61 -4.51 13.67 c -21.8 65.4 -18.32 0 0 -92.36 h f* 3043.21 53.22 m -2.97 -2.19 -6.45 -3.35 -10.58 -3.35 c -5.68 0 -10.32 1.94 -14.06 5.8 c -3.74 4 -5.8 9.55 -6.19 16.9 c 49.92 0 p 0 1.29 0 2.32 0 2.97 c 0 11.09 -2.84 19.61 -8.51 25.67 c -5.68 6.06 -12.9 9.16 -21.8 9.16 c 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b(MeV,)i(whic)m(h)h(leads)f(to)f(the)g(oscillation)h(maxim)m (um)h(at)d(ab)s(out)h(200)f(km)i(for)f(\001)p Fo(m)3033 4802 y Fq(2)3033 4863 y(31)3136 4838 y Fy(=)27 b(2)p Fo(:)p Fy(4)q Fn(\002)q Fy(10)3541 4802 y Fm(\000)p Fq(3)3657 4838 y Fy(eV)3773 4802 y Fq(2)3813 4838 y Fy(.)-60 4958 y(W)-8 b(e)30 b(ha)m(v)m(e)h(c)m(hec)m(k)m(ed)i(that)c(the)h(p)s (erformance)g(at)f(the)h(somewhat)h(shorter)f(baseline)h(of)f(130)e(km) j(is)f(rather)-60 5079 y(similar)40 b(to)g(the)g(one)g(at)f(the)h (oscillation)h(maxim)m(um.)66 b(Moreo)m(v)m(er,)43 b(the)d(purp)s(ose)h (of)e(this)h(pap)s(er)g(is)g(to)-60 5199 y(estimate)k(the)f(ph)m(ysics) h(p)s(oten)m(tial)f(for)f(a)g(realistic)i(set-up)f(and)g(not)f(to)g (study)i(the)e(optimization)h(of)-60 5319 y(the)33 b Fo(\014)6 b Fy(B)32 b(regardless)h(of)f(an)m(y)h(logistic)g (consideration)h(\(see,)f(e.g.,)g(Refs.)g([36,)12 b(37])32 b(for)g(suc)m(h)h(optimization)-60 5440 y(studies\).)86 5602 y(The)40 b(signal)g(ev)m(en)m(ts)h(from)e(the)g Fo(\027)1338 5617 y Fv(e)1414 5602 y Fn(!)f Fo(\027)1600 5617 y Fv(\026)1686 5602 y Fy(neutrino)h(and)g(an)m(tineutrino)h(app)s (earance)g(c)m(hannels)h(in)-60 5722 y(the)d Fo(\014)6 b Fy(B)37 b(are)h Fo(\027)496 5737 y Fv(\026)581 5722 y Fy(c)m(harged)g(curren)m(t)h(\(CC\))f(ev)m(en)m(ts.)61 b(The)39 b(Nuance)g(v3r503)e(Mon)m(te)h(Carlo)g(co)s(de)g([32])f(is) 1866 6036 y(6)p eop end %%Page: 7 7 TeXDict begin 7 6 bop 563 150 2654 4 v 1797 223 a Fq(18)1871 259 y Fy(Ne)2721 223 y Fq(6)2761 259 y Fy(He)p 563 299 V 1427 408 a Fo(\027)1475 423 y Fv(\026)1554 408 y Fy(CC)129 b Fo(\031)1882 372 y Fq(+)2069 408 y Fo(\031)2128 372 y Fm(\000)p 2433 353 55 4 v 2433 408 a Fo(\027)2487 423 y Fv(\026)2534 408 y Fy(CC)g Fo(\031)2862 372 y Fq(+)3049 408 y Fo(\031)3108 372 y Fm(\000)p 563 447 2654 4 v 613 557 a Fy(Generated)33 b(ev.)196 b(115367)99 b(557)g(341)194 b(101899)98 b(674)h(400)613 677 y(P)m(article)34 b(ID)366 b(95717)99 b(204)g(100)243 b(85285)98 b(240)h(118)613 797 y(Deca)m(y)580 b(61347)99 b(107)196 b(8)244 b(69242)98 b(120)197 b(8)p 563 837 V -60 1022 a Fw(T)-9 b(able)56 b(3)p Fy(:)75 b Fi(Ev)n(en)n(ts)40 b(for)h(the)g Fh(\014)t Fi(B)h(in)f(a)g(4400)e(kt)i(yr)g(exp)r(osure.)76 b Fh(\027)2250 1034 y Ff(\026)2336 1022 y Fi(\()p 2368 976 47 4 v Fh(\027)2414 1034 y Ff(\026)2459 1022 y Fi(\))41 b(CC)g(ev)n(en)n(ts)g(are)f (computed)h(assuming)-60 1143 y(full)c(oscillations)f(\()p Fh(P)614 1155 y Ff(\027)647 1163 y Fe(e)680 1155 y Fd(!)p Ff(\027)779 1163 y Fe(\026)861 1143 y Fi(=)i(1\),)g(and)f(pion)f(bac)n (kgrounds)f(are)g(computed)i(from)f Fh(\027)2738 1155 y Ff(e)2774 1143 y Fi(\()p 2806 1097 V Fh(\027)2853 1155 y Ff(e)2888 1143 y Fi(\))h(CC+NC)g(ev)n(en)n(ts.)63 b(In)37 b(the)-60 1263 y(ro)n(ws)23 b(w)n(e)i(giv)n(e)f(the)h(n)n(um)n(b)r(er)g (ev)n(en)n(ts)f(generated)g(within)i(the)f(\014ducial)g(v)n(olume)f (\(\\Generated)g(ev."\),)h(after)g(m)n(uon)g(particle)-60 1383 y(iden)n(ti\014cation)d(\(\\P)n(article)e(ID"\),)i(and)g(after)g (applying)f(a)g(further)h(iden)n(ti\014cation)g(requiring)f(the)h (detection)g(of)g(the)g(Mic)n(hel)-60 1504 y(electron)27 b(\(\\Deca)n(y"\).)-60 1790 y Fy(used)38 b(to)f(generate)h(signal)g(ev) m(en)m(ts.)59 b(The)39 b(selection)f(for)f(these)i(ev)m(en)m(ts)g(is)f (based)g(on)f(standard)h(Sup)s(er-)-60 1911 y(Kamiok)-5 b(ande)48 b(particle)h(iden)m(ti\014cation)g(algorithms.)89 b(The)49 b(m)m(uon)g(iden)m(ti\014cation)g(is)f(reinforced)h(b)m(y)-60 2031 y(asking)34 b(for)f(the)h(detection)g(of)f(the)h(Mic)m(hel)h(deca) m(y)g(electron.)47 b(The)35 b(neutrino)f(energy)g(is)g(reconstructed) -60 2151 y(b)m(y)27 b(smearing)g(momen)m(tum)h(and)e(direction)h(of)f (the)h(c)m(harged)g(lepton)g(with)f(the)h(Sup)s(er-Kamiok)-5 b(ande)27 b(res-)-60 2272 y(olution)i(functions,)h(and)f(applying)g (quasi-elastic)h(\(QE\))f(kinematics)h(assuming)g(the)f(kno)m(wn)h (incoming)-60 2392 y(neutrino)39 b(direction.)61 b(Energy)39 b(reconstruction)g(in)g(the)f Fo(\014)6 b Fy(B)38 b(energy)h(range)f (is)h(remark)-5 b(ably)39 b(p)s(o)m(w)m(erful,)-60 2512 y(and)c(the)f(con)m(tamination)h(of)f(non-QE)h(ev)m(en)m(ts)h(v)m(ery)g (small,)g(as)e(sho)m(wn)i(in)f(Fig.)f(2.)48 b(As)35 b(p)s(oin)m(ted)g (out)g(in)-60 2633 y(Ref.)c([36],)h(it)f(is)h(necessary)h(to)e(use)h(a) f(migration)g(matrix)h(for)f(the)g(neutrino)h(energy)h(reconstruction)f (to)-60 2753 y(prop)s(erly)j(handle)h(F)-8 b(ermi)35 b(motion)g(smearing)h(and)f(the)g(non-QE)g(ev)m(en)m(t)i(con)m (tamination.)51 b(W)-8 b(e)35 b(use)h(100)-60 2874 y(MeV)e(bins)f(for)f (the)i(reconstructed)g(energy)g(and)f(40)f(MeV)i(bins)g(for)e(the)h (true)g(neutrino)h(energy)-8 b(.)45 b(F)-8 b(our)-60 2994 y(migration)30 b(matrices)h(\(for)f Fo(\027)1003 3009 y Fv(e)1040 2994 y Fo(;)22 b Fy(\026)-54 b Fo(\027)1132 3009 y Fv(e)1169 2994 y Fo(;)17 b(\027)1261 3009 y Fv(\026)1307 2994 y Fo(;)22 b Fy(\026)-54 b Fo(\027)1399 3009 y Fv(\026)1446 2994 y Fy(\))30 b(are)g(applied)h(to)e(signal)i(ev)m(en)m(ts)h(as)e(w)m (ell)i(as)e(bac)m(kgrounds.)44 b(As)-60 3114 y(sho)m(wn)c(in)f(Ref.)f ([46])h(the)g(migration)f(matrix)h(appro)m(ximation)h(has)f(a)f (visible)i(\(though)f(small\))g(e\013ect)-60 3235 y(for)32 b(example)i(in)f(the)g(leptonic)g(CP)h(violation)f(disco)m(v)m(ery)i(p) s(oten)m(tial.)86 3397 y(Bac)m(kgrounds)30 b(from)d(c)m(harged)i(pions) g(and)f(atmospheric)h(neutrinos)g(are)f(computed)h(with)f(the)h(iden-) -60 3517 y(tical)36 b(analysis)i(c)m(hain)f(as)g(signal)f(ev)m(en)m (ts.)57 b(Charged)37 b(pions)g(generated)g(in)g(NC)g(ev)m(en)m(ts)h (\(or)e(in)h(NC-lik)m(e)-60 3637 y(ev)m(en)m(ts)j(where)g(the)e (leading)h(electron)g(go)s(es)f(undetected\))i(are)e(the)h(main)f (source)i(of)d(bac)m(kground)i(for)-60 3758 y(the)e(exp)s(erimen)m(t.) 59 b(T)-8 b(o)38 b(compute)g(this)f(bac)m(kground)h(inclusiv)m(e)i(NC)e (and)f(CC)h(ev)m(en)m(ts)h(ha)m(v)m(e)f(b)s(een)g(gen-)-60 3878 y(erated)44 b(with)f(the)h Fo(\014)6 b Fy(B)42 b(sp)s(ectrum.)77 b(Ev)m(en)m(ts)45 b(ha)m(v)m(e)g(b)s(een)e(selected)i(where)g(the)e (only)h(visible)h(trac)m(k)e(is)-60 3999 y(a)36 b(c)m(harged)i(pion)f (ab)s(o)m(v)m(e)g(the)1074 3973 y(\024)1063 3999 y(Cerenk)m(o)m(v)i (threshold.)57 b(P)m(article)38 b(iden)m(ti\014cation)g(e\016ciencies)h (ha)m(v)m(e)f(b)s(een)-60 4119 y(applied)43 b(to)g(those)g(particles.) 74 b(The)44 b(probabilit)m(y)f(for)f(a)h(pion)f(to)g(surviv)m(e)j(in)e (w)m(ater)g(un)m(til)h(its)f(deca)m(y)-60 4239 y(has)35 b(b)s(een)h(computed)g(with)f(Gean)m(t)g(3.21)f(and)h(cross-c)m(hec)m (k)m(ed)k(with)c(a)g(Fluk)-5 b(a)34 b(2003)g(sim)m(ulation.)52 b(This)-60 4360 y(probabilit)m(y)30 b(is)g(di\013eren)m(t)h(for)e(p)s (ositiv)m(e)h(and)g(negativ)m(e)g(pions,)h(the)f(latter)f(ha)m(ving)h (a)f(higher)h(probabilit)m(y)-60 4480 y(to)c(b)s(e)h(absorb)s(ed)g(b)s (efore)g(deca)m(ying.)43 b(The)27 b(surviving)i(ev)m(en)m(ts)g(are)d (bac)m(kground,)j(and)e(the)g(reconstructed)-60 4600 y(neutrino)34 b(energy)g(is)f(computed)i(misiden)m(tifying)g(these)f (pions)g(as)f(m)m(uons.)46 b(Ev)m(en)m(t)35 b(rates)f(are)f(rep)s (orted)-60 4721 y(in)28 b(T)-8 b(ab.)29 b(3.)42 b(F)-8 b(rom)28 b(these)h(n)m(um)m(b)s(ers)h(it)f(b)s(ecomes)g(eviden)m(t)h (that)e(requiring)i(the)e(detection)i(of)e(the)g(Mic)m(hel)-60 4841 y(electron)k(pro)m(vides)g(an)e(e\016cien)m(t)j(cut)e(to)f (eliminate)i(the)f(pion)g(bac)m(kground.)43 b(These)33 b(bac)m(kground)f(rates)-60 4962 y(are)41 b(signi\014can)m(tly)h (smaller)g(than)e(quoted)i(in)f(Ref.)f([34],)j(where)e(pion)g(deca)m (ys)i(w)m(ere)e(computed)h(with)-60 5082 y(the)j(same)g(probabilities)h (as)e(for)g(m)m(uons)i(and)e(they)h(are)g(sligh)m(tly)h(di\013eren)m(t) f(from)f(those)h(quoted)h(in)-60 5202 y(Ref.)41 b([46],)h(where)g(an)e (older)h(v)m(ersion)i(of)d(Nuance)h(had)g(b)s(een)g(used.)69 b(The)42 b(n)m(um)m(b)s(ers)g(of)e(T)-8 b(ab.)41 b(3)g(ha)m(v)m(e)-60 5323 y(b)s(een)g(cross-c)m(hec)m(k)m(ed)i(b)m(y)e(comparing)f(the)g (Nuance)h(and)f(Neugen)h([45])e(ev)m(en)m(t)j(generators,)g(\014nding)e (a)-60 5443 y(fair)32 b(agreemen)m(t)i(in)f(bac)m(kground)g(rates)g (and)g(energy)h(shap)s(e.)86 5605 y(Also)c(atmospheric)h(neutrinos)g (can)f(constitute)g(an)g(imp)s(ortan)m(t)g(source)g(of)f(bac)m(kground) i([21,)10 b(36,)g(38,)-60 5725 y(46].)45 b(This)35 b(bac)m(kground)f (can)g(b)s(e)f(suppressed)k(only)c(b)m(y)i(k)m(eeping)g(a)e(v)m(ery)i (short)e(dut)m(y)i(cycle)g(\(2)p Fo(:)p Fy(2)22 b Fn(\001)g Fy(10)3746 5689 y Fm(\000)p Fq(3)1866 6036 y Fy(7)p eop end %%Page: 8 8 TeXDict begin 8 7 bop -60 246 a Fy(is)39 b(the)f(target)g(v)-5 b(alue)38 b(for)g(the)h Fo(\014)6 b Fy(B)37 b(design)i(study\),)i(and)d (this)h(in)f(turn)h(is)f(one)h(of)e(the)i(most)f(c)m(halleng-)-60 367 y(ing)j(b)s(ounds)h(on)g(the)f(design)i(of)e(the)g(Beta)h(Beam)f (complex.)72 b(F)-8 b(ollo)m(wing)41 b(Ref.)g([46])g(w)m(e)i(include)g (the)-60 487 y(atmospheric)31 b(neutrino)g(bac)m(kground)h(based)f(on)f (a)g(Mon)m(te)h(Carlo)f(sim)m(ulation)h(using)g(Nuance.)44 b(Ev)m(en)m(ts)-60 608 y(are)d(reconstructed)j(as)d(if)h(they)g(w)m (ere)h(signal)f(neutrino)g(ev)m(en)m(ts.)72 b(W)-8 b(e)42 b(estimate)h(that)e(5)g(ev)m(en)m(ts/y)m(ear)-60 728 y(w)m(ould)31 b(surviv)m(e)g(the)f(analysis)h(c)m(hain)g(in)f(a)f(full) h(solar)f(y)m(ear)i(\(the)f Fo(\014)6 b Fy(B)29 b(should)h(run)g(for)f (ab)s(out)g(1/3)g(of)g(this)-60 848 y(p)s(erio)s(d\))f(and)h(include)h (these)f(ev)m(en)m(ts)i(as)d(bac)m(kgrounds)i(in)f(the)g(analysis.)43 b(Under)29 b(these)h(circumstances,)-60 969 y(the)42 b(presen)m(t)h(v)-5 b(alue)41 b(of)g(the)h Fo(\014)6 b Fy(B)41 b(dut)m(y)h(cycle)h(seems)g(to)e(b)s(e)h(an)f(o)m(v)m (erkill,)46 b(it)41 b(could)h(b)s(e)f(reduced)i(b)m(y)f(a)-60 1089 y(factor)32 b(5)g(at)h(least,)g(see)h(also)e(Ref.)h([46])f(for)g (a)g(discussion)j(of)d(the)h(e\013ect)h(of)e(a)g(higher)h(dut)m(y)h (cycle.)-60 1335 y Fw(3.3)112 b(The)38 b Fy(3)p Fo(:)p Fy(5)p Fw(-GeV)f(SPL)h(Sup)s(er)g(Beam)-60 1581 y Fy(In)44 b(the)f(Conceptual)i(Design)e(Rep)s(ort)g(1)g(\(CDR1\))f(the)i (foreseen)g(Sup)s(er)g(Proton)f(Linac)h(\(SPL\))f([19])-60 1702 y(has)j(b)s(een)g(optimized)g(to)f(pro)m(vide)h(the)g(protons)f (for)g(the)h(m)m(uon)f(pro)s(duction)h(in)f(the)h(con)m(text)h(of)d(a) -60 1822 y(Neutrino)37 b(F)-8 b(actory)g(.)56 b(Recen)m(tly)-8 b(,)39 b(in)e(Ref.)g([24])f(a)h(new)h(optimization)f(of)f(the)h(b)s (eam)g(energy)h(as)f(w)m(ell)h(as)-60 1943 y(the)g(secondary)h (particle)f(fo)s(cusing)g(and)g(deca)m(y)h(has)f(b)s(een)g(undertak)m (en)h(considering)g(a)e(Sup)s(er)h(Beam)-60 2063 y(searc)m(hing)i(for)d Fo(\027)574 2078 y Fv(\026)659 2063 y Fn(!)g Fo(\027)844 2078 y Fv(e)919 2063 y Fy(and)44 b(\026)-55 b Fo(\027)1162 2078 y Fv(\026)1246 2063 y Fn(!)43 b Fy(\026)-55 b Fo(\027)1431 2078 y Fv(e)1507 2063 y Fy(app)s(earance)39 b(as)f(w)m(ell)i(as)e Fo(\027)2527 2078 y Fv(\026)2574 2063 y Fy(,)45 b(\026)-54 b Fo(\027)2689 2078 y Fv(\026)2774 2063 y Fy(disapp)s(earance)39 b(in)g(a)f(mega)-60 2183 y(ton)30 b(scale)h(w)m(ater)618 2158 y(\024)607 2183 y(Cerenk)m(o)m(v)i(detector.)43 b(In)30 b(particular,)h(a)e(full)h(sim)m(ulation)i(of)d(the)h(b)s(eam)g (line)h(from)f(the)-60 2304 y(proton)i(on)h(target)f(in)m(teraction)h (up)g(to)f(the)h(secondary)h(particle)g(deca)m(y)g(tunnel)f(has)g(b)s (een)g(p)s(erformed.)-60 2424 y(The)d(proton)e(on)h(a)f(liquid)i (mercury)g(target)e(\(30)h(cm)g(long,)g(7)p Fo(:)p Fy(5)f(mm)i(radius,) g(13.546)d(densit)m(y\))k(has)e(b)s(een)-60 2545 y(sim)m(ulated)43 b(with)f(FLUKA)f(2002.4)g([47])g(while)h(the)g(horn)g(fo)s(cusing)f (system)j(and)d(the)h(deca)m(y)h(tunnel)-60 2665 y(sim)m(ulation)34 b(has)f(b)s(een)g(preformed)g(with)h(GEANT)f(3.21)f([48].)2282 2629 y Fq(1)86 2827 y Fy(Since)c(the)f(optimization)g(requiremen)m(ts)i (for)d(a)g(Neutrino)h(F)-8 b(actory)26 b(are)h(rather)f(di\013eren)m(t) i(than)e(for)g(a)-60 2947 y(Sup)s(er)k(Beam)g(the)g(new)h(SPL)f (con\014guration)g(has)g(a)f(signi\014can)m(t)i(impact)f(on)g(the)g(ph) m(ysics)i(p)s(erformance)-60 3068 y(\(see)h(Ref.)f([24])g(for)g(a)g (detailed)h(discussion\).)46 b(The)33 b(SPL)g(\015uxes)g(of)f(the)h (four)f(neutrino)h(sp)s(ecies)h(\()p Fo(\027)3622 3083 y Fv(\026)3668 3068 y Fy(,)f Fo(\027)3776 3083 y Fv(e)3813 3068 y Fy(,)-54 3188 y(\026)-55 b Fo(\027)-12 3203 y Fv(\026)35 3188 y Fy(,)31 b(\026)-54 b Fo(\027)136 3203 y Fv(e)173 3188 y Fy(\))24 b(for)f(the)h(p)s(ositiv)m(e)i(\()p Fo(\027)973 3203 y Fv(\026)1043 3188 y Fy(b)s(eam\))f(and)f(the)g (negativ)m(e)h(fo)s(cusing)g(\()6 b(\026)-55 b Fo(\027)2510 3203 y Fv(\026)2580 3188 y Fy(b)s(eam\))25 b(are)f(sho)m(w)h(in)f(Fig.) g(3.)40 b(The)-60 3308 y(total)25 b(n)m(um)m(b)s(er)i(of)f Fo(\027)667 3323 y Fv(\026)739 3308 y Fy(\()6 b(\026)-55 b Fo(\027)825 3323 y Fv(\026)872 3308 y Fy(\))26 b(in)g(p)s(ositiv)m(e) h(\(negativ)m(e\))g(fo)s(cusing)f(is)g(ab)s(out)g(1)p Fo(:)p Fy(18)17 b(\(0)p Fo(:)p Fy(97\))8 b Fn(\002)g Fy(10)3220 3272 y Fq(12)3302 3308 y Fy(m)3383 3272 y Fm(\000)p Fq(2)3477 3308 y Fy(y)3529 3272 y Fm(\000)p Fq(1)3650 3308 y Fy(with)-60 3429 y(an)40 b(a)m(v)m(erage)h(energy)h (of)d(300)h(MeV.)h(The)g Fo(\027)1594 3444 y Fv(e)1672 3429 y Fy(\()6 b(\026)-55 b Fo(\027)1758 3444 y Fv(e)1795 3429 y Fy(\))40 b(con)m(tamination)h(in)f(the)h Fo(\027)2868 3444 y Fv(\026)2955 3429 y Fy(\()6 b(\026)-55 b Fo(\027)3041 3444 y Fv(\026)3088 3429 y Fy(\))40 b(b)s(eam)g(is)h(around)-60 3549 y(0)p Fo(:)p Fy(7\045)i(\(6)p Fo(:)p Fy(0\045\).)75 b(F)-8 b(ollo)m(wing)44 b(Ref.)f([50],)j(the)d Fo(\031)1699 3513 y Fv(o)1781 3549 y Fy(bac)m(kground)h(is)g(reduced)h(using)f(a)f (tigh)m(ter)g(PID)h(cut)-60 3669 y(compared)29 b(to)e(standard)h(Sup)s (er-Kamiok)-5 b(ande)28 b(analysis.)44 b(The)28 b(Mic)m(hel)i(electron) e(is)h(required)g(for)e(the)h Fo(\026)-60 3790 y Fy(iden)m (ti\014cation.)44 b(F)-8 b(or)30 b(the)i Fo(\027)953 3805 y Fv(\026)1027 3790 y Fn(!)27 b Fo(\027)1202 3805 y Fv(e)1270 3790 y Fy(c)m(hannel)32 b(the)g(bac)m(kground)g(consists)g (roughly)f(of)g(90\045)f Fo(\027)3391 3805 y Fv(e)3456 3790 y Fn(!)d Fo(\027)3631 3805 y Fv(e)3699 3790 y Fy(CC)-60 3910 y(in)m(teractions,)35 b(6\045)e Fo(\031)719 3874 y Fv(o)791 3910 y Fy(from)g(NC)g(in)m(teractions,)i(3\045)e(miss)i (iden)m(ti\014ed)g(m)m(uons)g(from)e Fo(\027)3150 3925 y Fv(\026)3225 3910 y Fn(!)c Fo(\027)3402 3925 y Fv(\026)3482 3910 y Fy(CC,)34 b(and)-60 4031 y(1\045)40 b(\026)-55 b Fo(\027)152 4046 y Fv(e)219 4031 y Fn(!)36 b Fy(\026)-55 b Fo(\027)397 4046 y Fv(e)469 4031 y Fy(CC)35 b(in)m(teractions.)49 b(F)-8 b(or)33 b(the)40 b(\026)-54 b Fo(\027)1609 4046 y Fv(\026)1686 4031 y Fn(!)35 b Fy(\026)-54 b Fo(\027)1864 4046 y Fv(e)1935 4031 y Fy(c)m(hannel)35 b(the)g(con)m(tributions)h(to) d(the)i(bac)m(kground)-60 4151 y(are)24 b(45\045)30 b(\026)-54 b Fo(\027)346 4166 y Fv(e)410 4151 y Fn(!)33 b Fy(\026)-54 b Fo(\027)586 4166 y Fv(e)647 4151 y Fy(CC)25 b(in)m(teractions,)j (35\045)c Fo(\027)1613 4166 y Fv(e)1678 4151 y Fn(!)j Fo(\027)1853 4166 y Fv(e)1914 4151 y Fy(CC)e(in)m(teractions,)j(18\045) c Fo(\031)2891 4115 y Fv(o)2954 4151 y Fy(from)g(NC)h(in)m(teractions) -60 4271 y(and)31 b(2\045)g(miss)h(iden)m(ti\014ed)h(m)m(uons)f(from)k (\026)-55 b Fo(\027)1510 4286 y Fv(\026)1585 4271 y Fn(!)32 b Fy(\026)-54 b Fo(\027)1760 4286 y Fv(\026)1837 4271 y Fy(CC.)32 b(In)f(addition)g(w)m(e)h(include)h(the)e(ev)m(en)m(ts)i (from)e(the)-60 4392 y(con)m(tamination)i(of)e(\\wrong)h(sign")h(m)m (uon-neutrinos)g(due)g(to)38 b(\026)-55 b Fo(\027)2330 4407 y Fv(\026)2405 4392 y Fn(!)32 b Fy(\026)-54 b Fo(\027)2580 4407 y Fv(e)2649 4392 y Fy(\()p Fo(\027)2735 4407 y Fv(\026)2809 4392 y Fn(!)28 b Fo(\027)2985 4407 y Fv(e)3022 4392 y Fy(\))k(oscillations)h(in)g(the)-60 4512 y(neutrino)g(\(an)m (tineutrino\))h(mo)s(de.)86 4674 y(Considering)d(the)f(signal)g(o)m(v)m (er)g(square-ro)s(ot)g(of)f(bac)m(kground)h(ratio,)g(the)g(3)p Fo(:)p Fy(5)f(GeV)g(b)s(eam)h(energy)g(is)-60 4794 y(more)24 b(fa)m(v)m(orable)g(than)g(the)g(original)g(2)p Fo(:)p Fy(2)f(GeV)h(option.)40 b(Compared)25 b(to)e(the)h(\015uxes)i(used)f (in)f(Refs.)g([35,)5 b(50])-60 4915 y(the)31 b(gain)g(is)h(at)e(least)i (a)e(factor)h(2)p Fo(:)p Fy(5)f(and)h(this)h(justi\014es)g(to)f (reconsider)h(in)g(detail)f(the)g(ph)m(ysics)j(p)s(oten)m(tial)-60 5035 y(of)28 b(the)g(SPL)h(Sup)s(er)f(Beam.)43 b(Both)28 b(the)h(app)s(earance)f(and)g(the)h(disapp)s(earance)g(c)m(hannels)h (are)f(used.)43 b(F)-8 b(or)-60 5156 y(the)36 b(sp)s(ectral)g(analysis) h(w)m(e)f(use)g(10)f(bins)i(of)e(100)f(MeV)i(in)g(the)g(in)m(terv)-5 b(al)36 b(0)c Fo(<)g(E)2950 5171 y Fv(\027)3026 5156 y Fo(<)h Fy(1)i(GeV,)g(applying)p -60 5243 1560 4 v 52 5304 a Fg(1)89 5334 y Fi(Although)d(there)g(are)f(di\013erences)h(b)r (et)n(w)n(een)g(the)g(predicted)g(pion)g(and)f(k)-5 b(aon)32 b(pro)r(ductions)f(as)g(a)h(function)g(of)g(pro-)-60 5434 y(ton)37 b(kinetic)h(energy)e(with)h(FLUKA)h(2002.4)d(and)i (2005.6,)g(the)h(results)e(are)h(consisten)n(t)f(for)h(the)h(relev)-5 b(an)n(t)36 b(energy)g(of)-60 5534 y(3.5)29 b(GeV.)i(W)-7 b(e)31 b(emphasize)f(that)g(the)h(pion)f(and)g(the)h(k)-5 b(aon)29 b(pro)r(duction)h(cross-sections)e(are)h(w)n(aiting)h(for)g (exp)r(erimen)n(tal)-60 5633 y(con\014rmation)37 b([49])h(and)g(a)g (new)g(optimization)g(w)n(ould)g(b)r(e)g(required)g(if)g(their)h(is)f (a)g(disagreemen)n(t)e(with)j(the)g(presen)n(t)-60 5733 y(kno)n(wledge.)1866 6036 y Fy(8)p eop end %%Page: 9 9 TeXDict begin 9 8 bop 623 2561 a @beginspecial 0 @llx 0 @lly 567 @urx 540 @ury 3042 @rwi @setspecial %%BeginDocument: ./fig3.eps %!PS-Adobe-2.0 EPSF-2.0 %%BoundingBox: 0 0 567 540 %%Title: /home/campagne/projets/OSArea.sav/GLBFrejus/v4r0/data/FluxForMemphys.eps: SPL + Flux %%Creator: ROOT Version 4.03/02 %%CreationDate: Mon Feb 27 12:32:41 2006 %%EndComments %%BeginProlog 80 dict begin /s {stroke} def /l {lineto} def /m {moveto} def /t {translate} def /sw {stringwidth} def /r {rotate} def /rl {roll} def /R {repeat} def /d {rlineto} def /rm {rmoveto} def /gr {grestore} def /f {eofill} def /c {setrgbcolor} def /lw {setlinewidth} def /sd {setdash} def /cl {closepath} def /sf {scalefont setfont} def /black {0 setgray} def /box {m dup 0 exch d exch 0 d 0 exch neg d cl} def /NC{systemdict begin initclip end}def/C{NC box clip newpath}def /bl {box s} def /bf {box f} def /Y { 0 exch d} def /X { 0 d} def /mp {newpath /y exch def /x exch def} def /side {[w .77 mul w .23 mul] .385 w mul sd w 0 l currentpoint t -144 r} def /mr {mp x y w2 0 360 arc} def /m24 {mr s} def /m20 {mr f} def /mb {mp x y w2 add m w2 neg 0 d 0 w neg d w 0 d 0 w d cl} def /mt {mp x y w2 add m w2 neg w neg d w 0 d cl} def /m21 {mb f} def /m25 {mb s} def /m22 {mt f} def /m26{mt s} def /m23 {mp x y w2 sub m w2 w d w neg 0 d cl f} def /m27 {mp x y w2 add m w3 neg w2 neg d w3 w2 neg d w3 w2 d cl s} def /m28 {mp x w2 sub y w2 sub w3 add m w3 0 d 0 w3 neg d w3 0 d 0 w3 d w3 0 d 0 w3 d w3 neg 0 d 0 w3 d w3 neg 0 d 0 w3 neg d w3 neg 0 d cl s } def /m29 {mp gsave x w2 sub y w2 add w3 sub m currentpoint t 4 {side} repeat cl fill gr} def /m30 {mp gsave x w2 sub y w2 add w3 sub m currentpoint t 4 {side} repeat cl s gr} def /m31 {mp x y w2 sub m 0 w d x w2 sub y m w 0 d x w2 sub y w2 add m w w neg d x w2 sub y w2 sub m w w d s} def /m2 {mp x y w2 sub m 0 w d x w2 sub y m w 0 d s} def /m5 {mp x w2 sub y w2 sub m w w d x w2 sub y w2 add m w w neg d s} def /reencdict 24 dict def /ReEncode {reencdict begin /nco&na exch def /nfnam exch def /basefontname exch def /basefontdict basefontname findfont def /newfont basefontdict maxlength dict def basefontdict {exch dup /FID ne {dup /Encoding eq {exch dup length array copy newfont 3 1 roll put} {exch newfont 3 1 roll put} ifelse} {pop pop} ifelse } forall newfont /FontName nfnam put nco&na aload pop nco&na length 2 idiv {newfont /Encoding get 3 1 roll put} repeat nfnam newfont definefont pop end } def /accvec [ 176 /agrave 181 /Agrave 190 /acircumflex 192 /Acircumflex 201 /adieresis 204 /Adieresis 209 /ccedilla 210 /Ccedilla 211 /eacute 212 /Eacute 213 /egrave 214 /Egrave 215 /ecircumflex 216 /Ecircumflex 217 /edieresis 218 /Edieresis 219 /icircumflex 220 /Icircumflex 221 /idieresis 222 /Idieresis 223 /ntilde 224 /Ntilde 226 /ocircumflex 228 /Ocircumflex 229 /odieresis 230 /Odieresis 231 /ucircumflex 236 /Ucircumflex 237 /udieresis 238 /Udieresis 239 /aring 242 /Aring 243 /ydieresis 244 /Ydieresis 246 /aacute 247 /Aacute 252 /ugrave 253 /Ugrave] def /Times-Roman /Times-Roman accvec ReEncode /Times-Italic /Times-Italic accvec ReEncode /Times-Bold /Times-Bold accvec ReEncode /Times-BoldItalic /Times-BoldItalic accvec ReEncode /Helvetica /Helvetica accvec ReEncode /Helvetica-Oblique /Helvetica-Oblique accvec ReEncode /Helvetica-Bold /Helvetica-Bold accvec ReEncode /Helvetica-BoldOblique /Helvetica-BoldOblique accvec ReEncode /Courier /Courier accvec ReEncode /Courier-Oblique /Courier-Oblique accvec ReEncode /Courier-Bold /Courier-Bold accvec ReEncode /Courier-BoldOblique /Courier-BoldOblique accvec ReEncode /oshow {gsave [] 0 sd true charpath stroke gr} def /stwn { /fs exch def /fn exch def /text exch def fn findfont fs sf text sw pop xs add /xs exch def} def /stwb { /fs exch def /fn exch def /nbas exch def /textf exch deftextf length /tlen exch def nbas tlen gt {/nbas tlendef} iffn findfont fs sf textf dup length nbas sub nbas getinterval sw pop neg xs add /xs exch def} def /accspe [ 65 /plusminus 66 /bar 67 /existential 68 /universal 69 /exclam 70 /numbersign 71 /greater 72 /question 73 /integral 74 /colon 75 /semicolon 76 /less 77 /bracketleft 78 /bracketright 79 /greaterequal 80 /braceleft 81 /braceright 82 /radical 83 /spade 84 /heart 85 /diamond 86 /club 87 /lessequal 88 /multiply 89 /percent 90 /infinity 48 /circlemultiply 49 /circleplus 50 /emptyset 51 /lozenge 52 /bullet 53 /arrowright 54 /arrowup 55 /arrowleft 56 /arrowdown 57 /arrowboth 48 /degree 44 /comma 43 /plus 45 /angle 42 /angleleft 47 /divide 61 /notequal 40 /equivalence 41 /second 97 /approxequal 98 /congruent 99 /perpendicular 100 /partialdiff 101 /florin 102 /intersection 103 /union 104 /propersuperset 105 /reflexsuperset 106 /notsubset 107 /propersubset 108 /reflexsubset 109 /element 110 /notelement 111 /gradient 112 /logicaland 113 /logicalor 114 /arrowdblboth 115 /arrowdblleft 116 /arrowdblup 117 /arrowdblright 118 /arrowdbldown 119 /ampersand 120 /omega1 121 /similar 122 /aleph ] def /Symbol /Special accspe ReEncode %%EndProlog %%BeginSetup newpath gsave .25 .25 scale %%EndSetup gsave 0 0 t 0 0 1 c [] 0 sd 6 lw 1 1 1 c 2268 2159 0 0 bf 0 0 m 2 2 d 2155 Y 2264 X 2 2 d -2268 X -2159 Y f 0 0 m 2 2 d 2264 X 2155 Y 2 2 d -2159 Y -2268 X f 0 0 1 c 1 1 1 c 2222 1037 23 1101 bf 23 1101 m 2 2 d 1033 Y 2218 X 2 2 d -2222 X -1037 Y f 23 1101 m 2 2 d 2218 X 1033 Y 2 2 d -1037 Y -2222 X f black 1 1 1 c 1667 777 356 1257 bf 0.647667 0.183667 0.164333 c 356 1257 m 1 1 d 775 Y 1665 X 1 1 d -1667 X -777 Y f 1 0 0 c 356 1257 m 1 1 d 1665 X 775 Y 1 1 d -777 Y -1667 X f black 1667 777 356 1257 bl 1 1 1 c 1667 777 356 1257 bf 0.647667 0.183667 0.164333 c 356 1257 m 1 1 d 775 Y 1665 X 1 1 d -1667 X -777 Y f 1 0 0 c 356 1257 m 1 1 d 1665 X 775 Y 1 1 d -777 Y -1667 X f black 1667 777 356 1257 bl 9 lw 1 1 1 c 1 0 0 c black 373 1265 m 33 45 d 33 55 d 34 31 d 33 31 d 33 48 d 34 44 d 33 82 d 33 74 d 34 92 d 33 80 d 33 39 d 34 33 d 33 50 d 33 -1 d 34 29 d 33 -24 d 33 -5 d 34 -22 d 33 -28 d 33 -119 d 34 -122 d 33 -93 d 33 -128 d 34 -82 d 33 -67 d 33 -13 d 34 -22 d 33 -7 d 33 8 d 34 -11 d 33 1 d 33 3 d 34 -5 d 33 6 d 33 -8 d 34 -2 d 33 4 d 33 3 d 34 -7 d 66 X 34 3 d 33 -3 d 200 X s 6 lw 356 1257 m 1667 X s gsave 1875 1170 t 0 r 0 0 m /Times-Bold findfont 49.7865 sf 0 0 m ( \(GeV\)) show gr gsave 1857 1156 t 0 r 0 0 m /Symbol findfont 31.6823 sf 0 0 m (n) show gr gsave 1825 1170 t 0 r 0 0 m /Times-Bold findfont 49.7865 sf 0 0 m (E) show gr 673 1280 m -23 Y s 756 1268 m -11 Y s 839 1268 m -11 Y s 923 1268 m -11 Y s 1006 1280 m -23 Y s 1089 1268 m -11 Y s 1173 1268 m -11 Y s 1256 1268 m -11 Y s 1339 1280 m -23 Y s 1423 1268 m -11 Y s 1506 1268 m -11 Y s 1589 1268 m -11 Y s 1673 1280 m -23 Y s 1756 1268 m -11 Y s 1839 1268 m -11 Y s 1923 1268 m -11 Y s 2006 1280 m -23 Y s 673 1280 m -23 Y s 589 1268 m -11 Y s 506 1268 m -11 Y s 423 1268 m -11 Y s 2006 1280 m -23 Y s gsave 637 1211 t 0 r 0 0 m /Times-Bold findfont 49.7865 sf 0 0 m (0.2) show gr gsave 971 1211 t 0 r 0 0 m /Times-Bold findfont 49.7865 sf 0 0 m (0.4) show gr gsave 1306 1211 t 0 r 0 0 m /Times-Bold findfont 49.7865 sf 0 0 m (0.6) show gr gsave 1640 1211 t 0 r 0 0 m /Times-Bold findfont 49.7865 sf 0 0 m (0.8) show gr gsave 1992 1211 t 0 r 0 0 m /Times-Bold findfont 49.7865 sf 0 0 m (1) show gr 356 2034 m 1667 X s 673 2011 m 23 Y s 756 2022 m 12 Y s 839 2022 m 12 Y s 923 2022 m 12 Y s 1006 2011 m 23 Y s 1089 2022 m 12 Y s 1173 2022 m 12 Y s 1256 2022 m 12 Y s 1339 2011 m 23 Y s 1423 2022 m 12 Y s 1506 2022 m 12 Y s 1589 2022 m 12 Y s 1673 2011 m 23 Y s 1756 2022 m 12 Y s 1839 2022 m 12 Y s 1923 2022 m 12 Y s 2006 2011 m 23 Y s 673 2011 m 23 Y s 589 2022 m 12 Y s 506 2022 m 12 Y s 423 2022 m 12 Y s 2006 2011 m 23 Y s 356 1257 m 777 Y s gsave 167 1807 t 90 r 0 0 m /Times-Bold findfont 49.7865 sf 0 0 m (/20MeV/yr) show gr gsave 145 1793 t 90 r 0 0 m /Times-Bold findfont 31.6823 sf 0 0 m (2) show gr gsave 167 1635 t 90 r 0 0 m /Times-Bold findfont 49.7865 sf 0 0 m (Flux/m) show gr 406 1257 m -50 X s 381 1303 m -25 X s 381 1349 m -25 X s 381 1395 m -25 X s 406 1441 m -50 X s 381 1487 m -25 X s 381 1533 m -25 X s 381 1579 m -25 X s 406 1625 m -50 X s 381 1672 m -25 X s 381 1718 m -25 X s 381 1764 m -25 X s 406 1810 m -50 X s 381 1856 m -25 X s 381 1902 m -25 X s 381 1948 m -25 X s 406 1994 m -50 X s 406 1994 m -50 X s gsave 303 1251 t 0 r 0 0 m /Times-Bold findfont 49.7865 sf 0 0 m (0) show gr gsave 244 1437 t 0 r 0 0 m /Times-Bold findfont 49.7865 sf 0 0 m (0.02) show gr gsave 244 1617 t 0 r 0 0 m /Times-Bold findfont 49.7865 sf 0 0 m (0.04) show gr gsave 244 1802 t 0 r 0 0 m /Times-Bold findfont 49.7865 sf 0 0 m (0.06) show gr gsave 244 1988 t 0 r 0 0 m /Times-Bold findfont 49.7865 sf 0 0 m (0.08) show gr gsave 429 2064 t 0 r 0 0 m /Times-Bold findfont 31.6823 sf 0 0 m (12) show gr gsave 379 2042 t 0 r 0 0 m /Times-Bold findfont 49.7865 sf 0 0 m (10) show gr gsave 352 2042 t 0 r 0 0 m /Symbol findfont 49.7865 sf 0 0 m (´) show gr 2023 1257 m 777 Y s 1973 1257 m 50 X s 1998 1303 m 25 X s 1998 1349 m 25 X s 1998 1395 m 25 X s 1973 1441 m 50 X s 1998 1487 m 25 X s 1998 1533 m 25 X s 1998 1579 m 25 X s 1973 1625 m 50 X s 1998 1672 m 25 X s 1998 1718 m 25 X s 1998 1764 m 25 X s 1973 1810 m 50 X s 1998 1856 m 25 X s 1998 1902 m 25 X s 1998 1948 m 25 X s 1973 1994 m 50 X s 1973 1994 m 50 X s 1 0 0 c [12 12] 0 sd 9 lw 1 1 1 c 1 0 0 c 373 1297 m 33 64 d 33 58 d 34 53 d 33 40 d 33 38 d 34 32 d 33 28 d 33 18 d 34 15 d 33 4 d 33 2 d 34 -6 d 33 -12 d 33 -14 d 34 -18 d 33 -21 d 33 -23 d 34 -21 d 33 -24 d 33 -22 d 34 -23 d 33 -19 d 33 -21 d 34 -19 d 33 -17 d 33 -14 d 34 -15 d 33 -13 d 33 -12 d 34 -10 d 33 -10 d 33 -8 d 34 -7 d 33 -7 d 33 -5 d 34 -5 d 33 -4 d 33 -4 d 34 -3 d 33 -2 d 33 -3 d 34 -2 d 33 -1 d 33 -1 d 34 -1 d 33 -1 d 33 -1 d 34 -1 d 33 X s 0 0 1 c [12 15 4 15] 0 sd 1 1 1 c 1 0 0 c 0 0 1 c 373 1379 m 33 498 d 33 -185 d 34 -286 d 33 -29 d 33 -24 d 34 13 d 33 23 d 33 31 d 34 47 d 33 83 d 33 79 d 34 35 d 33 -12 d 33 10 d 34 -63 d 33 -11 d 33 -69 d 34 -33 d 33 -64 d 33 48 d 34 -55 d 33 -59 d 33 29 d 34 -8 d 33 -20 d 33 -23 d 34 -37 d 33 -10 d 33 -23 d 34 49 d 33 -51 d 33 -1 d 34 X 33 31 d 33 -16 d 34 20 d 33 1 d 33 -39 d 67 X 33 23 d 34 -24 d 233 X s 1 0 1 c [4 8] 0 sd 1 1 1 c 1 0 0 c 1 0 1 c 373 1372 m 33 42 d 33 8 d 34 -3 d 33 7 d 33 4 d 34 4 d 33 10 d 33 -9 d 34 4 d 33 -28 d 33 5 d 34 -7 d 33 -2 d 33 -18 d 34 -11 d 33 -18 d 33 -1 d 34 -14 d 33 -2 d 33 -6 d 34 -17 d 33 -1 d 33 -7 d 34 -2 d 33 -9 d 33 -5 d 34 -8 d 33 -1 d 33 -5 d 34 -3 d 33 -2 d 33 X 34 -3 d 33 X 33 -3 d 34 -3 d 33 -2 d 33 3 d 34 -4 d 33 3 d 33 -5 d 34 1 d 33 X 33 2 d 34 -2 d 33 -2 d 33 -3 d 34 3 d 33 -3 d s 0 0 1 c [] 0 sd 6 lw 0.999 0.999 0.999 c 556 363 1356 1619 bf black gsave 1527 1920 t 0 r 0 0 m /Symbol findfont 45.2604 sf 0 0 m (m) show gr gsave 1491 1938 t 0 r 0 0 m /Symbol findfont 67.8906 sf 0 0 m (n) show gr 9 lw 1377 1937 m 97 X s gsave 1685 1839 t 0 r 0 0 m /Times-Bold findfont 67.8906 sf 0 0 m (\040) show gr gsave 1658 1820 t 0 r 0 0 m /Symbol findfont 45.2604 sf 0 0 m (m) show gr gsave 1622 1839 t 0 r 0 0 m /Symbol findfont 67.8906 sf 0 0 m (n) show gr 6 lw 1622 1879 m 36 X s gsave 1608 1839 t 0 r 0 0 m /Times-Bold findfont 67.8906 sf 0 0 m (\040) show gr gsave 1572 1839 t 0 r 0 0 m /Symbol findfont 67.8906 sf 0 0 m (´) show gr gsave 1491 1839 t 0 r 0 0 m /Times-Bold findfont 67.8906 sf 0 0 m (10\040) show gr 0 0 1 c [12 15 4 15] 0 sd 9 lw 1377 1846 m 97 X s black gsave 1689 1730 t 0 r 0 0 m /Times-Bold findfont 45.2604 sf 0 0 m (e) show gr gsave 1653 1748 t 0 r 0 0 m /Symbol findfont 67.8906 sf 0 0 m (n) show gr gsave 1640 1748 t 0 r 0 0 m /Times-Bold findfont 67.8906 sf 0 0 m (\040) show gr gsave 1604 1748 t 0 r 0 0 m /Symbol findfont 67.8906 sf 0 0 m (´) show gr gsave 1491 1748 t 0 r 0 0 m /Times-Bold findfont 67.8906 sf 0 0 m (100\040) show gr 1 0 0 c [12 12] 0 sd 1377 1756 m 97 X s black gsave 1748 1658 t 0 r 0 0 m /Times-Bold findfont 67.8906 sf 0 0 m (\040) show gr gsave 1726 1640 t 0 r 0 0 m /Times-Bold findfont 45.2604 sf 0 0 m (e) show gr gsave 1689 1658 t 0 r 0 0 m /Symbol findfont 67.8906 sf 0 0 m (n) show gr [] 0 sd 6 lw 1689 1694 m 37 X s gsave 1676 1658 t 0 r 0 0 m /Times-Bold findfont 67.8906 sf 0 0 m (\040) show gr gsave 1640 1658 t 0 r 0 0 m /Symbol findfont 67.8906 sf 0 0 m (´) show gr gsave 1491 1658 t 0 r 0 0 m /Times-Bold findfont 67.8906 sf 0 0 m (1000\040) show gr 1 0 1 c [4 8] 0 sd 9 lw 1377 1665 m 97 X s 0 0 1 c [] 0 sd 6 lw 1 1 1 c 261 60 1003 2073 bf 0 0 1 c gsave 1021 2096 t 0 r 0 0 m /Helvetica-Bold findfont 45.2604 sf 0 0 m (+ focusing) show gr 1 1 1 c 2222 1036 23 22 bf 23 22 m 2 2 d 1032 Y 2218 X 2 2 d -2222 X -1036 Y f 23 22 m 2 2 d 2218 X 1032 Y 2 2 d -1036 Y -2222 X f black 1 1 1 c 1667 777 356 177 bf 0.647667 0.183667 0.164333 c 356 177 m 1 1 d 775 Y 1665 X 1 1 d -1667 X -777 Y f 1 0 0 c 356 177 m 1 1 d 1665 X 775 Y 1 1 d -777 Y -1667 X f black 1667 777 356 177 bl 1 1 1 c 1667 777 356 177 bf 0.647667 0.183667 0.164333 c 356 177 m 1 1 d 775 Y 1665 X 1 1 d -1667 X -777 Y f 1 0 0 c 356 177 m 1 1 d 1665 X 775 Y 1 1 d -777 Y -1667 X f black 1667 777 356 177 bl 0 0 1 c [12 15 4 15] 0 sd 9 lw 1 1 1 c 1 0 0 c 0 0 1 c 373 322 m 33 595 d 33 -199 d 34 -382 d 33 -43 d 33 -3 d 34 12 d 33 21 d 33 39 d 34 54 d 33 86 d 33 97 d 34 139 d 33 -75 d 33 58 d 34 -85 d 33 -73 d 33 -3 d 34 -59 d 33 -58 d 33 4 d 34 -31 d 33 -19 d 33 -73 d 34 28 d 33 -79 d 33 -17 d 34 -30 d 33 -23 d 33 116 d 34 -21 d 33 -38 d 33 -10 d 34 -49 d 33 19 d 33 58 d 34 -35 d 33 -19 d 33 -21 d 34 -22 d 33 -1 d 33 X 34 -1 d 100 X 33 32 d 33 -33 d 67 X s black [] 0 sd 6 lw 356 177 m 1667 X s gsave 1875 90 t 0 r 0 0 m /Times-Bold findfont 49.7865 sf 0 0 m ( \(GeV\)) show gr gsave 1857 77 t 0 r 0 0 m /Symbol findfont 31.6823 sf 0 0 m (n) show gr gsave 1825 90 t 0 r 0 0 m /Times-Bold findfont 49.7865 sf 0 0 m (E) show gr 673 200 m -23 Y s 756 189 m -12 Y s 839 189 m -12 Y s 923 189 m -12 Y s 1006 200 m -23 Y s 1089 189 m -12 Y s 1173 189 m -12 Y s 1256 189 m -12 Y s 1339 200 m -23 Y s 1423 189 m -12 Y s 1506 189 m -12 Y s 1589 189 m -12 Y s 1673 200 m -23 Y s 1756 189 m -12 Y s 1839 189 m -12 Y s 1923 189 m -12 Y s 2006 200 m -23 Y s 673 200 m -23 Y s 589 189 m -12 Y s 506 189 m -12 Y s 423 189 m -12 Y s 2006 200 m -23 Y s gsave 637 131 t 0 r 0 0 m /Times-Bold findfont 49.7865 sf 0 0 m (0.2) show gr gsave 971 131 t 0 r 0 0 m /Times-Bold findfont 49.7865 sf 0 0 m (0.4) show gr gsave 1306 131 t 0 r 0 0 m /Times-Bold findfont 49.7865 sf 0 0 m (0.6) show gr gsave 1640 131 t 0 r 0 0 m /Times-Bold findfont 49.7865 sf 0 0 m (0.8) show gr gsave 1992 131 t 0 r 0 0 m /Times-Bold findfont 49.7865 sf 0 0 m (1) show gr 356 954 m 1667 X s 673 931 m 23 Y s 756 943 m 11 Y s 839 943 m 11 Y s 923 943 m 11 Y s 1006 931 m 23 Y s 1089 943 m 11 Y s 1173 943 m 11 Y s 1256 943 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0 0 m /Times-Bold findfont 49.7865 sf 0 0 m (0.04) show gr gsave 244 777 t 0 r 0 0 m /Times-Bold findfont 49.7865 sf 0 0 m (0.06) show gr gsave 429 985 t 0 r 0 0 m /Times-Bold findfont 31.6823 sf 0 0 m (12) show gr gsave 379 962 t 0 r 0 0 m /Times-Bold findfont 49.7865 sf 0 0 m (10) show gr gsave 352 962 t 0 r 0 0 m /Symbol findfont 49.7865 sf 0 0 m (´) show gr 2023 177 m 777 Y s 1973 177 m 50 X s 1998 227 m 25 X s 1998 278 m 25 X s 1998 328 m 25 X s 1973 379 m 50 X s 1998 429 m 25 X s 1998 480 m 25 X s 1998 530 m 25 X s 1973 581 m 50 X s 1998 631 m 25 X s 1998 681 m 25 X s 1998 732 m 25 X s 1973 782 m 50 X s 1973 782 m 50 X s 1998 833 m 25 X s 1998 883 m 25 X s 1998 934 m 25 X s 1 0 1 c [4 8] 0 sd 9 lw 1 1 1 c 1 0 0 c 1 0 1 c 373 332 m 33 94 d 33 45 d 34 30 d 33 25 d 33 23 d 34 10 d 33 -18 d 33 -1 d 34 -17 d 33 -27 d 33 -12 d 34 -5 d 33 -38 d 33 -15 d 34 -19 d 33 -18 d 33 1 d 34 -31 d 33 -12 d 33 -16 d 34 -10 d 33 -14 d 33 -10 d 34 -7 d 33 -17 d 33 -7 d 34 -10 d 33 -6 d 33 -3 d 34 -6 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black gsave 1554 849 t 0 r 0 0 m /Times-Bold findfont 67.8906 sf 0 0 m (\040) show gr gsave 1527 831 t 0 r 0 0 m /Symbol findfont 45.2604 sf 0 0 m (m) show gr gsave 1491 849 t 0 r 0 0 m /Symbol findfont 67.8906 sf 0 0 m (n) show gr 1491 890 m 36 X s 9 lw 1377 857 m 97 X s gsave 1658 745 t 0 r 0 0 m /Symbol findfont 45.2604 sf 0 0 m (m) show gr gsave 1622 763 t 0 r 0 0 m /Symbol findfont 67.8906 sf 0 0 m (n) show gr gsave 1608 763 t 0 r 0 0 m /Times-Bold findfont 67.8906 sf 0 0 m (\040) show gr gsave 1572 763 t 0 r 0 0 m /Symbol findfont 67.8906 sf 0 0 m (´) show gr gsave 1491 763 t 0 r 0 0 m /Times-Bold findfont 67.8906 sf 0 0 m (10\040) show gr 0 0 1 c [12 15 4 15] 0 sd 1377 767 m 97 X s black gsave 1712 669 t 0 r 0 0 m /Times-Bold findfont 67.8906 sf 0 0 m (\040) show gr gsave 1689 651 t 0 r 0 0 m /Times-Bold findfont 45.2604 sf 0 0 m (e) show gr gsave 1653 669 t 0 r 0 0 m /Symbol findfont 67.8906 sf 0 0 m (n) show gr [] 0 sd 6 lw 1653 705 m 36 X s gsave 1640 669 t 0 r 0 0 m /Times-Bold findfont 67.8906 sf 0 0 m (\040) show gr gsave 1604 669 t 0 r 0 0 m /Symbol findfont 67.8906 sf 0 0 m (´) show gr gsave 1491 669 t 0 r 0 0 m /Times-Bold findfont 67.8906 sf 0 0 m (100\040) show gr 1 0 0 c [12 12] 0 sd 9 lw 1377 676 m 97 X s black gsave 1726 560 t 0 r 0 0 m /Times-Bold findfont 45.2604 sf 0 0 m (e) show gr gsave 1689 578 t 0 r 0 0 m /Symbol findfont 67.8906 sf 0 0 m (n) show gr gsave 1676 578 t 0 r 0 0 m /Times-Bold findfont 67.8906 sf 0 0 m (\040) show gr gsave 1640 578 t 0 r 0 0 m /Symbol findfont 67.8906 sf 0 0 m (´) show gr gsave 1491 578 t 0 r 0 0 m /Times-Bold findfont 67.8906 sf 0 0 m (1000\040) show gr 1 0 1 c [4 8] 0 sd 1377 585 m 97 X s 0 0 1 c [] 0 sd 6 lw 1 1 1 c 252 60 1008 993 bf 0 0 1 c gsave 1025 1016 t 0 r 0 0 m /Helvetica-Bold findfont 45.2604 sf 0 0 m (- focusing) show gr gr gr showpage end %%EOF %%EndDocument @endspecial -60 2765 a Fw(Figure)40 b(3)p Fy(:)45 b Fi(Neutrino)29 b(\015uxes,)f(at)h(130)e(km)i(from)f(the)h(target)f 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b(solutions)h(corresp)s(onding)f(to)f Fo(\022)1558 3072 y Fq(23)1668 3057 y Fy(and)h Fo(\031)t(=)p Fy(2)23 b Fn(\000)h Fo(\022)2186 3072 y Fq(23)2296 3057 y Fy(app)s(ear)34 b(in)h(general)g(at)f(di\013eren)m(t)i(v)-5 b(alues)184 3177 y(of)32 b Fo(\016)338 3192 y Fq(CP)474 3177 y Fy(and)g Fo(\022)708 3192 y Fq(13)784 3177 y Fy(.)-60 3422 y(This)j(leads)g(to)f (an)g(eigh)m(t-fold)h(am)m(biguit)m(y)g(in)g Fo(\022)1724 3437 y Fq(13)1833 3422 y Fy(and)f Fo(\016)2067 3437 y Fq(CP)2205 3422 y Fy([54],)g(and)h(hence)g(degeneracies)i(pro)m(vide)e (a)-60 3542 y(serious)28 b(limitation)e(for)g(the)g(determination)i(of) e Fo(\022)1775 3557 y Fq(13)1850 3542 y Fy(,)h Fo(\016)1947 3557 y Fq(CP)2051 3542 y Fy(,)g(and)g(the)f(sign)h(of)f(\001)p Fo(m)2916 3506 y Fq(2)2916 3567 y(31)2991 3542 y Fy(.)42 b(Recen)m(t)27 b(discussions)-60 3663 y(of)k(degeneracies)i(can)f(b)s (e)f(found)g(for)g(example)i(in)e(Refs.)h([29,)11 b(31,)g(55,)g(56];)31 b(degeneracies)j(in)d(the)h(con)m(text)-60 3783 y(of)41 b(CERN{F)-8 b(r)m(\023)-46 b(ejus)42 b Fo(\014)6 b Fy(B)41 b(and)g(SPL)h(ha)m(v)m(e)g(b)s(een)g(considered)h(previously)h(in)d (Ref.)g([35].)70 b(In)41 b(Fig.)g(5)g(w)m(e)-60 3904 y(illustrate)32 b(the)g(e\013ect)h(of)e(degeneracies)j(for)d(the)h Fo(\014)6 b Fy(B,)31 b(SPL,)h(and)g(T2HK)g(exp)s(erimen)m(ts.)45 b(Assuming)34 b(the)-60 4024 y(true)40 b(parameter)f(v)-5 b(alues)40 b Fo(\016)965 4039 y Fq(CP)1107 4024 y Fy(=)f Fn(\000)p Fy(0)p Fo(:)p Fy(85)p Fo(\031)t Fy(,)i(sin)1720 3984 y Fq(2)1776 4024 y Fy(2)p Fo(\022)1870 4039 y Fq(13)1983 4024 y Fy(=)e(0)p Fo(:)p Fy(03,)h(sin)2459 3984 y Fq(2)2515 4024 y Fo(\022)2560 4039 y Fq(23)2674 4024 y Fy(=)f(0)p Fo(:)p Fy(6)g(w)m(e)h(sho)m(w)g(the)g(allo)m(w)m(ed)-60 4144 y(regions)f(in)f(the)h(plane)g(of)f(sin)1072 4105 y Fq(2)1128 4144 y Fy(2)p Fo(\022)1222 4159 y Fq(13)1336 4144 y Fy(and)g Fo(\016)1574 4159 y Fq(CP)1715 4144 y Fy(taking)h(in)m(to)f(accoun)m(t)h(the)g(solutions)g(with)g(the)g (wrong)-60 4265 y(hierarc)m(h)m(y)34 b(and)f(the)g(wrong)g(o)s(ctan)m (t)f(of)g Fo(\022)1475 4280 y Fq(23)1551 4265 y Fy(.)86 4427 y(As)e(visible)i(in)d(Fig.)g(5)g(for)g(the)h(Sup)s(er)g(Beam)g (exp)s(erimen)m(ts)i(SPL)e(and)g(T2HK)f(there)i(is)f(only)g(a)f(four-) -60 4547 y(fold)c(degeneracy)i(related)f(to)f(sign\(\001)p Fo(m)1421 4511 y Fq(2)1421 4572 y(31)1497 4547 y Fy(\))h(and)f(the)h(o) s(ctan)m(t)f(of)g Fo(\022)2349 4562 y Fq(23)2424 4547 y Fy(,)i(whereas)g(the)f(in)m(trinsic)h(degeneracy)-60 4667 y(can)39 b(b)s(e)f(resolv)m(ed.)63 b(Sev)m(eral)39 b(pieces)h(of)e(information)g(con)m(tribute)i(to)e(this)h(e\013ect,)h (as)f(w)m(e)g(illustrate)g(at)-60 4788 y(the)47 b(example)i(of)d(SPL)i (in)f(Fig.)g(6.)86 b(The)48 b(dashed)g(curv)m(es)h(in)e(the)h(left)f (panel)g(of)g(this)g(\014gure)h(sho)m(w)-60 4908 y(the)34 b(allo)m(w)m(ed)h(regions)f(for)f(only)i(the)f(app)s(earance)g (measuremen)m(t)i(\(for)d(neutrinos)i(and)f(an)m(tineutrinos\))-60 5029 y(without)42 b(sp)s(ectral)g(information,)h(i.e.,)h(just)e(a)f (coun)m(ting)h(exp)s(erimen)m(t.)72 b(In)41 b(this)h(case)g(the)g(eigh) m(t-fold)-60 5149 y(degeneracy)e(is)g(presen)m(t)g(in)f(its)g(full)g(b) s(eaut)m(y)-8 b(,)41 b(and)d(one)h(\014nds)h(t)m(w)m(o)f(solutions)h (\(corresp)s(onding)f(to)g(the)-60 5269 y(in)m(trinsic)44 b(degeneracy\))f(for)e(eac)m(h)i(c)m(hoice)g(of)f(sign\(\001)p Fo(m)2054 5233 y Fq(2)2054 5294 y(31)2130 5269 y Fy(\))g(and)g(the)g(o) s(ctan)m(t)g(of)f Fo(\022)3064 5284 y Fq(23)3139 5269 y Fy(.)72 b(Moreo)m(v)m(er,)46 b(the)-60 5390 y(allo)m(w)m(ed)j (regions)e(are)h(relativ)m(ely)h(large.)87 b(F)-8 b(or)46 b(the)i(thin)g(solid)g(curv)m(es)h(the)e(information)h(from)f(the)-60 5510 y(disapp)s(earance)38 b(rate)e(is)h(added.)55 b(The)37 b(main)f(e\013ect)i(is)e(to)g(decrease)i(the)f(size)g(of)f(the)h(allo)m (w)m(ed)g(regions)-60 5630 y(in)i(sin)180 5591 y Fq(2)236 5630 y Fy(2)p Fo(\022)330 5645 y Fq(13)405 5630 y Fy(.)64 b(This)40 b(is)g(esp)s(ecially)h(pronounced)g(for)d(the)i(solutions)g (in)m(v)m(olving)h(the)f(wrong)f(o)s(ctan)m(t)g(of)-60 5751 y Fo(\022)-15 5766 y Fq(23)60 5751 y Fy(,)f(since)g(these)g (solutions)f(are)g(strongly)g(a\013ected)h(b)m(y)f(an)g(uncertain)m(t)m (y)h(in)f Fo(\022)2909 5766 y Fq(23)3021 5751 y Fy(whic)m(h)h(gets)f (reduced)1841 6036 y(10)p eop end %%Page: 11 11 TeXDict begin 11 10 bop 38 1732 a @beginspecial 30 @llx 194 @lly 717 @urx 488 @ury 4446 @rwi @setspecial %%BeginDocument: ./fig5.eps %!PS-Adobe-3.0 EPSF-3.0 %%BoundingBox: (atend) %%LanguageLevel: 2 %%Creator: Grace-5.1.20 %%CreationDate: Fri Aug 11 19:00:56 2006 %%DocumentData: Clean8Bit %%Orientation: Portrait %%Title: BB-SPL-T2K_deg.agr %%For: schwetz %%DocumentNeededResources: (atend) %%EndComments %%BeginProlog /m {moveto} def /l {lineto} def /s {stroke} def /n {newpath} def /c {closepath} def /RL {rlineto} def /SLW {setlinewidth} def /GS {gsave} def /GR {grestore} def /SC {setcolor} def /SGRY {setgray} def /SRGB {setrgbcolor} def /SD {setdash} def /SLC {setlinecap} def /SLJ 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0.6051 m 0.2365 0.6042 l 0.2302 0.5985 l 0.2294 0.5969 l 0.2276 0.5896 l 0.2276 0.5823 l 0.2289 0.5750 l 0.2302 0.5705 l 0.2322 0.5677 l 0.2383 0.5609 l 0.2402 0.5604 l 0.2463 0.5589 l 0.2534 0.5604 l 0.2543 0.5606 l 0.2623 0.5648 l 0.2665 0.5677 l 0.2704 0.5709 l 0.2746 0.5750 l 0.2784 0.5804 l 0.2795 0.5823 l 0.2801 0.5896 l 0.2784 0.5926 l 0.2756 0.5969 l 0.2704 0.6007 l 0.2638 0.6042 l 0.2623 0.6046 l 0.2543 0.6062 l 0.2463 0.6066 l 0.2383 0.6051 l s n 0.2623 0.4583 m 0.2580 0.4511 l 0.2553 0.4437 l 0.2545 0.4364 l 0.2559 0.4292 l 0.2597 0.4219 l 0.2623 0.4189 l 0.2704 0.4154 l 0.2784 0.4167 l 0.2856 0.4219 l 0.2864 0.4232 l 0.2887 0.4292 l 0.2887 0.4364 l 0.2865 0.4437 l 0.2864 0.4439 l 0.2815 0.4511 l 0.2784 0.4548 l 0.2729 0.4583 l 0.2704 0.4599 l 0.2623 0.4583 l c fill [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color1 SC n 0.2623 0.4583 m 0.2580 0.4511 l 0.2553 0.4437 l 0.2545 0.4364 l 0.2559 0.4292 l 0.2597 0.4219 l 0.2623 0.4189 l 0.2704 0.4154 l 0.2784 0.4167 l 0.2856 0.4219 l 0.2864 0.4232 l 0.2887 0.4292 l 0.2887 0.4364 l 0.2865 0.4437 l 0.2864 0.4439 l 0.2815 0.4511 l 0.2784 0.4548 l 0.2729 0.4583 l 0.2704 0.4599 l 0.2623 0.4583 l s [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color3 SC n 0.2784 0.4454 m 0.2750 0.4437 l 0.2704 0.4405 l 0.2667 0.4364 l 0.2646 0.4292 l 0.2686 0.4219 l 0.2704 0.4207 l 0.2784 0.4178 l 0.2864 0.4161 l 0.2944 0.4149 l 0.2973 0.4146 l 0.3025 0.4143 l 0.3105 0.4141 l 0.3185 0.4141 l 0.3265 0.4142 l 0.3346 0.4145 l 0.3361 0.4146 l 0.3426 0.4152 l 0.3506 0.4162 l 0.3586 0.4175 l 0.3667 0.4189 l 0.3747 0.4206 l 0.3804 0.4219 l 0.3827 0.4259 l 0.3843 0.4292 l 0.3827 0.4300 l 0.3747 0.4338 l 0.3691 0.4364 l 0.3667 0.4371 l 0.3586 0.4391 l 0.3506 0.4411 l 0.3426 0.4429 l 0.3386 0.4437 l 0.3346 0.4445 l 0.3265 0.4457 l 0.3185 0.4468 l 0.3105 0.4478 l 0.3025 0.4484 l 0.2944 0.4485 l 0.2864 0.4476 l 0.2784 0.4454 l s n 0.2543 0.6043 m 0.2541 0.6042 l 0.2506 0.5969 l 0.2521 0.5896 l 0.2543 0.5858 l 0.2585 0.5823 l 0.2623 0.5799 l 0.2704 0.5777 l 0.2784 0.5771 l 0.2864 0.5774 l 0.2944 0.5783 l 0.3025 0.5798 l 0.3105 0.5817 l 0.3126 0.5823 l 0.3185 0.5847 l 0.3265 0.5885 l 0.3286 0.5896 l 0.3325 0.5969 l 0.3265 0.6016 l 0.3229 0.6042 l 0.3185 0.6053 l 0.3105 0.6072 l 0.3025 0.6087 l 0.2944 0.6097 l 0.2864 0.6103 l 0.2784 0.6103 l 0.2704 0.6095 l 0.2623 0.6076 l 0.2543 0.6043 l s n 0.3105 0.4292 0.0040 0.0040 0 360 EARC c fill n 0.3105 0.4292 0.0040 0.0040 0 360 EARC s [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color4 SC n 0.2383 0.4539 m 0.2347 0.4511 l 0.2302 0.4463 l 0.2291 0.4437 l 0.2275 0.4364 l 0.2278 0.4292 l 0.2302 0.4222 l 0.2305 0.4219 l 0.2383 0.4170 l 0.2463 0.4156 l 0.2543 0.4163 l 0.2623 0.4185 l 0.2704 0.4214 l 0.2713 0.4219 l 0.2784 0.4284 l 0.2791 0.4292 l 0.2804 0.4364 l 0.2784 0.4399 l 0.2757 0.4437 l 0.2704 0.4478 l 0.2651 0.4511 l 0.2623 0.4524 l 0.2543 0.4550 l 0.2463 0.4558 l 0.2383 0.4539 l s n 0.2463 0.6265 m 0.2452 0.6261 l 0.2383 0.6217 l 0.2354 0.6187 l 0.2319 0.6114 l 0.2315 0.6042 l 0.2337 0.5969 l 0.2383 0.5898 l 0.2386 0.5896 l 0.2463 0.5852 l 0.2543 0.5838 l 0.2623 0.5840 l 0.2704 0.5851 l 0.2784 0.5867 l 0.2864 0.5888 l 0.2893 0.5896 l 0.2944 0.5911 l 0.3025 0.5937 l 0.3105 0.5964 l 0.3120 0.5969 l 0.3185 0.5997 l 0.3265 0.6033 l 0.3285 0.6042 l 0.3346 0.6100 l 0.3359 0.6114 l 0.3346 0.6133 l 0.3304 0.6187 l 0.3265 0.6202 l 0.3185 0.6229 l 0.3105 0.6253 l 0.3075 0.6261 l 0.3025 0.6268 l 0.2944 0.6277 l 0.2864 0.6285 l 0.2784 0.6290 l 0.2704 0.6293 l 0.2623 0.6291 l 0.2543 0.6282 l 0.2463 0.6265 l s n 0.2704 0.6114 0.0040 0.0040 0 360 EARC c fill n 0.2704 0.6114 0.0040 0.0040 0 360 EARC s n 0.2784 0.6128 m 0.2778 0.6114 l 0.2784 0.6090 l 0.2844 0.6042 l 0.2864 0.6037 l 0.2875 0.6042 l 0.2944 0.6110 l 0.2946 0.6114 l 0.2944 0.6119 l 0.2864 0.6181 l 0.2784 0.6128 l c fill [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color1 SC n 0.2784 0.6128 m 0.2778 0.6114 l 0.2784 0.6090 l 0.2844 0.6042 l 0.2864 0.6037 l 0.2875 0.6042 l 0.2944 0.6110 l 0.2946 0.6114 l 0.2944 0.6119 l 0.2864 0.6181 l 0.2784 0.6128 l s [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color11 SC n 0.2704 0.4440 m 0.2693 0.4437 l 0.2623 0.4417 l 0.2543 0.4368 l 0.2541 0.4364 l 0.2511 0.4292 l 0.2525 0.4219 l 0.2543 0.4201 l 0.2623 0.4164 l 0.2695 0.4146 l 0.2704 0.4145 l 0.2784 0.4140 l 0.2864 0.4141 l 0.2944 0.4145 l 0.2953 0.4146 l 0.3025 0.4158 l 0.3105 0.4175 l 0.3185 0.4195 l 0.3265 0.4219 l 0.3266 0.4219 l 0.3330 0.4292 l 0.3265 0.4350 l 0.3248 0.4364 l 0.3185 0.4385 l 0.3105 0.4408 l 0.3025 0.4427 l 0.2967 0.4437 l 0.2944 0.4440 l 0.2864 0.4446 l 0.2784 0.4446 l 0.2704 0.4440 l s n 0.2784 0.6266 m 0.2759 0.6261 l 0.2704 0.6235 l 0.2649 0.6187 l 0.2649 0.6114 l 0.2704 0.6052 l 0.2718 0.6042 l 0.2784 0.6014 l 0.2864 0.5995 l 0.2944 0.5986 l 0.3025 0.5986 l 0.3105 0.5991 l 0.3185 0.5998 l 0.3265 0.6007 l 0.3346 0.6017 l 0.3426 0.6029 l 0.3504 0.6042 l 0.3506 0.6042 l 0.3586 0.6064 l 0.3667 0.6087 l 0.3747 0.6112 l 0.3755 0.6114 l 0.3783 0.6187 l 0.3747 0.6199 l 0.3667 0.6221 l 0.3586 0.6242 l 0.3506 0.6260 l 0.3502 0.6261 l 0.3426 0.6267 l 0.3346 0.6274 l 0.3265 0.6278 l 0.3185 0.6282 l 0.3105 0.6284 l 0.3025 0.6284 l 0.2944 0.6281 l 0.2864 0.6275 l 0.2784 0.6266 l s n 0.3025 0.6114 0.0040 0.0040 0 360 EARC c fill n 0.3025 0.6114 0.0040 0.0040 0 360 EARC s /ZapfDingbats findfont /Font13 exch definefont pop /Font13 FFSF [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color1 SC 0.2633 0.4302 m GS [0.0182 0.0000 0.0000 0.0182 0 0] CC (H) show GR n 0.1500 0.4000 m 0.4710 0.4000 l s n 0.1500 0.7500 m 0.4710 0.7500 l s [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color7 SC n 0.1901 0.4000 m 0.1901 0.4100 l s n 0.1901 0.7500 m 0.1901 0.7400 l s n 0.2704 0.4000 m 0.2704 0.4100 l s n 0.2704 0.7500 m 0.2704 0.7400 l s n 0.3506 0.4000 m 0.3506 0.4100 l s n 0.3506 0.7500 m 0.3506 0.7400 l s n 0.4309 0.4000 m 0.4309 0.4100 l s n 0.4309 0.7500 m 0.4309 0.7400 l s n 0.1500 0.4000 m 0.1500 0.4200 l s n 0.1500 0.7500 m 0.1500 0.7300 l s n 0.2302 0.4000 m 0.2302 0.4200 l s n 0.2302 0.7500 m 0.2302 0.7300 l s n 0.3105 0.4000 m 0.3105 0.4200 l s n 0.3105 0.7500 m 0.3105 0.7300 l s n 0.3907 0.4000 m 0.3907 0.4200 l s n 0.3907 0.7500 m 0.3907 0.7300 l s n 0.4710 0.4000 m 0.4710 0.4200 l s n 0.4710 0.7500 m 0.4710 0.7300 l s /Times-Roman findfont dup length dict begin {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall /Encoding DefEncoding def currentdict end /Font0 exch definefont pop /Font0 FFSF [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color1 SC 0.1433 0.3712 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (0) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.2061 0.3712 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (0.02) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.2864 0.3712 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (0.04) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.3668 0.3708 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (0.06) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.4472 0.3712 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (0.08) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.2658 0.3303 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (sin) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.2983 0.3471 m GS [0.0198 0.0000 0.0000 0.0198 0 0] CC (2) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.3081 0.3303 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (2) show GR /Symbol findfont /Font12 exch definefont pop /Font12 FFSF 0.3223 0.3303 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (q) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.3368 0.3191 m GS [0.0198 0.0000 0.0000 0.0198 0 0] CC (13) show GR n 0.1500 0.4000 m 0.1500 0.7500 l s n 0.4710 0.4000 m 0.4710 0.7500 l s [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color7 SC n 0.1500 0.4583 m 0.1600 0.4583 l s n 0.4710 0.4583 m 0.4610 0.4583 l s n 0.1500 0.5750 m 0.1600 0.5750 l s n 0.4710 0.5750 m 0.4610 0.5750 l s n 0.1500 0.6917 m 0.1600 0.6917 l s n 0.4710 0.6917 m 0.4610 0.6917 l s n 0.1500 0.4000 m 0.1700 0.4000 l s n 0.4710 0.4000 m 0.4510 0.4000 l s n 0.1500 0.5167 m 0.1700 0.5167 l s n 0.4710 0.5167 m 0.4510 0.5167 l s n 0.1500 0.6333 m 0.1700 0.6333 l s n 0.4710 0.6333 m 0.4510 0.6333 l s n 0.1500 0.7500 m 0.1700 0.7500 l s n 0.4710 0.7500 m 0.4510 0.7500 l s /Font0 FFSF [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color1 SC 0.1157 0.3931 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (-) show GR /Font12 FFSF 0.1251 0.3931 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (p) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.0941 0.5075 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (-) show GR /Font12 FFSF 0.1035 0.5075 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (p) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.1188 0.5075 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (/2) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.1267 0.6241 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (0) show GR /Font12 FFSF 0.1035 0.7408 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (p) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.1188 0.7408 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (/2) show GR /Font12 FFSF 0.0725 0.5560 m GS [0.0000 0.0280 -0.0280 0.0000 0 0] CC (d) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.0837 0.5697 m GS [0.0000 0.0198 -0.0198 0.0000 0 0] CC (CP) show GR n 0.1500 0.4000 m 0.4710 0.4000 l s n 0.1500 0.7500 m 0.4710 0.7500 l s n 0.1901 0.4000 m 0.1901 0.4100 l s n 0.1901 0.7500 m 0.1901 0.7400 l s n 0.2704 0.4000 m 0.2704 0.4100 l s n 0.2704 0.7500 m 0.2704 0.7400 l s n 0.3506 0.4000 m 0.3506 0.4100 l s n 0.3506 0.7500 m 0.3506 0.7400 l s n 0.4309 0.4000 m 0.4309 0.4100 l s n 0.4309 0.7500 m 0.4309 0.7400 l s n 0.1500 0.4000 m 0.1500 0.4200 l s n 0.1500 0.7500 m 0.1500 0.7300 l s n 0.2302 0.4000 m 0.2302 0.4200 l s n 0.2302 0.7500 m 0.2302 0.7300 l s n 0.3105 0.4000 m 0.3105 0.4200 l s n 0.3105 0.7500 m 0.3105 0.7300 l s n 0.3907 0.4000 m 0.3907 0.4200 l s n 0.3907 0.7500 m 0.3907 0.7300 l s n 0.4710 0.4000 m 0.4710 0.4200 l s n 0.4710 0.7500 m 0.4710 0.7300 l s /Font0 FFSF 0.1433 0.3712 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (0) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.2061 0.3712 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (0.02) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.2864 0.3712 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (0.04) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.3668 0.3708 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (0.06) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.4472 0.3712 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (0.08) show GR n 0.1500 0.4000 m 0.1500 0.7500 l s n 0.4710 0.4000 m 0.4710 0.7500 l s n 0.1500 0.4583 m 0.1600 0.4583 l s n 0.4710 0.4583 m 0.4610 0.4583 l s n 0.1500 0.5750 m 0.1600 0.5750 l s n 0.4710 0.5750 m 0.4610 0.5750 l s n 0.1500 0.6917 m 0.1600 0.6917 l s n 0.4710 0.6917 m 0.4610 0.6917 l s n 0.1500 0.4000 m 0.1700 0.4000 l s n 0.4710 0.4000 m 0.4510 0.4000 l s n 0.1500 0.5167 m 0.1700 0.5167 l s n 0.4710 0.5167 m 0.4510 0.5167 l s n 0.1500 0.6333 m 0.1700 0.6333 l s n 0.4710 0.6333 m 0.4510 0.6333 l s n 0.1500 0.7500 m 0.1700 0.7500 l s n 0.4710 0.7500 m 0.4510 0.7500 l s n 0.1500 0.4000 m 0.1500 0.7500 l 0.4710 0.7500 l 0.4710 0.4000 l 0.1500 0.4000 l c s [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color7 SC n 0.5271 0.4000 m 0.5271 0.7500 l s n 0.6074 0.4000 m 0.6074 0.7500 l s n 0.6876 0.4000 m 0.6876 0.7500 l s n 0.7679 0.4000 m 0.7679 0.7500 l s n 0.5672 0.4000 m 0.5672 0.7500 l s n 0.6475 0.4000 m 0.6475 0.7500 l s n 0.7277 0.4000 m 0.7277 0.7500 l s n 0.8080 0.4000 m 0.8080 0.7500 l s n 0.4870 0.4583 m 0.8080 0.4583 l s n 0.4870 0.5167 m 0.8080 0.5167 l s n 0.4870 0.5750 m 0.8080 0.5750 l s n 0.4870 0.6917 m 0.8080 0.6917 l s n 0.4870 0.7500 m 0.8080 0.7500 l s n 0.4870 0.4000 m 0.8080 0.4000 l s n 0.4870 0.6333 m 0.8080 0.6333 l s [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color2 SC n 0.5993 0.4544 m 0.5985 0.4511 l 0.5977 0.4437 l 0.5977 0.4364 l 0.5986 0.4292 l 0.5993 0.4262 l 0.6019 0.4219 l 0.6074 0.4153 l 0.6154 0.4189 l 0.6168 0.4219 l 0.6181 0.4292 l 0.6178 0.4364 l 0.6162 0.4437 l 0.6154 0.4460 l 0.6120 0.4511 l 0.6074 0.4578 l 0.5993 0.4544 l s n 0.5993 0.4535 m 0.5988 0.4511 l 0.5981 0.4437 l 0.5981 0.4364 l 0.5990 0.4292 l 0.5993 0.4276 l 0.6026 0.4219 l 0.6074 0.4155 l 0.6154 0.4195 l 0.6163 0.4219 l 0.6174 0.4292 l 0.6170 0.4364 l 0.6156 0.4437 l 0.6154 0.4443 l 0.6113 0.4511 l 0.6074 0.4575 l 0.5993 0.4535 l c fill [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color1 SC n 0.5993 0.4535 m 0.5988 0.4511 l 0.5981 0.4437 l 0.5981 0.4364 l 0.5990 0.4292 l 0.5993 0.4276 l 0.6026 0.4219 l 0.6074 0.4155 l 0.6154 0.4195 l 0.6163 0.4219 l 0.6174 0.4292 l 0.6170 0.4364 l 0.6156 0.4437 l 0.6154 0.4443 l 0.6113 0.4511 l 0.6074 0.4575 l 0.5993 0.4535 l s [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color3 SC n 0.6555 0.4450 m 0.6548 0.4437 l 0.6532 0.4364 l 0.6540 0.4292 l 0.6555 0.4251 l 0.6578 0.4219 l 0.6635 0.4170 l 0.6716 0.4162 l 0.6775 0.4219 l 0.6786 0.4292 l 0.6759 0.4364 l 0.6716 0.4432 l 0.6708 0.4437 l 0.6635 0.4478 l 0.6555 0.4450 l s n 0.6635 0.4292 0.0040 0.0040 0 360 EARC c fill n 0.6635 0.4292 0.0040 0.0040 0 360 EARC s [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color4 SC n 0.6074 0.6020 m 0.6038 0.5969 l 0.6001 0.5896 l 0.5993 0.5871 l 0.5987 0.5823 l 0.5984 0.5750 l 0.5986 0.5677 l 0.5993 0.5612 l 0.5998 0.5604 l 0.6074 0.5547 l 0.6109 0.5604 l 0.6154 0.5670 l 0.6156 0.5677 l 0.6177 0.5750 l 0.6190 0.5823 l 0.6191 0.5896 l 0.6175 0.5969 l 0.6154 0.6007 l 0.6074 0.6020 l s n 0.6074 0.5823 0.0040 0.0040 0 360 EARC c fill n 0.6074 0.5823 0.0040 0.0040 0 360 EARC s [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color11 SC n 0.6635 0.6008 m 0.6602 0.5969 l 0.6564 0.5896 l 0.6555 0.5837 l 0.6554 0.5823 l 0.6555 0.5814 l 0.6580 0.5750 l 0.6635 0.5707 l 0.6716 0.5745 l 0.6720 0.5750 l 0.6767 0.5823 l 0.6796 0.5890 l 0.6797 0.5896 l 0.6796 0.5931 l 0.6792 0.5969 l 0.6716 0.6034 l 0.6635 0.6008 l s n 0.6716 0.5896 0.0040 0.0040 0 360 EARC c fill n 0.6716 0.5896 0.0040 0.0040 0 360 EARC s /Font13 FFSF [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color1 SC 0.6003 0.4302 m GS [0.0182 0.0000 0.0000 0.0182 0 0] CC (H) show GR n 0.4870 0.4000 m 0.8080 0.4000 l s n 0.4870 0.7500 m 0.8080 0.7500 l s [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color7 SC n 0.5271 0.4000 m 0.5271 0.4100 l s n 0.5271 0.7500 m 0.5271 0.7400 l s n 0.6074 0.4000 m 0.6074 0.4100 l s n 0.6074 0.7500 m 0.6074 0.7400 l s n 0.6876 0.4000 m 0.6876 0.4100 l s n 0.6876 0.7500 m 0.6876 0.7400 l s n 0.7679 0.4000 m 0.7679 0.4100 l s n 0.7679 0.7500 m 0.7679 0.7400 l s n 0.5672 0.4000 m 0.5672 0.4200 l s n 0.5672 0.7500 m 0.5672 0.7300 l s n 0.6475 0.4000 m 0.6475 0.4200 l s n 0.6475 0.7500 m 0.6475 0.7300 l s n 0.7277 0.4000 m 0.7277 0.4200 l s n 0.7277 0.7500 m 0.7277 0.7300 l s n 0.8080 0.4000 m 0.8080 0.4200 l s n 0.8080 0.7500 m 0.8080 0.7300 l s /Font0 FFSF [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color1 SC 0.5431 0.3712 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (0.02) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.6234 0.3712 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (0.04) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.7038 0.3708 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (0.06) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.7843 0.3712 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (0.08) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.6028 0.3303 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (sin) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.6354 0.3471 m GS [0.0198 0.0000 0.0000 0.0198 0 0] CC (2) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.6452 0.3303 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (2) show GR /Font12 FFSF 0.6593 0.3303 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (q) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.6738 0.3191 m GS [0.0198 0.0000 0.0000 0.0198 0 0] CC (13) show GR n 0.4870 0.4000 m 0.4870 0.7500 l s n 0.8080 0.4000 m 0.8080 0.7500 l s [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color7 SC n 0.4870 0.4583 m 0.4970 0.4583 l s n 0.8080 0.4583 m 0.7980 0.4583 l s n 0.4870 0.5167 m 0.4970 0.5167 l s n 0.8080 0.5167 m 0.7980 0.5167 l s n 0.4870 0.5750 m 0.4970 0.5750 l s n 0.8080 0.5750 m 0.7980 0.5750 l s n 0.4870 0.6917 m 0.4970 0.6917 l s n 0.8080 0.6917 m 0.7980 0.6917 l s n 0.4870 0.7500 m 0.4970 0.7500 l s n 0.8080 0.7500 m 0.7980 0.7500 l s n 0.4870 0.4000 m 0.5070 0.4000 l s n 0.8080 0.4000 m 0.7880 0.4000 l s n 0.4870 0.6333 m 0.5070 0.6333 l s n 0.8080 0.6333 m 0.7880 0.6333 l s [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color1 SC n 0.4870 0.4000 m 0.8080 0.4000 l s n 0.4870 0.7500 m 0.8080 0.7500 l s n 0.5271 0.4000 m 0.5271 0.4100 l s n 0.5271 0.7500 m 0.5271 0.7400 l s n 0.6074 0.4000 m 0.6074 0.4100 l s n 0.6074 0.7500 m 0.6074 0.7400 l s n 0.6876 0.4000 m 0.6876 0.4100 l s n 0.6876 0.7500 m 0.6876 0.7400 l s n 0.7679 0.4000 m 0.7679 0.4100 l s n 0.7679 0.7500 m 0.7679 0.7400 l s n 0.5672 0.4000 m 0.5672 0.4200 l s n 0.5672 0.7500 m 0.5672 0.7300 l s n 0.6475 0.4000 m 0.6475 0.4200 l s n 0.6475 0.7500 m 0.6475 0.7300 l s n 0.7277 0.4000 m 0.7277 0.4200 l s n 0.7277 0.7500 m 0.7277 0.7300 l s n 0.8080 0.4000 m 0.8080 0.4200 l s n 0.8080 0.7500 m 0.8080 0.7300 l s /Font0 FFSF 0.5431 0.3712 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (0.02) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.6234 0.3712 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (0.04) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.7038 0.3708 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (0.06) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.7843 0.3712 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (0.08) show GR n 0.4870 0.4000 m 0.4870 0.7500 l s n 0.8080 0.4000 m 0.8080 0.7500 l s n 0.4870 0.4583 m 0.4970 0.4583 l s n 0.8080 0.4583 m 0.7980 0.4583 l s n 0.4870 0.5750 m 0.4970 0.5750 l s n 0.8080 0.5750 m 0.7980 0.5750 l s n 0.4870 0.6917 m 0.4970 0.6917 l s n 0.8080 0.6917 m 0.7980 0.6917 l s n 0.4870 0.4000 m 0.5070 0.4000 l s n 0.8080 0.4000 m 0.7880 0.4000 l s n 0.4870 0.5167 m 0.5070 0.5167 l s n 0.8080 0.5167 m 0.7880 0.5167 l s n 0.4870 0.6333 m 0.5070 0.6333 l s n 0.8080 0.6333 m 0.7880 0.6333 l s n 0.4870 0.7500 m 0.5070 0.7500 l s n 0.8080 0.7500 m 0.7880 0.7500 l s n 0.4870 0.4000 m 0.4870 0.7500 l 0.8080 0.7500 l 0.8080 0.4000 l 0.4870 0.4000 l c s [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color7 SC n 0.8641 0.4000 m 0.8641 0.7500 l s n 0.9444 0.4000 m 0.9444 0.7500 l s n 1.0246 0.4000 m 1.0246 0.7500 l s n 1.1049 0.4000 m 1.1049 0.7500 l s n 0.9043 0.4000 m 0.9043 0.7500 l s n 0.9845 0.4000 m 0.9845 0.7500 l s n 1.0648 0.4000 m 1.0648 0.7500 l s n 1.1450 0.4000 m 1.1450 0.7500 l s n 0.8240 0.4583 m 1.1450 0.4583 l s n 0.8240 0.5167 m 1.1450 0.5167 l s n 0.8240 0.5750 m 1.1450 0.5750 l s n 0.8240 0.6917 m 1.1450 0.6917 l s n 0.8240 0.7500 m 1.1450 0.7500 l s n 0.8240 0.4000 m 1.1450 0.4000 l s n 0.8240 0.6333 m 1.1450 0.6333 l s [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color2 SC n 0.9444 0.4519 m 0.9433 0.4511 l 0.9387 0.4437 l 0.9380 0.4364 l 0.9398 0.4292 l 0.9435 0.4219 l 0.9444 0.4207 l 0.9464 0.4219 l 0.9511 0.4292 l 0.9508 0.4364 l 0.9483 0.4437 l 0.9449 0.4511 l 0.9444 0.4519 l s n 0.9444 0.4518 m 0.9434 0.4511 l 0.9388 0.4437 l 0.9381 0.4364 l 0.9399 0.4292 l 0.9435 0.4219 l 0.9444 0.4207 l 0.9463 0.4219 l 0.9510 0.4292 l 0.9507 0.4364 l 0.9482 0.4437 l 0.9448 0.4511 l 0.9444 0.4518 l c fill [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color1 SC n 0.9444 0.4518 m 0.9434 0.4511 l 0.9388 0.4437 l 0.9381 0.4364 l 0.9399 0.4292 l 0.9435 0.4219 l 0.9444 0.4207 l 0.9463 0.4219 l 0.9510 0.4292 l 0.9507 0.4364 l 0.9482 0.4437 l 0.9448 0.4511 l 0.9444 0.4518 l s [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color3 SC n 1.0006 0.4408 m 0.9962 0.4364 l 0.9949 0.4292 l 0.9983 0.4219 l 1.0006 0.4197 l 1.0086 0.4190 l 1.0118 0.4219 l 1.0130 0.4292 l 1.0099 0.4364 l 1.0086 0.4380 l 1.0006 0.4408 l s n 1.0006 0.4292 0.0040 0.0040 0 360 EARC c fill n 1.0006 0.4292 0.0040 0.0040 0 360 EARC s [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color4 SC n 0.9444 0.5801 m 0.9420 0.5750 l 0.9393 0.5677 l 0.9369 0.5604 l 0.9364 0.5580 l 0.9360 0.5531 l 0.9357 0.5458 l 0.9357 0.5385 l 0.9360 0.5312 l 0.9364 0.5263 l 0.9383 0.5312 l 0.9444 0.5360 l 0.9450 0.5385 l 0.9468 0.5458 l 0.9487 0.5531 l 0.9507 0.5604 l 0.9520 0.5677 l 0.9509 0.5750 l 0.9444 0.5801 l s n 0.9444 0.5604 0.0040 0.0040 0 360 EARC c fill n 0.9444 0.5604 0.0040 0.0040 0 360 EARC s [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color11 SC n 1.0086 0.5910 m 1.0040 0.5896 l 1.0006 0.5879 l 0.9967 0.5823 l 0.9935 0.5750 l 0.9925 0.5692 l 0.9924 0.5677 l 0.9925 0.5652 l 0.9934 0.5604 l 1.0006 0.5534 l 1.0086 0.5599 l 1.0089 0.5604 l 1.0129 0.5677 l 1.0163 0.5750 l 1.0166 0.5773 l 1.0170 0.5823 l 1.0166 0.5837 l 1.0120 0.5896 l 1.0086 0.5910 l s n 1.0086 0.5750 0.0040 0.0040 0 360 EARC c fill n 1.0086 0.5750 0.0040 0.0040 0 360 EARC s /Font13 FFSF [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color1 SC 0.9373 0.4302 m GS [0.0182 0.0000 0.0000 0.0182 0 0] CC (H) show GR n 0.8240 0.4000 m 1.1450 0.4000 l s n 0.8240 0.7500 m 1.1450 0.7500 l s [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color7 SC n 0.8641 0.4000 m 0.8641 0.4100 l s n 0.8641 0.7500 m 0.8641 0.7400 l s n 0.9444 0.4000 m 0.9444 0.4100 l s n 0.9444 0.7500 m 0.9444 0.7400 l s n 1.0246 0.4000 m 1.0246 0.4100 l s n 1.0246 0.7500 m 1.0246 0.7400 l s n 1.1049 0.4000 m 1.1049 0.4100 l s n 1.1049 0.7500 m 1.1049 0.7400 l s n 0.9043 0.4000 m 0.9043 0.4200 l s n 0.9043 0.7500 m 0.9043 0.7300 l s n 0.9845 0.4000 m 0.9845 0.4200 l s n 0.9845 0.7500 m 0.9845 0.7300 l s n 1.0648 0.4000 m 1.0648 0.4200 l s n 1.0648 0.7500 m 1.0648 0.7300 l s n 1.1450 0.4000 m 1.1450 0.4200 l s n 1.1450 0.7500 m 1.1450 0.7300 l s /Font0 FFSF [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color1 SC 0.8801 0.3712 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (0.02) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.9604 0.3712 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (0.04) show GR /Font0 FFSF 1.0408 0.3708 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (0.06) show GR /Font0 FFSF 1.1213 0.3712 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (0.08) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.9398 0.3303 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (sin) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.9724 0.3471 m GS [0.0198 0.0000 0.0000 0.0198 0 0] CC (2) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.9822 0.3303 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (2) show GR /Font12 FFSF 0.9963 0.3303 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (q) show GR /Font0 FFSF 1.0108 0.3191 m GS [0.0198 0.0000 0.0000 0.0198 0 0] CC (13) show GR n 0.8240 0.4000 m 0.8240 0.7500 l s n 1.1450 0.4000 m 1.1450 0.7500 l s [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color7 SC n 0.8240 0.4583 m 0.8340 0.4583 l s n 1.1450 0.4583 m 1.1350 0.4583 l s n 0.8240 0.5167 m 0.8340 0.5167 l s n 1.1450 0.5167 m 1.1350 0.5167 l s n 0.8240 0.5750 m 0.8340 0.5750 l s n 1.1450 0.5750 m 1.1350 0.5750 l s n 0.8240 0.6917 m 0.8340 0.6917 l s n 1.1450 0.6917 m 1.1350 0.6917 l s n 0.8240 0.7500 m 0.8340 0.7500 l s n 1.1450 0.7500 m 1.1350 0.7500 l s n 0.8240 0.4000 m 0.8440 0.4000 l s n 1.1450 0.4000 m 1.1250 0.4000 l s n 0.8240 0.6333 m 0.8440 0.6333 l s n 1.1450 0.6333 m 1.1250 0.6333 l s [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color1 SC n 0.8240 0.4000 m 1.1450 0.4000 l s n 0.8240 0.7500 m 1.1450 0.7500 l s n 0.8641 0.4000 m 0.8641 0.4100 l s n 0.8641 0.7500 m 0.8641 0.7400 l s n 0.9444 0.4000 m 0.9444 0.4100 l s n 0.9444 0.7500 m 0.9444 0.7400 l s n 1.0246 0.4000 m 1.0246 0.4100 l s n 1.0246 0.7500 m 1.0246 0.7400 l s n 1.1049 0.4000 m 1.1049 0.4100 l s n 1.1049 0.7500 m 1.1049 0.7400 l s n 0.9043 0.4000 m 0.9043 0.4200 l s n 0.9043 0.7500 m 0.9043 0.7300 l s n 0.9845 0.4000 m 0.9845 0.4200 l s n 0.9845 0.7500 m 0.9845 0.7300 l s n 1.0648 0.4000 m 1.0648 0.4200 l s n 1.0648 0.7500 m 1.0648 0.7300 l s n 1.1450 0.4000 m 1.1450 0.4200 l s n 1.1450 0.7500 m 1.1450 0.7300 l s /Font0 FFSF 0.8801 0.3712 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (0.02) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.9604 0.3712 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (0.04) show GR /Font0 FFSF 1.0408 0.3708 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (0.06) show GR /Font0 FFSF 1.1213 0.3712 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (0.08) show GR n 0.8240 0.4000 m 0.8240 0.7500 l s n 1.1450 0.4000 m 1.1450 0.7500 l s n 0.8240 0.4583 m 0.8340 0.4583 l s n 1.1450 0.4583 m 1.1350 0.4583 l s n 0.8240 0.5750 m 0.8340 0.5750 l s n 1.1450 0.5750 m 1.1350 0.5750 l s n 0.8240 0.6917 m 0.8340 0.6917 l s n 1.1450 0.6917 m 1.1350 0.6917 l s n 0.8240 0.4000 m 0.8440 0.4000 l s n 1.1450 0.4000 m 1.1250 0.4000 l s n 0.8240 0.5167 m 0.8440 0.5167 l s n 1.1450 0.5167 m 1.1250 0.5167 l s n 0.8240 0.6333 m 0.8440 0.6333 l s n 1.1450 0.6333 m 1.1250 0.6333 l s n 0.8240 0.7500 m 0.8440 0.7500 l s n 1.1450 0.7500 m 1.1250 0.7500 l s n 0.8240 0.4000 m 0.8240 0.7500 l 1.1450 0.7500 l 1.1450 0.4000 l 0.8240 0.4000 l c s /Font12 FFSF 0.2756 0.7022 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (b) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.2909 0.7022 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (B) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.6274 0.6981 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (SPL) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.9668 0.7008 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (T2HK) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.2327 0.7673 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (95% CL regions for the ) show GR /Font0 FFSF [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color2 SC 0.5041 0.7673 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (\(H) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.5335 0.7841 m GS [0.0198 0.0000 0.0000 0.0198 0 0] CC (tr) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.5456 0.7673 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (O) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.5660 0.7841 m GS [0.0198 0.0000 0.0000 0.0198 0 0] CC (tr) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.5782 0.7673 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (\), ) show GR /Font0 FFSF [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color3 SC 0.6084 0.7673 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (\(H) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.6378 0.7841 m GS [0.0198 0.0000 0.0000 0.0198 0 0] CC (tr) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.6499 0.7673 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (O) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.6703 0.7841 m GS [0.0198 0.0000 0.0000 0.0198 0 0] CC (wr) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.6911 0.7673 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (\), ) show GR /Font0 FFSF [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color4 SC 0.7213 0.7673 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (\(H) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.7507 0.7841 m GS [0.0198 0.0000 0.0000 0.0198 0 0] CC (wr) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.7715 0.7673 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (O) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.7919 0.7841 m GS [0.0198 0.0000 0.0000 0.0198 0 0] CC (tr) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.8041 0.7673 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (\), ) show GR /Font0 FFSF [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color11 SC 0.8343 0.7673 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (\(H) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.8637 0.7841 m GS [0.0198 0.0000 0.0000 0.0198 0 0] CC (wr) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.8845 0.7673 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (O) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.9048 0.7841 m GS [0.0198 0.0000 0.0000 0.0198 0 0] CC (wr) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.9256 0.7673 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (\) ) show GR /Font0 FFSF [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color1 SC 0.9488 0.7673 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (solutions) show GR %%Trailer %%BoundingBox: 30 194 717 488 %%DocumentNeededResources: font Times-Roman %%+ font Symbol %%+ font ZapfDingbats %%EOF %%EndDocument @endspecial -60 1936 a Fw(Figure)40 b(5)p Fy(:)46 b Fi(Allo)n(w)n(ed)28 b(regions)g(in)h(sin)1226 1901 y Fg(2)1277 1936 y Fi(2)p Fh(\022)1358 1948 y Fg(13)1457 1936 y Fi(and)f Fh(\016)1656 1948 y Fg(CP)1781 1936 y Fi(for)h(LBL)f(data)g(alone)g(\(con)n(tour)g(lines\))h(and)g(LBL+A)-7 b(TM)29 b(data)-60 2056 y(com)n(bined)h(\(colored)g(regions\).)45 b(H)1054 2026 y Fg(tr)p Ff(=)p Fg(wr)1218 2056 y Fi(\(O)1315 2026 y Fg(tr)p Ff(=)p Fg(wr)1478 2056 y Fi(\))31 b(refers)f(to)h 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0.6650 l 0.3695 0.6654 l 0.3589 0.6658 l 0.3483 0.6660 l 0.3377 0.6656 l s [] 0 SD 0.0015 SLW n 0.2847 0.4851 m 0.2847 0.4850 l 0.2810 0.4760 l 0.2775 0.4670 l 0.2745 0.4580 l 0.2741 0.4567 l 0.2734 0.4490 l 0.2730 0.4400 l 0.2729 0.4310 l 0.2735 0.4220 l 0.2741 0.4171 l 0.2756 0.4130 l 0.2807 0.4040 l 0.2847 0.3990 l 0.2933 0.3950 l 0.2953 0.3943 l 0.3059 0.3933 l 0.3165 0.3937 l 0.3271 0.3948 l 0.3274 0.3950 l 0.3377 0.4026 l 0.3383 0.4040 l 0.3408 0.4130 l 0.3425 0.4220 l 0.3431 0.4310 l 0.3426 0.4400 l 0.3403 0.4490 l 0.3377 0.4546 l 0.3342 0.4580 l 0.3271 0.4650 l 0.3248 0.4670 l 0.3165 0.4750 l 0.3152 0.4760 l 0.3059 0.4840 l 0.3039 0.4850 l 0.2953 0.4897 l 0.2847 0.4851 l s n 0.3483 0.6650 m 0.3475 0.6650 l 0.3377 0.6644 l 0.3271 0.6632 l 0.3165 0.6610 l 0.3059 0.6574 l 0.3034 0.6560 l 0.2953 0.6499 l 0.2930 0.6470 l 0.2878 0.6380 l 0.2847 0.6300 l 0.2845 0.6290 l 0.2835 0.6200 l 0.2834 0.6110 l 0.2839 0.6020 l 0.2847 0.5956 l 0.2856 0.5930 l 0.2897 0.5840 l 0.2953 0.5753 l 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0.4130 l 0.5073 0.4178 l 0.4988 0.4220 l 0.4967 0.4226 l 0.4861 0.4256 l 0.4755 0.4287 l 0.4680 0.4310 l 0.4649 0.4317 l 0.4543 0.4343 l 0.4437 0.4368 l 0.4331 0.4394 l 0.4308 0.4400 l 0.4225 0.4418 l 0.4119 0.4440 l 0.4013 0.4462 l 0.3907 0.4483 l 0.3871 0.4490 l 0.3801 0.4502 l 0.3695 0.4518 l 0.3589 0.4531 l 0.3483 0.4539 l 0.3377 0.4540 l 0.3271 0.4513 l s n 0.3695 0.6670 m 0.3593 0.6650 l 0.3589 0.6649 l 0.3483 0.6609 l 0.3408 0.6560 l 0.3377 0.6524 l 0.3352 0.6470 l 0.3339 0.6380 l 0.3354 0.6290 l 0.3377 0.6236 l 0.3410 0.6200 l 0.3483 0.6145 l 0.3589 0.6113 l 0.3628 0.6110 l 0.3695 0.6106 l 0.3801 0.6108 l 0.3845 0.6110 l 0.3907 0.6113 l 0.4013 0.6121 l 0.4119 0.6131 l 0.4225 0.6142 l 0.4331 0.6154 l 0.4437 0.6166 l 0.4543 0.6178 l 0.4649 0.6190 l 0.4734 0.6200 l 0.4755 0.6203 l 0.4861 0.6216 l 0.4967 0.6230 l 0.5073 0.6243 l 0.5179 0.6257 l 0.5285 0.6269 l 0.5391 0.6282 l 0.5458 0.6290 l 0.5497 0.6296 l 0.5603 0.6311 l 0.5709 0.6326 l 0.5815 0.6340 l 0.5921 0.6354 l 0.6026 0.6368 l 0.6126 0.6380 l 0.6132 0.6381 l 0.6238 0.6402 l 0.6344 0.6422 l 0.6344 0.6621 l 0.6238 0.6638 l 0.6158 0.6650 l 0.6132 0.6652 l 0.6026 0.6659 l 0.5921 0.6665 l 0.5815 0.6672 l 0.5709 0.6679 l 0.5603 0.6685 l 0.5497 0.6691 l 0.5391 0.6697 l 0.5285 0.6702 l 0.5179 0.6707 l 0.5073 0.6711 l 0.4967 0.6715 l 0.4861 0.6719 l 0.4755 0.6721 l 0.4649 0.6723 l 0.4543 0.6724 l 0.4437 0.6724 l 0.4331 0.6722 l 0.4225 0.6719 l 0.4119 0.6714 l 0.4013 0.6707 l 0.3907 0.6698 l 0.3801 0.6686 l 0.3695 0.6670 l s [] 0 SD 0.0015 SLW n 0.3377 0.4536 m 0.3340 0.4490 l 0.3271 0.4405 l 0.3270 0.4400 l 0.3236 0.4310 l 0.3222 0.4220 l 0.3226 0.4130 l 0.3228 0.4040 l 0.3271 0.3956 l 0.3283 0.3950 l 0.3377 0.3916 l 0.3483 0.3886 l 0.3589 0.3865 l 0.3635 0.3860 l 0.3695 0.3856 l 0.3801 0.3855 l 0.3876 0.3860 l 0.3907 0.3863 l 0.4013 0.3886 l 0.4119 0.3921 l 0.4180 0.3950 l 0.4225 0.3994 l 0.4261 0.4040 l 0.4265 0.4130 l 0.4225 0.4210 l 0.4219 0.4220 l 0.4125 0.4310 l 0.4119 0.4314 l 0.4013 0.4381 l 0.3977 0.4400 l 0.3907 0.4432 l 0.3801 0.4473 l 0.3745 0.4490 l 0.3695 0.4504 l 0.3589 0.4526 l 0.3483 0.4537 l 0.3377 0.4536 l s n 0.3907 0.6654 m 0.3892 0.6650 l 0.3801 0.6617 l 0.3756 0.6560 l 0.3719 0.6470 l 0.3695 0.6413 l 0.3688 0.6380 l 0.3684 0.6290 l 0.3695 0.6246 l 0.3734 0.6200 l 0.3801 0.6111 l 0.3907 0.6115 l 0.4013 0.6125 l 0.4119 0.6141 l 0.4225 0.6162 l 0.4331 0.6188 l 0.4368 0.6200 l 0.4437 0.6225 l 0.4543 0.6274 l 0.4568 0.6290 l 0.4649 0.6352 l 0.4676 0.6380 l 0.4732 0.6470 l 0.4746 0.6560 l 0.4693 0.6650 l 0.4649 0.6679 l 0.4543 0.6712 l 0.4437 0.6722 l 0.4331 0.6719 l 0.4225 0.6708 l 0.4119 0.6692 l 0.4013 0.6674 l 0.3907 0.6654 l s [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color1 SC n 0.1500 0.3500 m 0.6344 0.3500 l s n 0.1500 0.8000 m 0.6344 0.8000 l s [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color7 SC n 0.2106 0.3500 m 0.2106 0.3600 l s n 0.2106 0.8000 m 0.2106 0.7900 l s n 0.3317 0.3500 m 0.3317 0.3600 l s n 0.3317 0.8000 m 0.3317 0.7900 l s n 0.4528 0.3500 m 0.4528 0.3600 l s n 0.4528 0.8000 m 0.4528 0.7900 l s n 0.5739 0.3500 m 0.5739 0.3600 l s n 0.5739 0.8000 m 0.5739 0.7900 l s n 0.1500 0.3500 m 0.1500 0.3700 l s n 0.1500 0.8000 m 0.1500 0.7800 l s n 0.2711 0.3500 m 0.2711 0.3700 l s n 0.2711 0.8000 m 0.2711 0.7800 l s n 0.3922 0.3500 m 0.3922 0.3700 l s n 0.3922 0.8000 m 0.3922 0.7800 l s n 0.5133 0.3500 m 0.5133 0.3700 l s n 0.5133 0.8000 m 0.5133 0.7800 l s n 0.6344 0.3500 m 0.6344 0.3700 l s n 0.6344 0.8000 m 0.6344 0.7800 l s /Times-Roman findfont dup length dict begin {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall /Encoding DefEncoding def currentdict end /Font0 exch definefont pop /Font0 FFSF [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color1 SC 0.1433 0.3212 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (0) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.2470 0.3212 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (0.02) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.3681 0.3212 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (0.04) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.4894 0.3208 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (0.06) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.6107 0.3212 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (0.08) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.3475 0.2803 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (sin) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.3801 0.2971 m GS [0.0198 0.0000 0.0000 0.0198 0 0] CC (2) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.3899 0.2803 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (2) show GR /Symbol findfont /Font12 exch definefont pop /Font12 FFSF 0.4040 0.2803 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (q) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.4185 0.2691 m GS [0.0198 0.0000 0.0000 0.0198 0 0] CC (13) show GR n 0.1500 0.3500 m 0.1500 0.8000 l s n 0.6344 0.3500 m 0.6344 0.8000 l s [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color7 SC n 0.1500 0.4400 m 0.1600 0.4400 l s n 0.6344 0.4400 m 0.6244 0.4400 l s n 0.1500 0.6200 m 0.1600 0.6200 l s n 0.6344 0.6200 m 0.6244 0.6200 l s n 0.1500 0.8000 m 0.1600 0.8000 l s n 0.6344 0.8000 m 0.6244 0.8000 l s n 0.1500 0.3500 m 0.1700 0.3500 l s n 0.6344 0.3500 m 0.6144 0.3500 l s n 0.1500 0.5300 m 0.1700 0.5300 l s n 0.6344 0.5300 m 0.6144 0.5300 l s n 0.1500 0.7100 m 0.1700 0.7100 l s n 0.6344 0.7100 m 0.6144 0.7100 l s /Font0 FFSF [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color1 SC 0.1157 0.3431 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (-) show GR /Font12 FFSF 0.1251 0.3431 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (p) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.0941 0.5208 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (-) show GR /Font12 FFSF 0.1035 0.5208 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (p) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.1188 0.5208 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (/2) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.1267 0.7008 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (0) show GR /Font12 FFSF 0.0725 0.5560 m GS [0.0000 0.0280 -0.0280 0.0000 0 0] CC (d) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.0837 0.5697 m GS [0.0000 0.0198 -0.0198 0.0000 0 0] CC (CP) show GR n 0.1500 0.3500 m 0.6344 0.3500 l s n 0.1500 0.8000 m 0.6344 0.8000 l s n 0.2106 0.3500 m 0.2106 0.3600 l s n 0.2106 0.8000 m 0.2106 0.7900 l s n 0.3317 0.3500 m 0.3317 0.3600 l s n 0.3317 0.8000 m 0.3317 0.7900 l s n 0.4528 0.3500 m 0.4528 0.3600 l s n 0.4528 0.8000 m 0.4528 0.7900 l s n 0.5739 0.3500 m 0.5739 0.3600 l s n 0.5739 0.8000 m 0.5739 0.7900 l s n 0.1500 0.3500 m 0.1500 0.3700 l s n 0.1500 0.8000 m 0.1500 0.7800 l s n 0.2711 0.3500 m 0.2711 0.3700 l s n 0.2711 0.8000 m 0.2711 0.7800 l s n 0.3922 0.3500 m 0.3922 0.3700 l s n 0.3922 0.8000 m 0.3922 0.7800 l s n 0.5133 0.3500 m 0.5133 0.3700 l s n 0.5133 0.8000 m 0.5133 0.7800 l s n 0.6344 0.3500 m 0.6344 0.3700 l s n 0.6344 0.8000 m 0.6344 0.7800 l s /Font0 FFSF 0.1433 0.3212 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (0) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.2470 0.3212 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (0.02) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.3681 0.3212 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (0.04) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.4894 0.3208 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (0.06) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.6107 0.3212 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (0.08) show GR n 0.1500 0.3500 m 0.1500 0.8000 l s n 0.6344 0.3500 m 0.6344 0.8000 l s n 0.1500 0.4400 m 0.1600 0.4400 l s n 0.6344 0.4400 m 0.6244 0.4400 l s n 0.1500 0.6200 m 0.1600 0.6200 l s n 0.6344 0.6200 m 0.6244 0.6200 l s n 0.1500 0.8000 m 0.1600 0.8000 l s n 0.6344 0.8000 m 0.6244 0.8000 l s n 0.1500 0.3500 m 0.1700 0.3500 l s n 0.6344 0.3500 m 0.6144 0.3500 l s n 0.1500 0.5300 m 0.1700 0.5300 l s n 0.6344 0.5300 m 0.6144 0.5300 l s n 0.1500 0.7100 m 0.1700 0.7100 l s n 0.6344 0.7100 m 0.6144 0.7100 l s n 0.1500 0.3500 m 0.1500 0.8000 l 0.6344 0.8000 l 0.6344 0.3500 l 0.1500 0.3500 l c s [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color7 SC n 0.6587 0.3500 m 0.6587 0.8000 l s n 0.7192 0.3500 m 0.7192 0.8000 l s n 0.8403 0.3500 m 0.8403 0.8000 l s n 0.9614 0.3500 m 0.9614 0.8000 l s n 1.0825 0.3500 m 1.0825 0.8000 l s n 0.7798 0.3500 m 0.7798 0.8000 l s n 0.9009 0.3500 m 0.9009 0.8000 l s n 1.0220 0.3500 m 1.0220 0.8000 l s n 1.1431 0.3500 m 1.1431 0.8000 l s n 0.6587 0.4400 m 1.1431 0.4400 l s n 0.6587 0.5300 m 1.1431 0.5300 l s n 0.6587 0.6200 m 1.1431 0.6200 l s n 0.6587 0.8000 m 1.1431 0.8000 l s n 0.6587 0.3500 m 1.1431 0.3500 l s n 0.6587 0.7100 m 1.1431 0.7100 l s [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color2 SC [0.0105 0.0045 ] 0 SD 0.0015 SLW n 0.8358 0.4410 m 0.8349 0.4400 l 0.8293 0.4310 l 0.8269 0.4220 l 0.8264 0.4130 l 0.8273 0.4040 l 0.8294 0.3950 l 0.8325 0.3860 l 0.8358 0.3788 l 0.8403 0.3770 l 0.8464 0.3750 l 0.8484 0.3770 l 0.8536 0.3860 l 0.8553 0.3950 l 0.8547 0.4040 l 0.8525 0.4130 l 0.8494 0.4220 l 0.8464 0.4299 l 0.8452 0.4310 l 0.8366 0.4400 l 0.8358 0.4410 l s n 0.8040 0.6856 m 0.8020 0.6830 l 0.7971 0.6740 l 0.7943 0.6650 l 0.7935 0.6560 l 0.7944 0.6470 l 0.7964 0.6380 l 0.7992 0.6290 l 0.8022 0.6200 l 0.8040 0.6150 l 0.8146 0.6197 l 0.8147 0.6200 l 0.8160 0.6290 l 0.8168 0.6380 l 0.8170 0.6470 l 0.8167 0.6560 l 0.8158 0.6650 l 0.8146 0.6720 l 0.8136 0.6740 l 0.8068 0.6830 l 0.8040 0.6856 l s [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color15 SC n 0.9206 0.4226 m 0.9196 0.4220 l 0.9113 0.4130 l 0.9100 0.4085 l 0.9094 0.4040 l 0.9100 0.3964 l 0.9101 0.3950 l 0.9140 0.3860 l 0.9199 0.3770 l 0.9206 0.3763 l 0.9312 0.3716 l 0.9418 0.3740 l 0.9445 0.3770 l 0.9479 0.3860 l 0.9473 0.3950 l 0.9442 0.4040 l 0.9418 0.4086 l 0.9378 0.4130 l 0.9312 0.4195 l 0.9226 0.4220 l 0.9206 0.4226 l s n 0.8570 0.6869 m 0.8534 0.6830 l 0.8484 0.6740 l 0.8465 0.6650 l 0.8475 0.6560 l 0.8508 0.6470 l 0.8555 0.6380 l 0.8570 0.6357 l 0.8676 0.6301 l 0.8775 0.6380 l 0.8782 0.6390 l 0.8803 0.6470 l 0.8813 0.6560 l 0.8809 0.6650 l 0.8792 0.6740 l 0.8782 0.6767 l 0.8735 0.6830 l 0.8676 0.6881 l 0.8570 0.6869 l s [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color4 SC n 0.8146 0.4783 m 0.8139 0.4760 l 0.8106 0.4670 l 0.8065 0.4580 l 0.8040 0.4532 l 0.8032 0.4490 l 0.8019 0.4400 l 0.8008 0.4310 l 0.8004 0.4220 l 0.8007 0.4130 l 0.8020 0.4040 l 0.8040 0.3970 l 0.8146 0.3970 l 0.8175 0.4040 l 0.8204 0.4130 l 0.8225 0.4220 l 0.8241 0.4310 l 0.8249 0.4400 l 0.8251 0.4490 l 0.8245 0.4580 l 0.8224 0.4670 l 0.8172 0.4760 l 0.8146 0.4783 l s n 0.8358 0.6567 m 0.8355 0.6560 l 0.8325 0.6470 l 0.8304 0.6380 l 0.8290 0.6290 l 0.8283 0.6200 l 0.8284 0.6110 l 0.8295 0.6020 l 0.8317 0.5930 l 0.8358 0.5842 l 0.8413 0.5930 l 0.8464 0.5985 l 0.8476 0.6020 l 0.8507 0.6110 l 0.8539 0.6200 l 0.8566 0.6290 l 0.8570 0.6308 l 0.8577 0.6380 l 0.8576 0.6470 l 0.8570 0.6509 l 0.8549 0.6560 l 0.8464 0.6644 l 0.8358 0.6567 l s [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color11 SC n 0.8782 0.4500 m 0.8768 0.4490 l 0.8676 0.4433 l 0.8655 0.4400 l 0.8603 0.4310 l 0.8570 0.4243 l 0.8563 0.4220 l 0.8550 0.4130 l 0.8551 0.4040 l 0.8570 0.3955 l 0.8573 0.3950 l 0.8676 0.3865 l 0.8782 0.3899 l 0.8822 0.3950 l 0.8874 0.4040 l 0.8888 0.4079 l 0.8899 0.4130 l 0.8907 0.4220 l 0.8903 0.4310 l 0.8888 0.4400 l 0.8888 0.4402 l 0.8799 0.4490 l 0.8782 0.4500 l s n 0.9312 0.6703 m 0.9232 0.6650 l 0.9206 0.6625 l 0.9170 0.6560 l 0.9140 0.6470 l 0.9128 0.6380 l 0.9138 0.6290 l 0.9175 0.6200 l 0.9206 0.6161 l 0.9312 0.6169 l 0.9345 0.6200 l 0.9418 0.6265 l 0.9433 0.6290 l 0.9481 0.6380 l 0.9515 0.6470 l 0.9522 0.6560 l 0.9483 0.6650 l 0.9418 0.6704 l 0.9312 0.6703 l s [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color2 SC [] 0 SD 0.0037 SLW n 0.8282 0.4340 m 0.8270 0.4288 l 0.8258 0.4175 l 0.8258 0.4062 l 0.8271 0.3950 l 0.8282 0.3904 l 0.8321 0.3838 l 0.8403 0.3737 l 0.8524 0.3791 l 0.8546 0.3838 l 0.8566 0.3950 l 0.8560 0.4062 l 0.8536 0.4175 l 0.8524 0.4210 l 0.8474 0.4288 l 0.8403 0.4392 l 0.8282 0.4340 l s [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color4 SC n 0.8403 0.6617 m 0.8350 0.6538 l 0.8294 0.6425 l 0.8282 0.6387 l 0.8273 0.6312 l 0.8268 0.6200 l 0.8271 0.6088 l 0.8282 0.5987 l 0.8289 0.5975 l 0.8403 0.5887 l 0.8456 0.5975 l 0.8524 0.6076 l 0.8528 0.6088 l 0.8559 0.6200 l 0.8579 0.6312 l 0.8581 0.6425 l 0.8556 0.6538 l 0.8524 0.6597 l 0.8403 0.6617 l s [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color15 SC n 0.9130 0.4195 m 0.9119 0.4175 l 0.9096 0.4062 l 0.9107 0.3950 l 0.9130 0.3887 l 0.9164 0.3838 l 0.9251 0.3762 l 0.9372 0.3750 l 0.9462 0.3838 l 0.9479 0.3950 l 0.9438 0.4062 l 0.9372 0.4167 l 0.9361 0.4175 l 0.9251 0.4238 l 0.9130 0.4195 l s [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color11 SC n 0.9251 0.6597 m 0.9201 0.6538 l 0.9144 0.6425 l 0.9130 0.6334 l 0.9128 0.6312 l 0.9130 0.6298 l 0.9167 0.6200 l 0.9251 0.6133 l 0.9372 0.6192 l 0.9378 0.6200 l 0.9450 0.6312 l 0.9493 0.6417 l 0.9495 0.6425 l 0.9493 0.6479 l 0.9488 0.6538 l 0.9372 0.6639 l 0.9251 0.6597 l s n 0.8282 0.4326 m 0.8274 0.4288 l 0.8263 0.4175 l 0.8264 0.4062 l 0.8277 0.3950 l 0.8282 0.3925 l 0.8331 0.3838 l 0.8403 0.3739 l 0.8524 0.3801 l 0.8538 0.3838 l 0.8555 0.3950 l 0.8549 0.4062 l 0.8527 0.4175 l 0.8524 0.4184 l 0.8463 0.4288 l 0.8403 0.4387 l 0.8282 0.4326 l c [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color2 SC fill [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color1 SC [] 0 SD 0.0015 SLW n 0.8282 0.4326 m 0.8274 0.4288 l 0.8263 0.4175 l 0.8264 0.4062 l 0.8277 0.3950 l 0.8282 0.3925 l 0.8331 0.3838 l 0.8403 0.3739 l 0.8524 0.3801 l 0.8538 0.3838 l 0.8555 0.3950 l 0.8549 0.4062 l 0.8527 0.4175 l 0.8524 0.4184 l 0.8463 0.4288 l 0.8403 0.4387 l 0.8282 0.4326 l s /Font13 FFSF 0.8327 0.3973 m GS [0.0196 0.0000 0.0000 0.0196 0 0] CC (H) show GR n 0.6587 0.3500 m 1.1431 0.3500 l s n 0.6587 0.8000 m 1.1431 0.8000 l s [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color7 SC n 0.6587 0.3500 m 0.6587 0.3600 l s n 0.6587 0.8000 m 0.6587 0.7900 l s n 0.7192 0.3500 m 0.7192 0.3600 l s n 0.7192 0.8000 m 0.7192 0.7900 l s n 0.8403 0.3500 m 0.8403 0.3600 l s n 0.8403 0.8000 m 0.8403 0.7900 l s n 0.9614 0.3500 m 0.9614 0.3600 l s n 0.9614 0.8000 m 0.9614 0.7900 l s n 1.0825 0.3500 m 1.0825 0.3600 l s n 1.0825 0.8000 m 1.0825 0.7900 l s n 0.7798 0.3500 m 0.7798 0.3700 l s n 0.7798 0.8000 m 0.7798 0.7800 l s n 0.9009 0.3500 m 0.9009 0.3700 l s n 0.9009 0.8000 m 0.9009 0.7800 l s n 1.0220 0.3500 m 1.0220 0.3700 l s n 1.0220 0.8000 m 1.0220 0.7800 l s n 1.1431 0.3500 m 1.1431 0.3700 l s n 1.1431 0.8000 m 1.1431 0.7800 l s /Font0 FFSF [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color1 SC 0.7557 0.3212 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (0.02) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.8768 0.3212 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (0.04) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.9981 0.3208 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (0.06) show GR /Font0 FFSF 1.1194 0.3212 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (0.08) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.8562 0.2803 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (sin) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.8887 0.2971 m GS [0.0198 0.0000 0.0000 0.0198 0 0] CC (2) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.8985 0.2803 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (2) show GR /Font12 FFSF 0.9126 0.2803 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (q) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.9272 0.2691 m GS [0.0198 0.0000 0.0000 0.0198 0 0] CC (13) show GR n 0.6587 0.3500 m 0.6587 0.8000 l s n 1.1431 0.3500 m 1.1431 0.8000 l s [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color7 SC n 0.6587 0.4400 m 0.6687 0.4400 l s n 1.1431 0.4400 m 1.1331 0.4400 l s n 0.6587 0.5300 m 0.6687 0.5300 l s n 1.1431 0.5300 m 1.1331 0.5300 l s n 0.6587 0.6200 m 0.6687 0.6200 l s n 1.1431 0.6200 m 1.1331 0.6200 l s n 0.6587 0.8000 m 0.6687 0.8000 l s n 1.1431 0.8000 m 1.1331 0.8000 l s n 0.6587 0.3500 m 0.6787 0.3500 l s n 1.1431 0.3500 m 1.1231 0.3500 l s n 0.6587 0.7100 m 0.6787 0.7100 l s n 1.1431 0.7100 m 1.1231 0.7100 l s [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color1 SC n 0.6587 0.3500 m 1.1431 0.3500 l s n 0.6587 0.8000 m 1.1431 0.8000 l s n 0.7192 0.3500 m 0.7192 0.3600 l s n 0.7192 0.8000 m 0.7192 0.7900 l s n 0.8403 0.3500 m 0.8403 0.3600 l s n 0.8403 0.8000 m 0.8403 0.7900 l s n 0.9614 0.3500 m 0.9614 0.3600 l s n 0.9614 0.8000 m 0.9614 0.7900 l s n 1.0825 0.3500 m 1.0825 0.3600 l s n 1.0825 0.8000 m 1.0825 0.7900 l s n 0.6587 0.3500 m 0.6587 0.3700 l s n 0.6587 0.8000 m 0.6587 0.7800 l s n 0.7798 0.3500 m 0.7798 0.3700 l s n 0.7798 0.8000 m 0.7798 0.7800 l s n 0.9009 0.3500 m 0.9009 0.3700 l s n 0.9009 0.8000 m 0.9009 0.7800 l s n 1.0220 0.3500 m 1.0220 0.3700 l s n 1.0220 0.8000 m 1.0220 0.7800 l s n 1.1431 0.3500 m 1.1431 0.3700 l s n 1.1431 0.8000 m 1.1431 0.7800 l s n 0.6587 0.3500 m 0.6587 0.8000 l s n 1.1431 0.3500 m 1.1431 0.8000 l s n 0.6587 0.4400 m 0.6687 0.4400 l s n 1.1431 0.4400 m 1.1331 0.4400 l s n 0.6587 0.6200 m 0.6687 0.6200 l s n 1.1431 0.6200 m 1.1331 0.6200 l s n 0.6587 0.8000 m 0.6687 0.8000 l s n 1.1431 0.8000 m 1.1331 0.8000 l s n 0.6587 0.3500 m 0.6787 0.3500 l s n 1.1431 0.3500 m 1.1231 0.3500 l s n 0.6587 0.5300 m 0.6787 0.5300 l s n 1.1431 0.5300 m 1.1231 0.5300 l s n 0.6587 0.7100 m 0.6787 0.7100 l s n 1.1431 0.7100 m 1.1231 0.7100 l s n 0.6587 0.3500 m 0.6587 0.8000 l 1.1431 0.8000 l 1.1431 0.3500 l 0.6587 0.3500 l c s /Times-Bold findfont dup length dict begin {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall /Encoding DefEncoding def currentdict end /Font2 exch definefont pop /Font2 FFSF 0.1651 0.7639 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (dashed:) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.2584 0.7639 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC ( appear. rate only) show GR /Font2 FFSF 0.1651 0.7359 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (solid:) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.2305 0.7359 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC ( appear. + disapp. rates) show GR /Font2 FFSF 0.6689 0.7727 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (dashed:) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.7622 0.7727 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC ( appear. rate + disapp. spectrum) show GR /Font2 FFSF 0.6689 0.7447 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (thick:) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.7391 0.7447 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC ( appear. + disapp. spectra) show GR /Font2 FFSF 0.6689 0.7167 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (shaded:) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.7622 0.7167 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC ( appear. + disapp. spectra + ATM) show GR /Font0 FFSF [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color2 SC 0.2133 0.3629 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (H) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.2337 0.3797 m GS [0.0198 0.0000 0.0000 0.0198 0 0] CC (tr) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.2458 0.3629 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (O) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.2662 0.3797 m GS [0.0198 0.0000 0.0000 0.0198 0 0] CC (tr) show GR /Font0 FFSF [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color15 SC 0.5194 0.3795 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (H) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.5398 0.3963 m GS [0.0198 0.0000 0.0000 0.0198 0 0] CC (tr) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.5519 0.3795 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (O) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.5723 0.3963 m GS [0.0198 0.0000 0.0000 0.0198 0 0] CC (wr) show GR /Font0 FFSF [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color11 SC 0.5139 0.6385 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (H) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.5342 0.6553 m GS [0.0198 0.0000 0.0000 0.0198 0 0] CC (wr) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.5550 0.6385 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (O) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.5754 0.6553 m GS [0.0198 0.0000 0.0000 0.0198 0 0] CC (wr) show GR /Font0 FFSF [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color4 SC 0.2008 0.5637 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (H) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.2212 0.5805 m GS [0.0198 0.0000 0.0000 0.0198 0 0] CC (wr) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.2420 0.5637 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (O) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.2624 0.5805 m GS [0.0198 0.0000 0.0000 0.0198 0 0] CC (tr) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.7742 0.5499 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (H) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.7946 0.5667 m GS [0.0198 0.0000 0.0000 0.0198 0 0] CC (wr) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.8154 0.5499 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (O) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.8358 0.5667 m GS [0.0198 0.0000 0.0000 0.0198 0 0] CC (tr) show GR /Font0 FFSF [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color11 SC 0.9557 0.6288 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (H) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.9761 0.6456 m GS [0.0198 0.0000 0.0000 0.0198 0 0] CC (wr) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.9969 0.6288 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (O) show GR /Font0 FFSF 1.0172 0.6456 m GS [0.0198 0.0000 0.0000 0.0198 0 0] CC (wr) show GR /Font0 FFSF [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color2 SC 0.7604 0.3587 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (H) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.7808 0.3755 m GS [0.0198 0.0000 0.0000 0.0198 0 0] CC (tr) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.7929 0.3587 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (O) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.8133 0.3755 m GS [0.0198 0.0000 0.0000 0.0198 0 0] CC (tr) show GR /Font0 FFSF [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color15 SC 0.9501 0.4030 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (H) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.9705 0.4198 m GS [0.0198 0.0000 0.0000 0.0198 0 0] CC (tr) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.9827 0.4030 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (O) show GR /Font0 FFSF 1.0031 0.4198 m GS [0.0198 0.0000 0.0000 0.0198 0 0] CC (wr) show GR %%Trailer %%BoundingBox: 30 163 716 492 %%DocumentNeededResources: font Times-Roman %%+ font Times-Bold %%+ font Symbol %%+ font ZapfDingbats %%EOF %%EndDocument @endspecial -60 4304 a Fw(Figure)47 b(6)p Fy(:)58 b Fi(Resolving)33 b(degeneracies)f(in)i(SPL)g(b)n(y)g(successiv)n(ely)e (using)i(the)g(app)r(earance)e(rate)i(measuremen)n(t,)g(dis-)-60 4425 y(app)r(earance)f(c)n(hannel)g(rate)g(and)h(sp)r(ectrum,)i(sp)r (ectral)e(information)f(in)h(the)h(app)r(earance)d(c)n(hannel,)j(and)f (atmospheric)-60 4545 y(neutrinos.)56 b(Allo)n(w)n(ed)33 b(regions)f(in)j(sin)1173 4510 y Fg(2)1224 4545 y Fi(2)p Fh(\022)1305 4557 y Fg(13)1409 4545 y Fi(and)e Fh(\016)1613 4557 y Fg(CP)1743 4545 y Fi(are)g(sho)n(wn)h(at)g(95\045)f(CL,)h(and)g (H)2840 4515 y Fg(tr)p Ff(=)p Fg(wr)3003 4545 y Fi(\(O)3100 4515 y Fg(tr)p Ff(=)p Fg(wr)3264 4545 y Fi(\))g(refers)f(to)h(solu-)-60 4665 y(tions)f(with)h(the)g(true/wrong)e(mass)h(hierarc)n(h)n(y)e(\(o)r (ctan)n(t)j(of)f Fh(\022)1952 4677 y Fg(23)2022 4665 y Fi(\).)55 b(The)34 b(true)f(parameter)f(v)-5 b(alues)33 b(are)g Fh(\016)3328 4677 y Fg(CP)3457 4665 y Fi(=)f Fc(\000)p Fi(0)p Fh(:)p Fi(85)p Fh(\031)s Fi(,)-60 4786 y(sin)42 4751 y Fg(2)93 4786 y Fi(2)p Fh(\022)174 4798 y Fg(13)267 4786 y Fi(=)23 b(0)p Fh(:)p Fi(03,)j(sin)655 4751 y Fg(2)706 4786 y Fh(\022)745 4798 y Fg(23)838 4786 y Fi(=)d(0)p Fh(:)p Fi(6,)k(and)g(the)h(v)-5 b(alues)27 b(from)h(Eq.)f(\(1\))g(for)g(the)h(other)f(parameters.)-60 5072 y Fy(b)m(y)46 b(the)f(disapp)s(earance)i(information.)81 b(Using)45 b(in)h(addition)f(to)g(the)g(disapp)s(earance)h(rate)f(also) h(the)-60 5192 y(sp)s(ectrum)30 b(again)e(decreases)j(the)e(size)h(of)f (the)g(allo)m(w)m(ed)h(regions,)g(ho)m(w)m(ev)m(er,)i(still)d(all)g (eigh)m(t)g(solutions)h(are)-60 5313 y(presen)m(t)f(\(compare)g(dashed) g(curv)m(es)g(in)f(the)h(righ)m(t)e(panel\).)43 b(The)29 b(most)f(relev)-5 b(an)m(t)28 b(e\013ect)h(comes)g(from)f(the)-60 5433 y(inclusion)35 b(of)e(sp)s(ectral)h(information)f(in)g(the)h(app)s (earance)g(c)m(hannel,)h(as)e(visible)i(from)e(the)h(comparison)-60 5554 y(of)j(the)h(dashed)g(and)g(thic)m(k-solid)g(curv)m(es)i(in)d(the) h(righ)m(t)g(panel)g(of)e(Fig.)h(6.)58 b(The)38 b(in)m(trinsic)h (degeneracy)-60 5674 y(gets)34 b(resolv)m(ed)i(and)d(only)h(four)g (solutions)g(corresp)s(onding)h(to)e(the)h(sign)g(and)g(o)s(ctan)m(t)f (degeneracies)j(are)1841 6036 y(11)p eop end %%Page: 12 12 TeXDict begin 12 11 bop 135 1649 a @beginspecial 30 @llx 194 @lly 717 @urx 488 @ury 4212 @rwi @setspecial %%BeginDocument: ./fig7.eps %!PS-Adobe-3.0 EPSF-3.0 %%BoundingBox: (atend) %%LanguageLevel: 2 %%Creator: Grace-5.1.20 %%CreationDate: Fri Aug 11 19:01:40 2006 %%DocumentData: Clean8Bit %%Orientation: Portrait %%Title: 5yrs-SPL+BB.agr %%For: schwetz %%DocumentNeededResources: (atend) %%EndComments %%BeginProlog /m {moveto} def /l {lineto} def /s {stroke} def /n {newpath} 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/guillemotleft /logicalnot /hyphen /registered /macron /degree /plusminus /twosuperior /threesuperior /acute /mu /paragraph /periodcentered /cedilla /onesuperior /ordmasculine /guillemotright /onequarter /onehalf /threequarters /questiondown /Agrave /Aacute /Acircumflex /Atilde /Adieresis /Aring /AE /Ccedilla /Egrave /Eacute /Ecircumflex /Edieresis /Igrave /Iacute /Icircumflex /Idieresis /Eth /Ntilde /Ograve /Oacute /Ocircumflex /Otilde /Odieresis /multiply /Oslash /Ugrave /Uacute /Ucircumflex /Udieresis /Yacute /Thorn /germandbls /agrave /aacute /acircumflex /atilde /adieresis /aring /ae /ccedilla /egrave /eacute /ecircumflex /edieresis /igrave /iacute /icircumflex /idieresis /eth /ntilde /ograve /oacute /ocircumflex /otilde /odieresis /divide /oslash /ugrave /uacute /ucircumflex /udieresis /yacute /thorn /ydieresis ] def %%EndProlog %%BeginSetup %%EndSetup 612.00 612.00 scale [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color7 SC [] 0 SD 0.0015 SLW 0 SLC 0 SLJ n 0.1901 0.4000 m 0.1901 0.7500 l s n 0.2704 0.4000 m 0.2704 0.7500 l s n 0.3506 0.4000 m 0.3506 0.7500 l s n 0.4309 0.4000 m 0.4309 0.7500 l s n 0.1500 0.4000 m 0.1500 0.7500 l s n 0.2302 0.4000 m 0.2302 0.7500 l s n 0.3105 0.4000 m 0.3105 0.7500 l s n 0.3907 0.4000 m 0.3907 0.7500 l s n 0.4710 0.4000 m 0.4710 0.7500 l s n 0.1500 0.4437 m 0.4710 0.4437 l s n 0.1500 0.5312 m 0.4710 0.5312 l s n 0.1500 0.6187 m 0.4710 0.6187 l s n 0.1500 0.7062 m 0.4710 0.7062 l s n 0.1500 0.4000 m 0.4710 0.4000 l s n 0.1500 0.4875 m 0.4710 0.4875 l s n 0.1500 0.5750 m 0.4710 0.5750 l s n 0.1500 0.6625 m 0.4710 0.6625 l s n 0.1500 0.7500 m 0.4710 0.7500 l s [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color2 SC n 0.2623 0.4433 m 0.2600 0.4383 l 0.2594 0.4328 l 0.2601 0.4273 l 0.2618 0.4219 l 0.2623 0.4209 l 0.2674 0.4164 l 0.2704 0.4144 l 0.2784 0.4137 l 0.2835 0.4164 l 0.2857 0.4219 l 0.2836 0.4273 l 0.2797 0.4328 l 0.2784 0.4342 l 0.2736 0.4383 l 0.2704 0.4412 l 0.2623 0.4433 l s n 0.2623 0.4428 m 0.2607 0.4383 l 0.2601 0.4328 l 0.2608 0.4273 l 0.2623 0.4219 l 0.2624 0.4219 l 0.2680 0.4164 l 0.2704 0.4145 l 0.2784 0.4141 l 0.2813 0.4164 l 0.2826 0.4219 l 0.2810 0.4273 l 0.2784 0.4324 l 0.2780 0.4328 l 0.2727 0.4383 l 0.2704 0.4408 l 0.2623 0.4428 l c fill [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color1 SC n 0.2623 0.4428 m 0.2607 0.4383 l 0.2601 0.4328 l 0.2608 0.4273 l 0.2623 0.4219 l 0.2624 0.4219 l 0.2680 0.4164 l 0.2704 0.4145 l 0.2784 0.4141 l 0.2813 0.4164 l 0.2826 0.4219 l 0.2810 0.4273 l 0.2784 0.4324 l 0.2780 0.4328 l 0.2727 0.4383 l 0.2704 0.4408 l 0.2623 0.4428 l s [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color3 SC n 0.3265 0.4302 m 0.3212 0.4273 l 0.3206 0.4219 l 0.3240 0.4164 l 0.3265 0.4144 l 0.3346 0.4112 l 0.3426 0.4151 l 0.3431 0.4164 l 0.3426 0.4181 l 0.3406 0.4219 l 0.3350 0.4273 l 0.3346 0.4277 l 0.3265 0.4302 l s n 0.3346 0.4164 0.0040 0.0040 0 360 EARC c fill n 0.3346 0.4164 0.0040 0.0040 0 360 EARC s [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color4 SC n 0.2784 0.5599 m 0.2767 0.5586 l 0.2710 0.5531 l 0.2704 0.5522 l 0.2689 0.5477 l 0.2681 0.5422 l 0.2686 0.5367 l 0.2704 0.5324 l 0.2784 0.5327 l 0.2840 0.5367 l 0.2864 0.5384 l 0.2902 0.5422 l 0.2944 0.5472 l 0.2948 0.5477 l 0.2968 0.5531 l 0.2950 0.5586 l 0.2944 0.5590 l 0.2864 0.5616 l 0.2784 0.5599 l s n 0.2784 0.5534 m 0.2782 0.5531 l 0.2762 0.5477 l 0.2762 0.5422 l 0.2784 0.5388 l 0.2864 0.5421 l 0.2865 0.5422 l 0.2906 0.5477 l 0.2925 0.5531 l 0.2864 0.5573 l 0.2784 0.5534 l c fill [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color1 SC n 0.2784 0.5534 m 0.2782 0.5531 l 0.2762 0.5477 l 0.2762 0.5422 l 0.2784 0.5388 l 0.2864 0.5421 l 0.2865 0.5422 l 0.2906 0.5477 l 0.2925 0.5531 l 0.2864 0.5573 l 0.2784 0.5534 l s [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color11 SC n 0.3426 0.5613 m 0.3386 0.5586 l 0.3346 0.5538 l 0.3342 0.5531 l 0.3342 0.5477 l 0.3346 0.5471 l 0.3426 0.5449 l 0.3503 0.5477 l 0.3506 0.5478 l 0.3563 0.5531 l 0.3586 0.5573 l 0.3591 0.5586 l 0.3586 0.5596 l 0.3506 0.5638 l 0.3426 0.5613 l s n 0.3426 0.5531 0.0040 0.0040 0 360 EARC c fill n 0.3426 0.5531 0.0040 0.0040 0 360 EARC s /ZapfDingbats findfont /Font13 exch definefont pop /Font13 FFSF [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color1 SC 0.2633 0.4211 m GS [0.0182 0.0000 0.0000 0.0182 0 0] CC (H) show GR n 0.2784 0.5477 0.0040 0.0040 0 360 EARC c [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color4 SC fill n 0.2784 0.5477 0.0040 0.0040 0 360 EARC s [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color1 SC n 0.1500 0.4000 m 0.4710 0.4000 l s n 0.1500 0.7500 m 0.4710 0.7500 l s [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color7 SC n 0.1901 0.4000 m 0.1901 0.4100 l s n 0.1901 0.7500 m 0.1901 0.7400 l s n 0.2704 0.4000 m 0.2704 0.4100 l s n 0.2704 0.7500 m 0.2704 0.7400 l s n 0.3506 0.4000 m 0.3506 0.4100 l s n 0.3506 0.7500 m 0.3506 0.7400 l s n 0.4309 0.4000 m 0.4309 0.4100 l s n 0.4309 0.7500 m 0.4309 0.7400 l s n 0.1500 0.4000 m 0.1500 0.4200 l s n 0.1500 0.7500 m 0.1500 0.7300 l s n 0.2302 0.4000 m 0.2302 0.4200 l s n 0.2302 0.7500 m 0.2302 0.7300 l s n 0.3105 0.4000 m 0.3105 0.4200 l s n 0.3105 0.7500 m 0.3105 0.7300 l s n 0.3907 0.4000 m 0.3907 0.4200 l s n 0.3907 0.7500 m 0.3907 0.7300 l s n 0.4710 0.4000 m 0.4710 0.4200 l s n 0.4710 0.7500 m 0.4710 0.7300 l s /Times-Roman findfont dup length dict begin {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall /Encoding DefEncoding def currentdict end /Font0 exch definefont pop /Font0 FFSF [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color1 SC 0.1433 0.3712 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (0) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.2061 0.3712 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (0.02) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.2864 0.3712 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (0.04) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.3668 0.3708 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (0.06) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.4472 0.3712 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (0.08) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.2658 0.3303 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (sin) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.2983 0.3471 m GS [0.0198 0.0000 0.0000 0.0198 0 0] CC (2) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.3081 0.3303 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (2) show GR /Symbol findfont /Font12 exch definefont pop /Font12 FFSF 0.3223 0.3303 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (q) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.3368 0.3191 m GS [0.0198 0.0000 0.0000 0.0198 0 0] CC (13) show GR n 0.1500 0.4000 m 0.1500 0.7500 l s n 0.4710 0.4000 m 0.4710 0.7500 l s [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color7 SC n 0.1500 0.4437 m 0.1600 0.4437 l s n 0.4710 0.4437 m 0.4610 0.4437 l s n 0.1500 0.5312 m 0.1600 0.5312 l s n 0.4710 0.5312 m 0.4610 0.5312 l s n 0.1500 0.6187 m 0.1600 0.6187 l s n 0.4710 0.6187 m 0.4610 0.6187 l s n 0.1500 0.7062 m 0.1600 0.7062 l s n 0.4710 0.7062 m 0.4610 0.7062 l s n 0.1500 0.4000 m 0.1700 0.4000 l s n 0.4710 0.4000 m 0.4510 0.4000 l s n 0.1500 0.4875 m 0.1700 0.4875 l s n 0.4710 0.4875 m 0.4510 0.4875 l s n 0.1500 0.5750 m 0.1700 0.5750 l s n 0.4710 0.5750 m 0.4510 0.5750 l s n 0.1500 0.6625 m 0.1700 0.6625 l s n 0.4710 0.6625 m 0.4510 0.6625 l s n 0.1500 0.7500 m 0.1700 0.7500 l s n 0.4710 0.7500 m 0.4510 0.7500 l s /Font0 FFSF [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color1 SC 0.1157 0.3931 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (-) show GR /Font12 FFSF 0.1251 0.3931 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (p) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.0941 0.4783 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (-) show GR /Font12 FFSF 0.1035 0.4783 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (p) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.1188 0.4783 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (/2) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.1267 0.5658 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (0) show GR /Font12 FFSF 0.1035 0.6533 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (p) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.1188 0.6533 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (/2) show GR /Font12 FFSF 0.1251 0.7431 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (p) show GR /Font12 FFSF 0.0725 0.5560 m GS [0.0000 0.0280 -0.0280 0.0000 0 0] CC (d) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.0837 0.5697 m GS [0.0000 0.0198 -0.0198 0.0000 0 0] CC (CP) show GR n 0.1500 0.4000 m 0.4710 0.4000 l s n 0.1500 0.7500 m 0.4710 0.7500 l s n 0.1901 0.4000 m 0.1901 0.4100 l s n 0.1901 0.7500 m 0.1901 0.7400 l s n 0.2704 0.4000 m 0.2704 0.4100 l s n 0.2704 0.7500 m 0.2704 0.7400 l s n 0.3506 0.4000 m 0.3506 0.4100 l s n 0.3506 0.7500 m 0.3506 0.7400 l s n 0.4309 0.4000 m 0.4309 0.4100 l s n 0.4309 0.7500 m 0.4309 0.7400 l s n 0.1500 0.4000 m 0.1500 0.4200 l s n 0.1500 0.7500 m 0.1500 0.7300 l s n 0.2302 0.4000 m 0.2302 0.4200 l s n 0.2302 0.7500 m 0.2302 0.7300 l s n 0.3105 0.4000 m 0.3105 0.4200 l s n 0.3105 0.7500 m 0.3105 0.7300 l s n 0.3907 0.4000 m 0.3907 0.4200 l s n 0.3907 0.7500 m 0.3907 0.7300 l s n 0.4710 0.4000 m 0.4710 0.4200 l s n 0.4710 0.7500 m 0.4710 0.7300 l s /Font0 FFSF 0.1433 0.3712 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (0) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.2061 0.3712 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (0.02) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.2864 0.3712 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (0.04) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.3668 0.3708 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (0.06) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.4472 0.3712 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (0.08) show GR n 0.1500 0.4000 m 0.1500 0.7500 l s n 0.4710 0.4000 m 0.4710 0.7500 l s n 0.1500 0.4437 m 0.1600 0.4437 l s n 0.4710 0.4437 m 0.4610 0.4437 l s n 0.1500 0.5312 m 0.1600 0.5312 l s n 0.4710 0.5312 m 0.4610 0.5312 l s n 0.1500 0.6187 m 0.1600 0.6187 l s n 0.4710 0.6187 m 0.4610 0.6187 l s n 0.1500 0.7062 m 0.1600 0.7062 l s n 0.4710 0.7062 m 0.4610 0.7062 l s n 0.1500 0.4000 m 0.1700 0.4000 l s n 0.4710 0.4000 m 0.4510 0.4000 l s n 0.1500 0.4875 m 0.1700 0.4875 l s n 0.4710 0.4875 m 0.4510 0.4875 l s n 0.1500 0.5750 m 0.1700 0.5750 l s n 0.4710 0.5750 m 0.4510 0.5750 l s n 0.1500 0.6625 m 0.1700 0.6625 l s n 0.4710 0.6625 m 0.4510 0.6625 l s n 0.1500 0.7500 m 0.1700 0.7500 l s n 0.4710 0.7500 m 0.4510 0.7500 l s n 0.1500 0.4000 m 0.1500 0.7500 l 0.4710 0.7500 l 0.4710 0.4000 l 0.1500 0.4000 l c s [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color7 SC n 0.5271 0.4000 m 0.5271 0.7500 l s n 0.6074 0.4000 m 0.6074 0.7500 l s n 0.6876 0.4000 m 0.6876 0.7500 l s n 0.7679 0.4000 m 0.7679 0.7500 l s n 0.5672 0.4000 m 0.5672 0.7500 l s n 0.6475 0.4000 m 0.6475 0.7500 l s n 0.7277 0.4000 m 0.7277 0.7500 l s n 0.8080 0.4000 m 0.8080 0.7500 l s n 0.4870 0.4437 m 0.8080 0.4437 l s n 0.4870 0.4875 m 0.8080 0.4875 l s n 0.4870 0.5312 m 0.8080 0.5312 l s n 0.4870 0.6187 m 0.8080 0.6187 l s n 0.4870 0.6625 m 0.8080 0.6625 l s n 0.4870 0.7062 m 0.8080 0.7062 l s n 0.4870 0.4000 m 0.8080 0.4000 l s n 0.4870 0.5750 m 0.8080 0.5750 l s n 0.4870 0.7500 m 0.8080 0.7500 l s /Font13 FFSF [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color1 SC 0.6003 0.4211 m GS [0.0182 0.0000 0.0000 0.0182 0 0] CC (H) show GR [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color2 SC n 0.5782 0.7500 m 0.5726 0.7403 l 0.5718 0.7383 l 0.5670 0.7267 l 0.5619 0.7186 l 0.5605 0.7150 l 0.5558 0.7033 l 0.5512 0.6956 l 0.5500 0.6917 l 0.5467 0.6800 l 0.5424 0.6683 l 0.5405 0.6638 l 0.5395 0.6567 l 0.5384 0.6450 l 0.5378 0.6333 l 0.5379 0.6217 l 0.5385 0.6100 l 0.5397 0.5983 l 0.5405 0.5935 l 0.5436 0.5867 l 0.5478 0.5750 l 0.5510 0.5633 l 0.5512 0.5627 l 0.5583 0.5517 l 0.5619 0.5423 l 0.5639 0.5400 l 0.5707 0.5283 l 0.5726 0.5238 l 0.5778 0.5167 l 0.5826 0.5050 l 0.5833 0.5028 l 0.5884 0.4933 l 0.5915 0.4817 l 0.5931 0.4700 l 0.5934 0.4583 l 0.5927 0.4467 l 0.5909 0.4350 l 0.5875 0.4233 l 0.5833 0.4142 l 0.5825 0.4117 l 0.5782 0.4000 l 0.6146 0.4000 l 0.6154 0.4011 l 0.6229 0.4117 l 0.6261 0.4167 l 0.6299 0.4233 l 0.6346 0.4350 l 0.6365 0.4467 l 0.6349 0.4583 l 0.6304 0.4700 l 0.6261 0.4786 l 0.6241 0.4817 l 0.6164 0.4933 l 0.6154 0.4948 l 0.6075 0.5050 l 0.6047 0.5090 l 0.5987 0.5167 l 0.5940 0.5238 l 0.5906 0.5283 l 0.5838 0.5400 l 0.5833 0.5409 l 0.5763 0.5517 l 0.5726 0.5600 l 0.5705 0.5633 l 0.5654 0.5750 l 0.5622 0.5867 l 0.5619 0.5879 l 0.5582 0.5983 l 0.5561 0.6100 l 0.5552 0.6217 l 0.5553 0.6333 l 0.5563 0.6450 l 0.5585 0.6567 l 0.5619 0.6656 l 0.5625 0.6683 l 0.5662 0.6800 l 0.5726 0.6915 l 0.5727 0.6917 l 0.5786 0.7033 l 0.5833 0.7099 l 0.5867 0.7150 l 0.5940 0.7244 l 0.5958 0.7267 l 0.6047 0.7376 l 0.6053 0.7383 l 0.6146 0.7500 l 0.5782 0.7500 l s [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color3 SC n 0.5940 0.6662 m 0.5950 0.6683 l 0.6020 0.6800 l 0.6047 0.6834 l 0.6114 0.6917 l 0.6154 0.6960 l 0.6230 0.7033 l 0.6261 0.7063 l 0.6368 0.7148 l 0.6370 0.7150 l 0.6475 0.7235 l 0.6522 0.7267 l 0.6582 0.7314 l 0.6689 0.7382 l 0.6691 0.7383 l 0.6796 0.7462 l 0.6857 0.7500 l 0.6235 0.7500 l 0.6154 0.7410 l 0.6132 0.7383 l 0.6047 0.7291 l 0.6026 0.7267 l 0.5940 0.7172 l 0.5922 0.7150 l 0.5833 0.7049 l 0.5821 0.7033 l 0.5731 0.6917 l 0.5726 0.6910 l 0.5666 0.6800 l 0.5619 0.6726 l 0.5602 0.6683 l 0.5563 0.6567 l 0.5527 0.6450 l 0.5512 0.6373 l 0.5509 0.6333 l 0.5509 0.6217 l 0.5512 0.6183 l 0.5529 0.6100 l 0.5566 0.5983 l 0.5606 0.5867 l 0.5619 0.5837 l 0.5678 0.5750 l 0.5726 0.5671 l 0.5759 0.5633 l 0.5833 0.5542 l 0.5859 0.5517 l 0.5940 0.5436 l 0.5981 0.5400 l 0.6047 0.5340 l 0.6112 0.5283 l 0.6154 0.5245 l 0.6242 0.5167 l 0.6261 0.5147 l 0.6359 0.5050 l 0.6368 0.5039 l 0.6457 0.4933 l 0.6475 0.4896 l 0.6522 0.4817 l 0.6550 0.4700 l 0.6550 0.4583 l 0.6525 0.4467 l 0.6475 0.4358 l 0.6472 0.4350 l 0.6411 0.4233 l 0.6368 0.4176 l 0.6329 0.4117 l 0.6261 0.4035 l 0.6235 0.4000 l 0.6857 0.4000 l 0.6903 0.4038 l 0.7010 0.4115 l 0.7012 0.4117 l 0.7117 0.4218 l 0.7134 0.4233 l 0.7210 0.4350 l 0.7224 0.4425 l 0.7231 0.4467 l 0.7224 0.4491 l 0.7192 0.4583 l 0.7117 0.4686 l 0.7105 0.4700 l 0.7010 0.4789 l 0.6978 0.4817 l 0.6903 0.4876 l 0.6834 0.4933 l 0.6796 0.4961 l 0.6693 0.5050 l 0.6689 0.5053 l 0.6582 0.5137 l 0.6552 0.5167 l 0.6475 0.5229 l 0.6424 0.5283 l 0.6368 0.5331 l 0.6306 0.5400 l 0.6261 0.5442 l 0.6196 0.5517 l 0.6154 0.5563 l 0.6098 0.5633 l 0.6047 0.5703 l 0.6014 0.5750 l 0.5949 0.5867 l 0.5940 0.5888 l 0.5894 0.5983 l 0.5861 0.6100 l 0.5845 0.6217 l 0.5845 0.6333 l 0.5859 0.6450 l 0.5893 0.6567 l 0.5940 0.6662 l s n 0.5726 0.5983 0.0040 0.0040 0 360 EARC c fill n 0.5726 0.5983 0.0040 0.0040 0 360 EARC s [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color4 SC n 0.5507 0.7500 m 0.5478 0.7383 l 0.5446 0.7267 l 0.5409 0.7150 l 0.5405 0.7129 l 0.5399 0.7033 l 0.5398 0.6917 l 0.5403 0.6800 l 0.5405 0.6780 l 0.5432 0.6683 l 0.5464 0.6567 l 0.5494 0.6450 l 0.5512 0.6381 l 0.5540 0.6333 l 0.5593 0.6217 l 0.5619 0.6148 l 0.5651 0.6100 l 0.5709 0.5983 l 0.5726 0.5944 l 0.5776 0.5867 l 0.5827 0.5750 l 0.5833 0.5735 l 0.5890 0.5633 l 0.5932 0.5517 l 0.5940 0.5484 l 0.5974 0.5400 l 0.6002 0.5283 l 0.6013 0.5167 l 0.6011 0.5050 l 0.5994 0.4933 l 0.5952 0.4817 l 0.5940 0.4796 l 0.5909 0.4700 l 0.5833 0.4584 l 0.5833 0.4583 l 0.5779 0.4467 l 0.5726 0.4402 l 0.5702 0.4350 l 0.5619 0.4233 l 0.5575 0.4117 l 0.5512 0.4016 l 0.5507 0.4000 l 0.5706 0.4000 l 0.5726 0.4036 l 0.5757 0.4117 l 0.5823 0.4233 l 0.5833 0.4247 l 0.5886 0.4350 l 0.5940 0.4424 l 0.5968 0.4467 l 0.6047 0.4569 l 0.6058 0.4583 l 0.6149 0.4700 l 0.6154 0.4705 l 0.6236 0.4817 l 0.6261 0.4848 l 0.6319 0.4933 l 0.6368 0.5008 l 0.6391 0.5050 l 0.6436 0.5167 l 0.6453 0.5283 l 0.6435 0.5400 l 0.6388 0.5517 l 0.6368 0.5549 l 0.6312 0.5633 l 0.6261 0.5700 l 0.6221 0.5750 l 0.6154 0.5829 l 0.6122 0.5867 l 0.6047 0.5956 l 0.6024 0.5983 l 0.5940 0.6093 l 0.5934 0.6100 l 0.5849 0.6217 l 0.5833 0.6243 l 0.5773 0.6333 l 0.5726 0.6440 l 0.5720 0.6450 l 0.5667 0.6567 l 0.5637 0.6683 l 0.5619 0.6799 l 0.5619 0.6800 l 0.5601 0.6917 l 0.5601 0.7033 l 0.5617 0.7150 l 0.5619 0.7158 l 0.5634 0.7267 l 0.5661 0.7383 l 0.5706 0.7500 l 0.5507 0.7500 l s n 0.6154 0.5517 0.0040 0.0040 0 360 EARC c fill n 0.6154 0.5517 0.0040 0.0040 0 360 EARC s [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color11 SC n 0.6195 0.6333 m 0.6154 0.6379 l 0.6094 0.6450 l 0.6047 0.6522 l 0.6017 0.6567 l 0.5962 0.6683 l 0.5940 0.6758 l 0.5925 0.6800 l 0.5905 0.6917 l 0.5906 0.7033 l 0.5927 0.7150 l 0.5940 0.7188 l 0.5962 0.7267 l 0.6015 0.7383 l 0.6047 0.7435 l 0.6086 0.7500 l 0.5726 0.7500 l 0.5726 0.7500 l 0.5666 0.7383 l 0.5619 0.7301 l 0.5607 0.7267 l 0.5579 0.7150 l 0.5561 0.7033 l 0.5559 0.6917 l 0.5573 0.6800 l 0.5599 0.6683 l 0.5619 0.6615 l 0.5644 0.6567 l 0.5706 0.6450 l 0.5726 0.6414 l 0.5786 0.6333 l 0.5833 0.6268 l 0.5878 0.6217 l 0.5940 0.6143 l 0.5980 0.6100 l 0.6047 0.6029 l 0.6091 0.5983 l 0.6154 0.5917 l 0.6203 0.5867 l 0.6261 0.5804 l 0.6313 0.5750 l 0.6368 0.5684 l 0.6414 0.5633 l 0.6475 0.5549 l 0.6502 0.5517 l 0.6573 0.5400 l 0.6582 0.5378 l 0.6632 0.5283 l 0.6663 0.5167 l 0.6669 0.5050 l 0.6649 0.4933 l 0.6583 0.4817 l 0.6582 0.4815 l 0.6492 0.4700 l 0.6475 0.4684 l 0.6368 0.4592 l 0.6359 0.4583 l 0.6261 0.4500 l 0.6219 0.4467 l 0.6154 0.4414 l 0.6069 0.4350 l 0.6047 0.4332 l 0.5940 0.4240 l 0.5934 0.4233 l 0.5833 0.4130 l 0.5822 0.4117 l 0.5726 0.4000 l 0.6086 0.4000 l 0.6154 0.4091 l 0.6175 0.4117 l 0.6261 0.4217 l 0.6277 0.4233 l 0.6368 0.4332 l 0.6388 0.4350 l 0.6475 0.4442 l 0.6506 0.4467 l 0.6582 0.4545 l 0.6633 0.4583 l 0.6689 0.4638 l 0.6780 0.4700 l 0.6796 0.4713 l 0.6903 0.4794 l 0.6936 0.4817 l 0.7010 0.4872 l 0.7098 0.4933 l 0.7117 0.4948 l 0.7224 0.5037 l 0.7239 0.5050 l 0.7331 0.5157 l 0.7338 0.5167 l 0.7379 0.5283 l 0.7360 0.5400 l 0.7331 0.5442 l 0.7280 0.5517 l 0.7224 0.5564 l 0.7150 0.5633 l 0.7117 0.5655 l 0.7010 0.5732 l 0.6986 0.5750 l 0.6903 0.5799 l 0.6809 0.5867 l 0.6796 0.5874 l 0.6689 0.5939 l 0.6629 0.5983 l 0.6582 0.6013 l 0.6475 0.6093 l 0.6466 0.6100 l 0.6368 0.6172 l 0.6318 0.6217 l 0.6261 0.6267 l 0.6195 0.6333 l s n 0.5726 0.7033 0.0040 0.0040 0 360 EARC c fill n 0.5726 0.7033 0.0040 0.0040 0 360 EARC s [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color1 SC n 0.4870 0.4000 m 0.8080 0.4000 l s n 0.4870 0.7500 m 0.8080 0.7500 l s [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color7 SC n 0.5271 0.4000 m 0.5271 0.4100 l s n 0.5271 0.7500 m 0.5271 0.7400 l s n 0.6074 0.4000 m 0.6074 0.4100 l s n 0.6074 0.7500 m 0.6074 0.7400 l s n 0.6876 0.4000 m 0.6876 0.4100 l s n 0.6876 0.7500 m 0.6876 0.7400 l s n 0.7679 0.4000 m 0.7679 0.4100 l s n 0.7679 0.7500 m 0.7679 0.7400 l s n 0.5672 0.4000 m 0.5672 0.4200 l s n 0.5672 0.7500 m 0.5672 0.7300 l s n 0.6475 0.4000 m 0.6475 0.4200 l s n 0.6475 0.7500 m 0.6475 0.7300 l s n 0.7277 0.4000 m 0.7277 0.4200 l s n 0.7277 0.7500 m 0.7277 0.7300 l s n 0.8080 0.4000 m 0.8080 0.4200 l s n 0.8080 0.7500 m 0.8080 0.7300 l s /Font0 FFSF [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color1 SC 0.5431 0.3712 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (0.02) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.6234 0.3712 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (0.04) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.7038 0.3708 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (0.06) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.7843 0.3712 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (0.08) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.6028 0.3303 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (sin) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.6354 0.3471 m GS [0.0198 0.0000 0.0000 0.0198 0 0] CC (2) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.6452 0.3303 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (2) show GR /Font12 FFSF 0.6593 0.3303 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (q) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.6738 0.3191 m GS [0.0198 0.0000 0.0000 0.0198 0 0] CC (13) show GR n 0.4870 0.4000 m 0.4870 0.7500 l s n 0.8080 0.4000 m 0.8080 0.7500 l s [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color7 SC n 0.4870 0.4437 m 0.4970 0.4437 l s n 0.8080 0.4437 m 0.7980 0.4437 l s n 0.4870 0.4875 m 0.4970 0.4875 l s n 0.8080 0.4875 m 0.7980 0.4875 l s n 0.4870 0.5312 m 0.4970 0.5312 l s n 0.8080 0.5312 m 0.7980 0.5312 l s n 0.4870 0.6187 m 0.4970 0.6187 l s n 0.8080 0.6187 m 0.7980 0.6187 l s n 0.4870 0.6625 m 0.4970 0.6625 l s n 0.8080 0.6625 m 0.7980 0.6625 l s n 0.4870 0.7062 m 0.4970 0.7062 l s n 0.8080 0.7062 m 0.7980 0.7062 l s n 0.4870 0.4000 m 0.5070 0.4000 l s n 0.8080 0.4000 m 0.7880 0.4000 l s n 0.4870 0.5750 m 0.5070 0.5750 l s n 0.8080 0.5750 m 0.7880 0.5750 l s n 0.4870 0.7500 m 0.5070 0.7500 l s n 0.8080 0.7500 m 0.7880 0.7500 l s [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color1 SC n 0.4870 0.4000 m 0.8080 0.4000 l s n 0.4870 0.7500 m 0.8080 0.7500 l s n 0.5271 0.4000 m 0.5271 0.4100 l s n 0.5271 0.7500 m 0.5271 0.7400 l s n 0.6074 0.4000 m 0.6074 0.4100 l s n 0.6074 0.7500 m 0.6074 0.7400 l s n 0.6876 0.4000 m 0.6876 0.4100 l s n 0.6876 0.7500 m 0.6876 0.7400 l s n 0.7679 0.4000 m 0.7679 0.4100 l s n 0.7679 0.7500 m 0.7679 0.7400 l s n 0.5672 0.4000 m 0.5672 0.4200 l s n 0.5672 0.7500 m 0.5672 0.7300 l s n 0.6475 0.4000 m 0.6475 0.4200 l s n 0.6475 0.7500 m 0.6475 0.7300 l s n 0.7277 0.4000 m 0.7277 0.4200 l s n 0.7277 0.7500 m 0.7277 0.7300 l s n 0.8080 0.4000 m 0.8080 0.4200 l s n 0.8080 0.7500 m 0.8080 0.7300 l s /Font0 FFSF 0.5431 0.3712 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (0.02) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.6234 0.3712 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (0.04) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.7038 0.3708 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (0.06) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.7843 0.3712 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (0.08) show GR n 0.4870 0.4000 m 0.4870 0.7500 l s n 0.8080 0.4000 m 0.8080 0.7500 l s n 0.4870 0.4437 m 0.4970 0.4437 l s n 0.8080 0.4437 m 0.7980 0.4437 l s n 0.4870 0.5312 m 0.4970 0.5312 l s n 0.8080 0.5312 m 0.7980 0.5312 l s n 0.4870 0.6187 m 0.4970 0.6187 l s n 0.8080 0.6187 m 0.7980 0.6187 l s n 0.4870 0.7062 m 0.4970 0.7062 l s n 0.8080 0.7062 m 0.7980 0.7062 l s n 0.4870 0.4000 m 0.5070 0.4000 l s n 0.8080 0.4000 m 0.7880 0.4000 l s n 0.4870 0.4875 m 0.5070 0.4875 l s n 0.8080 0.4875 m 0.7880 0.4875 l s n 0.4870 0.5750 m 0.5070 0.5750 l s n 0.8080 0.5750 m 0.7880 0.5750 l s n 0.4870 0.6625 m 0.5070 0.6625 l s n 0.8080 0.6625 m 0.7880 0.6625 l s n 0.4870 0.7500 m 0.5070 0.7500 l s n 0.8080 0.7500 m 0.7880 0.7500 l s n 0.4870 0.4000 m 0.4870 0.7500 l 0.8080 0.7500 l 0.8080 0.4000 l 0.4870 0.4000 l c s [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color7 SC n 0.8641 0.4000 m 0.8641 0.7500 l s n 0.9444 0.4000 m 0.9444 0.7500 l s n 1.0246 0.4000 m 1.0246 0.7500 l s n 1.1049 0.4000 m 1.1049 0.7500 l s n 0.9043 0.4000 m 0.9043 0.7500 l s n 0.9845 0.4000 m 0.9845 0.7500 l s n 1.0648 0.4000 m 1.0648 0.7500 l s n 1.1450 0.4000 m 1.1450 0.7500 l s n 0.8240 0.4437 m 1.1450 0.4437 l s n 0.8240 0.4875 m 1.1450 0.4875 l s n 0.8240 0.5312 m 1.1450 0.5312 l s n 0.8240 0.6187 m 1.1450 0.6187 l s n 0.8240 0.6625 m 1.1450 0.6625 l s n 0.8240 0.7062 m 1.1450 0.7062 l s n 0.8240 0.4000 m 1.1450 0.4000 l s n 0.8240 0.5750 m 1.1450 0.5750 l s n 0.8240 0.7500 m 1.1450 0.7500 l s /Font13 FFSF [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color1 SC 0.9373 0.4211 m GS [0.0182 0.0000 0.0000 0.0182 0 0] CC (H) show GR [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color2 SC n 0.9096 0.4965 m 0.9092 0.4933 l 0.9091 0.4817 l 0.9096 0.4778 l 0.9122 0.4700 l 0.9164 0.4583 l 0.9202 0.4467 l 0.9203 0.4465 l 0.9281 0.4350 l 0.9310 0.4296 l 0.9359 0.4233 l 0.9417 0.4139 l 0.9436 0.4117 l 0.9521 0.4000 l 0.9824 0.4000 l 0.9738 0.4090 l 0.9715 0.4117 l 0.9631 0.4211 l 0.9612 0.4233 l 0.9524 0.4349 l 0.9524 0.4350 l 0.9441 0.4467 l 0.9417 0.4509 l 0.9369 0.4583 l 0.9319 0.4700 l 0.9310 0.4723 l 0.9260 0.4817 l 0.9220 0.4933 l 0.9203 0.4989 l 0.9096 0.4965 l s n 0.9521 0.7500 m 0.9524 0.7496 l 0.9621 0.7383 l 0.9631 0.7370 l 0.9728 0.7267 l 0.9738 0.7255 l 0.9845 0.7168 l 0.9894 0.7150 l 0.9952 0.7130 l 0.9996 0.7150 l 1.0004 0.7267 l 0.9952 0.7343 l 0.9928 0.7383 l 0.9845 0.7474 l 0.9824 0.7500 l 0.9521 0.7500 l s [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color3 SC n 0.9417 0.5100 m 0.9384 0.5050 l 0.9355 0.4933 l 0.9374 0.4817 l 0.9415 0.4700 l 0.9417 0.4698 l 0.9503 0.4583 l 0.9524 0.4560 l 0.9610 0.4467 l 0.9631 0.4447 l 0.9732 0.4350 l 0.9738 0.4344 l 0.9845 0.4267 l 0.9881 0.4233 l 0.9952 0.4186 l 1.0029 0.4117 l 1.0059 0.4093 l 1.0166 0.4012 l 1.0178 0.4000 l 1.0505 0.4000 l 1.0487 0.4009 l 1.0380 0.4067 l 1.0319 0.4117 l 1.0273 0.4143 l 1.0166 0.4224 l 1.0157 0.4233 l 1.0059 0.4297 l 1.0003 0.4350 l 0.9952 0.4393 l 0.9879 0.4467 l 0.9845 0.4503 l 0.9774 0.4583 l 0.9738 0.4635 l 0.9687 0.4700 l 0.9631 0.4806 l 0.9623 0.4817 l 0.9556 0.4933 l 0.9524 0.5017 l 0.9483 0.5050 l 0.9417 0.5100 l s n 1.0178 0.7500 m 1.0273 0.7435 l 1.0333 0.7383 l 1.0380 0.7345 l 1.0481 0.7267 l 1.0487 0.7262 l 1.0594 0.7192 l 1.0660 0.7150 l 1.0701 0.7126 l 1.0808 0.7092 l 1.0915 0.7116 l 1.0934 0.7150 l 1.0915 0.7169 l 1.0840 0.7267 l 1.0808 0.7286 l 1.0701 0.7368 l 1.0686 0.7383 l 1.0594 0.7430 l 1.0505 0.7500 l 1.0178 0.7500 l s n 0.9631 0.4583 0.0040 0.0040 0 360 EARC c fill n 0.9631 0.4583 0.0040 0.0040 0 360 EARC s [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color4 SC n 1.0059 0.6120 m 1.0018 0.6100 l 0.9952 0.6065 l 0.9845 0.5984 l 0.9844 0.5983 l 0.9738 0.5874 l 0.9732 0.5867 l 0.9631 0.5756 l 0.9627 0.5750 l 0.9529 0.5633 l 0.9524 0.5628 l 0.9446 0.5517 l 0.9417 0.5481 l 0.9368 0.5400 l 0.9310 0.5321 l 0.9291 0.5283 l 0.9237 0.5167 l 0.9203 0.5100 l 0.9190 0.5050 l 0.9175 0.4933 l 0.9178 0.4817 l 0.9203 0.4711 l 0.9310 0.4817 l 0.9310 0.4817 l 0.9349 0.4933 l 0.9407 0.5050 l 0.9417 0.5065 l 0.9465 0.5167 l 0.9524 0.5255 l 0.9542 0.5283 l 0.9629 0.5400 l 0.9631 0.5403 l 0.9726 0.5517 l 0.9738 0.5530 l 0.9838 0.5633 l 0.9845 0.5642 l 0.9952 0.5747 l 0.9956 0.5750 l 1.0059 0.5858 l 1.0068 0.5867 l 1.0152 0.5983 l 1.0162 0.6100 l 1.0059 0.6120 l s n 0.9417 0.5283 0.0040 0.0040 0 360 EARC c fill n 0.9417 0.5283 0.0040 0.0040 0 360 EARC s [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color11 SC n 1.0915 0.6130 m 1.0857 0.6100 l 1.0808 0.6071 l 1.0701 0.6007 l 1.0670 0.5983 l 1.0594 0.5927 l 1.0504 0.5867 l 1.0487 0.5852 l 1.0380 0.5777 l 1.0343 0.5750 l 1.0273 0.5691 l 1.0173 0.5633 l 1.0166 0.5626 l 1.0059 0.5543 l 1.0019 0.5517 l 0.9952 0.5458 l 0.9861 0.5400 l 0.9845 0.5385 l 0.9738 0.5295 l 0.9723 0.5283 l 0.9631 0.5188 l 0.9610 0.5167 l 0.9524 0.5059 l 0.9518 0.5050 l 0.9469 0.4933 l 0.9444 0.4817 l 0.9479 0.4700 l 0.9524 0.4648 l 0.9591 0.4700 l 0.9631 0.4734 l 0.9667 0.4817 l 0.9738 0.4929 l 0.9740 0.4933 l 0.9809 0.5050 l 0.9845 0.5094 l 0.9901 0.5167 l 0.9952 0.5222 l 1.0014 0.5283 l 1.0059 0.5328 l 1.0154 0.5400 l 1.0166 0.5412 l 1.0273 0.5494 l 1.0309 0.5517 l 1.0380 0.5574 l 1.0487 0.5629 l 1.0495 0.5633 l 1.0594 0.5706 l 1.0691 0.5750 l 1.0701 0.5759 l 1.0808 0.5832 l 1.0883 0.5867 l 1.0915 0.5896 l 1.1022 0.5966 l 1.1054 0.5983 l 1.1129 0.6074 l 1.1158 0.6100 l 1.1129 0.6145 l 1.1022 0.6161 l 1.0915 0.6130 l s n 0.9738 0.5167 0.0040 0.0040 0 360 EARC c fill n 0.9738 0.5167 0.0040 0.0040 0 360 EARC s [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color1 SC n 0.8240 0.4000 m 1.1450 0.4000 l s n 0.8240 0.7500 m 1.1450 0.7500 l s [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color7 SC n 0.8641 0.4000 m 0.8641 0.4100 l s n 0.8641 0.7500 m 0.8641 0.7400 l s n 0.9444 0.4000 m 0.9444 0.4100 l s n 0.9444 0.7500 m 0.9444 0.7400 l s n 1.0246 0.4000 m 1.0246 0.4100 l s n 1.0246 0.7500 m 1.0246 0.7400 l s n 1.1049 0.4000 m 1.1049 0.4100 l s n 1.1049 0.7500 m 1.1049 0.7400 l s n 0.9043 0.4000 m 0.9043 0.4200 l s n 0.9043 0.7500 m 0.9043 0.7300 l s n 0.9845 0.4000 m 0.9845 0.4200 l s n 0.9845 0.7500 m 0.9845 0.7300 l s n 1.0648 0.4000 m 1.0648 0.4200 l s n 1.0648 0.7500 m 1.0648 0.7300 l s n 1.1450 0.4000 m 1.1450 0.4200 l s n 1.1450 0.7500 m 1.1450 0.7300 l s /Font0 FFSF [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color1 SC 0.8801 0.3712 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (0.02) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.9604 0.3712 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (0.04) show GR /Font0 FFSF 1.0408 0.3708 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (0.06) show GR /Font0 FFSF 1.1213 0.3712 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (0.08) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.9398 0.3303 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (sin) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.9724 0.3471 m GS [0.0198 0.0000 0.0000 0.0198 0 0] CC (2) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.9822 0.3303 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (2) show GR /Font12 FFSF 0.9963 0.3303 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (q) show GR /Font0 FFSF 1.0108 0.3191 m GS [0.0198 0.0000 0.0000 0.0198 0 0] CC (13) show GR n 0.8240 0.4000 m 0.8240 0.7500 l s n 1.1450 0.4000 m 1.1450 0.7500 l s [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color7 SC n 0.8240 0.4437 m 0.8340 0.4437 l s n 1.1450 0.4437 m 1.1350 0.4437 l s n 0.8240 0.4875 m 0.8340 0.4875 l s n 1.1450 0.4875 m 1.1350 0.4875 l s n 0.8240 0.5312 m 0.8340 0.5312 l s n 1.1450 0.5312 m 1.1350 0.5312 l s n 0.8240 0.6187 m 0.8340 0.6187 l s n 1.1450 0.6187 m 1.1350 0.6187 l s n 0.8240 0.6625 m 0.8340 0.6625 l s n 1.1450 0.6625 m 1.1350 0.6625 l s n 0.8240 0.7062 m 0.8340 0.7062 l s n 1.1450 0.7062 m 1.1350 0.7062 l s n 0.8240 0.4000 m 0.8440 0.4000 l s n 1.1450 0.4000 m 1.1250 0.4000 l s n 0.8240 0.5750 m 0.8440 0.5750 l s n 1.1450 0.5750 m 1.1250 0.5750 l s n 0.8240 0.7500 m 0.8440 0.7500 l s n 1.1450 0.7500 m 1.1250 0.7500 l s [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color1 SC n 0.8240 0.4000 m 1.1450 0.4000 l s n 0.8240 0.7500 m 1.1450 0.7500 l s n 0.8641 0.4000 m 0.8641 0.4100 l s n 0.8641 0.7500 m 0.8641 0.7400 l s n 0.9444 0.4000 m 0.9444 0.4100 l s n 0.9444 0.7500 m 0.9444 0.7400 l s n 1.0246 0.4000 m 1.0246 0.4100 l s n 1.0246 0.7500 m 1.0246 0.7400 l s n 1.1049 0.4000 m 1.1049 0.4100 l s n 1.1049 0.7500 m 1.1049 0.7400 l s n 0.9043 0.4000 m 0.9043 0.4200 l s n 0.9043 0.7500 m 0.9043 0.7300 l s n 0.9845 0.4000 m 0.9845 0.4200 l s n 0.9845 0.7500 m 0.9845 0.7300 l s n 1.0648 0.4000 m 1.0648 0.4200 l s n 1.0648 0.7500 m 1.0648 0.7300 l s n 1.1450 0.4000 m 1.1450 0.4200 l s n 1.1450 0.7500 m 1.1450 0.7300 l s /Font0 FFSF 0.8801 0.3712 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (0.02) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.9604 0.3712 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (0.04) show GR /Font0 FFSF 1.0408 0.3708 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (0.06) show GR /Font0 FFSF 1.1213 0.3712 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (0.08) show GR n 0.8240 0.4000 m 0.8240 0.7500 l s n 1.1450 0.4000 m 1.1450 0.7500 l s n 0.8240 0.4437 m 0.8340 0.4437 l s n 1.1450 0.4437 m 1.1350 0.4437 l s n 0.8240 0.5312 m 0.8340 0.5312 l s n 1.1450 0.5312 m 1.1350 0.5312 l s n 0.8240 0.6187 m 0.8340 0.6187 l s n 1.1450 0.6187 m 1.1350 0.6187 l s n 0.8240 0.7062 m 0.8340 0.7062 l s n 1.1450 0.7062 m 1.1350 0.7062 l s n 0.8240 0.4000 m 0.8440 0.4000 l s n 1.1450 0.4000 m 1.1250 0.4000 l s n 0.8240 0.4875 m 0.8440 0.4875 l s n 1.1450 0.4875 m 1.1250 0.4875 l s n 0.8240 0.5750 m 0.8440 0.5750 l s n 1.1450 0.5750 m 1.1250 0.5750 l s n 0.8240 0.6625 m 0.8440 0.6625 l s n 1.1450 0.6625 m 1.1250 0.6625 l s n 0.8240 0.7500 m 0.8440 0.7500 l s n 1.1450 0.7500 m 1.1250 0.7500 l s n 0.8240 0.4000 m 0.8240 0.7500 l 1.1450 0.7500 l 1.1450 0.4000 l 0.8240 0.4000 l c s /Font12 FFSF 0.2299 0.7008 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (b) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.2452 0.7008 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (B + SPL 5y) show GR /Font12 FFSF 0.7119 0.7050 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (b) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.7272 0.7050 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (B 5y) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.8463 0.7050 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (SPL 5y) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.2327 0.7673 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (95% CL regions for the ) show GR /Font0 FFSF [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color2 SC 0.5041 0.7673 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (\(H) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.5335 0.7841 m GS [0.0198 0.0000 0.0000 0.0198 0 0] CC (tr) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.5456 0.7673 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (O) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.5660 0.7841 m GS [0.0198 0.0000 0.0000 0.0198 0 0] CC (tr) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.5782 0.7673 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (\), ) show GR /Font0 FFSF [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color3 SC 0.6084 0.7673 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (\(H) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.6378 0.7841 m GS [0.0198 0.0000 0.0000 0.0198 0 0] CC (tr) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.6499 0.7673 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (O) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.6703 0.7841 m GS [0.0198 0.0000 0.0000 0.0198 0 0] CC (wr) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.6911 0.7673 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (\), ) show GR /Font0 FFSF [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color4 SC 0.7213 0.7673 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (\(H) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.7507 0.7841 m GS [0.0198 0.0000 0.0000 0.0198 0 0] CC (wr) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.7715 0.7673 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (O) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.7919 0.7841 m GS [0.0198 0.0000 0.0000 0.0198 0 0] CC (tr) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.8041 0.7673 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (\), ) show GR /Font0 FFSF [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color11 SC 0.8343 0.7673 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (\(H) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.8637 0.7841 m GS [0.0198 0.0000 0.0000 0.0198 0 0] CC (wr) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.8845 0.7673 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (O) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.9048 0.7841 m GS [0.0198 0.0000 0.0000 0.0198 0 0] CC (wr) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.9256 0.7673 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (\) ) show GR /Font0 FFSF [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color1 SC 0.9488 0.7673 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (solutions) show GR %%Trailer %%BoundingBox: 30 194 717 488 %%DocumentNeededResources: font Times-Roman %%+ font Symbol %%+ font ZapfDingbats %%EOF %%EndDocument @endspecial -60 1852 a Fw(Figure)40 b(7)p Fy(:)46 b Fi(Allo)n(w)n(ed)28 b(regions)f(in)i(sin)1225 1817 y Fg(2)1276 1852 y Fi(2)p Fh(\022)1357 1864 y Fg(13)1455 1852 y Fi(and)g Fh(\016)1655 1864 y Fg(CP)1780 1852 y Fi(for)f(5)g(y)n(ears)f(data)h(\(neutrinos)h(only\))f(from)h Fh(\014)t Fi(B,)g(SPL,)f(and)h(the)-60 1973 y(com)n(bination.)36 b(H)507 1943 y Fg(tr)p Ff(=)p Fg(wr)670 1973 y Fi(\(O)767 1943 y Fg(tr)p Ff(=)p Fg(wr)931 1973 y Fi(\))27 b(refers)e(to)i (solutions)f(with)h(the)g(true/wrong)e(mass)h(hierarc)n(h)n(y)e(\(o)r (ctan)n(t)j(of)f Fh(\022)3414 1985 y Fg(23)3485 1973 y Fi(\).)37 b(F)-7 b(or)26 b(the)-60 2093 y(colored)h(regions)h(in)h (the)g(left)g(panel)g(also)f(5)g(y)n(ears)f(of)i(atmospheric)e(data)i (are)f(included;)h(the)h(solution)e(with)h(the)g(wrong)-60 2214 y(hierarc)n(h)n(y)34 b(has)h(\001)p Fh(\037)588 2183 y Fg(2)663 2214 y Fi(=)i(4.)61 b(The)36 b(true)g(parameter)f(v)-5 b(alues)36 b(are)f Fh(\016)2100 2226 y Fg(CP)2233 2214 y Fi(=)h Fc(\000)p Fi(0)p Fh(:)p Fi(85)p Fh(\031)s Fi(,)h(sin)2760 2179 y Fg(2)2811 2214 y Fi(2)p Fh(\022)2892 2226 y Fg(13)2999 2214 y Fi(=)g(0)p Fh(:)p Fi(03,)g(sin)3412 2179 y Fg(2)3463 2214 y Fh(\022)3502 2226 y Fg(23)3609 2214 y Fi(=)g(0)p Fh(:)p Fi(6,)-60 2334 y(and)29 b(the)g(v)-5 b(alues)29 b(from)f(Eq.)h(\(1\))g(for)f(the)i(other)e(parameters.)39 b(F)-7 b(or)29 b(the)g Fh(\014)t Fi(B)g(only)g(analysis)e(\(middle)j (panel\))f(an)g(external)-60 2454 y(accuracy)i(of)i(2\045)g(\(3\045\))g (for)g Fc(j)p Fi(\001)p Fh(m)1039 2424 y Fg(2)1039 2475 y(31)1109 2454 y Fc(j)g Fi(\()p Fh(\022)1236 2466 y Fg(23)1307 2454 y Fi(\))g(has)f(b)r(een)i(assumed,)g(whereas)d(for)i(the)g(left)h (and)e(righ)n(t)h(panel)f(the)i(default)-60 2575 y(v)-5 b(alue)27 b(of)h(10\045)f(has)g(b)r(een)h(used.)-60 2845 y Fy(left.)105 2809 y Fq(2)188 2845 y Fy(Note)33 b(that)f(the)i(thic)m (k)f(curv)m(es)i(in)e(the)g(righ)m(t)g(panel)g(of)f(Fig.)g(6)h(corresp) s(ond)g(to)g(the)g(regions)g(sho)m(w)-60 2965 y(in)c(Fig.)e(5)h(for)g (the)h(SPL.)g(Finally)-8 b(,)29 b(b)m(y)g(the)g(inclusion)h(of)e (information)g(from)g(atmospheric)i(neutrinos)f(all)-60 3086 y(degeneracies)36 b(can)f(b)s(e)f(resolv)m(ed)i(in)e(this)h (example,)h(and)f(the)f(true)h(solution)f(is)h(iden)m(ti\014ed)h(at)e (95\045)g(CL)-60 3206 y(\(see)g(Sec.)f(6.2)f(and)h(Ref.)g([29])f(for)g (further)h(discussions)i(of)d(atmospheric)i(neutrinos\).)86 3368 y(Concerning)k(the)g Fo(\014)6 b Fy(B)36 b(one)h(observ)m(es)j (from)c(Fig.)h(5)f(that)h(in)g(this)h(case)f(the)h(\()p Fo(\016)3034 3383 y Fq(CP)3137 3368 y Fo(;)17 b(\022)3226 3383 y Fq(13)3301 3368 y Fy(\)-degeneracy)-60 3488 y(cannot)40 b(b)s(e)g(resolv)m(ed)i(and)f(one)f(has)g(to)g(deal)g(with)h(eigh)m(t)g (distinct)g(solutions.)67 b(One)40 b(reason)h(for)e(this)-60 3609 y(is)h(the)g(absence)i(of)d(precise)j(information)d(on)h Fn(j)p Fy(\001)p Fo(m)1904 3573 y Fq(2)1904 3633 y(31)1979 3609 y Fn(j)f Fy(and)h(sin)2363 3569 y Fq(2)2419 3609 y Fy(2)p Fo(\022)2513 3624 y Fq(23)2628 3609 y Fy(whic)m(h)h(is)f(pro)m (vided)h(b)m(y)g(the)f Fo(\027)3793 3624 y Fv(\026)-60 3729 y Fy(disapp)s(earance)47 b(in)g(Sup)s(er)f(Beam)g(exp)s(erimen)m (ts)j(but)d(is)h(not)f(a)m(v)-5 b(ailable)46 b(from)g(the)g Fo(\014)6 b Fy(B.)46 b(If)g(external)-60 3850 y(information)33 b(on)f(these)i(parameters)g(at)e(the)h(lev)m(el)i(of)d(3\045)h(is)g (included)h(the)g(allo)m(w)m(ed)g(regions)f(in)g(Fig.)f(5)-60 3970 y(are)h(signi\014can)m(tly)i(reduced.)46 b(Ho)m(w)m(ev)m(er,)36 b(still)d(all)g(eigh)m(t)h(solutions)f(are)g(presen)m(t,)i(whic)m(h)g (indicates)f(that)-60 4090 y(for)i(the)g Fo(\014)6 b Fy(B)36 b(sp)s(ectral)h(information)f(is)h(not)f(e\016cien)m(t)i (enough)f(to)f(resolv)m(e)i(the)f(\()p Fo(\016)3015 4105 y Fq(CP)3118 4090 y Fo(;)17 b(\022)3207 4105 y Fq(13)3282 4090 y Fy(\)-degeneracy)-8 b(,)-60 4211 y(and)39 b(in)h(this)g(case)g (only)f(the)h(inclusion)h(of)d(atmospheric)j(neutrino)f(data)f(allo)m (ws)h(a)f(nearly)h(complete)-60 4331 y(resolution)33 b(of)f(the)h(degeneracies.)86 4493 y(An)d(imp)s(ortan)m(t)f(observ)-5 b(ation)30 b(from)f(Fig.)g(5)g(is)h(that)f(degeneracies)i(ha)m(v)m(e)g (only)f(a)f(v)m(ery)h(small)g(impact)-60 4613 y(on)43 b(the)h(CP)f(violation)h(disco)m(v)m(ery)-8 b(,)48 b(in)43 b(the)h(sense)h(that)e(if)g(the)g(true)h(solution)f(is)h(CP)g (violating)f(also)-60 4734 y(the)34 b(fak)m(e)g(solutions)h(are)e(lo)s (cated)h(at)f(CP)h(violating)g(v)-5 b(alues)34 b(of)f Fo(\016)2366 4749 y Fq(CP)2470 4734 y Fy(.)46 b(Indeed,)35 b(since)g(for)e(the)h(relativ)m(ely)-60 4854 y(short)44 b(baselines)h(in)f(the)f(exp)s(erimen)m(ts)j(under)f(consideration)f (matter)g(e\013ects)g(are)g(v)m(ery)h(small,)i(the)-60 4974 y(sign\(\001)p Fo(m)312 4938 y Fq(2)312 4999 y(31)388 4974 y Fy(\)-degenerate)30 b(solution)g(is)g(lo)s(cated)f(within)i(go)s (o)s(d)d(appro)m(ximation)i(at)f Fo(\016)3085 4938 y Fm(0)3081 5000 y Fq(CP)3212 4974 y Fn(\031)g Fo(\031)19 b Fn(\000)d Fo(\016)3528 4989 y Fq(CP)3661 4974 y Fy([52].)-60 5095 y(Therefore,)33 b(although)e(degeneracies)i(strongly)f(a\013ect)g (the)g(determination)g(of)f Fo(\022)2957 5110 y Fq(13)3063 5095 y Fy(and)h Fo(\016)3295 5110 y Fq(CP)3429 5095 y Fy(they)h(ha)m(v)m(e)-60 5215 y(only)42 b(a)f(small)h(impact)f(on)h (the)f(CP)h(violation)g(disco)m(v)m(ery)h(p)s(oten)m(tial.)70 b(F)-8 b(urthermore,)44 b(as)e(clear)f(from)-60 5336 y(Fig.)30 b(5)g(the)h(sign\(\001)p Fo(m)754 5299 y Fq(2)754 5360 y(31)830 5336 y Fy(\))f(degeneracy)i(has)f(practically)g(no)f (e\013ect)i(on)e(the)h Fo(\022)2779 5351 y Fq(13)2884 5336 y Fy(measuremen)m(t,)i(whereas)-60 5456 y(the)g(o)s(ctan)m(t)f (degeneracy)j(has)e(v)m(ery)h(little)f(impact)g(on)g(the)g (determination)g(of)f Fo(\016)2945 5471 y Fq(CP)3049 5456 y Fy(.)p -60 5543 1560 4 v 52 5605 a Fg(2)89 5635 y Fi(The)27 b(inclusion)f(of)g(sp)r(ectral)f(information)h(migh)n(t)g (b)r(e)h(the)f(source)f(of)h(p)r(ossible)g(di\013erences)g(to)g (previous)f(studies,)h(see)-60 5734 y(e.g.)h(Ref.)h([35].)1841 6036 y Fy(12)p eop end %%Page: 13 13 TeXDict begin 13 12 bop 836 150 2108 4 v 1326 259 a Fy(T)-8 b(rue)33 b(v)-5 b(alues)145 b(T2K-I)124 b(SPL)100 b(T2HK)p 836 324 V 886 433 a(\001)p Fo(m)1052 397 y Fq(2)1052 458 y(31)1281 433 y Fy(2)p Fo(:)p Fy(2)22 b Fn(\001)g Fy(10)1576 397 y Fm(\000)p Fq(3)1702 433 y Fy(eV)1818 397 y Fq(2)2015 433 y Fy(4.7\045)99 b(3.2\045)162 b(1.1\045)886 553 y(sin)1006 513 y Fq(2)1062 553 y Fo(\022)1107 568 y Fq(23)1508 553 y Fy(0)p Fo(:)p Fy(5)409 b(20\045)126 b(20\045)238 b(6\045)p 836 618 V 886 727 a(\001)p Fo(m)1052 691 y Fq(2)1052 751 y(31)1281 727 y Fy(2)p Fo(:)p Fy(6)22 b Fn(\001)g Fy(10)1576 691 y Fm(\000)p Fq(3)1702 727 y Fy(eV)1818 691 y Fq(2)2015 727 y Fy(4.4\045)99 b(2.5\045)162 b(0.7\045)886 847 y(sin)1006 807 y Fq(2)1062 847 y Fo(\022)1107 862 y Fq(23)1483 847 y Fy(0)p Fo(:)p Fy(37)358 b(8.9\045)99 b(3.1\045)162 b(0.8\045)p 836 912 V -60 1075 a Fw(T)-9 b(able)48 b(4)p Fy(:)61 b Fi(Accuracies)34 b(at)h(3)p Fh(\033)k Fi(on)34 b(the)i(atmospheric)e(parameters)f Fc(j)p Fi(\001)p Fh(m)2406 1045 y Fg(2)2406 1096 y(31)2477 1075 y Fc(j)i Fi(and)g(sin)2806 1040 y Fg(2)2857 1075 y Fh(\022)2896 1087 y Fg(23)3002 1075 y Fi(for)f(5)h(y)n(ears)e(of)i (neutrino)-60 1196 y(data)30 b(from)g(T2K-I,)f(SPL,)h(and)h(T2HK)e(for) h(the)h(t)n(w)n(o)f(test)g(p)r(oin)n(ts)h(sho)n(wn)e(in)i(Fig.)f(8)g (\()p Fh(\022)2763 1165 y Fg(true)2761 1216 y(13)2914 1196 y Fi(=)d(0\).)45 b(The)31 b(accuracy)e(for)g(a)-60 1316 y(parameter)f Fh(x)h Fi(is)g(de\014ned)g(as)g(\()p Fh(x)970 1286 y Fg(upp)r(er)1161 1316 y Fc(\000)19 b Fh(x)1292 1286 y Fg(lo)n(w)n(er)1448 1316 y Fi(\))p Fh(=)p Fi(\(2)p Fh(x)1643 1286 y Fg(true)1765 1316 y Fi(\),)30 b(where)f Fh(x)2139 1286 y Fg(upp)r(er)2340 1316 y Fi(\()p Fh(x)2419 1286 y Fg(lo)n(w)n(er)2575 1316 y Fi(\))g(is)g(the)h(upp)r (er)f(\(lo)n(w)n(er\))f(b)r(ound)h(at)g(3)p Fh(\033)-60 1436 y Fi(for)f(1)g(d.o.f.)h(obtained)f(b)n(y)g(pro)5 b(jecting)28 b(the)h(con)n(tour)e(\001)p Fh(\037)1771 1406 y Fg(2)1833 1436 y Fi(=)d(9)k(on)n(to)g(the)h Fh(x)p Fi(-axis.)39 b(F)-7 b(or)27 b(the)i(accuracies)e(for)h(test)h(p)r(oin)n (t)f(2)-60 1557 y(the)g(o)r(ctan)n(t)f(degenerate)g(solution)g(is)g (neglected.)86 1839 y Fy(Fig.)32 b(5)f(sho)m(ws)i(also)f(that)f(the)i (fak)m(e)f(solutions)h(o)s(ccur)f(at)f(similar)h(lo)s(cations)g(in)g (the)g(\(sin)3372 1799 y Fq(2)3428 1839 y Fy(2)p Fo(\022)3522 1854 y Fq(13)3597 1839 y Fy(,)g Fo(\016)3699 1854 y Fq(CP)3802 1839 y Fy(\))-60 1959 y(plane)d(for)e Fo(\014)6 b Fy(B)28 b(and)g(SPL.)h(Therefore,)h(as)f(noted)f(in)h(Ref.)f([35],)h(in)f(this) h(sense)h(the)e(t)m(w)m(o)h(exp)s(erimen)m(ts)i(are)-60 2079 y(not)26 b(complemen)m(tary)-8 b(,)29 b(and)d(the)g(com)m (bination)h(of)e(10)g(y)m(ears)i(of)e Fo(\014)6 b Fy(B)26 b(and)f(SPL)i(data)e(is)h(not)g(v)m(ery)h(e\013ectiv)m(e)-60 2200 y(in)39 b(resolving)i(degeneracies.)65 b(This)40 b(is)g(ob)m(vious)g(since)g(the)g(baseline)h(is)e(the)h(same)g(and)f (the)g(neutrino)-60 2320 y(energies)f(are)f(similar.)56 b(Note)37 b(ho)m(w)m(ev)m(er,)j(that)c(the)h Fo(\014)6 b Fy(B)36 b(lo)s(oks)h(for)f Fo(\027)2504 2335 y Fv(e)2576 2320 y Fn(!)e Fo(\027)2758 2335 y Fv(\026)2841 2320 y Fy(app)s(earance,)39 b(whereas)f(in)-60 2440 y(SPL)f(the)h(T-conjugate) f(c)m(hannel)h Fo(\027)1287 2455 y Fv(\026)1369 2440 y Fn(!)d Fo(\027)1552 2455 y Fv(e)1626 2440 y Fy(is)i(observ)m(ed.)59 b(Assuming)38 b(CPT)g(in)m(v)-5 b(ariance)38 b(the)g(relation)-60 2561 y Fo(P)3 2576 y Fv(\027)38 2584 y Fb(\013)82 2576 y Fm(!)p Fv(\027)188 2588 y Fb(\014)260 2561 y Fy(=)28 b Fo(P)431 2576 y Fq(\026)-39 b Fv(\027)462 2588 y Fb(\014)503 2576 y Fm(!)t Fq(\026)g Fv(\027)609 2584 y Fb(\013)683 2561 y Fy(holds,)28 b(whic)m(h)f(implies)h(that)e(the)h(an)m (tineutrino)g(measuremen)m(t)h(can)e(b)s(e)h(replaced)g(b)m(y)-60 2681 y(a)i(measuremen)m(t)i(in)e(the)h(T-conjugate)f(c)m(hannel.)44 b(Hence,)31 b(if)e Fo(\014)6 b Fy(B)28 b(and)h(SPL)h(exp)s(erimen)m(ts) h(are)e(a)m(v)-5 b(ailable)-60 2802 y(sim)m(ultaneously)29 b(the)e(full)g(information)f(can)h(b)s(e)g(obtained)g(just)g(from)f (neutrino)h(data,)h(and)f(in)f(principle)-60 2922 y(the)40 b(\(time)f(consuming\))i(an)m(tineutrino)f(measuremen)m(t)h(is)f(not)f (necessary)-8 b(.)65 b(As)40 b(sho)m(wn)h(in)e(Fig.)g(7)g(the)-60 3042 y(com)m(bination)32 b(of)f(5)f(yrs)i(neutrino)g(data)f(from)g(the) g Fo(\014)6 b Fy(B)31 b(with)h(5)f(yrs)h(of)e(neutrino)i(data)f(from)g (SPL)g(leads)-60 3163 y(to)j(a)g(result)i(v)m(ery)g(close)f(to)f(the)h (10)f(yrs)h(neutrino+an)m(tineutrino)h(data)e(from)g(one)h(exp)s (erimen)m(t)i(alone.)-60 3283 y(Hence,)43 b(if)d Fo(\014)6 b Fy(B)39 b(and)h(SPL)h(exp)s(erimen)m(ts)h(are)e(a)m(v)-5 b(ailable)40 b(sim)m(ultaneously)j(the)d(data)g(taking)g(p)s(erio)s(d)f (is)-60 3404 y(reduced)33 b(appro)m(ximately)h(b)m(y)e(a)f(factor)h(of) f(2)g(with)i(resp)s(ect)g(to)e(a)g(single)i(exp)s(erimen)m(t.)45 b(This)33 b(synergy)g(is)-60 3524 y(discussed)i(later)e(in)g(Sec.)g (6.1)f(in)h(the)g(con)m(text)h(of)e(the)h Fo(\022)2016 3539 y Fq(13)2124 3524 y Fy(and)g(CP)g(violation)g(disco)m(v)m(ery)i(p) s(oten)m(tials.)-60 3835 y Fp(5)135 b(Ph)l(ysics)45 b(p)t(oten)l(tial) -60 4117 y Fw(5.1)112 b(Sensitivit)m(y)38 b(to)f(the)h(atmospheric)g (parameters)-60 4364 y Fy(The)44 b Fo(\027)199 4379 y Fv(\026)290 4364 y Fy(disapp)s(earance)h(c)m(hannel)f(a)m(v)-5 b(ailable)44 b(in)g(the)g(Sup)s(er)g(Beam)g(exp)s(erimen)m(ts)i(SPL)e (and)g(T2HK)-60 4484 y(allo)m(ws)31 b(a)e(precise)i(determination)g(of) e(the)h(atmospheric)h(parameters)g Fn(j)p Fy(\001)p Fo(m)2763 4448 y Fq(2)2763 4509 y(31)2838 4484 y Fn(j)e Fy(and)h(sin)3202 4444 y Fq(2)3258 4484 y Fy(2)p Fo(\022)3352 4499 y Fq(23)3427 4484 y Fy(,)g(see,)i(e.g.,)-60 4604 y(Refs.)d([57{)o(59])g(for)f(recen) m(t)i(analyses\).)43 b(Fig.)29 b(8)f(illustrates)i(the)f(impro)m(v)m (emen)m(t)i(on)e(these)g(parameters)h(b)m(y)-60 4725 y(Sup)s(er)37 b(Beam)g(exp)s(erimen)m(ts)i(with)f(resp)s(ect)g(to)e (the)h(presen)m(t)h(kno)m(wledge)h(from)d(SK)h(atmospheric)h(and)-60 4845 y(K2K)d(data.)54 b(W)-8 b(e)37 b(sho)m(w)g(the)g(allo)m(w)m(ed)g (regions)g(at)e(99\045)h(CL)h(for)e(T2K-I,)h(SPL,)h(and)f(T2HK,)g (where)i(in)-60 4966 y(all)f(three)i(cases)g(5)e(y)m(ears)h(of)g (neutrino)g(data)f(are)g(assumed.)60 b(T2K-I)37 b(corresp)s(onds)i(to)e (the)h(phase)h(I)e(of)-60 5086 y(the)h(T2K)f(exp)s(erimen)m(t)j(with)e (a)f(b)s(eam)h(p)s(o)m(w)m(er)g(of)f(0.77)g(MW)h(and)f(the)h(Sup)s (er-Kamiok)-5 b(ande)38 b(detector)-60 5206 y(as)33 b(target)f([15].)43 b(In)33 b(T)-8 b(ab.)33 b(4)g(w)m(e)g(giv)m(e)h(the)f(corresp)s(onding) h(relativ)m(e)g(accuracies)g(at)e(3)p Fo(\033)k Fy(for)d Fn(j)p Fy(\001)p Fo(m)3548 5170 y Fq(2)3548 5231 y(31)3623 5206 y Fn(j)f Fy(and)-60 5327 y(sin)60 5287 y Fq(2)116 5327 y Fo(\022)161 5342 y Fq(23)236 5327 y Fy(.)86 5489 y(F)-8 b(rom)34 b(the)h(\014gure)g(and)f(the)h(table)f(it)h(b)s(ecomes) g(eviden)m(t)h(that)f(the)f(T2K)h(setups)g(are)g(v)m(ery)h(go)s(o)s(d)d (in)-60 5609 y(measuring)26 b(the)f(atmospheric)h(parameters,)h(and)e (only)g(a)g(mo)s(dest)g(impro)m(v)m(emen)m(t)j(is)d(p)s(ossible)h(with) f(SPL)-60 5729 y(with)37 b(resp)s(ect)g(to)f(T2K)g(phase)h(I.)f(T2HK)h (pro)m(vides)g(an)f(excellen)m(t)j(sensitivit)m(y)g(for)d(these)h (parameters,)1841 6036 y(13)p eop end %%Page: 14 14 TeXDict begin 14 13 bop 817 2210 a @beginspecial 32 @llx 41 @lly 532 @urx 522 @ury 2574 @rwi @setspecial %%BeginDocument: ./fig8.eps %!PS-Adobe-3.0 EPSF-3.0 %%BoundingBox: (atend) %%LanguageLevel: 2 %%Creator: Grace-5.1.20 %%CreationDate: Fri Aug 11 19:02:13 2006 %%DocumentData: Clean8Bit %%Orientation: Portrait %%Title: /home/schwetz/work/atm+lbl/BB-SPL-2/Paper-PRD-2/Agr/atm-params.agr %%For: schwetz %%DocumentNeededResources: (atend) %%EndComments %%BeginProlog /m {moveto} def /l {lineto} def /s {stroke} def /n {newpath} def /c 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{<0000ffff000000000000ffff000000000000ffff000000000000ffff00000000> PTRN} bind def /Pattern18 {<2222ffff222222222222ffff222222222222ffff222222222222ffff22222222> PTRN} bind def /Pattern19 { PTRN} bind def /Pattern20 {<0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0ff0f0f0f0f0f0f0f00f0f0f0f0f0f0f0ff0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0> PTRN} bind def /Pattern21 { PTRN} bind def /Pattern22 {<8001800180018001800180018001ffffffff8001800180018001800180018001> PTRN} bind def /Pattern23 { PTRN} bind def /Pattern24 {<040404040404ffff404040404040ffff040404040404ffff404040404040ffff> PTRN} bind def /Pattern25 {<180018001800180018001800ffffffff001800180018001800180018ffffffff> PTRN} bind def /Pattern26 {<1111b8b87c7c3a3a1111a3a3c7c78b8b1111b8b87c7c3a3a1111a3a3c7c78b8b> PTRN} bind def /Pattern27 {<101010102828c7c70101010182827c7c101010102828c7c70101010182827c7c> PTRN} bind def /Pattern28 {<1c1c121211112121c1c12121111112121c1c121211112121c1c1212111111212> PTRN} bind def /Pattern29 {<3e3e414180808080e3e31414080808083e3e414180808080e3e3141408080808> 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0.4411 l 0.6253 0.4374 l 0.6225 0.4367 l 0.6111 0.4337 l 0.6050 0.4323 l 0.5949 0.4300 l 0.5875 0.4284 l 0.5758 0.4263 l 0.5700 0.4252 l 0.5525 0.4228 l 0.5506 0.4226 l 0.5350 0.4209 l 0.5175 0.4200 l 0.5000 0.4196 l 0.4825 0.4199 l 0.4650 0.4208 l 0.4483 0.4226 l 0.4475 0.4227 l 0.4300 0.4251 l 0.4231 0.4263 l 0.4125 0.4282 l 0.4041 0.4300 l 0.3950 0.4320 l 0.3878 0.4337 l 0.3775 0.4364 l 0.3734 0.4374 l 0.3607 0.4411 l 0.3600 0.4413 l 0.3458 0.4447 l 0.3425 0.4459 l 0.3250 0.4483 l s [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color1 SC [] 0 SD 0.0015 SLW n 0.1500 0.1500 m 0.8500 0.1500 l s n 0.1500 0.8500 m 0.8500 0.8500 l s n 0.1937 0.1500 m 0.1937 0.1600 l s n 0.1937 0.8500 m 0.1937 0.8400 l s n 0.2375 0.1500 m 0.2375 0.1600 l s n 0.2375 0.8500 m 0.2375 0.8400 l s n 0.2812 0.1500 m 0.2812 0.1600 l s n 0.2812 0.8500 m 0.2812 0.8400 l s n 0.3687 0.1500 m 0.3687 0.1600 l s n 0.3687 0.8500 m 0.3687 0.8400 l s n 0.4125 0.1500 m 0.4125 0.1600 l s n 0.4125 0.8500 m 0.4125 0.8400 l s n 0.4562 0.1500 m 0.4562 0.1600 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FFSF 0.1333 0.1212 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (0.3) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.3077 0.1212 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (0.4) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.4833 0.1208 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (0.5) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.6579 0.1208 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (0.6) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.8331 0.1212 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (0.7) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.4624 0.0803 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (sin) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.4949 0.0971 m GS [0.0198 0.0000 0.0000 0.0198 0 0] CC (2) show GR /Symbol findfont /Font12 exch definefont pop /Font12 FFSF 0.5047 0.0803 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (q) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.5192 0.0691 m GS [0.0198 0.0000 0.0000 0.0198 0 0] CC (23) show GR n 0.1500 0.1500 m 0.1500 0.8500 l s n 0.8500 0.1500 m 0.8500 0.8500 l s n 0.1500 0.1868 m 0.1600 0.1868 l s n 0.8500 0.1868 m 0.8400 0.1868 l s n 0.1500 0.2237 m 0.1600 0.2237 l s n 0.8500 0.2237 m 0.8400 0.2237 l s n 0.1500 0.2605 m 0.1600 0.2605 l s n 0.8500 0.2605 m 0.8400 0.2605 l s n 0.1500 0.2974 m 0.1600 0.2974 l s n 0.8500 0.2974 m 0.8400 0.2974 l s n 0.1500 0.3711 m 0.1600 0.3711 l s n 0.8500 0.3711 m 0.8400 0.3711 l s n 0.1500 0.4079 m 0.1600 0.4079 l s n 0.8500 0.4079 m 0.8400 0.4079 l s n 0.1500 0.4447 m 0.1600 0.4447 l s n 0.8500 0.4447 m 0.8400 0.4447 l s n 0.1500 0.4816 m 0.1600 0.4816 l s n 0.8500 0.4816 m 0.8400 0.4816 l s n 0.1500 0.5553 m 0.1600 0.5553 l s n 0.8500 0.5553 m 0.8400 0.5553 l s n 0.1500 0.5921 m 0.1600 0.5921 l s n 0.8500 0.5921 m 0.8400 0.5921 l s n 0.1500 0.6289 m 0.1600 0.6289 l s n 0.8500 0.6289 m 0.8400 0.6289 l s n 0.1500 0.6658 m 0.1600 0.6658 l s n 0.8500 0.6658 m 0.8400 0.6658 l s n 0.1500 0.7395 m 0.1600 0.7395 l s n 0.8500 0.7395 m 0.8400 0.7395 l s n 0.1500 0.7763 m 0.1600 0.7763 l s n 0.8500 0.7763 m 0.8400 0.7763 l s n 0.1500 0.8132 m 0.1600 0.8132 l s n 0.8500 0.8132 m 0.8400 0.8132 l s n 0.1500 0.8500 m 0.1600 0.8500 l s n 0.8500 0.8500 m 0.8400 0.8500 l s n 0.1500 0.1500 m 0.1700 0.1500 l s n 0.8500 0.1500 m 0.8300 0.1500 l s n 0.1500 0.3342 m 0.1700 0.3342 l s n 0.8500 0.3342 m 0.8300 0.3342 l s n 0.1500 0.5184 m 0.1700 0.5184 l s n 0.8500 0.5184 m 0.8300 0.5184 l s n 0.1500 0.7026 m 0.1700 0.7026 l s n 0.8500 0.7026 m 0.8300 0.7026 l s /Font0 FFSF 0.1067 0.1406 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (1.5) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.1267 0.3248 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (2) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.1067 0.5090 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (2.5) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.1278 0.6934 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (3) show GR /Font12 FFSF 0.0851 0.4092 m GS [0.0000 0.0280 -0.0280 0.0000 0 0] CC (D) show GR /Times-Italic findfont dup length dict begin {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall /Encoding DefEncoding def currentdict end /Font1 exch definefont pop /Font1 FFSF 0.0851 0.4265 m GS [0.0000 0.0280 -0.0280 0.0000 0 0] CC (m) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.0683 0.4469 m GS [0.0000 0.0198 -0.0198 0.0000 0 0] CC (2) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.0963 0.4469 m GS [0.0000 0.0198 -0.0198 0.0000 0 0] CC (31) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.0851 0.4665 m GS [0.0000 0.0280 -0.0280 0.0000 0 0] CC ( [10) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.0683 0.5178 m GS [0.0000 0.0198 -0.0198 0.0000 0 0] CC (-3) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.0851 0.5343 m GS [0.0000 0.0280 -0.0280 0.0000 0 0] CC ( eV) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.0683 0.5739 m GS [0.0000 0.0198 -0.0198 0.0000 0 0] CC (2) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.0851 0.5837 m GS [0.0000 0.0280 -0.0280 0.0000 0 0] CC (]) show GR n 0.1500 0.1500 m 0.1500 0.8500 l 0.8500 0.8500 l 0.8500 0.1500 l 0.1500 0.1500 l c s n 0.6000 0.8000 m 0.6000 0.6739 l 0.8066 0.6739 l 0.8066 0.8000 l c [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color0 SC fill [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color1 SC n 0.6000 0.8000 m 0.6000 0.6739 l 0.8066 0.6739 l 0.8066 0.8000 l 0.6000 0.8000 l c s /Font0 FFSF 0.6711 0.7712 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (T2K-I) show GR [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color4 SC [0.0113 0.0068 ] 0 SD 0.0023 SLW n 0.6111 0.7806 m 0.6511 0.7806 l s /Font0 FFSF [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color1 SC 0.6711 0.7424 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (T2HK) show GR [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color4 SC [] 0 SD 0.0023 SLW n 0.6111 0.7518 m 0.6511 0.7518 l s /Font0 FFSF [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color1 SC 0.6711 0.7135 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (SPL) show GR [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color15 SC n 0.6111 0.7227 m 0.6511 0.7227 l s /Font0 FFSF [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color1 SC 0.6711 0.6843 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (SPL+ATM) show GR [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color4 SC [0.0113 0.0068 ] 0 SD 0.0023 SLW n 0.6111 0.6935 m 0.6511 0.6935 l s n 0.6108 0.6994 m 0.6108 0.6814 l 0.6508 0.6814 l 0.6508 0.6994 l c GS Color0 SRGB fill GR [/Pattern /DeviceRGB] SCS Color15 Pattern14 SC fill [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color15 SC [] 0 SD 0.0015 SLW n 0.6108 0.6994 m 0.6108 0.6814 l 0.6508 0.6814 l 0.6508 0.6994 l 0.6108 0.6994 l c s [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color1 SC n 0.5042 0.4030 m 0.5637 0.3061 l s n 0.5128 0.3966 m 0.5042 0.4030 l 0.5060 0.3924 l 0.5094 0.3945 l c fill n 0.5128 0.3966 m 0.5042 0.4030 l 0.5060 0.3924 l 0.5094 0.3945 l 0.5128 0.3966 l c s n 0.2742 0.5609 m 0.3352 0.6413 l s n 0.2771 0.5713 m 0.2742 0.5609 l 0.2835 0.5665 l 0.2803 0.5689 l c fill n 0.2771 0.5713 m 0.2742 0.5609 l 0.2835 0.5665 l 0.2803 0.5689 l 0.2771 0.5713 l c s /Font0 FFSF 0.1676 0.8075 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (5 yrs ) show GR /Font12 FFSF 0.2299 0.8075 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (n) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.2445 0.8075 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (-data, 99% CL \(2 d.o.f.\)) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.1870 0.3546 m GS [0.0049 -0.0276 0.0276 0.0049 0 0] CC (SK) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.1933 0.3193 m GS [0.0072 -0.0270 0.0270 0.0072 0 0] CC ( +) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.1991 0.2973 m GS [0.0096 -0.0263 0.0263 0.0096 0 0] CC ( K2K) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.2203 0.2397 m GS [0.0140 -0.0242 0.0242 0.0140 0 0] CC ( allo) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.2446 0.1973 m GS [0.0152 -0.0235 0.0235 0.0152 0 0] CC (wed) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.5429 0.2839 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (test point 1) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.3116 0.6468 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (test point 2) show GR %%Trailer %%BoundingBox: 32 41 532 522 %%DocumentNeededResources: font Times-Roman %%+ font Times-Italic %%+ font Symbol %%EOF %%EndDocument @endspecial -60 2414 a Fw(Figure)55 b(8)p Fy(:)73 b Fi(Allo)n(w)n(ed)39 b(regions)g(of)h(\001)p Fh(m)1339 2384 y Fg(2)1339 2434 y(31)1449 2414 y Fi(and)g(sin)1725 2379 y Fg(2)1776 2414 y Fh(\022)1815 2426 y Fg(23)1926 2414 y Fi(at)g(99\045)f(CL)h(\(2)g(d.o.f.\))75 b(after)40 b(5)f(yrs)h(of)g(neutrino)g(data)-60 2534 y(taking)f(for)h(SPL,)g(T2K)f (phase)h(I,)g(T2HK,)f(and)h(the)h(com)n(bination)e(of)h(SPL)g(with)g(5) g(yrs)f(of)h(atmospheric)f(neutrino)-60 2655 y(data)30 b(in)h(the)g(MEMPHYS)f(detector.)45 b(F)-7 b(or)30 b(the)h(true)g (parameter)e(v)-5 b(alues)30 b(w)n(e)g(use)g(\001)p Fh(m)2748 2624 y Fg(2)2748 2675 y(31)2847 2655 y Fi(=)d(2)p Fh(:)p Fi(2)14 b(\(2)p Fh(:)p Fi(6\))19 b Fc(\002)h Fi(10)3419 2624 y Fd(\000)p Fg(3)3538 2655 y Fi(eV)3638 2618 y Fg(2)3706 2655 y Fi(and)-60 2775 y(sin)42 2740 y Fg(2)93 2775 y Fh(\022)132 2787 y Fg(23)227 2775 y Fi(=)25 b(0)p Fh(:)p Fi(5)14 b(\(0)p Fh(:)p Fi(37\))27 b(for)h(the)i(test)f(p)r(oin)n(t)g(1) f(\(2\),)h(and)g Fh(\022)1762 2787 y Fg(13)1858 2775 y Fi(=)24 b(0)29 b(and)f(the)h(solar)f(parameters)f(as)h(giv)n(en)g(in) h(Eq.)f(\(1\).)41 b(The)-60 2895 y(shaded)27 b(region)f(corresp)r(onds) g(to)i(the)g(99\045)f(CL)g(region)f(from)i(presen)n(t)f(SK)g(and)g(K2K) g(data)g([11].)-60 3182 y Fy(and)33 b(for)f(the)h(example)i(of)d(the)h (test)h(p)s(oin)m(t)f(2)f(sub-p)s(ercen)m(t)j(accuracies)f(are)f (obtained)g(at)g(3)p Fo(\033)t Fy(.)44 b(The)34 b(dis-)-60 3302 y(adv)-5 b(an)m(tage)32 b(of)f(SPL)h(with)h(resp)s(ect)g(to)e (T2HK)h(is)g(the)h(limited)f(sp)s(ectral)h(information.)43 b(Because)33 b(of)f(the)-60 3422 y(lo)m(w)m(er)k(b)s(eam)e(energy)i(n)m (uclear)g(F)-8 b(ermi)34 b(motion)h(is)g(a)f(sev)m(ere)j(limitation)d (for)g(energy)i(reconstruction)g(in)-60 3543 y(SPL,)28 b(whereas)g(in)f(T2K)g(the)h(somewhat)g(higher)g(energy)g(allo)m(ws)g (an)e(e\016cien)m(t)j(use)f(of)f(sp)s(ectral)h(informa-)-60 3663 y(tion)33 b(of)f(quasi-elastic)j(ev)m(en)m(ts.)47 b(Indeed,)34 b(due)g(to)f(the)g(large)g(n)m(um)m(b)s(er)h(of)f(ev)m(en) m(ts)i(in)e(the)h(disapp)s(earance)-60 3784 y(c)m(hannel)39 b(\(cf.)e(T)-8 b(ab.)37 b(2\))g(the)h(measuremen)m(t)i(is)d(completely) i(dominated)f(b)m(y)h(the)e(sp)s(ectrum,)j(and)d(ev)m(en)-60 3904 y(increasing)h(the)f(normalization)h(uncertain)m(t)m(y)h(up)e(to)f (100\045)h(has)g(v)m(ery)i(little)e(impact)g(on)g(the)h(allo)m(w)m(ed) -60 4024 y(regions.)55 b(The)37 b(e\013ect)g(of)f(sp)s(ectral)h (information)f(on)g(the)h(disapp)s(earance)h(measuremen)m(t)g(is)f (discussed)-60 4145 y(in)c(some)g(detail)g(in)g(Ref.)g([59].)86 4307 y(F)-8 b(or)36 b(the)g(test)h(p)s(oin)m(t)f(1,)h(with)f(maximal)h (mixing)g(for)f Fo(\022)2152 4322 y Fq(23)2227 4307 y Fy(,)h(rather)f(p)s(o)s(or)f(accuracies)j(of)e Fn(\030)e Fy(20\045)h(for)-60 4427 y(T2K-I)45 b(and)g(SPL,)h(and)g(6\045)f(for)g (T2HK)g(are)h(obtained)f(for)g(sin)2428 4387 y Fq(2)2484 4427 y Fo(\022)2529 4442 y Fq(23)2604 4427 y Fy(.)82 b(The)46 b(reason)g(is)g(that)f(in)h(the)-60 4547 y(disapp)s(earance)36 b(c)m(hannel)h(sin)1051 4508 y Fq(2)1107 4547 y Fy(2)p Fo(\022)1201 4562 y Fq(23)1311 4547 y Fy(is)f(measured)g(with)g(high)f (precision,)i(whic)m(h)f(translates)g(to)f(rather)-60 4668 y(large)k(errors)g(for)f(sin)743 4628 y Fq(2)799 4668 y Fo(\022)844 4683 y Fq(23)958 4668 y Fy(if)h Fo(\022)1099 4683 y Fq(23)1213 4668 y Fy(=)f Fo(\031)t(=)p Fy(4)g([58].)62 b(F)-8 b(or)39 b(the)g(same)h(reason)f(it)g(is)g(di\016cult)h(to)f (resolv)m(e)i(the)-60 4788 y(o)s(ctan)m(t)f(degeneracy)-8 b(,)45 b(and)40 b(for)g(the)h(test)g(p)s(oin)m(t)g(2,)h(with)f(a)f (non-maximal)h(v)-5 b(alue)41 b(of)f(sin)3305 4748 y Fq(2)3361 4788 y Fo(\022)3406 4803 y Fq(23)3522 4788 y Fy(=)h(0)p Fo(:)p Fy(37,)-60 4909 y(for)33 b(all)h(three)h(LBL)e(exp) s(erimen)m(ts)k(the)d(degenerate)h(solution)f(is)h(presen)m(t)g(around) f(sin)3169 4869 y Fq(2)3225 4909 y Fo(\022)3270 4924 y Fq(23)3375 4909 y Fy(=)c(0)p Fo(:)p Fy(63.)46 b(As)-60 5029 y(p)s(oin)m(ted)c(out)g(in)g(Refs.)g([60,)18 b(61])41 b(atmospheric)i(neutrino)f(data)g(ma)m(y)g(allo)m(w)g(to)g(distinguish) h(b)s(et)m(w)m(een)-60 5149 y(the)34 b(t)m(w)m(o)f(o)s(ctan)m(ts)h(of)e Fo(\022)792 5164 y Fq(23)868 5149 y Fy(.)45 b(If)33 b(5)f(y)m(ears)j (of)d(atmospheric)j(neutrino)e(data)g(in)g(MEMPHYS)i(are)f(added)f(to) -60 5270 y(the)f(SPL)g(data,)g(the)g(degenerate)h(solution)g(for)e(the) h(test)g(p)s(oin)m(t)g(2)g(can)g(b)s(e)g(excluded)i(at)d(more)h(than)g (5)p Fo(\033)-60 5390 y Fy(and)e(hence)h(the)f(o)s(ctan)m(t)g (degeneracy)h(is)g(resolv)m(ed)g(in)f(this)h(example,)g(see)g(Sec.)g (6.2)e(for)g(a)h(more)g(detailed)-60 5510 y(discussion.)1841 6036 y(14)p eop end %%Page: 15 15 TeXDict begin 15 14 bop 135 1995 a @beginspecial 26 @llx 169 @lly 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0.4233 l 0.4776 0.4217 l 0.4815 0.4205 l 0.4854 0.4197 l 0.4893 0.4192 l 0.4932 0.4191 l 0.4971 0.4193 l 0.5010 0.4197 l 0.5049 0.4205 l 0.5088 0.4215 l 0.5127 0.4228 l 0.5166 0.4242 l 0.5205 0.4258 l 0.5244 0.4277 l 0.5283 0.4296 l 0.5322 0.4317 l 0.5361 0.4339 l 0.5400 0.4362 l 0.5439 0.4386 l 0.5478 0.4411 l 0.5518 0.4434 l 0.5557 0.4458 l 0.5596 0.4482 l 0.5635 0.4505 l 0.5674 0.4527 l 0.5713 0.4548 l 0.5752 0.4568 l 0.5791 0.4587 l 0.5830 0.4605 l 0.5869 0.4622 l 0.5908 0.4637 l 0.5947 0.4651 l 0.5986 0.4663 l 0.6025 0.4674 l 0.6064 0.4682 l 0.6103 0.4690 l 0.6142 0.4697 l 0.6181 0.4702 l 0.6220 0.4705 l 0.6259 0.4707 l 0.6298 0.4708 l 0.6298 0.4726 l 0.6259 0.4726 l 0.6220 0.4724 l 0.6181 0.4722 l 0.6142 0.4717 l 0.6103 0.4712 l 0.6064 0.4706 l 0.6025 0.4698 l 0.5986 0.4690 l 0.5947 0.4680 l 0.5908 0.4668 l 0.5869 0.4655 l 0.5830 0.4642 l 0.5791 0.4626 l 0.5752 0.4610 l 0.5713 0.4592 l 0.5674 0.4573 l 0.5635 0.4554 l 0.5596 0.4534 l 0.5557 0.4513 l 0.5518 0.4492 l 0.5478 0.4470 l 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0.4291 l 0.2982 0.4281 l 0.2943 0.4275 l 0.2904 0.4271 l 0.2865 0.4271 l 0.2826 0.4274 l 0.2787 0.4279 l 0.2748 0.4287 l 0.2709 0.4297 l 0.2670 0.4308 l 0.2631 0.4322 l 0.2592 0.4338 l 0.2553 0.4355 l 0.2514 0.4373 l 0.2475 0.4393 l 0.2436 0.4412 l 0.2397 0.4433 l 0.2358 0.4454 l 0.2319 0.4474 l 0.2280 0.4494 l 0.2241 0.4515 l 0.2202 0.4534 l 0.2163 0.4553 l 0.2124 0.4572 l 0.2085 0.4590 l 0.2046 0.4607 l 0.2007 0.4623 l 0.1968 0.4637 l 0.1929 0.4651 l 0.1890 0.4664 l 0.1851 0.4675 l 0.1812 0.4685 l 0.1773 0.4695 l 0.1734 0.4703 l 0.1695 0.4710 l 0.1656 0.4715 l 0.1617 0.4719 l 0.1578 0.4723 l 0.1539 0.4725 l 0.1500 0.4726 l s [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color1 SC [] 0 SD 0.0015 SLW n 0.1500 0.3500 m 0.6298 0.3500 l s n 0.1500 0.8000 m 0.6298 0.8000 l s [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color7 SC n 0.1740 0.3500 m 0.1740 0.3600 l s n 0.1740 0.8000 m 0.1740 0.7900 l s n 0.1980 0.3500 m 0.1980 0.3600 l s n 0.1980 0.8000 m 0.1980 0.7900 l s n 0.2220 0.3500 m 0.2220 0.3600 l s n 0.2220 0.8000 m 0.2220 0.7900 l s n 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0.5179 l 1.0787 0.5079 l 1.0748 0.5017 l 1.0709 0.4941 l 1.0670 0.4903 l 1.0631 0.4831 l 1.0592 0.4805 l 1.0553 0.4736 l 1.0514 0.4726 l 1.0475 0.4726 l 1.0436 0.4725 l 1.0397 0.4724 l 1.0358 0.4723 l 1.0319 0.4722 l 1.0280 0.4720 l 1.0241 0.4719 l 1.0202 0.4717 l 1.0163 0.4715 l 1.0124 0.4712 l 1.0085 0.4710 l 1.0046 0.4706 l 1.0007 0.4703 l 0.9968 0.4698 l 0.9929 0.4695 l 0.9890 0.4690 l 0.9851 0.4685 l 0.9812 0.4680 l 0.9773 0.4675 l 0.9734 0.4668 l 0.9695 0.4664 l 0.9656 0.4655 l 0.9617 0.4655 l 0.9578 0.4651 l 0.9539 0.4646 l 0.9500 0.4642 l 0.9461 0.4637 l 0.9422 0.4626 l 0.9383 0.4623 l 0.9344 0.4610 l 0.9305 0.4607 l 0.9266 0.4592 l 0.9227 0.4590 l 0.9188 0.4587 l 0.9149 0.4582 l 0.9110 0.4573 l 0.9071 0.4572 l 0.9032 0.4554 l 0.8993 0.4553 l 0.8954 0.4534 l 0.8915 0.4534 l 0.8876 0.4527 l 0.8837 0.4527 l 0.8798 0.4515 l 0.8759 0.4513 l 0.8720 0.4494 l 0.8681 0.4492 l 0.8642 0.4479 l 0.8603 0.4475 l 0.8564 0.4474 l 0.8525 0.4470 l 0.8486 0.4454 l 0.8447 0.4447 l 0.8408 0.4437 l 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0.6923 l 1.1099 0.6917 l 1.1060 0.6767 l 1.1021 0.6754 l 1.0982 0.5872 l 1.0943 0.5745 l 1.0904 0.5410 l 1.0865 0.5263 l 1.0826 0.5179 l 1.0787 0.5079 l 1.0748 0.5017 l 1.0709 0.4941 l 1.0670 0.4903 l 1.0631 0.4831 l 1.0592 0.4805 l 1.0553 0.4736 l 1.0514 0.4726 l 1.0475 0.4726 l 1.0436 0.4725 l 1.0397 0.4724 l 1.0358 0.4723 l 1.0319 0.4722 l 1.0280 0.4720 l 1.0241 0.4719 l 1.0202 0.4717 l 1.0163 0.4715 l 1.0124 0.4712 l 1.0085 0.4710 l 1.0046 0.4706 l 1.0007 0.4703 l 0.9968 0.4698 l 0.9929 0.4695 l 0.9890 0.4690 l 0.9851 0.4685 l 0.9812 0.4680 l 0.9773 0.4675 l 0.9734 0.4668 l 0.9695 0.4664 l 0.9656 0.4655 l 0.9617 0.4655 l 0.9578 0.4651 l 0.9539 0.4646 l 0.9500 0.4642 l 0.9461 0.4637 l 0.9422 0.4626 l 0.9383 0.4623 l 0.9344 0.4610 l 0.9305 0.4607 l 0.9266 0.4592 l 0.9227 0.4590 l 0.9188 0.4587 l 0.9149 0.4582 l 0.9110 0.4573 l 0.9071 0.4572 l 0.9032 0.4554 l 0.8993 0.4553 l 0.8954 0.4534 l 0.8915 0.4534 l 0.8876 0.4527 l 0.8837 0.4527 l 0.8798 0.4515 l 0.8759 0.4513 l 0.8720 0.4494 l 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Color7 SC n 0.6873 0.3500 m 0.6873 0.3600 l s n 0.6873 0.8000 m 0.6873 0.7900 l s n 0.7113 0.3500 m 0.7113 0.3600 l s n 0.7113 0.8000 m 0.7113 0.7900 l s n 0.7353 0.3500 m 0.7353 0.3600 l s n 0.7353 0.8000 m 0.7353 0.7900 l s n 0.7593 0.3500 m 0.7593 0.3600 l s n 0.7593 0.8000 m 0.7593 0.7900 l s n 0.8073 0.3500 m 0.8073 0.3600 l s n 0.8073 0.8000 m 0.8073 0.7900 l s n 0.8313 0.3500 m 0.8313 0.3600 l s n 0.8313 0.8000 m 0.8313 0.7900 l s n 0.8552 0.3500 m 0.8552 0.3600 l s n 0.8552 0.8000 m 0.8552 0.7900 l s n 0.8792 0.3500 m 0.8792 0.3600 l s n 0.8792 0.8000 m 0.8792 0.7900 l s n 0.9272 0.3500 m 0.9272 0.3600 l s n 0.9272 0.8000 m 0.9272 0.7900 l s n 0.9512 0.3500 m 0.9512 0.3600 l s n 0.9512 0.8000 m 0.9512 0.7900 l s n 0.9752 0.3500 m 0.9752 0.3600 l s n 0.9752 0.8000 m 0.9752 0.7900 l s n 0.9992 0.3500 m 0.9992 0.3600 l s n 0.9992 0.8000 m 0.9992 0.7900 l s n 1.0472 0.3500 m 1.0472 0.3600 l s n 1.0472 0.8000 m 1.0472 0.7900 l s n 1.0711 0.3500 m 1.0711 0.3600 l s n 1.0711 0.8000 m 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0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (fraction of true ) show GR /Font12 FFSF 0.9328 0.2896 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (d) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.9466 0.2784 m GS [0.0198 0.0000 0.0000 0.0198 0 0] CC (CP) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.9709 0.2896 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC ( values) show GR n 0.6633 0.3500 m 0.6633 0.8000 l s n 1.1431 0.3500 m 1.1431 0.8000 l s [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color7 SC n 0.6633 0.4177 m 0.6733 0.4177 l s n 1.1431 0.4177 m 1.1331 0.4177 l s n 0.6633 0.4574 m 0.6733 0.4574 l s n 1.1431 0.4574 m 1.1331 0.4574 l s n 0.6633 0.4855 m 0.6733 0.4855 l s n 1.1431 0.4855 m 1.1331 0.4855 l s n 0.6633 0.5073 m 0.6733 0.5073 l s n 1.1431 0.5073 m 1.1331 0.5073 l s n 0.6633 0.5251 m 0.6733 0.5251 l s n 1.1431 0.5251 m 1.1331 0.5251 l s n 0.6633 0.5401 m 0.6733 0.5401 l s n 1.1431 0.5401 m 1.1331 0.5401 l s n 0.6633 0.5532 m 0.6733 0.5532 l s n 1.1431 0.5532 m 1.1331 0.5532 l s n 0.6633 0.5647 m 0.6733 0.5647 l s n 1.1431 0.5647 m 1.1331 0.5647 l s n 0.6633 0.5750 m 0.6733 0.5750 l s n 1.1431 0.5750 m 1.1331 0.5750 l s n 0.6633 0.6427 m 0.6733 0.6427 l s n 1.1431 0.6427 m 1.1331 0.6427 l s n 0.6633 0.6824 m 0.6733 0.6824 l s n 1.1431 0.6824 m 1.1331 0.6824 l s n 0.6633 0.7105 m 0.6733 0.7105 l s n 1.1431 0.7105 m 1.1331 0.7105 l s n 0.6633 0.7323 m 0.6733 0.7323 l s n 1.1431 0.7323 m 1.1331 0.7323 l s n 0.6633 0.7501 m 0.6733 0.7501 l s n 1.1431 0.7501 m 1.1331 0.7501 l s n 0.6633 0.7651 m 0.6733 0.7651 l s n 1.1431 0.7651 m 1.1331 0.7651 l s n 0.6633 0.7782 m 0.6733 0.7782 l s n 1.1431 0.7782 m 1.1331 0.7782 l s n 0.6633 0.7897 m 0.6733 0.7897 l s n 1.1431 0.7897 m 1.1331 0.7897 l s n 0.6633 0.8000 m 0.6733 0.8000 l s n 1.1431 0.8000 m 1.1331 0.8000 l s n 0.6633 0.3500 m 0.6833 0.3500 l s n 1.1431 0.3500 m 1.1231 0.3500 l s n 0.6633 0.5750 m 0.6833 0.5750 l s n 1.1431 0.5750 m 1.1231 0.5750 l s n 0.6633 0.8000 m 0.6833 0.8000 l s n 1.1431 0.8000 m 1.1231 0.8000 l s [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color1 SC n 0.6633 0.3500 m 1.1431 0.3500 l s n 0.6633 0.8000 m 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Fy(of)f(the)h(\014t)g(to)g(these)g(data)g(with)g Fo(\022)1900 3825 y Fq(13)2003 3810 y Fy(=)28 b(0)k(is)h(larger)g(than) g(9)f(the)h(corresp)s(onding)h(true)-60 3930 y(v)-5 b(alue)30 b(of)f Fo(\022)342 3945 y Fq(13)446 3930 y Fy(\\is)h(disco)m(v)m(ered)i (at)d(3)p Fo(\033)t Fy(".)42 b(In)29 b(other)h(w)m(ords,)h(the)f(3)p Fo(\033)j Fy(disco)m(v)m(ery)f(limit)d(as)h(a)f(function)h(of)f(the)-60 4051 y(true)38 b Fo(\016)194 4066 y Fq(CP)335 4051 y Fy(is)h(giv)m(en)g(b)m(y)g(the)f(true)g(v)-5 b(alue)38 b(of)g(sin)1718 4011 y Fq(2)1774 4051 y Fy(2)p Fo(\022)1868 4066 y Fq(13)1980 4051 y Fy(for)g(whic)m(h)h(\001)p Fo(\037)2561 4014 y Fq(2)2601 4051 y Fy(\()p Fo(\022)2684 4066 y Fq(13)2796 4051 y Fy(=)d(0\))h(=)f(9.)59 b(In)39 b(the)f(\014tting)-60 4171 y(pro)s(cess)c(w)m(e)g(minimize)h(the)e(\001)p Fo(\037)1152 4135 y Fq(2)1224 4171 y Fy(with)h(resp)s(ect)g(to)f Fo(\022)1946 4186 y Fq(12)2021 4171 y Fy(,)g Fo(\022)2126 4186 y Fq(23)2201 4171 y Fy(,)g(\001)p Fo(m)2427 4135 y Fq(2)2427 4196 y(12)2502 4171 y Fy(,)g(and)g(\001)p Fo(m)2918 4135 y Fq(2)2918 4196 y(31)2993 4171 y Fy(,)g(and)g(in)g(general)h(one)-60 4291 y(has)f(to)f(test)h(also)g(for)f(degenerate)i(solutions)f(in)g (sign\(\001)p Fo(m)2149 4255 y Fq(2)2149 4316 y(31)2225 4291 y Fy(\))f(and)h(the)g(o)s(ctan)m(t)g(of)f Fo(\022)3113 4306 y Fq(23)3188 4291 y Fy(.)86 4453 y(The)41 b(disco)m(v)m(ery)i (limits)e(are)f(sho)m(wn)i(for)d Fo(\014)6 b Fy(B,)40 b(SPL,)g(and)h(T2HK)f(in)g(Fig.)g(9.)65 b(One)41 b(observ)m(es)h(that) -60 4574 y(SPL)52 b(and)g(T2HK)f(are)h(rather)g(similar)g(in)g(p)s (erformance,)57 b(whereas)c(the)f Fo(\014)6 b Fy(B)51 b(with)h(our)g(standard)-60 4694 y(\015uxes)c(p)s(erforms)e (signi\014can)m(tly)i(b)s(etter.)85 b(F)-8 b(or)45 b(all)h(three)h (facilities)g(a)f(guaran)m(teed)g(disco)m(v)m(ery)j(reac)m(h)-60 4814 y(of)44 b(sin)183 4775 y Fq(2)239 4814 y Fy(2)p Fo(\022)333 4829 y Fq(13)457 4814 y Fn(')k Fy(5)31 b Fn(\002)g Fy(10)868 4778 y Fm(\000)p Fq(3)1006 4814 y Fy(is)45 b(obtained,)k(irresp)s(ectiv)m(e)e(of)d(the)i(actual)f(v)-5 b(alue)45 b(of)f Fo(\016)3129 4829 y Fq(CP)3232 4814 y Fy(,)k(ho)m(w)m(ev)m(er,)i(for)-60 4935 y(certain)32 b(v)-5 b(alues)33 b(of)e Fo(\016)707 4950 y Fq(CP)842 4935 y Fy(the)h(sensitivit)m(y)i(is)e(signi\014can)m(tly)i(impro)m(v)m (ed.)45 b(F)-8 b(or)31 b(SPL)h(and)g(T2HK)f(disco)m(v)m(ery)-60 5055 y(limits)36 b(around)g(sin)667 5015 y Fq(2)724 5055 y Fy(2)p Fo(\022)818 5070 y Fq(13)925 5055 y Fn(')d Fy(10)1133 5019 y Fm(\000)p Fq(3)1262 5055 y Fy(are)i(p)s(ossible)i(for)e(a)g (large)g(fraction)h(of)e(all)i(p)s(ossible)g(v)-5 b(alues)37 b(of)e Fo(\016)3710 5070 y Fq(CP)3813 5055 y Fy(,)-60 5176 y(whereas)i(for)e(our)h(standard)g Fo(\014)6 b Fy(B)35 b(a)g(sensitivit)m(y)k(b)s(elo)m(w)d(sin)2167 5136 y Fq(2)2223 5176 y Fy(2)p Fo(\022)2317 5191 y Fq(13)2425 5176 y Fy(=)d(4)24 b Fn(\002)g Fy(10)2806 5139 y Fm(\000)p Fq(4)2936 5176 y Fy(is)36 b(reac)m(hed)h(for)e(80\045)g(of)-60 5296 y(all)e(p)s(ossible)i(v)-5 b(alues)34 b(of)f Fo(\016)890 5311 y Fq(CP)993 5296 y Fy(.)46 b(If)33 b(10)g(y)m(ears)i(of)e(data)g (from)g Fo(\014)6 b Fy(B)33 b(and)g(SPL)h(are)f(com)m(bined)i(the)f (disco)m(v)m(ery)-60 5416 y(limit)j(is)f(dominated)h(b)m(y)g(the)g Fo(\014)6 b Fy(B.)36 b(Let)g(us)h(stress)h(that)e(the)g Fo(\014)6 b Fy(B)36 b(p)s(erformance)h(dep)s(ends)h(crucially)f(on)-60 5537 y(the)c(neutrino)f(\015ux)h(in)m(tensit)m(y)-8 b(,)35 b(as)d(can)h(b)s(e)f(seen)i(from)e(the)g(dashed)h(curv)m(es)i(in)d (Fig.)g(9,)g(whic)m(h)i(has)e(b)s(een)-60 5657 y(obtained)40 b(b)m(y)h(reducing)g(the)f(n)m(um)m(b)s(er)h(of)f(ion)g(deca)m(ys/yr)i (b)m(y)e(a)g(factor)f(of)h(t)m(w)m(o)g(with)h(resp)s(ect)g(to)e(our)-60 5777 y(standard)34 b(v)-5 b(alues)35 b(giv)m(en)f(in)g(T)-8 b(ab.)34 b(1.)47 b(In)33 b(this)i(case)f(the)g(sensitivit)m(y)j (decreases)f(signi\014can)m(tly)-8 b(,)35 b(but)f(still)1841 6036 y(15)p eop end %%Page: 16 16 TeXDict begin 16 15 bop 135 1995 a @beginspecial 26 @llx 169 @lly 704 @urx 526 @ury 4212 @rwi @setspecial 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0.1600 0.4177 l s n 0.6298 0.4177 m 0.6198 0.4177 l s n 0.1500 0.4574 m 0.1600 0.4574 l s n 0.6298 0.4574 m 0.6198 0.4574 l s n 0.1500 0.4855 m 0.1600 0.4855 l s n 0.6298 0.4855 m 0.6198 0.4855 l s n 0.1500 0.5073 m 0.1600 0.5073 l s n 0.6298 0.5073 m 0.6198 0.5073 l s n 0.1500 0.5251 m 0.1600 0.5251 l s n 0.6298 0.5251 m 0.6198 0.5251 l s n 0.1500 0.5401 m 0.1600 0.5401 l s n 0.6298 0.5401 m 0.6198 0.5401 l s n 0.1500 0.5532 m 0.1600 0.5532 l s n 0.6298 0.5532 m 0.6198 0.5532 l s n 0.1500 0.5647 m 0.1600 0.5647 l s n 0.6298 0.5647 m 0.6198 0.5647 l s n 0.1500 0.5750 m 0.1600 0.5750 l s n 0.6298 0.5750 m 0.6198 0.5750 l s n 0.1500 0.6427 m 0.1600 0.6427 l s n 0.6298 0.6427 m 0.6198 0.6427 l s n 0.1500 0.6824 m 0.1600 0.6824 l s n 0.6298 0.6824 m 0.6198 0.6824 l s n 0.1500 0.7105 m 0.1600 0.7105 l s n 0.6298 0.7105 m 0.6198 0.7105 l s n 0.1500 0.7323 m 0.1600 0.7323 l s n 0.6298 0.7323 m 0.6198 0.7323 l s n 0.1500 0.7501 m 0.1600 0.7501 l s n 0.6298 0.7501 m 0.6198 0.7501 l s n 0.1500 0.7651 m 0.1600 0.7651 l s n 0.6298 0.7651 m 0.6198 0.7651 l s n 0.1500 0.7782 m 0.1600 0.7782 l s n 0.6298 0.7782 m 0.6198 0.7782 l s n 0.1500 0.7897 m 0.1600 0.7897 l s n 0.6298 0.7897 m 0.6198 0.7897 l s n 0.1500 0.8000 m 0.1600 0.8000 l s n 0.6298 0.8000 m 0.6198 0.8000 l s n 0.1500 0.3500 m 0.1700 0.3500 l s n 0.6298 0.3500 m 0.6098 0.3500 l s n 0.1500 0.5750 m 0.1700 0.5750 l s n 0.6298 0.5750 m 0.6098 0.5750 l s n 0.1500 0.8000 m 0.1700 0.8000 l s n 0.6298 0.8000 m 0.6098 0.8000 l s /Font0 FFSF [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color1 SC 0.0961 0.3351 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (10) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.1239 0.3519 m GS [0.0198 0.0000 0.0000 0.0198 0 0] CC (-4) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.0969 0.5601 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (10) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.1247 0.5769 m GS [0.0198 0.0000 0.0000 0.0198 0 0] CC (-3) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.0961 0.7851 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (10) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.1239 0.8019 m GS [0.0198 0.0000 0.0000 0.0198 0 0] CC (-2) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.0745 0.5303 m GS [0.0000 0.0280 -0.0280 0.0000 0 0] CC (sin) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.0577 0.5628 m GS [0.0000 0.0198 -0.0198 0.0000 0 0] CC (2) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.0745 0.5726 m GS [0.0000 0.0280 -0.0280 0.0000 0 0] CC (2) show GR /Font12 FFSF 0.0745 0.5868 m GS [0.0000 0.0280 -0.0280 0.0000 0 0] CC (q) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.0857 0.6013 m GS [0.0000 0.0198 -0.0198 0.0000 0 0] CC (13) show GR n 0.1500 0.3500 m 0.6298 0.3500 l s n 0.1500 0.8000 m 0.6298 0.8000 l s n 0.1740 0.3500 m 0.1740 0.3600 l s n 0.1740 0.8000 m 0.1740 0.7900 l s n 0.1980 0.3500 m 0.1980 0.3600 l s n 0.1980 0.8000 m 0.1980 0.7900 l s n 0.2220 0.3500 m 0.2220 0.3600 l s n 0.2220 0.8000 m 0.2220 0.7900 l s n 0.2460 0.3500 m 0.2460 0.3600 l s n 0.2460 0.8000 m 0.2460 0.7900 l s n 0.2939 0.3500 m 0.2939 0.3600 l s n 0.2939 0.8000 m 0.2939 0.7900 l s n 0.3179 0.3500 m 0.3179 0.3600 l s n 0.3179 0.8000 m 0.3179 0.7900 l s n 0.3419 0.3500 m 0.3419 0.3600 l s n 0.3419 0.8000 m 0.3419 0.7900 l s n 0.3659 0.3500 m 0.3659 0.3600 l s n 0.3659 0.8000 m 0.3659 0.7900 l s n 0.4139 0.3500 m 0.4139 0.3600 l s n 0.4139 0.8000 m 0.4139 0.7900 l s n 0.4379 0.3500 m 0.4379 0.3600 l s n 0.4379 0.8000 m 0.4379 0.7900 l s n 0.4618 0.3500 m 0.4618 0.3600 l s n 0.4618 0.8000 m 0.4618 0.7900 l s n 0.4858 0.3500 m 0.4858 0.3600 l s n 0.4858 0.8000 m 0.4858 0.7900 l s n 0.5338 0.3500 m 0.5338 0.3600 l s n 0.5338 0.8000 m 0.5338 0.7900 l s n 0.5578 0.3500 m 0.5578 0.3600 l s n 0.5578 0.8000 m 0.5578 0.7900 l s n 0.5818 0.3500 m 0.5818 0.3600 l s n 0.5818 0.8000 m 0.5818 0.7900 l s n 0.6058 0.3500 m 0.6058 0.3600 l s n 0.6058 0.8000 m 0.6058 0.7900 l s n 0.1500 0.3500 m 0.1500 0.3700 l s n 0.1500 0.8000 m 0.1500 0.7800 l s n 0.2699 0.3500 m 0.2699 0.3700 l s n 0.2699 0.8000 m 0.2699 0.7800 l s n 0.3899 0.3500 m 0.3899 0.3700 l s n 0.3899 0.8000 m 0.3899 0.7800 l s n 0.5098 0.3500 m 0.5098 0.3700 l s n 0.5098 0.8000 m 0.5098 0.7800 l s n 0.6298 0.3500 m 0.6298 0.3700 l s n 0.6298 0.8000 m 0.6298 0.7800 l s n 0.1500 0.3500 m 0.1500 0.8000 l s n 0.6298 0.3500 m 0.6298 0.8000 l s n 0.1500 0.4177 m 0.1600 0.4177 l s n 0.6298 0.4177 m 0.6198 0.4177 l s n 0.1500 0.4574 m 0.1600 0.4574 l s n 0.6298 0.4574 m 0.6198 0.4574 l s n 0.1500 0.4855 m 0.1600 0.4855 l s n 0.6298 0.4855 m 0.6198 0.4855 l s n 0.1500 0.5073 m 0.1600 0.5073 l s n 0.6298 0.5073 m 0.6198 0.5073 l s n 0.1500 0.5251 m 0.1600 0.5251 l s n 0.6298 0.5251 m 0.6198 0.5251 l s n 0.1500 0.5401 m 0.1600 0.5401 l s n 0.6298 0.5401 m 0.6198 0.5401 l s n 0.1500 0.5532 m 0.1600 0.5532 l s n 0.6298 0.5532 m 0.6198 0.5532 l s n 0.1500 0.5647 m 0.1600 0.5647 l s n 0.6298 0.5647 m 0.6198 0.5647 l s n 0.1500 0.5750 m 0.1600 0.5750 l s n 0.6298 0.5750 m 0.6198 0.5750 l s n 0.1500 0.6427 m 0.1600 0.6427 l s n 0.6298 0.6427 m 0.6198 0.6427 l s n 0.1500 0.6824 m 0.1600 0.6824 l s n 0.6298 0.6824 m 0.6198 0.6824 l s n 0.1500 0.7105 m 0.1600 0.7105 l s n 0.6298 0.7105 m 0.6198 0.7105 l s n 0.1500 0.7323 m 0.1600 0.7323 l s n 0.6298 0.7323 m 0.6198 0.7323 l s n 0.1500 0.7501 m 0.1600 0.7501 l s n 0.6298 0.7501 m 0.6198 0.7501 l s n 0.1500 0.7651 m 0.1600 0.7651 l s n 0.6298 0.7651 m 0.6198 0.7651 l s n 0.1500 0.7782 m 0.1600 0.7782 l s n 0.6298 0.7782 m 0.6198 0.7782 l s n 0.1500 0.7897 m 0.1600 0.7897 l s n 0.6298 0.7897 m 0.6198 0.7897 l s n 0.1500 0.8000 m 0.1600 0.8000 l s n 0.6298 0.8000 m 0.6198 0.8000 l s n 0.1500 0.3500 m 0.1700 0.3500 l s n 0.6298 0.3500 m 0.6098 0.3500 l s n 0.1500 0.5750 m 0.1700 0.5750 l s n 0.6298 0.5750 m 0.6098 0.5750 l s n 0.1500 0.8000 m 0.1700 0.8000 l s n 0.6298 0.8000 m 0.6098 0.8000 l s n 0.1500 0.3500 m 0.1500 0.8000 l 0.6298 0.8000 l 0.6298 0.3500 l 0.1500 0.3500 l c s [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color7 SC n 0.6633 0.3500 m 0.6633 0.8000 l s n 0.7833 0.3500 m 0.7833 0.8000 l s n 0.9032 0.3500 m 0.9032 0.8000 l s n 1.0232 0.3500 m 1.0232 0.8000 l s n 1.1431 0.3500 m 1.1431 0.8000 l s n 0.6633 0.4177 m 1.1431 0.4177 l s n 0.6633 0.4574 m 1.1431 0.4574 l s n 0.6633 0.4855 m 1.1431 0.4855 l s n 0.6633 0.5073 m 1.1431 0.5073 l s n 0.6633 0.5251 m 1.1431 0.5251 l s n 0.6633 0.5401 m 1.1431 0.5401 l s n 0.6633 0.5532 m 1.1431 0.5532 l s n 0.6633 0.5647 m 1.1431 0.5647 l s n 0.6633 0.5750 m 1.1431 0.5750 l s n 0.6633 0.6427 m 1.1431 0.6427 l s n 0.6633 0.6824 m 1.1431 0.6824 l s n 0.6633 0.7105 m 1.1431 0.7105 l s n 0.6633 0.7323 m 1.1431 0.7323 l s n 0.6633 0.7501 m 1.1431 0.7501 l s n 0.6633 0.7651 m 1.1431 0.7651 l s n 0.6633 0.7782 m 1.1431 0.7782 l s n 0.6633 0.7897 m 1.1431 0.7897 l s n 0.6633 0.8000 m 1.1431 0.8000 l s n 0.6633 0.3500 m 1.1431 0.3500 l s n 0.6633 0.5750 m 1.1431 0.5750 l s n 0.6633 0.8000 m 1.1431 0.8000 l s [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color2 SC [] 0 SD 0.0030 SLW n 0.6633 0.5483 m 0.6655 0.5483 l 0.6698 0.5484 l 0.6741 0.5486 l 0.6785 0.5488 l 0.6828 0.5494 l 0.6871 0.5496 l 0.6914 0.5506 l 0.6958 0.5507 l 0.7001 0.5521 l 0.7044 0.5522 l 0.7087 0.5538 l 0.7130 0.5544 l 0.7174 0.5558 l 0.7217 0.5571 l 0.7260 0.5580 l 0.7303 0.5603 l 0.7347 0.5605 l 0.7390 0.5631 l 0.7433 0.5642 l 0.7476 0.5660 l 0.7519 0.5665 l 0.7563 0.5668 l 0.7606 0.5668 l 0.7649 0.5675 l 0.7692 0.5675 l 0.7736 0.5687 l 0.7779 0.5687 l 0.7822 0.5689 l 0.7865 0.5689 l 0.7908 0.5700 l 0.7952 0.5706 l 0.7995 0.5715 l 0.8038 0.5716 l 0.8081 0.5730 l 0.8125 0.5732 l 0.8168 0.5735 l 0.8211 0.5740 l 0.8254 0.5755 l 0.8297 0.5762 l 0.8341 0.5767 l 0.8384 0.5777 l 0.8427 0.5783 l 0.8470 0.5793 l 0.8514 0.5800 l 0.8557 0.5801 l 0.8600 0.5819 l 0.8643 0.5824 l 0.8686 0.5838 l 0.8730 0.5842 l 0.8773 0.5845 l 0.8816 0.5849 l 0.8859 0.5870 l 0.8903 0.5873 l 0.8946 0.5894 l 0.8989 0.5896 l 0.9032 0.5896 l 0.9075 0.5908 l 0.9119 0.5917 l 0.9162 0.5919 l 0.9205 0.5939 l 0.9248 0.5940 l 0.9292 0.5957 l 0.9335 0.5959 l 0.9378 0.5964 l 0.9421 0.5974 l 0.9464 0.5975 l 0.9508 0.5980 l 0.9551 0.5985 l 0.9594 0.5987 l 0.9637 0.5995 l 0.9681 0.5996 l 0.9724 0.6003 l 0.9767 0.6004 l 0.9810 0.6008 l 0.9853 0.6008 l 0.9897 0.6011 l 0.9940 0.6011 l 0.9983 0.6030 l 1.0026 0.6051 l 1.0070 0.6095 l 1.0113 0.6130 l 1.0156 0.6173 l 1.0199 0.6211 l 1.0242 0.6261 l 1.0286 0.6282 l 1.0329 0.6357 l 1.0372 0.6373 l 1.0415 0.6434 l 1.0459 0.6448 l 1.0502 0.6512 l 1.0545 0.6525 l 1.0588 0.6587 l 1.0631 0.6592 l 1.0675 0.6659 l 1.0718 0.6667 l 1.0761 0.6714 l 1.0804 0.6721 l 1.0848 0.6767 l 1.0891 0.6773 l 1.0934 0.6810 l 1.0977 0.6820 l 1.1020 0.6847 l 1.1064 0.6863 l 1.1107 0.6879 l 1.1150 0.6889 l 1.1193 0.6901 l 1.1237 0.6910 l 1.1280 0.6917 l 1.1323 0.6923 l 1.1366 0.6926 l 1.1409 0.6928 l 1.1431 0.6928 l s [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color15 SC [0.0210 0.0090 ] 0 SD 0.0030 SLW n 0.6633 0.5317 m 0.6655 0.5317 l 0.6698 0.5317 l 0.6741 0.5319 l 0.6785 0.5321 l 0.6828 0.5324 l 0.6871 0.5326 l 0.6914 0.5331 l 0.6958 0.5336 l 0.7001 0.5340 l 0.7044 0.5349 l 0.7087 0.5352 l 0.7130 0.5365 l 0.7174 0.5365 l 0.7217 0.5379 l 0.7260 0.5384 l 0.7303 0.5396 l 0.7347 0.5408 l 0.7390 0.5413 l 0.7433 0.5432 l 0.7476 0.5435 l 0.7519 0.5451 l 0.7563 0.5462 l 0.7606 0.5471 l 0.7649 0.5491 l 0.7692 0.5492 l 0.7736 0.5492 l 0.7779 0.5495 l 0.7822 0.5495 l 0.7865 0.5496 l 0.7908 0.5500 l 0.7952 0.5501 l 0.7995 0.5507 l 0.8038 0.5511 l 0.8081 0.5512 l 0.8125 0.5516 l 0.8168 0.5525 l 0.8211 0.5526 l 0.8254 0.5530 l 0.8297 0.5536 l 0.8341 0.5538 l 0.8384 0.5543 l 0.8427 0.5548 l 0.8470 0.5551 l 0.8514 0.5564 l 0.8557 0.5564 l 0.8600 0.5565 l 0.8643 0.5578 l 0.8686 0.5579 l 0.8730 0.5582 l 0.8773 0.5590 l 0.8816 0.5591 l 0.8859 0.5597 l 0.8903 0.5605 l 0.8946 0.5612 l 0.8989 0.5616 l 0.9032 0.5621 l 0.9075 0.5621 l 0.9119 0.5627 l 0.9162 0.5628 l 0.9205 0.5633 l 0.9248 0.5638 l 0.9292 0.5643 l 0.9335 0.5647 l 0.9378 0.5651 l 0.9421 0.5653 l 0.9464 0.5657 l 0.9508 0.5657 l 0.9551 0.5659 l 0.9594 0.5660 l 0.9637 0.5661 l 0.9681 0.5662 l 0.9724 0.5681 l 0.9767 0.5697 l 0.9810 0.5732 l 0.9853 0.5740 l 0.9897 0.5787 l 0.9940 0.5788 l 0.9983 0.5840 l 1.0026 0.5848 l 1.0070 0.5898 l 1.0113 0.5912 l 1.0156 0.5961 l 1.0199 0.5978 l 1.0242 0.6023 l 1.0286 0.6042 l 1.0329 0.6087 l 1.0372 0.6107 l 1.0415 0.6155 l 1.0459 0.6176 l 1.0502 0.6221 l 1.0545 0.6237 l 1.0588 0.6283 l 1.0631 0.6297 l 1.0675 0.6344 l 1.0718 0.6357 l 1.0761 0.6400 l 1.0804 0.6407 l 1.0848 0.6449 l 1.0891 0.6454 l 1.0934 0.6494 l 1.0977 0.6497 l 1.1020 0.6531 l 1.1064 0.6532 l 1.1107 0.6559 l 1.1150 0.6559 l 1.1193 0.6581 l 1.1237 0.6581 l 1.1280 0.6595 l 1.1323 0.6595 l 1.1366 0.6603 l 1.1409 0.6603 l 1.1431 0.6603 l s [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color1 SC [] 0 SD 0.0015 SLW n 0.6633 0.3500 m 1.1431 0.3500 l s n 0.6633 0.8000 m 1.1431 0.8000 l s [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color7 SC n 0.6873 0.3500 m 0.6873 0.3600 l s n 0.6873 0.8000 m 0.6873 0.7900 l s n 0.7113 0.3500 m 0.7113 0.3600 l s n 0.7113 0.8000 m 0.7113 0.7900 l s n 0.7353 0.3500 m 0.7353 0.3600 l s n 0.7353 0.8000 m 0.7353 0.7900 l s n 0.7593 0.3500 m 0.7593 0.3600 l s n 0.7593 0.8000 m 0.7593 0.7900 l s n 0.8073 0.3500 m 0.8073 0.3600 l s n 0.8073 0.8000 m 0.8073 0.7900 l s n 0.8313 0.3500 m 0.8313 0.3600 l s n 0.8313 0.8000 m 0.8313 0.7900 l s n 0.8552 0.3500 m 0.8552 0.3600 l s n 0.8552 0.8000 m 0.8552 0.7900 l s n 0.8792 0.3500 m 0.8792 0.3600 l s n 0.8792 0.8000 m 0.8792 0.7900 l s n 0.9272 0.3500 m 0.9272 0.3600 l s n 0.9272 0.8000 m 0.9272 0.7900 l s n 0.9512 0.3500 m 0.9512 0.3600 l s n 0.9512 0.8000 m 0.9512 0.7900 l s n 0.9752 0.3500 m 0.9752 0.3600 l s n 0.9752 0.8000 m 0.9752 0.7900 l s n 0.9992 0.3500 m 0.9992 0.3600 l s n 0.9992 0.8000 m 0.9992 0.7900 l s n 1.0472 0.3500 m 1.0472 0.3600 l s n 1.0472 0.8000 m 1.0472 0.7900 l s n 1.0711 0.3500 m 1.0711 0.3600 l s n 1.0711 0.8000 m 1.0711 0.7900 l s n 1.0951 0.3500 m 1.0951 0.3600 l s n 1.0951 0.8000 m 1.0951 0.7900 l s n 1.1191 0.3500 m 1.1191 0.3600 l s n 1.1191 0.8000 m 1.1191 0.7900 l s n 0.6633 0.3500 m 0.6633 0.3700 l s n 0.6633 0.8000 m 0.6633 0.7800 l s n 0.7833 0.3500 m 0.7833 0.3700 l s n 0.7833 0.8000 m 0.7833 0.7800 l s n 0.9032 0.3500 m 0.9032 0.3700 l s n 0.9032 0.8000 m 0.9032 0.7800 l s n 1.0232 0.3500 m 1.0232 0.3700 l s n 1.0232 0.8000 m 1.0232 0.7800 l s n 1.1431 0.3500 m 1.1431 0.3700 l s n 1.1431 0.8000 m 1.1431 0.7800 l s /Font0 FFSF [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color1 SC 0.6567 0.3212 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (0) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.7598 0.3208 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (0.25) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.8866 0.3208 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (0.5) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.9996 0.3208 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (0.75) show GR /Font0 FFSF 1.1376 0.3212 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (1) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.7579 0.2896 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (fraction of true ) show GR /Font12 FFSF 0.9328 0.2896 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (d) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.9466 0.2784 m GS [0.0198 0.0000 0.0000 0.0198 0 0] CC (CP) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.9709 0.2896 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC ( values) show GR n 0.6633 0.3500 m 0.6633 0.8000 l s n 1.1431 0.3500 m 1.1431 0.8000 l s [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color7 SC n 0.6633 0.4177 m 0.6733 0.4177 l s n 1.1431 0.4177 m 1.1331 0.4177 l s n 0.6633 0.4574 m 0.6733 0.4574 l s n 1.1431 0.4574 m 1.1331 0.4574 l s n 0.6633 0.4855 m 0.6733 0.4855 l s n 1.1431 0.4855 m 1.1331 0.4855 l s n 0.6633 0.5073 m 0.6733 0.5073 l s n 1.1431 0.5073 m 1.1331 0.5073 l s n 0.6633 0.5251 m 0.6733 0.5251 l s n 1.1431 0.5251 m 1.1331 0.5251 l s n 0.6633 0.5401 m 0.6733 0.5401 l s n 1.1431 0.5401 m 1.1331 0.5401 l s n 0.6633 0.5532 m 0.6733 0.5532 l s n 1.1431 0.5532 m 1.1331 0.5532 l s n 0.6633 0.5647 m 0.6733 0.5647 l s n 1.1431 0.5647 m 1.1331 0.5647 l s n 0.6633 0.5750 m 0.6733 0.5750 l s n 1.1431 0.5750 m 1.1331 0.5750 l s n 0.6633 0.6427 m 0.6733 0.6427 l s n 1.1431 0.6427 m 1.1331 0.6427 l s n 0.6633 0.6824 m 0.6733 0.6824 l s n 1.1431 0.6824 m 1.1331 0.6824 l s n 0.6633 0.7105 m 0.6733 0.7105 l s n 1.1431 0.7105 m 1.1331 0.7105 l s n 0.6633 0.7323 m 0.6733 0.7323 l s n 1.1431 0.7323 m 1.1331 0.7323 l s n 0.6633 0.7501 m 0.6733 0.7501 l s n 1.1431 0.7501 m 1.1331 0.7501 l s n 0.6633 0.7651 m 0.6733 0.7651 l s n 1.1431 0.7651 m 1.1331 0.7651 l s n 0.6633 0.7782 m 0.6733 0.7782 l s n 1.1431 0.7782 m 1.1331 0.7782 l s n 0.6633 0.7897 m 0.6733 0.7897 l s n 1.1431 0.7897 m 1.1331 0.7897 l s n 0.6633 0.8000 m 0.6733 0.8000 l s n 1.1431 0.8000 m 1.1331 0.8000 l s n 0.6633 0.3500 m 0.6833 0.3500 l s n 1.1431 0.3500 m 1.1231 0.3500 l s n 0.6633 0.5750 m 0.6833 0.5750 l s n 1.1431 0.5750 m 1.1231 0.5750 l s n 0.6633 0.8000 m 0.6833 0.8000 l s n 1.1431 0.8000 m 1.1231 0.8000 l s [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color1 SC n 0.6633 0.3500 m 1.1431 0.3500 l s n 0.6633 0.8000 m 1.1431 0.8000 l s n 0.6873 0.3500 m 0.6873 0.3600 l s n 0.6873 0.8000 m 0.6873 0.7900 l s n 0.7113 0.3500 m 0.7113 0.3600 l s n 0.7113 0.8000 m 0.7113 0.7900 l s n 0.7353 0.3500 m 0.7353 0.3600 l s n 0.7353 0.8000 m 0.7353 0.7900 l s n 0.7593 0.3500 m 0.7593 0.3600 l s n 0.7593 0.8000 m 0.7593 0.7900 l s n 0.8073 0.3500 m 0.8073 0.3600 l s n 0.8073 0.8000 m 0.8073 0.7900 l s n 0.8313 0.3500 m 0.8313 0.3600 l s n 0.8313 0.8000 m 0.8313 0.7900 l s n 0.8552 0.3500 m 0.8552 0.3600 l s n 0.8552 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(other)f(parameters)f(as)h(giv)n(en)g(in)h(Eq.)f(\(1\).)-60 2605 y Fy(v)-5 b(alues)33 b(sligh)m(tly)h(b)s(etter)f(than)g(from)f (the)h(Sup)s(er)g(Beam)g(exp)s(erimen)m(ts)j(are)c(reac)m(hed.)86 2767 y(In)40 b(Fig.)e(9)h(w)m(e)h(illustrate)g(also)g(the)f(e\013ect)h (of)f(systematical)i(errors)e(on)g(the)h Fo(\022)3044 2782 y Fq(13)3158 2767 y Fy(disco)m(v)m(ery)i(reac)m(h.)-60 2888 y(The)33 b(lo)m(w)m(er)h(b)s(oundary)f(of)f(the)h(band)g(for)e (eac)m(h)j(exp)s(erimen)m(t)g(corresp)s(onds)g(to)e(a)h(systematical)h (error)e(of)-60 3008 y(2\045,)c(whereas)h(the)f(upp)s(er)g(b)s(oundary) g(is)f(obtained)h(for)f(5\045.)42 b(These)29 b(errors)f(include)g(the)g (\(uncorrelated\))-60 3128 y(normalization)40 b(uncertain)m(ties)i(on)e (the)h(signal)f(as)g(w)m(ell)i(as)e(on)g(the)g(bac)m(kground,)j(where)f (the)e(crucial)-60 3249 y(uncertain)m(t)m(y)h(is)e(the)h(error)e(on)h (the)h(bac)m(kground.)63 b(W)-8 b(e)40 b(\014nd)f(that)g(the)g Fo(\014)6 b Fy(B)39 b(is)g(basically)h(not)f(a\013ected)-60 3369 y(b)m(y)33 b(these)g(errors,)g(since)h(the)e(bac)m(kground)h(has)g (a)f(rather)g(di\013eren)m(t)h(sp)s(ectral)g(shap)s(e)g(\(strongly)g(p) s(eak)m(ed)-60 3489 y(at)i(lo)m(w)h(energies\))h(than)f(the)g(signal.) 52 b(The)37 b(fact)e(that)h(T2HK)f(is)h(relativ)m(ely)i(strongly)e (a\013ected)g(b)m(y)h(the)-60 3610 y(actual)f(v)-5 b(alue)35 b(of)g(the)h(systematics)i(can)e(b)m(y)h(understo)s(o)s(d)e(b)m(y)i (considering)g(the)f(ratio)f(of)g(signal)g(to)h(the)-60 3730 y(square-ro)s(ot)h(of)g(the)g(bac)m(kground)i(using)f(the)f(n)m (um)m(b)s(ers)j(of)c(T)-8 b(ab.)38 b(2.)57 b(W)-8 b(e)38 b(shall)g(discuss)h(this)f(issue)h(in)-60 3851 y(more)33 b(detail)g(in)g(the)g(next)g(section)h(in)f(the)g(con)m(text)h(of)e (the)h(CP)g(violation)g(disco)m(v)m(ery)i(reac)m(h.)86 4012 y(Let)j(us)g(remark)h(that)e(the)h Fo(\022)1169 4027 y Fq(13)1282 4012 y Fy(sensitivities)j(are)c(practically)i(not)f (a\013ected)g(b)m(y)h(the)f(sign\(\001)p Fo(m)3694 3976 y Fq(2)3694 4037 y(31)3770 4012 y Fy(\)-)-60 4133 y(degeneracy)-8 b(.)44 b(This)29 b(is)h(easy)f(to)f(understand,)j(since)f(the)f(data)f (is)h(\014tted)h(with)f Fo(\022)2873 4148 y Fq(13)2976 4133 y Fy(=)e(0,)i(and)g(in)g(this)g(case)-60 4253 y(b)s(oth)37 b(mass)h(hierarc)m(hies)h(lead)e(to)g(v)m(ery)h(similar)g(ev)m(en)m(t)h (rates.)57 b(If)37 b(the)g(in)m(v)m(erted)i(hierarc)m(h)m(y)g(is)f (used)g(as)-60 4374 y(the)d(true)g(hierarc)m(h)m(y)-8 b(,)38 b(the)d(p)s(eak)g(in)g(the)h(disco)m(v)m(ery)h(limit)e(visible)i (in)e(the)g(left)g(panel)h(of)e(Fig.)g(9)h(around)-60 4494 y Fo(\016)-17 4509 y Fq(CP)114 4494 y Fn(\030)28 b Fo(\031)h Fy(mo)m(v)m(es)d(to)f Fo(\016)740 4509 y Fq(CP)871 4494 y Fn(\030)j Fy(0.)41 b(Ho)m(w)m(ev)m(er,)28 b(the)e(c)m(haracteristic)g(shap)s(e)g(of)e(the)h(curv)m(es,)k(and)c (in)g(particular,)-60 4614 y(the)33 b(sensitivit)m(y)i(as)d(a)g (function)h(of)f(the)h Fo(\016)1476 4629 y Fq(CP)1579 4614 y Fy(-fraction)f(sho)m(wn)h(in)g(the)g(righ)m(t)f(panel)h(are)f (hardly)h(a\013ected)-60 4735 y(b)m(y)i(the)g(sign)g(of)f(the)h(true)g (\001)p Fo(m)1107 4699 y Fq(2)1107 4759 y(31)1182 4735 y Fy(.)49 b(In)35 b(case)g(of)f(a)h(non-maximal)f(v)-5 b(alue)35 b(of)f Fo(\022)2788 4750 y Fq(23)2898 4735 y Fy(the)h(o)s(ctan)m(t-degeneracy)-60 4855 y(has)e(a)f(minor)g(impact) h(on)g(the)f Fo(\022)1149 4870 y Fq(13)1257 4855 y Fy(disco)m(v)m(ery)j (p)s(oten)m(tial,)e(as)f(illustrated)i(in)e(Fig.)g(10)g(for)g(the)h (SPL.)g(W)-8 b(e)-60 4976 y(sho)m(w)37 b(the)f(disco)m(v)m(ery)i(limit) e(obtained)h(with)f(the)g(true)g(and)g(the)g(fak)m(e)g(o)s(ctan)m(t)g (of)f Fo(\022)3064 4991 y Fq(23)3175 4976 y Fy(for)g(a)g(true)i(v)-5 b(alue)-60 5096 y(of)40 b(sin)179 5056 y Fq(2)235 5096 y Fo(\022)280 5111 y Fq(23)397 5096 y Fy(=)h(0)p Fo(:)p Fy(6.)68 b(Let)41 b(us)h(note)f(that)f(for)g(true)i(v)-5 b(alues)41 b(of)g(sin)2404 5056 y Fq(2)2460 5096 y Fo(\022)2505 5111 y Fq(23)2622 5096 y Fo(>)h Fy(0)p Fo(:)p Fy(5)e(the)h(o)s(ctan)m (t-degenerate)-60 5216 y(solution)e(leads)h(to)e(a)g(w)m(orse)i (sensitivit)m(y)i(to)c Fo(\022)1694 5231 y Fq(13)1808 5216 y Fy(\(see)i(\014gure\),)h(whereas)f(for)e(sin)3004 5176 y Fq(2)3060 5216 y Fo(\022)3105 5231 y Fq(23)3218 5216 y Fo(<)g Fy(0)p Fo(:)p Fy(5)g(the)h(fak)m(e)-60 5337 y(solution)33 b(do)s(es)g(not)g(a\013ect)f(the)h Fo(\022)1178 5352 y Fq(13)1286 5337 y Fy(disco)m(v)m(ery)-8 b(,)35 b(since)f(in)f(this)g(case)h(the)f(sensitivit)m(y)i(is)e (increased.)1841 6036 y(16)p eop end %%Page: 17 17 TeXDict begin 17 16 bop 623 2707 a @beginspecial 27 @llx 34 @lly 535 @urx 547 @ury 3042 @rwi @setspecial %%BeginDocument: ./fig11.eps %!PS-Adobe-3.0 EPSF-3.0 %%BoundingBox: (atend) %%LanguageLevel: 2 %%Creator: Grace-5.1.20 %%CreationDate: Fri Aug 11 12:30:43 2006 %%DocumentData: Clean8Bit %%Orientation: Portrait %%Title: CP-systematics.agr %%For: schwetz %%DocumentNeededResources: (atend) %%EndComments %%BeginProlog /m {moveto} def /l {lineto} def /s {stroke} def /n {newpath} def /c {closepath} def /RL {rlineto} def /SLW {setlinewidth} def /GS 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0.7184 0.2002 l 0.7220 0.2004 l 0.7255 0.2006 l 0.7290 0.2007 l 0.7325 0.2009 l 0.7361 0.2011 l 0.7396 0.2013 l 0.7431 0.2015 l 0.7466 0.2017 l 0.7467 0.2017 l 0.7502 0.2020 l 0.7537 0.2023 l 0.7572 0.2027 l 0.7607 0.2030 l 0.7643 0.2034 l 0.7678 0.2037 l 0.7713 0.2041 l 0.7748 0.2044 l 0.7758 0.2045 l 0.7783 0.2049 l 0.7819 0.2053 l 0.7854 0.2058 l 0.7889 0.2063 l 0.7924 0.2067 l 0.7960 0.2072 l 0.7968 0.2073 l 0.7995 0.2077 l 0.8030 0.2082 l 0.8065 0.2087 l 0.8101 0.2092 l 0.8136 0.2097 l 0.8170 0.2102 l 0.8171 0.2102 l 0.8206 0.2108 l 0.8241 0.2114 l 0.8277 0.2121 l 0.8312 0.2126 l 0.8331 0.2130 l 0.8347 0.2133 l 0.8382 0.2141 l 0.8418 0.2148 l 0.8453 0.2155 l 0.8465 0.2158 l 0.8488 0.2164 l 0.8500 0.2167 l 0.8500 0.2466 l 0.8488 0.2461 l 0.8453 0.2447 l 0.8434 0.2439 l 0.8418 0.2433 l 0.8382 0.2420 l 0.8359 0.2411 l 0.8347 0.2407 l 0.8312 0.2394 l 0.8282 0.2383 l 0.8277 0.2381 l 0.8241 0.2369 l 0.8206 0.2357 l 0.8198 0.2355 l 0.8171 0.2346 l 0.8136 0.2335 l 0.8106 0.2327 l 0.8101 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0.2012 l 0.5881 0.2013 l 0.5846 0.2014 l 0.5810 0.2016 l 0.5775 0.2017 l 0.5765 0.2017 l 0.5740 0.2018 l 0.5705 0.2020 l 0.5669 0.2021 l 0.5634 0.2023 l 0.5599 0.2025 l 0.5564 0.2027 l 0.5528 0.2029 l 0.5493 0.2031 l 0.5458 0.2033 l 0.5423 0.2036 l 0.5388 0.2038 l 0.5352 0.2041 l 0.5317 0.2044 l 0.5297 0.2045 l 0.5282 0.2047 l 0.5247 0.2050 l 0.5211 0.2053 l 0.5176 0.2056 l 0.5141 0.2060 l 0.5106 0.2063 l 0.5070 0.2067 l 0.5035 0.2071 l 0.5013 0.2073 l 0.5000 0.2075 l 0.4965 0.2079 l 0.4930 0.2083 l 0.4894 0.2087 l 0.4859 0.2091 l 0.4824 0.2096 l 0.4789 0.2101 l 0.4781 0.2102 l 0.4753 0.2105 l 0.4718 0.2110 l 0.4683 0.2115 l 0.4648 0.2120 l 0.4612 0.2125 l 0.4582 0.2130 l 0.4577 0.2130 l 0.4542 0.2136 l 0.4507 0.2142 l 0.4471 0.2148 l 0.4436 0.2154 l 0.4416 0.2158 l 0.4401 0.2161 l 0.4366 0.2167 l 0.4331 0.2174 l 0.4295 0.2181 l 0.4272 0.2186 l 0.4260 0.2188 l 0.4225 0.2195 l 0.4190 0.2202 l 0.4154 0.2209 l 0.4131 0.2214 l 0.4119 0.2217 l 0.4084 0.2224 l 0.4049 0.2232 l 0.4013 0.2241 l 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0.2355 0.3649 l 0.2343 0.3621 l 0.2357 0.3596 l 0.2369 0.3621 l 0.2393 0.3647 l 0.2395 0.3649 l 0.2427 0.3677 l 0.2428 0.3678 l 0.2449 0.3706 l 0.2455 0.3734 l 0.2457 0.3762 l 0.2463 0.3775 l 0.2465 0.3790 l 0.2472 0.3818 l 0.2463 0.3833 l c GS Color0 SRGB GR [/Pattern /DeviceRGB] SCS Color2 Pattern14 SC fill [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color2 SC n 0.2463 0.3833 m 0.2452 0.3818 l 0.2442 0.3790 l 0.2428 0.3786 l 0.2414 0.3762 l 0.2397 0.3734 l 0.2393 0.3726 l 0.2381 0.3706 l 0.2367 0.3677 l 0.2357 0.3655 l 0.2355 0.3649 l 0.2343 0.3621 l 0.2357 0.3596 l 0.2369 0.3621 l 0.2393 0.3647 l 0.2395 0.3649 l 0.2427 0.3677 l 0.2428 0.3678 l 0.2449 0.3706 l 0.2455 0.3734 l 0.2457 0.3762 l 0.2463 0.3775 l 0.2465 0.3790 l 0.2472 0.3818 l 0.2463 0.3833 l s n 0.3133 0.4332 m 0.3115 0.4325 l 0.3097 0.4306 l 0.3062 0.4299 l 0.3057 0.4297 l 0.3027 0.4280 l 0.3004 0.4269 l 0.2992 0.4254 l 0.2956 0.4242 l 0.2953 0.4240 l 0.2921 0.4222 l 0.2904 0.4212 l 0.2886 0.4200 l 0.2859 0.4184 l 0.2851 0.4176 l 0.2817 0.4156 l 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Color2 SC n 0.3133 0.4332 m 0.3115 0.4325 l 0.3097 0.4306 l 0.3062 0.4299 l 0.3057 0.4297 l 0.3027 0.4280 l 0.3004 0.4269 l 0.2992 0.4254 l 0.2956 0.4242 l 0.2953 0.4240 l 0.2921 0.4222 l 0.2904 0.4212 l 0.2886 0.4200 l 0.2859 0.4184 l 0.2851 0.4176 l 0.2817 0.4156 l 0.2816 0.4154 l 0.2780 0.4131 l 0.2775 0.4128 l 0.2745 0.4106 l 0.2735 0.4099 l 0.2710 0.4079 l 0.2700 0.4071 l 0.2675 0.4050 l 0.2666 0.4043 l 0.2639 0.4021 l 0.2632 0.4015 l 0.2604 0.3990 l 0.2601 0.3987 l 0.2575 0.3959 l 0.2569 0.3955 l 0.2546 0.3931 l 0.2534 0.3918 l 0.2519 0.3902 l 0.2498 0.3878 l 0.2496 0.3874 l 0.2498 0.3855 l 0.2534 0.3868 l 0.2545 0.3874 l 0.2569 0.3889 l 0.2588 0.3902 l 0.2604 0.3931 l 0.2604 0.3931 l 0.2629 0.3959 l 0.2639 0.3966 l 0.2664 0.3987 l 0.2675 0.3994 l 0.2697 0.4015 l 0.2710 0.4027 l 0.2726 0.4043 l 0.2745 0.4060 l 0.2758 0.4071 l 0.2780 0.4090 l 0.2792 0.4099 l 0.2816 0.4117 l 0.2831 0.4128 l 0.2851 0.4142 l 0.2870 0.4156 l 0.2886 0.4166 l 0.2911 0.4184 l 0.2921 0.4194 l 0.2955 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0.4515 l 0.3721 0.4522 l 0.3696 0.4527 l s n 0.3802 0.4552 m 0.3790 0.4550 l 0.3802 0.4546 l 0.3837 0.4548 l 0.3847 0.4550 l 0.3837 0.4552 l 0.3802 0.4552 l c GS Color0 SRGB GR [/Pattern /DeviceRGB] SCS Color2 Pattern14 SC fill [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color2 SC n 0.3802 0.4552 m 0.3790 0.4550 l 0.3802 0.4546 l 0.3837 0.4548 l 0.3847 0.4550 l 0.3837 0.4552 l 0.3802 0.4552 l s n 0.3943 0.4579 m 0.3939 0.4578 l 0.3943 0.4577 l 0.3978 0.4574 l 0.4004 0.4578 l 0.3978 0.4582 l 0.3943 0.4579 l c GS Color0 SRGB GR [/Pattern /DeviceRGB] SCS Color2 Pattern14 SC fill [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color2 SC n 0.3943 0.4579 m 0.3939 0.4578 l 0.3943 0.4577 l 0.3978 0.4574 l 0.4004 0.4578 l 0.3978 0.4582 l 0.3943 0.4579 l s n 0.4154 0.4610 m 0.4125 0.4606 l 0.4154 0.4602 l 0.4190 0.4604 l 0.4208 0.4606 l 0.4190 0.4609 l 0.4154 0.4610 l c GS Color0 SRGB GR [/Pattern /DeviceRGB] SCS Color2 Pattern14 SC fill [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color2 SC n 0.4154 0.4610 m 0.4125 0.4606 l 0.4154 0.4602 l 0.4190 0.4604 l 0.4208 0.4606 l 0.4190 0.4609 l 0.4154 0.4610 l s n 0.4366 0.4635 m 0.4353 0.4634 l 0.4366 0.4632 l 0.4401 0.4629 l 0.4436 0.4631 l 0.4470 0.4634 l 0.4436 0.4637 l 0.4401 0.4639 l 0.4366 0.4635 l c GS Color0 SRGB GR [/Pattern /DeviceRGB] SCS Color2 Pattern14 SC fill [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color2 SC n 0.4366 0.4635 m 0.4353 0.4634 l 0.4366 0.4632 l 0.4401 0.4629 l 0.4436 0.4631 l 0.4470 0.4634 l 0.4436 0.4637 l 0.4401 0.4639 l 0.4366 0.4635 l s n 0.4718 0.4663 m 0.4696 0.4662 l 0.4718 0.4660 l 0.4753 0.4658 l 0.4789 0.4656 l 0.4824 0.4657 l 0.4859 0.4659 l 0.4894 0.4661 l 0.4930 0.4662 l 0.4930 0.4662 l 0.4930 0.4662 l 0.4894 0.4664 l 0.4859 0.4666 l 0.4824 0.4667 l 0.4789 0.4667 l 0.4753 0.4665 l 0.4718 0.4663 l c GS Color0 SRGB GR [/Pattern /DeviceRGB] SCS Color2 Pattern14 SC fill [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color2 SC n 0.4718 0.4663 m 0.4696 0.4662 l 0.4718 0.4660 l 0.4753 0.4658 l 0.4789 0.4656 l 0.4824 0.4657 l 0.4859 0.4659 l 0.4894 0.4661 l 0.4930 0.4662 l 0.4930 0.4662 l 0.4930 0.4662 l 0.4894 0.4664 l 0.4859 0.4666 l 0.4824 0.4667 l 0.4789 0.4667 l 0.4753 0.4665 l 0.4718 0.4663 l s n 0.8364 0.4381 m 0.8382 0.4376 l 0.8418 0.4367 l 0.8453 0.4358 l 0.8473 0.4353 l 0.8488 0.4349 l 0.8500 0.4345 l 0.8500 0.4639 l 0.8488 0.4640 l 0.8453 0.4643 l 0.8418 0.4646 l 0.8382 0.4648 l 0.8347 0.4651 l 0.8312 0.4654 l 0.8277 0.4657 l 0.8241 0.4659 l 0.8206 0.4662 l 0.8201 0.4662 l 0.8171 0.4664 l 0.8136 0.4666 l 0.8101 0.4668 l 0.8065 0.4669 l 0.8030 0.4671 l 0.7995 0.4673 l 0.7960 0.4675 l 0.7924 0.4676 l 0.7889 0.4678 l 0.7854 0.4680 l 0.7819 0.4681 l 0.7783 0.4683 l 0.7748 0.4684 l 0.7713 0.4686 l 0.7678 0.4687 l 0.7643 0.4689 l 0.7607 0.4690 l 0.7597 0.4691 l 0.7572 0.4691 l 0.7537 0.4693 l 0.7502 0.4694 l 0.7466 0.4695 l 0.7431 0.4696 l 0.7396 0.4697 l 0.7361 0.4698 l 0.7325 0.4698 l 0.7290 0.4699 l 0.7255 0.4700 l 0.7220 0.4701 l 0.7184 0.4702 l 0.7149 0.4702 l 0.7114 0.4703 l 0.7079 0.4704 l 0.7044 0.4704 l 0.7008 0.4705 l 0.6973 0.4705 l 0.6938 0.4706 l 0.6903 0.4706 l 0.6867 0.4707 l 0.6832 0.4707 l 0.6797 0.4707 l 0.6762 0.4708 l 0.6726 0.4708 l 0.6691 0.4708 l 0.6656 0.4708 l 0.6621 0.4708 l 0.6586 0.4708 l 0.6550 0.4709 l 0.6515 0.4709 l 0.6480 0.4709 l 0.6445 0.4709 l 0.6409 0.4708 l 0.6374 0.4708 l 0.6339 0.4708 l 0.6304 0.4708 l 0.6268 0.4708 l 0.6233 0.4708 l 0.6198 0.4707 l 0.6163 0.4707 l 0.6127 0.4707 l 0.6092 0.4706 l 0.6057 0.4706 l 0.6022 0.4705 l 0.5987 0.4705 l 0.5951 0.4704 l 0.5916 0.4704 l 0.5881 0.4703 l 0.5846 0.4703 l 0.5810 0.4702 l 0.5775 0.4701 l 0.5740 0.4701 l 0.5705 0.4700 l 0.5669 0.4699 l 0.5634 0.4699 l 0.5599 0.4698 l 0.5564 0.4697 l 0.5528 0.4696 l 0.5493 0.4695 l 0.5458 0.4694 l 0.5423 0.4693 l 0.5388 0.4692 l 0.5352 0.4691 l 0.5333 0.4691 l 0.5352 0.4689 l 0.5388 0.4687 l 0.5423 0.4685 l 0.5458 0.4684 l 0.5493 0.4683 l 0.5528 0.4682 l 0.5564 0.4682 l 0.5599 0.4681 l 0.5634 0.4680 l 0.5669 0.4680 l 0.5705 0.4679 l 0.5740 0.4679 l 0.5775 0.4678 l 0.5810 0.4677 l 0.5846 0.4677 l 0.5881 0.4676 l 0.5916 0.4676 l 0.5951 0.4675 l 0.5987 0.4675 l 0.6022 0.4674 l 0.6057 0.4673 l 0.6092 0.4673 l 0.6127 0.4672 l 0.6163 0.4671 l 0.6198 0.4670 l 0.6233 0.4669 l 0.6268 0.4667 l 0.6304 0.4666 l 0.6339 0.4664 l 0.6365 0.4662 l 0.6374 0.4662 l 0.6409 0.4660 l 0.6445 0.4659 l 0.6480 0.4657 l 0.6515 0.4655 l 0.6550 0.4653 l 0.6586 0.4651 l 0.6621 0.4649 l 0.6656 0.4646 l 0.6691 0.4644 l 0.6726 0.4642 l 0.6762 0.4639 l 0.6797 0.4636 l 0.6820 0.4634 l 0.6832 0.4633 l 0.6867 0.4630 l 0.6903 0.4627 l 0.6938 0.4624 l 0.6973 0.4620 l 0.7008 0.4616 l 0.7044 0.4613 l 0.7079 0.4609 l 0.7103 0.4606 l 0.7114 0.4605 l 0.7149 0.4601 l 0.7184 0.4597 l 0.7220 0.4593 l 0.7255 0.4589 l 0.7290 0.4585 l 0.7325 0.4580 l 0.7344 0.4578 l 0.7361 0.4576 l 0.7396 0.4571 l 0.7431 0.4567 l 0.7466 0.4562 l 0.7502 0.4557 l 0.7537 0.4551 l 0.7546 0.4550 l 0.7572 0.4546 l 0.7607 0.4540 l 0.7643 0.4534 l 0.7678 0.4528 l 0.7713 0.4522 l 0.7714 0.4522 l 0.7748 0.4515 l 0.7783 0.4509 l 0.7819 0.4502 l 0.7854 0.4495 l 0.7862 0.4494 l 0.7889 0.4488 l 0.7924 0.4482 l 0.7960 0.4475 l 0.7995 0.4468 l 0.8006 0.4465 l 0.8030 0.4460 l 0.8065 0.4453 l 0.8101 0.4445 l 0.8135 0.4437 l 0.8136 0.4437 l 0.8171 0.4429 l 0.8206 0.4420 l 0.8241 0.4412 l 0.8252 0.4409 l 0.8277 0.4403 l 0.8312 0.4394 l 0.8347 0.4385 l 0.8364 0.4381 l c GS Color0 SRGB GR [/Pattern /DeviceRGB] SCS Color2 Pattern14 SC fill [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color2 SC n 0.8364 0.4381 m 0.8382 0.4376 l 0.8418 0.4367 l 0.8453 0.4358 l 0.8473 0.4353 l 0.8488 0.4349 l 0.8501 0.4345 l s n 0.8501 0.4639 m 0.8488 0.4640 l 0.8453 0.4643 l 0.8418 0.4646 l 0.8382 0.4648 l 0.8347 0.4651 l 0.8312 0.4654 l 0.8277 0.4657 l 0.8241 0.4659 l 0.8206 0.4662 l 0.8201 0.4662 l 0.8171 0.4664 l 0.8136 0.4666 l 0.8101 0.4668 l 0.8065 0.4669 l 0.8030 0.4671 l 0.7995 0.4673 l 0.7960 0.4675 l 0.7924 0.4676 l 0.7889 0.4678 l 0.7854 0.4680 l 0.7819 0.4681 l 0.7783 0.4683 l 0.7748 0.4684 l 0.7713 0.4686 l 0.7678 0.4687 l 0.7643 0.4689 l 0.7607 0.4690 l 0.7597 0.4691 l 0.7572 0.4691 l 0.7537 0.4693 l 0.7502 0.4694 l 0.7466 0.4695 l 0.7431 0.4696 l 0.7396 0.4697 l 0.7361 0.4698 l 0.7325 0.4698 l 0.7290 0.4699 l 0.7255 0.4700 l 0.7220 0.4701 l 0.7184 0.4702 l 0.7149 0.4702 l 0.7114 0.4703 l 0.7079 0.4704 l 0.7044 0.4704 l 0.7008 0.4705 l 0.6973 0.4705 l 0.6938 0.4706 l 0.6903 0.4706 l 0.6867 0.4707 l 0.6832 0.4707 l 0.6797 0.4707 l 0.6762 0.4708 l 0.6726 0.4708 l 0.6691 0.4708 l 0.6656 0.4708 l 0.6621 0.4708 l 0.6586 0.4708 l 0.6550 0.4709 l 0.6515 0.4709 l 0.6480 0.4709 l 0.6445 0.4709 l 0.6409 0.4708 l 0.6374 0.4708 l 0.6339 0.4708 l 0.6304 0.4708 l 0.6268 0.4708 l 0.6233 0.4708 l 0.6198 0.4707 l 0.6163 0.4707 l 0.6127 0.4707 l 0.6092 0.4706 l 0.6057 0.4706 l 0.6022 0.4705 l 0.5987 0.4705 l 0.5951 0.4704 l 0.5916 0.4704 l 0.5881 0.4703 l 0.5846 0.4703 l 0.5810 0.4702 l 0.5775 0.4701 l 0.5740 0.4701 l 0.5705 0.4700 l 0.5669 0.4699 l 0.5634 0.4699 l 0.5599 0.4698 l 0.5564 0.4697 l 0.5528 0.4696 l 0.5493 0.4695 l 0.5458 0.4694 l 0.5423 0.4693 l 0.5388 0.4692 l 0.5352 0.4691 l 0.5333 0.4691 l 0.5352 0.4689 l 0.5388 0.4687 l 0.5423 0.4685 l 0.5458 0.4684 l 0.5493 0.4683 l 0.5528 0.4682 l 0.5564 0.4682 l 0.5599 0.4681 l 0.5634 0.4680 l 0.5669 0.4680 l 0.5705 0.4679 l 0.5740 0.4679 l 0.5775 0.4678 l 0.5810 0.4677 l 0.5846 0.4677 l 0.5881 0.4676 l 0.5916 0.4676 l 0.5951 0.4675 l 0.5987 0.4675 l 0.6022 0.4674 l 0.6057 0.4673 l 0.6092 0.4673 l 0.6127 0.4672 l 0.6163 0.4671 l 0.6198 0.4670 l 0.6233 0.4669 l 0.6268 0.4667 l 0.6304 0.4666 l 0.6339 0.4664 l 0.6365 0.4662 l 0.6374 0.4662 l 0.6409 0.4660 l 0.6445 0.4659 l 0.6480 0.4657 l 0.6515 0.4655 l 0.6550 0.4653 l 0.6586 0.4651 l 0.6621 0.4649 l 0.6656 0.4646 l 0.6691 0.4644 l 0.6726 0.4642 l 0.6762 0.4639 l 0.6797 0.4636 l 0.6820 0.4634 l 0.6832 0.4633 l 0.6867 0.4630 l 0.6903 0.4627 l 0.6938 0.4624 l 0.6973 0.4620 l 0.7008 0.4616 l 0.7044 0.4613 l 0.7079 0.4609 l 0.7103 0.4606 l 0.7114 0.4605 l 0.7149 0.4601 l 0.7184 0.4597 l 0.7220 0.4593 l 0.7255 0.4589 l 0.7290 0.4585 l 0.7325 0.4580 l 0.7344 0.4578 l 0.7361 0.4576 l 0.7396 0.4571 l 0.7431 0.4567 l 0.7466 0.4562 l 0.7502 0.4557 l 0.7537 0.4551 l 0.7546 0.4550 l 0.7572 0.4546 l 0.7607 0.4540 l 0.7643 0.4534 l 0.7678 0.4528 l 0.7713 0.4522 l 0.7714 0.4522 l 0.7748 0.4515 l 0.7783 0.4509 l 0.7819 0.4502 l 0.7854 0.4495 l 0.7862 0.4494 l 0.7889 0.4488 l 0.7924 0.4482 l 0.7960 0.4475 l 0.7995 0.4468 l 0.8006 0.4465 l 0.8030 0.4460 l 0.8065 0.4453 l 0.8101 0.4445 l 0.8135 0.4437 l 0.8136 0.4437 l 0.8171 0.4429 l 0.8206 0.4420 l 0.8241 0.4412 l 0.8252 0.4409 l 0.8277 0.4403 l 0.8312 0.4394 l 0.8347 0.4385 l 0.8364 0.4381 l s n 0.4401 0.5368 m 0.4387 0.5366 l 0.4401 0.5365 l 0.4436 0.5362 l 0.4471 0.5362 l 0.4507 0.5364 l 0.4522 0.5366 l 0.4507 0.5367 l 0.4471 0.5369 l 0.4436 0.5371 l 0.4401 0.5368 l c GS Color0 SRGB GR [/Pattern /DeviceRGB] SCS Color2 Pattern14 SC fill [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color2 SC n 0.4401 0.5368 m 0.4387 0.5366 l 0.4401 0.5365 l 0.4436 0.5362 l 0.4471 0.5362 l 0.4507 0.5364 l 0.4522 0.5366 l 0.4507 0.5367 l 0.4471 0.5369 l 0.4436 0.5371 l 0.4401 0.5368 l s n 0.4154 0.5397 m 0.4131 0.5394 l 0.4154 0.5392 l 0.4190 0.5390 l 0.4218 0.5394 l 0.4190 0.5397 l 0.4154 0.5397 l c GS Color0 SRGB GR [/Pattern /DeviceRGB] SCS Color2 Pattern14 SC fill [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color2 SC n 0.4154 0.5397 m 0.4131 0.5394 l 0.4154 0.5392 l 0.4190 0.5390 l 0.4218 0.5394 l 0.4190 0.5397 l 0.4154 0.5397 l s n 0.3908 0.5423 m 0.3904 0.5422 l 0.3908 0.5422 l 0.3943 0.5418 l 0.3972 0.5422 l 0.3943 0.5426 l 0.3908 0.5423 l c GS Color0 SRGB GR [/Pattern /DeviceRGB] SCS Color2 Pattern14 SC fill [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color2 SC n 0.3908 0.5423 m 0.3904 0.5422 l 0.3908 0.5422 l 0.3943 0.5418 l 0.3972 0.5422 l 0.3943 0.5426 l 0.3908 0.5423 l s n 0.3767 0.5455 m 0.3733 0.5450 l 0.3767 0.5446 l 0.3792 0.5450 l 0.3767 0.5455 l c GS Color0 SRGB GR [/Pattern /DeviceRGB] SCS Color2 Pattern14 SC fill [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color2 SC n 0.3767 0.5455 m 0.3733 0.5450 l 0.3767 0.5446 l 0.3792 0.5450 l 0.3767 0.5455 l s n 0.3626 0.5484 m 0.3601 0.5478 l 0.3626 0.5473 l 0.3653 0.5478 l 0.3626 0.5484 l c GS Color0 SRGB GR [/Pattern /DeviceRGB] SCS Color2 Pattern14 SC fill [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color2 SC n 0.3626 0.5484 m 0.3601 0.5478 l 0.3626 0.5473 l 0.3653 0.5478 l 0.3626 0.5484 l s n 0.3520 0.5511 m 0.3493 0.5506 l 0.3520 0.5501 l 0.3538 0.5506 l 0.3520 0.5511 l c GS Color0 SRGB GR [/Pattern /DeviceRGB] SCS Color2 Pattern14 SC fill [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color2 SC n 0.3520 0.5511 m 0.3493 0.5506 l 0.3520 0.5501 l 0.3538 0.5506 l 0.3520 0.5511 l s n 0.3414 0.5540 m 0.3389 0.5535 l 0.3414 0.5530 l 0.3432 0.5535 l 0.3414 0.5540 l c GS Color0 SRGB GR [/Pattern /DeviceRGB] SCS Color2 Pattern14 SC fill [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color2 SC n 0.3414 0.5540 m 0.3389 0.5535 l 0.3414 0.5530 l 0.3432 0.5535 l 0.3414 0.5540 l s n 0.3309 0.5568 m 0.3296 0.5563 l 0.3309 0.5559 l 0.3336 0.5563 l 0.3309 0.5568 l c GS Color0 SRGB GR [/Pattern /DeviceRGB] SCS Color2 Pattern14 SC fill [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color2 SC n 0.3309 0.5568 m 0.3296 0.5563 l 0.3309 0.5559 l 0.3336 0.5563 l 0.3309 0.5568 l s n 0.3238 0.5598 m 0.3216 0.5591 l 0.3238 0.5584 l 0.3259 0.5591 l 0.3238 0.5598 l c GS Color0 SRGB GR [/Pattern /DeviceRGB] SCS Color2 Pattern14 SC fill [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color2 SC n 0.3238 0.5598 m 0.3216 0.5591 l 0.3238 0.5584 l 0.3259 0.5591 l 0.3238 0.5598 l s n 0.3168 0.5626 m 0.3145 0.5619 l 0.3168 0.5612 l 0.3184 0.5619 l 0.3168 0.5626 l c GS Color0 SRGB GR [/Pattern /DeviceRGB] SCS Color2 Pattern14 SC fill [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color2 SC n 0.3168 0.5626 m 0.3145 0.5619 l 0.3168 0.5612 l 0.3184 0.5619 l 0.3168 0.5626 l s n 0.3097 0.5655 m 0.3075 0.5647 l 0.3097 0.5639 l 0.3115 0.5647 l 0.3097 0.5655 l c GS Color0 SRGB GR [/Pattern /DeviceRGB] SCS Color2 Pattern14 SC fill [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color2 SC n 0.3097 0.5655 m 0.3075 0.5647 l 0.3097 0.5639 l 0.3115 0.5647 l 0.3097 0.5655 l s n 0.3027 0.5685 m 0.3008 0.5675 l 0.3027 0.5667 l 0.3049 0.5675 l 0.3027 0.5685 l c GS Color0 SRGB GR [/Pattern /DeviceRGB] SCS Color2 Pattern14 SC fill [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color2 SC n 0.3027 0.5685 m 0.3008 0.5675 l 0.3027 0.5667 l 0.3049 0.5675 l 0.3027 0.5685 l s n 0.2956 0.5712 m 0.2948 0.5704 l 0.2956 0.5700 l 0.2990 0.5704 l 0.2956 0.5712 l c GS Color0 SRGB GR [/Pattern /DeviceRGB] SCS Color2 Pattern14 SC fill [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color2 SC n 0.2956 0.5712 m 0.2948 0.5704 l 0.2956 0.5700 l 0.2990 0.5704 l 0.2956 0.5712 l s n 0.2921 0.5740 m 0.2897 0.5732 l 0.2921 0.5722 l 0.2936 0.5732 l 0.2921 0.5740 l c GS Color0 SRGB GR [/Pattern /DeviceRGB] SCS Color2 Pattern14 SC fill [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color2 SC n 0.2921 0.5740 m 0.2897 0.5732 l 0.2921 0.5722 l 0.2936 0.5732 l 0.2921 0.5740 l s n 0.2851 0.5771 m 0.2840 0.5760 l 0.2851 0.5754 l 0.2882 0.5760 l 0.2851 0.5771 l c GS Color0 SRGB GR [/Pattern /DeviceRGB] SCS Color2 Pattern14 SC fill [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color2 SC n 0.2851 0.5771 m 0.2840 0.5760 l 0.2851 0.5754 l 0.2882 0.5760 l 0.2851 0.5771 l s n 0.2816 0.5800 m 0.2792 0.5788 l 0.2816 0.5775 l 0.2835 0.5788 l 0.2816 0.5800 l c GS Color0 SRGB GR [/Pattern /DeviceRGB] SCS Color2 Pattern14 SC fill [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color2 SC n 0.2816 0.5800 m 0.2792 0.5788 l 0.2816 0.5775 l 0.2835 0.5788 l 0.2816 0.5800 l s n 0.2710 0.5866 m 0.2701 0.5844 l 0.2710 0.5839 l 0.2744 0.5816 l 0.2745 0.5816 l 0.2780 0.5803 l 0.2790 0.5816 l 0.2780 0.5822 l 0.2748 0.5844 l 0.2745 0.5846 l 0.2710 0.5866 l c GS Color0 SRGB GR [/Pattern /DeviceRGB] SCS Color2 Pattern14 SC fill [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color2 SC n 0.2710 0.5866 m 0.2701 0.5844 l 0.2710 0.5839 l 0.2744 0.5816 l 0.2745 0.5816 l 0.2780 0.5803 l 0.2790 0.5816 l 0.2780 0.5822 l 0.2748 0.5844 l 0.2745 0.5846 l 0.2710 0.5866 l s n 0.2675 0.5891 m 0.2660 0.5872 l 0.2675 0.5862 l 0.2704 0.5872 l 0.2675 0.5891 l c GS Color0 SRGB GR [/Pattern /DeviceRGB] SCS Color2 Pattern14 SC fill [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color2 SC n 0.2675 0.5891 m 0.2660 0.5872 l 0.2675 0.5862 l 0.2704 0.5872 l 0.2675 0.5891 l s n 0.2639 0.5922 m 0.2621 0.5901 l 0.2639 0.5887 l 0.2665 0.5901 l 0.2639 0.5922 l c GS Color0 SRGB GR [/Pattern /DeviceRGB] SCS Color2 Pattern14 SC fill [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color2 SC n 0.2639 0.5922 m 0.2621 0.5901 l 0.2639 0.5887 l 0.2665 0.5901 l 0.2639 0.5922 l s n 0.2604 0.5952 m 0.2586 0.5929 l 0.2604 0.5914 l 0.2630 0.5929 l 0.2604 0.5952 l c GS Color0 SRGB GR [/Pattern /DeviceRGB] SCS Color2 Pattern14 SC fill [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color2 SC n 0.2604 0.5952 m 0.2586 0.5929 l 0.2604 0.5914 l 0.2630 0.5929 l 0.2604 0.5952 l s n 0.2569 0.5983 m 0.2552 0.5957 l 0.2569 0.5943 l 0.2598 0.5957 l 0.2569 0.5983 l c GS Color0 SRGB GR [/Pattern /DeviceRGB] SCS Color2 Pattern14 SC fill [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color2 SC n 0.2569 0.5983 m 0.2552 0.5957 l 0.2569 0.5943 l 0.2598 0.5957 l 0.2569 0.5983 l s n 0.5881 0.5382 m 0.5846 0.5381 l 0.5810 0.5379 l 0.5775 0.5377 l 0.5740 0.5375 l 0.5705 0.5373 l 0.5669 0.5372 l 0.5634 0.5370 l 0.5599 0.5369 l 0.5564 0.5368 l 0.5528 0.5367 l 0.5501 0.5366 l 0.5528 0.5363 l 0.5564 0.5361 l 0.5599 0.5359 l 0.5634 0.5358 l 0.5669 0.5356 l 0.5705 0.5355 l 0.5740 0.5354 l 0.5775 0.5354 l 0.5810 0.5353 l 0.5846 0.5353 l 0.5881 0.5353 l 0.5916 0.5354 l 0.5951 0.5355 l 0.5987 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SC n 0.5881 0.5382 m 0.5846 0.5381 l 0.5810 0.5379 l 0.5775 0.5377 l 0.5740 0.5375 l 0.5705 0.5373 l 0.5669 0.5372 l 0.5634 0.5370 l 0.5599 0.5369 l 0.5564 0.5368 l 0.5528 0.5367 l 0.5501 0.5366 l 0.5528 0.5363 l 0.5564 0.5361 l 0.5599 0.5359 l 0.5634 0.5358 l 0.5669 0.5356 l 0.5705 0.5355 l 0.5740 0.5354 l 0.5775 0.5354 l 0.5810 0.5353 l 0.5846 0.5353 l 0.5881 0.5353 l 0.5916 0.5354 l 0.5951 0.5355 l 0.5987 0.5356 l 0.6022 0.5357 l 0.6057 0.5358 l 0.6092 0.5360 l 0.6127 0.5361 l 0.6163 0.5362 l 0.6198 0.5363 l 0.6233 0.5365 l 0.6263 0.5366 l 0.6268 0.5366 l 0.6304 0.5368 l 0.6339 0.5370 l 0.6374 0.5372 l 0.6409 0.5374 l 0.6445 0.5376 l 0.6480 0.5379 l 0.6515 0.5381 l 0.6550 0.5383 l 0.6586 0.5385 l 0.6621 0.5388 l 0.6656 0.5390 l 0.6691 0.5392 l 0.6715 0.5394 l 0.6726 0.5395 l 0.6762 0.5398 l 0.6797 0.5400 l 0.6832 0.5403 l 0.6867 0.5406 l 0.6903 0.5409 l 0.6938 0.5411 l 0.6973 0.5414 l 0.7008 0.5417 l 0.7044 0.5420 l 0.7075 0.5422 l 0.7079 0.5422 l 0.7114 0.5426 l 0.7149 0.5430 l 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0.6055 l 0.3473 0.6060 l 0.3411 0.6143 l 0.3356 0.6211 l 0.3339 0.6231 l 0.3309 0.6319 l 0.3312 0.6407 l 0.3312 0.6495 l 0.3327 0.6583 l 0.3356 0.6671 l 0.3356 0.6671 l 0.3401 0.6759 l 0.3460 0.6847 l 0.3473 0.6863 l 0.3537 0.6934 l 0.3591 0.6987 l 0.3631 0.7023 l 0.3708 0.7084 l 0.3745 0.7110 l 0.3826 0.7164 l 0.3882 0.7198 l 0.3943 0.7234 l 0.4044 0.7286 l 0.4060 0.7294 l 0.4178 0.7348 l 0.4240 0.7374 l 0.4295 0.7397 l 0.4413 0.7441 l 0.4477 0.7462 l 0.4530 0.7480 l 0.4648 0.7516 l 0.4765 0.7549 l 0.4770 0.7550 l 0.4883 0.7579 l 0.5000 0.7606 l 0.5117 0.7631 l 0.5155 0.7638 l 0.5235 0.7654 l 0.5352 0.7675 l 0.5470 0.7694 l 0.5587 0.7710 l 0.5705 0.7725 l 0.5719 0.7726 l 0.5822 0.7738 l 0.5940 0.7750 l 0.6057 0.7761 l 0.6174 0.7769 l 0.6292 0.7776 l 0.6409 0.7782 l 0.6527 0.7786 l 0.6644 0.7789 l 0.6762 0.7791 l 0.6879 0.7791 l 0.6997 0.7790 l 0.7114 0.7787 l 0.7231 0.7783 l 0.7349 0.7777 l 0.7466 0.7770 l 0.7584 0.7762 l 0.7701 0.7752 l 0.7819 0.7739 l 0.7930 0.7726 l 0.7936 0.7725 l 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0.4947 0.8500 m 0.4947 0.8400 l s n 0.5238 0.1500 m 0.5238 0.1600 l s n 0.5238 0.8500 m 0.5238 0.8400 l s n 0.5464 0.1500 m 0.5464 0.1600 l s n 0.5464 0.8500 m 0.5464 0.8400 l s n 0.5649 0.1500 m 0.5649 0.1600 l s n 0.5649 0.8500 m 0.5649 0.8400 l s n 0.5805 0.1500 m 0.5805 0.1600 l s n 0.5805 0.8500 m 0.5805 0.8400 l s n 0.5941 0.1500 m 0.5941 0.1600 l s n 0.5941 0.8500 m 0.5941 0.8400 l s n 0.6060 0.1500 m 0.6060 0.1600 l s n 0.6060 0.8500 m 0.6060 0.8400 l s n 0.6167 0.1500 m 0.6167 0.1600 l s n 0.6167 0.8500 m 0.6167 0.8400 l s n 0.6869 0.1500 m 0.6869 0.1600 l s n 0.6869 0.8500 m 0.6869 0.8400 l s n 0.7280 0.1500 m 0.7280 0.1600 l s n 0.7280 0.8500 m 0.7280 0.8400 l s n 0.7571 0.1500 m 0.7571 0.1600 l s n 0.7571 0.8500 m 0.7571 0.8400 l s n 0.7798 0.1500 m 0.7798 0.1600 l s n 0.7798 0.8500 m 0.7798 0.8400 l s n 0.7982 0.1500 m 0.7982 0.1600 l s n 0.7982 0.8500 m 0.7982 0.8400 l s n 0.8139 0.1500 m 0.8139 0.1600 l s n 0.8139 0.8500 m 0.8139 0.8400 l s n 0.8274 0.1500 m 0.8274 0.1600 l s n 0.8274 0.8500 m 0.8274 0.8400 l s n 0.8393 0.1500 m 0.8393 0.1600 l s n 0.8393 0.8500 m 0.8393 0.8400 l s n 0.8500 0.1500 m 0.8500 0.1600 l s n 0.8500 0.8500 m 0.8500 0.8400 l s n 0.1500 0.1500 m 0.1500 0.1700 l s n 0.1500 0.8500 m 0.1500 0.8300 l s n 0.3833 0.1500 m 0.3833 0.1700 l s n 0.3833 0.8500 m 0.3833 0.8300 l s n 0.6167 0.1500 m 0.6167 0.1700 l s n 0.6167 0.8500 m 0.6167 0.8300 l s n 0.8500 0.1500 m 0.8500 0.1700 l s n 0.8500 0.8500 m 0.8500 0.8300 l s /Times-Roman findfont dup length dict begin {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall /Encoding DefEncoding def currentdict end /Font0 exch definefont pop /Font0 FFSF [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color1 SC 0.1280 0.1099 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (10) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.1559 0.1267 m GS [0.0198 0.0000 0.0000 0.0198 0 0] CC (-4) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.3618 0.1099 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (10) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.3896 0.1267 m GS [0.0198 0.0000 0.0000 0.0198 0 0] CC (-3) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.5947 0.1099 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (10) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.6225 0.1267 m GS [0.0198 0.0000 0.0000 0.0198 0 0] CC (-2) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.8288 0.1099 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (10) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.8567 0.1267 m GS [0.0198 0.0000 0.0000 0.0198 0 0] CC (-1) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.4265 0.0693 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (true sin) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.5167 0.0861 m GS [0.0198 0.0000 0.0000 0.0198 0 0] CC (2) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.5265 0.0693 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (2) show GR /Symbol findfont /Font12 exch definefont pop /Font12 FFSF 0.5406 0.0693 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (q) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.5551 0.0581 m GS [0.0198 0.0000 0.0000 0.0198 0 0] CC (13) show GR n 0.1500 0.1500 m 0.1500 0.8500 l s n 0.8500 0.1500 m 0.8500 0.8500 l s n 0.1500 0.1850 m 0.1600 0.1850 l s n 0.8500 0.1850 m 0.8400 0.1850 l s n 0.1500 0.2200 m 0.1600 0.2200 l s n 0.8500 0.2200 m 0.8400 0.2200 l s n 0.1500 0.2550 m 0.1600 0.2550 l s n 0.8500 0.2550 m 0.8400 0.2550 l s n 0.1500 0.2900 m 0.1600 0.2900 l s n 0.8500 0.2900 m 0.8400 0.2900 l s n 0.1500 0.3600 m 0.1600 0.3600 l s n 0.8500 0.3600 m 0.8400 0.3600 l s n 0.1500 0.3950 m 0.1600 0.3950 l s n 0.8500 0.3950 m 0.8400 0.3950 l s n 0.1500 0.4300 m 0.1600 0.4300 l s n 0.8500 0.4300 m 0.8400 0.4300 l s n 0.1500 0.4650 m 0.1600 0.4650 l s n 0.8500 0.4650 m 0.8400 0.4650 l s n 0.1500 0.5350 m 0.1600 0.5350 l s n 0.8500 0.5350 m 0.8400 0.5350 l s n 0.1500 0.5700 m 0.1600 0.5700 l s n 0.8500 0.5700 m 0.8400 0.5700 l s n 0.1500 0.6050 m 0.1600 0.6050 l s n 0.8500 0.6050 m 0.8400 0.6050 l s n 0.1500 0.6400 m 0.1600 0.6400 l s n 0.8500 0.6400 m 0.8400 0.6400 l s n 0.1500 0.7100 m 0.1600 0.7100 l s n 0.8500 0.7100 m 0.8400 0.7100 l s n 0.1500 0.7450 m 0.1600 0.7450 l s n 0.8500 0.7450 m 0.8400 0.7450 l s n 0.1500 0.7800 m 0.1600 0.7800 l s n 0.8500 0.7800 m 0.8400 0.7800 l s n 0.1500 0.8150 m 0.1600 0.8150 l s n 0.8500 0.8150 m 0.8400 0.8150 l s [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color7 SC n 0.1500 0.1500 m 0.1700 0.1500 l s n 0.8500 0.1500 m 0.8300 0.1500 l s n 0.1500 0.3250 m 0.1700 0.3250 l s n 0.8500 0.3250 m 0.8300 0.3250 l s n 0.1500 0.5000 m 0.1700 0.5000 l s n 0.8500 0.5000 m 0.8300 0.5000 l s n 0.1500 0.6750 m 0.1700 0.6750 l s n 0.8500 0.6750 m 0.8300 0.6750 l s n 0.1500 0.8500 m 0.1700 0.8500 l s n 0.8500 0.8500 m 0.8300 0.8500 l s /Font0 FFSF [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color1 SC 0.1267 0.1408 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (0) show GR /Font12 FFSF 0.1035 0.3158 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (p) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.1188 0.3158 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (/2) show GR /Font12 FFSF 0.1251 0.4931 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (p) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.0894 0.6658 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (3) show GR /Font12 FFSF 0.1035 0.6658 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (p) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.1188 0.6658 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (/2) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.1110 0.8408 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (2) show GR /Font12 FFSF 0.1251 0.8408 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (p) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.0678 0.4522 m GS [0.0000 0.0280 -0.0280 0.0000 0 0] CC (true ) show GR /Font12 FFSF 0.0678 0.5098 m GS [0.0000 0.0280 -0.0280 0.0000 0 0] CC (d) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.0790 0.5235 m GS [0.0000 0.0198 -0.0198 0.0000 0 0] CC (CP) show GR n 0.1500 0.1500 m 0.8500 0.1500 l s n 0.1500 0.8500 m 0.8500 0.8500 l s n 0.2202 0.1500 m 0.2202 0.1600 l s n 0.2202 0.8500 m 0.2202 0.8400 l s n 0.2613 0.1500 m 0.2613 0.1600 l s n 0.2613 0.8500 m 0.2613 0.8400 l s n 0.2905 0.1500 m 0.2905 0.1600 l s n 0.2905 0.8500 m 0.2905 0.8400 l s n 0.3131 0.1500 m 0.3131 0.1600 l s n 0.3131 0.8500 m 0.3131 0.8400 l s n 0.3316 0.1500 m 0.3316 0.1600 l s n 0.3316 0.8500 m 0.3316 0.8400 l s n 0.3472 0.1500 m 0.3472 0.1600 l s n 0.3472 0.8500 m 0.3472 0.8400 l s n 0.3607 0.1500 m 0.3607 0.1600 l s n 0.3607 0.8500 m 0.3607 0.8400 l s n 0.3727 0.1500 m 0.3727 0.1600 l s n 0.3727 0.8500 m 0.3727 0.8400 l s n 0.3833 0.1500 m 0.3833 0.1600 l s n 0.3833 0.8500 m 0.3833 0.8400 l s n 0.4536 0.1500 m 0.4536 0.1600 l s n 0.4536 0.8500 m 0.4536 0.8400 l s n 0.4947 0.1500 m 0.4947 0.1600 l s n 0.4947 0.8500 m 0.4947 0.8400 l s n 0.5238 0.1500 m 0.5238 0.1600 l s n 0.5238 0.8500 m 0.5238 0.8400 l s n 0.5464 0.1500 m 0.5464 0.1600 l s n 0.5464 0.8500 m 0.5464 0.8400 l s n 0.5649 0.1500 m 0.5649 0.1600 l s n 0.5649 0.8500 m 0.5649 0.8400 l s n 0.5805 0.1500 m 0.5805 0.1600 l s n 0.5805 0.8500 m 0.5805 0.8400 l s n 0.5941 0.1500 m 0.5941 0.1600 l s n 0.5941 0.8500 m 0.5941 0.8400 l s n 0.6060 0.1500 m 0.6060 0.1600 l s n 0.6060 0.8500 m 0.6060 0.8400 l s n 0.6167 0.1500 m 0.6167 0.1600 l s n 0.6167 0.8500 m 0.6167 0.8400 l s n 0.6869 0.1500 m 0.6869 0.1600 l s n 0.6869 0.8500 m 0.6869 0.8400 l s n 0.7280 0.1500 m 0.7280 0.1600 l s n 0.7280 0.8500 m 0.7280 0.8400 l s n 0.7571 0.1500 m 0.7571 0.1600 l s n 0.7571 0.8500 m 0.7571 0.8400 l s n 0.7798 0.1500 m 0.7798 0.1600 l s n 0.7798 0.8500 m 0.7798 0.8400 l s n 0.7982 0.1500 m 0.7982 0.1600 l s n 0.7982 0.8500 m 0.7982 0.8400 l s n 0.8139 0.1500 m 0.8139 0.1600 l s n 0.8139 0.8500 m 0.8139 0.8400 l s n 0.8274 0.1500 m 0.8274 0.1600 l s n 0.8274 0.8500 m 0.8274 0.8400 l s n 0.8393 0.1500 m 0.8393 0.1600 l s n 0.8393 0.8500 m 0.8393 0.8400 l s n 0.8500 0.1500 m 0.8500 0.1600 l s n 0.8500 0.8500 m 0.8500 0.8400 l s n 0.1500 0.1500 m 0.1500 0.1700 l s n 0.1500 0.8500 m 0.1500 0.8300 l s n 0.3833 0.1500 m 0.3833 0.1700 l s n 0.3833 0.8500 m 0.3833 0.8300 l s n 0.6167 0.1500 m 0.6167 0.1700 l s n 0.6167 0.8500 m 0.6167 0.8300 l s n 0.8500 0.1500 m 0.8500 0.1700 l s n 0.8500 0.8500 m 0.8500 0.8300 l s n 0.1500 0.1500 m 0.1500 0.8500 l s n 0.8500 0.1500 m 0.8500 0.8500 l s n 0.1500 0.1850 m 0.1600 0.1850 l s n 0.8500 0.1850 m 0.8400 0.1850 l s n 0.1500 0.2200 m 0.1600 0.2200 l s n 0.8500 0.2200 m 0.8400 0.2200 l s n 0.1500 0.2550 m 0.1600 0.2550 l s n 0.8500 0.2550 m 0.8400 0.2550 l s n 0.1500 0.2900 m 0.1600 0.2900 l s n 0.8500 0.2900 m 0.8400 0.2900 l s n 0.1500 0.3600 m 0.1600 0.3600 l s n 0.8500 0.3600 m 0.8400 0.3600 l s n 0.1500 0.3950 m 0.1600 0.3950 l s n 0.8500 0.3950 m 0.8400 0.3950 l s n 0.1500 0.4300 m 0.1600 0.4300 l s n 0.8500 0.4300 m 0.8400 0.4300 l s n 0.1500 0.4650 m 0.1600 0.4650 l s n 0.8500 0.4650 m 0.8400 0.4650 l s n 0.1500 0.5350 m 0.1600 0.5350 l s n 0.8500 0.5350 m 0.8400 0.5350 l s n 0.1500 0.5700 m 0.1600 0.5700 l s n 0.8500 0.5700 m 0.8400 0.5700 l s n 0.1500 0.6050 m 0.1600 0.6050 l s n 0.8500 0.6050 m 0.8400 0.6050 l s n 0.1500 0.6400 m 0.1600 0.6400 l s n 0.8500 0.6400 m 0.8400 0.6400 l s n 0.1500 0.7100 m 0.1600 0.7100 l s n 0.8500 0.7100 m 0.8400 0.7100 l s n 0.1500 0.7450 m 0.1600 0.7450 l s n 0.8500 0.7450 m 0.8400 0.7450 l s n 0.1500 0.7800 m 0.1600 0.7800 l s n 0.8500 0.7800 m 0.8400 0.7800 l s n 0.1500 0.8150 m 0.1600 0.8150 l s n 0.8500 0.8150 m 0.8400 0.8150 l s n 0.1500 0.1500 m 0.1700 0.1500 l s n 0.8500 0.1500 m 0.8300 0.1500 l s n 0.1500 0.3250 m 0.1700 0.3250 l s n 0.8500 0.3250 m 0.8300 0.3250 l s n 0.1500 0.5000 m 0.1700 0.5000 l s n 0.8500 0.5000 m 0.8300 0.5000 l s n 0.1500 0.6750 m 0.1700 0.6750 l s n 0.8500 0.6750 m 0.8300 0.6750 l s n 0.1500 0.8500 m 0.1700 0.8500 l s n 0.8500 0.8500 m 0.8300 0.8500 l s n 0.1500 0.1500 m 0.1500 0.8500 l 0.8500 0.8500 l 0.8500 0.1500 l 0.1500 0.1500 l c s n 0.5900 0.7500 m 0.5900 0.6449 l 0.7433 0.6449 l 0.7433 0.7500 l c [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color0 SC fill [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color1 SC n 0.5900 0.7500 m 0.5900 0.6449 l 0.7433 0.6449 l 0.7433 0.7500 l 0.5900 0.7500 l c s /Font0 FFSF 0.6615 0.7212 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (T2HK) show GR [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color4 SC [] 0 SD 0.0030 SLW n 0.6015 0.7306 m 0.6415 0.7306 l s /Font0 FFSF [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color1 SC 0.6615 0.6924 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (SPL) show GR [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color15 SC n 0.6015 0.7016 m 0.6415 0.7016 l s /Font12 FFSF [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color1 SC 0.6615 0.6612 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (b) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.6768 0.6612 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (B) show GR [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color2 SC n 0.6015 0.6684 m 0.6415 0.6684 l s n 0.5987 0.7414 m 0.5987 0.7210 l 0.6426 0.7210 l 0.6426 0.7414 l c [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color7 SC fill [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color4 SC n 0.5987 0.7414 m 0.5987 0.7210 l 0.6426 0.7210 l 0.6426 0.7414 l 0.5987 0.7414 l c s n 0.5987 0.7116 m 0.5987 0.6912 l 0.6426 0.6912 l 0.6426 0.7116 l c GS Color0 SRGB fill GR [/Pattern /DeviceRGB] SCS Color15 Pattern15 SC fill [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color15 SC n 0.5987 0.7116 m 0.5987 0.6912 l 0.6426 0.6912 l 0.6426 0.7116 l 0.5987 0.7116 l c s n 0.5987 0.6803 m 0.5987 0.6599 l 0.6426 0.6599 l 0.6426 0.6803 l c GS Color0 SRGB fill GR [/Pattern /DeviceRGB] SCS Color2 Pattern14 SC fill [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color2 SC n 0.5987 0.6803 m 0.5987 0.6599 l 0.6426 0.6599 l 0.6426 0.6803 l 0.5987 0.6803 l c s /Times-Bold findfont dup length dict begin {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall /Encoding DefEncoding def currentdict end /Font2 exch definefont pop /Font2 FFSF [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color1 SC 0.2726 0.8679 m GS [0.0336 0.0000 0.0000 0.0336 0 0] CC ( Sensitivity to CP violation at 3) show GR /Font12 FFSF 0.7149 0.8679 m GS [0.0336 0.0000 0.0000 0.0336 0 0] CC (s) show GR /Font12 FFSF 0.1693 0.1771 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (s) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.1861 0.1659 m GS [0.0198 0.0000 0.0000 0.0198 0 0] CC (syst) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.2171 0.1771 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC ( = 2%) show GR /Font12 FFSF 0.2842 0.1771 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (-) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.2995 0.1771 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (5%) show GR /Font12 FFSF 0.1738 0.8021 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (Dc) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.2064 0.8189 m GS [0.0198 0.0000 0.0000 0.0198 0 0] CC (2) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.2162 0.8021 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC ( \() show GR /Font12 FFSF 0.2326 0.8021 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (d) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.2464 0.7909 m GS [0.0198 0.0000 0.0000 0.0198 0 0] CC (CP) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.2707 0.8021 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC ( = 0, ) show GR /Font12 FFSF 0.3283 0.8021 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (p) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.3436 0.8021 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (\) = 9) show GR %%Trailer %%BoundingBox: 27 34 535 547 %%DocumentNeededResources: font Times-Roman %%+ font Times-Bold %%+ font Symbol %%EOF %%EndDocument @endspecial -60 2910 a Fw(Figure)45 b(11)p Fy(:)57 b Fi(CPV)33 b(disco)n(v)n(ery)e(p)r(oten)n(tial)h(for)h Fh(\014)t Fi(B,)g(SPL,)g(and)g(T2HK:)f(F)-7 b(or)33 b(parameter)e(v)-5 b(alues)33 b(inside)g(the)g(ellipse-)-60 3031 y(shap)r(ed)j(curv)n(es)f (CP)g(conserving)g(v)-5 b(alues)36 b(of)g Fh(\016)1457 3043 y Fg(CP)1589 3031 y Fi(can)f(b)r(e)i(excluded)f(at)g(3)p Fh(\033)j Fi(\(\001)p Fh(\037)2614 3001 y Fg(2)2689 3031 y Fh(>)e Fi(9\).)62 b(The)36 b(width)h(of)f(the)g(bands)-60 3151 y(corresp)r(onds)25 b(to)j(v)-5 b(alues)27 b(for)f(the)i (systematical)f(errors)e(from)i(2\045)g(to)g(5\045.)37 b(The)27 b(dashed)g(curv)n(es)f(sho)n(w)g(the)i(sensitivit)n(y)f(of)-60 3271 y(the)g Fh(\014)t Fi(B)f(when)g(the)h(n)n(um)n(b)r(er)f(of)g(ion)g (deca)n(ys/yr)e(are)h(reduced)h(b)n(y)g(a)f(factor)h(of)g(t)n(w)n(o)f (with)i(resp)r(ect)f(to)g(the)h(v)-5 b(alues)25 b(giv)n(en)h(in)-60 3392 y(T)-7 b(ab.)27 b(1)h(for)f(2\045)g(systematics.)-60 3674 y Fw(5.3)112 b(Sensitivit)m(y)38 b(to)f(CP)g(violation)-60 3920 y Fy(In)26 b(case)g(a)g(\014nite)g(v)-5 b(alue)26 b(of)f Fo(\022)965 3935 y Fq(13)1066 3920 y Fy(is)h(established)i(it)e (is)g(imp)s(ortan)m(t)f(to)h(quan)m(titativ)m(ely)i(assess)f(the)f (disco)m(v)m(ery)-60 4040 y(p)s(oten)m(tial)e(for)g(leptonic)g(CP)h (violation)f(\(CPV\).)h(The)g(CP)f(symmetry)j(is)d(violated)h(if)e(the) i(complex)g(phase)-60 4161 y Fo(\016)-17 4176 y Fq(CP)124 4161 y Fy(is)38 b(di\013eren)m(t)g(from)f(0)g(and)h Fo(\031)t Fy(.)58 b(Therefore,)39 b(CPV)g(is)e(disco)m(v)m(ered)k(if)c(these)h(v) -5 b(alues)39 b(for)d Fo(\016)3415 4176 y Fq(CP)3556 4161 y Fy(can)i(b)s(e)-60 4281 y(excluded.)85 b(W)-8 b(e)47 b(ev)-5 b(aluate)46 b(the)g(disco)m(v)m(ery)j(p)s(oten)m(tial)d (for)f(CPV)i(in)f(the)g(follo)m(wing)g(w)m(a)m(y:)71 b(Data)45 b(are)-60 4401 y(calculated)34 b(b)m(y)g(scanning)f(the)h (true)f(v)-5 b(alues)34 b(of)e(sin)1835 4362 y Fq(2)1891 4401 y Fy(2)p Fo(\022)1985 4416 y Fq(13)2092 4401 y Fy(and)h Fo(\016)2325 4416 y Fq(CP)2429 4401 y Fy(.)44 b(Then)34 b(these)g(data)e(are)h(\014tted)g(with)-60 4522 y(the)h(CP)g (conserving)i(v)-5 b(alues)34 b Fo(\016)1095 4537 y Fq(CP)1228 4522 y Fy(=)29 b(0)k(and)h Fo(\016)1649 4537 y Fq(CP)1782 4522 y Fy(=)29 b Fo(\031)t Fy(,)34 b(where)h(all)e(parameters)i(except) g Fo(\016)3282 4537 y Fq(CP)3419 4522 y Fy(are)f(v)-5 b(aried)-60 4642 y(and)44 b(the)g(sign)g(and)g(o)s(ctan)m(t)f (degeneracies)j(are)e(tak)m(en)g(in)m(to)g(accoun)m(t.)77 b(If)44 b(no)g(\014t)f(with)h(\001)p Fo(\037)3473 4606 y Fq(2)3560 4642 y Fo(<)i Fy(9)d(is)-60 4763 y(found)34 b(CP)h(conserving)g(v)-5 b(alues)35 b(of)f Fo(\016)1315 4778 y Fq(CP)1452 4763 y Fy(can)g(b)s(e)h(excluded)h(at)e(3)p Fo(\033)j Fy(for)d(the)g(c)m(hosen)i(v)-5 b(alues)35 b(of)e Fo(\016)3519 4726 y Fq(true)3515 4788 y(CP)3683 4763 y Fy(and)-60 4883 y(sin)60 4843 y Fq(2)116 4883 y Fy(2)p Fo(\022)213 4847 y Fq(true)210 4908 y(13)342 4883 y Fy(.)86 5045 y(The)d(CPV)f(disco)m(v)m(ery)i(p)s(oten)m(tial)e (for)e Fo(\014)6 b Fy(B,)28 b(SPL,)h(and)g(T2HK)f(is)h(sho)m(wn)h(in)e (Fig.)g(11.)42 b(As)29 b(in)f(the)h(case)-60 5165 y(of)d(the)g Fo(\022)251 5180 y Fq(13)353 5165 y Fy(sensitivit)m(y)j(w)m(e)e(\014nd) g(that)f(SPL)h(and)f(T2HK)g(p)s(erform)h(rather)f(similar,)i(whereas)g (the)f Fo(\014)6 b Fy(B)26 b(has)-60 5286 y(signi\014can)m(tly)i(b)s (etter)e(sensitivit)m(y)j(if)d(our)g(adopted)g(n)m(um)m(b)s(ers)i(of)e (ion)g(deca)m(ys)i(p)s(er)e(y)m(ear)h(can)f(b)s(e)h(ac)m(hiev)m(ed.)-60 5406 y(F)-8 b(or)40 b(systematical)i(errors)f(of)f(2\045)h(maximal)g (CPV)g(\(for)f Fo(\016)2160 5370 y Fq(true)2156 5431 y(CP)2331 5406 y Fy(=)h Fo(\031)t(=)p Fy(2)p Fo(;)33 b Fy(3)p Fo(\031)t(=)p Fy(2\))40 b(can)g(b)s(e)h(disco)m(v)m(ered)i(at) -60 5526 y(3)p Fo(\033)f Fy(do)m(wn)c(to)g(sin)593 5486 y Fq(2)649 5526 y Fy(2)p Fo(\022)743 5541 y Fq(13)854 5526 y Fn(')g Fy(8)p Fo(:)p Fy(8)17 b(\(6)p Fo(:)p Fy(6\))24 b Fn(\002)i Fy(10)1537 5490 y Fm(\000)p Fq(4)1669 5526 y Fy(for)38 b(SPL)g(\(T2HK\),)g(and)g(sin)2767 5486 y Fq(2)2823 5526 y Fy(2)p Fo(\022)2917 5541 y Fq(13)3028 5526 y Fn(')g Fy(2)25 b Fn(\002)h Fy(10)3418 5490 y Fm(\000)p Fq(4)3550 5526 y Fy(for)38 b(the)-60 5647 y Fo(\014)6 b Fy(B.)38 b(This)h(n)m(um)m(b)s(er)h(for)e(the)g Fo(\014)6 b Fy(B)38 b(is)h(increased)h(b)m(y)f(a)f(factor)g(3)g(if)g(the)h (\015uxes)g(are)g(reduced)g(to)f(half)g(of)-60 5767 y(our)f(nominal)h (v)-5 b(alues.)58 b(The)38 b(b)s(est)g(sensitivit)m(y)i(to)d(CPV)h(is)g (obtained)g(for)f(all)g(three)h(facilities)g(around)1841 6036 y(17)p eop end %%Page: 18 18 TeXDict begin 18 17 bop -60 246 a Fy(sin)60 207 y Fq(2)116 246 y Fy(2)p Fo(\022)210 261 y Fq(13)315 246 y Fn(\030)32 b Fy(10)522 210 y Fm(\000)p Fq(2)615 246 y Fy(.)49 b(F)-8 b(or)34 b(this)h(v)-5 b(alue)34 b(CPV)h(can)g(b)s(e)g(established)h (for)e(78\045,)g(73\045,)h(75\045)f(of)g(all)g(v)-5 b(alues)35 b(of)-60 367 y Fo(\016)-17 382 y Fq(CP)119 367 y Fy(for)d Fo(\014)6 b Fy(B,)32 b(SPL,)h(T2HK,)g(resp)s(ectiv)m(ely)j(\(again)c (for)g(systematics)j(of)d(2\045\).)86 529 y(The)d(widths)f(of)f(the)h (bands)g(in)g(Fig.)f(11)g(corresp)s(onds)h(to)f(di\013eren)m(t)i(v)-5 b(alues)28 b(for)f(systematical)i(errors.)-60 649 y(The)37 b(curv)m(es)i(whic)m(h)e(giv)m(e)h(the)e(b)s(est)h(sensitivities)i(are) e(obtained)f(for)g(systematics)j(of)d(2\045,)h(the)g(curv)m(es)-60 770 y(corresp)s(onding)27 b(to)e(the)h(w)m(orst)h(sensitivit)m(y)h(ha)m (v)m(e)f(b)s(een)g(computed)g(for)e(systematics)j(of)e(5\045.)41 b(W)-8 b(e)26 b(c)m(hange)-60 890 y(the)d(uncertain)m(t)m(y)h(on)e(the) g(signal)h(as)f(w)m(ell)i(as)e(on)g(the)h(bac)m(kground,)i(ho)m(w)m(ev) m(er,)i(it)22 b(turns)h(out)f(that)g(the)h(most)-60 1010 y(relev)-5 b(an)m(t)25 b(uncertain)m(t)m(y)h(is)e(the)g(bac)m(kground)h (normalization.)41 b(W)-8 b(e)24 b(\014nd)h(that)e(the)i(impact)f(of)f (systematics)-60 1131 y(is)39 b(v)m(ery)g(small)g(for)e(the)i Fo(\014)6 b Fy(B.)37 b(The)i(reason)g(for)e(this)i(is)f(that)g(the)g (sp)s(ectral)h(shap)s(e)g(of)e(the)i(bac)m(kground)-60 1251 y(in)45 b(the)g Fo(\014)6 b Fy(B)44 b(\(from)g(pions)i(and)f (atmospheric)h(neutrinos\))f(is)g(v)m(ery)h(di\013eren)m(t)g(from)f (the)g(signal,)j(and)-60 1371 y(therefore)34 b(they)g(can)g(b)s(e)f (disen)m(tangled)i(b)m(y)g(the)e(\014t)h(of)f(the)g(energy)i(sp)s (ectrum.)47 b(F)-8 b(or)32 b(the)i(Sup)s(er)g(Beams)-60 1492 y(the)f(bac)m(kground)h(sp)s(ectrum)g(is)g(more)f(similar)h(to)e (the)h(signal,)h(and)f(therefore)g(an)g(uncertain)m(t)m(y)i(on)e(the) -60 1612 y(bac)m(kgound)i(normalization)e(migh)m(t)h(ha)m(v)m(e)h(a)e (strong)h(impact)g(on)f(the)h(sensitivit)m(y)-8 b(,)36 b(as)e(visible)h(from)f(the)-60 1733 y(SPL)c(and)f(T2HK)g(curv)m(es)i (in)f(Fig.)f(11.)41 b(In)30 b(particular)f(T2HK)h(is)f(strongly)h (a\013ected,)h(and)e(mo)m(ving)h(from)-60 1853 y(2\045)j(to)f(5\045)g (uncertain)m(y)j(decreases)g(the)e(sensitivit)m(y)i(to)d(maximal)i(CPV) f(b)m(y)g(a)g(factor)f(3.)86 2015 y(This)43 b(in)m(teresting)g(feature) e(can)h(b)s(e)g(understo)s(o)s(d)f(in)h(the)g(follo)m(wing)f(w)m(a)m(y) -8 b(.)71 b(A)41 b(rough)h(measure)g(to)-60 2135 y(estimate)i(the)g (sensitivit)m(y)i(is)e(giv)m(en)g(b)m(y)h(the)e(signal)h(compared)g(to) f(the)h(error)f(on)g(the)h(bac)m(kground.)-60 2256 y(The)d(latter)g (receiv)m(es)h(con)m(tributions)g(from)e(the)h(statistical)g(error)2502 2171 y Fn(p)p 2585 2171 80 4 v 85 x Fo(B)46 b Fy(and)40 b(from)g(the)h(systematical)-60 2376 y(uncertain)m(t)m(y)36 b Fo(\033)514 2391 y Fq(bkgr)658 2376 y Fo(B)5 b Fy(,)34 b(where)i Fo(B)j Fy(is)34 b(the)h(n)m(um)m(b)s(er)g(of)f(bac)m(kground) h(ev)m(en)m(ts)h(and)e Fo(\033)3003 2391 y Fq(bkgr)3181 2376 y Fy(is)g(the)h(\(relativ)m(e\))-60 2496 y(systematical)i(error.) 51 b(Hence)37 b(the)e(imp)s(ortance)h(of)e(the)i(systematics)i(can)d(b) s(e)g(estimated)i(b)m(y)f(the)f(ratio)-60 2617 y(of)43 b(systematical)i(and)f(statistical)g(errors)g Fo(\033)1629 2632 y Fq(bkgr)1773 2617 y Fo(B)5 b(=)1901 2532 y Fn(p)p 1984 2532 V 85 x Fo(B)51 b Fy(=)c Fo(\033)2287 2632 y Fq(bkgr)2430 2532 y Fn(p)p 2513 2532 V 85 x Fo(B)6 b Fy(.)76 b(Summing)44 b(the)g(n)m(um)m(b)s(ers)h(for)-60 2737 y(bac)m(kground)34 b(ev)m(en)m(ts)h(in)e(the)g(neutrino)g(and)g (an)m(tineutrino)h(c)m(hannels)g(giv)m(en)g(in)f(T)-8 b(ab.)33 b(2)f(one)h(\014nds)h(that)-60 2858 y(systematical)44 b(errors)e(dominate)h(\()p Fo(\033)1323 2873 y Fq(bkgr)1467 2773 y Fn(p)p 1550 2773 V 85 x Fo(B)49 b(>)43 b Fy(1\))f(if)g Fo(\033)2075 2873 y Fq(bkgr)2263 2858 y Fl(&)i Fy(6\045)p Fo(;)33 b Fy(3\045)p Fo(;)h Fy(2\045)42 b(for)f Fo(\014)6 b Fy(B,)42 b(SPL,)h(T2HK,)-60 2978 y(resp)s(ectiv)m(ely)-8 b(.)46 b(In)32 b(the)g(righ)m(t)g(panel)g(Fig.)f(12)g(w)m(e)h(sho)m(w)h (the)f(sensitivit)m(y)i(to)d(maximal)h(CPV)h(\(as)f(de\014ned)-60 3098 y(in)i(the)g(\014gure)g(caption\))g(as)g(a)f(function)h(of)f Fo(\033)1635 3113 y Fq(bkgr)1779 3098 y Fy(.)47 b(Indeed,)35 b(the)f(w)m(orsening)h(of)e(the)h(sensitivit)m(y)j(due)d(to)-60 3219 y(systematics)28 b(o)s(ccurs)f(roughly)f(at)g(the)g(v)-5 b(alues)27 b(of)e Fo(\033)1812 3234 y Fq(bkgr)1982 3219 y Fy(as)h(estimated)h(ab)s(o)m(v)m(e.)42 b(F)-8 b(or)25 b(a)h(more)g(quan)m(titativ)m(e)-60 3339 y(understanding)f(of)f(these)h (curv)m(es)h(it)e(is)h(necessary)h(to)e(consider)h(the)f(n)m(um)m(b)s (er)i(of)d(signal)i(and)f(bac)m(kground)-60 3459 y(ev)m(en)m(ts)42 b(for)e(neutrinos)h(and)f(an)m(tineutrinos)i(separately)-8 b(,)43 b(as)e(w)m(ell)g(as)f(to)g(tak)m(e)h(in)m(to)f(accoun)m(t)h(sp)s (ectral)-60 3580 y(information.)86 3742 y(The)k(left)f(panel)g(of)g (Fig.)f(12)g(sho)m(ws)j(the)e(sensitivit)m(y)j(to)c(maximal)i(CPV)f(as) g(a)g(function)g(of)g(the)-60 3862 y(exp)s(osure)313 3826 y Fq(3)387 3862 y Fy(for)33 b(v)-5 b(alues)34 b(of)f Fo(\033)995 3877 y Fq(bkgr)1172 3862 y Fy(from)g(2\045)g(to)g(5\045.)46 b(One)33 b(can)h(observ)m(e)h(clearly)f(that)f(for)g(the)h(standard)-60 3982 y(exp)s(osure)i(of)e(4400)f(kt)i(yrs)g(T2HK)f(is)h(dominated)g(b)m (y)g(systematics)i(and)e(c)m(hanging)g Fo(\033)3179 3997 y Fq(bkgr)3357 3982 y Fy(from)f(2\045)g(to)-60 4103 y(5\045)29 b(has)h(a)e(big)i(impact)f(on)g(the)h(sensitivit)m(y)-8 b(.)45 b(In)29 b(con)m(trast)h(the)f(CERN{MEMPHYS)j(exp)s(erimen)m(ts)g (\(es-)-60 4223 y(p)s(ecially)e(the)g Fo(\014)6 b Fy(B\))29 b(are)g(rather)h(stable)g(with)g(resp)s(ect)g(to)f(systematics)j(and)d (for)g(the)h(standard)g(exp)s(osure)-60 4344 y(they)h(are)f(still)g (statistics)i(dominated.)43 b(W)-8 b(e)30 b(conclude)i(that)d(in)i (T2HK)f(systematics)i(ha)m(v)m(e)f(to)f(b)s(e)g(under)-60 4464 y(v)m(ery)38 b(go)s(o)s(d)e(con)m(trol)696 4428 y Fq(4)735 4464 y Fy(,)i(whereas)g(this)f(issue)h(is)f(less)h(imp)s (ortan)m(t)f(for)f Fo(\014)6 b Fy(B)36 b(and)h(SPL.)g(W)-8 b(e)37 b(ha)m(v)m(e)h(c)m(hec)m(k)m(ed)-60 4584 y(explicitly)k(that)e (the)h(systematical)h(error)f(on)f(the)g(signal)h(has)g(negligible)g (impact)g(on)f(these)h(results.)-60 4705 y(Therefore,)29 b(w)m(e)e(ha)m(v)m(e)g(set)g(this)g(error)f(to)g(zero)g(for)g (calculating)g(Fig.)g(12)g(to)f(highligh)m(t)i(the)g(imp)s(ortance)f (of)-60 4825 y(the)k(bac)m(kground)h(error.)42 b(In)30 b(all)f(other)h(calculations)h(also)e(the)h(signal)g(error)g(is)g (included,)i(in)e(particular)-60 4946 y(also)j(in)f(Fig.)h(11.)86 5107 y(Finally)-8 b(,)34 b(in)f(Fig.)g(13)g(w)m(e)h(illustrate)g(the)g (impact)f(of)g(degeneracies,)j(as)d(w)m(ell)i(as)e(the)h(true)f (hierarc)m(h)m(y)p -60 5195 1560 4 v 52 5256 a Fg(3)89 5286 y Fi(Note)25 b(that)f(the)h(CPV)f(sensitivit)n(y)g(for)f(the)i Fh(\014)t Fi(B)f(with)h(reduced)f(\015uxes)g(from)g(Fig.)g(11)f(is)h(w) n(orse)f(than)h(the)h(v)-5 b(alue)24 b(whic)n(h)-60 5386 y(follo)n(ws)f(from)h(Fig.)g(12.)35 b(The)24 b(reason)f(is)h(that)h(in) f(Fig.)g(12)g(the)g(total)g(exp)r(osure)g(is)g(scaled)f(\(mass)h Fc(\002)g Fi(time\),)i(i.e.,)f(signal)e(and)-60 5485 y(bac)n(kground)i(are)i(scaled)g(in)g(the)h(same)f(w)n(a)n(y)-7 b(,)27 b(whereas)f(for)h(the)h(dashed)f(curv)n(e)f(in)i(Fig.)f(11)g (only)g(the)h(\015uxes)f(are)f(reduced)-60 5585 y(but)i(bac)n(kgrounds) e(are)g(k)n(ept)i(constan)n(t.)52 5655 y Fg(4)89 5685 y Fi(As)j(a)f(p)r(ossible)g(solution)g(to)h(this)f(problem)g(for)g (T2HK)g(it)h(has)f(b)r(een)h(prop)r(osed)e(in)i(Ref.)g([56])f(to)g (place)g(one)g(half)h(of)-60 5784 y(the)d(Hyp)r(er-K)f(detector)g(mass) g(at)g(Kamiok)-5 b(a)26 b(and)i(the)g(second)f(half)h(at)f(the)h(same)f (o\013-axis)g(angle)f(in)i(Korea.)1841 6036 y Fy(18)p eop end %%Page: 19 19 TeXDict begin 19 18 bop 135 2156 a @beginspecial 26 @llx 136 @lly 709 @urx 527 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0.6344 0.3000 m 0.6344 0.8000 l s n 0.1500 0.3558 m 0.6344 0.3558 l s n 0.1500 0.3884 m 0.6344 0.3884 l s n 0.1500 0.4115 m 0.6344 0.4115 l s n 0.1500 0.4295 m 0.6344 0.4295 l s n 0.1500 0.4442 m 0.6344 0.4442 l s n 0.1500 0.4566 m 0.6344 0.4566 l s n 0.1500 0.4673 m 0.6344 0.4673 l s n 0.1500 0.4768 m 0.6344 0.4768 l s n 0.1500 0.4853 m 0.6344 0.4853 l s n 0.1500 0.5410 m 0.6344 0.5410 l s n 0.1500 0.5736 m 0.6344 0.5736 l s n 0.1500 0.5968 m 0.6344 0.5968 l s n 0.1500 0.6147 m 0.6344 0.6147 l s n 0.1500 0.6294 m 0.6344 0.6294 l s n 0.1500 0.6418 m 0.6344 0.6418 l s n 0.1500 0.6526 m 0.6344 0.6526 l s n 0.1500 0.6620 m 0.6344 0.6620 l s n 0.1500 0.6705 m 0.6344 0.6705 l s n 0.1500 0.7263 m 0.6344 0.7263 l s n 0.1500 0.7589 m 0.6344 0.7589 l s n 0.1500 0.7820 m 0.6344 0.7820 l s n 0.1500 0.8000 m 0.6344 0.8000 l s n 0.1500 0.3000 m 0.6344 0.3000 l s n 0.1500 0.4853 m 0.6344 0.4853 l s n 0.1500 0.6705 m 0.6344 0.6705 l s n 0.1500 0.7064 m 0.1618 0.6945 l 0.1736 0.6833 l 0.1854 0.6718 l 0.1972 0.6610 l 0.2090 0.6516 l 0.2208 0.6422 l 0.2326 0.6327 l 0.2444 0.6234 l 0.2562 0.6144 l 0.2680 0.6061 l 0.2798 0.5978 l 0.2916 0.5897 l 0.3034 0.5818 l 0.3152 0.5744 l 0.3270 0.5662 l 0.3388 0.5587 l 0.3506 0.5512 l 0.3624 0.5440 l 0.3742 0.5371 l 0.3861 0.5295 l 0.3979 0.5224 l 0.4097 0.5160 l 0.4215 0.5090 l 0.4333 0.5029 l 0.4451 0.4955 l 0.4569 0.4892 l 0.4687 0.4833 l 0.4805 0.4771 l 0.4923 0.4703 l 0.5041 0.4654 l 0.5159 0.4588 l 0.5277 0.4532 l 0.5395 0.4487 l 0.5513 0.4422 l 0.5631 0.4371 l 0.5749 0.4325 l 0.5867 0.4276 l 0.5985 0.4235 l 0.6103 0.4191 l 0.6221 0.4145 l 0.6339 0.4109 l 0.6344 0.4107 l 0.6344 0.5173 l 0.6339 0.5173 l 0.6221 0.5186 l 0.6103 0.5199 l 0.5985 0.5212 l 0.5867 0.5224 l 0.5749 0.5236 l 0.5631 0.5260 l 0.5513 0.5272 l 0.5395 0.5295 l 0.5277 0.5317 l 0.5159 0.5339 l 0.5041 0.5360 l 0.4923 0.5381 l 0.4805 0.5411 l 0.4687 0.5440 l 0.4569 0.5468 l 0.4451 0.5504 l 0.4333 0.5538 l 0.4215 0.5571 l 0.4097 0.5618 l 0.3979 0.5662 l 0.3861 0.5704 l 0.3742 0.5744 l 0.3624 0.5794 l 0.3506 0.5841 l 0.3388 0.5886 l 0.3270 0.5939 l 0.3152 0.5998 l 0.3034 0.6061 l 0.2916 0.6120 l 0.2798 0.6190 l 0.2680 0.6262 l 0.2562 0.6327 l 0.2444 0.6399 l 0.2326 0.6476 l 0.2208 0.6555 l 0.2090 0.6645 l 0.1972 0.6733 l 0.1854 0.6833 l 0.1736 0.6933 l 0.1618 0.7044 l 0.1500 0.7159 l c fill [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color4 SC [] 0 SD 0.0030 SLW n 0.1500 0.7064 m 0.1618 0.6945 l 0.1736 0.6833 l 0.1854 0.6718 l 0.1972 0.6610 l 0.2090 0.6516 l 0.2208 0.6422 l 0.2326 0.6327 l 0.2444 0.6234 l 0.2562 0.6144 l 0.2680 0.6061 l 0.2798 0.5978 l 0.2916 0.5897 l 0.3034 0.5818 l 0.3152 0.5744 l 0.3270 0.5662 l 0.3388 0.5587 l 0.3506 0.5512 l 0.3624 0.5440 l 0.3742 0.5371 l 0.3861 0.5295 l 0.3979 0.5224 l 0.4097 0.5160 l 0.4215 0.5090 l 0.4333 0.5029 l 0.4451 0.4955 l 0.4569 0.4892 l 0.4687 0.4833 l 0.4805 0.4771 l 0.4923 0.4703 l 0.5041 0.4654 l 0.5159 0.4588 l 0.5277 0.4532 l 0.5395 0.4487 l 0.5513 0.4422 l 0.5631 0.4371 l 0.5749 0.4325 l 0.5867 0.4276 l 0.5985 0.4235 l 0.6103 0.4191 l 0.6221 0.4145 l 0.6339 0.4109 l 0.6345 0.4106 l s n 0.6345 0.5173 m 0.6339 0.5173 l 0.6221 0.5186 l 0.6103 0.5199 l 0.5985 0.5212 l 0.5867 0.5224 l 0.5749 0.5236 l 0.5631 0.5260 l 0.5513 0.5272 l 0.5395 0.5295 l 0.5277 0.5317 l 0.5159 0.5339 l 0.5041 0.5360 l 0.4923 0.5381 l 0.4805 0.5411 l 0.4687 0.5440 l 0.4569 0.5468 l 0.4451 0.5504 l 0.4333 0.5538 l 0.4215 0.5571 l 0.4097 0.5618 l 0.3979 0.5662 l 0.3861 0.5704 l 0.3742 0.5744 l 0.3624 0.5794 l 0.3506 0.5841 l 0.3388 0.5886 l 0.3270 0.5939 l 0.3152 0.5998 l 0.3034 0.6061 l 0.2916 0.6120 l 0.2798 0.6190 l 0.2680 0.6262 l 0.2562 0.6327 l 0.2444 0.6399 l 0.2326 0.6476 l 0.2208 0.6555 l 0.2090 0.6645 l 0.1972 0.6733 l 0.1854 0.6833 l 0.1736 0.6933 l 0.1618 0.7044 l 0.1500 0.7159 l s n 0.1695 0.8000 m 0.1736 0.7863 l 0.1854 0.7601 l 0.1972 0.7390 l 0.2090 0.7219 l 0.2208 0.7064 l 0.2326 0.6922 l 0.2444 0.6805 l 0.2562 0.6678 l 0.2680 0.6565 l 0.2798 0.6465 l 0.2916 0.6364 l 0.3034 0.6262 l 0.3152 0.6175 l 0.3270 0.6079 l 0.3388 0.5988 l 0.3506 0.5897 l 0.3624 0.5818 l 0.3742 0.5731 l 0.3861 0.5647 l 0.3979 0.5571 l 0.4097 0.5486 l 0.4215 0.5411 l 0.4333 0.5339 l 0.4451 0.5260 l 0.4569 0.5186 l 0.4687 0.5118 l 0.4805 0.5045 l 0.4923 0.4963 l 0.5041 0.4901 l 0.5159 0.4823 l 0.5277 0.4760 l 0.5395 0.4691 l 0.5513 0.4628 l 0.5631 0.4561 l 0.5749 0.4502 l 0.5867 0.4431 l 0.5985 0.4371 l 0.6103 0.4305 l 0.6221 0.4245 l 0.6339 0.4191 l 0.6344 0.4188 l 0.6344 0.4599 l 0.6339 0.4602 l 0.6221 0.4654 l 0.6103 0.4703 l 0.5985 0.4760 l 0.5867 0.4803 l 0.5749 0.4863 l 0.5631 0.4910 l 0.5513 0.4963 l 0.5395 0.5029 l 0.5277 0.5075 l 0.5159 0.5132 l 0.5041 0.5186 l 0.4923 0.5248 l 0.4805 0.5306 l 0.4687 0.5360 l 0.4569 0.5421 l 0.4451 0.5486 l 0.4333 0.5546 l 0.4215 0.5618 l 0.4097 0.5676 l 0.3979 0.5744 l 0.3861 0.5818 l 0.3742 0.5886 l 0.3624 0.5959 l 0.3506 0.6035 l 0.3388 0.6112 l 0.3270 0.6190 l 0.3152 0.6275 l 0.3034 0.6364 l 0.2916 0.6455 l 0.2798 0.6555 l 0.2680 0.6653 l 0.2562 0.6763 l 0.2444 0.6872 l 0.2326 0.6991 l 0.2208 0.7132 l 0.2090 0.7291 l 0.1972 0.7455 l 0.1854 0.7661 l 0.1736 0.7935 l 0.1719 0.8000 l c GS Color0 SRGB GR [/Pattern /DeviceRGB] SCS Color15 Pattern15 SC fill [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color15 SC n 0.1695 0.8001 m 0.1736 0.7863 l 0.1854 0.7601 l 0.1972 0.7390 l 0.2090 0.7219 l 0.2208 0.7064 l 0.2326 0.6922 l 0.2444 0.6805 l 0.2562 0.6678 l 0.2680 0.6565 l 0.2798 0.6465 l 0.2916 0.6364 l 0.3034 0.6262 l 0.3152 0.6175 l 0.3270 0.6079 l 0.3388 0.5988 l 0.3506 0.5897 l 0.3624 0.5818 l 0.3742 0.5731 l 0.3861 0.5647 l 0.3979 0.5571 l 0.4097 0.5486 l 0.4215 0.5411 l 0.4333 0.5339 l 0.4451 0.5260 l 0.4569 0.5186 l 0.4687 0.5118 l 0.4805 0.5045 l 0.4923 0.4963 l 0.5041 0.4901 l 0.5159 0.4823 l 0.5277 0.4760 l 0.5395 0.4691 l 0.5513 0.4628 l 0.5631 0.4561 l 0.5749 0.4502 l 0.5867 0.4431 l 0.5985 0.4371 l 0.6103 0.4305 l 0.6221 0.4245 l 0.6339 0.4191 l 0.6345 0.4188 l s n 0.6345 0.4598 m 0.6339 0.4602 l 0.6221 0.4654 l 0.6103 0.4703 l 0.5985 0.4760 l 0.5867 0.4803 l 0.5749 0.4863 l 0.5631 0.4910 l 0.5513 0.4963 l 0.5395 0.5029 l 0.5277 0.5075 l 0.5159 0.5132 l 0.5041 0.5186 l 0.4923 0.5248 l 0.4805 0.5306 l 0.4687 0.5360 l 0.4569 0.5421 l 0.4451 0.5486 l 0.4333 0.5546 l 0.4215 0.5618 l 0.4097 0.5676 l 0.3979 0.5744 l 0.3861 0.5818 l 0.3742 0.5886 l 0.3624 0.5959 l 0.3506 0.6035 l 0.3388 0.6112 l 0.3270 0.6190 l 0.3152 0.6275 l 0.3034 0.6364 l 0.2916 0.6455 l 0.2798 0.6555 l 0.2680 0.6653 l 0.2562 0.6763 l 0.2444 0.6872 l 0.2326 0.6991 l 0.2208 0.7132 l 0.2090 0.7291 l 0.1972 0.7455 l 0.1854 0.7661 l 0.1736 0.7935 l 0.1719 0.8001 l s [] 0 SD 0.0015 SLW n 0.1689 0.8001 m 0.1736 0.7848 l 0.1854 0.7591 l 0.1972 0.7377 l 0.2090 0.7202 l 0.2208 0.7054 l 0.2326 0.6909 l 0.2444 0.6791 l 0.2562 0.6662 l 0.2680 0.6555 l 0.2798 0.6444 l 0.2916 0.6339 l 0.3034 0.6248 l 0.3152 0.6144 l 0.3270 0.6052 l 0.3388 0.5959 l 0.3506 0.5875 l 0.3624 0.5782 l 0.3742 0.5704 l 0.3861 0.5618 l 0.3979 0.5529 l 0.4097 0.5440 l 0.4215 0.5360 l 0.4333 0.5284 l 0.4451 0.5199 l 0.4569 0.5118 l 0.4687 0.5045 l 0.4805 0.4963 l 0.4923 0.4882 l 0.5041 0.4803 l 0.5159 0.4726 l 0.5277 0.4654 l 0.5395 0.4575 l 0.5513 0.4502 l 0.5631 0.4414 l 0.5749 0.4343 l 0.5867 0.4266 l 0.5985 0.4191 l 0.6103 0.4109 l 0.6221 0.4031 l 0.6339 0.3960 l 0.6345 0.3955 l s [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color4 SC n 0.1500 0.7044 m 0.1618 0.6922 l 0.1736 0.6805 l 0.1854 0.6702 l 0.1972 0.6592 l 0.2090 0.6486 l 0.2208 0.6387 l 0.2326 0.6288 l 0.2444 0.6205 l 0.2562 0.6104 l 0.2680 0.6016 l 0.2798 0.5928 l 0.2916 0.5841 l 0.3034 0.5757 l 0.3152 0.5676 l 0.3270 0.5602 l 0.3388 0.5512 l 0.3506 0.5430 l 0.3624 0.5350 l 0.3742 0.5272 l 0.3861 0.5186 l 0.3979 0.5104 l 0.4097 0.5029 l 0.4215 0.4946 l 0.4333 0.4873 l 0.4451 0.4792 l 0.4569 0.4714 l 0.4687 0.4628 l 0.4805 0.4547 l 0.4923 0.4471 l 0.5041 0.4388 l 0.5159 0.4315 l 0.5277 0.4235 l 0.5395 0.4157 l 0.5513 0.4084 l 0.5631 0.4003 l 0.5749 0.3929 l 0.5867 0.3839 l 0.5985 0.3767 l 0.6103 0.3687 l 0.6221 0.3611 l 0.6339 0.3539 l 0.6345 0.3534 l s [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color2 SC n 0.2033 0.8001 m 0.2090 0.7479 l 0.2208 0.7044 l 0.2326 0.6733 l 0.2444 0.6465 l 0.2562 0.6248 l 0.2680 0.6061 l 0.2798 0.5886 l 0.2916 0.5731 l 0.3034 0.5587 l 0.3152 0.5459 l 0.3270 0.5328 l 0.3388 0.5212 l 0.3506 0.5090 l 0.3624 0.4980 l 0.3742 0.4873 l 0.3861 0.4771 l 0.4097 0.4575 l 0.4215 0.4487 l 0.4333 0.4388 l 0.4451 0.4245 l 0.4569 0.4202 l 0.4687 0.4121 l 0.4805 0.4031 l 0.4923 0.3945 l 0.5041 0.3848 l 0.5159 0.3767 l 0.5277 0.3677 l 0.5395 0.3587 l 0.5513 0.3500 l 0.5631 0.3417 l 0.5749 0.3324 l 0.5867 0.3237 l 0.5985 0.3160 l 0.6103 0.3076 l 0.6221 0.3006 l 0.6231 0.2999 l s [] 0 SD 0.0030 SLW n 0.2033 0.8001 m 0.2090 0.7479 l 0.2208 0.7044 l 0.2326 0.6733 l 0.2444 0.6476 l 0.2562 0.6262 l 0.2680 0.6061 l 0.2798 0.5897 l 0.2916 0.5744 l 0.3034 0.5602 l 0.3152 0.5459 l 0.3270 0.5328 l 0.3388 0.5212 l 0.3506 0.5104 l 0.3624 0.4989 l 0.3742 0.4882 l 0.3861 0.4782 l 0.4097 0.4588 l 0.4215 0.4487 l 0.4333 0.4388 l 0.4451 0.4296 l 0.4569 0.4213 l 0.4687 0.4121 l 0.4805 0.4031 l 0.4923 0.3945 l 0.5041 0.3856 l 0.5159 0.3776 l 0.5277 0.3687 l 0.5395 0.3599 l 0.5513 0.3513 l 0.5631 0.3431 l 0.5749 0.3340 l 0.5867 0.3255 l 0.5985 0.3170 l 0.6103 0.3098 l 0.6221 0.3018 l 0.6250 0.2999 l s n 0.2034 0.8001 m 0.2090 0.7491 l 0.2208 0.7064 l 0.2326 0.6748 l 0.2444 0.6486 l 0.2562 0.6275 l 0.2680 0.6079 l 0.2798 0.5908 l 0.2916 0.5757 l 0.3034 0.5602 l 0.3152 0.5468 l 0.3270 0.5350 l 0.3388 0.5224 l 0.3506 0.5118 l 0.3624 0.5005 l 0.3742 0.4901 l 0.3861 0.4792 l 0.4097 0.4602 l 0.4215 0.4517 l 0.4333 0.4352 l 0.4451 0.4266 l 0.4569 0.4245 l 0.4687 0.4157 l 0.4805 0.4071 l 0.4923 0.3989 l 0.5041 0.3898 l 0.5159 0.3813 l 0.5277 0.3738 l 0.5395 0.3655 l 0.5513 0.3575 l 0.5631 0.3487 l 0.5749 0.3417 l 0.5867 0.3324 l 0.5985 0.3246 l 0.6103 0.3140 l 0.6221 0.3064 l 0.6330 0.2999 l s [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color1 SC [] 0 SD 0.0015 SLW n 0.5328 0.2999 m 0.5328 0.8001 l s n 0.1500 0.3000 m 0.6344 0.3000 l s n 0.1500 0.8000 m 0.6344 0.8000 l s [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color7 SC [] 0 SD 0.0008 SLW n 0.2002 0.3000 m 0.2002 0.3100 l s n 0.2002 0.8000 m 0.2002 0.7900 l s n 0.2358 0.3000 m 0.2358 0.3100 l s n 0.2358 0.8000 m 0.2358 0.7900 l s n 0.2635 0.3000 m 0.2635 0.3100 l s n 0.2635 0.8000 m 0.2635 0.7900 l s n 0.2860 0.3000 m 0.2860 0.3100 l s n 0.2860 0.8000 m 0.2860 0.7900 l s n 0.3051 0.3000 m 0.3051 0.3100 l s n 0.3051 0.8000 m 0.3051 0.7900 l s n 0.3217 0.3000 m 0.3217 0.3100 l s n 0.3217 0.8000 m 0.3217 0.7900 l s n 0.3363 0.3000 m 0.3363 0.3100 l s n 0.3363 0.8000 m 0.3363 0.7900 l s n 0.3493 0.3000 m 0.3493 0.3100 l s n 0.3493 0.8000 m 0.3493 0.7900 l s n 0.4351 0.3000 m 0.4351 0.3100 l s n 0.4351 0.8000 m 0.4351 0.7900 l s n 0.4853 0.3000 m 0.4853 0.3100 l s n 0.4853 0.8000 m 0.4853 0.7900 l s n 0.5210 0.3000 m 0.5210 0.3100 l s n 0.5210 0.8000 m 0.5210 0.7900 l s n 0.5486 0.3000 m 0.5486 0.3100 l s n 0.5486 0.8000 m 0.5486 0.7900 l s n 0.5712 0.3000 m 0.5712 0.3100 l s n 0.5712 0.8000 m 0.5712 0.7900 l s n 0.5903 0.3000 m 0.5903 0.3100 l s n 0.5903 0.8000 m 0.5903 0.7900 l s n 0.6068 0.3000 m 0.6068 0.3100 l s n 0.6068 0.8000 m 0.6068 0.7900 l s n 0.6214 0.3000 m 0.6214 0.3100 l s n 0.6214 0.8000 m 0.6214 0.7900 l s n 0.6344 0.3000 m 0.6344 0.3100 l s n 0.6344 0.8000 m 0.6344 0.7900 l s n 0.1500 0.3000 m 0.1500 0.3200 l s n 0.1500 0.8000 m 0.1500 0.7800 l s n 0.3493 0.3000 m 0.3493 0.3200 l s n 0.3493 0.8000 m 0.3493 0.7800 l s n 0.6344 0.3000 m 0.6344 0.3200 l s n 0.6344 0.8000 m 0.6344 0.7800 l s /Times-Roman findfont dup length dict begin {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall /Encoding DefEncoding def currentdict end /Font0 exch definefont pop /Font0 FFSF [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color1 SC 0.1294 0.2712 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (200) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.3311 0.2599 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (10) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.3589 0.2767 m GS [0.0198 0.0000 0.0000 0.0198 0 0] CC (3) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.6158 0.2599 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (10) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.6437 0.2767 m GS [0.0198 0.0000 0.0000 0.0198 0 0] CC (4) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.2985 0.2303 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (exposure [kt yrs]) show GR [] 0 SD 0.0015 SLW n 0.1500 0.3000 m 0.1500 0.8000 l s n 0.6344 0.3000 m 0.6344 0.8000 l s [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color7 SC [] 0 SD 0.0008 SLW n 0.1500 0.3558 m 0.1600 0.3558 l s n 0.6344 0.3558 m 0.6244 0.3558 l s n 0.1500 0.3884 m 0.1600 0.3884 l s n 0.6344 0.3884 m 0.6244 0.3884 l s n 0.1500 0.4115 m 0.1600 0.4115 l s n 0.6344 0.4115 m 0.6244 0.4115 l s n 0.1500 0.4295 m 0.1600 0.4295 l s n 0.6344 0.4295 m 0.6244 0.4295 l s n 0.1500 0.4442 m 0.1600 0.4442 l s n 0.6344 0.4442 m 0.6244 0.4442 l s n 0.1500 0.4566 m 0.1600 0.4566 l s n 0.6344 0.4566 m 0.6244 0.4566 l s n 0.1500 0.4673 m 0.1600 0.4673 l s n 0.6344 0.4673 m 0.6244 0.4673 l s n 0.1500 0.4768 m 0.1600 0.4768 l s n 0.6344 0.4768 m 0.6244 0.4768 l s n 0.1500 0.4853 m 0.1600 0.4853 l s n 0.6344 0.4853 m 0.6244 0.4853 l s n 0.1500 0.5410 m 0.1600 0.5410 l s n 0.6344 0.5410 m 0.6244 0.5410 l s n 0.1500 0.5736 m 0.1600 0.5736 l s n 0.6344 0.5736 m 0.6244 0.5736 l s n 0.1500 0.5968 m 0.1600 0.5968 l s n 0.6344 0.5968 m 0.6244 0.5968 l s n 0.1500 0.6147 m 0.1600 0.6147 l s n 0.6344 0.6147 m 0.6244 0.6147 l s n 0.1500 0.6294 m 0.1600 0.6294 l s n 0.6344 0.6294 m 0.6244 0.6294 l s n 0.1500 0.6418 m 0.1600 0.6418 l s n 0.6344 0.6418 m 0.6244 0.6418 l s n 0.1500 0.6526 m 0.1600 0.6526 l s n 0.6344 0.6526 m 0.6244 0.6526 l s n 0.1500 0.6620 m 0.1600 0.6620 l s n 0.6344 0.6620 m 0.6244 0.6620 l s n 0.1500 0.6705 m 0.1600 0.6705 l s n 0.6344 0.6705 m 0.6244 0.6705 l s n 0.1500 0.7263 m 0.1600 0.7263 l s n 0.6344 0.7263 m 0.6244 0.7263 l s n 0.1500 0.7589 m 0.1600 0.7589 l s n 0.6344 0.7589 m 0.6244 0.7589 l s n 0.1500 0.7820 m 0.1600 0.7820 l s n 0.6344 0.7820 m 0.6244 0.7820 l s n 0.1500 0.8000 m 0.1600 0.8000 l s n 0.6344 0.8000 m 0.6244 0.8000 l s n 0.1500 0.3000 m 0.1700 0.3000 l s n 0.6344 0.3000 m 0.6144 0.3000 l s n 0.1500 0.4853 m 0.1700 0.4853 l s n 0.6344 0.4853 m 0.6144 0.4853 l s n 0.1500 0.6705 m 0.1700 0.6705 l s n 0.6344 0.6705 m 0.6144 0.6705 l s /Font0 FFSF [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color1 SC 0.0961 0.2851 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (10) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.1239 0.3019 m GS [0.0198 0.0000 0.0000 0.0198 0 0] CC (-4) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.0969 0.4704 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (10) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.1247 0.4872 m GS [0.0198 0.0000 0.0000 0.0198 0 0] CC (-3) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.0961 0.6556 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (10) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.1239 0.6724 m GS [0.0198 0.0000 0.0000 0.0198 0 0] CC (-2) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.0745 0.4275 m GS [0.0000 0.0280 -0.0280 0.0000 0 0] CC (true value of sin) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.0577 0.6157 m GS [0.0000 0.0198 -0.0198 0.0000 0 0] CC (2) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.0745 0.6255 m GS [0.0000 0.0280 -0.0280 0.0000 0 0] CC (2) show GR /Symbol findfont /Font12 exch definefont pop /Font12 FFSF 0.0745 0.6396 m GS [0.0000 0.0280 -0.0280 0.0000 0 0] CC (q) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.0857 0.6541 m GS [0.0000 0.0198 -0.0198 0.0000 0 0] CC (13) show GR [] 0 SD 0.0015 SLW n 0.1500 0.3000 m 0.6344 0.3000 l s n 0.1500 0.8000 m 0.6344 0.8000 l s n 0.1500 0.3000 m 0.1500 0.3100 l s n 0.1500 0.8000 m 0.1500 0.7900 l s n 0.2002 0.3000 m 0.2002 0.3100 l s n 0.2002 0.8000 m 0.2002 0.7900 l s n 0.2358 0.3000 m 0.2358 0.3100 l s n 0.2358 0.8000 m 0.2358 0.7900 l s n 0.2635 0.3000 m 0.2635 0.3100 l s n 0.2635 0.8000 m 0.2635 0.7900 l s n 0.2860 0.3000 m 0.2860 0.3100 l s n 0.2860 0.8000 m 0.2860 0.7900 l s n 0.3051 0.3000 m 0.3051 0.3100 l s n 0.3051 0.8000 m 0.3051 0.7900 l s n 0.3217 0.3000 m 0.3217 0.3100 l s n 0.3217 0.8000 m 0.3217 0.7900 l s n 0.3363 0.3000 m 0.3363 0.3100 l s n 0.3363 0.8000 m 0.3363 0.7900 l s n 0.3493 0.3000 m 0.3493 0.3100 l s n 0.3493 0.8000 m 0.3493 0.7900 l s n 0.4351 0.3000 m 0.4351 0.3100 l s n 0.4351 0.8000 m 0.4351 0.7900 l s n 0.4853 0.3000 m 0.4853 0.3100 l s n 0.4853 0.8000 m 0.4853 0.7900 l s n 0.5210 0.3000 m 0.5210 0.3100 l s n 0.5210 0.8000 m 0.5210 0.7900 l s n 0.5486 0.3000 m 0.5486 0.3100 l s n 0.5486 0.8000 m 0.5486 0.7900 l s n 0.5712 0.3000 m 0.5712 0.3100 l s n 0.5712 0.8000 m 0.5712 0.7900 l s n 0.5903 0.3000 m 0.5903 0.3100 l s n 0.5903 0.8000 m 0.5903 0.7900 l s n 0.6068 0.3000 m 0.6068 0.3100 l s n 0.6068 0.8000 m 0.6068 0.7900 l s n 0.6214 0.3000 m 0.6214 0.3100 l s n 0.6214 0.8000 m 0.6214 0.7900 l s n 0.6344 0.3000 m 0.6344 0.3100 l s n 0.6344 0.8000 m 0.6344 0.7900 l s n 0.3493 0.3000 m 0.3493 0.3200 l s n 0.3493 0.8000 m 0.3493 0.7800 l s n 0.6344 0.3000 m 0.6344 0.3200 l s n 0.6344 0.8000 m 0.6344 0.7800 l s n 0.1500 0.3000 m 0.1500 0.8000 l s n 0.6344 0.3000 m 0.6344 0.8000 l s n 0.1500 0.3558 m 0.1600 0.3558 l s n 0.6344 0.3558 m 0.6244 0.3558 l s n 0.1500 0.3884 m 0.1600 0.3884 l s n 0.6344 0.3884 m 0.6244 0.3884 l s n 0.1500 0.4115 m 0.1600 0.4115 l s n 0.6344 0.4115 m 0.6244 0.4115 l s n 0.1500 0.4295 m 0.1600 0.4295 l s n 0.6344 0.4295 m 0.6244 0.4295 l s n 0.1500 0.4442 m 0.1600 0.4442 l s n 0.6344 0.4442 m 0.6244 0.4442 l s n 0.1500 0.4566 m 0.1600 0.4566 l s n 0.6344 0.4566 m 0.6244 0.4566 l s n 0.1500 0.4673 m 0.1600 0.4673 l s n 0.6344 0.4673 m 0.6244 0.4673 l s n 0.1500 0.4768 m 0.1600 0.4768 l s n 0.6344 0.4768 m 0.6244 0.4768 l s n 0.1500 0.4853 m 0.1600 0.4853 l s n 0.6344 0.4853 m 0.6244 0.4853 l s n 0.1500 0.5410 m 0.1600 0.5410 l s n 0.6344 0.5410 m 0.6244 0.5410 l s n 0.1500 0.5736 m 0.1600 0.5736 l s n 0.6344 0.5736 m 0.6244 0.5736 l s n 0.1500 0.5968 m 0.1600 0.5968 l s n 0.6344 0.5968 m 0.6244 0.5968 l s n 0.1500 0.6147 m 0.1600 0.6147 l s n 0.6344 0.6147 m 0.6244 0.6147 l s n 0.1500 0.6294 m 0.1600 0.6294 l s n 0.6344 0.6294 m 0.6244 0.6294 l s n 0.1500 0.6418 m 0.1600 0.6418 l s n 0.6344 0.6418 m 0.6244 0.6418 l s n 0.1500 0.6526 m 0.1600 0.6526 l s n 0.6344 0.6526 m 0.6244 0.6526 l s n 0.1500 0.6620 m 0.1600 0.6620 l s n 0.6344 0.6620 m 0.6244 0.6620 l s n 0.1500 0.6705 m 0.1600 0.6705 l s n 0.6344 0.6705 m 0.6244 0.6705 l s n 0.1500 0.7263 m 0.1600 0.7263 l s n 0.6344 0.7263 m 0.6244 0.7263 l s n 0.1500 0.7589 m 0.1600 0.7589 l s n 0.6344 0.7589 m 0.6244 0.7589 l s n 0.1500 0.7820 m 0.1600 0.7820 l s n 0.6344 0.7820 m 0.6244 0.7820 l s n 0.1500 0.8000 m 0.1600 0.8000 l s n 0.6344 0.8000 m 0.6244 0.8000 l s n 0.1500 0.3000 m 0.1700 0.3000 l s n 0.6344 0.3000 m 0.6144 0.3000 l s n 0.1500 0.4853 m 0.1700 0.4853 l s n 0.6344 0.4853 m 0.6144 0.4853 l s n 0.1500 0.6705 m 0.1700 0.6705 l s n 0.6344 0.6705 m 0.6144 0.6705 l s n 0.1500 0.3000 m 0.1500 0.8000 l 0.6344 0.8000 l 0.6344 0.3000 l 0.1500 0.3000 l c s [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color7 SC [] 0 SD 0.0008 SLW n 0.6587 0.3000 m 0.6587 0.8000 l s n 0.6830 0.3000 m 0.6830 0.8000 l s n 0.7044 0.3000 m 0.7044 0.8000 l s n 0.7236 0.3000 m 0.7236 0.8000 l s n 0.8499 0.3000 m 0.8499 0.8000 l s n 0.9238 0.3000 m 0.9238 0.8000 l s n 0.9762 0.3000 m 0.9762 0.8000 l s n 1.0168 0.3000 m 1.0168 0.8000 l s n 1.0500 0.3000 m 1.0500 0.8000 l s n 1.0781 0.3000 m 1.0781 0.8000 l s n 1.1025 0.3000 m 1.1025 0.8000 l s n 1.1239 0.3000 m 1.1239 0.8000 l s n 1.1431 0.3000 m 1.1431 0.8000 l s n 0.7236 0.3000 m 0.7236 0.8000 l s n 1.1431 0.3000 m 1.1431 0.8000 l s [] 0 SD 0.0015 SLW n 0.6587 0.3558 m 1.1431 0.3558 l s n 0.6587 0.3884 m 1.1431 0.3884 l s n 0.6587 0.4115 m 1.1431 0.4115 l s n 0.6587 0.4295 m 1.1431 0.4295 l s n 0.6587 0.4442 m 1.1431 0.4442 l s n 0.6587 0.4566 m 1.1431 0.4566 l s n 0.6587 0.4673 m 1.1431 0.4673 l s n 0.6587 0.4768 m 1.1431 0.4768 l s n 0.6587 0.4853 m 1.1431 0.4853 l s n 0.6587 0.5410 m 1.1431 0.5410 l s n 0.6587 0.5736 m 1.1431 0.5736 l s n 0.6587 0.5968 m 1.1431 0.5968 l s n 0.6587 0.6147 m 1.1431 0.6147 l s n 0.6587 0.6294 m 1.1431 0.6294 l s n 0.6587 0.6418 m 1.1431 0.6418 l s n 0.6587 0.6526 m 1.1431 0.6526 l s n 0.6587 0.6620 m 1.1431 0.6620 l s n 0.6587 0.6705 m 1.1431 0.6705 l s n 0.6587 0.7263 m 1.1431 0.7263 l s n 0.6587 0.7589 m 1.1431 0.7589 l s n 0.6587 0.7820 m 1.1431 0.7820 l s n 0.6587 0.8000 m 1.1431 0.8000 l s [] 0 SD 0.0008 SLW n 0.6587 0.3000 m 1.1431 0.3000 l s n 0.6587 0.4853 m 1.1431 0.4853 l s n 0.6587 0.6705 m 1.1431 0.6705 l s [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color2 SC [] 0 SD 0.0030 SLW n 0.6586 0.3644 m 0.6653 0.3644 l 0.6827 0.3644 l 0.7000 0.3644 l 0.7174 0.3644 l 0.7348 0.3644 l 0.7521 0.3644 l 0.7695 0.3644 l 0.7868 0.3644 l 0.8042 0.3644 l 0.8216 0.3644 l 0.8389 0.3644 l 0.8563 0.3655 l 0.8737 0.3655 l 0.8910 0.3655 l 0.9084 0.3655 l 0.9257 0.3666 l 0.9431 0.3666 l 0.9605 0.3677 l 0.9778 0.3677 l 0.9952 0.3687 l 1.0126 0.3698 l 1.0299 0.3708 l 1.0473 0.3718 l 1.0646 0.3728 l 1.0820 0.3738 l 1.0994 0.3748 l 1.1167 0.3767 l 1.1341 0.3776 l 1.1432 0.3781 l s [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color15 SC n 0.6586 0.4628 m 0.6653 0.4628 l 0.6827 0.4641 l 0.7000 0.4641 l 0.7174 0.4641 l 0.7348 0.4654 l 0.7521 0.4654 l 0.7695 0.4666 l 0.7868 0.4679 l 0.8042 0.4691 l 0.8216 0.4703 l 0.8389 0.4714 l 0.8563 0.4737 l 0.8737 0.4760 l 0.8910 0.4782 l 0.9084 0.4813 l 0.9257 0.4843 l 0.9431 0.4873 l 0.9605 0.4910 l 0.9778 0.4955 l 0.9952 0.4997 l 1.0126 0.5045 l 1.0299 0.5090 l 1.0473 0.5132 l 1.0646 0.5186 l 1.0820 0.5224 l 1.0994 0.5272 l 1.1167 0.5306 l 1.1341 0.5350 l 1.1432 0.5366 l s [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color4 SC n 0.6586 0.4245 m 0.6653 0.4245 l 0.6827 0.4255 l 0.7000 0.4266 l 0.7174 0.4286 l 0.7348 0.4296 l 0.7521 0.4315 l 0.7695 0.4343 l 0.7868 0.4371 l 0.8042 0.4397 l 0.8216 0.4439 l 0.8389 0.4487 l 0.8563 0.4532 l 0.8737 0.4588 l 0.8910 0.4641 l 0.9084 0.4714 l 0.9257 0.4792 l 0.9431 0.4873 l 0.9605 0.4963 l 0.9778 0.5060 l 0.9952 0.5173 l 1.0126 0.5284 l 1.0299 0.5391 l 1.0473 0.5504 l 1.0646 0.5633 l 1.0820 0.5744 l 1.0994 0.5853 l 1.1167 0.5959 l 1.1341 0.6070 l 1.1432 0.6125 l s [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color1 SC [] 0 SD 0.0015 SLW n 0.6587 0.3000 m 1.1431 0.3000 l s n 0.6587 0.8000 m 1.1431 0.8000 l s [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color7 SC [] 0 SD 0.0008 SLW n 0.6587 0.3000 m 0.6587 0.3100 l s n 0.6587 0.8000 m 0.6587 0.7900 l s n 0.6830 0.3000 m 0.6830 0.3100 l s n 0.6830 0.8000 m 0.6830 0.7900 l s n 0.7044 0.3000 m 0.7044 0.3100 l s n 0.7044 0.8000 m 0.7044 0.7900 l s n 0.7236 0.3000 m 0.7236 0.3100 l s n 0.7236 0.8000 m 0.7236 0.7900 l s n 0.8499 0.3000 m 0.8499 0.3100 l s n 0.8499 0.8000 m 0.8499 0.7900 l s n 0.9238 0.3000 m 0.9238 0.3100 l s n 0.9238 0.8000 m 0.9238 0.7900 l s n 0.9762 0.3000 m 0.9762 0.3100 l s n 0.9762 0.8000 m 0.9762 0.7900 l s n 1.0168 0.3000 m 1.0168 0.3100 l s n 1.0168 0.8000 m 1.0168 0.7900 l s n 1.0500 0.3000 m 1.0500 0.3100 l s n 1.0500 0.8000 m 1.0500 0.7900 l s n 1.0781 0.3000 m 1.0781 0.3100 l s n 1.0781 0.8000 m 1.0781 0.7900 l s n 1.1025 0.3000 m 1.1025 0.3100 l s n 1.1025 0.8000 m 1.1025 0.7900 l s n 1.1239 0.3000 m 1.1239 0.3100 l s n 1.1239 0.8000 m 1.1239 0.7900 l s n 1.1431 0.3000 m 1.1431 0.3100 l s n 1.1431 0.8000 m 1.1431 0.7900 l s n 0.7236 0.3000 m 0.7236 0.3200 l s n 0.7236 0.8000 m 0.7236 0.7800 l s n 1.1431 0.3000 m 1.1431 0.3200 l s n 1.1431 0.8000 m 1.1431 0.7800 l s /Font0 FFSF [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color1 SC 0.7181 0.2712 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (1) show GR /Font0 FFSF 1.1294 0.2712 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (10) show GR /Font12 FFSF 0.8509 0.2420 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (s) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.8677 0.2308 m GS [0.0198 0.0000 0.0000 0.0198 0 0] CC (bkgr) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.9042 0.2420 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC ( [%]) show GR [] 0 SD 0.0015 SLW n 0.6587 0.3000 m 0.6587 0.8000 l s n 1.1431 0.3000 m 1.1431 0.8000 l s [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color7 SC n 0.6587 0.3558 m 0.6687 0.3558 l s n 1.1431 0.3558 m 1.1331 0.3558 l s n 0.6587 0.3884 m 0.6687 0.3884 l s n 1.1431 0.3884 m 1.1331 0.3884 l s n 0.6587 0.4115 m 0.6687 0.4115 l s n 1.1431 0.4115 m 1.1331 0.4115 l s n 0.6587 0.4295 m 0.6687 0.4295 l s n 1.1431 0.4295 m 1.1331 0.4295 l s n 0.6587 0.4442 m 0.6687 0.4442 l s n 1.1431 0.4442 m 1.1331 0.4442 l s n 0.6587 0.4566 m 0.6687 0.4566 l s n 1.1431 0.4566 m 1.1331 0.4566 l s n 0.6587 0.4673 m 0.6687 0.4673 l s n 1.1431 0.4673 m 1.1331 0.4673 l s n 0.6587 0.4768 m 0.6687 0.4768 l s n 1.1431 0.4768 m 1.1331 0.4768 l s n 0.6587 0.4853 m 0.6687 0.4853 l s n 1.1431 0.4853 m 1.1331 0.4853 l s n 0.6587 0.5410 m 0.6687 0.5410 l s n 1.1431 0.5410 m 1.1331 0.5410 l s n 0.6587 0.5736 m 0.6687 0.5736 l s n 1.1431 0.5736 m 1.1331 0.5736 l s n 0.6587 0.5968 m 0.6687 0.5968 l s n 1.1431 0.5968 m 1.1331 0.5968 l s n 0.6587 0.6147 m 0.6687 0.6147 l s n 1.1431 0.6147 m 1.1331 0.6147 l s n 0.6587 0.6294 m 0.6687 0.6294 l s n 1.1431 0.6294 m 1.1331 0.6294 l s n 0.6587 0.6418 m 0.6687 0.6418 l s n 1.1431 0.6418 m 1.1331 0.6418 l s n 0.6587 0.6526 m 0.6687 0.6526 l s n 1.1431 0.6526 m 1.1331 0.6526 l s n 0.6587 0.6620 m 0.6687 0.6620 l s n 1.1431 0.6620 m 1.1331 0.6620 l s n 0.6587 0.6705 m 0.6687 0.6705 l s n 1.1431 0.6705 m 1.1331 0.6705 l s n 0.6587 0.7263 m 0.6687 0.7263 l s n 1.1431 0.7263 m 1.1331 0.7263 l s n 0.6587 0.7589 m 0.6687 0.7589 l s n 1.1431 0.7589 m 1.1331 0.7589 l s n 0.6587 0.7820 m 0.6687 0.7820 l s n 1.1431 0.7820 m 1.1331 0.7820 l s n 0.6587 0.8000 m 0.6687 0.8000 l s n 1.1431 0.8000 m 1.1331 0.8000 l s [] 0 SD 0.0008 SLW n 0.6587 0.3000 m 0.6787 0.3000 l s n 1.1431 0.3000 m 1.1231 0.3000 l s n 0.6587 0.4853 m 0.6787 0.4853 l s n 1.1431 0.4853 m 1.1231 0.4853 l s n 0.6587 0.6705 m 0.6787 0.6705 l s n 1.1431 0.6705 m 1.1231 0.6705 l s [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color1 SC [] 0 SD 0.0015 SLW n 0.6587 0.3000 m 1.1431 0.3000 l s n 0.6587 0.8000 m 1.1431 0.8000 l s n 0.6587 0.3000 m 0.6587 0.3100 l s n 0.6587 0.8000 m 0.6587 0.7900 l s n 0.6830 0.3000 m 0.6830 0.3100 l s n 0.6830 0.8000 m 0.6830 0.7900 l s n 0.7044 0.3000 m 0.7044 0.3100 l s n 0.7044 0.8000 m 0.7044 0.7900 l s n 0.7236 0.3000 m 0.7236 0.3100 l s n 0.7236 0.8000 m 0.7236 0.7900 l s n 0.8499 0.3000 m 0.8499 0.3100 l s n 0.8499 0.8000 m 0.8499 0.7900 l s n 0.9238 0.3000 m 0.9238 0.3100 l s n 0.9238 0.8000 m 0.9238 0.7900 l s n 0.9762 0.3000 m 0.9762 0.3100 l s n 0.9762 0.8000 m 0.9762 0.7900 l s n 1.0168 0.3000 m 1.0168 0.3100 l s n 1.0168 0.8000 m 1.0168 0.7900 l s n 1.0500 0.3000 m 1.0500 0.3100 l s n 1.0500 0.8000 m 1.0500 0.7900 l s n 1.0781 0.3000 m 1.0781 0.3100 l s n 1.0781 0.8000 m 1.0781 0.7900 l s n 1.1025 0.3000 m 1.1025 0.3100 l s n 1.1025 0.8000 m 1.1025 0.7900 l s n 1.1239 0.3000 m 1.1239 0.3100 l s n 1.1239 0.8000 m 1.1239 0.7900 l s n 1.1431 0.3000 m 1.1431 0.3100 l s n 1.1431 0.8000 m 1.1431 0.7900 l s n 0.7236 0.3000 m 0.7236 0.3200 l s n 0.7236 0.8000 m 0.7236 0.7800 l s n 1.1431 0.3000 m 1.1431 0.3200 l s n 1.1431 0.8000 m 1.1431 0.7800 l s n 0.6587 0.3000 m 0.6587 0.8000 l s n 1.1431 0.3000 m 1.1431 0.8000 l s n 0.6587 0.3558 m 0.6687 0.3558 l s n 1.1431 0.3558 m 1.1331 0.3558 l s n 0.6587 0.3884 m 0.6687 0.3884 l s n 1.1431 0.3884 m 1.1331 0.3884 l s n 0.6587 0.4115 m 0.6687 0.4115 l s n 1.1431 0.4115 m 1.1331 0.4115 l s n 0.6587 0.4295 m 0.6687 0.4295 l s n 1.1431 0.4295 m 1.1331 0.4295 l s n 0.6587 0.4442 m 0.6687 0.4442 l s n 1.1431 0.4442 m 1.1331 0.4442 l s n 0.6587 0.4566 m 0.6687 0.4566 l s n 1.1431 0.4566 m 1.1331 0.4566 l s n 0.6587 0.4673 m 0.6687 0.4673 l s n 1.1431 0.4673 m 1.1331 0.4673 l s n 0.6587 0.4768 m 0.6687 0.4768 l s n 1.1431 0.4768 m 1.1331 0.4768 l s n 0.6587 0.4853 m 0.6687 0.4853 l s n 1.1431 0.4853 m 1.1331 0.4853 l s n 0.6587 0.5410 m 0.6687 0.5410 l s n 1.1431 0.5410 m 1.1331 0.5410 l s n 0.6587 0.5736 m 0.6687 0.5736 l s n 1.1431 0.5736 m 1.1331 0.5736 l s n 0.6587 0.5968 m 0.6687 0.5968 l s n 1.1431 0.5968 m 1.1331 0.5968 l s n 0.6587 0.6147 m 0.6687 0.6147 l s n 1.1431 0.6147 m 1.1331 0.6147 l s n 0.6587 0.6294 m 0.6687 0.6294 l s n 1.1431 0.6294 m 1.1331 0.6294 l s n 0.6587 0.6418 m 0.6687 0.6418 l s n 1.1431 0.6418 m 1.1331 0.6418 l s n 0.6587 0.6526 m 0.6687 0.6526 l s n 1.1431 0.6526 m 1.1331 0.6526 l s n 0.6587 0.6620 m 0.6687 0.6620 l s n 1.1431 0.6620 m 1.1331 0.6620 l s n 0.6587 0.6705 m 0.6687 0.6705 l s n 1.1431 0.6705 m 1.1331 0.6705 l s n 0.6587 0.7263 m 0.6687 0.7263 l s n 1.1431 0.7263 m 1.1331 0.7263 l s n 0.6587 0.7589 m 0.6687 0.7589 l s n 1.1431 0.7589 m 1.1331 0.7589 l s n 0.6587 0.7820 m 0.6687 0.7820 l s n 1.1431 0.7820 m 1.1331 0.7820 l s n 0.6587 0.8000 m 0.6687 0.8000 l s n 1.1431 0.8000 m 1.1331 0.8000 l s n 0.6587 0.3000 m 0.6787 0.3000 l s n 1.1431 0.3000 m 1.1231 0.3000 l s n 0.6587 0.4853 m 0.6787 0.4853 l s n 1.1431 0.4853 m 1.1231 0.4853 l s n 0.6587 0.6705 m 0.6787 0.6705 l s n 1.1431 0.6705 m 1.1231 0.6705 l s n 0.6587 0.3000 m 0.6587 0.8000 l 1.1431 0.8000 l 1.1431 0.3000 l 0.6587 0.3000 l c s /Times-Bold findfont dup length dict begin {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall /Encoding DefEncoding def currentdict end /Font2 exch definefont pop /Font2 FFSF 0.3715 0.8245 m GS [0.0336 0.0000 0.0000 0.0336 0 0] CC (3) show GR /Font12 FFSF 0.3883 0.8245 m GS [0.0336 0.0000 0.0000 0.0336 0 0] CC (s) show GR /Font2 FFSF 0.4087 0.8245 m GS [0.0336 0.0000 0.0000 0.0336 0 0] CC ( sensitivity to CP violation for ) show GR /Font12 FFSF 0.8436 0.8245 m GS [0.0336 0.0000 0.0000 0.0336 0 0] CC (d) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.8601 0.8110 m GS [0.0238 0.0000 0.0000 0.0238 0 0] CC (CP) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.8601 0.8446 m GS [0.0238 0.0000 0.0000 0.0238 0 0] CC (true) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.8970 0.8245 m GS [0.0336 0.0000 0.0000 0.0336 0 0] CC ( = ) show GR /Font12 FFSF 0.9326 0.8245 m GS [0.0336 0.0000 0.0000 0.0336 0 0] CC (p) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.9511 0.8245 m GS [0.0336 0.0000 0.0000 0.0336 0 0] CC (/2) show GR /Font12 FFSF [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color2 SC 0.4112 0.4208 m GS [0.0201 -0.0195 0.0195 0.0201 0 0] CC (b) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.4222 0.4102 m GS [0.0201 -0.0195 0.0195 0.0201 0 0] CC (B) show GR /Font0 FFSF [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color15 SC 0.3237 0.6287 m GS [0.0221 -0.0172 0.0172 0.0221 0 0] CC (SPL) show GR /Font0 FFSF [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color4 SC 0.5428 0.5318 m GS [0.0278 -0.0034 0.0034 0.0278 0 0] CC (T2HK) show GR /Font0 FFSF [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color1 SC 0.5392 0.7508 m GS [-0.0000 -0.0280 0.0280 -0.0000 0 0] CC (4400 kt yrs) show GR /Font0 FFSF [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color15 SC 0.7288 0.4705 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (SPL) show GR /Font0 FFSF [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color4 SC 1.0168 0.5348 m GS [0.0229 0.0161 -0.0161 0.0229 0 0] CC (T2HK) show GR /Font12 FFSF [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color2 SC 0.8752 0.3762 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (b) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.8905 0.3762 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (B) show GR /Font0 FFSF [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color1 SC 0.9922 0.7524 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (4400 kt yrs) show GR /Font12 FFSF 0.1740 0.3370 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (s) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.1908 0.3258 m GS [0.0198 0.0000 0.0000 0.0198 0 0] CC (bkgr) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.2273 0.3370 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC ( = 2% ) show GR /Font12 FFSF 0.3014 0.3370 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (-) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.3167 0.3370 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC ( 5%) show GR %%Trailer %%BoundingBox: 26 136 709 527 %%DocumentNeededResources: font Times-Roman %%+ font Times-Bold %%+ font Symbol %%EOF %%EndDocument @endspecial -60 2360 a Fw(Figure)35 b(12)p Fy(:)42 b Fi(Impact)25 b(of)g(total)g(exp)r(osure)f(and)h(systematical)f(errors)f (on)i(the)g(CPV)g(disco)n(v)n(ery)e(p)r(oten)n(tial)i(of)g Fh(\014)t Fi(B,)g(SPL,)-60 2480 y(and)34 b(T2HK.)f(W)-7 b(e)35 b(sho)n(w)e(the)i(smallest)e(true)h(v)-5 b(alue)34 b(of)g(sin)1836 2445 y Fg(2)1887 2480 y Fi(2)p Fh(\022)1968 2492 y Fg(13)2072 2480 y Fi(for)g(whic)n(h)g Fh(\016)2487 2492 y Fg(CP)2617 2480 y Fi(=)g Fh(\031)s(=)p Fi(2)f(can)h(b)r(e)g (distinguished)g(from)-60 2600 y Fh(\016)-23 2612 y Fg(CP)99 2600 y Fi(=)25 b(0)j(or)g Fh(\016)399 2612 y Fg(CP)521 2600 y Fi(=)d Fh(\031)32 b Fi(at)d(3)p Fh(\033)j Fi(\(\001)p Fh(\037)1067 2570 y Fg(2)1130 2600 y Fh(>)25 b Fi(9\))k(as)g(a)f (function)i(of)f(the)g(exp)r(osure)f(in)i(kt)f(yrs)f(\(left\))i(and)f (as)f(a)h(function)h(of)f(the)-60 2721 y(systematical)g(error)f(on)i (the)g(bac)n(kground)e Fh(\033)1382 2733 y Fg(bkgr)1548 2721 y Fi(\(righ)n(t\).)44 b(The)30 b(widths)g(of)g(the)h(curv)n(es)e (in)h(the)g(left)h(panel)f(corresp)r(onds)-60 2841 y(to)j(v)-5 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Fq(2)2486 3629 y(31)2561 3605 y Fy(\))g(and)g Fo(\022)2881 3620 y Fq(23)2956 3605 y Fy(-o)s(ctan)m(t)g(are)f (\014tted)i(b)m(y)-60 3725 y(taking)29 b(in)m(to)g(accoun)m(t)h(all)f (four)g(degenerate)h(solutions,)g(i.e.,)h(also)e(for)f(the)i(\014t)f (all)f(four)h(com)m(binations)h(of)-60 3845 y(sign)q(\(\001)p Fo(m)313 3809 y Fq(2)313 3870 y(31)388 3845 y Fy(\))24 b(and)f Fo(\022)675 3860 y Fq(23)751 3845 y Fy(-o)s(ctan)m(t)g(are)h (used.)42 b(One)24 b(observ)m(es)i(from)e(the)g(\014gure)g(that)g(the)g (true)g(hierarc)m(h)m(y)i(and)-60 3966 y(o)s(ctan)m(t)j(ha)m(v)m(e)h(a) e(rather)h(small)g(impact)h(on)e(the)h Fo(\014)6 b Fy(B)29 b(CPV)g(sensitivit)m(y)-8 b(,)33 b(in)c(particular)g(the)g(sensitivit)m (y)i(to)-60 4086 y(maximal)24 b(CPV)g(is)f(completely)i(indep)s(enden)m (t.)43 b(The)24 b(main)f(e\013ect)h(of)f(c)m(hanging)h(the)f(true)h (hierarc)m(h)m(y)h(is)e(to)-60 4206 y(exc)m(hange)31 b(the)g(b)s(eha)m(vior)f(b)s(et)m(w)m(een)i(0)27 b Fo(<)h(\016)1512 4221 y Fq(CP)1643 4206 y Fo(<)f Fy(180)1893 4170 y Fm(\016)1962 4206 y Fy(and)j(180)2296 4170 y Fm(\016)2362 4206 y Fo(<)e(\016)2509 4221 y Fq(CP)2640 4206 y Fo(<)f Fy(360)2890 4170 y Fm(\016)2929 4206 y Fy(.)43 b(F)-8 b(or)29 b(sin)3290 4167 y Fq(2)3346 4206 y Fy(2)p Fo(\022)3440 4221 y Fq(13)3543 4206 y Fl(.)f Fy(10)3746 4170 y Fm(\000)p Fq(2)-60 4327 y Fy(the)33 b(sensitivit)m(y)i(gets)f(sligh)m(tly)f(w)m(orse)h(if)f Fo(\022)1522 4291 y Fq(true)1519 4351 y(23)1679 4327 y Fo(>)28 b(\031)t(=)p Fy(4)k(compared)h(to)f Fo(\022)2583 4291 y Fq(true)2580 4351 y(23)2741 4327 y Fo(<)27 b(\031)t(=)p Fy(4.)86 4489 y(The)h(dashed)h(curv)m(es)g(in)e(Fig.)g(13)g(are)g (computed)i(without)e(taking)h(in)m(to)f(accoun)m(t)h(the)g (degeneracies,)-60 4609 y(i.e.,)47 b(for)c(eac)m(h)i(c)m(hoice)g(of)e (true)h(sign)q(\(\001)p Fo(m)1542 4573 y Fq(2)1542 4634 y(31)1617 4609 y Fy(\))f(and)h Fo(\022)1944 4624 y Fq(23)2019 4609 y Fy(-o)s(ctan)m(t)g(the)g(data)f(are)h(\014tted)g(only)g(with)g (this)-60 4730 y(particular)h(c)m(hoice.)82 b(The)46 b(e\013ect)f(of)g(the)g(degeneracies)i(b)s(ecomes)g(visible)f(for)f (large)f(v)-5 b(alues)46 b(of)e Fo(\022)3721 4745 y Fq(13)3813 4730 y Fy(.)-60 4850 y(Note)d(that)f(this)h(is)g(just)f(the)h(region)g (where)g(they)h(can)e(b)s(e)h(reduced)h(b)m(y)f(a)f(com)m(bined)j (analysis)e(with)-60 4970 y(atmospheric)34 b(neutrinos)g(\(see)f(Sec.)h (6.2)e(or)g(Ref.)h([29]\).)1841 6036 y(19)p eop end %%Page: 20 20 TeXDict begin 20 19 bop 330 2631 a @beginspecial 27 @llx 34 @lly 670 @urx 546 @ury 3744 @rwi @setspecial %%BeginDocument: ./fig13.eps %!PS-Adobe-3.0 EPSF-3.0 %%BoundingBox: (atend) %%LanguageLevel: 2 %%Creator: Grace-5.1.20 %%CreationDate: Fri Aug 11 19:05:42 2006 %%DocumentData: Clean8Bit %%Orientation: Portrait %%Title: /home/schwetz/work/atm+lbl/BB-SPL-2/Paper-PRD-2/Agr/CP-BB-degeneracies.agr %%For: schwetz %%DocumentNeededResources: (atend) %%EndComments %%BeginProlog /m {moveto} def /l {lineto} def /s {stroke} def /n {newpath} def /c {closepath} 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0.5433 l 0.5413 0.5440 l 0.5352 0.5445 l 0.5235 0.5458 l 0.5117 0.5471 l 0.5000 0.5486 l 0.4883 0.5503 l 0.4765 0.5521 l 0.4731 0.5527 l 0.4648 0.5540 l 0.4530 0.5560 l 0.4413 0.5581 l 0.4295 0.5606 l 0.4250 0.5616 l 0.4178 0.5630 l 0.4060 0.5657 l 0.3943 0.5686 l 0.3880 0.5704 l 0.3826 0.5718 l 0.3708 0.5751 l 0.3591 0.5788 l 0.3582 0.5791 l 0.3473 0.5827 l 0.3356 0.5871 l 0.3335 0.5879 l 0.3238 0.5918 l 0.3128 0.5967 l 0.3121 0.5971 l 0.3003 0.6028 l 0.2953 0.6055 l 0.2886 0.6093 l 0.2804 0.6143 l 0.2769 0.6167 l 0.2678 0.6231 l 0.2651 0.6252 l 0.2572 0.6319 l 0.2534 0.6356 l 0.2484 0.6407 l 0.2416 0.6489 l 0.2411 0.6495 l 0.2355 0.6583 l 0.2312 0.6671 l 0.2299 0.6709 l 0.2283 0.6759 l 0.2267 0.6847 l 0.2264 0.6934 l 0.2274 0.7023 l 0.2298 0.7110 l 0.2299 0.7112 l 0.2335 0.7198 l 0.2387 0.7286 l 0.2416 0.7326 l 0.2453 0.7374 l 0.2534 0.7460 l 0.2536 0.7462 l 0.2637 0.7550 l 0.2651 0.7561 l 0.2758 0.7638 l 0.2769 0.7645 l 0.2886 0.7716 l 0.2903 0.7726 l 0.3003 0.7779 l 0.3077 0.7814 l 0.3121 0.7834 l 0.3238 0.7883 l 0.3289 0.7902 l 0.3356 0.7927 l 0.3473 0.7966 l 0.3555 0.7990 l 0.3591 0.8000 l 0.3708 0.8033 l 0.3826 0.8060 l 0.3914 0.8078 l 0.3943 0.8084 l 0.4060 0.8108 l 0.4178 0.8127 l 0.4295 0.8143 l 0.4413 0.8157 l 0.4502 0.8166 l 0.4530 0.8169 l 0.4648 0.8181 l 0.4765 0.8191 l 0.4883 0.8200 l 0.5000 0.8207 l 0.5117 0.8213 l 0.5235 0.8219 l 0.5352 0.8223 l 0.5470 0.8227 l 0.5587 0.8230 l 0.5705 0.8233 l 0.5822 0.8235 l 0.5940 0.8237 l 0.6057 0.8239 l 0.6174 0.8240 l 0.6292 0.8241 l 0.6409 0.8242 l 0.6527 0.8243 l 0.6644 0.8243 l 0.6762 0.8243 l 0.6879 0.8242 l 0.6997 0.8242 l 0.7114 0.8241 l 0.7231 0.8239 l 0.7349 0.8237 l 0.7466 0.8235 l 0.7584 0.8233 l 0.7701 0.8230 l 0.7819 0.8227 l 0.7936 0.8223 l 0.8054 0.8218 l 0.8171 0.8213 l 0.8288 0.8207 l 0.8406 0.8200 l 0.8501 0.8194 l s [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color4 SC n 0.8501 0.1985 m 0.8406 0.1976 l 0.8288 0.1965 l 0.8171 0.1956 l 0.8054 0.1949 l 0.7936 0.1942 l 0.7819 0.1936 l 0.7701 0.1932 l 0.7584 0.1928 l 0.7466 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0.7198 l 0.2098 0.7286 l 0.2181 0.7365 l 0.2189 0.7374 l 0.2269 0.7462 l 0.2299 0.7490 l 0.2356 0.7550 l 0.2416 0.7596 l 0.2483 0.7638 l 0.2534 0.7670 l 0.2627 0.7726 l 0.2651 0.7739 l 0.2769 0.7797 l 0.2806 0.7814 l 0.2886 0.7848 l 0.3003 0.7891 l 0.3035 0.7902 l 0.3121 0.7930 l 0.3238 0.7963 l 0.3351 0.7990 l 0.3356 0.7991 l 0.3473 0.8017 l 0.3591 0.8039 l 0.3708 0.8057 l 0.3826 0.8072 l 0.3882 0.8078 l 0.3943 0.8086 l 0.4060 0.8098 l 0.4178 0.8109 l 0.4295 0.8118 l 0.4413 0.8126 l 0.4530 0.8133 l 0.4648 0.8140 l 0.4765 0.8145 l 0.4883 0.8150 l 0.5000 0.8154 l 0.5117 0.8158 l 0.5235 0.8161 l 0.5352 0.8164 l 0.5435 0.8166 l 0.5470 0.8167 l 0.5587 0.8169 l 0.5705 0.8172 l 0.5822 0.8173 l 0.5940 0.8175 l 0.6057 0.8176 l 0.6174 0.8176 l 0.6292 0.8176 l 0.6409 0.8176 l 0.6527 0.8175 l 0.6644 0.8174 l 0.6762 0.8172 l 0.6879 0.8170 l 0.6997 0.8168 l 0.7064 0.8166 l 0.7114 0.8165 l 0.7231 0.8161 l 0.7349 0.8158 l 0.7466 0.8154 l 0.7584 0.8149 l 0.7701 0.8143 l 0.7819 0.8137 l 0.7936 0.8129 l 0.8054 0.8121 l 0.8171 0.8111 l 0.8288 0.8100 l 0.8406 0.8088 l 0.8496 0.8078 l 0.8501 0.8077 l s [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color1 SC [] 0 SD 0.0015 SLW n 0.1500 0.1500 m 0.8500 0.1500 l s n 0.1500 0.8500 m 0.8500 0.8500 l s [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color7 SC n 0.2202 0.1500 m 0.2202 0.1600 l s n 0.2202 0.8500 m 0.2202 0.8400 l s n 0.2613 0.1500 m 0.2613 0.1600 l s n 0.2613 0.8500 m 0.2613 0.8400 l s n 0.2905 0.1500 m 0.2905 0.1600 l s n 0.2905 0.8500 m 0.2905 0.8400 l s n 0.3131 0.1500 m 0.3131 0.1600 l s n 0.3131 0.8500 m 0.3131 0.8400 l s n 0.3316 0.1500 m 0.3316 0.1600 l s n 0.3316 0.8500 m 0.3316 0.8400 l s n 0.3472 0.1500 m 0.3472 0.1600 l s n 0.3472 0.8500 m 0.3472 0.8400 l s n 0.3607 0.1500 m 0.3607 0.1600 l s n 0.3607 0.8500 m 0.3607 0.8400 l s n 0.3727 0.1500 m 0.3727 0.1600 l s n 0.3727 0.8500 m 0.3727 0.8400 l s n 0.3833 0.1500 m 0.3833 0.1600 l s n 0.3833 0.8500 m 0.3833 0.8400 l s n 0.4536 0.1500 m 0.4536 0.1600 l s n 0.4536 0.8500 m 0.4536 0.8400 l s n 0.4947 0.1500 m 0.4947 0.1600 l s n 0.4947 0.8500 m 0.4947 0.8400 l s n 0.5238 0.1500 m 0.5238 0.1600 l s n 0.5238 0.8500 m 0.5238 0.8400 l s n 0.5464 0.1500 m 0.5464 0.1600 l s n 0.5464 0.8500 m 0.5464 0.8400 l s n 0.5649 0.1500 m 0.5649 0.1600 l s n 0.5649 0.8500 m 0.5649 0.8400 l s n 0.5805 0.1500 m 0.5805 0.1600 l s n 0.5805 0.8500 m 0.5805 0.8400 l s n 0.5941 0.1500 m 0.5941 0.1600 l s n 0.5941 0.8500 m 0.5941 0.8400 l s n 0.6060 0.1500 m 0.6060 0.1600 l s n 0.6060 0.8500 m 0.6060 0.8400 l s n 0.6167 0.1500 m 0.6167 0.1600 l s n 0.6167 0.8500 m 0.6167 0.8400 l s n 0.6869 0.1500 m 0.6869 0.1600 l s n 0.6869 0.8500 m 0.6869 0.8400 l s n 0.7280 0.1500 m 0.7280 0.1600 l s n 0.7280 0.8500 m 0.7280 0.8400 l s n 0.7571 0.1500 m 0.7571 0.1600 l s n 0.7571 0.8500 m 0.7571 0.8400 l s n 0.7798 0.1500 m 0.7798 0.1600 l s n 0.7798 0.8500 m 0.7798 0.8400 l s n 0.7982 0.1500 m 0.7982 0.1600 l s n 0.7982 0.8500 m 0.7982 0.8400 l s n 0.8139 0.1500 m 0.8139 0.1600 l s n 0.8139 0.8500 m 0.8139 0.8400 l s n 0.8274 0.1500 m 0.8274 0.1600 l s n 0.8274 0.8500 m 0.8274 0.8400 l s n 0.8393 0.1500 m 0.8393 0.1600 l s n 0.8393 0.8500 m 0.8393 0.8400 l s n 0.8500 0.1500 m 0.8500 0.1600 l s n 0.8500 0.8500 m 0.8500 0.8400 l s n 0.1500 0.1500 m 0.1500 0.1700 l s n 0.1500 0.8500 m 0.1500 0.8300 l s n 0.3833 0.1500 m 0.3833 0.1700 l s n 0.3833 0.8500 m 0.3833 0.8300 l s n 0.6167 0.1500 m 0.6167 0.1700 l s n 0.6167 0.8500 m 0.6167 0.8300 l s n 0.8500 0.1500 m 0.8500 0.1700 l s n 0.8500 0.8500 m 0.8500 0.8300 l s /Times-Roman findfont dup length dict begin {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall /Encoding DefEncoding def currentdict end /Font0 exch definefont pop /Font0 FFSF [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color1 SC 0.1280 0.1099 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (10) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.1559 0.1267 m GS [0.0198 0.0000 0.0000 0.0198 0 0] CC (-4) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.3618 0.1099 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (10) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.3896 0.1267 m GS [0.0198 0.0000 0.0000 0.0198 0 0] CC (-3) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.5947 0.1099 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (10) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.6225 0.1267 m GS [0.0198 0.0000 0.0000 0.0198 0 0] CC (-2) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.8288 0.1099 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (10) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.8567 0.1267 m GS [0.0198 0.0000 0.0000 0.0198 0 0] CC (-1) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.4265 0.0693 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (true sin) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.5167 0.0861 m GS [0.0198 0.0000 0.0000 0.0198 0 0] CC (2) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.5265 0.0693 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (2) show GR /Symbol findfont /Font12 exch definefont pop /Font12 FFSF 0.5406 0.0693 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (q) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.5551 0.0581 m GS [0.0198 0.0000 0.0000 0.0198 0 0] CC (13) show GR n 0.1500 0.1500 m 0.1500 0.8500 l s n 0.8500 0.1500 m 0.8500 0.8500 l s n 0.1500 0.1850 m 0.1600 0.1850 l s n 0.8500 0.1850 m 0.8400 0.1850 l s n 0.1500 0.2200 m 0.1600 0.2200 l s n 0.8500 0.2200 m 0.8400 0.2200 l s n 0.1500 0.2550 m 0.1600 0.2550 l s n 0.8500 0.2550 m 0.8400 0.2550 l s n 0.1500 0.2900 m 0.1600 0.2900 l s n 0.8500 0.2900 m 0.8400 0.2900 l s n 0.1500 0.3600 m 0.1600 0.3600 l s n 0.8500 0.3600 m 0.8400 0.3600 l s n 0.1500 0.3950 m 0.1600 0.3950 l s n 0.8500 0.3950 m 0.8400 0.3950 l s n 0.1500 0.4300 m 0.1600 0.4300 l s n 0.8500 0.4300 m 0.8400 0.4300 l s n 0.1500 0.4650 m 0.1600 0.4650 l s n 0.8500 0.4650 m 0.8400 0.4650 l s n 0.1500 0.5350 m 0.1600 0.5350 l s n 0.8500 0.5350 m 0.8400 0.5350 l s n 0.1500 0.5700 m 0.1600 0.5700 l s n 0.8500 0.5700 m 0.8400 0.5700 l s n 0.1500 0.6050 m 0.1600 0.6050 l s n 0.8500 0.6050 m 0.8400 0.6050 l s n 0.1500 0.6400 m 0.1600 0.6400 l s n 0.8500 0.6400 m 0.8400 0.6400 l s n 0.1500 0.7100 m 0.1600 0.7100 l s n 0.8500 0.7100 m 0.8400 0.7100 l s n 0.1500 0.7450 m 0.1600 0.7450 l s n 0.8500 0.7450 m 0.8400 0.7450 l s n 0.1500 0.7800 m 0.1600 0.7800 l s n 0.8500 0.7800 m 0.8400 0.7800 l s n 0.1500 0.8150 m 0.1600 0.8150 l s n 0.8500 0.8150 m 0.8400 0.8150 l s [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color7 SC n 0.1500 0.1500 m 0.1700 0.1500 l s n 0.8500 0.1500 m 0.8300 0.1500 l s n 0.1500 0.3250 m 0.1700 0.3250 l s n 0.8500 0.3250 m 0.8300 0.3250 l s n 0.1500 0.5000 m 0.1700 0.5000 l s n 0.8500 0.5000 m 0.8300 0.5000 l s n 0.1500 0.6750 m 0.1700 0.6750 l s n 0.8500 0.6750 m 0.8300 0.6750 l s n 0.1500 0.8500 m 0.1700 0.8500 l s n 0.8500 0.8500 m 0.8300 0.8500 l s /Font0 FFSF [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color1 SC 0.1267 0.1408 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (0) show GR /Font12 FFSF 0.1035 0.3158 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (p) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.1188 0.3158 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (/2) show GR /Font12 FFSF 0.1251 0.4931 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (p) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.0894 0.6658 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (3) show GR /Font12 FFSF 0.1035 0.6658 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (p) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.1188 0.6658 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (/2) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.1110 0.8408 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (2) show GR /Font12 FFSF 0.1251 0.8408 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (p) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.0678 0.4522 m GS [0.0000 0.0280 -0.0280 0.0000 0 0] CC (true ) show GR /Font12 FFSF 0.0678 0.5098 m GS [0.0000 0.0280 -0.0280 0.0000 0 0] CC (d) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.0790 0.5235 m GS [0.0000 0.0198 -0.0198 0.0000 0 0] CC (CP) show GR n 0.1500 0.1500 m 0.8500 0.1500 l s n 0.1500 0.8500 m 0.8500 0.8500 l s n 0.2202 0.1500 m 0.2202 0.1600 l s n 0.2202 0.8500 m 0.2202 0.8400 l s n 0.2613 0.1500 m 0.2613 0.1600 l s n 0.2613 0.8500 m 0.2613 0.8400 l s n 0.2905 0.1500 m 0.2905 0.1600 l s n 0.2905 0.8500 m 0.2905 0.8400 l s n 0.3131 0.1500 m 0.3131 0.1600 l s n 0.3131 0.8500 m 0.3131 0.8400 l s n 0.3316 0.1500 m 0.3316 0.1600 l s n 0.3316 0.8500 m 0.3316 0.8400 l s n 0.3472 0.1500 m 0.3472 0.1600 l s n 0.3472 0.8500 m 0.3472 0.8400 l s n 0.3607 0.1500 m 0.3607 0.1600 l s n 0.3607 0.8500 m 0.3607 0.8400 l s n 0.3727 0.1500 m 0.3727 0.1600 l s n 0.3727 0.8500 m 0.3727 0.8400 l s n 0.3833 0.1500 m 0.3833 0.1600 l s n 0.3833 0.8500 m 0.3833 0.8400 l s n 0.4536 0.1500 m 0.4536 0.1600 l s n 0.4536 0.8500 m 0.4536 0.8400 l s n 0.4947 0.1500 m 0.4947 0.1600 l s n 0.4947 0.8500 m 0.4947 0.8400 l s n 0.5238 0.1500 m 0.5238 0.1600 l s n 0.5238 0.8500 m 0.5238 0.8400 l s n 0.5464 0.1500 m 0.5464 0.1600 l s n 0.5464 0.8500 m 0.5464 0.8400 l s n 0.5649 0.1500 m 0.5649 0.1600 l s n 0.5649 0.8500 m 0.5649 0.8400 l s n 0.5805 0.1500 m 0.5805 0.1600 l s n 0.5805 0.8500 m 0.5805 0.8400 l s n 0.5941 0.1500 m 0.5941 0.1600 l s n 0.5941 0.8500 m 0.5941 0.8400 l s n 0.6060 0.1500 m 0.6060 0.1600 l s n 0.6060 0.8500 m 0.6060 0.8400 l s n 0.6167 0.1500 m 0.6167 0.1600 l s n 0.6167 0.8500 m 0.6167 0.8400 l s n 0.6869 0.1500 m 0.6869 0.1600 l s n 0.6869 0.8500 m 0.6869 0.8400 l s n 0.7280 0.1500 m 0.7280 0.1600 l s n 0.7280 0.8500 m 0.7280 0.8400 l s n 0.7571 0.1500 m 0.7571 0.1600 l s n 0.7571 0.8500 m 0.7571 0.8400 l s n 0.7798 0.1500 m 0.7798 0.1600 l s n 0.7798 0.8500 m 0.7798 0.8400 l s n 0.7982 0.1500 m 0.7982 0.1600 l s n 0.7982 0.8500 m 0.7982 0.8400 l s n 0.8139 0.1500 m 0.8139 0.1600 l s n 0.8139 0.8500 m 0.8139 0.8400 l s n 0.8274 0.1500 m 0.8274 0.1600 l s n 0.8274 0.8500 m 0.8274 0.8400 l s n 0.8393 0.1500 m 0.8393 0.1600 l s n 0.8393 0.8500 m 0.8393 0.8400 l s n 0.8500 0.1500 m 0.8500 0.1600 l s n 0.8500 0.8500 m 0.8500 0.8400 l s n 0.1500 0.1500 m 0.1500 0.1700 l s n 0.1500 0.8500 m 0.1500 0.8300 l s n 0.3833 0.1500 m 0.3833 0.1700 l s n 0.3833 0.8500 m 0.3833 0.8300 l s n 0.6167 0.1500 m 0.6167 0.1700 l s n 0.6167 0.8500 m 0.6167 0.8300 l s n 0.8500 0.1500 m 0.8500 0.1700 l s n 0.8500 0.8500 m 0.8500 0.8300 l s n 0.1500 0.1500 m 0.1500 0.8500 l s n 0.8500 0.1500 m 0.8500 0.8500 l s n 0.1500 0.1850 m 0.1600 0.1850 l s n 0.8500 0.1850 m 0.8400 0.1850 l s n 0.1500 0.2200 m 0.1600 0.2200 l s n 0.8500 0.2200 m 0.8400 0.2200 l s n 0.1500 0.2550 m 0.1600 0.2550 l s n 0.8500 0.2550 m 0.8400 0.2550 l s n 0.1500 0.2900 m 0.1600 0.2900 l s n 0.8500 0.2900 m 0.8400 0.2900 l s n 0.1500 0.3600 m 0.1600 0.3600 l s n 0.8500 0.3600 m 0.8400 0.3600 l s n 0.1500 0.3950 m 0.1600 0.3950 l s n 0.8500 0.3950 m 0.8400 0.3950 l s n 0.1500 0.4300 m 0.1600 0.4300 l s n 0.8500 0.4300 m 0.8400 0.4300 l s n 0.1500 0.4650 m 0.1600 0.4650 l s n 0.8500 0.4650 m 0.8400 0.4650 l s n 0.1500 0.5350 m 0.1600 0.5350 l s n 0.8500 0.5350 m 0.8400 0.5350 l s n 0.1500 0.5700 m 0.1600 0.5700 l s n 0.8500 0.5700 m 0.8400 0.5700 l s n 0.1500 0.6050 m 0.1600 0.6050 l s n 0.8500 0.6050 m 0.8400 0.6050 l s n 0.1500 0.6400 m 0.1600 0.6400 l s n 0.8500 0.6400 m 0.8400 0.6400 l s n 0.1500 0.7100 m 0.1600 0.7100 l s n 0.8500 0.7100 m 0.8400 0.7100 l s n 0.1500 0.7450 m 0.1600 0.7450 l s n 0.8500 0.7450 m 0.8400 0.7450 l s n 0.1500 0.7800 m 0.1600 0.7800 l s n 0.8500 0.7800 m 0.8400 0.7800 l s n 0.1500 0.8150 m 0.1600 0.8150 l s n 0.8500 0.8150 m 0.8400 0.8150 l s n 0.1500 0.1500 m 0.1700 0.1500 l s n 0.8500 0.1500 m 0.8300 0.1500 l s n 0.1500 0.3250 m 0.1700 0.3250 l s n 0.8500 0.3250 m 0.8300 0.3250 l s n 0.1500 0.5000 m 0.1700 0.5000 l s n 0.8500 0.5000 m 0.8300 0.5000 l s n 0.1500 0.6750 m 0.1700 0.6750 l s n 0.8500 0.6750 m 0.8300 0.6750 l s n 0.1500 0.8500 m 0.1700 0.8500 l s n 0.8500 0.8500 m 0.8300 0.8500 l s n 0.1500 0.1500 m 0.1500 0.8500 l 0.8500 0.8500 l 0.8500 0.1500 l 0.1500 0.1500 l c s n 0.8600 0.6000 m 0.8600 0.3831 l 1.0909 0.3831 l 1.0909 0.6000 l c [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color0 SC fill [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color1 SC n 0.8600 0.6000 m 0.8600 0.3831 l 1.0909 0.3831 l 1.0909 0.6000 l 0.8600 0.6000 l c s /Font0 FFSF 0.9315 0.5599 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (NH, ) show GR /Times-Italic findfont dup length dict begin {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall /Encoding DefEncoding def currentdict end /Font1 exch definefont pop /Font1 FFSF 0.9860 0.5599 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (s) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.9970 0.5767 m GS [0.0198 0.0000 0.0000 0.0198 0 0] CC (2) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.9970 0.5487 m GS [0.0198 0.0000 0.0000 0.0198 0 0] CC (23) show GR /Font0 FFSF 1.0166 0.5599 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC ( = 0.4) show GR [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color2 SC [] 0 SD 0.0030 SLW n 0.8715 0.5691 m 0.9115 0.5691 l s /Font0 FFSF [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color1 SC 0.9315 0.5081 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (IH, ) show GR /Font1 FFSF 0.9821 0.5081 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (s) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.9931 0.5249 m GS [0.0198 0.0000 0.0000 0.0198 0 0] CC (2) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.9931 0.4969 m GS [0.0198 0.0000 0.0000 0.0198 0 0] CC (23) show GR /Font0 FFSF 1.0127 0.5081 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC ( = 0.4) show GR [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color15 SC n 0.8715 0.5174 m 0.9115 0.5174 l s /Font0 FFSF [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color1 SC 0.9315 0.4564 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (NH, ) show GR /Font1 FFSF 0.9860 0.4564 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (s) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.9970 0.4732 m GS [0.0198 0.0000 0.0000 0.0198 0 0] CC (2) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.9970 0.4452 m GS [0.0198 0.0000 0.0000 0.0198 0 0] CC (23) show GR /Font0 FFSF 1.0166 0.4564 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC ( = 0.6) show GR [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color4 SC n 0.8715 0.4657 m 0.9115 0.4657 l s /Font0 FFSF [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color1 SC 0.9315 0.4047 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (IH, ) show GR /Font1 FFSF 0.9821 0.4047 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (s) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.9931 0.4215 m GS [0.0198 0.0000 0.0000 0.0198 0 0] CC (2) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.9931 0.3935 m GS [0.0198 0.0000 0.0000 0.0198 0 0] CC (23) show GR /Font0 FFSF 1.0127 0.4047 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC ( = 0.6) show GR [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color11 SC n 0.8715 0.4140 m 0.9115 0.4140 l s /Times-Bold findfont dup length dict begin {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall /Encoding DefEncoding def currentdict end /Font2 exch definefont pop /Font2 FFSF [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color1 SC 0.2872 0.8654 m GS [0.0336 0.0000 0.0000 0.0336 0 0] CC (Sensitivity to CPV at 3) show GR /Font12 FFSF 0.6120 0.8654 m GS [0.0336 0.0000 0.0000 0.0336 0 0] CC (s) show GR /Font2 FFSF 0.6323 0.8654 m GS [0.0336 0.0000 0.0000 0.0336 0 0] CC ( for ) show GR /Font12 FFSF 0.6920 0.8654 m GS [0.0336 0.0000 0.0000 0.0336 0 0] CC (b) show GR /Font2 FFSF 0.7104 0.8654 m GS [0.0336 0.0000 0.0000 0.0336 0 0] CC (B) show GR /Font12 FFSF 0.5836 0.6922 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (Dc) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.6162 0.7090 m GS [0.0198 0.0000 0.0000 0.0198 0 0] CC (2) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.6260 0.6922 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC ( \() show GR /Font12 FFSF 0.6425 0.6922 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (d) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.6562 0.6810 m GS [0.0198 0.0000 0.0000 0.0198 0 0] CC (CP) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.6805 0.6922 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC ( = 0, ) show GR /Font12 FFSF 0.7382 0.6922 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (p) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.7534 0.6922 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (\) = 9) show GR %%Trailer %%BoundingBox: 27 34 670 546 %%DocumentNeededResources: font Times-Roman %%+ font Times-Italic %%+ font Times-Bold %%+ font Symbol %%EOF %%EndDocument @endspecial -60 2835 a Fw(Figure)41 b(13)p Fy(:)50 b Fi(Impact)30 b(of)g(degeneracies)e(on)i(the)g(CPV)g(disco)n(v)n(ery)e (p)r(oten)n(tial)i(for)g(the)g Fh(\014)t Fi(B.)g(W)-7 b(e)31 b(sho)n(w)e(the)h(sensitivit)n(y)-60 2955 y(to)f(CPV)g(at)h(3)p Fh(\033)i Fi(\(\001)p Fh(\037)629 2925 y Fg(2)693 2955 y Fh(>)25 b Fi(9\))k(computed)h(for)f(4)g(di\013eren)n(t)g(com)n (binations)f(of)i(the)f(true)g(v)-5 b(alues)29 b(of)h(the)f(hierarc)n (h)n(y)f(\(NH)i(or)-60 3075 y(IH\))e(and)g Fh(\022)293 3087 y Fg(23)391 3075 y Fi(\(sin)525 3040 y Fg(2)576 3075 y Fh(\022)615 3087 y Fg(23)708 3075 y Fi(=)23 b(0)p Fh(:)p Fi(4)k(or)f(0)p Fh(:)p Fi(6\).)37 b(Dashed)27 b(curv)n(es)g(are)f(computed)i(neglecting)f(degeneracies)f(in)i(the)g (\014t.)-60 3362 y Fp(6)135 b(Synergies)45 b(pro)l(vided)g(b)l(y)g(the) 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b(If)28 b(b)s(oth)g(exp)s(erimen)m(ts)j(run)d(with)h(neutrinos)g(and)f (an)m(tineutrinos)i(all)e(p)s(ossible)-60 4517 y(transition)34 b(probabilities)g(are)g(co)m(v)m(ered:)47 b Fo(P)1561 4532 y Fv(\027)1596 4540 y Fb(e)1629 4532 y Fm(!)p Fv(\027)1735 4540 y Fb(\026)1780 4517 y Fy(,)34 b Fo(P)1908 4532 y Fq(\026)-39 b Fv(\027)1939 4540 y Fb(e)1972 4532 y Fm(!)t Fq(\026)g Fv(\027)2078 4540 y Fb(\026)2123 4517 y Fy(,)33 b Fo(P)2246 4532 y Fv(\027)2281 4540 y Fb(\026)2322 4532 y Fm(!)p Fv(\027)2428 4540 y Fb(e)2465 4517 y Fy(,)h(and)f Fo(P)2783 4532 y Fq(\026)-39 b Fv(\027)2814 4540 y Fb(\026)2856 4532 y Fm(!)t Fq(\026)g Fv(\027)2962 4540 y Fb(e)2998 4517 y Fy(.)46 b(T)-8 b(ogether)34 b(with)h(the)-60 4637 y(fact)j(that)g(matter)h(e\013ects)g(are)f(v)m(ery)i(small)f(b)s (ecause)h(of)d(the)i(relativ)m(ely)h(short)f(baseline,)i(this)e(means) -60 4757 y(that)32 b(in)h(addition)g(to)f(CP)i(also)e(direct)i(tests)f (of)f(the)h(T)g(and)g(CPT)h(symmetries)h(are)e(p)s(ossible.)86 4919 y(Ho)m(w)m(ev)m(er,)38 b(if)d(the)h(CPT)g(symmetry)h(is)f(assumed) g(in)g(principle)g(all)f(information)g(can)g(b)s(e)g(obtained)-60 5040 y(just)44 b(from)g(neutrino)g(data)g(b)s(ecause)h(of)e(the)h (relations)h Fo(P)2169 5055 y Fq(\026)-39 b Fv(\027)2200 5063 y Fb(e)2233 5055 y Fm(!)t Fq(\026)g Fv(\027)2339 5063 y Fb(\026)2430 5040 y Fy(=)47 b Fo(P)2616 5055 y Fv(\027)2651 5063 y Fb(\026)2692 5055 y Fm(!)p Fv(\027)2798 5063 y Fb(e)2879 5040 y Fy(and)d Fo(P)3147 5055 y Fq(\026)-39 b Fv(\027)3178 5063 y Fb(\026)3219 5055 y Fm(!)t Fq(\026)g Fv(\027)3325 5063 y Fb(e)3408 5040 y Fy(=)47 b Fo(P)3594 5055 y Fv(\027)3629 5063 y Fb(e)3662 5055 y Fm(!)p Fv(\027)3768 5063 y Fb(\026)3813 5040 y Fy(.)-60 5160 y(As)e(men)m(tioned)h(already) f(in)g(Sec.)g(4)f(this)h(implies)h(that)e(\(time)h(consuming\))h(an)m (tineutrino)f(running)-60 5280 y(can)38 b(b)s(e)f(a)m(v)m(oided.)59 b(W)-8 b(e)38 b(illustrate)g(this)g(synergy)g(in)g(Figs.)f(14)g(and)g (15.)57 b(In)38 b(Fig.)f(14)f(w)m(e)j(sho)m(w)f(the)g Fo(\022)3765 5295 y Fq(13)-60 5401 y Fy(disco)m(v)m(ery)j(p)s(oten)m (tial)d(of)f(5)h(y)m(ears)h(of)e(neutrino)i(data)f(from)f Fo(\014)6 b Fy(B)38 b(and)g(SPL.)g(F)-8 b(rom)38 b(the)g(left)g(panel)h (the)-60 5521 y(complemen)m(tarit)m(y)32 b(of)e(the)g(t)m(w)m(o)g(exp)s (erimen)m(ts)j(is)d(ob)m(vious,)i(since)f(eac)m(h)f(of)g(them)g(is)h (most)f(sensitiv)m(e)i(in)e(a)-60 5642 y(di\013eren)m(t)35 b(region)f(of)f Fo(\016)775 5657 y Fq(CP)878 5642 y Fy(.)47 b(\(As)34 b(exp)s(ected)h(from)f(general)g(prop)s(erties)g(of)f(the)i (oscillation)f(probabilities)-60 5762 y(the)27 b(sensitivit)m(y)i(curv) m(es)g(of)d Fo(\014)6 b Fy(B)26 b(and)g(SPL)h(are)g(appro)m(ximately)h (related)f(b)m(y)g(the)g(transformation)f Fo(\016)3609 5777 y Fq(CP)3740 5762 y Fn(!)1841 6036 y Fy(20)p eop end %%Page: 21 21 TeXDict begin 21 20 bop 135 1990 a @beginspecial 26 @llx 169 @lly 704 @urx 525 @ury 4212 @rwi @setspecial %%BeginDocument: ./fig14.eps %!PS-Adobe-3.0 EPSF-3.0 %%BoundingBox: (atend) %%LanguageLevel: 2 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l 0.3216 0.5771 l 0.3255 0.5854 l 0.3294 0.5942 l 0.3333 0.6027 l 0.3372 0.6114 l 0.3411 0.6203 l 0.3450 0.6288 l 0.3489 0.6377 l 0.3528 0.6461 l 0.3567 0.6545 l 0.3606 0.6629 l 0.3645 0.6708 l 0.3684 0.6787 l 0.3723 0.6865 l 0.3762 0.6938 l 0.3801 0.7006 l 0.3840 0.7075 l 0.3879 0.7137 l 0.3918 0.7202 l 0.3957 0.7257 l 0.3996 0.7313 l 0.4035 0.7362 l 0.4074 0.7409 l 0.4113 0.7454 l 0.4152 0.7493 l 0.4191 0.7531 l 0.4230 0.7563 l 0.4269 0.7591 l 0.4308 0.7617 l 0.4347 0.7639 l 0.4386 0.7656 l 0.4425 0.7670 l 0.4464 0.7681 l 0.4503 0.7687 l 0.4542 0.7690 l 0.4581 0.7690 l 0.4620 0.7686 l 0.4659 0.7678 l 0.4698 0.7667 l 0.4737 0.7652 l 0.4776 0.7635 l 0.4815 0.7611 l 0.4854 0.7584 l 0.4893 0.7556 l 0.4932 0.7523 l 0.4971 0.7486 l 0.5010 0.7447 l 0.5049 0.7402 l 0.5088 0.7356 l 0.5127 0.7308 l 0.5166 0.7253 l 0.5205 0.7200 l 0.5244 0.7138 l 0.5283 0.7077 l 0.5322 0.7013 l 0.5361 0.6943 l 0.5400 0.6877 l 0.5439 0.6800 l 0.5478 0.6728 l 0.5518 0.6652 l 0.5557 0.6571 l 0.5596 0.6491 l 0.5635 0.6408 l 0.5674 0.6324 l 0.5713 0.6240 l 0.5752 0.6155 l 0.5791 0.6069 l 0.5830 0.5986 l 0.5869 0.5899 l 0.5908 0.5815 l 0.5947 0.5735 l 0.5986 0.5655 l 0.6025 0.5574 l 0.6064 0.5502 l 0.6103 0.5427 l 0.6142 0.5355 l 0.6181 0.5288 l 0.6220 0.5221 l 0.6259 0.5158 l 0.6298 0.5099 l s [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color15 SC n 0.1500 0.5822 m 0.1539 0.5892 l 0.1578 0.5967 l 0.1617 0.6035 l 0.1656 0.6108 l 0.1695 0.6185 l 0.1734 0.6257 l 0.1773 0.6333 l 0.1812 0.6407 l 0.1851 0.6482 l 0.1890 0.6548 l 0.1929 0.6628 l 0.1968 0.6700 l 0.2007 0.6766 l 0.2046 0.6841 l 0.2085 0.6908 l 0.2124 0.6975 l 0.2163 0.7046 l 0.2202 0.7107 l 0.2241 0.7173 l 0.2280 0.7233 l 0.2319 0.7295 l 0.2358 0.7353 l 0.2397 0.7410 l 0.2436 0.7465 l 0.2475 0.7515 l 0.2514 0.7569 l 0.2553 0.7618 l 0.2592 0.7662 l 0.2631 0.7703 l 0.2670 0.7743 l 0.2709 0.7778 l 0.2748 0.7810 l 0.2787 0.7836 l 0.2826 0.7860 l 0.2865 0.7879 l 0.2904 0.7893 l 0.2943 0.7903 l 0.2982 0.7910 l 0.3021 0.7912 l 0.3060 0.7909 l 0.3099 0.7902 l 0.3138 0.7891 l 0.3177 0.7876 l 0.3216 0.7856 l 0.3255 0.7831 l 0.3294 0.7804 l 0.3333 0.7770 l 0.3372 0.7733 l 0.3411 0.7692 l 0.3450 0.7647 l 0.3489 0.7597 l 0.3528 0.7545 l 0.3567 0.7487 l 0.3606 0.7428 l 0.3645 0.7362 l 0.3684 0.7296 l 0.3723 0.7225 l 0.3762 0.7153 l 0.3801 0.7078 l 0.3840 0.7001 l 0.3879 0.6921 l 0.3918 0.6844 l 0.3957 0.6758 l 0.3996 0.6681 l 0.4035 0.6595 l 0.4074 0.6518 l 0.4113 0.6432 l 0.4152 0.6352 l 0.4191 0.6268 l 0.4230 0.6190 l 0.4269 0.6107 l 0.4308 0.6029 l 0.4347 0.5956 l 0.4386 0.5877 l 0.4425 0.5804 l 0.4464 0.5737 l 0.4503 0.5672 l 0.4542 0.5602 l 0.4581 0.5545 l 0.4620 0.5486 l 0.4659 0.5428 l 0.4698 0.5375 l 0.4737 0.5325 l 0.4776 0.5278 l 0.4815 0.5233 l 0.4854 0.5191 l 0.4893 0.5153 l 0.4932 0.5118 l 0.4971 0.5087 l 0.5010 0.5059 l 0.5049 0.5035 l 0.5088 0.5013 l 0.5127 0.4994 l 0.5166 0.4977 l 0.5205 0.4963 l 0.5244 0.4953 l 0.5283 0.4947 l 0.5322 0.4942 l 0.5361 0.4942 l 0.5400 0.4945 l 0.5439 0.4951 l 0.5478 0.4959 l 0.5518 0.4971 l 0.5557 0.4987 l 0.5596 0.5006 l 0.5635 0.5026 l 0.5674 0.5050 l 0.5713 0.5075 l 0.5752 0.5105 l 0.5791 0.5138 l 0.5830 0.5174 l 0.5869 0.5214 l 0.5908 0.5257 l 0.5947 0.5303 l 0.5986 0.5349 l 0.6025 0.5400 l 0.6064 0.5454 l 0.6103 0.5512 l 0.6142 0.5569 l 0.6181 0.5627 l 0.6220 0.5695 l 0.6259 0.5756 l 0.6298 0.5822 l s [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color10 SC n 0.1500 0.4835 m 0.1539 0.4800 l 0.1578 0.4765 l 0.1617 0.4730 l 0.1656 0.4692 l 0.1695 0.4654 l 0.1734 0.4615 l 0.1773 0.4577 l 0.1812 0.4539 l 0.1851 0.4502 l 0.1890 0.4467 l 0.1929 0.4434 l 0.1968 0.4402 l 0.2007 0.4372 l 0.2046 0.4344 l 0.2085 0.4319 l 0.2124 0.4296 l 0.2163 0.4276 l 0.2202 0.4259 l 0.2241 0.4245 l 0.2280 0.4234 l 0.2319 0.4226 l 0.2358 0.4221 l 0.2397 0.4220 l 0.2436 0.4222 l 0.2475 0.4228 l 0.2514 0.4237 l 0.2553 0.4249 l 0.2592 0.4266 l 0.2631 0.4285 l 0.2670 0.4310 l 0.2709 0.4338 l 0.2748 0.4371 l 0.2787 0.4408 l 0.2826 0.4449 l 0.2865 0.4495 l 0.2904 0.4546 l 0.2943 0.4602 l 0.2982 0.4664 l 0.3021 0.4731 l 0.3060 0.4804 l 0.3099 0.4884 l 0.3138 0.4971 l 0.3177 0.5066 l 0.3216 0.5168 l 0.3255 0.5279 l 0.3294 0.5397 l 0.3333 0.5525 l 0.3372 0.5666 l 0.3411 0.5810 l 0.3450 0.5965 l 0.3489 0.6115 l 0.3528 0.6263 l 0.3567 0.6400 l 0.3606 0.6521 l 0.3645 0.6617 l 0.3684 0.6699 l 0.3723 0.6763 l 0.3762 0.6804 l 0.3801 0.6830 l 0.3840 0.6839 l 0.3879 0.6830 l 0.3918 0.6791 l 0.3957 0.6728 l 0.3996 0.6610 l 0.4035 0.6132 l 0.4074 0.5521 l 0.4113 0.5167 l 0.4152 0.4955 l 0.4191 0.4814 l 0.4230 0.4693 l 0.4269 0.4593 l 0.4308 0.4512 l 0.4347 0.4442 l 0.4386 0.4383 l 0.4425 0.4333 l 0.4464 0.4291 l 0.4503 0.4256 l 0.4542 0.4228 l 0.4581 0.4207 l 0.4620 0.4192 l 0.4659 0.4182 l 0.4698 0.4178 l 0.4737 0.4179 l 0.4776 0.4185 l 0.4815 0.4196 l 0.4854 0.4212 l 0.4893 0.4232 l 0.4932 0.4256 l 0.4971 0.4284 l 0.5010 0.4316 l 0.5049 0.4353 l 0.5088 0.4393 l 0.5127 0.4437 l 0.5166 0.4483 l 0.5205 0.4532 l 0.5244 0.4582 l 0.5283 0.4633 l 0.5322 0.4683 l 0.5361 0.4732 l 0.5400 0.4779 l 0.5439 0.4823 l 0.5478 0.4864 l 0.5518 0.4902 l 0.5557 0.4936 l 0.5596 0.4966 l 0.5635 0.4992 l 0.5674 0.5013 l 0.5713 0.5029 l 0.5752 0.5041 l 0.5791 0.5049 l 0.5830 0.5053 l 0.5869 0.5053 l 0.5908 0.5050 l 0.5947 0.5043 l 0.5986 0.5033 l 0.6025 0.5019 l 0.6064 0.5002 l 0.6103 0.4981 l 0.6142 0.4956 l 0.6181 0.4929 l 0.6220 0.4900 l 0.6259 0.4868 l 0.6298 0.4835 l s [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color4 SC n 0.1500 0.5607 m 0.1539 0.5627 l 0.1578 0.5643 l 0.1617 0.5656 l 0.1656 0.5666 l 0.1695 0.5673 l 0.1734 0.5676 l 0.1773 0.5676 l 0.1812 0.5672 l 0.1851 0.5665 l 0.1890 0.5655 l 0.1929 0.5642 l 0.1968 0.5627 l 0.2007 0.5608 l 0.2046 0.5588 l 0.2085 0.5567 l 0.2124 0.5543 l 0.2163 0.5519 l 0.2202 0.5495 l 0.2241 0.5471 l 0.2280 0.5447 l 0.2319 0.5424 l 0.2358 0.5402 l 0.2397 0.5384 l 0.2436 0.5365 l 0.2475 0.5348 l 0.2514 0.5334 l 0.2553 0.5323 l 0.2592 0.5314 l 0.2631 0.5310 l 0.2670 0.5309 l 0.2709 0.5311 l 0.2748 0.5317 l 0.2787 0.5328 l 0.2826 0.5345 l 0.2865 0.5364 l 0.2904 0.5390 l 0.2943 0.5421 l 0.2982 0.5458 l 0.3021 0.5501 l 0.3060 0.5551 l 0.3099 0.5607 l 0.3138 0.5670 l 0.3177 0.5741 l 0.3216 0.5821 l 0.3255 0.5910 l 0.3294 0.6005 l 0.3333 0.6105 l 0.3372 0.6215 l 0.3411 0.6333 l 0.3450 0.6440 l 0.3489 0.6543 l 0.3528 0.6646 l 0.3567 0.6721 l 0.3606 0.6789 l 0.3645 0.6848 l 0.3684 0.6890 l 0.3723 0.6918 l 0.3762 0.6935 l 0.3801 0.6940 l 0.3840 0.6935 l 0.3879 0.6918 l 0.3918 0.6892 l 0.3957 0.6856 l 0.3996 0.6804 l 0.4035 0.6754 l 0.4074 0.6686 l 0.4113 0.6610 l 0.4152 0.6532 l 0.4191 0.6443 l 0.4230 0.6351 l 0.4269 0.6255 l 0.4308 0.6160 l 0.4347 0.6062 l 0.4386 0.5972 l 0.4425 0.5878 l 0.4464 0.5791 l 0.4503 0.5711 l 0.4542 0.5633 l 0.4581 0.5559 l 0.4620 0.5491 l 0.4659 0.5433 l 0.4698 0.5375 l 0.4737 0.5323 l 0.4776 0.5274 l 0.4815 0.5230 l 0.4854 0.5190 l 0.4893 0.5155 l 0.4932 0.5124 l 0.4971 0.5097 l 0.5010 0.5073 l 0.5049 0.5053 l 0.5088 0.5037 l 0.5127 0.5025 l 0.5166 0.5015 l 0.5205 0.5010 l 0.5244 0.5006 l 0.5283 0.5007 l 0.5322 0.5010 l 0.5361 0.5016 l 0.5400 0.5025 l 0.5439 0.5036 l 0.5478 0.5050 l 0.5518 0.5066 l 0.5557 0.5085 l 0.5596 0.5106 l 0.5635 0.5130 l 0.5674 0.5155 l 0.5713 0.5182 l 0.5752 0.5211 l 0.5791 0.5241 l 0.5830 0.5272 l 0.5869 0.5304 l 0.5908 0.5335 l 0.5947 0.5366 l 0.5986 0.5397 l 0.6025 0.5428 l 0.6064 0.5460 l 0.6103 0.5490 l 0.6142 0.5519 l 0.6181 0.5545 l 0.6220 0.5569 l 0.6259 0.5591 l 0.6298 0.5607 l s [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color1 SC [] 0 SD 0.0015 SLW n 0.1500 0.3500 m 0.6298 0.3500 l s n 0.1500 0.8000 m 0.6298 0.8000 l s [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color7 SC n 0.1740 0.3500 m 0.1740 0.3600 l s n 0.1740 0.8000 m 0.1740 0.7900 l s n 0.1980 0.3500 m 0.1980 0.3600 l s n 0.1980 0.8000 m 0.1980 0.7900 l s n 0.2220 0.3500 m 0.2220 0.3600 l s n 0.2220 0.8000 m 0.2220 0.7900 l s n 0.2460 0.3500 m 0.2460 0.3600 l s n 0.2460 0.8000 m 0.2460 0.7900 l s n 0.2939 0.3500 m 0.2939 0.3600 l s n 0.2939 0.8000 m 0.2939 0.7900 l s n 0.3179 0.3500 m 0.3179 0.3600 l s n 0.3179 0.8000 m 0.3179 0.7900 l s n 0.3419 0.3500 m 0.3419 0.3600 l s n 0.3419 0.8000 m 0.3419 0.7900 l s n 0.3659 0.3500 m 0.3659 0.3600 l s n 0.3659 0.8000 m 0.3659 0.7900 l s n 0.4139 0.3500 m 0.4139 0.3600 l s n 0.4139 0.8000 m 0.4139 0.7900 l s n 0.4379 0.3500 m 0.4379 0.3600 l s n 0.4379 0.8000 m 0.4379 0.7900 l s n 0.4618 0.3500 m 0.4618 0.3600 l s n 0.4618 0.8000 m 0.4618 0.7900 l s n 0.4858 0.3500 m 0.4858 0.3600 l s n 0.4858 0.8000 m 0.4858 0.7900 l s n 0.5338 0.3500 m 0.5338 0.3600 l s n 0.5338 0.8000 m 0.5338 0.7900 l s n 0.5578 0.3500 m 0.5578 0.3600 l s n 0.5578 0.8000 m 0.5578 0.7900 l s n 0.5818 0.3500 m 0.5818 0.3600 l s n 0.5818 0.8000 m 0.5818 0.7900 l s n 0.6058 0.3500 m 0.6058 0.3600 l s n 0.6058 0.8000 m 0.6058 0.7900 l s n 0.1500 0.3500 m 0.1500 0.3700 l s n 0.1500 0.8000 m 0.1500 0.7800 l s n 0.2699 0.3500 m 0.2699 0.3700 l s n 0.2699 0.8000 m 0.2699 0.7800 l s n 0.3899 0.3500 m 0.3899 0.3700 l s n 0.3899 0.8000 m 0.3899 0.7800 l s n 0.5098 0.3500 m 0.5098 0.3700 l s n 0.5098 0.8000 m 0.5098 0.7800 l s n 0.6298 0.3500 m 0.6298 0.3700 l s n 0.6298 0.8000 m 0.6298 0.7800 l s /Times-Roman findfont dup length dict begin {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall /Encoding DefEncoding def currentdict end /Font0 exch definefont pop /Font0 FFSF [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color1 SC 0.1433 0.3212 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (0) show GR /Symbol findfont /Font12 exch definefont pop /Font12 FFSF 0.2517 0.3212 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (p) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.2670 0.3212 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (/2) show GR /Font12 FFSF 0.3824 0.3259 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (p) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.4845 0.3212 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (3) show GR /Font12 FFSF 0.4986 0.3212 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (p) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.5139 0.3212 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (/2) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.6153 0.3212 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (2) show GR /Font12 FFSF 0.6294 0.3212 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (p) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.3456 0.2900 m GS [0.0280 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0.6427 m 0.6198 0.6427 l s n 0.1500 0.6824 m 0.1600 0.6824 l s n 0.6298 0.6824 m 0.6198 0.6824 l s n 0.1500 0.7105 m 0.1600 0.7105 l s n 0.6298 0.7105 m 0.6198 0.7105 l s n 0.1500 0.7323 m 0.1600 0.7323 l s n 0.6298 0.7323 m 0.6198 0.7323 l s n 0.1500 0.7501 m 0.1600 0.7501 l s n 0.6298 0.7501 m 0.6198 0.7501 l s n 0.1500 0.7651 m 0.1600 0.7651 l s n 0.6298 0.7651 m 0.6198 0.7651 l s n 0.1500 0.7782 m 0.1600 0.7782 l s n 0.6298 0.7782 m 0.6198 0.7782 l s n 0.1500 0.7897 m 0.1600 0.7897 l s n 0.6298 0.7897 m 0.6198 0.7897 l s n 0.1500 0.8000 m 0.1600 0.8000 l s n 0.6298 0.8000 m 0.6198 0.8000 l s n 0.1500 0.3500 m 0.1700 0.3500 l s n 0.6298 0.3500 m 0.6098 0.3500 l s n 0.1500 0.5750 m 0.1700 0.5750 l s n 0.6298 0.5750 m 0.6098 0.5750 l s n 0.1500 0.8000 m 0.1700 0.8000 l s n 0.6298 0.8000 m 0.6098 0.8000 l s /Font0 FFSF [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color1 SC 0.0961 0.3351 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (10) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.1239 0.3519 m GS [0.0198 0.0000 0.0000 0.0198 0 0] CC (-4) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.0969 0.5601 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (10) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.1247 0.5769 m GS [0.0198 0.0000 0.0000 0.0198 0 0] CC (-3) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.0961 0.7851 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (10) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.1239 0.8019 m GS [0.0198 0.0000 0.0000 0.0198 0 0] CC (-2) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.0745 0.5303 m GS [0.0000 0.0280 -0.0280 0.0000 0 0] CC (sin) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.0577 0.5628 m GS [0.0000 0.0198 -0.0198 0.0000 0 0] CC (2) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.0745 0.5726 m GS [0.0000 0.0280 -0.0280 0.0000 0 0] CC (2) show GR /Font12 FFSF 0.0745 0.5868 m GS [0.0000 0.0280 -0.0280 0.0000 0 0] CC (q) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.0857 0.6013 m GS [0.0000 0.0198 -0.0198 0.0000 0 0] CC (13) show GR n 0.1500 0.3500 m 0.6298 0.3500 l s n 0.1500 0.8000 m 0.6298 0.8000 l s n 0.1740 0.3500 m 0.1740 0.3600 l s n 0.1740 0.8000 m 0.1740 0.7900 l s n 0.1980 0.3500 m 0.1980 0.3600 l s n 0.1980 0.8000 m 0.1980 0.7900 l s n 0.2220 0.3500 m 0.2220 0.3600 l s n 0.2220 0.8000 m 0.2220 0.7900 l s n 0.2460 0.3500 m 0.2460 0.3600 l s n 0.2460 0.8000 m 0.2460 0.7900 l s n 0.2939 0.3500 m 0.2939 0.3600 l s n 0.2939 0.8000 m 0.2939 0.7900 l s n 0.3179 0.3500 m 0.3179 0.3600 l s n 0.3179 0.8000 m 0.3179 0.7900 l s n 0.3419 0.3500 m 0.3419 0.3600 l s n 0.3419 0.8000 m 0.3419 0.7900 l s n 0.3659 0.3500 m 0.3659 0.3600 l s n 0.3659 0.8000 m 0.3659 0.7900 l s n 0.4139 0.3500 m 0.4139 0.3600 l s n 0.4139 0.8000 m 0.4139 0.7900 l s n 0.4379 0.3500 m 0.4379 0.3600 l s n 0.4379 0.8000 m 0.4379 0.7900 l s n 0.4618 0.3500 m 0.4618 0.3600 l s n 0.4618 0.8000 m 0.4618 0.7900 l s n 0.4858 0.3500 m 0.4858 0.3600 l s n 0.4858 0.8000 m 0.4858 0.7900 l s n 0.5338 0.3500 m 0.5338 0.3600 l s n 0.5338 0.8000 m 0.5338 0.7900 l s n 0.5578 0.3500 m 0.5578 0.3600 l s n 0.5578 0.8000 m 0.5578 0.7900 l s n 0.5818 0.3500 m 0.5818 0.3600 l s n 0.5818 0.8000 m 0.5818 0.7900 l s n 0.6058 0.3500 m 0.6058 0.3600 l s n 0.6058 0.8000 m 0.6058 0.7900 l s n 0.1500 0.3500 m 0.1500 0.3700 l s n 0.1500 0.8000 m 0.1500 0.7800 l s n 0.2699 0.3500 m 0.2699 0.3700 l s n 0.2699 0.8000 m 0.2699 0.7800 l s n 0.3899 0.3500 m 0.3899 0.3700 l s n 0.3899 0.8000 m 0.3899 0.7800 l s n 0.5098 0.3500 m 0.5098 0.3700 l s n 0.5098 0.8000 m 0.5098 0.7800 l s n 0.6298 0.3500 m 0.6298 0.3700 l s n 0.6298 0.8000 m 0.6298 0.7800 l s n 0.1500 0.3500 m 0.1500 0.8000 l s n 0.6298 0.3500 m 0.6298 0.8000 l s n 0.1500 0.4177 m 0.1600 0.4177 l s n 0.6298 0.4177 m 0.6198 0.4177 l s n 0.1500 0.4574 m 0.1600 0.4574 l s n 0.6298 0.4574 m 0.6198 0.4574 l s n 0.1500 0.4855 m 0.1600 0.4855 l s n 0.6298 0.4855 m 0.6198 0.4855 l s n 0.1500 0.5073 m 0.1600 0.5073 l s n 0.6298 0.5073 m 0.6198 0.5073 l s n 0.1500 0.5251 m 0.1600 0.5251 l s n 0.6298 0.5251 m 0.6198 0.5251 l s n 0.1500 0.5401 m 0.1600 0.5401 l s n 0.6298 0.5401 m 0.6198 0.5401 l s n 0.1500 0.5532 m 0.1600 0.5532 l s n 0.6298 0.5532 m 0.6198 0.5532 l s n 0.1500 0.5647 m 0.1600 0.5647 l s n 0.6298 0.5647 m 0.6198 0.5647 l s n 0.1500 0.5750 m 0.1600 0.5750 l s n 0.6298 0.5750 m 0.6198 0.5750 l s n 0.1500 0.6427 m 0.1600 0.6427 l s n 0.6298 0.6427 m 0.6198 0.6427 l s n 0.1500 0.6824 m 0.1600 0.6824 l s n 0.6298 0.6824 m 0.6198 0.6824 l s n 0.1500 0.7105 m 0.1600 0.7105 l s n 0.6298 0.7105 m 0.6198 0.7105 l s n 0.1500 0.7323 m 0.1600 0.7323 l s n 0.6298 0.7323 m 0.6198 0.7323 l s n 0.1500 0.7501 m 0.1600 0.7501 l s n 0.6298 0.7501 m 0.6198 0.7501 l s n 0.1500 0.7651 m 0.1600 0.7651 l s n 0.6298 0.7651 m 0.6198 0.7651 l s n 0.1500 0.7782 m 0.1600 0.7782 l s n 0.6298 0.7782 m 0.6198 0.7782 l s n 0.1500 0.7897 m 0.1600 0.7897 l s n 0.6298 0.7897 m 0.6198 0.7897 l s n 0.1500 0.8000 m 0.1600 0.8000 l s n 0.6298 0.8000 m 0.6198 0.8000 l s n 0.1500 0.3500 m 0.1700 0.3500 l s n 0.6298 0.3500 m 0.6098 0.3500 l s n 0.1500 0.5750 m 0.1700 0.5750 l s n 0.6298 0.5750 m 0.6098 0.5750 l s n 0.1500 0.8000 m 0.1700 0.8000 l s n 0.6298 0.8000 m 0.6098 0.8000 l s n 0.1500 0.3500 m 0.1500 0.8000 l 0.6298 0.8000 l 0.6298 0.3500 l 0.1500 0.3500 l c s [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color7 SC n 0.6633 0.3500 m 0.6633 0.8000 l s n 0.7833 0.3500 m 0.7833 0.8000 l s n 0.9032 0.3500 m 0.9032 0.8000 l s n 1.0232 0.3500 m 1.0232 0.8000 l s n 1.1431 0.3500 m 1.1431 0.8000 l s n 0.6633 0.4177 m 1.1431 0.4177 l s n 0.6633 0.4574 m 1.1431 0.4574 l s n 0.6633 0.4855 m 1.1431 0.4855 l s n 0.6633 0.5073 m 1.1431 0.5073 l s n 0.6633 0.5251 m 1.1431 0.5251 l s n 0.6633 0.5401 m 1.1431 0.5401 l s n 0.6633 0.5532 m 1.1431 0.5532 l s n 0.6633 0.5647 m 1.1431 0.5647 l s n 0.6633 0.5750 m 1.1431 0.5750 l s n 0.6633 0.6427 m 1.1431 0.6427 l s n 0.6633 0.6824 m 1.1431 0.6824 l s n 0.6633 0.7105 m 1.1431 0.7105 l s n 0.6633 0.7323 m 1.1431 0.7323 l s n 0.6633 0.7501 m 1.1431 0.7501 l s n 0.6633 0.7651 m 1.1431 0.7651 l s n 0.6633 0.7782 m 1.1431 0.7782 l s n 0.6633 0.7897 m 1.1431 0.7897 l s n 0.6633 0.8000 m 1.1431 0.8000 l s n 0.6633 0.3500 m 1.1431 0.3500 l s n 0.6633 0.5750 m 1.1431 0.5750 l s n 0.6633 0.8000 m 1.1431 0.8000 l s [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color2 SC [] 0 SD 0.0030 SLW n 0.6633 0.4599 m 0.6653 0.4599 l 0.6692 0.4600 l 0.6731 0.4602 l 0.6770 0.4604 l 0.6809 0.4608 l 0.6848 0.4611 l 0.6887 0.4617 l 0.6926 0.4621 l 0.6965 0.4630 l 0.7004 0.4635 l 0.7043 0.4646 l 0.7082 0.4652 l 0.7121 0.4665 l 0.7160 0.4673 l 0.7199 0.4688 l 0.7238 0.4696 l 0.7277 0.4713 l 0.7316 0.4723 l 0.7355 0.4743 l 0.7394 0.4753 l 0.7433 0.4775 l 0.7472 0.4787 l 0.7511 0.4811 l 0.7550 0.4824 l 0.7589 0.4850 l 0.7628 0.4864 l 0.7667 0.4894 l 0.7706 0.4909 l 0.7745 0.4940 l 0.7784 0.4957 l 0.7823 0.4991 l 0.7862 0.5010 l 0.7901 0.5043 l 0.7940 0.5063 l 0.7979 0.5099 l 0.8018 0.5120 l 0.8057 0.5158 l 0.8096 0.5181 l 0.8135 0.5221 l 0.8174 0.5246 l 0.8213 0.5288 l 0.8252 0.5314 l 0.8291 0.5355 l 0.8330 0.5384 l 0.8369 0.5427 l 0.8408 0.5456 l 0.8447 0.5502 l 0.8486 0.5533 l 0.8525 0.5574 l 0.8564 0.5607 l 0.8603 0.5655 l 0.8642 0.5692 l 0.8681 0.5735 l 0.8720 0.5771 l 0.8759 0.5815 l 0.8798 0.5854 l 0.8837 0.5899 l 0.8876 0.5942 l 0.8915 0.5986 l 0.8954 0.6027 l 0.8993 0.6069 l 0.9032 0.6114 l 0.9071 0.6155 l 0.9110 0.6203 l 0.9149 0.6240 l 0.9188 0.6288 l 0.9227 0.6324 l 0.9266 0.6377 l 0.9305 0.6408 l 0.9344 0.6461 l 0.9383 0.6491 l 0.9422 0.6545 l 0.9461 0.6571 l 0.9500 0.6629 l 0.9539 0.6652 l 0.9578 0.6708 l 0.9617 0.6728 l 0.9656 0.6787 l 0.9695 0.6800 l 0.9734 0.6865 l 0.9773 0.6877 l 0.9812 0.6938 l 0.9851 0.6943 l 0.9890 0.7006 l 0.9929 0.7013 l 0.9968 0.7075 l 1.0007 0.7077 l 1.0046 0.7137 l 1.0085 0.7138 l 1.0124 0.7200 l 1.0163 0.7202 l 1.0202 0.7253 l 1.0241 0.7257 l 1.0280 0.7308 l 1.0319 0.7313 l 1.0358 0.7356 l 1.0397 0.7362 l 1.0436 0.7402 l 1.0475 0.7409 l 1.0514 0.7447 l 1.0553 0.7454 l 1.0592 0.7486 l 1.0631 0.7493 l 1.0670 0.7523 l 1.0709 0.7531 l 1.0748 0.7556 l 1.0787 0.7563 l 1.0826 0.7584 l 1.0865 0.7591 l 1.0904 0.7611 l 1.0943 0.7617 l 1.0982 0.7635 l 1.1021 0.7639 l 1.1060 0.7652 l 1.1099 0.7656 l 1.1138 0.7667 l 1.1177 0.7670 l 1.1216 0.7678 l 1.1255 0.7681 l 1.1294 0.7686 l 1.1333 0.7687 l 1.1372 0.7690 l 1.1412 0.7690 l 1.1431 0.7690 l s [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color15 SC n 0.6633 0.4942 m 0.6653 0.4942 l 0.6692 0.4942 l 0.6731 0.4945 l 0.6770 0.4947 l 0.6809 0.4951 l 0.6848 0.4953 l 0.6887 0.4959 l 0.6926 0.4963 l 0.6965 0.4971 l 0.7004 0.4977 l 0.7043 0.4987 l 0.7082 0.4994 l 0.7121 0.5006 l 0.7160 0.5013 l 0.7199 0.5026 l 0.7238 0.5035 l 0.7277 0.5050 l 0.7316 0.5059 l 0.7355 0.5075 l 0.7394 0.5087 l 0.7433 0.5105 l 0.7472 0.5118 l 0.7511 0.5138 l 0.7550 0.5153 l 0.7589 0.5174 l 0.7628 0.5191 l 0.7667 0.5214 l 0.7706 0.5233 l 0.7745 0.5257 l 0.7784 0.5278 l 0.7823 0.5303 l 0.7862 0.5325 l 0.7901 0.5349 l 0.7940 0.5375 l 0.7979 0.5400 l 0.8018 0.5428 l 0.8057 0.5454 l 0.8096 0.5486 l 0.8135 0.5512 l 0.8174 0.5545 l 0.8213 0.5569 l 0.8252 0.5602 l 0.8291 0.5627 l 0.8330 0.5672 l 0.8369 0.5695 l 0.8408 0.5737 l 0.8447 0.5756 l 0.8486 0.5804 l 0.8525 0.5822 l 0.8564 0.5877 l 0.8603 0.5892 l 0.8642 0.5956 l 0.8681 0.5967 l 0.8720 0.6029 l 0.8759 0.6035 l 0.8798 0.6107 l 0.8837 0.6108 l 0.8876 0.6185 l 0.8915 0.6190 l 0.8954 0.6257 l 0.8993 0.6268 l 0.9032 0.6333 l 0.9071 0.6352 l 0.9110 0.6407 l 0.9149 0.6432 l 0.9188 0.6482 l 0.9227 0.6518 l 0.9266 0.6548 l 0.9305 0.6595 l 0.9344 0.6628 l 0.9383 0.6681 l 0.9422 0.6700 l 0.9461 0.6758 l 0.9500 0.6766 l 0.9539 0.6841 l 0.9578 0.6844 l 0.9617 0.6908 l 0.9656 0.6921 l 0.9695 0.6975 l 0.9734 0.7001 l 0.9773 0.7046 l 0.9812 0.7078 l 0.9851 0.7107 l 0.9890 0.7153 l 0.9929 0.7173 l 0.9968 0.7225 l 1.0007 0.7233 l 1.0046 0.7295 l 1.0085 0.7296 l 1.0124 0.7353 l 1.0163 0.7362 l 1.0202 0.7410 l 1.0241 0.7428 l 1.0280 0.7465 l 1.0319 0.7487 l 1.0358 0.7515 l 1.0397 0.7545 l 1.0436 0.7569 l 1.0475 0.7597 l 1.0514 0.7618 l 1.0553 0.7647 l 1.0592 0.7662 l 1.0631 0.7692 l 1.0670 0.7703 l 1.0709 0.7733 l 1.0748 0.7743 l 1.0787 0.7770 l 1.0826 0.7778 l 1.0865 0.7804 l 1.0904 0.7810 l 1.0943 0.7831 l 1.0982 0.7836 l 1.1021 0.7856 l 1.1060 0.7860 l 1.1099 0.7876 l 1.1138 0.7879 l 1.1177 0.7891 l 1.1216 0.7893 l 1.1255 0.7902 l 1.1294 0.7903 l 1.1333 0.7909 l 1.1372 0.7910 l 1.1412 0.7912 l 1.1431 0.7912 l s [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color10 SC n 0.6633 0.4178 m 0.6653 0.4178 l 0.6692 0.4179 l 0.6731 0.4182 l 0.6770 0.4185 l 0.6809 0.4192 l 0.6848 0.4196 l 0.6887 0.4207 l 0.6926 0.4212 l 0.6965 0.4220 l 0.7004 0.4221 l 0.7043 0.4222 l 0.7082 0.4226 l 0.7121 0.4228 l 0.7160 0.4228 l 0.7199 0.4232 l 0.7238 0.4234 l 0.7277 0.4237 l 0.7316 0.4245 l 0.7355 0.4249 l 0.7394 0.4256 l 0.7433 0.4256 l 0.7472 0.4259 l 0.7511 0.4266 l 0.7550 0.4276 l 0.7589 0.4284 l 0.7628 0.4285 l 0.7667 0.4291 l 0.7706 0.4296 l 0.7745 0.4310 l 0.7784 0.4316 l 0.7823 0.4319 l 0.7862 0.4333 l 0.7901 0.4338 l 0.7940 0.4344 l 0.7979 0.4353 l 0.8018 0.4371 l 0.8057 0.4372 l 0.8096 0.4383 l 0.8135 0.4393 l 0.8174 0.4402 l 0.8213 0.4408 l 0.8252 0.4434 l 0.8291 0.4437 l 0.8330 0.4442 l 0.8369 0.4449 l 0.8408 0.4467 l 0.8447 0.4483 l 0.8486 0.4495 l 0.8525 0.4502 l 0.8564 0.4512 l 0.8603 0.4532 l 0.8642 0.4539 l 0.8681 0.4546 l 0.8720 0.4577 l 0.8759 0.4582 l 0.8798 0.4593 l 0.8837 0.4602 l 0.8876 0.4615 l 0.8915 0.4633 l 0.8954 0.4654 l 0.8993 0.4664 l 0.9032 0.4683 l 0.9071 0.4692 l 0.9110 0.4693 l 0.9149 0.4730 l 0.9188 0.4731 l 0.9227 0.4732 l 0.9266 0.4765 l 0.9305 0.4779 l 0.9344 0.4800 l 0.9383 0.4804 l 0.9422 0.4814 l 0.9461 0.4823 l 0.9500 0.4835 l 0.9539 0.4864 l 0.9578 0.4868 l 0.9617 0.4884 l 0.9656 0.4900 l 0.9695 0.4902 l 0.9734 0.4929 l 0.9773 0.4936 l 0.9812 0.4955 l 0.9851 0.4956 l 0.9890 0.4966 l 0.9929 0.4971 l 0.9968 0.4981 l 1.0007 0.4992 l 1.0046 0.5002 l 1.0085 0.5013 l 1.0124 0.5019 l 1.0163 0.5029 l 1.0202 0.5033 l 1.0241 0.5041 l 1.0280 0.5043 l 1.0319 0.5049 l 1.0358 0.5050 l 1.0397 0.5053 l 1.0436 0.5053 l 1.0475 0.5066 l 1.0514 0.5167 l 1.0553 0.5168 l 1.0592 0.5279 l 1.0631 0.5397 l 1.0670 0.5521 l 1.0709 0.5525 l 1.0748 0.5666 l 1.0787 0.5810 l 1.0826 0.5965 l 1.0865 0.6115 l 1.0904 0.6132 l 1.0943 0.6263 l 1.0982 0.6400 l 1.1021 0.6521 l 1.1060 0.6610 l 1.1099 0.6617 l 1.1138 0.6699 l 1.1177 0.6728 l 1.1216 0.6763 l 1.1255 0.6791 l 1.1294 0.6804 l 1.1333 0.6830 l 1.1372 0.6830 l 1.1412 0.6839 l 1.1431 0.6839 l s [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color4 SC n 0.6633 0.5006 m 0.6653 0.5006 l 0.6692 0.5007 l 0.6731 0.5010 l 0.6770 0.5010 l 0.6809 0.5015 l 0.6848 0.5016 l 0.6887 0.5025 l 0.6926 0.5025 l 0.6965 0.5036 l 0.7004 0.5037 l 0.7043 0.5050 l 0.7082 0.5053 l 0.7121 0.5066 l 0.7160 0.5073 l 0.7199 0.5085 l 0.7238 0.5097 l 0.7277 0.5106 l 0.7316 0.5124 l 0.7355 0.5130 l 0.7394 0.5155 l 0.7433 0.5155 l 0.7472 0.5182 l 0.7511 0.5190 l 0.7550 0.5211 l 0.7589 0.5230 l 0.7628 0.5241 l 0.7667 0.5272 l 0.7706 0.5274 l 0.7745 0.5304 l 0.7784 0.5309 l 0.7823 0.5310 l 0.7862 0.5311 l 0.7901 0.5314 l 0.7940 0.5317 l 0.7979 0.5323 l 0.8018 0.5323 l 0.8057 0.5328 l 0.8096 0.5334 l 0.8135 0.5335 l 0.8174 0.5345 l 0.8213 0.5348 l 0.8252 0.5364 l 0.8291 0.5365 l 0.8330 0.5366 l 0.8369 0.5375 l 0.8408 0.5384 l 0.8447 0.5390 l 0.8486 0.5397 l 0.8525 0.5402 l 0.8564 0.5421 l 0.8603 0.5424 l 0.8642 0.5428 l 0.8681 0.5433 l 0.8720 0.5447 l 0.8759 0.5458 l 0.8798 0.5460 l 0.8837 0.5471 l 0.8876 0.5490 l 0.8915 0.5491 l 0.8954 0.5495 l 0.8993 0.5501 l 0.9032 0.5519 l 0.9071 0.5519 l 0.9110 0.5543 l 0.9149 0.5545 l 0.9188 0.5551 l 0.9227 0.5559 l 0.9266 0.5567 l 0.9305 0.5569 l 0.9344 0.5588 l 0.9383 0.5591 l 0.9422 0.5607 l 0.9461 0.5607 l 0.9500 0.5608 l 0.9539 0.5627 l 0.9578 0.5627 l 0.9617 0.5633 l 0.9656 0.5642 l 0.9695 0.5643 l 0.9734 0.5655 l 0.9773 0.5656 l 0.9812 0.5665 l 0.9851 0.5666 l 0.9890 0.5670 l 0.9929 0.5672 l 0.9968 0.5673 l 1.0007 0.5676 l 1.0046 0.5676 l 1.0085 0.5711 l 1.0124 0.5741 l 1.0163 0.5791 l 1.0202 0.5821 l 1.0241 0.5878 l 1.0280 0.5910 l 1.0319 0.5972 l 1.0358 0.6005 l 1.0397 0.6062 l 1.0436 0.6105 l 1.0475 0.6160 l 1.0514 0.6215 l 1.0553 0.6255 l 1.0592 0.6333 l 1.0631 0.6351 l 1.0670 0.6440 l 1.0709 0.6443 l 1.0748 0.6532 l 1.0787 0.6543 l 1.0826 0.6610 l 1.0865 0.6646 l 1.0904 0.6686 l 1.0943 0.6721 l 1.0982 0.6754 l 1.1021 0.6789 l 1.1060 0.6804 l 1.1099 0.6848 l 1.1138 0.6856 l 1.1177 0.6890 l 1.1216 0.6892 l 1.1255 0.6918 l 1.1294 0.6918 l 1.1333 0.6935 l 1.1372 0.6935 l 1.1412 0.6940 l 1.1431 0.6940 l s [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color1 SC [] 0 SD 0.0015 SLW n 0.6633 0.3500 m 1.1431 0.3500 l s n 0.6633 0.8000 m 1.1431 0.8000 l s [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color7 SC n 0.6873 0.3500 m 0.6873 0.3600 l s n 0.6873 0.8000 m 0.6873 0.7900 l s n 0.7113 0.3500 m 0.7113 0.3600 l s n 0.7113 0.8000 m 0.7113 0.7900 l s n 0.7353 0.3500 m 0.7353 0.3600 l s n 0.7353 0.8000 m 0.7353 0.7900 l s n 0.7593 0.3500 m 0.7593 0.3600 l s n 0.7593 0.8000 m 0.7593 0.7900 l s n 0.8073 0.3500 m 0.8073 0.3600 l s n 0.8073 0.8000 m 0.8073 0.7900 l s n 0.8313 0.3500 m 0.8313 0.3600 l s n 0.8313 0.8000 m 0.8313 0.7900 l s n 0.8552 0.3500 m 0.8552 0.3600 l s n 0.8552 0.8000 m 0.8552 0.7900 l s n 0.8792 0.3500 m 0.8792 0.3600 l s n 0.8792 0.8000 m 0.8792 0.7900 l s n 0.9272 0.3500 m 0.9272 0.3600 l s n 0.9272 0.8000 m 0.9272 0.7900 l s n 0.9512 0.3500 m 0.9512 0.3600 l s n 0.9512 0.8000 m 0.9512 0.7900 l s n 0.9752 0.3500 m 0.9752 0.3600 l s n 0.9752 0.8000 m 0.9752 0.7900 l s n 0.9992 0.3500 m 0.9992 0.3600 l s n 0.9992 0.8000 m 0.9992 0.7900 l s n 1.0472 0.3500 m 1.0472 0.3600 l s n 1.0472 0.8000 m 1.0472 0.7900 l s n 1.0711 0.3500 m 1.0711 0.3600 l s n 1.0711 0.8000 m 1.0711 0.7900 l s n 1.0951 0.3500 m 1.0951 0.3600 l s n 1.0951 0.8000 m 1.0951 0.7900 l s n 1.1191 0.3500 m 1.1191 0.3600 l s n 1.1191 0.8000 m 1.1191 0.7900 l s n 0.6633 0.3500 m 0.6633 0.3700 l s n 0.6633 0.8000 m 0.6633 0.7800 l s n 0.7833 0.3500 m 0.7833 0.3700 l s n 0.7833 0.8000 m 0.7833 0.7800 l s n 0.9032 0.3500 m 0.9032 0.3700 l s n 0.9032 0.8000 m 0.9032 0.7800 l s n 1.0232 0.3500 m 1.0232 0.3700 l s n 1.0232 0.8000 m 1.0232 0.7800 l s n 1.1431 0.3500 m 1.1431 0.3700 l s n 1.1431 0.8000 m 1.1431 0.7800 l s /Font0 FFSF [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color1 SC 0.6567 0.3212 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (0) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.7598 0.3208 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (0.25) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.8866 0.3208 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (0.5) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.9996 0.3208 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (0.75) show GR /Font0 FFSF 1.1376 0.3212 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (1) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.7579 0.2896 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (fraction of true ) show GR /Font12 FFSF 0.9328 0.2896 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (d) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.9466 0.2784 m GS [0.0198 0.0000 0.0000 0.0198 0 0] CC (CP) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.9709 0.2896 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC ( values) show GR n 0.6633 0.3500 m 0.6633 0.8000 l s n 1.1431 0.3500 m 1.1431 0.8000 l s [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color7 SC n 0.6633 0.4177 m 0.6733 0.4177 l s n 1.1431 0.4177 m 1.1331 0.4177 l s n 0.6633 0.4574 m 0.6733 0.4574 l s n 1.1431 0.4574 m 1.1331 0.4574 l s n 0.6633 0.4855 m 0.6733 0.4855 l s n 1.1431 0.4855 m 1.1331 0.4855 l s n 0.6633 0.5073 m 0.6733 0.5073 l s n 1.1431 0.5073 m 1.1331 0.5073 l s n 0.6633 0.5251 m 0.6733 0.5251 l s n 1.1431 0.5251 m 1.1331 0.5251 l s n 0.6633 0.5401 m 0.6733 0.5401 l s n 1.1431 0.5401 m 1.1331 0.5401 l s n 0.6633 0.5532 m 0.6733 0.5532 l s n 1.1431 0.5532 m 1.1331 0.5532 l s n 0.6633 0.5647 m 0.6733 0.5647 l s n 1.1431 0.5647 m 1.1331 0.5647 l s n 0.6633 0.5750 m 0.6733 0.5750 l s n 1.1431 0.5750 m 1.1331 0.5750 l s n 0.6633 0.6427 m 0.6733 0.6427 l s n 1.1431 0.6427 m 1.1331 0.6427 l s n 0.6633 0.6824 m 0.6733 0.6824 l s n 1.1431 0.6824 m 1.1331 0.6824 l s n 0.6633 0.7105 m 0.6733 0.7105 l s n 1.1431 0.7105 m 1.1331 0.7105 l s n 0.6633 0.7323 m 0.6733 0.7323 l s n 1.1431 0.7323 m 1.1331 0.7323 l s n 0.6633 0.7501 m 0.6733 0.7501 l s n 1.1431 0.7501 m 1.1331 0.7501 l s n 0.6633 0.7651 m 0.6733 0.7651 l s n 1.1431 0.7651 m 1.1331 0.7651 l s n 0.6633 0.7782 m 0.6733 0.7782 l s n 1.1431 0.7782 m 1.1331 0.7782 l s n 0.6633 0.7897 m 0.6733 0.7897 l s n 1.1431 0.7897 m 1.1331 0.7897 l s n 0.6633 0.8000 m 0.6733 0.8000 l s n 1.1431 0.8000 m 1.1331 0.8000 l s n 0.6633 0.3500 m 0.6833 0.3500 l s n 1.1431 0.3500 m 1.1231 0.3500 l s n 0.6633 0.5750 m 0.6833 0.5750 l s n 1.1431 0.5750 m 1.1231 0.5750 l s n 0.6633 0.8000 m 0.6833 0.8000 l s n 1.1431 0.8000 m 1.1231 0.8000 l s [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color1 SC n 0.6633 0.3500 m 1.1431 0.3500 l s n 0.6633 0.8000 m 1.1431 0.8000 l s n 0.6873 0.3500 m 0.6873 0.3600 l s n 0.6873 0.8000 m 0.6873 0.7900 l s n 0.7113 0.3500 m 0.7113 0.3600 l s n 0.7113 0.8000 m 0.7113 0.7900 l s n 0.7353 0.3500 m 0.7353 0.3600 l s n 0.7353 0.8000 m 0.7353 0.7900 l s n 0.7593 0.3500 m 0.7593 0.3600 l s n 0.7593 0.8000 m 0.7593 0.7900 l s n 0.8073 0.3500 m 0.8073 0.3600 l s n 0.8073 0.8000 m 0.8073 0.7900 l s n 0.8313 0.3500 m 0.8313 0.3600 l s n 0.8313 0.8000 m 0.8313 0.7900 l s n 0.8552 0.3500 m 0.8552 0.3600 l s n 0.8552 0.8000 m 0.8552 0.7900 l s n 0.8792 0.3500 m 0.8792 0.3600 l s n 0.8792 0.8000 m 0.8792 0.7900 l s n 0.9272 0.3500 m 0.9272 0.3600 l s n 0.9272 0.8000 m 0.9272 0.7900 l s n 0.9512 0.3500 m 0.9512 0.3600 l s n 0.9512 0.8000 m 0.9512 0.7900 l s n 0.9752 0.3500 m 0.9752 0.3600 l s n 0.9752 0.8000 m 0.9752 0.7900 l s n 0.9992 0.3500 m 0.9992 0.3600 l s n 0.9992 0.8000 m 0.9992 0.7900 l s n 1.0472 0.3500 m 1.0472 0.3600 l s n 1.0472 0.8000 m 1.0472 0.7900 l s n 1.0711 0.3500 m 1.0711 0.3600 l s n 1.0711 0.8000 m 1.0711 0.7900 l s n 1.0951 0.3500 m 1.0951 0.3600 l s n 1.0951 0.8000 m 1.0951 0.7900 l s n 1.1191 0.3500 m 1.1191 0.3600 l s n 1.1191 0.8000 m 1.1191 0.7900 l s n 0.6633 0.3500 m 0.6633 0.3700 l s n 0.6633 0.8000 m 0.6633 0.7800 l s n 0.7833 0.3500 m 0.7833 0.3700 l s n 0.7833 0.8000 m 0.7833 0.7800 l s n 0.9032 0.3500 m 0.9032 0.3700 l s n 0.9032 0.8000 m 0.9032 0.7800 l s n 1.0232 0.3500 m 1.0232 0.3700 l s n 1.0232 0.8000 m 1.0232 0.7800 l s n 1.1431 0.3500 m 1.1431 0.3700 l s n 1.1431 0.8000 m 1.1431 0.7800 l s n 0.6633 0.3500 m 0.6633 0.8000 l s n 1.1431 0.3500 m 1.1431 0.8000 l s n 0.6633 0.4177 m 0.6733 0.4177 l s n 1.1431 0.4177 m 1.1331 0.4177 l s n 0.6633 0.4574 m 0.6733 0.4574 l s n 1.1431 0.4574 m 1.1331 0.4574 l s n 0.6633 0.4855 m 0.6733 0.4855 l s n 1.1431 0.4855 m 1.1331 0.4855 l s n 0.6633 0.5073 m 0.6733 0.5073 l s n 1.1431 0.5073 m 1.1331 0.5073 l s n 0.6633 0.5251 m 0.6733 0.5251 l s n 1.1431 0.5251 m 1.1331 0.5251 l s n 0.6633 0.5401 m 0.6733 0.5401 l s n 1.1431 0.5401 m 1.1331 0.5401 l s n 0.6633 0.5532 m 0.6733 0.5532 l s n 1.1431 0.5532 m 1.1331 0.5532 l s n 0.6633 0.5647 m 0.6733 0.5647 l s n 1.1431 0.5647 m 1.1331 0.5647 l s n 0.6633 0.5750 m 0.6733 0.5750 l s n 1.1431 0.5750 m 1.1331 0.5750 l s n 0.6633 0.6427 m 0.6733 0.6427 l s n 1.1431 0.6427 m 1.1331 0.6427 l s n 0.6633 0.6824 m 0.6733 0.6824 l s n 1.1431 0.6824 m 1.1331 0.6824 l s n 0.6633 0.7105 m 0.6733 0.7105 l s n 1.1431 0.7105 m 1.1331 0.7105 l s n 0.6633 0.7323 m 0.6733 0.7323 l s n 1.1431 0.7323 m 1.1331 0.7323 l s n 0.6633 0.7501 m 0.6733 0.7501 l s n 1.1431 0.7501 m 1.1331 0.7501 l s n 0.6633 0.7651 m 0.6733 0.7651 l s n 1.1431 0.7651 m 1.1331 0.7651 l s n 0.6633 0.7782 m 0.6733 0.7782 l s n 1.1431 0.7782 m 1.1331 0.7782 l s n 0.6633 0.7897 m 0.6733 0.7897 l s n 1.1431 0.7897 m 1.1331 0.7897 l s n 0.6633 0.8000 m 0.6733 0.8000 l s n 1.1431 0.8000 m 1.1331 0.8000 l s n 0.6633 0.3500 m 0.6833 0.3500 l s n 1.1431 0.3500 m 1.1231 0.3500 l s n 0.6633 0.5750 m 0.6833 0.5750 l s n 1.1431 0.5750 m 1.1231 0.5750 l s n 0.6633 0.8000 m 0.6833 0.8000 l s n 1.1431 0.8000 m 1.1231 0.8000 l s n 0.6633 0.3500 m 0.6633 0.8000 l 1.1431 0.8000 l 1.1431 0.3500 l 0.6633 0.3500 l c s /Times-Bold findfont dup length dict begin {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall /Encoding DefEncoding def currentdict end /Font2 exch definefont pop /Font2 FFSF 0.3521 0.8318 m GS [0.0336 0.0000 0.0000 0.0336 0 0] CC (3) show GR /Font12 FFSF 0.3690 0.8318 m GS [0.0336 0.0000 0.0000 0.0336 0 0] CC (s) show GR /Font2 FFSF 0.3894 0.8318 m GS [0.0336 0.0000 0.0000 0.0336 0 0] CC ( discovery of a non-zero ) show GR /Font12 FFSF 0.7392 0.8318 m GS [0.0336 0.0000 0.0000 0.0336 0 0] CC (q) show GR /Font2 FFSF 0.7568 0.8184 m GS [0.0238 0.0000 0.0000 0.0238 0 0] CC (13) show GR /Font2 FFSF 0.7807 0.8318 m GS [0.0336 0.0000 0.0000 0.0336 0 0] CC ( within 5 yrs) show GR /Font0 FFSF [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color4 SC 0.1782 0.5776 m GS [0.0230 -0.0102 0.0102 0.0230 0 0] CC (T2HK 10y) show GR /Font12 FFSF [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color2 SC 0.5388 0.7036 m GS [0.0118 -0.0223 0.0223 0.0118 0 0] CC (b) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.5454 0.6914 m GS [0.0118 -0.0223 0.0223 0.0118 0 0] CC (B 5y) show GR /Font0 FFSF [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color15 SC 0.1885 0.6690 m GS [0.0134 0.0214 -0.0214 0.0134 0 0] CC (SPL 5y) show GR /Font12 FFSF [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color10 SC 0.3121 0.4424 m GS [0.0098 0.0232 -0.0232 0.0098 0 0] CC (b) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.3176 0.4550 m GS [0.0098 0.0232 -0.0232 0.0098 0 0] CC (B + SPL 5y) show GR /Font0 FFSF [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color15 SC 0.9135 0.6464 m GS [0.0165 0.0190 -0.0190 0.0165 0 0] CC (SPL 5y) show GR /Font12 FFSF [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color2 SC 0.9532 0.6204 m GS [0.0159 0.0196 -0.0196 0.0159 0 0] CC (b) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.9618 0.6310 m GS [0.0159 0.0196 -0.0196 0.0159 0 0] CC (B 5y) show GR /Font0 FFSF [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color4 SC 0.9039 0.5584 m GS [0.0246 0.0057 -0.0057 0.0246 0 0] CC (T2HK 10y) show GR /Font12 FFSF [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color10 SC 0.8671 0.4632 m GS [0.0237 0.0086 -0.0086 0.0237 0 0] CC (b) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.8801 0.4679 m GS [0.0237 0.0086 -0.0086 0.0237 0 0] CC (B + SPL 5y) show GR %%Trailer %%BoundingBox: 26 169 704 525 %%DocumentNeededResources: font Times-Roman %%+ font Times-Bold %%+ font Symbol %%EOF %%EndDocument @endspecial -60 2193 a Fw(Figure)36 b(14)p Fy(:)43 b Fi(Disco)n(v)n(ery)24 b(p)r(oten)n(tial)i(of)g(a)f(\014nite)i(v)-5 b(alue)26 b(of)g(sin)1978 2158 y Fg(2)2029 2193 y Fi(2)p Fh(\022)2110 2205 y Fg(13)2206 2193 y Fi(at)g(3)p Fh(\033)j Fi(\(\001)p Fh(\037)2577 2163 y Fg(2)2637 2193 y Fh(>)23 b Fi(9\))j(for)f(5)h(yrs)f(neutrino)h(data)f(from)-60 2314 y Fh(\014)t Fi(B,)j(SPL,)g(and)g(the)g(com)n(bination)f(of)h Fh(\014)t Fi(B)g(+)g(SPL)f(compared)g(to)h(10)f(yrs)g(data)g(from)h (T2HK)f(\(2)h(yrs)f(neutrinos)h(+)f(8)h(yrs)-60 2434 y(an)n(tineutrinos\).)720 4959 y @beginspecial 27 @llx 34 @lly 535 @urx 556 @ury 2808 @rwi @setspecial %%BeginDocument: ./fig15.eps %!PS-Adobe-3.0 EPSF-3.0 %%BoundingBox: (atend) %%LanguageLevel: 2 %%Creator: Grace-5.1.20 %%CreationDate: Mon Jul 24 12:18:06 2006 %%DocumentData: Clean8Bit %%Orientation: Portrait %%Title: CP-5yrs.agr %%For: schwetz %%DocumentNeededResources: (atend) %%EndComments %%BeginProlog /m {moveto} def /l {lineto} def /s {stroke} def /n {newpath} def /c {closepath} def /RL {rlineto} def /SLW {setlinewidth} def /GS {gsave} def /GR {grestore} def /SC {setcolor} def /SGRY {setgray} def /SRGB {setrgbcolor} def /SD {setdash} def /SLC {setlinecap} def /SLJ {setlinejoin} def /SCS {setcolorspace} def /FFSF {findfont setfont} def /CC {concat} def /PXL {n m 0 0 RL s} def /Color0 {1.0000 1.0000 1.0000} def /Color1 {0.0000 0.0000 0.0000} def /Color2 {1.0000 0.0000 0.0000} def /Color3 {0.0000 1.0000 0.0000} def /Color4 {0.0000 0.0000 1.0000} def /Color5 {1.0000 1.0000 0.0000} def /Color6 {0.7373 0.5608 0.5608} def /Color7 {0.8627 0.8627 0.8627} def /Color8 {0.5804 0.0000 0.8275} def /Color9 {0.0000 1.0000 1.0000} def /Color10 {1.0000 0.0000 1.0000} def /Color11 {1.0000 0.6471 0.0000} def /Color12 {0.4471 0.1294 0.7373} def /Color13 {0.4039 0.0275 0.2824} def /Color14 {0.2510 0.8784 0.8157} def /Color15 {0.0000 0.5451 0.0000} def /Color16 {0.7529 0.7529 0.7529} def /Color17 {0.5059 0.5059 0.5059} def /Color18 {0.2588 0.2588 0.2588} def /PTRN { /pat_bits exch def << /PaintType 2 /PatternType 1 /TilingType 1 /BBox[0 0 16 16] /XStep 16 /YStep 16 /PaintProc { pop 16 16 true [-1 0 0 -1 16 16] pat_bits imagemask } >> [0.0016 0 0 0.0016 0 0] makepattern } def /Pattern0 {<0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000> PTRN} bind def /Pattern1 { PTRN} bind def /Pattern2 { PTRN} bind def /Pattern3 { PTRN} bind def /Pattern4 {<5555aaaa5555aaaa5555aaaa5555aaaa5555aaaa5555aaaa5555aaaa5555aaaa> PTRN} bind def /Pattern5 {<1111444411114444111144441111444411114444111144441111444411114444> PTRN} bind def /Pattern6 {<1111000044440000111100004444000011110000444400001111000044440000> PTRN} bind def /Pattern7 {<1010000000000000010100000000000010100000000000000101000000000000> PTRN} bind def /Pattern8 {<0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000> PTRN} bind def /Pattern9 {<1e1e0f0f8787c3c3e1e1f0f078783c3c1e1e0f0f8787c3c3e1e1f0f078783c3c> PTRN} bind def /Pattern10 {<7878f0f0e1e1c3c387870f0f1e1e3c3c7878f0f0e1e1c3c387870f0f1e1e3c3c> PTRN} bind def /Pattern11 {<3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333> PTRN} bind def /Pattern12 { PTRN} bind def /Pattern13 {<8181424224241818181824244242818181814242242418181818242442428181> PTRN} bind def /Pattern14 {<8080404020201010080804040202010180804040202010100808040402020101> PTRN} bind def /Pattern15 {<0101020204040808101020204040808001010202040408081010202040408080> PTRN} bind def /Pattern16 {<2222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222> PTRN} bind def /Pattern17 {<0000ffff000000000000ffff000000000000ffff000000000000ffff00000000> PTRN} bind def /Pattern18 {<2222ffff222222222222ffff222222222222ffff222222222222ffff22222222> PTRN} bind def /Pattern19 { PTRN} bind def /Pattern20 {<0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0ff0f0f0f0f0f0f0f00f0f0f0f0f0f0f0ff0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0> PTRN} bind def /Pattern21 { PTRN} bind def /Pattern22 {<8001800180018001800180018001ffffffff8001800180018001800180018001> PTRN} bind def /Pattern23 { PTRN} bind def /Pattern24 {<040404040404ffff404040404040ffff040404040404ffff404040404040ffff> PTRN} bind def /Pattern25 {<180018001800180018001800ffffffff001800180018001800180018ffffffff> PTRN} bind def /Pattern26 {<1111b8b87c7c3a3a1111a3a3c7c78b8b1111b8b87c7c3a3a1111a3a3c7c78b8b> PTRN} bind def /Pattern27 {<101010102828c7c70101010182827c7c101010102828c7c70101010182827c7c> PTRN} bind def /Pattern28 {<1c1c121211112121c1c12121111112121c1c121211112121c1c1212111111212> PTRN} bind def /Pattern29 {<3e3e414180808080e3e31414080808083e3e414180808080e3e3141408080808> PTRN} bind def /Pattern30 {<4848888884848383848488884848383848488888848483838484888848483838> PTRN} bind def /Pattern31 {<03030404080808080c0c12122121c0c003030404080808080c0c12122121c0c0> PTRN} bind def /ellipsedict 8 dict def ellipsedict /mtrx matrix put /EARC { ellipsedict begin /endangle exch def /startangle exch def /yrad exch def /xrad exch def /y exch def /x exch def /savematrix mtrx currentmatrix def x y translate xrad yrad scale 0 0 1 startangle endangle arc savematrix setmatrix end } def /TL { /kcomp exch def /linewidth exch def /offset exch def GS 0 offset rmoveto linewidth SLW dup stringwidth exch kcomp add exch RL s GR } def /KINIT { /kvector exch def /kid 0 def } def /KPROC { pop pop kvector kid get 0 rmoveto /kid 1 kid add def } def /DefEncoding [ /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /space /exclam /quotedbl /numbersign /dollar /percent /ampersand /quoteright /parenleft /parenright /asterisk /plus /comma /hyphen /period /slash /zero /one /two /three /four /five /six /seven /eight /nine /colon /semicolon /less /equal /greater /question /at /A /B /C /D /E /F /G /H /I /J /K /L /M /N /O /P /Q /R /S /T /U /V /W /X /Y /Z /bracketleft /backslash /bracketright /asciicircum /underscore /grave /a /b /c /d /e /f /g /h /i /j /k /l /m /n /o /p /q /r /s /t /u /v /w /x /y /z /braceleft /bar /braceright /asciitilde /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef 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/thorn /ydieresis ] def %%EndProlog %%BeginSetup %%EndSetup 612.00 612.00 scale [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color7 SC [] 0 SD 0.0015 SLW 0 SLC 0 SLJ n 0.2202 0.1500 m 0.2202 0.8500 l s n 0.2613 0.1500 m 0.2613 0.8500 l s n 0.2905 0.1500 m 0.2905 0.8500 l s n 0.3131 0.1500 m 0.3131 0.8500 l s n 0.3316 0.1500 m 0.3316 0.8500 l s n 0.3472 0.1500 m 0.3472 0.8500 l s n 0.3607 0.1500 m 0.3607 0.8500 l s n 0.3727 0.1500 m 0.3727 0.8500 l s n 0.3833 0.1500 m 0.3833 0.8500 l s n 0.4536 0.1500 m 0.4536 0.8500 l s n 0.4947 0.1500 m 0.4947 0.8500 l s n 0.5238 0.1500 m 0.5238 0.8500 l s n 0.5464 0.1500 m 0.5464 0.8500 l s n 0.5649 0.1500 m 0.5649 0.8500 l s n 0.5805 0.1500 m 0.5805 0.8500 l s n 0.5941 0.1500 m 0.5941 0.8500 l s n 0.6060 0.1500 m 0.6060 0.8500 l s n 0.6167 0.1500 m 0.6167 0.8500 l s n 0.6869 0.1500 m 0.6869 0.8500 l s n 0.7280 0.1500 m 0.7280 0.8500 l s n 0.7571 0.1500 m 0.7571 0.8500 l s n 0.7798 0.1500 m 0.7798 0.8500 l s n 0.7982 0.1500 m 0.7982 0.8500 l s n 0.8139 0.1500 m 0.8139 0.8500 l 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0.4217 0.2421 l 0.4171 0.2441 l 0.3982 0.2538 l 0.3964 0.2548 l 0.3802 0.2655 l 0.3756 0.2692 l 0.3664 0.2772 l 0.3559 0.2890 l 0.3549 0.2904 l 0.3474 0.3007 l 0.3422 0.3124 l 0.3413 0.3241 l 0.3414 0.3359 l 0.3437 0.3476 l 0.3492 0.3593 l 0.3549 0.3680 l 0.3571 0.3710 l 0.3681 0.3828 l 0.3756 0.3892 l 0.3824 0.3945 l 0.3964 0.4038 l 0.4005 0.4062 l 0.4171 0.4145 l 0.4258 0.4179 l 0.4378 0.4241 l 0.4585 0.4288 l 0.4618 0.4297 l 0.4793 0.4342 l 0.5000 0.4384 l 0.5185 0.4414 l 0.5207 0.4418 l 0.5415 0.4446 l 0.5622 0.4467 l 0.5829 0.4481 l 0.6036 0.4488 l 0.6244 0.4490 l 0.6451 0.4485 l 0.6658 0.4475 l 0.6865 0.4457 l 0.7073 0.4431 l 0.7177 0.4414 l 0.7280 0.4399 l 0.7487 0.4365 l 0.7694 0.4317 l 0.7776 0.4297 l 0.7902 0.4266 l 0.8109 0.4208 l 0.8219 0.4179 l 0.8316 0.4152 l 0.8501 0.4103 l s n 0.8501 0.4562 m 0.8316 0.4624 l 0.8254 0.4648 l 0.8316 0.4692 l 0.8501 0.4723 l s n 0.8501 0.5272 m 0.8316 0.5261 l 0.8109 0.5252 l 0.7902 0.5247 l 0.7694 0.5244 l 0.7487 0.5244 l 0.7280 0.5247 l 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0.8237 l 0.7694 0.8237 l 0.7902 0.8234 l 0.8109 0.8227 l 0.8316 0.8218 l 0.8501 0.8206 l s [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color10 SC n 0.5207 0.1915 m 0.5000 0.1947 l 0.4793 0.1988 l 0.4695 0.2010 l 0.4585 0.2031 l 0.4378 0.2079 l 0.4171 0.2137 l 0.4026 0.2186 l 0.3964 0.2207 l 0.3756 0.2286 l 0.3592 0.2362 l 0.3549 0.2383 l 0.3342 0.2503 l 0.3290 0.2538 l 0.3135 0.2664 l 0.3081 0.2713 l 0.2942 0.2890 l 0.2927 0.2922 l 0.2866 0.3065 l 0.2847 0.3241 l 0.2882 0.3417 l 0.2927 0.3505 l 0.2976 0.3593 l 0.3134 0.3769 l 0.3135 0.3769 l 0.3342 0.3925 l 0.3372 0.3945 l 0.3549 0.4044 l 0.3714 0.4120 l 0.3756 0.4140 l 0.3964 0.4220 l 0.4171 0.4287 l 0.4206 0.4297 l 0.4378 0.4350 l 0.4585 0.4406 l 0.4793 0.4454 l 0.4884 0.4472 l 0.5000 0.4510 l 0.5207 0.4574 l 0.5415 0.4638 l 0.5449 0.4648 l 0.5622 0.4687 l 0.5829 0.4721 l 0.6036 0.4739 l 0.6244 0.4749 l 0.6451 0.4756 l 0.6658 0.4761 l 0.6865 0.4764 l 0.7073 0.4765 l 0.7280 0.4764 l 0.7487 0.4762 l 0.7694 0.4757 l 0.7902 0.4750 l 0.8109 0.4741 l 0.8316 0.4730 l 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0.6658 0.8216 l 0.6865 0.8222 l 0.7073 0.8224 l 0.7280 0.8224 l 0.7487 0.8222 l 0.7694 0.8216 l 0.7902 0.8208 l 0.8109 0.8196 l 0.8316 0.8181 l 0.8472 0.8166 l 0.8501 0.8164 l s n 0.8501 0.1847 m 0.8316 0.1836 l 0.8293 0.1834 l 0.8109 0.1820 l 0.7902 0.1808 l 0.7694 0.1799 l 0.7487 0.1794 l 0.7280 0.1791 l 0.7073 0.1791 l 0.6865 0.1794 l 0.6658 0.1800 l 0.6451 0.1809 l 0.6244 0.1821 l 0.6079 0.1834 l 0.6036 0.1836 l 0.5829 0.1850 l 0.5622 0.1866 l 0.5415 0.1888 l 0.5207 0.1915 l s [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color1 SC [] 0 SD 0.0015 SLW n 0.1500 0.1500 m 0.8500 0.1500 l s n 0.1500 0.8500 m 0.8500 0.8500 l s [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color7 SC n 0.2202 0.1500 m 0.2202 0.1600 l s n 0.2202 0.8500 m 0.2202 0.8400 l s n 0.2613 0.1500 m 0.2613 0.1600 l s n 0.2613 0.8500 m 0.2613 0.8400 l s n 0.2905 0.1500 m 0.2905 0.1600 l s n 0.2905 0.8500 m 0.2905 0.8400 l s n 0.3131 0.1500 m 0.3131 0.1600 l s n 0.3131 0.8500 m 0.3131 0.8400 l s n 0.3316 0.1500 m 0.3316 0.1600 l s n 0.3316 0.8500 m 0.3316 0.8400 l s n 0.3472 0.1500 m 0.3472 0.1600 l s n 0.3472 0.8500 m 0.3472 0.8400 l s n 0.3607 0.1500 m 0.3607 0.1600 l s n 0.3607 0.8500 m 0.3607 0.8400 l s n 0.3727 0.1500 m 0.3727 0.1600 l s n 0.3727 0.8500 m 0.3727 0.8400 l s n 0.3833 0.1500 m 0.3833 0.1600 l s n 0.3833 0.8500 m 0.3833 0.8400 l s n 0.4536 0.1500 m 0.4536 0.1600 l s n 0.4536 0.8500 m 0.4536 0.8400 l s n 0.4947 0.1500 m 0.4947 0.1600 l s n 0.4947 0.8500 m 0.4947 0.8400 l s n 0.5238 0.1500 m 0.5238 0.1600 l s n 0.5238 0.8500 m 0.5238 0.8400 l s n 0.5464 0.1500 m 0.5464 0.1600 l s n 0.5464 0.8500 m 0.5464 0.8400 l s n 0.5649 0.1500 m 0.5649 0.1600 l s n 0.5649 0.8500 m 0.5649 0.8400 l s n 0.5805 0.1500 m 0.5805 0.1600 l s n 0.5805 0.8500 m 0.5805 0.8400 l s n 0.5941 0.1500 m 0.5941 0.1600 l s n 0.5941 0.8500 m 0.5941 0.8400 l s n 0.6060 0.1500 m 0.6060 0.1600 l s n 0.6060 0.8500 m 0.6060 0.8400 l s n 0.6167 0.1500 m 0.6167 0.1600 l s n 0.6167 0.8500 m 0.6167 0.8400 l s n 0.6869 0.1500 m 0.6869 0.1600 l s n 0.6869 0.8500 m 0.6869 0.8400 l s n 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0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (/2) show GR /Font12 FFSF 0.1251 0.4931 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (p) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.0894 0.6658 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (3) show GR /Font12 FFSF 0.1035 0.6658 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (p) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.1188 0.6658 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (/2) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.1110 0.8408 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (2) show GR /Font12 FFSF 0.1251 0.8408 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (p) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.0678 0.4522 m GS [0.0000 0.0280 -0.0280 0.0000 0 0] CC (true ) show GR /Font12 FFSF 0.0678 0.5098 m GS [0.0000 0.0280 -0.0280 0.0000 0 0] CC (d) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.0790 0.5235 m GS [0.0000 0.0198 -0.0198 0.0000 0 0] CC (CP) show GR n 0.1500 0.1500 m 0.8500 0.1500 l s n 0.1500 0.8500 m 0.8500 0.8500 l s n 0.2202 0.1500 m 0.2202 0.1600 l s n 0.2202 0.8500 m 0.2202 0.8400 l s n 0.2613 0.1500 m 0.2613 0.1600 l s n 0.2613 0.8500 m 0.2613 0.8400 l s n 0.2905 0.1500 m 0.2905 0.1600 l s n 0.2905 0.8500 m 0.2905 0.8400 l s n 0.3131 0.1500 m 0.3131 0.1600 l s n 0.3131 0.8500 m 0.3131 0.8400 l s n 0.3316 0.1500 m 0.3316 0.1600 l s n 0.3316 0.8500 m 0.3316 0.8400 l s n 0.3472 0.1500 m 0.3472 0.1600 l s n 0.3472 0.8500 m 0.3472 0.8400 l s n 0.3607 0.1500 m 0.3607 0.1600 l s n 0.3607 0.8500 m 0.3607 0.8400 l s n 0.3727 0.1500 m 0.3727 0.1600 l s n 0.3727 0.8500 m 0.3727 0.8400 l s n 0.3833 0.1500 m 0.3833 0.1600 l s n 0.3833 0.8500 m 0.3833 0.8400 l s n 0.4536 0.1500 m 0.4536 0.1600 l s n 0.4536 0.8500 m 0.4536 0.8400 l s n 0.4947 0.1500 m 0.4947 0.1600 l s n 0.4947 0.8500 m 0.4947 0.8400 l s n 0.5238 0.1500 m 0.5238 0.1600 l s n 0.5238 0.8500 m 0.5238 0.8400 l s n 0.5464 0.1500 m 0.5464 0.1600 l s n 0.5464 0.8500 m 0.5464 0.8400 l s n 0.5649 0.1500 m 0.5649 0.1600 l s n 0.5649 0.8500 m 0.5649 0.8400 l s n 0.5805 0.1500 m 0.5805 0.1600 l s n 0.5805 0.8500 m 0.5805 0.8400 l s n 0.5941 0.1500 m 0.5941 0.1600 l s n 0.5941 0.8500 m 0.5941 0.8400 l s n 0.6060 0.1500 m 0.6060 0.1600 l s n 0.6060 0.8500 m 0.6060 0.8400 l s n 0.6167 0.1500 m 0.6167 0.1600 l s n 0.6167 0.8500 m 0.6167 0.8400 l s n 0.6869 0.1500 m 0.6869 0.1600 l s n 0.6869 0.8500 m 0.6869 0.8400 l s n 0.7280 0.1500 m 0.7280 0.1600 l s n 0.7280 0.8500 m 0.7280 0.8400 l s n 0.7571 0.1500 m 0.7571 0.1600 l s n 0.7571 0.8500 m 0.7571 0.8400 l s n 0.7798 0.1500 m 0.7798 0.1600 l s n 0.7798 0.8500 m 0.7798 0.8400 l s n 0.7982 0.1500 m 0.7982 0.1600 l s n 0.7982 0.8500 m 0.7982 0.8400 l s n 0.8139 0.1500 m 0.8139 0.1600 l s n 0.8139 0.8500 m 0.8139 0.8400 l s n 0.8274 0.1500 m 0.8274 0.1600 l s n 0.8274 0.8500 m 0.8274 0.8400 l s n 0.8393 0.1500 m 0.8393 0.1600 l s n 0.8393 0.8500 m 0.8393 0.8400 l s n 0.8500 0.1500 m 0.8500 0.1600 l s n 0.8500 0.8500 m 0.8500 0.8400 l s n 0.1500 0.1500 m 0.1500 0.1700 l s n 0.1500 0.8500 m 0.1500 0.8300 l s n 0.3833 0.1500 m 0.3833 0.1700 l s n 0.3833 0.8500 m 0.3833 0.8300 l s n 0.6167 0.1500 m 0.6167 0.1700 l s n 0.6167 0.8500 m 0.6167 0.8300 l s n 0.8500 0.1500 m 0.8500 0.1700 l s n 0.8500 0.8500 m 0.8500 0.8300 l s n 0.1500 0.1500 m 0.1500 0.8500 l s n 0.8500 0.1500 m 0.8500 0.8500 l s n 0.1500 0.1850 m 0.1600 0.1850 l s n 0.8500 0.1850 m 0.8400 0.1850 l s n 0.1500 0.2200 m 0.1600 0.2200 l s n 0.8500 0.2200 m 0.8400 0.2200 l s n 0.1500 0.2550 m 0.1600 0.2550 l s n 0.8500 0.2550 m 0.8400 0.2550 l s n 0.1500 0.2900 m 0.1600 0.2900 l s n 0.8500 0.2900 m 0.8400 0.2900 l s n 0.1500 0.3600 m 0.1600 0.3600 l s n 0.8500 0.3600 m 0.8400 0.3600 l s n 0.1500 0.3950 m 0.1600 0.3950 l s n 0.8500 0.3950 m 0.8400 0.3950 l s n 0.1500 0.4300 m 0.1600 0.4300 l s n 0.8500 0.4300 m 0.8400 0.4300 l s n 0.1500 0.4650 m 0.1600 0.4650 l s n 0.8500 0.4650 m 0.8400 0.4650 l s n 0.1500 0.5350 m 0.1600 0.5350 l s n 0.8500 0.5350 m 0.8400 0.5350 l s n 0.1500 0.5700 m 0.1600 0.5700 l s n 0.8500 0.5700 m 0.8400 0.5700 l s n 0.1500 0.6050 m 0.1600 0.6050 l s n 0.8500 0.6050 m 0.8400 0.6050 l s n 0.1500 0.6400 m 0.1600 0.6400 l s n 0.8500 0.6400 m 0.8400 0.6400 l s n 0.1500 0.7100 m 0.1600 0.7100 l s n 0.8500 0.7100 m 0.8400 0.7100 l s n 0.1500 0.7450 m 0.1600 0.7450 l s n 0.8500 0.7450 m 0.8400 0.7450 l s n 0.1500 0.7800 m 0.1600 0.7800 l s n 0.8500 0.7800 m 0.8400 0.7800 l s n 0.1500 0.8150 m 0.1600 0.8150 l s n 0.8500 0.8150 m 0.8400 0.8150 l s n 0.1500 0.1500 m 0.1700 0.1500 l s n 0.8500 0.1500 m 0.8300 0.1500 l s n 0.1500 0.3250 m 0.1700 0.3250 l s n 0.8500 0.3250 m 0.8300 0.3250 l s n 0.1500 0.5000 m 0.1700 0.5000 l s n 0.8500 0.5000 m 0.8300 0.5000 l s n 0.1500 0.6750 m 0.1700 0.6750 l s n 0.8500 0.6750 m 0.8300 0.6750 l s n 0.1500 0.8500 m 0.1700 0.8500 l s n 0.8500 0.8500 m 0.8300 0.8500 l s n 0.1500 0.1500 m 0.1500 0.8500 l 0.8500 0.8500 l 0.8500 0.1500 l 0.1500 0.1500 l c s n 0.5000 0.7200 m 0.5000 0.6402 l 0.7654 0.6402 l 0.7654 0.7200 l c [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color0 SC fill [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color1 SC n 0.5000 0.7200 m 0.5000 0.6402 l 0.7654 0.6402 l 0.7654 0.7200 l 0.5000 0.7200 l c s /Font0 FFSF 0.5715 0.6912 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (T2HK \(2 + 8 yr\)) show GR [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color4 SC [] 0 SD 0.0030 SLW n 0.5115 0.6976 m 0.5515 0.6976 l s /Font0 FFSF [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color1 SC 0.5715 0.6561 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (BB + SPL \(5 yr\)) show GR [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color10 SC n 0.5115 0.6627 m 0.5515 0.6627 l s /Font0 FFSF [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color1 SC 0.1487 0.8695 m GS [0.0336 0.0000 0.0000 0.0336 0 0] CC (3) show GR /Font12 FFSF 0.1656 0.8695 m GS [0.0336 0.0000 0.0000 0.0336 0 0] CC (s) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.1860 0.8695 m GS [0.0336 0.0000 0.0000 0.0336 0 0] CC ( discovery of CP violation: ) show GR /Font12 FFSF 0.5734 0.8695 m GS [0.0336 0.0000 0.0000 0.0336 0 0] CC (Dc) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.6123 0.8897 m GS [0.0238 0.0000 0.0000 0.0238 0 0] CC (2) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.6240 0.8695 m GS [0.0336 0.0000 0.0000 0.0336 0 0] CC ( \() show GR /Font12 FFSF 0.6436 0.8695 m GS [0.0336 0.0000 0.0000 0.0336 0 0] CC (d) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.6601 0.8561 m GS [0.0238 0.0000 0.0000 0.0238 0 0] CC (CP) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.6891 0.8695 m GS [0.0336 0.0000 0.0000 0.0336 0 0] CC ( = 0, ) show GR /Font12 FFSF 0.7585 0.8695 m GS [0.0336 0.0000 0.0000 0.0336 0 0] CC (p) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.7770 0.8695 m GS [0.0336 0.0000 0.0000 0.0336 0 0] CC (\) = 9) show GR %%Trailer %%BoundingBox: 27 34 535 556 %%DocumentNeededResources: font Times-Roman %%+ font Symbol %%EOF %%EndDocument @endspecial -60 5162 a Fw(Figure)45 b(15)p Fy(:)57 b Fi(Sensitivit)n(y)33 b(to)g(CPV)g(at)f(3)p Fh(\033)k Fi(\(\001)p Fh(\037)1614 5132 y Fg(2)1684 5162 y Fh(>)c Fi(9\))h(for)f(com)n(bining)h(5)f(yrs)g(neutrino)h(data)g(from)f Fh(\014)t Fi(B)i(and)e(SPL)-60 5283 y(compared)26 b(to)i(10)f(yrs)f (data)h(from)h(T2HK)f(\(2)g(yrs)g(neutrinos)g(+)g(8)g(yrs)g(an)n (tineutrinos\).)-60 5569 y Fy(2)p Fo(\031)16 b Fn(\000)c Fo(\016)192 5584 y Fq(CP)296 5569 y Fy(.\))42 b(Com)m(bining)29 b(these)g(t)m(w)m(o)f(data)g(sets)h(results)g(in)f(a)f(sensitivit)m(y)k (sligh)m(tly)e(b)s(etter)f(than)g(from)f(10)-60 5690 y(y)m(ears)34 b(\(2)p Fo(\027)6 b Fy(+8)g(\026)-55 b Fo(\027)6 b Fy(\))33 b(of)f(T2HK)h(data.)44 b(As)34 b(visible)g(in)f (Fig.)g(15)f(also)h(for)f(the)i(CPV)f(disco)m(v)m(ery)j(this)d(synergy) 1841 6036 y(21)p eop end %%Page: 22 22 TeXDict begin 22 21 bop -60 246 a Fy(w)m(orks)30 b(and)e(5)g(y)m(ears)i (of)e(neutrino)h(data)f(from)g Fo(\014)6 b Fy(B)28 b(and)g(SPL)h(lead)g (to)f(a)g(similar)h(sensitivit)m(y)i(as)e(10)f(y)m(ears)-60 367 y(of)k(T2HK.)-60 613 y Fw(6.2)112 b(Resolving)38 b(degeneracies)h(with)f(atmospheric)g(neutrinos)-60 859 y Fy(It)k(w)m(as)g(p)s(oin)m(ted)h(out)e(in)h(Ref.)g([29])f(that)g(for) g(LBL)h(exp)s(erimen)m(ts)i(based)f(on)e(mega)h(ton)g(scale)g(w)m(ater) -49 954 y(\024)-60 980 y(Cerenk)m(o)m(v)d(detectors)f(data)f(from)g (atmospheric)h(neutrinos)g(\(A)-8 b(TM\))37 b(pro)m(vide)h(an)f (attractiv)m(e)h(metho)s(d)-60 1100 y(to)24 b(resolv)m(e)j (degeneracies.)43 b(A)m(tmospheric)27 b(neutrinos)f(are)f(sensitiv)m(e) i(to)e(the)g(neutrino)h(mass)f(hierarc)m(h)m(y)i(if)-60 1220 y Fo(\022)-15 1235 y Fq(13)86 1220 y Fy(is)f(su\016cien)m(tly)i (large)d(due)h(to)f(Earth)h(matter)f(e\013ects,)k(mainly)d(in)g(m)m (ulti-GeV)g Fo(e)p Fy(-lik)m(e)g(ev)m(en)m(ts)i([62{)o(64].)-60 1341 y(Moreo)m(v)m(er,)42 b(sub-GeV)d Fo(e)p Fy(-lik)m(e)h(ev)m(en)m (ts)i(pro)m(vide)e(sensitivit)m(y)i(to)c(the)h(o)s(ctan)m(t)g(of)g Fo(\022)2976 1356 y Fq(23)3090 1341 y Fy([60,)16 b(61,)g(65])39 b(due)g(to)-60 1461 y(oscillations)i(with)f(\001)p Fo(m)842 1425 y Fq(2)842 1486 y(21)957 1461 y Fy(\(see)h(also)f(Ref.)f([66])h (for)f(a)g(discussion)j(of)e(atmospheric)h(neutrinos)g(in)f(the)-60 1581 y(con)m(text)30 b(of)e(Hyp)s(er-K\).)g(F)-8 b(ollo)m(wing)28 b(Ref.)h([29])f(w)m(e)h(in)m(v)m(estigate)i(here)e(the)g(synergy)h (from)e(a)g(com)m(bination)-60 1702 y(of)43 b(LBL)h(data)g(from)f Fo(\014)6 b Fy(B)44 b(and)g(SPL)g(with)h(A)-8 b(TM)44 b(data)g(in)g(the)g(MEMPHYS)i(detector.)79 b(A)44 b(general)-60 1822 y(three-\015a)m(v)m(or)28 b(analysis)g(of)e(A)-8 b(TM)28 b(data)e(is)i(p)s(erformed)f(based)h(on)f(Ref.)g([61])f(and)h (references)i(therein.)43 b(W)-8 b(e)-60 1943 y(include)30 b(fully-con)m(tained)g Fo(e)p Fy(-lik)m(e)g(and)f Fo(\026)p Fy(-lik)m(e)g(ev)m(en)m(ts)i(\(further)e(divided)h(in)m(to)f(sub-GeV)g Fo(p)3275 1958 y Fv(l)3329 1943 y Fo(<)e Fy(400)h(MeV,)-60 2063 y(sub-GeV)34 b Fo(p)395 2078 y Fv(l)449 2063 y Fo(>)29 b Fy(400)k(MeV,)h(and)f(Multi-GeV)h(ev)m(en)m(ts\),)h(partially-con)m (tained)g Fo(\026)p Fy(-lik)m(e)e(ev)m(en)m(ts,)j(stopping)-60 2183 y(m)m(uons,)31 b(and)e(through-going)e(m)m(uons.)44 b(Eac)m(h)29 b(of)g(these)h(data)e(samples)i(is)g(divided)g(in)m(to)f (10)f(zenith)i(bins,)-60 2304 y(so)f(w)m(e)g(ha)m(v)m(e)h(a)e(total)g (of)g(90)g(data)g(p)s(oin)m(ts.)43 b(The)29 b(sim)m(ulation)h(of)e(the) g(atmospheric)i(ev)m(en)m(t)g(rates)f(has)g(b)s(een)-60 2424 y(adapted)38 b(to)f(the)h(actual)g(geometry)g(of)f(the)h(MEMPHYS)i (detector)e(prop)s(osal)g(\(see)g(Fig.)g(1\).)58 b(Details)-60 2545 y(of)36 b(the)h(statistical)h(analysis)g(can)f(b)s(e)f(found)h(in) g(Ref.)g([67].)55 b(Note)37 b(that)f(our)h(analysis)g(of)g(atmospheric) -60 2665 y(data)d(is)i(conserv)-5 b(ativ)m(e,)37 b(since)g(there)e(is)h (ro)s(om)e(for)g(impro)m(v)m(emen)m(t)k(b)m(y)d(including)h(m)m (ulti-ring)g(ev)m(en)m(ts)h(as)-60 2785 y(w)m(ell)d(as)f(b)m(y)g (optimizing)g(the)g(energy)h(binning.)1701 2749 y Fq(5)86 2947 y Fy(The)k(e\013ect)g(of)e(degeneracies)j(in)e(LBL)g(data)f(has)h (b)s(een)h(discussed)h(in)f(Sec.)f(4,)h(see)g(Figs.)f(5)f(and)h(6.)-60 3068 y(As)h(discussed)j(there,)e(for)e(giv)m(en)i(true)f(parameter)g(v) -5 b(alues)39 b(the)f(data)f(can)h(b)s(e)f(\014tted)i(with)f(the)g (wrong)-60 3188 y(hierarc)m(h)m(y)g(and/or)d(with)i(the)f(wrong)g(o)s (ctan)m(t)f(of)h Fo(\022)1856 3203 y Fq(23)1931 3188 y Fy(.)53 b(Hence,)38 b(from)e(LBL)f(data)h(alone)g(the)g(hierarc)m(h)m (y)-60 3308 y(and)d(the)h(o)s(ctan)m(t)f(cannot)g(b)s(e)g(determined)i (and)e(am)m(biguities)i(exist)f(in)f(the)h(determination)g(of)f Fo(\022)3575 3323 y Fq(13)3683 3308 y Fy(and)-60 3429 y Fo(\016)-17 3444 y Fq(CP)86 3429 y Fy(.)42 b(If)26 b(the)h(LBL)f(data)g(are)h(com)m(bined)h(with)f(A)-8 b(TM)27 b(data)f(only)h(the)g(colored)g(regions)g(in)f(Fig.)g(5)h (surviv)m(e,)-60 3549 y(i.e.,)34 b(in)f(this)h(particular)f(example)i (for)e(SPL)g(and)g(T2HK)h(the)f(degeneracies)j(are)d(completely)i (lifted)e(at)-60 3669 y(95\045)g(CL,)i(the)f(mass)g(hierarc)m(h)m(y)i (and)e(the)g(o)s(ctan)m(t)g(of)f Fo(\022)2003 3684 y Fq(23)2112 3669 y Fy(can)h(b)s(e)g(iden)m(ti\014ed,)i(and)d(the)h(am)m (biguities)i(in)-60 3790 y Fo(\022)-15 3805 y Fq(13)96 3790 y Fy(and)h Fo(\016)333 3805 y Fq(CP)472 3790 y Fy(are)f(resolv)m (ed.)57 b(F)-8 b(or)35 b(the)i Fo(\014)6 b Fy(B)35 b(an)i(island)g (corresp)s(onding)g(to)f(the)g(wrong)g(hierarc)m(h)m(y)i(do)s(es)-60 3910 y(surviv)m(e)29 b(at)e(the)g(95\045)g(CL)g(for)g(2)g(dof.)41 b(Still,)29 b(the)e(solution)g(with)h(the)f(wrong)h(sign)f(of)g(\001)p Fo(m)3217 3874 y Fq(2)3217 3935 y(31)3319 3910 y Fy(is)g(disfa)m(v)m (ored)-60 4031 y(with)g(\001)p Fo(\037)298 3994 y Fq(2)366 4031 y Fy(=)g(5)p Fo(:)p Fy(1)g(with)g(resp)s(ect)h(to)f(the)g(true)g (solution,)h(whic)m(h)h(corresp)s(onds)f(to)e(2.4)p Fo(\033)k Fy(for)d(1)f(dof.)41 b(Let)27 b(us)-60 4151 y(note)h(that)g(in)g(Fig.)g (5)f(w)m(e)i(ha)m(v)m(e)h(c)m(hosen)f(a)f(fa)m(v)m(orable)h(v)-5 b(alue)28 b(of)f(sin)2369 4111 y Fq(2)2425 4151 y Fo(\022)2470 4166 y Fq(23)2573 4151 y Fy(=)h(0)p Fo(:)p Fy(6;)h(for)e(v)-5 b(alues)29 b(sin)3408 4111 y Fq(2)3464 4151 y Fo(\022)3509 4166 y Fq(23)3612 4151 y Fo(<)e Fy(0)p Fo(:)p Fy(5)-60 4271 y(in)33 b(general)g(the)g(sensitivit)m(y)i(of)d(A)-8 b(TM)34 b(data)e(is)h(w)m(eak)m(er)h([29].)86 4433 y(In)e(Fig.)e(16)g (w)m(e)i(sho)m(w)g(ho)m(w)g(the)f(com)m(bination)h(of)e(A)-8 b(TM+LBL)32 b(data)e(leads)i(to)e(a)h(non-trivial)g(sensi-)-60 4554 y(tivit)m(y)j(to)e(the)h(neutrino)h(mass)f(hierarc)m(h)m(y)-8 b(,)35 b(i.e.)e(to)f(the)h(sign)g(of)f(\001)p Fo(m)2487 4518 y Fq(2)2487 4578 y(31)2563 4554 y Fy(.)43 b(F)-8 b(or)32 b(LBL)h(data)f(alone)h(\(dashed)-60 4674 y(curv)m(es\))38 b(there)e(is)h(practically)g(no)f(sensitivit)m(y)i(for)e(the)g (CERN{MEMPHYS)i(exp)s(erimen)m(ts)h(\(b)s(ecause)-60 4794 y(of)44 b(the)g(v)m(ery)i(small)f(matter)f(e\013ects)i(due)f(to)e (the)i(relativ)m(ely)h(short)f(baseline\),)j(and)c(the)h(sensitivit)m (y)-60 4915 y(of)38 b(T2HK)g(dep)s(ends)h(strongly)g(on)f(the)h(true)f (v)-5 b(alue)38 b(of)g Fo(\016)2071 4930 y Fq(CP)2174 4915 y Fy(.)60 b(Ho)m(w)m(ev)m(er,)42 b(b)m(y)d(including)g(data)f (from)g(at-)-60 5035 y(mospheric)g(neutrinos)f(\(solid)f(curv)m(es\))j (the)d(mass)h(hierarc)m(h)m(y)h(can)e(b)s(e)h(iden)m(ti\014ed)h(at)d(2) p Fo(\033)40 b Fy(CL)c(pro)m(vided)-60 5156 y(sin)60 5116 y Fq(2)116 5156 y Fy(2)p Fo(\022)210 5171 y Fq(13)312 5156 y Fl(&)29 b Fy(0)p Fo(:)p Fy(03)18 b Fn(\000)h Fy(0)p Fo(:)p Fy(05)30 b(for)g Fo(\014)6 b Fy(B)31 b(and)g(SPL,)g(and)g(sin) 1953 5116 y Fq(2)2009 5156 y Fy(2)p Fo(\022)2103 5171 y Fq(13)2206 5156 y Fl(&)d Fy(0)p Fo(:)p Fy(02)18 b Fn(\000)h Fy(0)p Fo(:)p Fy(03)31 b(for)f(T2HK,)h(where)h(for)f(the)-60 5276 y(CERN)39 b(exp)s(erimen)m(ts)h(the)f(sensitivit)m(y)i(sho)m(ws)e (somewhat)g(more)g(dep)s(endence)h(on)e(the)h(true)f(v)-5 b(alue)38 b(of)-60 5396 y Fo(\016)-17 5411 y Fq(CP)86 5396 y Fy(.)43 b(As)31 b(an)f(example)i(w)m(e)g(ha)m(v)m(e)f(c)m(hosen) h(in)f(that)f(\014gure)h(a)f(true)h(v)-5 b(alue)30 b(of)g Fo(\022)2761 5411 y Fq(23)2864 5396 y Fy(=)e Fo(\031)t(=)p Fy(4.)42 b(Generically)32 b(the)p -60 5489 1560 4 v 52 5551 a Fg(5)89 5581 y Fi(The)40 b(impact)f(of)g(energy)f(binning)h(on)g (the)h(hierarc)n(h)n(y)d(determination)i(with)g(atmospheric)f (neutrinos)h(has)g(b)r(een)-60 5680 y(discussed)27 b(recen)n(tly)g(in)h (Ref.)g([68])f(in)h(the)g(con)n(text)f(of)g(magnetized)h(iron)e (detectors.)1841 6036 y Fy(22)p eop end %%Page: 23 23 TeXDict begin 23 22 bop 135 1956 a @beginspecial 23 @llx 169 @lly 704 @urx 520 @ury 4212 @rwi @setspecial %%BeginDocument: ./fig16.eps %!PS-Adobe-3.0 EPSF-3.0 %%BoundingBox: (atend) %%LanguageLevel: 2 %%Creator: Grace-5.1.20 %%CreationDate: Tue Sep 5 16:49:23 2006 %%DocumentData: Clean8Bit %%Orientation: Portrait %%Title: figures/hier-fract.agr %%For: schwetz %%DocumentNeededResources: (atend) %%EndComments %%BeginProlog /m {moveto} def /l {lineto} def /s {stroke} def /n {newpath} def /c {closepath} def /RL {rlineto} def /SLW {setlinewidth} def /GS {gsave} def /GR {grestore} def /SC {setcolor} def /SGRY {setgray} def /SRGB {setrgbcolor} def /SD {setdash} def /SLC {setlinecap} def /SLJ {setlinejoin} def /SCS {setcolorspace} def /FFSF {findfont setfont} def /CC {concat} def /PXL {n m 0 0 RL s} def /Color0 {1.0000 1.0000 1.0000} def /Color1 {0.0000 0.0000 0.0000} def 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{<7878f0f0e1e1c3c387870f0f1e1e3c3c7878f0f0e1e1c3c387870f0f1e1e3c3c> PTRN} bind def /Pattern11 {<3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333> PTRN} bind def /Pattern12 { PTRN} bind def /Pattern13 {<8181424224241818181824244242818181814242242418181818242442428181> PTRN} bind def /Pattern14 {<8080404020201010080804040202010180804040202010100808040402020101> PTRN} bind def /Pattern15 {<0101020204040808101020204040808001010202040408081010202040408080> PTRN} bind def /Pattern16 {<2222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222> PTRN} bind def /Pattern17 {<0000ffff000000000000ffff000000000000ffff000000000000ffff00000000> PTRN} bind def /Pattern18 {<2222ffff222222222222ffff222222222222ffff222222222222ffff22222222> PTRN} bind def /Pattern19 { PTRN} bind def /Pattern20 {<0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0ff0f0f0f0f0f0f0f00f0f0f0f0f0f0f0ff0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0> PTRN} bind def /Pattern21 { PTRN} bind def /Pattern22 {<8001800180018001800180018001ffffffff8001800180018001800180018001> 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def x y translate xrad yrad scale 0 0 1 startangle endangle arc savematrix setmatrix end } def /TL { /kcomp exch def /linewidth exch def /offset exch def GS 0 offset rmoveto linewidth SLW dup stringwidth exch kcomp add exch RL s GR } def /KINIT { /kvector exch def /kid 0 def } def /KPROC { pop pop kvector kid get 0 rmoveto /kid 1 kid add def } def /DefEncoding [ /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /space /exclam /quotedbl /numbersign /dollar /percent /ampersand /quoteright /parenleft /parenright /asterisk /plus /comma /hyphen /period /slash /zero /one /two /three /four /five /six /seven /eight /nine /colon /semicolon /less /equal /greater /question /at /A /B /C /D /E /F /G /H /I /J /K /L /M /N /O /P /Q /R /S /T /U /V /W /X /Y /Z 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/Oacute /Ocircumflex /Otilde /Odieresis /multiply /Oslash /Ugrave /Uacute /Ucircumflex /Udieresis /Yacute /Thorn /germandbls /agrave /aacute /acircumflex /atilde /adieresis /aring /ae /ccedilla /egrave /eacute /ecircumflex /edieresis /igrave /iacute /icircumflex /idieresis /eth /ntilde /ograve /oacute /ocircumflex /otilde /odieresis /divide /oslash /ugrave /uacute /ucircumflex /udieresis /yacute /thorn /ydieresis ] def %%EndProlog %%BeginSetup %%EndSetup 612.00 612.00 scale [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color7 SC [] 0 SD 0.0015 SLW 0 SLC 0 SLJ n 0.1500 0.3500 m 0.1500 0.8000 l s n 0.2699 0.3500 m 0.2699 0.8000 l s n 0.3899 0.3500 m 0.3899 0.8000 l s n 0.5098 0.3500 m 0.5098 0.8000 l s n 0.6298 0.3500 m 0.6298 0.8000 l s n 0.1500 0.3950 m 0.6298 0.3950 l s n 0.1500 0.4851 m 0.6298 0.4851 l s n 0.1500 0.5752 m 0.6298 0.5752 l s n 0.1500 0.6653 m 0.6298 0.6653 l s n 0.1500 0.7554 m 0.6298 0.7554 l s n 0.1500 0.3500 m 0.6298 0.3500 l s n 0.1500 0.4401 m 0.6298 0.4401 l s n 0.1500 0.5302 m 0.6298 0.5302 l s n 0.1500 0.6203 m 0.6298 0.6203 l s n 0.1500 0.7104 m 0.6298 0.7104 l s n 0.1500 0.8000 m 0.6298 0.8000 l s [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color2 SC [] 0 SD 0.0030 SLW n 0.1500 0.4790 m 0.1556 0.4807 l 0.1613 0.4830 l 0.1669 0.4865 l 0.1726 0.4887 l 0.1782 0.4938 l 0.1839 0.4979 l 0.1895 0.5039 l 0.1952 0.5112 l 0.2008 0.5209 l 0.2064 0.5338 l 0.2121 0.5494 l 0.2177 0.5631 l 0.2234 0.5729 l 0.2290 0.5785 l 0.2347 0.5793 l 0.2403 0.5729 l 0.2460 0.5605 l 0.2516 0.5516 l 0.2572 0.5478 l 0.2629 0.5356 l 0.2685 0.5300 l 0.2742 0.5262 l 0.2798 0.5232 l 0.2855 0.5239 l 0.2911 0.5268 l 0.2967 0.5282 l 0.3024 0.5300 l 0.3080 0.5287 l 0.3137 0.5181 l 0.3193 0.5048 l 0.3250 0.4896 l 0.3306 0.4786 l 0.3363 0.4708 l 0.3419 0.4639 l 0.3475 0.4590 l 0.3532 0.4547 l 0.3588 0.4517 l 0.3645 0.4489 l 0.3701 0.4464 l 0.3758 0.4444 l 0.3814 0.4428 l 0.3871 0.4420 l 0.3927 0.4414 l 0.3983 0.4412 l 0.4040 0.4412 l 0.4096 0.4420 l 0.4153 0.4425 l 0.4209 0.4433 l 0.4266 0.4449 l 0.4322 0.4470 l 0.4379 0.4486 l 0.4435 0.4520 l 0.4492 0.4552 l 0.4548 0.4589 l 0.4604 0.4625 l 0.4661 0.4672 l 0.4717 0.4717 l 0.4774 0.4778 l 0.4830 0.4854 l 0.4887 0.4935 l 0.4943 0.5108 l 0.4999 0.5511 l 0.5056 0.6012 l 0.5112 0.6200 l 0.5169 0.6215 l 0.5225 0.6172 l 0.5282 0.6118 l 0.5338 0.6002 l 0.5394 0.5833 l 0.5451 0.5590 l 0.5507 0.5450 l 0.5564 0.5300 l 0.5620 0.5173 l 0.5677 0.5108 l 0.5733 0.5054 l 0.5790 0.4991 l 0.5846 0.4943 l 0.5903 0.4905 l 0.5959 0.4866 l 0.6016 0.4845 l 0.6072 0.4828 l 0.6128 0.4807 l 0.6185 0.4793 l 0.6241 0.4786 l 0.6298 0.4790 l s [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color15 SC n 0.1500 0.4637 m 0.1556 0.4635 l 0.1613 0.4651 l 0.1669 0.4670 l 0.1726 0.4683 l 0.1782 0.4716 l 0.1839 0.4737 l 0.1895 0.4775 l 0.1952 0.4811 l 0.2008 0.4872 l 0.2064 0.4930 l 0.2121 0.5002 l 0.2177 0.5092 l 0.2234 0.5196 l 0.2290 0.5374 l 0.2347 0.5567 l 0.2403 0.5791 l 0.2460 0.6026 l 0.2516 0.6357 l 0.2572 0.6534 l 0.2629 0.6642 l 0.2685 0.6603 l 0.2742 0.6281 l 0.2798 0.5829 l 0.2855 0.5211 l 0.2911 0.4742 l 0.2967 0.4708 l 0.3024 0.4675 l 0.3080 0.4652 l 0.3137 0.4620 l 0.3193 0.4594 l 0.3250 0.4560 l 0.3306 0.4536 l 0.3363 0.4503 l 0.3419 0.4481 l 0.3475 0.4465 l 0.3532 0.4447 l 0.3588 0.4438 l 0.3645 0.4429 l 0.3701 0.4418 l 0.3758 0.4413 l 0.3814 0.4409 l 0.3871 0.4412 l 0.3927 0.4419 l 0.3983 0.4429 l 0.4040 0.4439 l 0.4096 0.4460 l 0.4153 0.4477 l 0.4209 0.4504 l 0.4266 0.4537 l 0.4322 0.4577 l 0.4379 0.4609 l 0.4435 0.4669 l 0.4492 0.4731 l 0.4548 0.4790 l 0.4604 0.4842 l 0.4661 0.4891 l 0.4717 0.4919 l 0.4774 0.4942 l 0.4830 0.4950 l 0.4887 0.4926 l 0.4943 0.4912 l 0.4999 0.4896 l 0.5056 0.4882 l 0.5112 0.4896 l 0.5169 0.4894 l 0.5225 0.4906 l 0.5282 0.4932 l 0.5338 0.4969 l 0.5394 0.4998 l 0.5451 0.5025 l 0.5507 0.5038 l 0.5564 0.5028 l 0.5620 0.5011 l 0.5677 0.4976 l 0.5733 0.4938 l 0.5790 0.4881 l 0.5846 0.4827 l 0.5903 0.4791 l 0.5959 0.4748 l 0.6016 0.4716 l 0.6072 0.4689 l 0.6128 0.4666 l 0.6185 0.4645 l 0.6241 0.4635 l 0.6298 0.4637 l s [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color4 SC n 0.1500 0.4514 m 0.1556 0.4505 l 0.1613 0.4512 l 0.1669 0.4524 l 0.1726 0.4538 l 0.1782 0.4561 l 0.1839 0.4570 l 0.1895 0.4591 l 0.1952 0.4620 l 0.2008 0.4661 l 0.2064 0.4703 l 0.2121 0.4745 l 0.2177 0.4798 l 0.2234 0.4858 l 0.2290 0.4918 l 0.2347 0.4966 l 0.2403 0.5035 l 0.2460 0.5075 l 0.2516 0.5108 l 0.2572 0.5102 l 0.2629 0.5074 l 0.2685 0.4970 l 0.2742 0.4816 l 0.2798 0.4657 l 0.2855 0.4269 l 0.2911 0.4340 l 0.2967 0.4397 l 0.3024 0.4436 l 0.3080 0.4467 l 0.3137 0.4484 l 0.3193 0.4492 l 0.3250 0.4487 l 0.3306 0.4487 l 0.3363 0.4477 l 0.3419 0.4468 l 0.3475 0.4464 l 0.3532 0.4455 l 0.3588 0.4453 l 0.3645 0.4450 l 0.3701 0.4446 l 0.3758 0.4445 l 0.3814 0.4445 l 0.3871 0.4453 l 0.3927 0.4462 l 0.3983 0.4476 l 0.4040 0.4486 l 0.4096 0.4510 l 0.4153 0.4528 l 0.4209 0.4553 l 0.4266 0.4575 l 0.4322 0.4597 l 0.4379 0.4592 l 0.4435 0.4589 l 0.4492 0.4550 l 0.4548 0.4492 l 0.4604 0.4418 l 0.4661 0.4341 l 0.4717 0.4256 l 0.4774 0.4192 l 0.4830 0.4142 l 0.4887 0.4100 l 0.4943 0.4074 l 0.4999 0.4061 l 0.5056 0.4059 l 0.5112 0.4070 l 0.5169 0.4093 l 0.5225 0.4131 l 0.5282 0.4173 l 0.5338 0.4232 l 0.5394 0.4296 l 0.5451 0.4370 l 0.5507 0.4448 l 0.5564 0.4533 l 0.5620 0.4604 l 0.5677 0.4656 l 0.5733 0.4689 l 0.5790 0.4684 l 0.5846 0.4661 l 0.5903 0.4637 l 0.5959 0.4607 l 0.6016 0.4574 l 0.6072 0.4558 l 0.6128 0.4539 l 0.6185 0.4522 l 0.6241 0.4510 l 0.6298 0.4514 l s [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color15 SC [0.0158 0.0068 ] 0 SD 0.0023 SLW n 0.2891 0.8001 m 0.2911 0.6793 l 0.2967 0.6192 l 0.3024 0.6619 l 0.3080 0.6951 l 0.3137 0.7367 l 0.3193 0.7805 l 0.3217 0.8001 l s n 0.4911 0.8001 m 0.4943 0.7568 l 0.4999 0.7024 l 0.5056 0.6685 l 0.5112 0.6489 l 0.5169 0.6392 l 0.5225 0.6377 l 0.5282 0.6430 l 0.5338 0.6545 l 0.5394 0.6713 l 0.5451 0.6934 l 0.5507 0.7208 l 0.5564 0.7525 l 0.5620 0.7895 l 0.5636 0.8001 l s [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color4 SC n 0.2716 0.8001 m 0.2742 0.6108 l 0.2798 0.5501 l 0.2855 0.4489 l 0.2911 0.4651 l 0.2967 0.4830 l 0.3024 0.5036 l 0.3080 0.5268 l 0.3137 0.5546 l 0.3193 0.5854 l 0.3250 0.6235 l 0.3306 0.6710 l 0.3363 0.7205 l 0.3419 0.7759 l 0.3440 0.8001 l s n 0.4293 0.8001 m 0.4322 0.7462 l 0.4379 0.6642 l 0.4435 0.6012 l 0.4492 0.5513 l 0.4548 0.5129 l 0.4604 0.4835 l 0.4661 0.4611 l 0.4717 0.4441 l 0.4774 0.4319 l 0.4830 0.4229 l 0.4887 0.4170 l 0.4943 0.4131 l 0.4999 0.4111 l 0.5056 0.4107 l 0.5112 0.4117 l 0.5169 0.4142 l 0.5225 0.4181 l 0.5282 0.4237 l 0.5338 0.4307 l 0.5394 0.4398 l 0.5451 0.4509 l 0.5507 0.4642 l 0.5564 0.4798 l 0.5620 0.4978 l 0.5677 0.5178 l 0.5733 0.5397 l 0.5790 0.5649 l 0.5846 0.5917 l 0.5903 0.6212 l 0.5959 0.6532 l 0.6016 0.6878 l 0.6072 0.7238 l 0.6128 0.7650 l 0.6174 0.8001 l s [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color10 SC n 0.1500 0.4792 m 0.1556 0.4783 l 0.1613 0.4774 l 0.1669 0.4766 l 0.1726 0.4759 l 0.1782 0.4751 l 0.1839 0.4744 l 0.1895 0.4736 l 0.1952 0.4730 l 0.2008 0.4723 l 0.2064 0.4717 l 0.2121 0.4712 l 0.2177 0.4708 l 0.2234 0.4704 l 0.2290 0.4701 l 0.2347 0.4699 l 0.2403 0.4698 l 0.2460 0.4699 l 0.2516 0.4702 l 0.2572 0.4704 l 0.2629 0.4708 l 0.2685 0.4708 l 0.2742 0.4705 l 0.2798 0.4697 l 0.2855 0.4685 l 0.2911 0.4669 l 0.2967 0.4650 l 0.3024 0.4632 l 0.3080 0.4618 l 0.3137 0.4607 l 0.3193 0.4599 l 0.3250 0.4592 l 0.3306 0.4588 l 0.3363 0.4585 l 0.3419 0.4585 l 0.3475 0.4585 l 0.3532 0.4585 l 0.3588 0.4588 l 0.3645 0.4591 l 0.3701 0.4595 l 0.3758 0.4601 l 0.3814 0.4607 l 0.3871 0.4614 l 0.3927 0.4623 l 0.3983 0.4632 l 0.4040 0.4643 l 0.4096 0.4655 l 0.4153 0.4668 l 0.4209 0.4682 l 0.4266 0.4697 l 0.4322 0.4713 l 0.4379 0.4731 l 0.4435 0.4751 l 0.4492 0.4773 l 0.4548 0.4798 l 0.4604 0.4826 l 0.4661 0.4859 l 0.4717 0.4896 l 0.4774 0.4939 l 0.4830 0.4983 l 0.4887 0.5022 l 0.4943 0.5044 l 0.4999 0.5049 l 0.5056 0.5037 l 0.5112 0.5018 l 0.5169 0.4995 l 0.5225 0.4974 l 0.5282 0.4954 l 0.5338 0.4938 l 0.5394 0.4924 l 0.5451 0.4912 l 0.5507 0.4902 l 0.5564 0.4893 l 0.5620 0.4886 l 0.5677 0.4877 l 0.5733 0.4870 l 0.5790 0.4863 l 0.5846 0.4855 l 0.5903 0.4848 l 0.5959 0.4840 l 0.6016 0.4832 l 0.6072 0.4825 l 0.6128 0.4816 l 0.6185 0.4808 l 0.6241 0.4800 l 0.6298 0.4792 l s [] 0 SD 0.0023 SLW n 0.1500 0.4266 m 0.1556 0.4263 l 0.1613 0.4263 l 0.1669 0.4264 l 0.1726 0.4267 l 0.1782 0.4271 l 0.1839 0.4277 l 0.1895 0.4286 l 0.1952 0.4296 l 0.2008 0.4309 l 0.2064 0.4324 l 0.2121 0.4345 l 0.2177 0.4357 l 0.2234 0.4367 l 0.2290 0.4383 l 0.2347 0.4395 l 0.2403 0.4408 l 0.2460 0.4424 l 0.2516 0.4435 l 0.2572 0.4447 l 0.2629 0.4453 l 0.2685 0.4455 l 0.2742 0.4456 l 0.2798 0.4447 l 0.2855 0.4432 l 0.2911 0.4406 l 0.2967 0.4377 l 0.3024 0.4339 l 0.3080 0.4313 l 0.3137 0.4286 l 0.3193 0.4263 l 0.3250 0.4237 l 0.3306 0.4220 l 0.3363 0.4204 l 0.3419 0.4189 l 0.3475 0.4178 l 0.3532 0.4166 l 0.3588 0.4157 l 0.3645 0.4152 l 0.3701 0.4147 l 0.3758 0.4145 l 0.3814 0.4145 l 0.3871 0.4144 l 0.3927 0.4145 l 0.3983 0.4149 l 0.4040 0.4151 l 0.4096 0.4157 l 0.4153 0.4165 l 0.4209 0.4174 l 0.4266 0.4185 l 0.4322 0.4195 l 0.4379 0.4211 l 0.4435 0.4227 l 0.4492 0.4249 l 0.4548 0.4277 l 0.4604 0.4304 l 0.4661 0.4331 l 0.4717 0.4354 l 0.4774 0.4388 l 0.4830 0.4428 l 0.4887 0.4466 l 0.4943 0.4491 l 0.4999 0.4512 l 0.5056 0.4519 l 0.5112 0.4524 l 0.5169 0.4524 l 0.5225 0.4518 l 0.5282 0.4510 l 0.5338 0.4498 l 0.5394 0.4486 l 0.5451 0.4470 l 0.5507 0.4456 l 0.5564 0.4433 l 0.5620 0.4410 l 0.5677 0.4392 l 0.5733 0.4373 l 0.5790 0.4355 l 0.5846 0.4342 l 0.5903 0.4325 l 0.5959 0.4314 l 0.6016 0.4298 l 0.6072 0.4289 l 0.6128 0.4284 l 0.6185 0.4276 l 0.6241 0.4267 l 0.6298 0.4266 l s [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color1 SC [] 0 SD 0.0015 SLW n 0.1500 0.3500 m 0.6298 0.3500 l s n 0.1500 0.8000 m 0.6298 0.8000 l s [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color7 SC n 0.1740 0.3500 m 0.1740 0.3600 l s n 0.1740 0.8000 m 0.1740 0.7900 l s n 0.1980 0.3500 m 0.1980 0.3600 l s n 0.1980 0.8000 m 0.1980 0.7900 l s n 0.2220 0.3500 m 0.2220 0.3600 l s n 0.2220 0.8000 m 0.2220 0.7900 l s n 0.2460 0.3500 m 0.2460 0.3600 l s n 0.2460 0.8000 m 0.2460 0.7900 l s n 0.2939 0.3500 m 0.2939 0.3600 l s n 0.2939 0.8000 m 0.2939 0.7900 l s n 0.3179 0.3500 m 0.3179 0.3600 l s n 0.3179 0.8000 m 0.3179 0.7900 l s n 0.3419 0.3500 m 0.3419 0.3600 l s n 0.3419 0.8000 m 0.3419 0.7900 l s n 0.3659 0.3500 m 0.3659 0.3600 l s n 0.3659 0.8000 m 0.3659 0.7900 l s n 0.4139 0.3500 m 0.4139 0.3600 l s n 0.4139 0.8000 m 0.4139 0.7900 l s n 0.4379 0.3500 m 0.4379 0.3600 l s n 0.4379 0.8000 m 0.4379 0.7900 l s n 0.4618 0.3500 m 0.4618 0.3600 l s n 0.4618 0.8000 m 0.4618 0.7900 l s n 0.4858 0.3500 m 0.4858 0.3600 l s n 0.4858 0.8000 m 0.4858 0.7900 l s n 0.5338 0.3500 m 0.5338 0.3600 l s n 0.5338 0.8000 m 0.5338 0.7900 l s n 0.5578 0.3500 m 0.5578 0.3600 l s n 0.5578 0.8000 m 0.5578 0.7900 l s n 0.5818 0.3500 m 0.5818 0.3600 l s n 0.5818 0.8000 m 0.5818 0.7900 l s n 0.6058 0.3500 m 0.6058 0.3600 l s n 0.6058 0.8000 m 0.6058 0.7900 l s n 0.1500 0.3500 m 0.1500 0.3700 l s n 0.1500 0.8000 m 0.1500 0.7800 l s n 0.2699 0.3500 m 0.2699 0.3700 l s n 0.2699 0.8000 m 0.2699 0.7800 l s n 0.3899 0.3500 m 0.3899 0.3700 l s n 0.3899 0.8000 m 0.3899 0.7800 l s n 0.5098 0.3500 m 0.5098 0.3700 l s n 0.5098 0.8000 m 0.5098 0.7800 l s n 0.6298 0.3500 m 0.6298 0.3700 l s n 0.6298 0.8000 m 0.6298 0.7800 l s /Times-Roman findfont dup length dict begin {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall /Encoding DefEncoding def currentdict end /Font0 exch definefont pop /Font0 FFSF [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color1 SC 0.1433 0.3212 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (0) show GR /Symbol findfont /Font12 exch definefont pop /Font12 FFSF 0.2517 0.3212 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (p) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.2670 0.3212 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (/2) show GR /Font12 FFSF 0.3824 0.3259 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (p) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.4845 0.3212 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (3) show GR /Font12 FFSF 0.4986 0.3212 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (p) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.5139 0.3212 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (/2) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.6153 0.3212 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (2) show GR /Font12 FFSF 0.6294 0.3212 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (p) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.3456 0.2900 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (true ) show GR /Font12 FFSF 0.3962 0.2900 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (d) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.4099 0.2788 m GS [0.0198 0.0000 0.0000 0.0198 0 0] CC (CP) show GR n 0.1500 0.3500 m 0.1500 0.8000 l s n 0.6298 0.3500 m 0.6298 0.8000 l s [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color7 SC n 0.1500 0.3950 m 0.1600 0.3950 l s n 0.6298 0.3950 m 0.6198 0.3950 l s n 0.1500 0.4851 m 0.1600 0.4851 l s n 0.6298 0.4851 m 0.6198 0.4851 l s n 0.1500 0.5752 m 0.1600 0.5752 l s n 0.6298 0.5752 m 0.6198 0.5752 l s n 0.1500 0.6653 m 0.1600 0.6653 l s n 0.6298 0.6653 m 0.6198 0.6653 l s n 0.1500 0.7554 m 0.1600 0.7554 l s n 0.6298 0.7554 m 0.6198 0.7554 l s n 0.1500 0.3500 m 0.1700 0.3500 l s n 0.6298 0.3500 m 0.6098 0.3500 l s n 0.1500 0.4401 m 0.1700 0.4401 l s n 0.6298 0.4401 m 0.6098 0.4401 l s n 0.1500 0.5302 m 0.1700 0.5302 l s n 0.6298 0.5302 m 0.6098 0.5302 l s n 0.1500 0.6203 m 0.1700 0.6203 l s n 0.6298 0.6203 m 0.6098 0.6203 l s n 0.1500 0.7104 m 0.1700 0.7104 l s n 0.6298 0.7104 m 0.6098 0.7104 l s n 0.1500 0.8000 m 0.1700 0.8000 l s n 0.6298 0.8000 m 0.6098 0.8000 l s /Font0 FFSF [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color1 SC 0.1267 0.3408 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (0) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.0918 0.4309 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (0.02) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.0918 0.5210 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (0.04) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.0922 0.6109 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (0.06) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.0925 0.7011 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (0.08) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.1078 0.7908 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (0.1) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.0702 0.5015 m GS [0.0000 0.0280 -0.0280 0.0000 0 0] CC (true sin) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.0534 0.5917 m GS [0.0000 0.0198 -0.0198 0.0000 0 0] CC (2) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.0702 0.6015 m GS [0.0000 0.0280 -0.0280 0.0000 0 0] CC (2) show GR /Font12 FFSF 0.0702 0.6156 m GS [0.0000 0.0280 -0.0280 0.0000 0 0] CC (q) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.0814 0.6301 m GS [0.0000 0.0198 -0.0198 0.0000 0 0] CC (13) show GR n 0.1500 0.3500 m 0.6298 0.3500 l s n 0.1500 0.8000 m 0.6298 0.8000 l s n 0.1740 0.3500 m 0.1740 0.3600 l s n 0.1740 0.8000 m 0.1740 0.7900 l s n 0.1980 0.3500 m 0.1980 0.3600 l s n 0.1980 0.8000 m 0.1980 0.7900 l s n 0.2220 0.3500 m 0.2220 0.3600 l s n 0.2220 0.8000 m 0.2220 0.7900 l s n 0.2460 0.3500 m 0.2460 0.3600 l s n 0.2460 0.8000 m 0.2460 0.7900 l s n 0.2939 0.3500 m 0.2939 0.3600 l s n 0.2939 0.8000 m 0.2939 0.7900 l s n 0.3179 0.3500 m 0.3179 0.3600 l s n 0.3179 0.8000 m 0.3179 0.7900 l s n 0.3419 0.3500 m 0.3419 0.3600 l s n 0.3419 0.8000 m 0.3419 0.7900 l s n 0.3659 0.3500 m 0.3659 0.3600 l s n 0.3659 0.8000 m 0.3659 0.7900 l s n 0.4139 0.3500 m 0.4139 0.3600 l s n 0.4139 0.8000 m 0.4139 0.7900 l s n 0.4379 0.3500 m 0.4379 0.3600 l s n 0.4379 0.8000 m 0.4379 0.7900 l s n 0.4618 0.3500 m 0.4618 0.3600 l s n 0.4618 0.8000 m 0.4618 0.7900 l s n 0.4858 0.3500 m 0.4858 0.3600 l s n 0.4858 0.8000 m 0.4858 0.7900 l s n 0.5338 0.3500 m 0.5338 0.3600 l s n 0.5338 0.8000 m 0.5338 0.7900 l s n 0.5578 0.3500 m 0.5578 0.3600 l s n 0.5578 0.8000 m 0.5578 0.7900 l s n 0.5818 0.3500 m 0.5818 0.3600 l s n 0.5818 0.8000 m 0.5818 0.7900 l s n 0.6058 0.3500 m 0.6058 0.3600 l s n 0.6058 0.8000 m 0.6058 0.7900 l s n 0.1500 0.3500 m 0.1500 0.3700 l s n 0.1500 0.8000 m 0.1500 0.7800 l s n 0.2699 0.3500 m 0.2699 0.3700 l s n 0.2699 0.8000 m 0.2699 0.7800 l s n 0.3899 0.3500 m 0.3899 0.3700 l s n 0.3899 0.8000 m 0.3899 0.7800 l s n 0.5098 0.3500 m 0.5098 0.3700 l s n 0.5098 0.8000 m 0.5098 0.7800 l s n 0.6298 0.3500 m 0.6298 0.3700 l s n 0.6298 0.8000 m 0.6298 0.7800 l s n 0.1500 0.3500 m 0.1500 0.8000 l s n 0.6298 0.3500 m 0.6298 0.8000 l s n 0.1500 0.3950 m 0.1600 0.3950 l s n 0.6298 0.3950 m 0.6198 0.3950 l s n 0.1500 0.4851 m 0.1600 0.4851 l s n 0.6298 0.4851 m 0.6198 0.4851 l s n 0.1500 0.5752 m 0.1600 0.5752 l s n 0.6298 0.5752 m 0.6198 0.5752 l s n 0.1500 0.6653 m 0.1600 0.6653 l s n 0.6298 0.6653 m 0.6198 0.6653 l s n 0.1500 0.7554 m 0.1600 0.7554 l s n 0.6298 0.7554 m 0.6198 0.7554 l s n 0.1500 0.3500 m 0.1700 0.3500 l s n 0.6298 0.3500 m 0.6098 0.3500 l s n 0.1500 0.4401 m 0.1700 0.4401 l s n 0.6298 0.4401 m 0.6098 0.4401 l s n 0.1500 0.5302 m 0.1700 0.5302 l s n 0.6298 0.5302 m 0.6098 0.5302 l s n 0.1500 0.6203 m 0.1700 0.6203 l s n 0.6298 0.6203 m 0.6098 0.6203 l s n 0.1500 0.7104 m 0.1700 0.7104 l s n 0.6298 0.7104 m 0.6098 0.7104 l s n 0.1500 0.3500 m 0.1500 0.8000 l 0.6298 0.8000 l 0.6298 0.3500 l 0.1500 0.3500 l c s [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color7 SC n 0.6633 0.3500 m 0.6633 0.8000 l s n 0.7833 0.3500 m 0.7833 0.8000 l s n 0.9032 0.3500 m 0.9032 0.8000 l s n 1.0232 0.3500 m 1.0232 0.8000 l s n 1.1431 0.3500 m 1.1431 0.8000 l s n 0.6633 0.3950 m 1.1431 0.3950 l s n 0.6633 0.4851 m 1.1431 0.4851 l s n 0.6633 0.5752 m 1.1431 0.5752 l s n 0.6633 0.6653 m 1.1431 0.6653 l s n 0.6633 0.7554 m 1.1431 0.7554 l s n 0.6633 0.3500 m 1.1431 0.3500 l s n 0.6633 0.4401 m 1.1431 0.4401 l s n 0.6633 0.5302 m 1.1431 0.5302 l s n 0.6633 0.6203 m 1.1431 0.6203 l s n 0.6633 0.7104 m 1.1431 0.7104 l s [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color1 SC n 0.6632 0.4139 m 0.6840 0.4173 l 0.7068 0.4213 l 0.7205 0.4255 l 0.7315 0.4300 l 0.7426 0.4347 l 0.7517 0.4397 l 0.7606 0.4450 l 0.7695 0.4506 l 0.7775 0.4565 l 0.7854 0.4628 l 0.7934 0.4695 l 0.8014 0.4766 l 0.8094 0.4840 l 0.8177 0.4920 l 0.8282 0.5003 l 0.8387 0.5092 l 0.8515 0.5186 l 0.8652 0.5286 l 0.8869 0.5391 l 0.9557 0.5503 l 1.0741 0.5621 l 1.1432 0.5685 l s [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color2 SC [] 0 SD 0.0030 SLW n 0.6633 0.4412 m 0.6662 0.4412 l 0.6718 0.4412 l 0.6775 0.4414 l 0.6831 0.4420 l 0.6887 0.4420 l 0.6944 0.4425 l 0.7000 0.4428 l 0.7057 0.4433 l 0.7113 0.4444 l 0.7170 0.4449 l 0.7226 0.4464 l 0.7282 0.4470 l 0.7339 0.4486 l 0.7395 0.4489 l 0.7452 0.4517 l 0.7508 0.4520 l 0.7565 0.4547 l 0.7621 0.4552 l 0.7678 0.4589 l 0.7734 0.4590 l 0.7791 0.4625 l 0.7847 0.4639 l 0.7903 0.4672 l 0.7960 0.4708 l 0.8016 0.4717 l 0.8073 0.4778 l 0.8129 0.4786 l 0.8186 0.4786 l 0.8242 0.4790 l 0.8298 0.4793 l 0.8355 0.4807 l 0.8411 0.4807 l 0.8468 0.4828 l 0.8524 0.4830 l 0.8581 0.4845 l 0.8637 0.4854 l 0.8694 0.4865 l 0.8750 0.4866 l 0.8806 0.4887 l 0.8863 0.4896 l 0.8919 0.4905 l 0.8976 0.4935 l 0.9032 0.4938 l 0.9089 0.4943 l 0.9145 0.4979 l 0.9202 0.4991 l 0.9258 0.5039 l 0.9314 0.5048 l 0.9371 0.5054 l 0.9427 0.5108 l 0.9484 0.5108 l 0.9540 0.5112 l 0.9597 0.5173 l 0.9653 0.5181 l 0.9710 0.5209 l 0.9766 0.5232 l 0.9822 0.5239 l 0.9879 0.5262 l 0.9935 0.5268 l 0.9992 0.5282 l 1.0048 0.5287 l 1.0105 0.5300 l 1.0161 0.5300 l 1.0218 0.5300 l 1.0274 0.5338 l 1.0330 0.5356 l 1.0387 0.5450 l 1.0443 0.5478 l 1.0500 0.5494 l 1.0556 0.5511 l 1.0613 0.5516 l 1.0669 0.5590 l 1.0725 0.5605 l 1.0782 0.5631 l 1.0838 0.5729 l 1.0895 0.5729 l 1.0951 0.5785 l 1.1008 0.5793 l 1.1064 0.5833 l 1.1121 0.6002 l 1.1177 0.6012 l 1.1233 0.6118 l 1.1290 0.6172 l 1.1346 0.6200 l 1.1403 0.6215 l 1.1431 0.6215 l s [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color15 SC n 0.6633 0.4409 m 0.6662 0.4409 l 0.6718 0.4412 l 0.6775 0.4413 l 0.6831 0.4418 l 0.6887 0.4419 l 0.6944 0.4429 l 0.7000 0.4429 l 0.7057 0.4438 l 0.7113 0.4439 l 0.7170 0.4447 l 0.7226 0.4460 l 0.7282 0.4465 l 0.7339 0.4477 l 0.7395 0.4481 l 0.7452 0.4503 l 0.7508 0.4504 l 0.7565 0.4536 l 0.7621 0.4537 l 0.7678 0.4560 l 0.7734 0.4577 l 0.7791 0.4594 l 0.7847 0.4609 l 0.7903 0.4620 l 0.7960 0.4635 l 0.8016 0.4635 l 0.8073 0.4637 l 0.8129 0.4645 l 0.8186 0.4651 l 0.8242 0.4652 l 0.8298 0.4666 l 0.8355 0.4669 l 0.8411 0.4670 l 0.8468 0.4675 l 0.8524 0.4683 l 0.8581 0.4689 l 0.8637 0.4708 l 0.8694 0.4716 l 0.8750 0.4716 l 0.8806 0.4731 l 0.8863 0.4737 l 0.8919 0.4742 l 0.8976 0.4748 l 0.9032 0.4775 l 0.9089 0.4790 l 0.9145 0.4791 l 0.9202 0.4811 l 0.9258 0.4827 l 0.9314 0.4842 l 0.9371 0.4872 l 0.9427 0.4881 l 0.9484 0.4882 l 0.9540 0.4891 l 0.9597 0.4894 l 0.9653 0.4896 l 0.9710 0.4896 l 0.9766 0.4906 l 0.9822 0.4912 l 0.9879 0.4919 l 0.9935 0.4926 l 0.9992 0.4930 l 1.0048 0.4932 l 1.0105 0.4938 l 1.0161 0.4942 l 1.0218 0.4950 l 1.0274 0.4969 l 1.0330 0.4976 l 1.0387 0.4998 l 1.0443 0.5002 l 1.0500 0.5011 l 1.0556 0.5025 l 1.0613 0.5028 l 1.0669 0.5038 l 1.0725 0.5092 l 1.0782 0.5196 l 1.0838 0.5211 l 1.0895 0.5374 l 1.0951 0.5567 l 1.1008 0.5791 l 1.1064 0.5829 l 1.1121 0.6026 l 1.1177 0.6281 l 1.1233 0.6357 l 1.1290 0.6534 l 1.1346 0.6603 l 1.1403 0.6642 l 1.1431 0.6642 l s [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color4 SC n 0.6633 0.4059 m 0.6662 0.4059 l 0.6718 0.4061 l 0.6775 0.4070 l 0.6831 0.4074 l 0.6887 0.4093 l 0.6944 0.4100 l 0.7000 0.4131 l 0.7057 0.4142 l 0.7113 0.4173 l 0.7170 0.4192 l 0.7226 0.4232 l 0.7282 0.4256 l 0.7339 0.4269 l 0.7395 0.4296 l 0.7452 0.4340 l 0.7508 0.4341 l 0.7565 0.4370 l 0.7621 0.4397 l 0.7678 0.4418 l 0.7734 0.4436 l 0.7791 0.4445 l 0.7847 0.4445 l 0.7903 0.4446 l 0.7960 0.4448 l 0.8016 0.4450 l 0.8073 0.4453 l 0.8129 0.4453 l 0.8186 0.4455 l 0.8242 0.4462 l 0.8298 0.4464 l 0.8355 0.4467 l 0.8411 0.4468 l 0.8468 0.4476 l 0.8524 0.4477 l 0.8581 0.4484 l 0.8637 0.4486 l 0.8694 0.4487 l 0.8750 0.4487 l 0.8806 0.4492 l 0.8863 0.4492 l 0.8919 0.4505 l 0.8976 0.4510 l 0.9032 0.4510 l 0.9089 0.4512 l 0.9145 0.4514 l 0.9202 0.4522 l 0.9258 0.4524 l 0.9314 0.4528 l 0.9371 0.4533 l 0.9427 0.4538 l 0.9484 0.4539 l 0.9540 0.4550 l 0.9597 0.4553 l 0.9653 0.4558 l 0.9710 0.4561 l 0.9766 0.4570 l 0.9822 0.4574 l 0.9879 0.4575 l 0.9935 0.4589 l 0.9992 0.4591 l 1.0048 0.4592 l 1.0105 0.4597 l 1.0161 0.4604 l 1.0218 0.4607 l 1.0274 0.4620 l 1.0330 0.4637 l 1.0387 0.4656 l 1.0443 0.4657 l 1.0500 0.4661 l 1.0556 0.4661 l 1.0613 0.4684 l 1.0669 0.4689 l 1.0725 0.4703 l 1.0782 0.4745 l 1.0838 0.4798 l 1.0895 0.4816 l 1.0951 0.4858 l 1.1008 0.4918 l 1.1064 0.4966 l 1.1121 0.4970 l 1.1177 0.5035 l 1.1233 0.5074 l 1.1290 0.5075 l 1.1346 0.5102 l 1.1403 0.5108 l 1.1431 0.5108 l s [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color15 SC [0.0158 0.0068 ] 0 SD 0.0023 SLW n 0.6633 0.6192 m 0.6662 0.6192 l 0.6718 0.6377 l 0.6775 0.6392 l 0.6831 0.6430 l 0.6887 0.6489 l 0.6944 0.6545 l 0.7000 0.6619 l 0.7057 0.6685 l 0.7113 0.6713 l 0.7170 0.6793 l 0.7226 0.6934 l 0.7282 0.6951 l 0.7339 0.7024 l 0.7395 0.7208 l 0.7452 0.7367 l 0.7508 0.7525 l 0.7565 0.7568 l 0.7621 0.7805 l 0.7678 0.7895 l 0.7693 0.8001 l s [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color4 SC n 0.6633 0.4107 m 0.6662 0.4107 l 0.6718 0.4111 l 0.6775 0.4117 l 0.6831 0.4131 l 0.6887 0.4142 l 0.6944 0.4170 l 0.7000 0.4181 l 0.7057 0.4229 l 0.7113 0.4237 l 0.7170 0.4307 l 0.7226 0.4319 l 0.7282 0.4398 l 0.7339 0.4441 l 0.7395 0.4489 l 0.7452 0.4509 l 0.7508 0.4611 l 0.7565 0.4642 l 0.7621 0.4651 l 0.7678 0.4798 l 0.7734 0.4830 l 0.7791 0.4835 l 0.7847 0.4978 l 0.7903 0.5036 l 0.7960 0.5129 l 0.8016 0.5178 l 0.8073 0.5268 l 0.8129 0.5397 l 0.8186 0.5501 l 0.8242 0.5513 l 0.8298 0.5546 l 0.8355 0.5649 l 0.8411 0.5854 l 0.8468 0.5917 l 0.8524 0.6012 l 0.8581 0.6108 l 0.8637 0.6212 l 0.8694 0.6235 l 0.8750 0.6532 l 0.8806 0.6642 l 0.8863 0.6710 l 0.8919 0.6878 l 0.8976 0.7205 l 0.9032 0.7238 l 0.9089 0.7462 l 0.9145 0.7650 l 0.9202 0.7759 l 0.9244 0.8001 l s [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color1 SC [] 0 SD 0.0015 SLW n 0.6632 0.5126 m 0.6792 0.5186 l 0.7042 0.5286 l 0.7241 0.5391 l 0.7404 0.5503 l 0.7500 0.5621 l 0.7596 0.5747 l 0.7694 0.5879 l 0.7798 0.6020 l 0.7902 0.6169 l 0.7994 0.6326 l 0.8075 0.6493 l 0.8157 0.6670 l 0.8239 0.6857 l 0.8320 0.7056 l 0.8401 0.7266 l 0.8481 0.7488 l 0.8566 0.7724 l 0.8657 0.7973 l 0.8666 0.8001 l s [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color10 SC [0.0158 0.0068 ] 0 SD 0.0023 SLW n 0.6633 0.4585 m 0.6662 0.4585 l 0.6718 0.4585 l 0.6775 0.4585 l 0.6831 0.4585 l 0.6887 0.4588 l 0.6944 0.4588 l 0.7000 0.4591 l 0.7057 0.4592 l 0.7113 0.4595 l 0.7170 0.4599 l 0.7226 0.4601 l 0.7282 0.4607 l 0.7339 0.4607 l 0.7395 0.4614 l 0.7452 0.4618 l 0.7508 0.4623 l 0.7565 0.4632 l 0.7621 0.4632 l 0.7678 0.4643 l 0.7734 0.4650 l 0.7791 0.4655 l 0.7847 0.4668 l 0.7903 0.4669 l 0.7960 0.4682 l 0.8016 0.4685 l 0.8073 0.4697 l 0.8129 0.4697 l 0.8186 0.4698 l 0.8242 0.4699 l 0.8298 0.4699 l 0.8355 0.4701 l 0.8411 0.4702 l 0.8468 0.4704 l 0.8524 0.4704 l 0.8581 0.4705 l 0.8637 0.4708 l 0.8694 0.4708 l 0.8750 0.4708 l 0.8806 0.4712 l 0.8863 0.4713 l 0.8919 0.4717 l 0.8976 0.4723 l 0.9032 0.4730 l 0.9089 0.4731 l 0.9145 0.4736 l 0.9202 0.4744 l 0.9258 0.4751 l 0.9314 0.4751 l 0.9371 0.4759 l 0.9427 0.4766 l 0.9484 0.4773 l 0.9540 0.4774 l 0.9597 0.4783 l 0.9653 0.4792 l 0.9710 0.4798 l 0.9766 0.4800 l 0.9822 0.4808 l 0.9879 0.4816 l 0.9935 0.4825 l 0.9992 0.4826 l 1.0048 0.4832 l 1.0105 0.4840 l 1.0161 0.4848 l 1.0218 0.4855 l 1.0274 0.4859 l 1.0330 0.4863 l 1.0387 0.4870 l 1.0443 0.4877 l 1.0500 0.4886 l 1.0556 0.4893 l 1.0613 0.4896 l 1.0669 0.4902 l 1.0725 0.4912 l 1.0782 0.4924 l 1.0838 0.4938 l 1.0895 0.4939 l 1.0951 0.4954 l 1.1008 0.4974 l 1.1064 0.4983 l 1.1121 0.4995 l 1.1177 0.5018 l 1.1233 0.5022 l 1.1290 0.5037 l 1.1346 0.5044 l 1.1403 0.5049 l 1.1431 0.5049 l s [] 0 SD 0.0023 SLW n 0.6633 0.4144 m 0.6662 0.4144 l 0.6718 0.4145 l 0.6775 0.4145 l 0.6831 0.4145 l 0.6887 0.4147 l 0.6944 0.4149 l 0.7000 0.4151 l 0.7057 0.4152 l 0.7113 0.4157 l 0.7170 0.4157 l 0.7226 0.4165 l 0.7282 0.4166 l 0.7339 0.4174 l 0.7395 0.4178 l 0.7452 0.4185 l 0.7508 0.4189 l 0.7565 0.4195 l 0.7621 0.4204 l 0.7678 0.4211 l 0.7734 0.4220 l 0.7791 0.4227 l 0.7847 0.4237 l 0.7903 0.4249 l 0.7960 0.4263 l 0.8016 0.4263 l 0.8073 0.4263 l 0.8129 0.4264 l 0.8186 0.4266 l 0.8242 0.4267 l 0.8298 0.4267 l 0.8355 0.4271 l 0.8411 0.4276 l 0.8468 0.4277 l 0.8524 0.4277 l 0.8581 0.4284 l 0.8637 0.4286 l 0.8694 0.4286 l 0.8750 0.4289 l 0.8806 0.4296 l 0.8863 0.4298 l 0.8919 0.4304 l 0.8976 0.4309 l 0.9032 0.4313 l 0.9089 0.4314 l 0.9145 0.4324 l 0.9202 0.4325 l 0.9258 0.4331 l 0.9314 0.4339 l 0.9371 0.4342 l 0.9427 0.4345 l 0.9484 0.4354 l 0.9540 0.4355 l 0.9597 0.4357 l 0.9653 0.4367 l 0.9710 0.4373 l 0.9766 0.4377 l 0.9822 0.4383 l 0.9879 0.4388 l 0.9935 0.4392 l 0.9992 0.4395 l 1.0048 0.4406 l 1.0105 0.4408 l 1.0161 0.4410 l 1.0218 0.4424 l 1.0274 0.4428 l 1.0330 0.4432 l 1.0387 0.4433 l 1.0443 0.4435 l 1.0500 0.4447 l 1.0556 0.4447 l 1.0613 0.4453 l 1.0669 0.4455 l 1.0725 0.4456 l 1.0782 0.4456 l 1.0838 0.4466 l 1.0895 0.4470 l 1.0951 0.4486 l 1.1008 0.4491 l 1.1064 0.4498 l 1.1121 0.4510 l 1.1177 0.4512 l 1.1233 0.4518 l 1.1290 0.4519 l 1.1346 0.4524 l 1.1403 0.4524 l 1.1431 0.4524 l s [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color1 SC [] 0 SD 0.0015 SLW n 0.6633 0.3500 m 1.1431 0.3500 l s n 0.6633 0.8000 m 1.1431 0.8000 l s [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color7 SC n 0.6873 0.3500 m 0.6873 0.3600 l s n 0.6873 0.8000 m 0.6873 0.7900 l s n 0.7113 0.3500 m 0.7113 0.3600 l s n 0.7113 0.8000 m 0.7113 0.7900 l s n 0.7353 0.3500 m 0.7353 0.3600 l s n 0.7353 0.8000 m 0.7353 0.7900 l s n 0.7593 0.3500 m 0.7593 0.3600 l s n 0.7593 0.8000 m 0.7593 0.7900 l s n 0.8073 0.3500 m 0.8073 0.3600 l s n 0.8073 0.8000 m 0.8073 0.7900 l s n 0.8313 0.3500 m 0.8313 0.3600 l s n 0.8313 0.8000 m 0.8313 0.7900 l s n 0.8552 0.3500 m 0.8552 0.3600 l s n 0.8552 0.8000 m 0.8552 0.7900 l s n 0.8792 0.3500 m 0.8792 0.3600 l s n 0.8792 0.8000 m 0.8792 0.7900 l s n 0.9272 0.3500 m 0.9272 0.3600 l s n 0.9272 0.8000 m 0.9272 0.7900 l s n 0.9512 0.3500 m 0.9512 0.3600 l s n 0.9512 0.8000 m 0.9512 0.7900 l s n 0.9752 0.3500 m 0.9752 0.3600 l s n 0.9752 0.8000 m 0.9752 0.7900 l s n 0.9992 0.3500 m 0.9992 0.3600 l s n 0.9992 0.8000 m 0.9992 0.7900 l s n 1.0472 0.3500 m 1.0472 0.3600 l s n 1.0472 0.8000 m 1.0472 0.7900 l s n 1.0711 0.3500 m 1.0711 0.3600 l s n 1.0711 0.8000 m 1.0711 0.7900 l s n 1.0951 0.3500 m 1.0951 0.3600 l s n 1.0951 0.8000 m 1.0951 0.7900 l s n 1.1191 0.3500 m 1.1191 0.3600 l s n 1.1191 0.8000 m 1.1191 0.7900 l s n 0.6633 0.3500 m 0.6633 0.3700 l s n 0.6633 0.8000 m 0.6633 0.7800 l s n 0.7833 0.3500 m 0.7833 0.3700 l s n 0.7833 0.8000 m 0.7833 0.7800 l s n 0.9032 0.3500 m 0.9032 0.3700 l s n 0.9032 0.8000 m 0.9032 0.7800 l s n 1.0232 0.3500 m 1.0232 0.3700 l s n 1.0232 0.8000 m 1.0232 0.7800 l s n 1.1431 0.3500 m 1.1431 0.3700 l s n 1.1431 0.8000 m 1.1431 0.7800 l s /Font0 FFSF [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color1 SC 0.6567 0.3212 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (0) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.7598 0.3208 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (0.25) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.8866 0.3208 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (0.5) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.9996 0.3208 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (0.75) show GR /Font0 FFSF 1.1376 0.3212 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (1) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.7579 0.2896 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (fraction of true ) show GR /Font12 FFSF 0.9328 0.2896 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (d) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.9466 0.2784 m GS [0.0198 0.0000 0.0000 0.0198 0 0] CC (CP) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.9709 0.2896 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC ( values) show GR n 0.6633 0.3500 m 0.6633 0.8000 l s n 1.1431 0.3500 m 1.1431 0.8000 l s [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color7 SC n 0.6633 0.3950 m 0.6733 0.3950 l s n 1.1431 0.3950 m 1.1331 0.3950 l s n 0.6633 0.4851 m 0.6733 0.4851 l s n 1.1431 0.4851 m 1.1331 0.4851 l s n 0.6633 0.5752 m 0.6733 0.5752 l s n 1.1431 0.5752 m 1.1331 0.5752 l s n 0.6633 0.6653 m 0.6733 0.6653 l s n 1.1431 0.6653 m 1.1331 0.6653 l s n 0.6633 0.7554 m 0.6733 0.7554 l s n 1.1431 0.7554 m 1.1331 0.7554 l s n 0.6633 0.3500 m 0.6833 0.3500 l s n 1.1431 0.3500 m 1.1231 0.3500 l s n 0.6633 0.4401 m 0.6833 0.4401 l s n 1.1431 0.4401 m 1.1231 0.4401 l s n 0.6633 0.5302 m 0.6833 0.5302 l s n 1.1431 0.5302 m 1.1231 0.5302 l s n 0.6633 0.6203 m 0.6833 0.6203 l s n 1.1431 0.6203 m 1.1231 0.6203 l s n 0.6633 0.7104 m 0.6833 0.7104 l s n 1.1431 0.7104 m 1.1231 0.7104 l s [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color1 SC n 0.6633 0.3500 m 1.1431 0.3500 l s n 0.6633 0.8000 m 1.1431 0.8000 l s n 0.6873 0.3500 m 0.6873 0.3600 l s n 0.6873 0.8000 m 0.6873 0.7900 l s n 0.7113 0.3500 m 0.7113 0.3600 l s n 0.7113 0.8000 m 0.7113 0.7900 l s n 0.7353 0.3500 m 0.7353 0.3600 l s n 0.7353 0.8000 m 0.7353 0.7900 l s n 0.7593 0.3500 m 0.7593 0.3600 l s n 0.7593 0.8000 m 0.7593 0.7900 l s n 0.8073 0.3500 m 0.8073 0.3600 l s n 0.8073 0.8000 m 0.8073 0.7900 l s n 0.8313 0.3500 m 0.8313 0.3600 l s n 0.8313 0.8000 m 0.8313 0.7900 l s n 0.8552 0.3500 m 0.8552 0.3600 l s n 0.8552 0.8000 m 0.8552 0.7900 l s n 0.8792 0.3500 m 0.8792 0.3600 l s n 0.8792 0.8000 m 0.8792 0.7900 l s n 0.9272 0.3500 m 0.9272 0.3600 l s n 0.9272 0.8000 m 0.9272 0.7900 l s n 0.9512 0.3500 m 0.9512 0.3600 l s n 0.9512 0.8000 m 0.9512 0.7900 l s n 0.9752 0.3500 m 0.9752 0.3600 l s n 0.9752 0.8000 m 0.9752 0.7900 l s n 0.9992 0.3500 m 0.9992 0.3600 l s n 0.9992 0.8000 m 0.9992 0.7900 l s n 1.0472 0.3500 m 1.0472 0.3600 l s n 1.0472 0.8000 m 1.0472 0.7900 l s n 1.0711 0.3500 m 1.0711 0.3600 l s n 1.0711 0.8000 m 1.0711 0.7900 l s n 1.0951 0.3500 m 1.0951 0.3600 l s n 1.0951 0.8000 m 1.0951 0.7900 l s n 1.1191 0.3500 m 1.1191 0.3600 l s n 1.1191 0.8000 m 1.1191 0.7900 l s n 0.6633 0.3500 m 0.6633 0.3700 l s n 0.6633 0.8000 m 0.6633 0.7800 l s n 0.7833 0.3500 m 0.7833 0.3700 l s n 0.7833 0.8000 m 0.7833 0.7800 l s n 0.9032 0.3500 m 0.9032 0.3700 l s n 0.9032 0.8000 m 0.9032 0.7800 l s n 1.0232 0.3500 m 1.0232 0.3700 l s n 1.0232 0.8000 m 1.0232 0.7800 l s n 1.1431 0.3500 m 1.1431 0.3700 l s n 1.1431 0.8000 m 1.1431 0.7800 l s n 0.6633 0.3500 m 0.6633 0.8000 l s n 1.1431 0.3500 m 1.1431 0.8000 l s n 0.6633 0.3950 m 0.6733 0.3950 l s n 1.1431 0.3950 m 1.1331 0.3950 l s n 0.6633 0.4851 m 0.6733 0.4851 l s n 1.1431 0.4851 m 1.1331 0.4851 l s n 0.6633 0.5752 m 0.6733 0.5752 l s n 1.1431 0.5752 m 1.1331 0.5752 l s n 0.6633 0.6653 m 0.6733 0.6653 l s n 1.1431 0.6653 m 1.1331 0.6653 l s n 0.6633 0.7554 m 0.6733 0.7554 l s n 1.1431 0.7554 m 1.1331 0.7554 l s n 0.6633 0.3500 m 0.6833 0.3500 l s n 1.1431 0.3500 m 1.1231 0.3500 l s n 0.6633 0.4401 m 0.6833 0.4401 l s n 1.1431 0.4401 m 1.1231 0.4401 l s n 0.6633 0.5302 m 0.6833 0.5302 l s n 1.1431 0.5302 m 1.1231 0.5302 l s n 0.6633 0.6203 m 0.6833 0.6203 l s n 1.1431 0.6203 m 1.1231 0.6203 l s n 0.6633 0.7104 m 0.6833 0.7104 l s n 1.1431 0.7104 m 1.1231 0.7104 l s n 0.6633 0.3500 m 0.6633 0.8000 l 1.1431 0.8000 l 1.1431 0.3500 l 0.6633 0.3500 l c s n 0.9294 0.6717 m 0.9114 0.5471 l s n 0.9093 0.5575 m 0.9114 0.5471 l 0.9163 0.5565 l 0.9128 0.5570 l c fill n 0.9093 0.5575 m 0.9114 0.5471 l 0.9163 0.5565 l 0.9128 0.5570 l 0.9093 0.5575 l c s /Times-Bold findfont dup length dict begin {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall /Encoding DefEncoding def currentdict end /Font2 exch definefont pop /Font2 FFSF 0.2205 0.8235 m GS [0.0336 0.0000 0.0000 0.0336 0 0] CC (2) show GR /Font12 FFSF 0.2374 0.8235 m GS [0.0336 0.0000 0.0000 0.0336 0 0] CC (s) show GR /Font2 FFSF 0.2578 0.8235 m GS [0.0336 0.0000 0.0000 0.0336 0 0] CC ( sensitivity to normal hierarchy from LBL + ATM data) show GR /Font12 FFSF [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color2 SC 0.1892 0.5335 m GS [0.0184 0.0211 -0.0211 0.0184 0 0] CC (b) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.1994 0.5453 m GS [0.0184 0.0211 -0.0211 0.0184 0 0] CC (B) show GR /Font0 FFSF [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color4 SC 0.4894 0.3855 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (T2HK) 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2292 y Fg(CP)263 2280 y Fi(\(left\),)h(and)e(the)i(fraction)e(of)h (true)f(v)-5 b(alues)28 b(of)f Fh(\016)1757 2292 y Fg(CP)1881 2280 y Fi(\(righ)n(t\).)38 b(The)28 b(solid)f(curv)n(es)g(are)f(the)j (sensitivities)e(from)h(the)-60 2400 y(com)n(bination)f(of)g (long-baseline)g(and)g(atmospheric)g(neutrino)g(data,)g(the)h(dashed)g (curv)n(es)e(corresp)r(ond)g(to)i(long-baseline)-60 2521 y(data)37 b(only)-7 b(.)68 b(F)-7 b(or)37 b(comparison)f(w)n(e)h(sho)n (w)g(in)i(the)f(righ)n(t)f(panel)g(also)g(the)h(sensitivities)g(of)g (NO)p Fh(\027)5 b Fi(A)38 b(and)g(NO)p Fh(\027)5 b Fi(A+T2K)-60 2641 y(extracted)28 b(from)f(Fig.)h(13.14)f(of)h(Ref.)h([16].)38 b(F)-7 b(or)27 b(the)i(curv)n(e)e(lab)r(eled)h(\\NO)p Fh(\027)5 b Fi(A)29 b(\(p.dr.\)+T2K@4)d(MW")i(a)g(proton)f(driv)n(er) -60 2761 y(has)g(b)r(een)h(assumed)f(for)g(NO)p Fh(\027)5 b Fi(A)28 b(and)g(the)g(T2K)e(b)r(eam)i(has)f(b)r(een)h(up-graded)e(to) i(4)f(MW,)h(see)f(Ref.)i([16])d(for)h(details.)-60 3048 y Fy(hierarc)m(h)m(y)34 b(sensitivit)m(y)i(increases)e(with)g (increasing)f Fo(\022)1960 3063 y Fq(23)2036 3048 y Fy(,)f(see)i(Ref.)e ([29])h(for)f(a)g(detailed)i(discussion.)86 3210 y(Although)44 b Fo(\014)6 b Fy(B)43 b(and)h(SPL)f(alone)h(ha)m(v)m(e)h(no)e (sensitivit)m(y)j(to)d(the)h(hierarc)m(h)m(y)i(at)d(all,)j(w)m(e)e (\014nd)g(that)-60 3330 y(the)29 b(com)m(bination)h(of)f(them)h(do)s (es)f(pro)m(vide)i(rather)e(go)s(o)s(d)f(sensitivit)m(y)k(ev)m(en)e (without)g(atmosheric)g(data.)-60 3450 y(The)38 b(reason)f(for)g(this)h (in)m(teresting)g(e\013ect)g(is)g(the)f(follo)m(wing.)57 b(Because)39 b(of)e(the)g(rather)g(short)g(baseline)-60 3571 y(the)k(matter)f(e\013ect)h(is)g(to)s(o)e(small)i(to)f (distinguish)i(b)s(et)m(w)m(een)g(NH)f(and)f(IH)h(giv)m(en)g(only)g (neutrino)g(and)-60 3691 y(an)m(tineutrino)27 b(information)g(in)g(one) f(c)m(hannel.)43 b(Ho)m(w)m(ev)m(er,)30 b(the)d(tin)m(y)h(matter)e (e\013ect)i(su\016ces)g(to)f(mo)m(v)m(e)h(the)-60 3812 y(hierarc)m(h)m(y)38 b(degenerate)f(solution)g(to)f(sligh)m(tly)i (di\013eren)m(t)f(lo)s(cations)f(in)h(the)f(\(sin)2950 3772 y Fq(2)3006 3812 y Fy(2)p Fo(\022)3100 3827 y Fq(13)3175 3812 y Fy(,)h Fo(\016)3282 3827 y Fq(CP)3386 3812 y Fy(\))f(plane)g (for)-60 3962 y(the)108 3892 y Fk(\()p Fj(\000)p Fk(\))125 3959 y Fo(\027)200 3977 y Fv(e)237 3962 y Fn(!)340 3892 y Fk(\()p Fj(\000)p Fk(\))358 3959 y Fo(\027)433 3977 y Fv(\026)508 3962 y Fy(\()p Fo(\014)6 b Fy(B\))29 b(and)932 3892 y Fk(\()p Fj(\000)p Fk(\))950 3959 y Fo(\027)1025 3977 y Fv(\026)1072 3962 y Fn(!)1175 3892 y Fk(\()p Fj(\000)p Fk(\))1192 3959 y Fo(\027)1267 3977 y Fv(e)1333 3962 y Fy(\(SPL\))g(c)m(hannels)i(\(compare)f(Fig.)e(5\).)42 b(Hence,)32 b(if)c(all)h(four)g(CP)h(and)-60 4082 y(T)35 b(conjugate)g(c)m(hannels)h(are)f(a)m(v)-5 b(ailable)35 b(\(as)g(it)f(is)i(the)f(case)g(for)f(the)h Fo(\014)6 b Fy(B+SPL)35 b(com)m(bination\))g(already)-60 4203 y(the)i(small)h (matter)f(e\013ect)g(pic)m(k)m(ed)i(up)f(allong)e(the)h(130)f(km)i (CERN{MEMPHYS)h(distance)f(pro)m(vides)-60 4323 y(sensitivit)m(y)f(to)c (the)h(mass)h(hierarc)m(h)m(y)g(for)e(sin)1632 4283 y Fq(2)1688 4323 y Fy(2)p Fo(\022)1782 4338 y Fq(13)1887 4323 y Fl(&)d Fy(0)p Fo(:)p Fy(03,)j(or)h(sin)2469 4283 y Fq(2)2525 4323 y Fy(2)p Fo(\022)2619 4338 y Fq(13)2723 4323 y Fl(&)c Fy(0)p Fo(:)p Fy(02)j(if)h(also)g(atmospheric)-60 4444 y(neutrino)f(data)f(is)h(included.)86 4605 y(F)-8 b(or)26 b(comparison)h(w)m(e)g(sho)m(w)g(in)g(the)g(righ)m(t)f(panel)h (of)e(Fig.)h(16)g(also)g(the)h(sensitivit)m(y)i(of)d(the)g(NO)p Fo(\027)6 b Fy(A)27 b([16])-60 4726 y(exp)s(erimen)m(t,)h(and)c(of)g (NO)p Fo(\027)6 b Fy(A+T2K,)25 b(where)g(in)f(the)h(second)g(case)g(a)f (b)s(eam)g(upgrade)h(b)m(y)g(a)f(proton)g(driv)m(er)-60 4846 y(has)38 b(b)s(een)h(assumed)h(for)d(NO)p Fo(\027)6 b Fy(A,)39 b(and)f(for)g(T2K)g(the)g(Sup)s(er-Kamiok)-5 b(ande)39 b(detector)g(has)f(b)s(een)h(used)-60 4967 y(but)30 b(the)h(b)s(eam)f(in)m(tensit)m(y)j(has)d(b)s(een)h(increased) h(b)m(y)f(assuming)g(4)f(MW)h(p)s(o)m(w)m(er.)43 b(More)31 b(details)g(on)f(these)-60 5087 y(sensitivities)h(can)d(b)s(e)g(found)g (in)h(Ref.)e([16].)42 b(Let)28 b(us)h(note)f(that)g(in)g(general)g(LBL) g(exp)s(erimen)m(ts)j(with)d(t)m(w)m(o)-60 5207 y(detectors)36 b(\(or)d(the)i(com)m(bination)g(of)f(t)m(w)m(o)h(di\013eren)m(t)g(LBL)f (exp)s(erimen)m(ts\))j(are)e(a)e(comp)s(etitiv)m(e)k(metho)s(d)-60 5328 y(to)25 b(atmospheric)i(neutrinos)g(for)e(the)h(hierarc)m(h)m(y)h (determination,)h(see,)g(e.g.,)f(Refs.)f([56,)6 b(69,)g(70])26 b(for)f(recen)m(t)-60 5448 y(analyses.)44 b(W)-8 b(e)29 b(men)m(tion)g(also)g(the)g(p)s(ossibilit)m(y)h(to)f(determine)h(the)f (neutrino)g(mass)g(hierarc)m(h)m(y)i(b)m(y)e(using)-60 5568 y(neutrino)35 b(ev)m(en)m(ts)h(from)d(a)h(galactic)g(Sup)s(er)h (No)m(v)-5 b(a)33 b(explosion)j(in)e(mega)g(ton)2815 5543 y(\024)2804 5568 y(Cerenk)m(o)m(v)i(detectors)f(suc)m(h)-60 5689 y(as)e(MEMPHYS,)h(see,)g(e.g.,)f(Ref.)g([71].)1841 6036 y(23)p eop end %%Page: 24 24 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{<8181424224241818181824244242818181814242242418181818242442428181> PTRN} bind def /Pattern14 {<8080404020201010080804040202010180804040202010100808040402020101> PTRN} bind def /Pattern15 {<0101020204040808101020204040808001010202040408081010202040408080> PTRN} bind def /Pattern16 {<2222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222> PTRN} bind def /Pattern17 {<0000ffff000000000000ffff000000000000ffff000000000000ffff00000000> PTRN} bind def /Pattern18 {<2222ffff222222222222ffff222222222222ffff222222222222ffff22222222> PTRN} bind def /Pattern19 { PTRN} bind def /Pattern20 {<0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0ff0f0f0f0f0f0f0f00f0f0f0f0f0f0f0ff0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0> PTRN} bind def /Pattern21 { PTRN} bind def /Pattern22 {<8001800180018001800180018001ffffffff8001800180018001800180018001> PTRN} bind def /Pattern23 { PTRN} bind def /Pattern24 {<040404040404ffff404040404040ffff040404040404ffff404040404040ffff> PTRN} bind def /Pattern25 {<180018001800180018001800ffffffff001800180018001800180018ffffffff> PTRN} bind def /Pattern26 {<1111b8b87c7c3a3a1111a3a3c7c78b8b1111b8b87c7c3a3a1111a3a3c7c78b8b> PTRN} bind def /Pattern27 {<101010102828c7c70101010182827c7c101010102828c7c70101010182827c7c> PTRN} bind def /Pattern28 {<1c1c121211112121c1c12121111112121c1c121211112121c1c1212111111212> PTRN} bind def /Pattern29 {<3e3e414180808080e3e31414080808083e3e414180808080e3e3141408080808> PTRN} bind def /Pattern30 {<4848888884848383848488884848383848488888848483838484888848483838> PTRN} bind def /Pattern31 {<03030404080808080c0c12122121c0c003030404080808080c0c12122121c0c0> PTRN} bind def /ellipsedict 8 dict def ellipsedict /mtrx matrix put /EARC { ellipsedict begin /endangle exch def /startangle exch def /yrad exch def /xrad exch def /y exch def /x exch def /savematrix mtrx currentmatrix def x y translate xrad yrad scale 0 0 1 startangle endangle arc savematrix setmatrix end } def /TL { /kcomp exch def /linewidth exch def /offset exch def GS 0 offset rmoveto linewidth SLW dup stringwidth exch kcomp add exch RL s GR } def /KINIT { /kvector exch def /kid 0 def } def /KPROC { pop pop kvector kid get 0 rmoveto /kid 1 kid add def } def /DefEncoding [ /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /space /exclam /quotedbl /numbersign /dollar /percent /ampersand /quoteright /parenleft /parenright /asterisk /plus /comma /hyphen /period /slash /zero /one /two /three /four /five /six /seven /eight /nine /colon /semicolon /less /equal /greater /question /at /A /B /C /D /E /F /G /H /I /J /K /L /M /N /O /P /Q /R /S /T /U /V /W /X /Y /Z /bracketleft /backslash /bracketright /asciicircum /underscore /grave /a /b /c /d /e /f /g /h /i /j /k /l /m /n /o /p /q /r /s /t /u /v /w /x /y /z /braceleft /bar /braceright /asciitilde /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /space /exclamdown /cent /sterling /currency /yen /brokenbar /section /dieresis /copyright /ordfeminine /guillemotleft /logicalnot /hyphen /registered /macron /degree /plusminus /twosuperior /threesuperior /acute /mu /paragraph /periodcentered /cedilla /onesuperior /ordmasculine /guillemotright /onequarter /onehalf /threequarters /questiondown /Agrave /Aacute /Acircumflex /Atilde /Adieresis /Aring /AE /Ccedilla /Egrave /Eacute /Ecircumflex /Edieresis /Igrave /Iacute /Icircumflex /Idieresis /Eth /Ntilde /Ograve /Oacute /Ocircumflex /Otilde /Odieresis /multiply /Oslash /Ugrave /Uacute /Ucircumflex /Udieresis /Yacute /Thorn /germandbls /agrave /aacute /acircumflex /atilde /adieresis /aring /ae /ccedilla /egrave /eacute /ecircumflex /edieresis /igrave /iacute /icircumflex /idieresis /eth /ntilde /ograve /oacute /ocircumflex /otilde /odieresis /divide /oslash /ugrave /uacute /ucircumflex /udieresis /yacute /thorn /ydieresis ] def %%EndProlog %%BeginSetup 612.00 612.00 scale %%EndSetup [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color7 SC [] 0 SD 0.0015 SLW 0 SLC 0 SLJ n 0.3000 0.3000 m 0.3000 0.8500 l s n 0.4833 0.3000 m 0.4833 0.8500 l s n 0.6667 0.3000 m 0.6667 0.8500 l s n 0.8500 0.3000 m 0.8500 0.8500 l s n 0.3917 0.3000 m 0.3917 0.8500 l s n 0.5750 0.3000 m 0.5750 0.8500 l s n 0.7583 0.3000 m 0.7583 0.8500 l s n 0.3000 0.3550 m 0.8500 0.3550 l s n 0.3000 0.4650 m 0.8500 0.4650 l s n 0.3000 0.5750 m 0.8500 0.5750 l s n 0.3000 0.6850 m 0.8500 0.6850 l s n 0.3000 0.7950 m 0.8500 0.7950 l s n 0.3000 0.3000 m 0.8500 0.3000 l s n 0.3000 0.4100 m 0.8500 0.4100 l s n 0.3000 0.5200 m 0.8500 0.5200 l s n 0.3000 0.6300 m 0.8500 0.6300 l s n 0.3000 0.7400 m 0.8500 0.7400 l s n 0.3000 0.8500 m 0.8500 0.8500 l s [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color1 SC [0.0075 0.0045 ] 0 SD 0.0015 SLW n 0.8501 0.3440 m 0.2999 0.3440 l s n 0.8501 0.3990 m 0.2999 0.3990 l s [0.0210 0.0090 ] 0 SD 0.0030 SLW n 0.3233 0.8501 m 0.3306 0.8071 l 0.3428 0.7362 l 0.3550 0.6476 l 0.3672 0.5886 l 0.3794 0.5366 l 0.3917 0.4928 l 0.4039 0.4552 l 0.4161 0.4236 l 0.4283 0.3985 l 0.4406 0.3756 l 0.4528 0.3590 l 0.4650 0.3461 l 0.4772 0.3352 l 0.4894 0.3271 l 0.5017 0.3198 l 0.5139 0.3143 l 0.5261 0.3100 l 0.5383 0.3067 l 0.5506 0.3042 l 0.5628 0.3028 l 0.5750 0.3023 l 0.5872 0.3029 l 0.5994 0.3050 l 0.6117 0.3090 l 0.6239 0.3151 l 0.6361 0.3239 l 0.6483 0.3351 l 0.6606 0.3520 l 0.6728 0.3727 l 0.6850 0.3993 l 0.6972 0.4319 l 0.7094 0.4717 l 0.7217 0.5251 l 0.7339 0.5847 l 0.7461 0.6537 l 0.7583 0.7342 l 0.7683 0.8501 l s [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color15 SC [] 0 SD 0.0030 SLW n 0.3734 0.8501 m 0.3794 0.8170 l 0.3917 0.7593 l 0.4039 0.6983 l 0.4161 0.6417 l 0.4283 0.5908 l 0.4406 0.5387 l 0.4528 0.4936 l 0.4650 0.4527 l 0.4772 0.4153 l 0.4894 0.3707 l 0.5017 0.3435 l 0.5139 0.3262 l 0.5261 0.3152 l 0.5383 0.3084 l 0.5506 0.3046 l 0.5628 0.3028 l 0.5750 0.3023 l 0.5872 0.3030 l 0.5994 0.3054 l 0.6117 0.3106 l 0.6239 0.3201 l 0.6361 0.3355 l 0.6483 0.3581 l 0.6606 0.4097 l 0.6728 0.4467 l 0.6850 0.4882 l 0.6972 0.5336 l 0.7094 0.5822 l 0.7217 0.6377 l 0.7339 0.6956 l 0.7461 0.7571 l 0.7583 0.8210 l 0.7633 0.8501 l s [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color4 SC n 0.3829 0.8501 m 0.3917 0.8001 l 0.4039 0.7367 l 0.4161 0.6771 l 0.4283 0.6236 l 0.4406 0.5716 l 0.4528 0.5244 l 0.4650 0.4815 l 0.4772 0.4439 l 0.4894 0.4108 l 0.5017 0.3807 l 0.5139 0.3560 l 0.5261 0.3359 l 0.5383 0.3202 l 0.5506 0.3079 l 0.5628 0.3030 l 0.5750 0.3023 l 0.5872 0.3032 l 0.5994 0.3094 l 0.6117 0.3231 l 0.6239 0.3398 l 0.6361 0.3611 l 0.6483 0.3858 l 0.6606 0.4163 l 0.6728 0.4506 l 0.6850 0.4903 l 0.6972 0.5343 l 0.7094 0.5813 l 0.7217 0.6351 l 0.7339 0.6919 l 0.7461 0.7524 l 0.7583 0.8156 l 0.7643 0.8501 l s [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color1 SC [] 0 SD 0.0015 SLW n 0.3000 0.3000 m 0.8500 0.3000 l s n 0.3000 0.8500 m 0.8500 0.8500 l s [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color7 SC n 0.3000 0.3000 m 0.3000 0.3000 l s n 0.3000 0.8500 m 0.3000 0.8500 l s n 0.4833 0.3000 m 0.4833 0.3000 l s n 0.4833 0.8500 m 0.4833 0.8500 l s n 0.6667 0.3000 m 0.6667 0.3000 l s n 0.6667 0.8500 m 0.6667 0.8500 l s n 0.8500 0.3000 m 0.8500 0.3000 l s n 0.8500 0.8500 m 0.8500 0.8500 l s n 0.3917 0.3000 m 0.3917 0.3000 l s n 0.3917 0.8500 m 0.3917 0.8500 l s n 0.5750 0.3000 m 0.5750 0.3000 l s n 0.5750 0.8500 m 0.5750 0.8500 l s n 0.7583 0.3000 m 0.7583 0.3000 l s n 0.7583 0.8500 m 0.7583 0.8500 l s /Times-Roman findfont dup length dict begin {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall /Encoding DefEncoding def currentdict end /Font0 exch definefont pop /Font0 FFSF [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color1 SC 0.3744 0.2712 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (0.4) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.5583 0.2708 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (0.5) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.7413 0.2708 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (0.6) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.4595 0.2303 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (true value of sin) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.6477 0.2471 m GS [0.0198 0.0000 0.0000 0.0198 0 0] CC (2) show GR /Symbol findfont /Font12 exch definefont pop /Font12 FFSF 0.6575 0.2303 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (q) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.6721 0.2191 m GS [0.0198 0.0000 0.0000 0.0198 0 0] CC (23) show GR n 0.3000 0.3000 m 0.3000 0.8500 l s n 0.8500 0.3000 m 0.8500 0.8500 l s [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color7 SC n 0.3000 0.3550 m 0.3000 0.3550 l s n 0.8500 0.3550 m 0.8500 0.3550 l s n 0.3000 0.4650 m 0.3000 0.4650 l s n 0.8500 0.4650 m 0.8500 0.4650 l s n 0.3000 0.5750 m 0.3000 0.5750 l s n 0.8500 0.5750 m 0.8500 0.5750 l s n 0.3000 0.6850 m 0.3000 0.6850 l s n 0.8500 0.6850 m 0.8500 0.6850 l s n 0.3000 0.7950 m 0.3000 0.7950 l s n 0.8500 0.7950 m 0.8500 0.7950 l s n 0.3000 0.3000 m 0.3000 0.3000 l s n 0.8500 0.3000 m 0.8500 0.3000 l s n 0.3000 0.4100 m 0.3000 0.4100 l s n 0.8500 0.4100 m 0.8500 0.4100 l s n 0.3000 0.5200 m 0.3000 0.5200 l s n 0.8500 0.5200 m 0.8500 0.5200 l s n 0.3000 0.6300 m 0.3000 0.6300 l s n 0.8500 0.6300 m 0.8500 0.6300 l s n 0.3000 0.7400 m 0.3000 0.7400 l s n 0.8500 0.7400 m 0.8500 0.7400 l s n 0.3000 0.8500 m 0.3000 0.8500 l s n 0.8500 0.8500 m 0.8500 0.8500 l s /Font0 FFSF [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color1 SC 0.2767 0.2908 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (0) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.2625 0.4008 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (10) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.2625 0.5108 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (20) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.2625 0.6208 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (30) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.2625 0.7308 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (40) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.2625 0.8406 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (50) show GR n 0.3000 0.3000 m 0.8500 0.3000 l s n 0.3000 0.8500 m 0.8500 0.8500 l s n 0.3000 0.3000 m 0.3000 0.3070 l s n 0.3000 0.8500 m 0.3000 0.8430 l s n 0.4833 0.3000 m 0.4833 0.3070 l s n 0.4833 0.8500 m 0.4833 0.8430 l s n 0.6667 0.3000 m 0.6667 0.3070 l s n 0.6667 0.8500 m 0.6667 0.8430 l s n 0.8500 0.3000 m 0.8500 0.3070 l s n 0.8500 0.8500 m 0.8500 0.8430 l s n 0.3917 0.3000 m 0.3917 0.3150 l s n 0.3917 0.8500 m 0.3917 0.8350 l s n 0.5750 0.3000 m 0.5750 0.3150 l s n 0.5750 0.8500 m 0.5750 0.8350 l s n 0.7583 0.3000 m 0.7583 0.3150 l s n 0.7583 0.8500 m 0.7583 0.8350 l s /Font0 FFSF 0.3744 0.2712 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (0.4) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.5583 0.2708 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (0.5) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.7413 0.2708 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (0.6) show GR n 0.3000 0.3000 m 0.3000 0.8500 l s n 0.8500 0.3000 m 0.8500 0.8500 l s n 0.3000 0.3550 m 0.3070 0.3550 l s n 0.8500 0.3550 m 0.8430 0.3550 l s n 0.3000 0.4650 m 0.3070 0.4650 l s n 0.8500 0.4650 m 0.8430 0.4650 l s n 0.3000 0.5750 m 0.3070 0.5750 l s n 0.8500 0.5750 m 0.8430 0.5750 l s n 0.3000 0.6850 m 0.3070 0.6850 l s n 0.8500 0.6850 m 0.8430 0.6850 l s n 0.3000 0.7950 m 0.3070 0.7950 l s n 0.8500 0.7950 m 0.8430 0.7950 l s n 0.3000 0.3000 m 0.3150 0.3000 l s n 0.8500 0.3000 m 0.8350 0.3000 l s n 0.3000 0.4100 m 0.3150 0.4100 l s n 0.8500 0.4100 m 0.8350 0.4100 l s n 0.3000 0.5200 m 0.3150 0.5200 l s n 0.8500 0.5200 m 0.8350 0.5200 l s n 0.3000 0.6300 m 0.3150 0.6300 l s n 0.8500 0.6300 m 0.8350 0.6300 l s n 0.3000 0.7400 m 0.3150 0.7400 l s n 0.8500 0.7400 m 0.8350 0.7400 l s n 0.3000 0.8500 m 0.3150 0.8500 l s n 0.8500 0.8500 m 0.8350 0.8500 l s /Font0 FFSF 0.2767 0.2908 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (0) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.2625 0.4008 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (10) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.2625 0.5108 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (20) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.2625 0.6208 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (30) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.2625 0.7308 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (40) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.2625 0.8406 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (50) show GR /Font12 FFSF 0.2463 0.4411 m GS [0.0000 0.0280 -0.0280 0.0000 0 0] CC (Dc) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.2295 0.4736 m GS [0.0000 0.0198 -0.0198 0.0000 0 0] CC (2) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.2463 0.4834 m GS [0.0000 0.0280 -0.0280 0.0000 0 0] CC ( of the wrong octant) show GR n 0.3000 0.3000 m 0.3000 0.8500 l 0.8500 0.8500 l 0.8500 0.3000 l 0.3000 0.3000 l c s /Font0 FFSF 0.7933 0.3481 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (2) show GR /Font12 FFSF 0.8074 0.3481 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (s) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.7929 0.4024 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (3) show GR /Font12 FFSF 0.8070 0.4024 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (s) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.3624 0.6452 m GS [0.0072 -0.0270 0.0270 0.0072 0 0] CC (ATM-only) show GR /Font0 FFSF [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color15 SC 0.4183 0.5166 m GS [0.0091 -0.0265 0.0265 0.0091 0 0] CC (SPL) show GR /Font0 FFSF [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color4 SC 0.4626 0.5208 m GS [0.0082 -0.0268 0.0268 0.0082 0 0] CC (T2HK) show GR /Times-Bold findfont dup length dict begin {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall /Encoding DefEncoding def currentdict end /Font2 exch definefont pop /Font2 FFSF [/DeviceRGB] SCS Color1 SC 0.2853 0.8657 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (Sensitivity of LBL+ATM data to the octant of ) show GR /Font12 FFSF 0.8379 0.8657 m GS [0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0280 0 0] CC (q) show GR /Font0 FFSF 0.8524 0.8545 m GS [0.0198 0.0000 0.0000 0.0198 0 0] CC (23) show GR %%Trailer %%BoundingBox: 131 132 534 543 %%DocumentNeededResources: font Times-Roman %%+ font Times-Bold %%+ font Symbol %%EOF %%EndDocument @endspecial -60 2538 a Fw(Figure)41 b(17)p Fy(:)49 b Fi(\001)p Fh(\037)606 2508 y Fg(2)674 2538 y Fi(of)30 b(the)g(solution)f(with)i(the)f(wrong)f(o)r(ctan)n(t)g(of)h Fh(\022)2217 2550 y Fg(23)2318 2538 y Fi(as)f(a)g(function)i(of)f(the)g (true)g(v)-5 b(alue)30 b(of)g(sin)3657 2503 y Fg(2)3708 2538 y Fh(\022)3747 2550 y Fg(23)3817 2538 y Fi(.)-60 2658 y(W)-7 b(e)28 b(ha)n(v)n(e)e(assumed)h(a)h(true)f(v)-5 b(alue)28 b(of)f Fh(\022)1200 2670 y Fg(13)1293 2658 y Fi(=)c(0.)86 2936 y Fy(Fig.)j(17)f(sho)m(ws)j(the)f(p)s(oten)m(tial)f (of)g(A)-8 b(TM+LBL)26 b(data)g(to)g(exclude)i(the)e(o)s(ctan)m(t)g (degenerate)h(solution.)-60 3057 y(Since)h(this)g(e\013ect)g(is)g (based)g(mainly)h(on)e(oscillations)h(with)g(\001)p Fo(m)2310 3021 y Fq(2)2310 3081 y(21)2413 3057 y Fy(there)f(is)h(v)m(ery)h(go)s (o)s(d)d(sensitivit)m(y)k(ev)m(en)-60 3177 y(for)40 b Fo(\022)142 3192 y Fq(13)259 3177 y Fy(=)h(0;)j(a)d(\014nite)g(v)-5 b(alue)41 b(of)f Fo(\022)1267 3192 y Fq(13)1383 3177 y Fy(in)h(general)g(impro)m(v)m(es)i(the)e(sensitivit)m(y)i([29].)67 b(F)-8 b(rom)40 b(the)i(\014gure)-60 3298 y(one)h(can)g(read)f(o\013)h (that)f(atmospheric)i(data)e(alone)h(can)g(can)g(resolv)m(e)h(the)f (correct)g(o)s(ctan)m(t)g(at)f(3)p Fo(\033)k Fy(if)-60 3418 y Fn(j)17 b Fy(sin)104 3378 y Fq(2)160 3418 y Fo(\022)205 3433 y Fq(23)306 3418 y Fn(\000)26 b Fy(0)p Fo(:)p Fy(5)p Fn(j)35 b Fl(&)h Fy(0)p Fo(:)p Fy(085.)58 b(If)37 b(atmospheric)i(data) e(is)h(com)m(bined)h(with)f(the)g(LBL)f(data)g(from)g(SPL)h(or)-60 3538 y(T2HK)44 b(there)g(is)g(sensitivit)m(y)i(to)d(the)h(o)s(ctan)m(t) f(for)g Fn(j)17 b Fy(sin)2043 3498 y Fq(2)2099 3538 y Fo(\022)2144 3553 y Fq(23)2249 3538 y Fn(\000)30 b Fy(0)p Fo(:)p Fy(5)p Fn(j)45 b Fl(&)i Fy(0)p Fo(:)p Fy(05.)75 b(The)44 b(impro)m(v)m(emen)m(t)i(of)-60 3659 y(the)36 b(o)s(ctan)m(t)f(sensitivit)m(y)j(with)d(resp)s(ect)i(to)e(previous)h (analyses)h([29,)14 b(61])35 b(follo)m(ws)h(from)f(c)m(hanges)h(in)g (the)-60 3779 y(analysis)f(of)f(sub-GeV)g(atmospheric)i(ev)m(en)m(ts,)h (where)e(no)m(w)g(three)f(bins)h Fw(***)40 b(to)e(b)s(e)i(con\014rmed)g (***)-60 3899 y Fy(in)d(lepton)g(momen)m(tum)h(are)e(used)i(instead)f (of)f(one.)56 b(Note)36 b(that)g(since)i(in)f(Fig.)f(17)g(w)m(e)h(ha)m (v)m(e)h(assumed)-60 4020 y(a)c(true)g(v)-5 b(alue)34 b(of)g Fo(\022)641 4035 y Fq(13)746 4020 y Fy(=)29 b(0,)35 b(com)m(bining)g(the)f Fo(\014)6 b Fy(B)33 b(with)i(A)-8 b(TM)35 b(do)s(es)f(not)g(impro)m(v)m(e)h(the)g(sensitivit)m(y)h(with) -60 4140 y(resp)s(ect)e(to)e(atmospheric)i(data)e(alone.)-60 4452 y Fp(7)135 b(Summary)-60 4734 y Fy(In)37 b(this)h(w)m(ork)g(w)m(e) g(ha)m(v)m(e)g(studied)h(the)e(ph)m(ysics)j(p)s(oten)m(tial)d(of)g(the) g(CERN{MEMPHYS)j(neutrino)d(os-)-60 4854 y(cillation)h(pro)5 b(ject.)61 b(W)-8 b(e)38 b(consider)h(a)f(Beta)g(Beam)g(\()p Fo(\014)6 b Fy(B\))37 b(with)i Fo(\015)j Fy(=)36 b(100)i(for)f(the)h (stored)h(ions,)h(where)-60 4975 y(existing)30 b(facilities)h(at)d (CERN)i(can)f(b)s(e)h(used)g(optimally)-8 b(,)30 b(and)g(a)e(Sup)s(er)i (Beam)g(based)g(on)f(an)g(optimized)-60 5095 y(Sup)s(er)34 b(Proton)e(Linac)i(\(SPL\))f(with)h(a)e(b)s(eam)i(energy)g(of)e(3.5)h (GeV)g(and)g(4)f(MW)i(p)s(o)m(w)m(er.)46 b(As)33 b(target)g(w)m(e)-60 5215 y(assume)26 b(the)g(MEMPHYS)h(detector,)g(a)e(440)f(kt)h(w)m(ater) 1998 5190 y(\024)1987 5215 y(Cerenk)m(o)m(v)j(detector)d(at)g(F)-8 b(r)m(\023)-46 b(ejus,)27 b(at)d(a)h(distance)h(of)-60 5336 y(130)j(km)h(from)f(CERN.)i(The)f(main)g(c)m(haracteristics)i(of)d (the)h(exp)s(erimen)m(ts)i(are)e(summarized)h(in)f(T)-8 b(ab.)30 b(1.)-60 5456 y(The)e(adopted)g(neutrino)g(\015uxes)h(are)f (based)g(on)f(realistic)i(calculations)f(of)f(ion)h(pro)s(duction)f (and)h(storage)-60 5576 y(for)34 b(the)h Fo(\014)6 b Fy(B,)34 b(and)h(a)f(full)h(sim)m(ulation)h(of)e(the)h(b)s(eam)g(line)g (\(particle)h(pro)s(duction)e(and)h(deca)m(y)h(of)e(secon-)-60 5697 y(daries\))f(for)g(SPL.)g(Sp)s(ecial)h(care)f(has)g(b)s(e)g(giv)m (en)h(to)e(the)h(issue)i(of)d(bac)m(kgrounds,)j(whic)m(h)f(w)m(e)g (include)g(b)m(y)1841 6036 y(24)p eop end %%Page: 25 25 TeXDict begin 25 24 bop -60 246 a Fy(means)35 b(of)f(detailed)h(ev)m (en)m(t)h(sim)m(ulations)g(and)f(applying)g(Sup)s(er-Kamiok)-5 b(ande)35 b(particle)g(iden)m(ti\014cation)-60 367 y(algorithms.)86 529 y(The)29 b(ph)m(ysics)h(p)s(oten)m(tial)e(of)f(the)i Fo(\014)6 b Fy(B)27 b(and)h(SPL)g(exp)s(erimen)m(ts)i(in)e(terms)h(of)e Fo(\022)2909 544 y Fq(13)3012 529 y Fy(disco)m(v)m(ery)j(reac)m(h)f (and)-60 649 y(sensitivit)m(y)k(to)d(CP)g(violation)g(has)h(b)s(een)g (addressed)g(where)h(parameter)e(degeneracies)i(are)e(fully)h(tak)m(en) -60 770 y(in)m(to)36 b(accoun)m(t.)55 b(The)36 b(main)h(results)g(on)f (these)h(p)s(erformance)g(indicators)f(are)g(summarized)i(in)e(Figs.)g (9)-60 890 y(and)f(11.)52 b(W)-8 b(e)35 b(obtain)g(a)g(guaran)m(teed)h (disco)m(v)m(ery)i(reac)m(h)f(of)d(sin)2293 850 y Fq(2)2349 890 y Fy(2)p Fo(\022)2443 905 y Fq(13)2551 890 y Fn(')e Fy(5)24 b Fn(\002)h Fy(10)2933 854 y Fm(\000)p Fq(3)3062 890 y Fy(at)35 b(3)p Fo(\033)t Fy(,)g(irresp)s(ectiv)m(e)-60 1010 y(of)30 b(the)i(actual)f(v)-5 b(alue)31 b(of)f Fo(\016)909 1025 y Fq(CP)1012 1010 y Fy(.)43 b(F)-8 b(or)30 b(certain)i(v)-5 b(alues)31 b(of)g Fo(\016)2020 1025 y Fq(CP)2154 1010 y Fy(the)g(sensitivit)m(y)j(is)d(signi\014can)m(tly)i(impro)m(v)m(ed,) -60 1131 y(and)h(for)f Fo(\014)6 b Fy(B)33 b(\(SPL\))h(disco)m(v)m(ery) i(limits)f(arround)e(sin)1921 1091 y Fq(2)1977 1131 y Fy(2)p Fo(\022)2071 1146 y Fq(13)2176 1131 y Fn(')d Fy(3)17 b(\(10\))k Fn(\002)j Fy(10)2743 1095 y Fm(\000)p Fq(4)2870 1131 y Fy(are)34 b(p)s(ossible)h(for)e(a)g(large)-60 1251 y(fraction)j(of)f(all)h(p)s(ossible)h(v)-5 b(alues)37 b(of)f Fo(\016)1379 1266 y Fq(CP)1482 1251 y Fy(.)53 b(Maximal)37 b(CP)g(violation)f(\(for)f Fo(\016)2789 1215 y Fq(true)2785 1276 y(CP)2952 1251 y Fy(=)f Fo(\031)t(=)p Fy(2)p Fo(;)e Fy(3)p Fo(\031)t(=)p Fy(2\))k(can)g(b)s(e)-60 1371 y(disco)m(v)m(ered)e(at)c(3)p Fo(\033)35 b Fy(do)m(wn)d(to)f(sin) 1157 1332 y Fq(2)1213 1371 y Fy(2)p Fo(\022)1307 1386 y Fq(13)1410 1371 y Fn(')d Fy(2)17 b(\(9\))h Fn(\002)h Fy(10)1918 1335 y Fm(\000)p Fq(4)2043 1371 y Fy(for)31 b Fo(\014)6 b Fy(B)30 b(\(SPL\),)i(whereas)g(the)f(b)s(est)h (sensitivit)m(y)-60 1492 y(to)44 b(CP)h(violation)g(is)g(obtained)g (for)f(sin)1472 1452 y Fq(2)1528 1492 y Fy(2)p Fo(\022)1622 1507 y Fq(13)1745 1492 y Fn(\030)49 b Fy(10)1969 1456 y Fm(\000)p Fq(2)2062 1492 y Fy(:)68 b(F)-8 b(or)44 b(sin)2463 1452 y Fq(2)2519 1492 y Fy(2)p Fo(\022)2613 1507 y Fq(13)2736 1492 y Fy(=)k(10)2958 1456 y Fm(\000)p Fq(2)3097 1492 y Fy(CP)d(violation)g(can)-60 1612 y(b)s(e)f(established)j(at)c(3)p Fo(\033)48 b Fy(for)c(78\045)g(\(73\045\))g(of)f(all)h(p)s(ossible)i (true)e(v)-5 b(alues)45 b(of)f Fo(\016)2894 1627 y Fq(CP)3042 1612 y Fy(for)f Fo(\014)6 b Fy(B)44 b(\(SPL\).)h(W)-8 b(e)-60 1733 y(stress)42 b(that)d(the)i Fo(\014)6 b Fy(B)39 b(p)s(erformance)i(in)f(general)h(dep)s(ends)g(crucially)h(on)e(the)g (n)m(um)m(b)s(er)i(of)d(ion)h(deca)m(ys)-60 1853 y(p)s(er)e(y)m(ear.)61 b(The)39 b(impact)g(of)e(the)i(v)-5 b(alue)38 b(of)g(systematical)i (uncertain)m(ties)g(on)e(signal)h(and)f(bac)m(kground)-60 1973 y(on)e(our)h(results)h(is)f(discussed.)58 b(The)38 b Fo(\014)6 b Fy(B)36 b(and)g(SPL)h(sensitivities)j(are)d(compared)g (to)f(the)h(ones)g(of)g(the)-60 2094 y(phase)32 b(I)s(I)f(of)g(the)g (T2K)h(exp)s(erimen)m(t)h(in)e(Japan)g(\(T2HK\),)h(whic)m(h)g(is)g(a)f (comp)s(eting)h(prop)s(osal)f(of)f(similar)-60 2214 y(size)j(and)e (timescale.)45 b(In)32 b(general)f(w)m(e)i(obtain)e(rather)h(similar)g (sensitivities)i(for)d(T2HK)g(and)h(SPL,)g(and)-60 2334 y(hence)40 b(the)e(CERN{MEMPHYS)j(exp)s(erimen)m(ts)g(pro)m(vide)f(a)e (viable)h(alternativ)m(e)g(to)f(T2HK.)h(W)-8 b(e)38 b(\014nd)-60 2455 y(that)c Fo(\014)6 b Fy(B)35 b(and)f(SPL)h(are)g(less)h(sensitiv)m (e)h(to)d(systematical)j(errors,)e(whereas)h(the)f(sensitivit)m(y)j(of) c(T2HK)-60 2575 y(crucially)g(dep)s(ends)g(on)f(the)g(systematical)h (error)f(on)f(the)h(bac)m(kground.)2631 2539 y Fq(6)86 2737 y Fy(Assuming)38 b(that)e(b)s(oth)g Fo(\014)6 b Fy(B)36 b(and)h(SPL)g(exp)s(erimen)m(ts)i(are)d(a)m(v)-5 b(ailable,)38 b(w)m(e)f(p)s(oin)m(t)g(out)f(that)g(one)h(can)-60 2858 y(b)s(ene\014t)i(from)f(the)g(di\013eren)m(t)h(oscillation)g(c)m (hannels)h Fo(\027)1981 2873 y Fv(e)2055 2858 y Fn(!)c Fo(\027)2239 2873 y Fv(\026)2324 2858 y Fy(for)h Fo(\014)6 b Fy(B)38 b(and)g Fo(\027)2889 2873 y Fv(\026)2973 2858 y Fn(!)e Fo(\027)3157 2873 y Fv(e)3232 2858 y Fy(for)i(SPL,)h(since)-60 2978 y(b)m(y)d(the)f(com)m(bination)g(of)f(these)i(c)m(hannels)h(the)e (time)g(in)m(tensiv)m(e)j(an)m(tineutrino)d(measuremen)m(ts)j(can)d(b)s (e)-60 3098 y(a)m(v)m(oided.)43 b(W)-8 b(e)28 b(sho)m(w)h(that)e(5)g(y) m(ears)i(of)e(neutrino)h(data)f(from)g Fo(\014)6 b Fy(B)27 b(and)h(SPL)g(lead)f(to)h(similar)g(results)h(as)e(2)-60 3219 y(y)m(ears)k(of)f(neutrino)h(plus)g(8)f(y)m(ears)h(of)f(an)m (tineutrino)h(data)f(from)f(T2HK.)i(F)-8 b(urthermore,)31 b(w)m(e)g(discuss)i(the)-60 3339 y(use)h(of)f(atmospheric)h(neutrinos)h (in)e(the)g(MEMPHYS)j(detector)d(to)g(resolv)m(e)i(parameter)f (degeneracies)-60 3459 y(in)c(the)g(long-baseline)h(data.)42 b(This)31 b(e\013ect)f(leads)h(to)e(a)h(sensitivit)m(y)i(to)e(the)g (neutrino)g(mass)h(hierarc)m(h)m(y)g(at)-60 3580 y(2)p Fo(\033)f Fy(CL)d(for)f(sin)495 3540 y Fq(2)551 3580 y Fy(2)p Fo(\022)645 3595 y Fq(13)747 3580 y Fl(&)i Fy(0)p Fo(:)p Fy(03)10 b Fn(\000)g Fy(0)p Fo(:)p Fy(05)25 b(for)h Fo(\014)6 b Fy(B)26 b(and)h(SPL,)g(although)f(these)i(exp)s(erimen)m (ts)h(alone)d(\(without)-60 3700 y(atmospheric)38 b(data\))f(ha)m(v)m (e)h(no)f(sensitivit)m(y)i(at)e(all.)56 b(The)38 b(optimal)f(hierarc)m (h)m(y)h(sensitivit)m(y)i(is)d(obtained)-60 3821 y(from)31 b(com)m(bining)h Fo(\014)6 b Fy(B+SPL+atmospheric)32 b(data.)42 b(F)-8 b(urthermore,)32 b(the)f(com)m(bination)h(of)f (atmospheric)-60 3941 y(data)h(with)h(a)g(Sup)s(er)g(Beam)g(pro)m (vides)h(a)e(p)s(ossibilit)m(y)j(to)d(determine)i(the)f(o)s(ctan)m(t)g (of)f Fo(\022)3153 3956 y Fq(23)3228 3941 y Fy(.)86 4103 y(T)-8 b(o)44 b(conclude,)j(w)m(e)e(ha)m(v)m(e)g(sho)m(wn)f(that)g(the) f(CERN{MEMPHYS)j(neutrino)e(oscillation)g(pro)5 b(ject)-60 4223 y(based)30 b(on)g(a)f(Beta)h(Beam)g(and/or)f(a)g(Sup)s(er)h(Beam)g (plus)h(a)e(mega)h(ton)f(scale)i(w)m(ater)3079 4198 y(\024)3068 4223 y(Cerenk)m(o)m(v)h(detector)-60 4344 y(o\013ers)f(in)m(teresting)h (and)e(comp)s(etitiv)m(e)j(ph)m(ysics)g(p)s(ossibilities)f(and)f(is)g (w)m(orth)g(to)f(b)s(e)g(considered)j(as)d(a)h(se-)-60 4464 y(rious)d(option)g(in)g(the)h(w)m(orldwide)g(pro)s(cess)g(of)f (iden)m(tifying)h(future)f(high)g(precision)i(neutrino)e(oscillation) -60 4584 y(facilities)34 b([33].)-60 4831 y Fw(Ac)m(kno)m(wledgmen)m(t) -60 5077 y Fy(W)-8 b(e)36 b(thank)f(J.)h(Argyriades)g(for)f(comm)m (unication)i(on)e(the)h(Sup)s(er-K)f(atmospheric)i(neutrino)f (analysis,)-60 5197 y(A.)j(Cazes)i(for)d(his)i(w)m(ork)g(on)f(the)g (SPL)h(sim)m(ulation,)i(and)d(P)-8 b(.)39 b(Hub)s(er)h(for)e(his)i (patience)g(in)f(answ)m(ering)-60 5317 y(questions)c(concerning)f(the)f (use)h(of)e(GLoBES.)h(T.S.)h(is)f(supp)s(orted)h(b)m(y)g(the)f(6)2861 5281 y Fq(th)2964 5317 y Fy(F)-8 b(ramew)m(ork)34 b(Program)p -60 5405 1560 4 v 52 5466 a Fg(6)89 5496 y Fi(Let)d(us)f(note)g(that)h (in)g(the)f(presen)n(t)g(study)g(w)n(e)g(ha)n(v)n(e)f(not)i(considered) e(the)i(recen)n(t)e(\\T2KK")g(prop)r(osal)f([56],)j(where)-60 5596 y(one)g(half)h(of)f(the)h(Hyp)r(er-K)f(detector)g(mass)f(is)i(at)f (Kamiok)-5 b(a)30 b(and)h(the)h(second)f(half)h(in)g(Korea.)46 b(F)-7 b(or)31 b(suc)n(h)g(a)g(setup)h(our)-60 5696 y(results)27 b(do)g(not)h(apply)f(and)h(esp)r(ecially)f(the)h(conclusion)e(on)i (systematical)e(errors)g(ma)n(y)h(b)r(e)h(di\013eren)n(t.)1841 6036 y Fy(25)p eop end %%Page: 26 26 TeXDict begin 26 25 bop -60 246 a Fy(of)32 b(the)h(Europ)s(ean)g(Comm)m (unit)m(y)i(under)e(a)g(Marie)g(Curie)g(In)m(tra-Europ)s(ean)g(F)-8 b(ello)m(wship.)-60 558 y Fp(References)-11 840 y Fy([1])49 b(B.)31 b(T.)h(Clev)m(eland)h Fu(et)h(al.)p Fy(,)d(Astroph)m(ys.)i(J.)f Fw(496)f Fy(\(1998\))f(505;)h(J.N.)h(Ab)s(durashito)m(v)h Fu(et)g(al.)e Fy([SA)m(GE],)141 960 y(J.)43 b(Exp.)g(Theor.)h(Ph)m(ys.) h Fw(95)e Fy(\(2002\))e(181)i([astro-ph/0204245];)j(T.)d(Kirsten)h Fu(et)g(al.)f Fy([GALLEX)141 1081 y(and)50 b(GNO],)f(Nucl.)i(Ph)m(ys.)h (B)e(\(Pro)s(c.)g(Suppl.\))h Fw(118)f Fy(\(2003\))f(33;)58 b(S.)51 b(F)-8 b(ukuda)50 b Fu(et)h(al.)f Fy([Sup)s(er-)141 1201 y(Kamiok)-5 b(ande],)51 b(Ph)m(ys.)d(Lett.)f Fw(B539)g Fy(\(2002\))f(179;)53 b(Q.R.)47 b(Ahmad)g Fu(et)i(al.)d Fy([SNO],)i(Ph)m(ys.)g(Rev.)141 1322 y(Lett.)33 b Fw(89)p Fy(,)h(011302)e(\(2002\))g([n)m(ucl-ex/0204009];)i(B.)g(Aharmim)g Fu(et)i(al.)d Fy([SNO],)h(Ph)m(ys.)h(Rev.)f(C)g Fw(72)141 1442 y Fy(\(2005\))d(055502)g([n)m(ucl-ex/0502021].)-11 1645 y([2])49 b(Sup)s(er-Kamiok)-5 b(ande)50 b(Coll.,)55 b(Y.)c(F)-8 b(ukuda)50 b Fu(et)h(al.)p Fy(,)k(Ph)m(ys.)d(Rev.)f(Lett.)f Fw(81)g Fy(\(1998\))f(1562)h([hep-)141 1766 y(ex/9807003];)31 b(Y.)i(Ashie)h Fu(et)h(al.)p Fy(,Ph)m(ys.)f(Rev.)f(D)f Fw(71)p Fy(,)h(112005)e(\(2005\))h([hep-ex/0501064].)-11 1969 y([3])49 b(T.)27 b(Araki)f Fu(et)k(al.)c Fy([KamLAND)g(Coll.],)j (Ph)m(ys.)f(Rev.)f(Lett.)g Fw(94)p Fy(,)h(081801)d(\(2005\))g ([hep-ex/0406035].)-11 2173 y([4])49 b(E.)33 b(Aliu)g Fu(et)i(al.)d Fy([K2K)g(Coll.],)h(Ph)m(ys.)h(Rev.)g(Lett.)f Fw(94)p 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