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3In Aussois, the session on ``Present and Future Neutrino Beams''
4reviewed the long baseline experiments that will help to understand
5the neutrino mixing parameters  phenomenology in the coming years. This is
6a long and step-by-step process. In the first step, the MINOS
7(see M. Bishai's talk), OPERA and ICARUS (see D. Duchesneau's talk)
8will confirm and improve the SuperK atmospheric oscillation result. This
9phase will provide an improvement of the limit on \thetachooz ($\simeq < 0.06$ 90\% C.L.)
10In the second step, T2K (see Kobayashi's talk) and NO$\nu$A
11(see Ray's talk) will focus on measuring \thetachooz ($\simeq < 0.006$ 90\% C.L.) . This
12measurement is a prerequisite before attempting to look for
13CP violation in the leptonic sector: this will be the task of
14the third step, and the VLBL (see M. Bishai's talk),
15the T2K-II (see Kobayashi's talk) and the CERN-Fr\'ejus
16(see M. Mezzetto's talk) proposals. The ultimate tool in neutrino
17physics -- the neutrino factory -- was not discussed in this meeting.
19\section{First step}
20There are presently four experiments running or planned to confirm
21the atmospheric neutrino result and improve on the knowledge of the
22oscillation parameters (\deltaatm, \sinatm): K2K, MINOS, OPERA and
23ICARUS. The last 3 will also search for the sub-leading
24\numunue ~oscillations, attempting at a
25first measurement of the \thetachooz angle.
26The four experiments rely on very different experimental options
27(beam and/or detector techniques).
32The K2K (KEK to Kamioka) long-baseline neutrino oscillation experiment,
33is the first accelerator-based project to explore neutrino
34oscillations in the same \deltaatm\ region as the atmospheric neutrinos.
35By using a low energy \numu\ beam and a flight distance of 250~km,
36the oscillation process should manifest itself as a reduction of the \numu\
37flux at Kamioka (a disappearance) since the \nutau\ produced
38in the oscillation are below the CC threshold.
39In addition, the energy spectrum of the observed \numu\ should also
40be affected by the oscillation.
42The K2K neutrino beam is produced by 12~GeV protons from the
43KEK proton synchrotron.
44The positively charged secondary particles, mainly pions, are
45then focused by a horn system.
46The resulting neutrino beam is $98$~\% pure $\nu_\mu$ 
47with a mean energy of $1.3$~GeV.
48It traverses first the near detector (ND) system,
49located 300~m downstream from the proton target,
50and then the SuperKamioka detector, 250~km away.
52To estimate the ratio of neutrino flux and spectra between Kamioka and KEK
53(far to near, F/N),
54a combination of experimental measurements and simulation has to be done.
55Indeed, due to different geometrical acceptances (the neutrino production
56place cannot be approximated to a point as seen from the near detector),
57the neutrino spectra seen by
58the 2 detectors differ, even with no oscillation.
60The beam MC simulation is first tuned on the PIMON measurements (pion
61monitoring detectors intermitently installed upstream of the decay pipe) and then
62used to compute the F/N ratio in energy bins.
63This ratio allows then to extrapolate to SK the integrated flux and
64energy spectrum as measured in the ND, before neutrino oscillate.
65%(1KT Water Cherenkov detector ,
66%SciFi and SciBar detectors).
67This extrapolation is compared to the SuperKamiokande measurements.
68The latest results from the K2K experiment quotes
69$151^{+12}_{-10}$ fully contained events expected in SK
70and 107 observed.
72The main sources of uncertainty in this experiment are the following:
74\item The Monte Carlo F/N ratio relies on a neutrino interaction model,
75which includes QE, single meson production
76via baryon resonance and coherent pion production.
77The relative importance of these componants as a function of energy
78is poorly known.
79\item The efficiency of the 1KT Cherenkov detector (affecting
80the normalization) is dominated by uncertainties in the fiducial
82\item The energy scale in both Cherenkov detectors
83%\item autres??
85A two flavor neutrino oscillation analysis for $\nu_\mu$ disappearance
86is performed by the maximum-likelihood method, using both the number of
87events and the spectrum shape.
88The best fit point in the physical region
89is found at (\sinatm, \deltaatm)=$(1.0, 2.8\times 10^{-3}~{\rm eV^2})$.
90This result is consistent with the results from atmospheric neutrinos.
91The final result of the experiment is expected by the end of 2005.
96MINOS is a long baseline neutrino oscillation experiment utilizing the
97NuMI beam at Fermilab.
98This beam is obtained through an intense (0.25 MW) proton beam
99hitting a graphite target at 120 GeV/c.
100The movable 2 horn focussing system allows for selecting different
101energy spectra: low, medium and high.
102The experimental setup consists of 2 detectors separated by 730 km
103and as identical as possible: same transverse and longitudinal granularity,
104same composition and modularity. The basic components are magnetized
105iron plates interlayed with scintillator
106strips (the good timing resolution allows background rejection from
107atmospheric neutrinos and separation of events piling up in the near detector)
109The main aim of the experiment is to probe
110the region of parameter space indicated by the atmospheric neutrinos,
111to demonstrate the oscillation behaviour
112and to make a precise measurement of
113\deltaatm\ in a high statistics beam experiment.
114This will be done through \numu\ disappearance:
115by plotting, as a function of energy, 
116the ratio of the yield at the far detector
117to the one expected from near detector measurements. The
118location and depth of the dip will allow to measure \deltaatm\ and \sinatm .
119The low energy beam spectrum is best suited to match the latest SK results
120and has been choosen as the present running condition.
121A measurement at 10\% 
122(3 years at upgraded intensity: $25\times 10^{20} pot$) %???
123can be achieved and could then also rule out exotic oscillation models.
124The limitation in sensitivity comes mainly from statistics and from
125the uncertainty in the extrapolation process of the neutrino
126spectrum from the near to the far detector.
128A second goal of the experiment is the search for the sub-dominant
129\numunue\ oscillations aiming at a first \thetachooz\ measurement.
130In this \nue\ appearance search, the
131background is dominated by NC produced \pizero 's
132and some intrinsic \nue\ from the beam.
133But the sensitivity could reach $\sinchooz < 0.07 $ 
134(twice better as the CHOOZ limit).
136The detector has been extensively calibrated, both
137at Cern with a micro-MINOS and with cosmic
138muons (the shadow of the moon has been observed!).
139The NuMI beam line has been successfully commissioned and
140the near and far detectors are presently fully  operational with
141more than 90\% live time. They both have observed their first
142beam neutrinos in March this year.
148The main goal of OPERA is to focus on providing an unambiguous
149evidence for \numunutau ~oscillations in the
150region of the oscillation parameters indicated by the atmospheric
151neutrino results by looking for \nutau ~appearance in a \numu ~beam.
152This implies both a high energy beam
153(above the $\tau $ production threshold) and a very precise tracking
154detector to observe the $\tau $ produced in charged current
155\nutau\ interactions (through the characteristic short kink of the
156$\tau $ decay).
158The CNGS \numu\ beam will have an  average energy of about 17 GeV,
159\nue\ and \nuebar\
160contamination of 0.87\% and a neglegible prompt \nutau\ contamination.
161This high energy choice means that, given the 730 km distance between
162the neutrino source (at CERN) and the OPERA detector,
163the experiment will be running off the 
164oscillation peak
165(as expected from the atmospheric neutrino results)
166and thus will not be sensitive to the oscillation pattern.
168The $\tau$ detection relies on the photographic emulsion technique.
169200000 bricks (emulsion and lead sanwiches) amounting to 1.8 kt will be
170complemented by electronic trackers and a muon spectrometer..
171Although the expected signal is very low (115 \nutau\ CC interactions
172in the detector and 13 identified by the selection procedure)
173the expected background will stay around 1 event: the evidence
174for \numunutau\ should then be very clear.
176Besides the technical difficulties and complexity of constructing
177the apparatus, the chalenges in this experiment mainly concern
178efficiencies: tracking, matching between tracker and emulsions,
179scanning and selection.
181Given the good electron identification capabilities in the
182emulsion bricks, OPERA can look as well for \numunue\ oscillations.
183The main backgrounds to the \numunue ~oscillations search are the \pizero\
184identified as electrons in \numu\ neutral current events,
185the intrinsic \nue\ beam contamination and
186the electrons coming from $\tau$ decays in \numunutau\ oscillations.
187The signal to background ratio can however be enhanced by performing
188a simultaneous fit to the distribution of the visible energy, electron
189energy and missing transverse  momentum. This yields a 5 years sensitivity
190corresponding to an upper limit on $sin^2(2 \theta_{13})$ of 0.06 for the
191nominal beam, similar to the MINOS sensitivity.
196Located in the Gran Sasso Laboratory in the same CNGS beam as OPERA,
197the ICARUS experiment is a liquid Argon TPC with imaging capabilities,
198able to produce high granularity 3D reconstruction of recorded events.
199%as well as high precision measurements over large sensitive volumes.
200The operating principle of the LAr TPC is based on the fact that
201in highly purified LAr ionization tracks can indeed be transported
202undistorted by a uniform electric field over distances of the order
203of meters.
205The detector is not only a tracking
206device with a precise event topology reconstruction but it can
207also estimate momentum
208via multiple scattering, measure local energy deposition ($dE/dx$,
209providing $e/\pi^0$ separation and particle identification via range
210versus  $dE/dx$ measurement) and reconstruct the total energy of
211the event from charge integration providing excellent accuracy for
212contained events.
214A 600 ton prototype has been extensively tested at surface during
215the summer 2001, demonstrating that the LAr TPC technique can be operated
216at the {\it kton} scale with a drift length up to 1.5 {\it m}.
217Installation at the Gran Sasso Underground Laboratory is currently on-going.
218Cloning the T600 module will permit to gradually increase the mass and reach a
219sensitive mass of 2.35ktons. In the present sensitivity estimates
220only 3 such modules are used since this is the actual guaranteed funding
223Given the good detector performance and the beam conditions (energy
224and flux), ICARUS will also % as OPERA and MINOS
225have as a first goal to prove the \numunutau\ oscillation.
226The analysis will rely on the golden channel:
227$\tau \rightarrow e\nue\nutau$.
228The suppression of the background, dominated by
229\nue\ CC interactions from the beam contamination, will be
230done through a kinematical analysis, using a 3-dimensional
231likelihood, including visible energy
232and missing transverse momentum.
233With a T1800 detector and 5 years data taking (2.25 $10^{20}$ pot)
2346.2 signal events at $2.5 \times 10^{-3} eV^2$ ($\epsilon . BR = 6\%$)
235for 0.3 background event are expected.
237The excellent capability of identifying electrons by the ICARUS
238detector obviously allows to also search for \nue\ appearance.
239This \numunue\ oscillation component would appear as a distorsion
240in the energy spectrum of the \nue\ CC interaction sample.
241The sensitivity to an expected $E_{vis}$ distorsion at low energy
242has been evaluated to $\sinchooz < 0.07$ 
243at 90\% CL (for $\deltaatm  =  2.5 \times 10^{-3}  eV^2$ and full mixing).
245% uncertainties, difficulties
247\section{Second step}
248MW-class proton accelerators are being constructed for several physics needs.
249High intensity conventional horn-focused neutrino beams,
250``super beam'', will then provide a new opportunity to further develop
251neutrino physics:
252several super beam LBL experiments  are proposed as
253next generation ($\sim$10 years) high sensitivity,
254high precision experiments before the neutrino-factory era.
255Their most important goal is discovery of the $\nu_\mu\rightarrow \nu_e$
256oscillation but one should not neglect other interests
257such as detailed study of the neutrino interactions or spin structure of
260In all the future super beam experiments (T2K-I and $\rm{NO\nu A}$),
261``off-axis (OA)'' beam plays a key role to achieve high sensitivity:
262the proton beam line is shooting
263a few degrees away from the direction to a far detector.
264In this way, a high intensity low energy narrow band neutrino beam can be
265obtained and its energy can be adjusted close to the L/E oscillation
266maximum. Moreover this ``trick'' effectively reduces 2 important
267background sources: the high energy NC production of $\pi^0$'s
268and the intrinsic contamination of the beam by $\nu_e$.
273The Tokai-to-Kamioka (T2K) experiment is the next generation LBL
274experiment in Japan.
275The $\nu_\mu$ beam
276is produced using a 50-GeV proton synchrotron from the Japan
277Proton Accelerator Research Complex (J-PARC).
278The peak position of its energy spectrum is tunable from 500 MeV to 900 MeV by
279changing the OA angle from 2 to 3 degrees.
280The narrow band is important because it increases the
281fux at the oscillation maximum, maximizing
282the appearance signal.
283The far detector is located
284at Kamioka, 295 km from J-PARC.
286In the first phase of T2K (T2K-I), the design beam power of the 50-GeV
287PS is 0.75~MW (more than 100 time as powerful as the K2K beam)
288and the far detector is Super-Kamiokande (SK) of 22.5-kt
289fiducial mass. The main purpose of T2K-I is a measurement of
290$\theta_{13}$ with more than one order of magnitude sensitivity
291better than any existing experiment ($\simeq < 0.006$ 90\% C.L.). The second goal would be
292a determination of the ``atmospheric''
293parameters, $\theta_{23}$ to an accuracy of 0.01
294and $\Delta m_{23}^2$ to $10^{-4}$ $eV^2$.
295\sinatm\ is presently known to be at least 0.95.
296Maximal mixing could lead to an underlying new symmetry and thus
297being able to measure \thetaatm\
298to high enough precision to distinguish maximal and nearly maximal mixing
299is very important.
301With an OA beam at $2.5^o$ the expected statistics at SK would be 1600 \numu\
302CC events per year. The intrinsic beam contamination by \nue\ is 0.4\%.
303The appearance signal events in SK are interactions with a single
304showering Cherenkov ring.
305The neutrino energy is reconstructed assuming quasi-elastic two-body kinematics.
306An excess of events over the expected background is the signal for
307\nue\ appearance. Since the signal and background events have different
308energy spectra, it is essential to control both the flux and the
309shape of the input spectrum. This is why the experiment will rely on
3102 near detectors: at 280m the first near detector will be magnetized
311(contained in the UA1/NOMAD magnet) and permit detailed studies of
312the flux and spectra of the different beam components (\numu, \nue,
313\numubar\ and \nuebar). This knowledge is important in the extrapolation
314to SK procedure. The second near detector will be situated at 2km, where
315the energy spectra of the neutrinos crossing a 1kT water Cherenkov
316and those crossing SK are identical.
317The uncertainty sources listed above for the K2K experiment should
318then be drastically reduced.
320The neutrino beam line construction has started, together with an
321intensive R\&D and design work on each of its components. The tecnical
322design report of the 280m detector is expected this summer, while the
3232km detector is not yet approved. The first neutrinos in T2K should
324be delivered in spring 2009 for 5 years.
326%T2K and NO$\nu$A are complementary experiments.
327%They use different detector technologies (water cherenkov vs low-Z calorimeter)
328%but alos their different baseline could help disentangle the effects
329%of CP violation and matter effects in neutrino oscillations.
334With the same physics goal as T2K, the NO$\nu$A proposal is
335in addition raising the neutrino mass ordering question: the mass
336ordering can be resolved only by matter effects in the earth
337over long baselines. At 810 km - the NO$\nu$A chosen basline -
338the matter effect should be about 30\% 
339for a NuMI off-axis beam and only 10\% for T2K.
341NO$\nu$A is proposed to be a 30 kT totally active low-Z calorimeter
342(15m x 15m x 130m) placed 15 mrad off the NuMI beam axis.
343The far detector will consist of 1984 planes of liquid
344scintillator strips contained in
345extruded rigid PVC and readout by APD's through wls fibers.
346Water cherenkov has been discarded because
347it does not provide sufficient NC rejection at NuMI energy
348(2 GeV) while a 0.15 $X_0$ sampling calorimeter provides
349good \pizero-electron discrimination. The fast timing of the
350scintillator allows to install the detector at ground level:
351this will mean less than 10 cosmic rays in the 10 $\mu s$ 
352beam spill.
353The near detector, very similar to the far detector but complemented
354with a veto and a muon catcher, can fit in several existing locations
355in the NuMI access tunnel. No single location optimizes all parameters,
356and the collaboration is considering making it movable or building 2
359NO$\nu$A has been granted stage-I approval by Fermilab in april 2005
360and benefits a strong support as being the only approved US experiment
361in the post 2010 era. The expected beam intensity could reach
362$\rm 6.5 x 10^{20}$ pot/yr, i.e. 0.65 MW after the collider stops operating
363in 2009. The construction could start in FY2006, have the first kT operational
364in 2009 and the full detector operational in 2011.
365With this optimistic schedule, the experiment is expected to reach an
366order of magnitude better sensitivity in \thetachooz\ event faster than
368%Pending NuSAG/P5 and OMB approval.
370\section{Third step}
371T2K and NO$\nu$A
372will have very limited sensitivity to the CP phase $\delCP$ 
373even if complemented by high sensitivity reactor experiments.
374A third generation of LBL neutrino experiments will then be required
375to start a sensitive search for leptonic CP violation.
376These future experiments will push conventional neutrino beams to their
377ultimate performances (neutrino SuperBeams), or will require new concepts
378in the production of neutrino beams.
381The BNL proposal of a Very Long BaseLine conceptual design is
382advocating the use of a broad band low energy (1-6 GeV) on axis beam
383heading on a megaton class detector to be sensitive both to \delCP\
384and to the sign of \deltaatm.
386The CP contribution is dependent on both atmospheric and solar $\Delta m^2$
387and is affecting the \nue\ appearance spectrum (and \numu\ disappearance)
388in the 1-3 GeV range.
389On the other hand, the matter effect causes the \numunue\ conversion probability
390to rise with energy and is mostly confined to energies $>$ 3 GeV.
391this energy dependence can
392be used to measure the value of $\delta_{CP}$ and $\sin^2 2\theta_{13}$.
393 The detector requirements for such an experiment -- both in size and
394performance -- are well-matched to other important goals in particle
395physics, such as detection of proton decay and astrophysical neutrinos.
397In the present design the neutrino beam is produced
398by the 28~GeV proton beam from AGS (Brookhaven) and is detected by a
399Mton UNO type water Cherenkov detector in Homestake mine at 2540~km
400from BNL or in Henderson mine (2700 km).
401The AGS beam power is supposed to be upgraded to 1~MW from present
4020.1~MW by introducing a 1.2~GeV superconducting LINAC for direct injection
403and increasing repetition rate.
404The beam is a horn-focused on-axis wide band beam with the spectrum
405ranging up to about 6~GeV and the peak at around 2~GeV.
406The expected number of $\nu_\mu$ CC interactions without oscillation is
407$\sim$13,000/500kt/year. Running with anti-neutrinos could improve further
408a \delCP\ measurement.
412A future extension of T2K is already envisaged with an upgrading
413of the proton synchrotron to 4~MW and the construction of a 1-Mt
415With $\sim$5 times higher intensity and about 25 times larger fiducial
416mass, statistics at HK will be 2 orders of magnitude higher
417than at T2K-I. The expected number of $\nu_\mu$ CC interactions is
418$\sim360,000$/year with a 2$^\circ$ off-axis beam.
419The goals of T2K-II are the discovery
420of CP violation and the precise measurement of $\nu_e$ appearance.
422Preliminary studies on a possible upgrade of the 50-GeV PS to 4~MW have
423been made by the J-PARC accelerator group.
424A first gain (by a factor $\sim$2.5) can be obtained  by
425increasing the repetition rate (doubling the number of RF
426cavities) and by eliminating some idle time in the acceleration cycle.
427Second, another factor $\sim$2 could be gained by doubling the
428number of circulating protons when adopting the
429``barrier bucket'' method.
431The design of the neutrino beam line presently under construction
432at JPARC includes the property of being off-axis (tunable between
433$2^\circ$ and $3^\circ$) both for T2K-I and T2K-II: the HK site would
434be in the Tochibora mine,  $\sim$8 kilometers away from the SK location at 500 m depth (1400 mwe).
435Two 250m long parallel tunnels would host huge water Cherenkov detectors
436similar in principle to SK, amounting to 0.54 Mt fiducial mass.
438The expected sensitivity on CP violation in T2K-II, based on a full
439detector simulation (SK scaled to HK), very much depends on
440the size of the systematic errors.
441If 2\% error is achieved, then the CP violating phase \delCP\ can be
442explored down to $\sim 20^\circ$ for $\sin^22\theta_{13}$ greater than 0.01.
444\subsection{CERN-Fr\'ejus SPL}
446This new proposal has been stimulated by 2 converging ``opportunities''.
447First CERN is considering the construction of a new proton driver,
448a Superconducting Proton Linac of low energy (2-3 GeV/c kinetic energy)
449but very high intensity (4 MW, i.e. $10^{23}$ protons/yr!). Second the
450drilling machines of the new safety tunnel in Fr\'ejus should meet at the
451center around 2009, giving the opportunity to dig a new cavity that could
452be ready by 2012 and host a Megaton  class detector at about 1750m depth i.e  4800 mwe .
454Although no definite decision on the SPL construction will be taken
455by CERN before 2009, intense R\&D is already going on for a liquid
456mercury target station able to cope with the 4 MW beam and
457for the neutrino beam optics, capable to stand heat, radiation and
458mercury. Recently an optimization of the SPL neutrino superbeam has been
459made and found that, given the 130 km baseline (from CERN to the Fr\'ejus
460tunnel), a 3.5 GeV proton beam plus a 40 m long and 2 m diameter decay tunnel
461would greatly improve the performances over the 2.2 GeV initial option:
462the \numu\ CC interaction rate at 130 km would rise from 42 to 122
463events/kton/year in case of no oscillation.
465In these running conditions, both  the NC \pizero\ background and
466the intrinsic \nue\ beam contamination are expected to be low and
467the sensitivity to \thetachooz\ an order of magnitude better than
468in T2K-I for a 5 years run of with \numu\ beam
469(using a 2\% systematic error both on the background
470normalization and on the signal efficiency). The discovery potential
471(at 3$\sigma$) to \delCP\ could reach 45$^\circ$ if \sinatm = 0.001
472by running 2 years with \numu\ and 8 years with \numubar.
474Conventional neutrino beams are going to hit their ultimate limitations,
475specifically in the search for CP violation. But when
476combined with BetaBeams they can improve the CP sensitivity and allow for
477T and CPT searches in the appearance mode.
479\subsection{CERN-Fréjus Beta-beam}
481The recently proposed beta-beam idea is taking advantage of the
482possibility of accelerating and storing radioactive ions within
483their lifetime, thus producing just one flavor neutrino beam
484(\nue\ or \nuebar). Its energy spectrum is precisely defined
485by the end point energy of the beta decay and by the $\gamma$
486of the parent ion. The flux normalization is given by the
487number of ions circulating in the storage ring and the beam
488divergence is determined by the $\gamma$: the beam control is
489then virtually systematics free.
491Beta-beam studies are essentially done in Europe presently
492and synergies with nuclear physics are emphasized.
493A EURISOL-like complex fed by the SPL could produce
494$6 \times 10^{18}$ $\rm ^6He$ ions (\nuebar) and
495$2.5 \times 10^{18}$ $\rm ^{18}Ne$  (\nue) ions
496per year boosted with a $\rm \gamma = 100$.
498The superbeam and beta-beam have the advantage of having similar energies
499which allows usage of the same far detector and explore CP violation
500in two different channels with different backgrounds and systematics.
501The disadvantages however are the low cross section at these energies,
502wich implies very massive detectors, and the limitation in the energy
503resolution due to Fermi motion. A 10 year experiment, combining
504a superbeam (running 2 years with \numu\ and 8 years with \numubar)
505and a beta-beam (running 5 years with \nue\ and 5 years with \nuebar)
506would give a discovery potential (at 3$\sigma$) to \delCP\ of
50730$^\circ$ if \sinatm = 0.001.
509Ideas about storing radioactive ions that can only decay by electron
510capture have been recently proposed: this could lead to monochromatic
511\nue\ beams and should be studied further.
513\subsection{Neutrino factory}
515This subject was not discussed in the meeting but could be viewed
516as the ultimate step for a full understanding of the neutrino mixing
517and neutrino phenomenology.
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