\documentclass [12pt]{article} \usepackage[latin1]{inputenc} \setlength {\textwidth}{14cm} \setlength {\textheight}{19cm} \renewcommand{\baselinestretch}{1.25} %\topmargin -1cm %\oddsidemargin -5pt %\evensidemargin -5pt \begin{document} \title{ { Flux normalization in GLoBES 2.0.11 } } \author{J.E Campagne - LAL} \maketitle % \section*{Introduction} The present situation is the following: we use the files sploptiplusmauro.dat (sploptiminusmauro.dat) which are fluxes ($dN(E)$) expressed in terms of numbers of neutrino species per $100 m^2$ per year and binned every $BWF\equiv0.02GeV$ and computed at $L=130km$. Internally, GLoBES v2.0.11 uses these fluxes with some {\it a priori} and at the end of the day it turns out that: \begin{equation} dN(E)\times \frac{1}{L^2} \times \mathrm{norme2}(0) \times \mathrm{@norm} \times \Delta T \end{equation} with $\mathrm{norme2}(0) = 5.198927 = 6.02204 10^{-12}\ 295^2\ 9.92033 10^6$ the result of a function in \verb|glb_fluxes.c|. \end{document}