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4%% Introduction %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
9Underground water Cherenkov detectors have
10found unambiguous evidence for
11neutino oscillations and therefore beyond-the Standard Model
13%  focused much attention on  neutrino physics.
14The atmospheric neutrino results of Super- Kamiokande(SK),IMB and FrŽjus,
15followed by the solar observations of SK, SNO and KamLAND,
16have confirmed that neutrinos have mass and
17two large mixing angles.
18However, there remain many  questions
19about the parameters and properties of leptons,
20some of which could be addressed by a larger (megatonne)
21underground neutrino detector.
22%nonetheless there are questions
23%remaining. More statistics are required to increase
24%the sensitivity to unknown neutino parameters,
25If the  location of such a detector was
26judiciously selected,  it could be
27a suitable distance along  the  path of
28a new  high intensity
29$\nu_\mu$ beam (superbeam), and/or or $\nu_e$ beam ($\beta$ beam).
30%source = beam, not astro
31%{\it build beam and detector so can do an accelerator expt}.
33The observation of neutrinos from SN1987A forshadowed
34the linked results on astrophysics and neutrino physics
35that can be obtained from a supernova.   Such an exploding
36star is an extraordinary source, for which it
37would be reasonable to have a detector.
38A megatonne detector could perhaps even
39 see relic neutrinos
40accumulated from past supernovae.
42Originally,  large underground detectors were built
43to look for proton decay, a prediction of
44Grand Unified Theories.   Nucleon decay is
45 a ``smoking gun'' for quark lepton
46unification,  observation of which would
47confirm many years of theoretical speculation.
48The current lower bound on the proton lifetime from SK  has
49ruled out the simplest non-supersymmetric GUT,
50 a megaton detector would
51cover a substantial area of interesting parameter
56\section{Bread and Butter: $\nu$ Physics}
58A megatonne detector  would have improved sensitivity to
59currently unknown parameters of neutrino mixing.
60The neutrinos could be of astrophysical origin---
61solar, atmospheric or from supernovae--- or $\nu$
62beams of specific flavour and energy could be directed
63at the detector.   
64%The solar and atmospheric  neutrino fluxes would
65%arrive for free.
66A  high intensity $\nu_\mu$ ``superbeam'',
67could be produced by increasing the intensity of the
68proton driver at the source,
69or a very pure $\nu_e$ beam could be produced
70in the $\beta$ decay of an ion beam.
76A review of our current knowledge of neutrino parameters
77was presented by G. Fogli.
80\footnote{The numerical values are from the global fit
81presented by Fogli} on $\sin ^2 \theta_{23} = 0.45 
82\pm \stackrel{0.18}{_{0.11}}$,
83$\Delta m_{23}^2 = 2.4 \pm \stackrel{0.5}{_{0.6}} \times 10^{-3}$ eV$^{2}$ 
84and  $\sin ^2 \theta_{13} \leq 0.035$ 
85is obtained from SuperKamiokande, K2K and CHOOZ.
86  The evidence for atmospheric neutrino
87oscillations  with large, or maximal mixing
88is robust, and confirmed with neutrinos
89from the K2K beam. 
90SK has found  evidence  for  a decrease
91in $\nu_\mu$ flux at the location
92expected for the first dip in the oscillation
93probability---this despite the smearing in
94energy and path length.
95As discussed by Fogli, the data sets can be
96combined in various ways to determine the parameters.
97The results quoted were obtained
98from the combined data of all three experiments, by
99using a three-dimensional simulation for
100the atmospheric neutrino fluxes,   by including
101subleading effects due to
102$\Delta m_{12}^2$ and  $\sin ^2 \theta_{12}$,
103and leaving $\sin ^2 \theta_{13}$ free.
105$\sin ^2 \theta_{13}$ float has little effect
106because the data prefers it small.
109SNO, SK and KamLAND are  sensitive to  the solar mass
110difference $\Delta m_{12}^2 = 8.0 
111\pm \stackrel{0.8}{_{0.7}} \times
11210^{-5} $ eV$^2$ and
113a large but not maximal mixing
114angle  $\sin ^2 \theta_{23} = 0.31 \pm \stackrel{0.05}{_{ 0.04}} $.
115These data also prefer
116$\sin ^2 \theta_{13} \sim 0$  (a non-trivial
117consistency check with atmospheric and CHOOZ),
118so the allowed ranges for
119 $\Delta m_{12}^2 $ and
120$\sin ^2 \theta_{23} $  are not significantly
121affected when $\theta_{13}$ is allowed to float.
125\subsection{ agenda for future experiments}
127The current bounds on the unknown  neutrino  parameters,
128and future  prospects for  measuring them were discussed by
129J. Ellis and G. Fogli, and T Schwetz. Some of these unknowns
130(items 4-7 of the following list)
131could be determined from more precise oscillation
133%---in particular from neutrino beams
134%directed at a megatonne detector.
136\item the number of light neutrinos participating
137in oscillations is usually taken to be the three
138active neutrinos expected in the Standard Model.
139However, the LSND experiment found evidence
140for $\Delta m^2 \sim$ eV$^2$, which  would require
141one (or more)
142additional light sterile neutrinos.
143MiniBoone  is searching for oscillations
144in the LSND window; their results,
145expected in 2005,  will confirm or
146rule out the LSND claim.
147\item The absolute neutrino  mass scale
148is probed in three ways.
149Firstly, the endpoint spectrum of electrons in  nucleon
150($^3H$$\beta$ decay is sensitive to the ``effective
151electron neutrino mass''
152$$ m_e^2 = [c^2_{13} c_{12}^2 m_1^2 +
153c^2_{13} s_{12}^2 m_2^2 +
154s^2_{13} m_3^2 ]^2  \leq 1.8 ~{\rm eV}~~.$$ 
156Cosmological Large Scale  Structure  is affected
157by neutrino masses, because neutrino free-streaming
158in the early Universe would suppress density fluctuations
159on small scales. Current cosmological data sets the constraint:
160$$ m_1 + m_2 + m_3 \leq 0.47 - 1.4 {\rm eV}$$
161The range of the bound is representative of different
162results in the literature, which are based on
163inequivalent data sets. The strong bound uses
164Ly$\alpha$ data to probe small scale structure;
165this data is sometimes left out because of
166uncertain systematic errors.
168The final observable to which neutrino masses
169 could contribute---if they are majorana---
170is  lepton number violating neutrino-less
171double $\beta$ decay ($0 \nu 2 \beta$).
172The amplitude can be written as  a nuclear
173matrix element,
174$\times$ the coefficient of a $\Delta L = 2$
175non-renormalisable operator. This coefficient
176can be calculated perturbatively from the
177new physics that permits this type of  decay.
178When this new physics is
179majorana neutrino masses, the coefficient
180is proportional to
181$ m_{ee}$, where
183m_{ee}  = [c_{13}^2c_{12}^2m_1 + c_{13}^2s_{12}^2m_2e^{i \phi_2}
184  + s_{13}^2m_3e^{i \phi_3]
186The PMNS matrix has be taken
187$= V  P$, with $V$ CKM-like with one phase $\delta$ 
188($V_{13} = \sin \theta_{13}e ^{-i \delta}$), and $P = diag
189\{ 1, e^{ \phi_2/2}, e^{i (\phi_3/2 + \delta)} \}
190$ (See talk by G. Fogli.)
192There is a controversial claim that $0 \nu 2 \beta$
193has been detected in $^{76}Ge$, with a rate corresponding
194to $|m_{ee}| \simeq  0.23 \pm 0.18 $ eV. A
195disagreement with the cosmological bound
196 can be avoided by not using  Ly$\alpha$ data.
197\item  Are neutrinos Majorana or Dirac?
198 Oscillation experiments are sensitive to
199mass$^2$ differences, so do not distinguish whether
200neutrinos are majorana
201or dirac.
202The majorana nature of neutrinos, which is
203``natural'' in the popular seesaw mechanism,
204can be tested in processes that violate lepton number,
205such as $0 \nu 2 \beta$.
206\item Is the  mass pattern hierarchical
207($\Delta m_{13}^2 >0)$ or inverted ($\Delta m_{13}^2<0$)?
208Oscillation probabililities in matter,
209for neutrinos and antineutrinos,  depend on this sign,
210because the matter contribution to the  mass matrix
211changes  sign between  neutrinos and anti-neutrinos.
212Long baseline neutrino beams and the flux of
213neutrinos from supernovae are sensitive to this sign.
214\item  What is the value of $\theta_{13}$? There are
215only upper bounds on this remaining angle of the PMNS matrix,
216It can be probed by looking for a $\nu_e$ 
217contribution to  $\Delta m_{13}^2$ oscillations.
218This angle controls ``three flavour'' effects, like
219CP violation.
220\item What is the value of $\delta$, the  ``Dirac phase'' of the PMNS
221matrix, which  contributes to CP violation in neutrino
222oscillations (multiplied by $\sin \theta_{13}$)?
223\item is $\theta_{23}$ maximal?
225The sensitivity of various beam and
226detector combinations is illustrated in figure
229 \begin{figure}[ht]
234\caption{ plots shown in the presentation of J Ellis,
235showing the sensitivity to   $\theta_{13}$$\Delta m_{12}^2$,
236and $\delta$ of various beams.  }
242\subsection{$\theta_{13}$, $\delta$ and and the sign of $\Delta m_{13}^2$ }
246%Summary of discussions by Kajita, Nakahata, elsewhere?
248Determining items 4-6 (of the above list)
249at  a future megatonne detector  was
250discussed by T. Schwetz, and
251J Ellis  presented  prospects for beams from  CERN.
253  It is known that
254the 3-flavour oscillation probability has degeneracies,
255as can be
256seen from
259P_{\mu e} \simeq   \sin^2 2\theta_{13} \sin^2 \theta_{23} \sin^2 \Delta_{ 31} 
260 +  \alpha^\sin^2 \theta_{12} \cos^2 \theta_{23} 
261 \Delta^2_{31}  +  \alpha \sin 2\theta_{12} 
262\sin 2\theta_{13} \sin2\theta_{23} \Delta_{ 31}  \sin \Delta_{ 31} \cos(
263 \Delta_{ 31} \pm \delta).
267where $\alpha = \Delta_{21}/ \Delta_{31}$, and
268$ \Delta_{31} = (m_3^2 - m_1^2)L/4 E_\nu$.
269For instance,  a measured $P_{\mu e}$ could corresponds
270 to several solutions in the  ($\delta, \theta_{13}$) plane.
271This is refered to as the ``intrinsic'' degeneracy.
272There are additional degeneracies associated with
273the sign of $\Delta m_{13}^2$ (``hierarchy'' degeneracy), and  with
274the sign of $\pi/4 - \theta_{23}$ (``quadrant'' degeneracy), if
275$\theta_{23}$ is not maximal.
277The degeneracies can be resolved  with
278spectral information, and by looking at
279different channels.  Having a $\beta$-beam and
280superbeam is helpful in this second respect.
281Spectral information is available with
282an off-axis beam, so the   ($\delta, \theta_{13}$)
283degeneracy wouuld be absent  at T2K-II
284(T2K to HyperK).
286T Schwetz discussed   using atmospheric neutrino data to 
287address the degeneracies, by measuring sub-dominant
288effects due to three-flavour mixing. He showed that
289there is an enhancement in the  $\nu_e$ (or $\bar{\nu}_e$)
290flux, for multi-GeV events, due to $\theta_{13}$.
291The enhancement is for neutrinos in the
292normal hierarchy, and anti-neutrinos in the
293inverted case. Since the $\nu_e$ and $\bar{\nu}_e$
294detection cross-sections are different,
295mesuring this enhancement would give information
296on $\theta_{13}$ and the sign of $\Delta m_{13}^2$.
297Sub-GeV events could be  sensitive to
298the octant of $\theta_{23}$ via
299contributions arising due to $\Delta m_{12}^2$.
302The   hierarchy and octant  degeneracies could be reduced at T2K-II
303by using the the atmospheric neutrino data of HyperK.
304This was shown by combining
305a numerical 3-flavour atmospheric analysis,
306with  long baseline simulation of
307the beam and detector using  with
308the GloBES software
309( ).
310An example figure is shown on the right below
311(figure \ref{TSfig}).
312Preliminary results, assuming a superbeam and
313$\beta$-beam from CERN, and  including atmospheric data
314at  a 450 kt Cherenkov detector at Frejus, were also
315 shown.
317In  summary, the combined analysis of atmospheric and
318long baseline neutrino data at a megaton detector
319could resolve parameter degeneracies---with the advantage
320that atmospheric neutrinos arrive ``for free''.
324 \begin{figure}[ht]
327\caption{ Resolving hierarchy(H) and octant (O)
328degeneracies using atmospheric neutrinos. The
329figures compare $\beta$-beam  and SPL from CERN to Fr\'ejus,
330(details of the experiments can be found
331in the NuFact05  talks of Mezzetto and  Campagne), and  T2K
332to HK
333The detector in all cases is 450 kt water Cherenkov. }
342\subsection{ Theoretical interest} 
344One of the outstanding puzzles for particle theorists
345is the origin of Yukawa couplings. There are many models,
346 which fit the masses
347and mixing angles observed in the quark and lepton sector,
348%with a variety of free parameters,
350but none are particularily compelling. Additional hints from
351the data ---  symmetries respected by the masses,
352constraints on the Yukawa parameters--- would be particularily
353welcome. Measuring the third  leptonic mixing angle $\theta_{13}$,
354and determining whether $\theta_{23}$ is maximal,
355are  both important in this respect.
358A popular mechanism to explain the smallness of
359neutrino masses is the seesaw, which has 18 parameters
360in its simplest  form (type I) with three $\nu_R$
361Twelve of these parameters appear among
362the light leptons (although not all are realistically
363measurable), and some of the remaining unknowns
364affect $\mu$ and $\tau$ decays in SUSY. So
365measuring  many neutrino parameters with
366good accuracy  would reduce the parameter space of seesaw models.
369If $\theta_{13}$ is found to be large ($\gappeq .01$, see
370figure \ref{Ellis}), the phase $\delta$ of the PMNS matrix
371could be experimentally accessible. Observing CP violation
372in the leptons, for the first time,  would be an exciting
373phenomenological novelty.
375%The PMNS matrix  contains one
376%unremoveable phase, so CP violation in oscillations
377%is phenomenologically ``expected''. But it is
378%important to verify expectations---we also ``expected''
379%mixing angles in the lepton sector to be small.}
380It is also tempting to relate $\delta$ to
381the CP violation required in the generation of
382the matter excess of the Universe (baryo/lepto-genesis).
383Various leptogenesis mechanisms
384can be implemented in  the seesaw model,
385and  depend on some combination
386of the seesaw's complex couplings. Observing
387$\delta \neq 0$ would  demonstrate that at least one
388combination of couplings is complex, thereby
389suggesting that the phases relevant for leptogenesis
390might also be present.
396\section{Theoretical expectations : Nucleon Decay}
398Nucleon decay  was
399 the original motivations for large underground detectors,
400ancestors of the megatonne, and
401attracted attention from many speakers during the
403The theoretical expectations for
404the proton's lifetime were  discussed in some
405detail in the talks of  of J. Ellis and L. Covi.
407Our concept of theoretical progress is
408that we advance by unifying apparently diverse
409concepts.  An example of
410successful unification is the Standard Model, which
411united electromagnetism with the weak interactions.
412Some hints that quarks and leptons might be united
413in a larger theory are the curious anomaly cancellation
414among known fermions---where
415the quarks and leptons cancel each others contributions
416to dangerous operators which would destroy
417the consistency (and experimental accuracy)
418of the SM. Another tantalising hint is
419that the strong, and electroweak gauge couplings  become equal
420at $\Lambda \sim 10^{16}$ GeV, suggesting a
421unique gauge interaction at this scale.
423Unifying  the quarks and leptons into
424a multiplet  means that  there are particles
425in the theory that turn quarks  into leptons,
426so  baryons can decay.  Observing proton decay would
427be a smoking gun for such theories,
428 confirming that  our theoretical preference
429for unified theories is reflected in nature---and
430it could probe higher energy scales,
431or shorter distances, than any previous observation.
432It also could give some information  on mixing
433angles in the right-handed quark sector, about which
434the Standard Model says nothing.
440The  simplest GUT is SU(5), the
441lowest rank (``smallest'') group  capable
442of accomodating all the SM particles. % is SU(5),
443%of rank 4, which was much studied at the birth of GUTS.
444SO(10) is the  one possibility at rank 5, and it
445has the advantage over SU(5) of accomodating
446 the  right-handed neutrino (SM gauge singlet)
447in its 16-dimensional multiplets. At rank six there
448is a group $E_6$, which appears in some string models.
450In the minimal SU(5) GUT,
451the colour-triplet $d^c = \overline{d_R}$ are combined with
452the lepton SU(2) doublet $\ell_L$ into a
453$\bar{5}$, and the $e^c$ shares a  10
454with the $q_L$ and $u^c$.
455 The X and Y  gauge bosons,
456which acquire masses $\sim M_{GUT}$ when
457SU(5) is broken,  have Baryon + Lepton
458number violating gauge interactions because
459they mix different multiplet members. 
460They mediate proton decay
461via dimension six operators such as
463\frac{ g_5^2}{M_X^2} \epsilon_{\alpha \beta \gamma}
465\overline{u^c}_{\beta,j} q_{\gamma , j} \ell _k -
467\overline{u^c}_{\alpha,j} q_{\beta , j} q_{\gamma ,k}
470There are also operators induced by GUT Higgses,
471with baryon number violating Yukawa-strength couplings.
473Proton decay is expected
474at rates
476\Gamma_{p} = C \frac{\alpha_{5}^2 m_p^5}{M_X^4}
478where $C$ is a constant englobing  mixing angles,
479renormalisation group running, and  strong
480interaction effects.  The dominant decay channel in
481non-supersymmetric SU(5) is $ p \rightarrow \pi^0 e^+$.
482The experimental limit
483$\tau_{p \rightarrow \pi e} > 6.9 \times 10^{33}$ years,
484imposes $M_X \geq 7.3 \times 10^{15}$ GeV,
485 so non-SUSY SU(5) is
486ruled out  because this is above
487the mass scale where the gauge couplings approximately
493Proton decay in  supersymmetric SU(5)
494is different in many respects. The GUT scale
495(determined from gauge coupling unification) is
496higher,  so decays mediated by
497$X$ and $Y$ are slower. However, there are new
498{\it dimension 5}  operators, induced by
499 the coloured triplet Higgsino
500that shares a 5 with SM-type doublet Higgsinos, and which
501 has Yukawa couplings to SM fields. Schematically
502these operators can be written
504\frac{Y^{ij}_{qq} Y^{km}_{ql}}{2 M_c }
505  Q_iQ_jQ_kL_m + 
506\frac{ Y^{ij}_{ue} Y^{km}_{ud} }{ M_c } U^c_i E^c_j U^c_k D^c_m
508where $M_c$ is the triplet
509Higgsino mass $\leq M_X$,
510the capitals are superfields, two of which
511are scalars and two fermions.
512Dressing this operator with the exchange
513of a ``-ino'' gives a 4-fermion operator
514$\propto 1/(m_{SUSY} M_{c})$. This is
515enhanced with respect to the $X$-boson
516exchange, but suppressed by small Yukawa couplings.
517In addition, the SM SU(2) and SU(3)
518contractions are antisymmetric,  so
519the operator is flavour non-diagonal, giving
520a dominant decay $p \rightarrow K^+ \bar{\nu}$.
522There are relations among the quark and lepton
523Yukawa couplings,
524which depend  on the GUT Higgs content of
525the model.
526The simplest would  be for all the Yukawa matrices
527to be equal at the GUT scale, but  some
528differences must be included to
529fit the  observed fermion masses.
530The proton lifetime in SUSY SU(5) depends
531which Yukawa matrices are equal at the GUT scale:
532setting $Y_{ql} = Y_{ud}$ equal to the down
533Yukawa matrix $Y_d$ predicts a a proton lifetime shorter
534than the current SK limit of $
535\tau_{p \rightarrow K \bar{\nu}} >1.9 \times 10^{33}$ years.
536However, setting  $Y_{ql} = Y_{ud}$ equal to the
537charged lepton Yukawa $Y_e$ changes the
538dependence of $\tau_p$ on the fermion mixing
539angles, so lifetimes 
540 in excess
541of the bound
542can be found.
543 The proton lifetime in SUSY SU(5)
544is uncertain due to the non-unification of
545Yukawa couplings.
549A possible string-motivated GUT model, discussed
550by J Ellis,  is
551flipped SU(5)$\times U(1)$, where
552the SU(2) doublets of the SM  are inverted
553($\nu \leftrightarrow e, u \leftrightarrow d$)
554in the GUT multiplets. This extends
555the $p \rightarrow K^+ \bar{\nu}$  lifetime
556to $\tau \gsim 10^{35} - 10^{36}$ years,
557%CITE ? %\cite{Ellis:2002vk}
559%J.~R.~Ellis, D.~V.~Nanopoulos and J.~Walker,
560%%``Flipping SU(5) out of trouble,''
561%Phys.\ Lett.\ B {\bf 550} (2002) 99
563%%%CITATION = HEP-PH 0205336;%%,
564potentially testable at a megaton detector.
566\subsection{ SO(10) in six space dimensions}
569In recent years, theorists have
570constructed models in $d>4$ dimensional
571space, with the additional dimensions
572compactified at some  scale $\ll m_{pl}$.
573These models offer a framework to
574study new physics possibilities not
575included in  the MSSM.  L Covi discussed proton
576decay in a 6-dimensional SUSY SO(10) model, where
577the extra 2 dimensions are compactified
578on a torus (that has additional discrete symmetries).
579The four fixed points of this torus correspond
580to 4-dimensional branes, where SM
581particles can reside. Each
582SM generation lives at a different fixed point,
583with a different breaking of  SO(10), so the Yukawas
584in this model are different  from 4-dimensional
585SO(10). The higgsino mixing
586which allowed the dimension 5 proton decay
587operators is  suppressed, so
588the dimension 6 $X$-mediated diagrams
589dominate in this supersymmetric extra-dimensional
590model. The proton decay  rates
591are slightly larger than 4-dimensional SU(5) due to
592the  sum over the tower of Kaluza-Klein $X$ modes,
593but they differ in the flavour
594structure. This has characteristic
595signatures, such as suppressing
596$p \rightarrow K^0 \mu^+$. The
597current bound $\tau_{p \rightarrow \pi^0 e^+}
598\geq 6.9 \times 10^{33}$ years  implies in
599this model
600$M_X > 9.6 \times 10^{15}$ GeV $ \sim M_{GUT}$,
601suggesting that the proton could
602be discovered to have a lifetime $\sim 10^{34}$ years.
606In summary, proton decay is an unmistakable
607footprint of Unification, and is just around
608the corner in many models.  Looking to the
609future, once proton decay is observed,
610the branching ratios  will  open a new
611perspective on the structure and origin
612of the Yukawa matrices, giving  new
613information on the Yukawa puzzle.
617\section{From the Sky: Supernova Neutrinos}
619Supernova neutrinos were discussed by A Dighe
620(galactic supernovae) and S Ando(relic neutrinos),
621and also by G Fogli. Astrophysical
622observation of nearby galaxies suggests
623that 1-4 supernovae should take place in our galaxy
624per century. Neutrinos carry  $ 99 \%$ of the
625star's binding energy,
626so  these  infrequent events  could
627be a fund of information about
628neutrino parameters and supernova astrophysics.
631A real-time  SN within 10 kpc  may determine whether the
632hierarchy is normal or inverted, and be sensitive to
633very small values of $\sin \theta_{13}$.
634A megatonne detector is probably required to see
635these effects. 
636The neutrino signal   could  also  trace
637the outward propagation of the shock which powers the optical
641%determine the location
642%of the SN in the sky to $\sim 10 ^o$ ( this could
643%be improved by  a factor of 2 to 3 with  Gadolinium).
647While waiting for the next galactic supernova,
648detectors could look for ``supernovae relic
649neutrinos'' (SRN), the diffuse background of neutrinos
650emitted by past supernovae. SK's present limit on
651this flux is background-limited, and
652just above predictions.  Detecting these neutrinos
653could give useful information on neutrinos and the
654history of star formation.
656\subsection{soon in our galaxy?}
659A  star of mass $\gsim 8 {\cal M}_{\odot}$ becomes
660unstable at the end of its life.  It  resembles
661an onion, with the different layers burning lighter
662elements into heavier, the end-products of one
663layer serving as fuel for the one underneath.
664At the centre develops an iron core, which eventually
665cannot support the outer layers, and collapses.
666Most of the binding energy is released as
669The SN  neutrino flux has various components.
670The neutronisation burst takes place
671in the first 10 ms, as the
672heavy nuclei break up.  It consists of $\nu_e$
673from $p + e \rightarrow n + \nu_e$, and is
674emitted from the ``neutrinosphere'', that is,
675the radius from which neutrinos can free-stream
676outwards.  The core  density is  near nuclear, above
677the $\sim 10^{10}$ g/cm$^3$ required
678  to trap a 10 MeV neutrino.
680For the following 10 seconds, the core  cools
681by emitting $\nu$ and $\bar{\nu}$ of all flavours.
68299 $\%$ of the SN energy is emitted in
683these fluxes, refered to as ``initial''
684fluxes $F^0$, whose
685characteristics are predicted to be flavour dependent.
686In particular, the average energies
687of $\nu_e$, $\bar{\nu}_e$
688and $\nu_x$    are predicted to differ:
689%with the average energies
690$E_0(\nu_e) \sim   10-12$ MeV,
691$E_0(\bar{\nu}_e) \sim  13-16$  MeV,
692and $E_0({\nu}_x) \sim  15-25$  MeV.
693The more weakly interacting neutrinos are
694more energetic because  they escape
695from closer to the hot centre of the star.
697As the neutrinos travel outwards, they pass
698through ever-decreasing density, so
699 matter effects on the mixing are
700crucial.  Level-crossing occurs when
701$\Delta m^2 \cos 2 \theta = \pm 2 \sqrt{2}  E_\nu G_F n_e$,
702where the $+$ ($-$) refers to (anti) neutrinos.
703Flavour conversion is
704possible at two level crossings,
705corresponding to the solar and atmospheric
706mass differences, and  can
707appear in the $\nu$ or the $\bar{\nu}$ 
708 depending on the mass hierarchy. This will mix the
709initial neutrino fluxes, which were labelled by flavour.
711 Towards the centre of the star, $\nu_e$ is the heaviest neutrino.
712In the normal mass hierarchy, $\nu_e$ 
713has a level crossing  at the
714H resonance, which  arises at a matter density
715$\sim 10^3$ g/cm$^3$,
716where  $\nu_3$ can
717transform to $\nu_2$  via the atmospheric
718mass difference and $\theta_{13}$. % at this
720The H resonance takes place in the $\bar{\nu}_e$
721channel, for the inverted mass hierachy.
722The L resonance  arises at a matter density
723$\sim 10$ g/cm$^3$. It is in the $\nu$ channel for
724both hierarchies, and crosses  $\nu_2$ with
725$\nu_1$ via the solar mass difference and angle.
726The level crossing probability  is adiabatic
727for the L resonance, and for the H resonance
728when $\sin^2 \theta_{13\gappeq 10^{-3}$.
729%(refered to as ``large'' for the remainder
730%of this section.)
731It is non-adiabatic
732at the H resonance if
733$\sin^2 \theta_{13\lappeq 10^{-3}$.
734%(``small, for the remainder of this section.)
735The fluxes arriving at the earth ($F$) depend on
736the initial fluxes ($F^0$) and the oscillation probabilities
737($p$ and $\bar{p}$):
739F_{\nu_e}     =    pF^0_{\nu_e} + (1 - p)F^0_{\nu_x}
741F_{\bar{\nu}_e}     =    \bar{p} F^0_{\bar{\nu}_e} + (1 - \bar{p})F^0_{\nu_x} 
743(There is a related formula for  $F_{{\nu}_x}$.)
744There are three interesting  cases:
746\item Case A: normal hierarchy, $\sin^2 \theta_{13\gappeq 10^{-3}$,
747($p = 0$, $\bar{p} = \cos^2 \theta_{\odot}$)
748\item Case B: inverted hierarchy, $\sin^2 \theta_{13\gappeq 10^{-3}$
749(($p = \sin^2 \theta_{\odot}$$\bar{p} = 0$)
750\item Case C: any hierarchy, $\sin^2 \theta_{13\lappeq 10^{-3}$
751($p = \sin^2 \theta_{\odot}$, $\bar{p} = \cos^2 \theta_{\odot}$)
755A Dighe discussed whether these cases could be distinguished
756in the observable signal, given that the initial
757spectra are poorly known, and only the final spectra for
758$\bar{\nu}_e$ are cleanly available.  It is
759difficult to find observables that do not
760depend on assumptions about the initial spectra.
761A possibility, if the SN neutrino flux crosses
762the earth, is to look for  oscillations in the
763signal due to matter effects in the earth.
764This would contribute high frequency
765wiggles to the spectrum, which could be
766extracted from the data at a megaton
768For  the normal  hierarchy or small
769$\theta_{13}$,  these earth effects would
770appear in the $\bar{\nu}_e$ channel, so
771observing such wiggles would eliminate case B.
773It could also be possible to  identify
774earth effects if the SN is observed with two detectors,
775where one is in  the earth's shadow and
776the other not. As A. Dighe discussed, IceCube could
777be the second detector, which would be complementary
778to Hyper-K.
781Neutrinos have a crucial role in the explosion of supernovae,
782for instance the energy they deposit in the shock may
783be the critical contribution that allows
784the star to explode.  The interactions between
785the shock and the outgoing neutrinos may also
786provide information on the neutrino parameters. As the shock passes
787through the $H$ resonance region, it can
788make  adiabatic transitions non-adiabatic,
789thereby temporarily turning scenarios A and B,
790into scenario C. One can therefore hope  to
791to track the shock fronts  through the
792star in the time-dependent neutrino signal.
795A nearby supernova would illuminate
796the earth with  neutrinos.  This flux  can be
797used to simultaneously obtain information about
798the source, and about neutrino properties.
799At a megatonne detector, 
800``earth effects'' in the
801neutrino spectra could be observed,
802which would give  SN-model
803independent information on the hierarchy
804(inverted vs normal) and  whether   $\theta_{13}$
805is large or small. Alternatively, if
806the SN neutrinos do not cross the earth,
807information about  neutrino parameters
808could be extracted from shock wave
809propagation effects in the neutrino
816Most of the energy of a supernova is released
817as neutrinos. The diffuse background of
818these neutrinos, today, depends on the
819neutrino spectrum emitted from each explosion,
820 on the oscillation of those neutrinos in
821the SN and in the earth, and  on the
822supernova rate over the past history of
823the Universe.
825As discussed in the previous section, the neutrino
826fluxes emitted from the SN core are expected to
827be flavour dependent, and to oscillate
828due to matter effects as they leave the star. For
829instance, in the normal hierarchy, a $\bar{\nu}_e$
830emitted from the core is the lightest $\bar{\nu}$,
831due to matter effects, so it will exit
832the star as $\bar{\nu}_1$. The observed $\bar{\nu}_e$
833flux will therefore be
834$$ F_{\bar{\nu}_e} = | U_{ei}|^2  F_{\bar{\nu}_i}
835=  | U_{e1}|^2  F^0_{\bar{\nu}_e }
836+ (1 - | U_{e1}|^2)  F^0_{\bar{\nu}_x}
838so $ (1 - | U_{e1}|^2)  \sim 30 \% $   comes from the
839harder $\nu_x$ spectrum.  The oscillations
840enhance the high-energy tail, but not dramatically
841in the detectable energy range ($< 30$ MeV).
844The SN rate is infered from  the star formation rate,
845which can be  extracted from other cosmological observables.
846Using the recent Galactic Evolution Explorer data,
847the event rate at SK  can be calculated, and is
848found to be mostly due to SN at $z < 1$.
849A few $\bar{\nu}_e p \rightarrow n e^+$  events
850per year are predicted in the $E > 18$ MeV window
851where the flux exceeds the solar and armospheric
852neutrinos. Unfortunately,  in this range there
853is a background from the decays of slowly moving muons,
854which are produced
855by atmospheric $\nu_\mu$   and are invisible at SK.
856So SK can set an upper limit on the SRN flux,
857which can then be inverted into a constraint
858on the supernova rate. The bound is just above
859theoretical predictions, so  SRN might  be seen
860using 5-10 years of data.
862The background could be reduced by
863adding Gadolinium to a water Cherenkov
864detector. This  would  tag the neutrons produced
865in $\bar{\nu}_e p \rightarrow n e^+$,
866and therefore    distinguish the  $\bar{\nu}_e$
867from other neutrinos. Liquid Argon detectors
868are sensitive to $\nu_e$, so would be complementary
869to a water detector.
871S. Ando also discussed the possibility of observing,
872at a megatonne detector,  a few neutrinos from  SN
873in nearby galaxies ($\sim$  Mpc away). This would give
874the time of the collapse, helpful for gravitational
875wave searches.
877In summary,  the SK limit on   supernovae relic
878neutrinos is just above the theoretical prediction;
879 a future  megatonne  detector should therefore
880have a good chance to see them.
881 At a megatonne Cerenkov detector, a 5 $\sigma$ detection could
882be possible with pure water after a few years,
883($\sim$ 300 events/yr would be expected with Gd).
884A 100 kt liquid Argon detector would expect
885$\sim 57 \pm 12 $ events after 5 years.
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