source: Backup NB/Talks/MEMPHYSetal/LAGUNA/EU I3/PhysicsLatex/CampagneHEP-PH-1May07/Laguna-final3.tex

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13\newcommand{\delCP}{\ensuremath{\delta_{\rm CP}}}
22\newcommand{\anue}{\overline{{\mathrm\nu}}_{\mathrm e}}
23\newcommand{\anumu}{\overline{{\mathrm\nu}}_{\mathrm \mu}}
26                                $\stackrel{\scriptscriptstyle (-)}{\displaystyle \nu_#1}$}}}
27\newcommand{\WC}{water Cherenkov}
28\newcommand{\degree}    {^{\circ}}
29\newcommand{\flux}{\mbox{$ \mathrm{cm}^{-2}~\mathrm{s}^{-1}$}}
40\title{Large underground, liquid based detectors for astro-particle physics in Europe: scientific case and prospects}
42\author{        J.      \"Ayst\"o       } 
43\affiliation{Department of Physics, University of Jyv\"askyl\"a, Finland}
44\author{        A.      Badertscher     } 
45\affiliation{Institut f\"{u}r Teilchenphysik,  ETHZ, Z\"{u}rich, Switzerland}
46\author{        L.      Bezrukov        } 
47\affiliation{Institute for Nuclear Research, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia}
48\author{        J.      Bouchez         } 
49\affiliation{CEA - Saclay, Gif sur Yvette and APC Paris, France}
50\author{        A.      Bueno   } 
51\affiliation{Dpto Fisica Teorica y del Cosmos \& C.A.F.P.E., Universidad de Granada, Spain}
52\author{        J.      Busto   }
53\affiliation{Centre de Physique des Particules de Marseille (CPPM), IN2P3-CNRS et Université d'Aix-Marseille II, Marseille, France}
54\author{        J.-E.   Campagne        } 
55\affiliation{LAL, Université Paris-Sud, IN2P3/CNRS, Orsay, France}
56\author{        Ch.     Cavata  }
57\affiliation{CEA - Saclay, Gif sur Yvette, France}
58\author{        A.      de Bellefon     }
59\affiliation{Astroparticule et Cosmologie (APC), CNRS, Université Paris VII, CEA, Observatoire de Paris, Paris, France}
60\author{        J.      Dumarchez       } 
61\affiliation{Laboratoire de Physique Nucléaire et des Hautes Energies (LPNHE), IN2P3-CNRS et Universités Paris VI et Paris VII, Paris, France}
62\author{        J.      Ebert }
63\affiliation{Universität Hamburg, Institut für Experimentalphysik, Hamburg, Germany}
64\author{        T.      Enqvist         } 
65\affiliation{CUPP, University of Oulu, Finland}
66\author{        A.      Ereditato       } 
67\affiliation{Laboratorium f\"{u}r  Hochenergie Physik, Bern Universit\"at, Bern, Switzerland}
68\author{        F.  von Feilitzsch }
69\affiliation{Technische Universit\"at M\"unchen, Physik-Department E15, Garching, Germany}
70\author{     P.      Fileviez Perez}
71\affiliation{Centro de Fisica Teorica de Particulas, Instituto Superior Tecnico, Departamento de Fisica, Lisboa, Portugal}
72\author{        M.      G\"oger-Neff    }
73\affiliation{Technische Universit\"at M\"unchen, Physik-Department E15, Garching, Germany}
74\author{        S.      Gninenko        } 
75\affiliation{Institute for Nuclear Research, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia}
76\author{        W.      Gruber  } 
77\affiliation{Institut f\"{u}r Teilchenphysik,  ETHZ, Z\"{u}rich, Switzerland}
78\author{        C.      Hagner  } 
79\affiliation{Universität Hamburg, Institut für Experimentalphysik, Hamburg, Germany}
80\author{     M.     Hess        }
81\affiliation{Laboratorium f\"{u}r  Hochenergie Physik, Bern Universit\"at, Bern, Switzerland}
82\author{        K. A.   Hochmuth        }
83\affiliation{Max-Planck-Institut f\"ur Physik (Werner-Heisenberg-Institut), M\"unchen, Germany}
84\author{        J.      Kisiel  }
85\affiliation{Institute of Physics, University of Silesia, Katowice, Poland}
86\author{        L.      Knecht  }
87\affiliation{Institut f\"{u}r Teilchenphysik,  ETHZ, Z\"{u}rich, Switzerland}
88\author{        I.  Kreslo      } 
89\affiliation{Laboratorium f\"{u}r  Hochenergie Physik, Bern Universit\"at, Bern, Switzerland}
90\author{V.  A.  Kudryavtsev}
91\affiliation{Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Sheffield, Sheffield, United Kingdom}
92\author{P.      Kuusiniemi}
93\affiliation{CUPP, University of Oulu, Finland}
94\author{        T.      Lachenmaier     } 
95\affiliation{Technische Universit\"at M\"unchen, Physik-Department E15, Garching, Germany}
96\author{        M.      Laffranchi      }
97\affiliation{Institut f\"{u}r Teilchenphysik,  ETHZ, Z\"{u}rich, Switzerland}
98\author{ B. Lefievre } 
99\affiliation{Astroparticule et Cosmologie (APC), CNRS, Université Paris VII, CEA, Observatoire de Paris, Paris, France}
100\author{P. K.    Lightfoot    }
101\affiliation{Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Sheffield, Sheffield, United Kingdom}
102\author{        M.      Lindner         } 
103\affiliation{   Max-Planck-Institut fuer Kernphysik, Heidelberg, Germany}
104\author{ J. Maalampi } 
105\affiliation{Department of Physics, University of Jyv\"askyl\"a, Finland}
107\affiliation{Departamento de F\'{\i}sica Te\'orica \& Instituto de F\'{\i}sica
108Te\'orica, Facultad de Ciencias C-XI, Universidad Aut\'onoma de Madrid, Cantoblanco, Madrid, Spain}
109\author{A. Marchionni}
110\affiliation{Institut f\"{u}r Teilchenphysik,  ETHZ, Z\"{u}rich, Switzerland}
111\author{        T.      Marrodán Undagoitia     } 
112\affiliation{Technische Universit\"at M\"unchen, Physik-Department E15, Garching, Germany}
113\author{        A.      Meregaglia      }
114\affiliation{Institut f\"{u}r Teilchenphysik,  ETHZ, Z\"{u}rich, Switzerland}
115\author{        M.      Messina         } 
116\affiliation{Laboratorium f\"{u}r  Hochenergie Physik, Bern Universit\"at, Bern, Switzerland}
117\author{        M.      Mezzetto        } 
118\affiliation{INFN Sezione di Padova, Padova, Italy}
119\author{     A.       Mirizzi     }
120\affiliation{INFN Sezione di Bari and Dipartimento di Fisica, Università di Bari, Bari, Italy, and
121Max-Planck-Institut f\"ur Physik (Werner-Heisenberg-Institut), M\"unchen, Germany}
122\author{        L.      Mosca   } 
123\affiliation{CEA - Saclay, Gif sur Yvette, France}
124\author{ U. Moser}
125\affiliation{Laboratorium f\"{u}r  Hochenergie Physik, Bern Universit\"at, Bern, Switzerland}
126\author{        A.      Müller  }
127\affiliation{Institut f\"{u}r Teilchenphysik,  ETHZ, Z\"{u}rich, Switzerland}
128\author{        G.      Natterer        }
129\affiliation{Institut f\"{u}r Teilchenphysik,  ETHZ, Z\"{u}rich, Switzerland}
130\author{        L.      Oberauer        } 
131\affiliation{Technische Universit\"at M\"unchen, Physik-Department E15, Garching, Germany}
132\author{        P.      Otiougova       }
133\affiliation{Institut f\"{u}r Teilchenphysik,  ETHZ, Z\"{u}rich, Switzerland}
134\author{        T.      Patzak  } 
135\affiliation{Astroparticule et Cosmologie (APC), CNRS, Université Paris VII, CEA, Observatoire de Paris, Paris, France}
136\author{        J.      Peltoniemi      } 
137\affiliation{CUPP, University of Oulu, Finland}
138\author{        W.      Potzel  } 
139\affiliation{Technische Universit\"at M\"unchen, Physik-Department E15, Garching, Germany}
140\author{ C. Pistillo} 
141\affiliation{Laboratorium f\"{u}r  Hochenergie Physik, Bern Universit\"at, Bern, Switzerland}
142\author{        G. G.   Raffelt         } 
143\affiliation{Max-Planck-Institut f\"ur Physik (Werner-Heisenberg-Institut), M\"unchen, Germany}
144\author{     E.      Rondio}
145\affiliation{A. Soltan Institute for Nuclear Studies, Warsaw, Poland}
146\author{M.  Roos}
147\affiliation{Department of Physical Sciences, University of Helsinki, Finland}
148\author{ B.  Rossi} 
149\affiliation{Laboratorium f\"{u}r  Hochenergie Physik, Bern Universit\"at, Bern, Switzerland}
150\author{        A.      Rubbia  }
151\affiliation{Institut f\"{u}r Teilchenphysik,  ETHZ, Z\"{u}rich, Switzerland}
152\author{    N.     Savvinov} 
153\affiliation{Laboratorium f\"{u}r  Hochenergie Physik, Bern Universit\"at, Bern, Switzerland}
154\author{    T.      Schwetz}
155\affiliation{CERN, Physics Department, Theory Division, Geneva, Switzerland}
156\author{   J.          Sobczyk}
157\affiliation{Institute of Theoretical Physics, Wroclaw University, Wroclaw, Poland}
158\author{        N. J. C.        Spooner         } 
159\affiliation{Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Sheffield, Sheffield, United Kingdom}
160\author{   D.    Stefan}
161\affiliation{H. Niewodniczanski Institute of Nuclear Physics, Krakow, Poland}
162\author{        A.      Tonazzo         } 
163\affiliation{Astroparticule et Cosmologie (APC), CNRS, Université Paris VII, CEA, Observatoire de Paris, Paris, France}
164\author{W. Trzaska}
165\affiliation{Department of Physics, University of Jyv\"askyl\"a, Finland}
166\author{        J.      Ulbricht        }
167\affiliation{Institut f\"{u}r Teilchenphysik,  ETHZ, Z\"{u}rich, Switzerland}
168\author{        C.      Volpe   } 
169\affiliation{Institut de Physique Nucleaire d'Orsay (IPNO), Groupe de Physique Theorique, Université de Paris-Sud XI, Orsay, France}
170\author{ J.      Winter } 
171\affiliation{Technische Universit\"at M\"unchen, Physik-Department E15, Garching, Germany}
172\author{        M.      Wurm    } 
173\affiliation{Technische Universit\"at M\"unchen, Physik-Department E15, Garching, Germany}
174\author{        A.      Zalewska        } 
175\affiliation{H. Niewodniczanski Institute of Nuclear Physics, Krakow, Poland}
176\author{        R.      Zimmermann      } 
177\affiliation{Universität Hamburg, Institut für Experimentalphysik, Hamburg, Germany}
185This document reports on a series of experimental and theoretical studies conducted to
186assess the astro-particle physics potential of three future large-scale particle detectors
187proposed in Europe as next generation underground observatories.
188The proposed apparatus employ three different and, to some extent, complementary detection techniques:
189GLACIER (liquid Argon TPC), LENA (liquid scintillator) and MEMPHYS (\WC), based on the use of large mass of liquids
190as active detection media.
191The results of these studies are presented along with a critical discussion of the performance attainable by the three proposed
192approaches coupled to existing or planned underground laboratories,
193in relation to open and outstanding physics issues such as the search for matter instability, the detection
194of astrophysical- and geo-neutrinos and to the possible use of these detectors in future high-intensity
195neutrino beams.
204\section{Physics motivation}
207Several outstanding physics goals could be achieved by the next generation of large underground observatories
208in the domain of astro-particle and particle physics, neutrino astronomy and cosmology.
209Proton decay \cite{Pati:1973rp}, in particular, is one of the most exciting prediction of Grand Unified Theories
210(for a review see \cite{Nath:2006ut}) aiming at the
211unification of fundamental forces in Nature. It remains today one of the most relevant open questions
212of particle physics. Its discovery would certainly represent a fundamental milestone, contributing to clarifying our
213understanding of the past and future evolution of the Universe. 
215Several experiments have been built and conducted to search for proton decay but they only yielded lower limits to the proton lifetime.
216The window between the predicted proton lifetime (in the simplest models typically below $10^{37} $ years) and that excluded
217 by experiments \cite{Kobayashi:2005pe}
218($O$($10^{33}$) years, depending on the channel) is within reach,
219and the demand to fill the gap grows with the progress in other domains of particle physics, astro-particle physics and cosmology.
220To some extent, also a negative result from next generation high-sensitivity experiments
221would be relevant to rule-out some of the
222theoretical models based on SU(5) and SO(10) gauge symmetry or to further constrain the range of allowed parameters.
223Identifying unambiguously proton decay and measuring its lifetime would set a firm scale for any Unified Theory, narrowing
224the phase space for possible models and their parameters. This will be a mandatory step to go forward
225beyond the Standard Model of elementary particles and interactions.
227Another important physics subject is the physics of natural neutrinos, as those from supernovae, from the Sun and from the interaction of primary cosmic-rays with the Earth's atmosphere. Neutrinos are above all important messengers from stars.
228Neutrino astronomy has a glorious although recent history, from the detection of solar neutrinos
229 \cite{Davis:1968cp,Hirata:1989zj,Anselmann:1992um,Abdurashitov:1994bc,Smy:2002rz,Aharmim:2005gt,Altmann:2005ix} 
230to the observation of neutrinos from supernova explosion, \cite{Hirata:1987hu,Bionta:1987qt,Alekseev:1988gp},
231acknowledged by the Nobel Prizes awarded to M. Koshiba and R. Davis.
232These observations have given valuable information for a better understanding of the functioning
233of stars and of the properties of neutrinos. However, much more information could be obtained if the energy spectra of
234stellar neutrinos were known with higher accuracy.
235Specific neutrino observations could give detailed information on the conditions of the production zone,
236whether in the Sun or in a supernova.
237A supernova explosion in our galaxy would be extremely important as the evolution mechanism of the collapsed star
238is still a puzzle for astrophysics.
239An even more fascinating challenge would be observing neutrinos from extragalactic supernovae, either from identified sources
240or from a diffuse flux due to unidentified past supernova explosions.
242Observing neutrinos produced in the atmosphere as cosmic-ray secondaries
244gave the first compelling evidence
245for neutrino oscillation \cite{Fukuda:1998mi,Kajita:2006cy}, a process that unambiguously points to the existence of new physics.
246While today the puzzle of missing atmospheric neutrinos can be considered solved,
247there remain challenges related to the sub-dominant oscillation phenomena. In particular, precise measurements of
248atmospheric neutrinos with high statistics and small systematic errors \cite{TabarellideFatis:2002ni}
249would help in resolving ambiguities and degeneracies that hamper the interpretation
250of other experiments, as those planned for future long baseline neutrino oscillation measurements.
252Another example of outstanding open questions is that of the knowledge of the interior of the Earth. 
253It may look hard to believe, but we know much better what happens inside the Sun than inside our own planet.
254There are very few messengers that can provide information, while a mere theory is not sufficient for building a credible model for the Earth. However, there is a new unexploited window to the Earth's interior,
255by observing neutrinos produced in the radioactive decays of heavy elements in the matter. Until now, only the KamLAND
256experiment  \cite{Araki:2005qa} has been able to study these so-called geo-neutrinos opening the way to a completely new
257field of research.  The small event rate, however,  does not allow to draw significant conclusions.
259The fascinating physics phenomena outlined above, in addition to other important subjects that we will address in the following,
260could be investigated by a new generation of multipurpose
261experiments based on improved detection techniques.
262The envisioned detectors must necessarily be very massive (and consequently large)
263due to the smallness of the cross-sections and to the low rate of signal events,
264and able to provide very low experimental background.
265The required signal to noise ratio can only be achieved in underground laboratories suitably shielded against cosmic-rays
266and environmental radioactivity.
267We can identify three different and, to large extent, complementary technologies capable to meet the challenge, based
268on large scale use of liquids for building large-size, volume-instrumented detectors
271\item Water Cherenkov.
272As the cheapest available (active) target material, water is the only liquid that is realistic for extremely large detectors,
273up to several hundreds or thousands of ktons; \WC\ detectors have sufficiently good resolution in energy,
274position and angle. The technology is well proven, as previously used for the IMB, Kamiokande and Super-Kamiokande
277\item Liquid scintillator.
278Experiments using a liquid scintillator as active target
279provide high-energy resolution and offer low-energy threshold.  They are
280particularly attractive for low energy particle detection, as for example solar
281neutrinos and geo-neutrinos.  Also liquid scintillator detectors feature a well established technology,
282already successfully applied at relatively large scale to the Borexino
283\cite{Back:2004zn} and KamLAND \cite{Araki:2004mb} experiments.
285\item Liquid Argon Time Projection Chambers (LAr TPC).
286This detection technology has among the three the best performance in identifying the topology of
287interactions and decays of particles, thanks to the bubble-chamber-like imaging performance.
288Liquid Argon TPCs are very versatile and work well with a wide particle energy range.
289Experience on such detectors has been gained within the ICARUS project \cite{Amerio:2004ze,Arneodo:2001tx}.
292Three experiments are proposed to employ the above detection techniques: MEMPHYS \cite{deBellefon:2006vq} for \WC,
293LENA \cite{Oberauer:2005kw, Marrodan:2006} for liquid scintillator
294and GLACIER \cite{Rubbia:2004tz,Rubbia:2004yq,Ereditato:2004ru,Ereditato:2005ru,Ereditato:2005yx} for Liquid Argon.
295In this paper we report on the study of the physics potential of the experiments and identify features of complementarity
296amongst the three techniques.
298Needless to say, the availability of future neutrino beams from particle accelerators
299would provide an additional bonus to the above experiments.
300Measuring oscillations with artificial neutrinos (of well known kinematical features)
301with a sufficiently long baseline would allow to accurately determine the oscillation parameters
302(in particular the mixing angle $\theta_{13}$ and the possible
303CP violating phase in the mixing matrix).
304The envisaged detectors may then be used for observing neutrinos from the future Beta Beams and Super Beams
305in the optimal energy range for each experiment. A common example
306is a low-energy Beta Beam from CERN to MEMPHYS at Frejus, 130 km away \cite{Campagne:2006yx}.
307High energy beams have been suggested \cite{Rubbia:2006pi},
308favoring longer baselines of up to $O$(2,000 km).
309The ultimate Neutrino Factory facility will require a magnetized detector to fully exploit the simultaneous availability of
310neutrinos and antineutrinos. This subject is however beyond the scope of the present study.
312Finally, there is a possibility of (and the hope for) unexpected
313discoveries. The history of physics has shown that
314several experiments have made their glory with discoveries in research fields that were outside the original goals of the experiments.
315Just to quote an example, we can mention the Kamiokande detector, mainly designed to search for proton decay
316and actually contributing to the observation of atmospheric neutrino oscillations, to the clarification of the solar neutrino puzzle and
317to the first observation of supernova neutrinos \cite{Hirata:1987hu,Hirata:1988ad,Hirata:1989zj,Hirata:1988uy,
319All the three proposed experiments, thanks to their
320outstanding boost in mass and performance, will certainly provide a significant potential for surprises and unexpected discoveries.
322\section{Description of the three detectors}
325The three detectors' basic parameters are listed in \refTab{tab:Phys-detector-summary}.
326All of them have active targets of tens to hundreds kton mass and are to be installed in underground laboratories to be protected against background induced by cosmic-rays. As already said,
327the large size of the detectors is motivated by the extremely low cross-section of neutrinos and/or by the rareness of the
328interesting events searched for. Some details of the detectors are discussed in the following, while the matters related to the possible underground site are presented in Section~\ref{sec:Phys-Sites}.
332Basic parameters of the three detector (baseline) design.} 
335                   &        \textbf{GLACIER}            &    \textbf{LENA}    &      \textbf{MEMPHYS}\\
338\multicolumn{4}{l}{\textbf{Detector dimensions}}          \\
339type              & vertical cylinder   & horizontal cylinder   & $3\div5$ shafts\\
340    diam. x length & $\phi=70\mathrm{m} \times L=20\mathrm{m}$
341                                                                          & $\phi=30\mathrm{m} \times L=100\mathrm{m}$
342                                                                          & $(3\div5)\times(\phi=65\mathrm{m} \times H=65\mathrm{m}) $ \\         
343typical mass (kton)   & 100                          &       50                   & $600\div800$\\
345\multicolumn{4}{l}{\textbf{Active target and readout}}          \\
346        type of target  & liquid Argon      &liquid scintillator  & water \\
347                        & (boiling)         &                      & (option: 0.2\% GdCl$_3$) \\
348readout type      & \parbox[t]{4cm}{\begin{itemize}
349                                                                                                                                                \item[$e^-$ drift] 2 perp. views, $10^5$ channels, ampli. in gas phase
350                                                                                                                                                \item[Cher. light] 27,000 8" PMTs, $\sim 20\%$ coverage
351                                                                                                                                                \item[Scint. light] 1,000 8" PMTs
352                                                                                                                                                \end{itemize}
353                                                                                                                                                }
354                  & \parbox[t]{4cm}{\center{12,000 20" PMTs\\ $\gtrsim 30\%$ coverage}} 
355                  & \parbox[t]{4cm}{\center{81,000 12" PMTs\\$\sim 30\%$ coverage}} \\
361\subsection{Liquid Argon TPC}
363GLACIER (Fig.~\ref{fig:Phys-GLACIERdetector}) is the foreseen extrapolation up to $100$~kton
364of the liquid Argon Time Projection Chamber technique.
365The detector can be mechanically subdivided into two parts,
366the liquid Argon tank and the inner detector instrumentation.
367For simplicity, we assume at this stage that the two aspects can be largely decoupled.
371\caption{\label{fig:Phys-GLACIERdetector} Artistic view of a 100~kton single-tank liquid Argon TPC detector.
372The electronic crates are located at the top of the dewar.}     
375The basic idea behind this detector is to use a single 100~kton boiling liquid Argon cryogenic tank with
376cooling directly performed with liquid Argon (self-refrigerating). Events are reconstructed in 3D by using the
377information provided by ionization in liquid. The imaging capabilities and the excellent space resolution
378of the device make this detector an "electronic bubble chamber".
379The signal from scintillation and Cherenkov light readout complete the information contributing to the event reconstruction.
381As far as light collection is concerned one can profit from the ICARUS R\&D program that
382has shown that it is possible to operate photomultipliers (PMTs) directly immersed in the liquid Argon \cite{Amerio:2004ze}.
383In order to be sensitive to DUV scintillation, PMTs are coated with a wavelength shifter (WLS), for instance
385About 1,000~immersed phototubes with WLS would
386be used to identify the (isotropic and bright) scintillation light. To detect
387Cherenkov radiation about 27,000 ~8''-phototubes without WLS would provide a 20\% coverage of the detector surface.
388The latter PMTs should have single photon
389counting capabilities in order to count the number of Cherenkov photons.
391Charge amplification and an extreme  liquid purity against electronegative compounds
392(although attainable by commercial purification systems) is needed to allow long drift distances of the ionization/imaging electrons
393 ($\approx 20\rm\ m$). For this reason,
394the detector will run in the so-called bi-phase mode. Namely, drifting electrons produced in the liquid phase
395are extracted into the gas phase with
396the help of an electric field and amplified in order to compensate the charge loss due to
397attenuation along the drift path.
398The final charge signal is then read out  by means of Large Electron Multiplier (LEM) devices, providing X-Y information. The Z coordinate
399is given by the drift time measurement, proportional to the drift length.
400A possible extension of the present detector design envisages the immersion of the sensitive volume in an external magnetic
401field \cite{Ereditato:2005yx}.
402Existing experience from specialized Liquified Natural Gases (LNG) companies and studies conducted in collaboration with
403Technodyne LtD UK,  have been ingredients for a first step in assessing the feasibility of the detector and of its operation
404in an underground site.
406\subsection{Liquid scintillator detector}
408The LENA detector is cylindrical in shape with a length of about 100\,m and 30\,m diameter (\refFig{fig:Phys-LENAdetector}).
409The inner volume corresponding to a radius of 13\,m
410contains approximately $5 \times 10^4$\,m$^3$ of liquid scintillator.
411The outer part of the volume is filled with water, acting as a
412veto for identifying muons entering the detector from outside.
413Both the outer and the inner volume are enclosed in steel tanks
414of 3 to 4\,cm wall thickness. For most purposes, a fiducial volume is defined by excluding
415the volume corresponding to 1\,m distance to the inner tank walls. The fiducial volume so defined amounts
416to 88\,$\%$ of the total detector volume.
418The main axis of the cylinder is placed horizontally. A tunnel-shaped
419cavern housing the detector is considered as realistically feasible for most of the envisioned detector locations. In
420respect to accelerator physics, the axis could be oriented towards
421the neutrino source in order to contain the full length of
422muon and electron tracks produced in charged-current neutrino interactions in the liquid scintillator.
424The baseline configuration for the light detection in the inner volume foresees
42512,000 PMTs of 20'' diameter mounted onto
426the inner cylinder wall and covering about 30\,$\%$ of the surface. As
427an option, light concentrators can be installed in front of the PMTs,
428hence increasing the surface coverage $c$ to values larger than
42950\,$\%$. Alternatively, $c=30\,\%$ can be reached by equipping
4308'' PMTs with light concentrators, thereby reducing the cost when comparing to
431the baseline configuration. Additional PMTs are supplied in the outer
432veto to detect (and reject) the Cherenkov light from events due to incoming cosmic muons.
433Possible candidates as liquid scintillator material are pure
434phenyl-o-xylylethane (PXE), a mixture of 20\,$\%$ PXE and 80\,$\%$
435Dodecane, and linear Alkylbenzene (LAB). All three liquids exhibit low
436toxicity and provide high flash and inflammation points.
440\caption{\label{fig:Phys-LENAdetector}Schematic drawing of the LENA detector.} 
443\subsection{Water Cherenkov}
445The MEMPHYS detector (\refFig{fig:Phys-MEMPHYSdetector}) is an extrapolation of the  \WC\ Super-Kamiokande
446detector to a mass as large as $730$~kton.
447The detector is composed of up to 5 shafts containing separate tanks.
4483 tanks are enough to total 440~kton fiducial mass. This is the configuration which is used hereafter.
449Each shaft has 65~m diameter and 65~m height representing an increase by a factor 8 with respect to Super-Kamiokande.
451The Cherenkov light rings produced by fast particles moving within the inner water volume are reconstructed by PMTs placed
452on the inner tank wall.
453The PMT housing surface starts at  2~m from the outer wall and is covered with about 81,000 12" PMTs to reach a 30\% surface coverage,
454in or alternatively equivalent to a 40\% coverage with 20" PMTs.
455The fiducial volume is defined by an additional conservative guard of 2~m.
456The outer volume  between the PMT surface and the water vessel is instrumented with 8" PMTs.
457If not otherwise stated, the Super-Kamiokande analysis procedures for efficiency calculations, background reduction, etc.  are
458used in computing the physics potential of MEMPHYS.
459In USA and Japan, two analogous projects (UNO and Hyper-Kamiokande) have been proposed.
460These detectors are similar in many respects and the physics potential presented hereafter may well be transposed to them.
461Specific characteristics that are not identical in the proposed projects are the distance from
462available or envisaged accelerators and nuclear reactors, sources of artificial neutrino fluxes, and the and the depth of the host laboratory.
464Currently, there is a very promising ongoing R\&D activity concerning
465the possibility of introducing Gadolinium salt (GdCl${}_3$) inside Super-Kamiokande.
466The physics goal is to decrease the background for many physics channels by detecting and tagging neutrons produced in
467the Inverse Beta Decay (IBD) interaction of $\bar{\nu}_e$ on free protons.
468For instance, 100~tons of GdCl${}_3$ in Super-Kamiokande would yield more then 90\% neutron captures on Gd  \cite{Beacom:2003nk}.
472\caption{\label{fig:Phys-MEMPHYSdetector}Layout of the MEMPHYS detector in the future Fréjus laboratory.}       
476\section{Underground sites}
479The proposed large detectors require underground laboratories of adequate size and depth, naturally protected against
480cosmic-rays that represent a potential source of background events mainly for non-accelerator experiments, that cannot exploit
481the peculiar time stamp provided by the accelerator beam spill.
483Additional characteristics of these sites contributing to their qualification as candidates for the proposed experiments
484are: the type and quality of the rock allowing the practical feasibility of large caverns at reasonable cost and within reasonable time,
485the distance from existing (or future) accelerators and nuclear reactors, the type and quality of the access, the geographical position, the environmental conditions, etc.
487The presently identified worldwide candidate sites are located in three geographical regions: North-America, far-east Asia
488and Europe. In this paper we consider the European region, where, at this stage, the following sites
489are assumed as candidates: Boulby (UK), Canfranc (Spain), Fréjus (France/Italy), Gran Sasso (Italy),
490Pyhäsalmi (Finland) and Sieroszewice (Poland).
491Most of the sites are existing national or international underground laboratories with associated infrastructure
492and experimental halls already used for experiments.
493The basic features of the sites are presented on \refTab{tab:Phys-site-parameters}.
494For the Gran Sasso Laboratory a  possible new (additional) site
495is envisaged to be located 10 km away from the present underground laboratory,
496outside the protected area of the neighboring Gran Sasso National Park.
497The possibility of under-water solutions, such as for instance Pylos for the LENA project, is not taken into account here.
498The identification and measurement of the different background components in the candidate sites (muons, fast neutrons
499from muon interactions, slow neutrons from nuclear reactions in the rock, gammas, electrons/positrons and alphas from
500radioactive decays,\dots) is underway, mainly in the context of the ILIAS European (JRA) Network ($$).
501%The collection of the presently known values for these background components are reported in \refTab{tab:Phys-site-parameters}.
503None of the existing sites has yet a sufficiently large cavity able to accommodate the foreseen detectors.
504For two of the sites (Fréjus and Pyhäsalmi) a preliminary feasibility study for large excavation at deep depth
505has already been performed. For the Fréjus site the main conclusion drawn from simulations constrained by a series
506of rock parameter measurements made during the Fréjus road tunnel excavation is that the "shaft shape" is strongly preferred
507compared to the "tunnel shape", as long as large cavities are required. As mentioned above,
508several (up to 5) of such shaft cavities with a diameter of about 65~m
509(for a corresponding volume of 250,000~m${}^3$) each, seem feasible in the region around the middle of the Fréjus tunnel, at a depth of 4,800~m.w.e.
510For the Pyhäsalmi site, the preliminary study has been performed for two main cavities with tunnel shape and
511dimensions of $(20 \times 20 \times 120)$~m${}^3$ and $(20 \times 20 \times 50)$~m${}^3$, respectively,
512and for one shaft-shaped cavity with 25~m in diameter and 25~m in height, all at a depth of about 1430~m of rock (4,000~m.w.e.).
517Summary of characteristics of some underground sites envisioned for the proposed detectors.}
521Site & Gran Sasso        &  Fréjus                     & Pyh\"asalmi  &  Boulby     & Canfranc & Sieroszowice\\
523Location       & Italy & Italy-France border        & Finland      & UK          &  Spain   & Poland \\
524Distance from CERN (km)& 730 & 130                  & 2,300         &  1,050       & 630      &     950 \\ 
525Type of access          & Highway tunnel & Fréjus tunnel               &  Mine        & Mine & Somport tunnel & Shaft\\
526Vertical depth (m.w.e)  & 3,700 & 4,800               & 4,000         & 2,800       & 2,450    & 2,200 \\
527Type of rock  & hard rock & hard rock                     & hard rock   & salt        & hard rock        & salt \& rock \\
528Type/size of cavity  & * & \parbox[b]{3cm}{\center{shafts\\$\Phi = 65~\mathrm{m}, H=80~\mathrm{m}$}}
529                     & \parbox[b]{3cm}{\center{tunnel\\ $20~\mathrm{m}\times 20~\mathrm{m}\times 120~\mathrm{m}$}}
530                     & *
531                     & *
532                     &\parbox[b]{3cm}{\center{shafts\\$\Phi = 74~\mathrm{m}, H=37~\mathrm{m}$}} \\
533$\mu$ Flux (m$^{-2}$day$^{-1}$) & 24 & 4       &   9          & 34         & 406      & * \\ %[-3mm]
534%n Flux ($10^{-6}$~cm$^{-2}$s$^{-1}$)  & $O(1)$ &  \parbox{3cm}{\center{1.6 (0-0.63~eV)\\ 4.0 (2-6~MeV)}}                                                                                                                                                & *
535%                                                                                                                                                &  \parbox{3cm}{\center{2.8 (>100~keV)\\ 1.3 (>1~MeV)}}
536%                                                                                                                                                & 3.82 (integral) & * \\
537%$\gamma$ Flux (cm$^{-2}$s$^{-1}$)    & * & 7.0 (>4~MeV)  & * & * & $2 \times 10^{-2}$  & *\\
538%$^{238}$U (ppm) Rock/Cavern  & ? & 0.84/1.90   & 28-44 Bq/m$^3$   & 0.07      & 30 Bq/kg & $0.017 \pm 0.003$ Bq/kg\\
539%$^{232}$Th (ppm) Rock/Cavern  & ? & 2.45/1.40   & 4-19 Bq/m$^3$   & 0.12      & 76 Bq/kg & $0.008 \pm 0.001$ Bq/kg\\
540%K (Bq/kg)          Rock/Cavern  & ? & 213/77     & 267-625 Bq/m$^3$   & 1130      & 680 & $4.0 \pm 0.9$ Bq/kg\\
541%Rn (Bq/m$^3$) Cavern (Vent. ON/OFF) &?  & 15-150    &  10-148     &  *  & 50-100 Bq/kg & $10-50$\\
551\section{Matter instability: sensitivity to proton decay}
553For all relevant aspects of the proton stability in Grand Unified Theories,
554in strings and in branes we refer to~\cite{Nath:2006ut}.   
555Since proton decay is the most dramatic prediction coming
556from theories of the unification of fundamental interactions, there is a realistic hope to be able to test these scenarios with next
557generation experiments exploiting the above mentioned large mass, underground detectors.
558For this reason, the knowledge of a theoretical upper bound on the lifetime of the proton is very
559helpful in assessing the potential of future experiments.   
560Recently, a model-independent upper bound on the proton decay lifetime has
561been worked out~\cite{Dorsner:2004xa}
565        \tau_p^{upper} =       
566                \left\{\begin{array}{lr}
567        6.0 \times 10^{39} & (\text{Majorana})
568         \\ 
569         2.8 \times 10^{37}  & (\text{Dirac})
570        \end{array}\right\}
571                 \times 
572         \frac{\left(M_X/10^{16}GeV\right)^4}{\alpha_{GUT}^2} \times \left( \frac{0.003GeV^3}{\alpha} \right)^2 \ \text{years}         
576where $M_X$ is the mass of the superheavy gauge bosons, the parameter $\alpha_{GUT}= g_{GUT}^2 / 4 \pi$,
577$g_{GUT}$ is the gauge coupling at the Grand Unified scale and $\alpha$ is the matrix element.
578\refFig{fig:Phys-PDK-Majorana} shows the present parameter space allowed by experiments
579in the case of Majorana neutrinos.
581Most of the models (Super-symmetric or non Super-symmetric) predict a proton lifetime $\tau_p$ below
582those upper bounds ($10^{33-37}$~years). This is  particularly interesting since this falls within the possible
583range of the proposed experiments.
584In order to have a better idea of the proton decay predictions, we list
585the results from different models in \refTab{tab:Phys-PDK-Models}.
587No specific simulations for MEMPHYS have been carried out yet. Therefore,
588here we rely on the studies done for the similar UNO detector, adapting the results to MEMPHYS, which, however, features
589an overall better PMT coverage.
593\caption{\label{fig:Phys-PDK-Majorana} Isoplot for the upper bounds on the total
594proton lifetime in years in the Majorana neutrino case in the
595$M_X$--$\alpha_{GUT}$ plane. The value of the unifying coupling
596constant is varied from $1/60$ to $1/10$. The conventional values
597for $M_X$ and $\alpha_{GUT}$ in SUSY GUTs are marked with thick
598lines. The experimentally excluded region is given in black~\cite{Dorsner:2004xa}.}
603Summary of several predictions for the proton partial lifetimes. References for the
604different models are: (1) \cite{Georgi:1974sy}, (2) \cite{Dorsner:2005fq,Dorsner:2005ii}, (3) \cite{Lee:1994vp}
605(4)  \cite{Murayama:2001ur,Bajc:2002bv,Bajc:2002pg,Emmanuel-Costa:2003pu},
606(5) \cite{Babu:1992ia,Aulakh:2003kg,Fukuyama:2004pb,Goh:2003nv},
607(6) \cite{Friedmann:2002ty},
608(7) \cite{Bajc:2006ia},
609(8) \cite{Perez:2007rm}.}
611                \begin{tabular}{cccc} \hline\hline
612Model       &   Decay modes     &  Prediction   &  References \\ \hline
613Georgi-Glashow model & - &  ruled out      &        (1)        \\ 
614\parbox{4cm}{\center{Minimal realistic\\ non-SUSY $SU(5)$}} & all channels & $\tau_p^{upper} = 1.4 \times 10^{36}$~years & (2)
616Two Step Non-SUSY $SO(10)$ &  $p \to e^+ \pi^0$ &  $\approx 10^{33-38}$~years & (3)  \\[5mm] 
617Minimal SUSY $SU(5)$   &   $p \to  \bar{\nu}K^+$  &  $\approx 10^{32-34}$~years  & (4)
620\parbox{4cm}{\center{SUSY $SO(10)$ \\ with $10_H$, and $126_H$}} & $p \to \bar{\nu} K^+$ & $\approx 10^{33-36}$~years &  (5) 
622M-Theory($G_2$)   & $p \to e^+\pi^0$    &  $\approx 10^{33-37}$~years     & (6)  \\[4mm]
623 $SU(5)$ with $24_F$  & $p \to \pi^0 e^+ $ & $\approx 10^{35-36}$  years & (7)\\[4mm]
624 Renormalizable Adjoint $SU(5)$ & $p \to \pi^0 e^+ $ & $\approx 10^{35-36}$  years & (8)\\
627                \end{tabular}
630In order to assess the physics potential of a large liquid Argon Time Projection Chambers such as GLACIER,
631a detailed simulation of signal efficiency and
632background sources, including atmospheric neutrinos and cosmogenic
633backgrounds was carried out \cite{Bueno:2007um}. Liquid Argon TPCs,
634offering high space granularity and energy resolution, low-energy detection threshold,
635and excellent background discrimination, should 
636yield  large signal over background ratio for many of the possible proton
637decay modes, hence allowing reaching partial lifetime sensitivities in
638the range of $10^{34}-10^{35}$~years for exposures up to 1,000~kton year.
639This can often be accomplished in quasi background-free conditions optimal for discoveries
640at the few events level, corresponding
641to atmospheric neutrino background rejections of the order of $10^5$.
643Multi-prong decay modes like $p\rightarrow \mu^- \pi^+ K^+$
644or $p\rightarrow e^+\pi^+\pi^-$ and channels involving kaons like
645$p\rightarrow K^+\bar\nu$, $p\rightarrow e^+K^0$ and $p\rightarrow \mu^+K^0$
646are particularly appealing, since liquid Argon imaging
647provides typically one order of magnitude efficiency increase for similar
648or better background conditions, compared to water Cherenkov detectors.
649Up to a factor of two improvement in efficiency is expected for modes like $p\rightarrow e^+\gamma$
650and $p\rightarrow \mu^+\gamma$, thanks to the clean photon identification
651and separation from $\pi^0$. Channels such as $p\rightarrow e^+\pi^0$ and $p\rightarrow \mu^+\pi^0$,
652dominated by intrinsic nuclear effects,
653yield similar performance as water Cherenkov detectors.
655An important feature of GLACIER is that thanks to the self-shielding
656and 3D-imaging properties, the above expected performance
657remains valid even at shallow depths, where cosmogenic background sources are important.
658The possibility of using a very large-area, annular, muon-veto active shielding, to
659further suppress cosmogenic backgrounds at shallow depths is also a very promising
660option to complement the GLACIER detector.
662In order to quantitatively estimate the potential of the LENA detector
663in measuring proton lifetime, a Monte Carlo simulation for the
664decay channel $p\to K^{+}\overline{{\nu}}$ has been performed. For
665this purpose, the GEANT4 simulation toolkit \cite{Agostinelli:2002hh} has been
666used, including optical processes as scintillation, Cherenkov light
667production, Rayleigh scattering and light absorption. From these simulations one obtains
668a light yield  of $\sim 110$~p.e./MeV for an event in the
669center of the detector. In  addition, the semi-empirical Birk's formula
670has been introduced into the code in order to take into account the so-called quenching effects.
672Following studies performed for the UNO detector, the detection efficiency for $p \rightarrow e^+\pi^0$
673is $43\%$ for a 20" PMT coverage of 40\% or its equivalent, as envisioned for
674MEMPHYS. The corresponding estimated
675atmospheric neutrino induced background is at the level of $2.25$~events/Mton year.
676From these efficiencies and background levels,
677proton decay sensitivity as a function of detector exposure can be
678estimated. A $10^{35}$ years partial
679lifetime ($\tau_p/B$) could be reached at the 90\% C.L. for a 5~Mton year exposure (10~years) with MEMPHYS
680(similar to case A in \refFig{fig:pdk1} compiled by the UNO collaboration \cite{Jung:1999jq}). Beyond that exposure, tighter cuts may be envisaged to further reduce the atmospheric neutrino background to $0.15$~events/Mton year, by selecting quasi exclusively the free proton decays.
684\caption{\label{fig:pdk1} Sensitivity to the $e^+\pi^0$ proton decay mode
685compiled by the UNO collaboration \cite{Jung:1999jq}. MEMPHYS corresponds to case (A).}
688The positron and the two photons issued from the $\pi^0$ gives clear events
689in the GLACIER detector. The $\pi^0$ is absorbed by the nucleus
690in $45\%$ of the cases. Assuming a perfect particle and track identification,
691one may expect a $45\%$ efficiency and a background level of $1$~event/Mton year.
692For a 1~Mton year (10~years) exposure with GLACIER one
693reaches $\tau_p/B > 0.4 \times 10^{35}$~years at the 90$\%$ C.L. (Fig.~\ref{fig:GLACIERpdk}).
699\caption{\label{fig:GLACIERpdk} Expected proton decay lifetime limits ($\tau / B$ at 90\% C.L.)
700as a function of exposure for GLACIER. Only atmospheric neutrino background
701has been taken into account.}
704In a liquid scintillator detector such as LENA the decay $p\to e^{+}\pi^{0}$ would
705produce a $938$~MeV signal coming from the $e^{+}$ and the $\pi^{0}$
706shower. Only atmospheric neutrinos are expected to cause background
707events in this energy range. Using the fact that showers from both
708$e^{+}$ and $\pi^{0}$ propagate 4~m in opposite directions
709before being stopped, atmospheric neutrino background can be
710reduced. Applying this method, the current limit for this channel
711($\tau_p/B=5.4~10^{33}$~years \cite{Nakaya:2005nk}) could be improved.
713In LENA, proton decay events via the mode $p\to K^{+}\overline{{\nu}}$
714have a very clear signature. The kaon causes a prompt monoenergetic
715signal of 105~MeV together with a larger delayed signal from its decay.
716The kaon has a lifetime of 12.8~ns and two main decay channels: with a
717probability of 63.43~$\%$ it decays via $K^{+}\to\mu^{+}{\nu_{\mu}}$
718and with 21.13\%, via \mbox{$K^{+}\to\pi^{+} \pi^{0}$}.
720Simulations of proton decay events and atmospheric neutrino background
721have  been performed and a pulse shape analysis has been applied.
722From this analysis an efficiency of 65\% for
723the detection of a proton decay has been determined and a
724background  suppression of $\sim2 \times10^{4}$ has  been
725achieved \cite{Undagoitia:1-2uu}. A detail study of background implying pion and
726kaon production in atmospheric  neutrino reactions has been performed
727leading to a background rate of $0.064~\mathrm{year}^{-1}$ due to the reaction
728${\nu}_{\mu}+p\to \mu^{-}+K^{+}+p$.
730For the current proton lifetime limit for the channel considered
731($\tau_p/B=2.3 \times 10^{33}$~year) \cite{Kobayashi:2005pe}, about 40.7 proton decay
732events would be observed in LENA after ten years
733with less than 1 background event. If no signal is seen in the detector
734within ten years, the lower limit for the lifetime of the proton
735will be set at $\tau_p/B>4~\times10^{34}$~years at the $90\%$~C.L.
737For GLACIER, the latter is a quite clean
738channel due to the presence of a strange meson and no other particles in
739the final state. Using $dE/dx$ versus range as the discriminating variable
740in a Neural Network algorithm, less than $1\%$ of the kaons are mis-identified as protons.
741For this channel, the selection efficiency is high ($97\%$)
742for an atmospheric neutrino background $< 1$~event/Mton year.
743In case of absence of signal and for a detector location at a depth of
7441 km w.e., one expects for 1~Mton year (10~years) exposure one background event due to cosmogenic sources. This translates into a limit
745$\tau_p/B > 0.6 \times 10^{35}$~years at 90\% C.L. This result remains
746valid even at shallow depths where
747cosmogenic background sources are a very important limiting factor for proton
748decay searches.
749For example, the study done in \cite{Bueno:2007um} shows that
750a three-plane active veto at a shallow
751depth of about 200~m rock overburden under a hill yields
752similar sensitivity for $p\rightarrow K^+\bar\nu$ as a 3,000 m.w.e. deep detector.
754For MEMPHYS one should rely on the detection of the decay products of the $K^+$
755since its momentum ($360$~MeV) is below the water Cherenkov threshold of $570$~MeV: a 256~MeV/c muon and its
756decay electron (type I) or a 205~MeV/c $\pi^+$ and $\pi^0$
757(type II), with the possibility of a delayed (12~ns) coincidence
758with the 6~MeV ${}^{15}\mathrm{N}$ de-excitation prompt $\gamma$ (Type III).
759Using the known imaging and timing performance of Super-Kamiokande, the efficiency for the reconstruction of
760$p \rightarrow \overline{\nu}K^+$ is 33\% (I), 6.8\% (II)
761and 8.8\% (III), and the background is 2100, 22 and 6 events/Mton year, respectively. For the
762prompt $\gamma$ method, the background is dominated by
763miss-reconstruction. As stated by the UNO Collaboration \cite{Jung:1999jq}, there are good
764reasons to believe that this background can be lowered by at least a factor of two, corresponding
765to the atmospheric neutrino interaction $\nu p \rightarrow \nu
766\Lambda K^+$. In these conditions, and taking into account the Super-Kamiokande performance,
767a 5~Mton year exposure for MEMPHYS would allow reaching $\tau_p/B > 2 \times 10^{34}$~years (\refFig{fig:pdk9_jbz}).
772Expected sensitivity to the $\nu K^+$ proton decay mode as a function of
773exposure compiled by the UNO collaboration \cite{Jung:1999jq} which may be applied for the MEMPHYS detector (see text for details).}
777A preliminary comparison between the performance of  three detectors has been carried out
779For the $e^+ \pi^0$ channel, the Cherenkov detector gets a better limit due to the
780higher mass. However, it should be noted that GLACIER, although five times smaller
781in mass than MEMPHYS,  can reach a limit that is only a factor two smaller.
782Liquid Argon TPCs and liquid scintillator detectors obtain better results for the
783$\bar{\nu} K^+$ channel, due to their higher detection efficiency.
784The techniques look therefore quite complementary.
785We have also seen that GLACIER does not necessarily requires very deep underground
786laboratories, like those currently existing or future planned sites, in order to perform high
787sensitivity nucleon decay searches.
790\caption{\label{tab:Phys-PDK-Summary}Summary of the $e^+\pi^0$ and $\bar{\nu}K^+$ decay
791discovery potential for the three detectors.
792The $e^+\pi^0$ channel is not yet simulated for LENA.}
794                                                & GLACIER             &      LENA              &  MEMPHYS \\ \hline
795$e^+\pi^0$      &                     &                        &          \\
796$\epsilon (\%)
797/ \mathrm{Bkgd (Mton~year)}$ & $45/1$  &         -               &   $43/2.25$ \\
798$\tau_p/B$ (90\% C.L., 10~years) &      $0.4\times 10^{35}$ & -           &  $1.0\times 10^{35}$ \\ \hline
800$\bar{\nu}K^+$                    &                         &              \\
801$\epsilon (\%)
802/ \mathrm{Bkgd (Mton~ year)}$ & $97/1$  &         $65/1$               &   $8.8/3$ \\
803$\tau_p/B$ (90\% C.L., 10~years) &      $0.6\times 10^{35}$ & $0.4\times 10^{35}$            &  $0.2\times 10^{35}$ \\
804 \hline\hline
809\section{Supernova neutrinos}
812The detection of supernova (SN) neutrinos represents one of the next
813frontiers of neutrino physics and astrophysics. It will provide invaluable
814information on the astrophysics of the core-collapse explosion
815phenomenon and on the neutrino mixing parameters. In particular,
816neutrino flavor transitions in the SN envelope might be sensitive
817to the value of $\theta_{13}$ and to the type of mass hierarchy.
818These two main issues are discussed in detail in the following Sections.
821\subsection{SN neutrino emission, oscillation and detection}
824A core-collapse supernova marks the evolutionary end of a massive star
825($M\gtrsim 8\,M_\odot$) which becomes inevitably unstable at the end
826of its life. The star collapses and ejects its outer mantle in a shock-wave
827driven explosion.  The collapse to a neutron star ($M \simeq M_\odot
828$, $R\simeq 10$~km) liberates a gravitational binding energy of
829$\approx 3 \times10^{53}~{\rm erg} $, 99\% of which is transferred to
830(anti) neutrinos of all the flavors and only 1\% to the
831kinetic energy of the explosion. Therefore, a core-collapse SN
832represents one of the most powerful sources of (anti) neutrinos in the Universe.
833In general, numerical simulations of SN explosions provide the
834original neutrino spectra in energy and time $F^0_{\nu}$. Such initial
835distributions are in general modified by flavor transitions in the SN
836envelope, in vacuum (and eventually in Earth matter): $F^0_\nu {\longrightarrow} F_\nu$
837and must be convoluted with the differential interaction cross-section
838$\sigma_e$ for electron or positron production, as well as with the
839detector resolution function $R_e$ and the efficiency $\varepsilon$,
840in order to finally get observable event rates $N_e = F_\nu \otimes \sigma_e \otimes R_e \otimes \varepsilon $.
842Regarding the initial neutrino distributions $F^0_{\nu}$, a SN
843collapsing core is roughly a black-body source of thermal neutrinos,
844emitted on a timescale of $\sim 10$~s.  Energy spectra parametrizations
845are typically cast in the form of quasi-thermal distributions, with
846typical average energies: $ \langle E_{\nu_e} \rangle= 9-12$~MeV,
847$\langle E_{\bar{\nu}_e} \rangle= 14-17$~MeV, $\langle E_{\nu_x}
848\rangle= 18-22$~MeV, where $\nu_x$ indicates any non-electron flavor.
850The oscillated neutrino fluxes arriving on Earth may be
851written in terms of the energy-dependent  survival probability
852 $p$ ($\bar{p}$) for neutrinos (antineutrinos) as~\cite{Dighe:1999bi}
855F_{\nu_e} & = & p F_{\nu_e}^0 + (1-p) F_{\nu_x}^\nonumber \\ 
856F_{\bar\nu_e} & =  &\bar{p} F_{\bar\nu_e}^0 + (1-\bar{p}) F_{\nu_x}^0 \label{eqfluxes1-3} \\
8574 F_{\nu_x} & = & (1-p) F_{\nu_e}^0 + (1-\bar{p}) F_{\bar\nu_e}^0 +
858(2 + p + \bar{p}) F_{\nu_x}^0 \nonumber
861where $\nu_x$ stands for either $\nu_\mu$ or $\nu_\tau$.  The
862probabilities $p$ and $\bar{p}$ crucially depend on the neutrino mass
863hierarchy and on the unknown value of the mixing angle $\theta_{13}$
864as shown in \refTab{tab:Phys-SN-Flux}.
867                \caption{\label{tab:Phys-SN-Flux}Values of the $p$ and $\bar{p}$ parameters used in
868 Eq.~\ref{eqfluxes1-3} in different scenario of mass hierarchy and  $\sin^2 \theta_{13}$.}
870                \begin{tabular}{cccc} \hline\hline
871                Mass Hierarchy        & $\sin^2\theta_{13}$ & $p$     & $\bar{p}$ \\ \hline
872                Normal                & $\gtrsim 10^{-3}$              & 0        & $\cos^2 \theta_{12}$ \\ 
873                Inverted                          & $\gtrsim 10^{-3}$              & $\sin^2 \theta_{12}$ & 0 \\
874                Any                   &  $\lesssim 10^{-5}$             & $\sin^2 \theta_{12}$ & $\cos^2 \theta_{12}$ \\ \hline\hline
875                \end{tabular}
878Galactic core-collapse supernovae are rare, perhaps a few per century.
879Up to now, SN neutrinos have been detected only once
880during the SN~1987A explosion in the Large Magellanic Cloud in 1987 ($d=50$~kpc).
881Due to the relatively small masses of the detectors operational at that time,  only few events were detected:
88211 in Kamiokande \cite{Hirata:1987hu,Hirata:1988ad} and 8 in IMB \cite{Aglietta:1987we,Bionta:1987qt}.
883The  three proposed large-volume neutrino observatories can guarantee continuous exposure for
884several decades, so that  a high-statistics SN neutrino signal could be eventually observed.
885The expected number of events for GLACIER, LENA and MEMPHYS
886are reported in \refTab{tab:Phys-SN-DetectorRates} for a typical galactic SN distance
887of $10$~kpc.
888The total number of events is shown in the upper panel, while the lower part refers to the $\nu_e$ signal detected
889during the prompt neutronization burst, with a duration of $\sim 25$~ms, just after the core bounce.
892                \caption{\label{tab:Phys-SN-DetectorRates} Summary of the expected neutrino interaction
893rates in the different detectors for a $8 M_\odot$ SN located at 10~kpc (Galactic center).
894The following notations have been used: IBD, $e$ES and pES stand for Inverse Beta Decay,
895electron and proton Elastic Scattering, respectively. The final state nuclei are generally unstable and decay either
896radiatively (notation ${}^*$), or by $\beta^-/\beta^+$ weak interaction (notation ${}^{\beta^{-,+}}$).
897The rates of the different reaction channels are listed, and for LENA they have been obtained by scaling
898the predicted rates from \cite{Cadonati:2000kq, Beacom:2002hs}.}
900                \begin{tabular}{cccccc} \hline\hline
901                \multicolumn{2}{c}{MEMPHYS} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{LENA} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{GLACIER} \\
902                Interaction    & Rates  & Interaction    & Rates  & Interaction    & Rates  \\ \hline
903                $\bar{\nu}_e$ I$\beta$D & $2 \times 10^{5}$ &
904                $\bar{\nu}_e$ I$\beta$D & $9 \times 10^{3}$ &
905                $\nu_e^{CC}({}^{40}Ar,{}^{40}K^*)$ & $2.5 \times 10^{4}$ \\
907                $\nunubar{e}{}^{CC} ({}^{16}O,X) $ & $10^{4}$ &
908                $\nu_x$ pES  & $7 \times 10^{3}$ &
909                $\nu_x^{NC}({}^{40}Ar^{*})$ & $3.0 \times 10^{4}$ \\             
911                $\nu_x$ $e$ES  & $10^{3}$ &
912                $\nu_x^{NC} ({}^{12}C^{*})$ & $3 \times 10^{3}$ &
913                $\nu_x$ $e$ES & $10^{3}$ \\
915                & & 
916                $\nu_x$ $e$ES & $600$ &
917                $\bar{\nu}_e^{CC}({}^{40}Ar,{}^{40}Cl^*)$ & $540$ \\
919          &             &
920                $\bar{\nu}_e^{CC} ({}^{12}C,{}^{12}B^{\beta^+})$ & $500$ & &\\
922                & &
923                $\nu_e^{CC} ({}^{12}C,{}^{12}N^{\beta^-})$ & $85$  & & \\
925                \hline\hline
926                \multicolumn{6}{l}{Neutronization Burst rates}\\
927                  MEMPHYS & 60 & ${\nu}_e$ eES & & & \\
928                    LENA & 
929                    $70$ & $\nu_e$ eES/pES & &  & \\
930                    & $\nu_e^{CC} ({}^{12}C,{}^{12}N^{\beta^-})$ & &  & \\
932                    GLACIER & 380 & $\nu_x^{NC}({}^{40}Ar^{*})$ & & & \\
933                \hline\hline
934                \end{tabular}
937The $\bar{\nu}_e$ detection by IBD
938is the golden channel for MEMPHYS and LENA. In addition, the electron neutrino signal can be detected by LENA
939thanks to the interaction on $^{12}$C.  The three charged-current reactions would provide
940information on $\nu_e$ and $\bar{\nu}_{e}$ fluxes and spectra while the three neutral-current processes,
941sensitive to all neutrino flavours, would give information on the total flux.
942GLACIER has also the opportunity to detect $\nu_e$ by charged-current
943interactions on ${}^{40}\rm{Ar}$ with a very low energy threshold.
944The detection complementarity between $\nu_e$ and $\bar{\nu}_e$ is of
945great interest and would assure a unique way of probing the SN explosion
946mechanism as well as assessing intrinsic neutrino properties.  Moreover, the
947huge statistics would allow spectral studies in time and in energy domain.
949We wish to stress that it will be difficult to establish SN neutrino
950oscillation effects solely on the basis of a $\bar\nu_e$ or $\nu_e$
951spectral hardening, relative to theoretical expectations. Therefore, in the recent literature the importance of
952model-independent signatures has been emphasized. Here we focus
953mainly on signatures associated to the prompt $\nu_e$
954neutronization burst, the shock-wave propagation and the Earth matter crossing.
956The analysis of the time structure of the SN signal during the first few tens of milliseconds
957after the core bounce can provide a clean indication if the full $\nu_e$ burst is present or
958absent, and therefore allows distinguishing between different mixing scenarios, as indicated by the
959third column of \refTab{tab:Phys-SN-SummaryOscNeut}. For example, if the mass
960ordering is normal and $\theta_{13}$ is large, the $\nu_e$ burst
961will fully oscillate into $\nu_x$.  If $\theta_{13}$ turns out to be relatively large
962one could be able to distinguish between normal and inverted mass hierarchy. 
964As discussed above, MEMPHYS is mostly sensitive to the IBD, although
965the $\nu_e$ channel can be measured by the elastic scattering reaction
966$\nu_x+e^-\to e^-+\nu_x$ \cite{Kachelriess:2004ds}. Of course, the
967identification of the neutronization burst is the
968cleanest with a detector exploiting the charged-current absorption of $\nu_e$ neutrinos, such as
969GLACIER.  Using its unique features of measuring $\nu_e$ CC events it is
970possible to probe oscillation physics during the early stage of the SN explosion, while with NC events one can
971decouple the SN
972mechanism from the oscillation physics \cite{Gil-Botella:2004bv,Gil-Botella:2003sz}.
974A few seconds after core bounce, the SN shock wave will pass the density region in the stellar envelope relevant for oscillation matter
975effects, causing a transient modification of the survival probability and thus a time-dependent signature in the neutrino signal
976\cite{Schirato:2002tg,Fogli:2003dw}.  This would produce a characteristic
977dip when the shock wave passes \cite{Fogli:2004ff}, or a double-dip if a reverse shock occurs \cite{Tomas:2004gr}. The
978detectability of such a signature has been studied in a large \WC\
979detector like MEMPHYS by the IBD \cite{Fogli:2004ff}, and in a
980liquid Argon detector like GLACIER by Argon CC interactions
981\cite{Barger:2005it}. The shock wave effects would certainly be
982visible also in a large volume scintillator such as LENA. Such observations
983would test our theoretical understanding of the core-collapse SN phenomenon, in addition to identifying the actual
984neutrino mixing scenario.
986The supernova matter profile need not be smooth. Behind the
987shock-wave, convection and turbulence can cause significant stochastic density
988fluctuations which tend to cast a shadow by making other features, such as the shock front,
989unobservable in the density range covered by the turbulence \cite{Fogli:2006xy,Friedland:2006ta}. The quantitative
990relevance of this effect remains to be understood.
992A unambiguous indication of oscillation effects would be the energy-dependent modulation of the survival probability
993$ p(E)$ caused by Earth matter effects \cite{Lunardini:2001pb}. These effects can be revealed by wiggles in the energy spectra.
994In this respect, LENA benefit from a better energy resolution than MEMPHYS, which may be partially compensated by
99510 times more statistics
996\cite{Dighe:2003jg}.  The Earth effect would show up in the $\bar\nu_e$ channel for the normal mass hierarchy, assuming
997that $\theta_{13}$ is large (\refTab{tab:Phys-SN-SummaryOscNeut}). Another possibility to establish the presence of Earth
998effects is to use the signal from two detectors if one of them sees the SN shadowed by the
999Earth and the other not. A comparison between the signal normalization in the two detectors might reveal Earth
1001The probability for observing a Galactic SN shadowed by the Earth as
1002a function of the detector's geographic latitude depends only mildly
1003on details of the Galactic SN distribution \cite{Mirizzi:2006xx}. A location at the
1004North Pole would be optimal with a shadowing probability of about
100560\%, but a far-northern location such as Pyh\"asalmi in Finland, the
1006proposed site for LENA, is almost equivalent (58\%). One particular
1007scenario consists of a large-volume scintillator detector located in
1008Pyh\"asalmi to measure the geo-neutrino flux in a continental
1009location and another detector in Hawaii to measure it in an oceanic
1010location. The probability that only one of them is shadowed exceeds
101150\% whereas the probability that at least one is shadowed is about 80\%.
1012The shock wave propagation can influence the Earth matter effect, producing a delayed effect $5-7$~s after the core-bounce,
1013in some particular situations~\cite{Lunardini:2003eh} (\refTab{tab:Phys-SN-SummaryOscNeut}).
1015As an important caveat, we mention that very recently it has been recognized that nonlinear oscillation effects caused by
1016neutrino-neutrino interactions can have a dramatic impact on the
1017neutrino flavor evolution for approximately the first 100~km above the
1018neutrino sphere~\cite{Duan:2006an,Hannestad:2006nj}. The impact
1019of these novel effects on the observable oscillation signatures has
1020not yet been systematically studied. Therefore, our description of observable oscillation effects may need revision in the future as a
1021better understanding of the consequences of these nonlinear effects develops.
1022Other interesting ideas have been studied in the literature, as the pointing of a SN by neutrinos~\cite{Tomas:2003xn},
1023determining its distance from the deleptonization burst that
1024plays the role of a standard candle \cite{Kachelriess:2004ds},
1025an early alert for an SN observatory exploiting the neutrino
1026signal \cite{Antonioli:2004zb}, and the detection of neutrinos from
1027the last phases of a burning star \cite{Odrzywolek:2003vn}.
1029So far, we have investigated SN in our Galaxy, but the calculated
1030rate of supernova explosions within a distance of 10~Mpc is about 1/year.
1031Although the number of events from a single explosion at
1032such large distances would be small, the signal could be separated from the background with the condition to observe at least
1033two events within a time window comparable to the neutrino emission time-scale ($\sim 10$~sec), together with the full
1034energy and time distribution of the events \cite{Ando:2005ka}. In the MEMPHYS detector, with at least
1035two neutrinos observed, a SN could be identified without optical confirmation, so that the start of the light curve could be
1036forecast by a few hours, along with a short list of probable host
1037galaxies. This would also allow the detection of supernovae which are either heavily obscured by dust or are optically
1038faint due to prompt black hole formation.
1042                \caption{\label{tab:Phys-SN-SummaryOscNeut}Summary
1043 of the effect of the neutrino properties on $\nu_e$ and $\bar{\nu}_e$ signals.}
1045                \begin{tabular}{ccccc}\hline\hline
1046                \parbox[b]{2cm}{\center{Mass\\ Hierarchy}}   & $\sin^2\theta_{13}$ & \parbox[b]{3cm}{\center{$\nu_e$ neutronization\\peak}} & Shock wave & Earth effect \\[2mm] \hline
1047                Normal    & $\gtrsim 10^{-3}$ & Absent  & $\nu_e$   & \parbox[b]{3cm}{\center{$\bar{\nu}_e$\\$\nu_e$ (delayed)}} \\
1048                Inverted    & $\gtrsim 10^{-3}$ & Present  & $\bar{\nu}_e$   & \parbox[b]{3cm}{\center{$\nu_e$\\$\bar{\nu}_e$ (delayed)}} \\
1049                Any    & $\lesssim 10^{-5}$ & Present  & -   & \parbox[b]{3cm}{\center{both $\bar{\nu}_e$ $\nu_e$}} \\[2mm]
1051                \end{tabular}
1054\subsection{Diffuse supernova neutrino background} 
1056As mentioned above, a galactic SN explosion would be a spectacular source of neutrinos,
1057so that a variety of neutrino and SN properties could be
1058assessed.  However, only one such explosion is expected in 20 to 100
1059years by now.  Alternatively or in addition, one can detect the cumulative neutrino flux from all the past SN in the Universe,
1060the so-called Diffuse Supernova Neutrino Background (DSNB) background. In particular, there is an energy window around
1061$10-40$~MeV where the DSNB signal can emerge above other sources, so that the proposed detectors may well
1062measure this flux after some years of exposure.
1065        \caption{\label{tab:Phys-SN-DiffuseRates}DSNB expected
1066        rates. The larger numbers of expected signal events are computed with the present limit
1067        on the flux by the Super-Kamiokande Collaboration. The smaller
1068        numbers are computed for typical models. The background
1069        from reactor plants has been computed for specific sites
1070        for LENA and MEMPHYS. For MEMPHYS, the Super-Kamiokande
1071        background has been scaled by the exposure.}
1073        \begin{tabular}{cccc}\hline \hline
1074        Interaction & Exposure     &  Energy Window &  Signal/Bkgd \\ \hline \\[-2mm]
1075\multicolumn{4}{c}{1 MEMPHYS tank + 0.2\% Gd (with bkgd Kamioka)} \\[-4mm]
1076\parbox{3cm}{\center{$\bar{\nu}_e + p \rightarrow n + e^+$}\\$n+Gd\rightarrow \gamma$\\(8~MeV, $20~\mu$s)} &
1077\parbox{2cm}{\center{0.7~Mton~year\\5~years}} & 
1078$[15-30]$~MeV & (43-109)/47 \\
1080\multicolumn{4}{c}{LENA at Pyh\"asalmi} \\[-4mm] 
1081\parbox{3cm}{\center{$\bar{\nu}_e + p \rightarrow n + e^+$}\\$n+p\rightarrow d+ \gamma$ (2~MeV, $200~\mu$s)} &
1082\parbox{2cm}{\center{0.4~Mton~year\\10~years}} & 
1083$[9.5-30]$~MeV & (20-230)/8 \\
1086\multicolumn{4}{c}{GLACIER} \\[-4mm] 
1087 $\nu_e + {}^{40}Ar \rightarrow e^- + {}^{40}K^*$ &
1088\parbox{2cm}{\center{0.5~Mton~year\\5~years}} &
1089$[16-40]$~MeV & (40-60)/30 \\
1090\hline \hline
1091                \end{tabular}
1094The DSNB signal, although weak, is not only  guaranteed, but can also allow
1095probing physics different from that of a galactic SN, including
1096processes which occur on cosmological scales in time or space.
1097For instance, the DSNB signal is sensitive to the evolution of the SN
1098rate, which in turn is closely related to the star formation rate
1099\cite{Fukugita:2002qw,Ando:2004sb}. In addition, neutrino decay
1100scenarios with cosmological lifetimes could be analyzed and
1101constrained \cite{Ando:2003ie} as proposed in \cite{Fogli:2004gy}.
1102An upper limit on the DSNB flux has been set by the Super-Kamiokande
1103experiment \cite{Malek:2002ns}
1106        \phi_{\bar{\nu}_e}^{\mathrm{DSNB}} < 1.2~ \flux (E_\nu > 19.3~\mathrm{MeV})
1109 based on the non observation of distortions of the expected
1110 background spectra in the same energy range. The most recent
1111 theoretical estimates  (see for example \cite{Strigari:2005hu,Hopkins:2006bw})  predict a DSNB flux very close to the SK upper limit,
1112 suggesting that the DSNB is on the verge of the detection if a
1113 significant background reduction is achieved such as Gd loading \cite{Beacom:2003nk}
1114 With a careful reduction of backgrounds, the proposed large detectors would
1115 not only be able to detect the DSNB, but to study its spectral
1116 properties with some precision.  In particular, MEMPHYS and LENA would be sensitive
1117 mostly to the $\bar{\nu}_e$ component of DSNB,  through $\bar{\nu}_e$ IBD,
1118 while GLACIER would probe  $\nu_e$ flux, trough   $\nu_e + {}^{40}Ar     
1119\rightarrow e^-  + {}^{40}K^*$ (and the  associated gamma cascade) \cite{Cocco:2004ac}.
1123\caption{DSNB signal and background in the LENA detector in 10 years of exposure. The shaded regions give the uncertainties of all curves. An observational window between $\sim 9.5$ to 25~MeV that is almost free of background can be identified
1124(for the Pyh\"asalmi site)~\cite{Wurm:2007cy}.}
1130\caption{Possible 90\% C.L. measurements of the emission parameters
1131of supernova electron antineutrino emission after 5
1132years running of a Gadolinium-enhanced SK detector or 1 year of one Gadolinium-enhanced MEMPHYS tanks
1138The DSNB signal energy window is constrained from above by the atmospheric neutrinos and from below by
1139either the nuclear reactor $\bar{\nu}_e$ (I), the spallation production of unstable radionuclei
1140by cosmic-ray muons (II), the decay of "invisible" muons into electrons (III), and solar $\nu_e$ neutrinos (IV). The three detectors
1141are affected differently by these backgrounds.
1142GLACIER looking at $\nu_e$ is mainly affected by type IV. MEMPHYS filled with pure water is affected by type III, due to the
1143fact that the muons may not have enough energy to produce Cherenkov light. As pointed out in \cite{Fogli:2004ff}, with the addition of Gadolinium \cite{Beacom:2003nk} the detection of the captured neutron releasing 8~MeV gamma after
1144$\sim20~\mu$s (10 times faster than in pure water) would give the possibility to reject  the "invisible" muon (type III)
1145as well as the spallation background (type II).
1146LENA taking benefit from the delayed neutron capture in $\bar{\nu}_e + p \rightarrow n + e^+$, is mainly concerned with
1147reactor neutrinos (I), which impose to choose an underground site far from nuclear plants.
1148If LENA was installed at the Center for Underground Physics in Pyh\"asalmi (CUPP, Finland),
1149there would be an observational window from $\sim 9.7$ to 25~MeV that is almost free of background. The expected rates of signal and background are presented in \refTab{tab:Phys-SN-DiffuseRates}.
1150According to current DSNB models \cite{Ando:2004sb} that are using
1151different SN simulations (\cite{Totani:1997vj}, \cite{Thompson:2002mw} \cite{Keil:2002in}) for the
1152prediction of the DSNB energy spectrum and flux, the detection of $\sim$10 DSNB events per year is realistic for LENA. Signal rates
1153corresponding to different DSNB models and the background rates due to reactor and atmospheric neutrinos are shown in
1154\refFig{fig:Phys-SN-LENAsnr} for 10 years exposure at CUPP.
1156Apart from the mere detection, spectroscopy of DSNB events in LENA will constrain the parameter space of core-collapse models.
1157If the SN rate signal is known with sufficient precision, the spectral slope of the DSNB can be used to determine
1158the hardness of the initial SN neutrino spectrum. For the currently favoured value of the SN rate, the discrimination between core-collapse models will be possible at 2.6$\sigma$ after 10 years of measuring time~\cite{Wurm:2007cy}.
1159In addition, by the analysis of the flux in the energy region from 10
1160to 14~MeV the SN rate for $z<2$ could be constrained with high significance, as in this energy regime the DSNB flux is only weakly dependent on the assumed SN model.
1161The detection of the redshifted DSNB from $z>1$ is limited by the flux of the reactor $\bar\nu_e$ background. In Pyhäsalmi, a lower threshold of 9.5~MeV resuls in a spectral contribution of 25\% DSNB from $z>1$.
1163The analysis of the expected DSNB spectrum that would be observed
1164with a Gadolinium-loaded \WC\ detector has been carried out in \cite{Yuksel:2005ae}.
1165The possible measurements of the parameters (integrated luminosity and average energy) of
1166SN $\bar\nu_e$ emission have been computed for 5 years running of
1167a Gd-enhanced Super-Kamiokande detector, which would correspond to 1 year
1168of one Gd-enhanced MEMPHYS tank. The results are shown in \refFig{fig:Phys-DSN-sndpar}.
1169Even if detailed studies on the characterization of the background are needed, the DSNB events
1170may be as powerful as the measurement made by Kamioka and IMB with SN1987A $\bar\nu_e$ events.
1174\section{Solar neutrinos}
1177In the past years water \v{C}herenkov detectors have measured the high energy tail ($E>5$~MeV)
1178of the solar $^{8}$B neutrino flux using electron-neutrino elastic scattering \cite{Smy:2002rz}.
1179Since such detectors could record the time of an interaction and reconstruct
1180the energy and direction of the recoiling electron, unique information
1181on the spectrum and time variation of the solar neutrino flux were extracted.
1182This provided further insights into the "solar neutrino problem'',
1183the deficit of the neutrino flux (measured by several experiments)
1184with respect to the flux expected by solar models, contributing to the assessment of
1185the oscillation scenario for solar neutrinos \cite{Davis:1968cp,Hirata:1989zj,Anselmann:1992um,Abdurashitov:1994bc,Smy:2002rz,Aharmim:2005gt,Altmann:2005ix} .
1187With MEMPHYS,  Super-Kamiokande's measurements obtained from 1258 days
1188of data taking could be repeated in about half a year, while the seasonal flux variation
1189measurement will obviously require a full year. In particular, the first
1190measurement of the flux of the rare $hep$ neutrinos may be possible.
1191Elastic neutrino-electron scattering is strongly forward peaked.
1192In order to separate the solar neutrino signal from the isotropic background events (mainly due to low radioactivity), this
1193directional correlation is exploited, although the angular resolution is limited
1194by multiple scattering.  The reconstruction algorithms first reconstruct
1195the vertex from the PMT timing information and then the direction, by assuming a single
1196Cherenkov cone originating from the reconstructed vertex.
1197Reconstructing 7~MeV events in MEMPHYS seems not to be a problem, but decreasing this
1198threshold would imply serious consideration of the PMT dark current rate as well as the laboratory and detector radioactivity level.
1200With LENA, a large amount of neutrinos from ${}^{7}$Be (around $\sim5.4\times10^3$/day, $\sim 2.0\times10^6$/year) would be
1201detected. Depending on the signal to background ratio, this could provide a sensitivity to time variations in the $^{7}$Be neutrino
1202flux of $\sim 0.5$\% during one month of measuring time. Such a sensitivity can give unique information on helioseismology
1203(pressure or temperature fluctuations in the center of the Sun) and on a possible magnetic moment interaction
1204with a timely varying solar magnetic field.
1205The {\it pep} neutrinos are expected to be recorded at a
1206rate of $210$/day ($\sim 7.7\times10^4$/y). These events would
1207provide a better understanding of the global solar neutrino
1208luminosity, allowing to probe (due to their peculiar energy)  the
1209transition region of vacuum to matter-dominated neutrino oscillation.
1211The neutrino flux from the CNO cycle is theoretically
1212predicted with a large uncertainty (30\%). Therefore, LENA would provide a new opportunity for a detailed
1213study of solar physics. However, the observation of such solar
1214neutrinos in these detectors, $i.e.$ through elastic scattering, is not
1215a simple task, since neutrino events cannot be separated from the background, and it can be accomplished only if the detector
1216contamination will be kept very low~\cite{Alimonti:1998aa,Alimonti:1998nt}. Moreover, only
1217mono-energetic sources as those mentioned can be detected, taking
1218advantage of the Compton-like shoulder edge produced in the event spectrum.
1220Recently, the possibility to detect ${}^8$B solar neutrinos by means of charged-current interaction with the
1221${}^{13}$C~\cite{Ianni:2005ki} nuclei naturally contained in organic scintillators has been investigated. Even if signal events do not
1222keep the directionality of the neutrino, they can be separated from background by exploiting the time and space coincidence with the
1223subsequent decay of the produced ${}^{13}$N nuclei. The residual background amounts to about $~60$/year
1224corresponding to a reduction factor of
1225$\sim 3 \times10^{-4}$) \cite{Ianni:2005ki}. Around 360~events of this type
1226per year can be estimated for LENA. A deformation due to the MSW matter effect
1227should be observable in the low-energy regime after a couple of years of measurements.
1229For the proposed location of LENA in Pyh\"asalmi ($\sim 4,000$~m.w.e.),
1230the cosmogenic background will be sufficiently low for the above mentioned
1231measurements. Notice that the Fréjus site would also be adequate for this
1232case ($\sim 4800$~m.w.e.). The radioactivity of the detector would
1233have to be kept very low ($10^{-17}$~g/g level U-Th) as in the KamLAND detector.
1235Solar neutrinos can be detected by GLACIER through the elastic scattering $\nu_x + e^- \rightarrow \nu_x + e^-$ (ES) and the absorption
1236reaction $\nu_e + {}^{40}Ar \rightarrow e^- + {}^{40}K^*$ (ABS) followed by $\gamma$-ray emission.
1237Even if these reactions have low energy threshold ($1.5$~MeV for the second one),
1238one expects to operate in practice with a threshold set at 5~MeV on the primary electron kinetic energy,
1239in order to reject background from neutron capture followed by gamma emission, which constitutes the main background for some
1240of the underground laboratories \cite{Arneodo:2001tx}.
1241These neutrons are induced by the spontaneous fission and ($\alpha$,n)
1242reactions in rock. In the case of a salt mine this background can be smaller.
1243The fact that salt has smaller U/Th concentrations does not necessarily mean that the neutron flux is smaller. The flux depends on the rock
1244composition since (alpha,n) reactions may contribute significantly to the flux.
1245The expected raw event rate is 330,000/year (66\% from ABS, 25\% from ES and 9\% from neutron background induced events)
1246assuming the above mentioned threshold on the final electron energy.
1247By applying further offline cuts to purify separately the ES sample and the ABS sample, one obtains
1248the rates shown on \refTab{tab:GLACIER-Solar}.
1251                \caption{\label{tab:GLACIER-Solar} Number of events expected in GLACIER per year, compared with the computed background (no oscillation) from the Gran Sasso rock radioactivity ($0.32~10^{-6}$~n \flux ($> 2.5$~MeV). The absorption channel has
1252been split into the contributions of events from Fermi and Gamow-Teller transitions of the ${}^{40}$Ar to the different ${}^{40}$K excited levels and that can be separated using the emitted gamma energy and multiplicity.} 
1254                \begin{tabular}{lr}\hline\hline
1255                                                        & Events/year \\ \hline
1256Elastic channel ($E\geq5$~MeV)   &   45,300 \\
1257Neutron background                                                      &         1,400 \\
1258Absorption events contamination   & 1,100 \\ \hline
1259Absorption channel (Gamow-Teller transition)    & 101,700 \\
1260Absorption channel (Fermi transition)   & 59,900 \\
1261Neutron background                                                      & 5,500 \\                                             
1262Elastic events contamination      & 1,700 \\           
1263                        \hline\hline
1264                \end{tabular}
1267A possible way to combine the ES and the ABS channels similar to the NC/CC flux ratio measured by SNO collaboration \cite{Aharmim:2005gt}, is to compute the following ratio
1270        R = \frac{N^{ES}/N^{ES}_0}{\frac{1}{2}\left( N^{Abs-GT}/N^{Abs-GT}_0 + N^{Abs-F}/N^{Abs-F}_0\right)}
1273where the numbers of expected events without neutrino oscillations are labeled with a $0$).
1274This double ratio has two advantages.
1275First, it is independent of the ${}^{8}$B total neutrino flux, predicted by different solar models,
1276and second, it is free from experimental threshold energy bias and of the adopted cross-sections
1277for the different channels.
1278With the present fit to solar neutrino experiments and KamLAND data, one expects a value of $R = 1.30\pm 0.01$ after one
1279year of data taking with GLACIER.  The quoted error for R only takes into account statistics.
1282\section{Atmospheric neutrinos}
1286Atmospheric neutrinos originate from the decay chain initiated by the collision of
1287primary cosmic-rays with the upper layers of Earth's atmosphere.
1288The primary cosmic-rays are mainly protons
1289and helium nuclei producing secondary particles such
1290$\pi$ and $K$, which in turn decay producing electron- and muon-
1291neutrinos and antineutrinos.
1295    \includegraphics[width=\columnwidth]{fig.octant.eps}
1296    \caption{ \label{fig:octant} %
1297      Discrimination of the wrong octant solution as a function of
1298      $\sin^2\theta_{23}^\mathrm{true}$, for
1299      $\theta_{13}^\mathrm{true} = 0$. We have assumed 10 years of
1300      data taking with a 440 kton detector.}
1304At low energies the main contribution comes from $\pi$ mesons, and
1305the decay chain $\pi \to \mu + \nu_\mu$ followed by $\mu \to e + \nu_e
1306+ \nu_\mu$ produces essentially two $\nu_\mu$ for each $\nu_e$.  As
1307the energy increases, more and more muons reach the ground before
1308decaying, and therefore the $\nu_\mu / \nu_e$ ratio increases.
1310For $E_\nu \gtrsim 1$~GeV the dependence of the total neutrino flux on
1311the neutrino energy is well described by a power law, $d\Phi / dE
1312\propto E^{-\gamma}$ with $\gamma = 3$ for $\nu_\mu$ and $\gamma=3.5$
1313for $\nu_e$, whereas for sub-GeV energies the dependence becomes more
1314complicated because of the effects of the solar wind and of Earth's magnetic field~\cite{Gonzalez-Garcia:2002dz}. As for the
1315zenith dependence, for energies larger than a few GeV the neutrino
1316flux is enhanced in the horizontal direction, since pions and muons can travel a longer distance before
1317losing energy in interactions (pions) or reaching the ground (muons),
1318and therefore have more chances to decay producing energetic neutrinos.
1320Historically, the atmospheric neutrino problem originated in the 80's as a discrepancy between the
1321atmospheric neutrino flux measured
1322with different experimental techniques and the expectations. In the last years, a
1323number of detectors had been built, which could detect neutrinos through the observation of the charged lepton produced in charged-current neutrino-nucleon interactions inside the detector material.
1324These detectors could be divided into two classes: \emph{iron calorimeters}, which reconstruct the track or the
1325electromagnetic shower induced by the lepton, and \emph{water Cherenkov}, which measure the Cherenkov light
1326emitted by the lepton as it moved faster
1327than light in water filling the detector volume.
1329The first iron calorimeters, Frejus \cite{Daum:1994bf} and NUSEX \cite{Aglietta:1988be}, found no discrepancy between the
1330observed flux and the theoretical predictions, whereas the two \WC\ detectors, IMB \cite{Becker-Szendy:1992hq} and
1331Kamiokande \cite{Hirata:1992ku}, observed a clear deficit compared to the predicted $\nu_\mu / \nu_e$ ratio.
1332The problem was finally solved in 1998, when the already mentioned water Cherenkov
1333Super-Kamiokande detector \cite{Fukuda:1998mi} allowed to establish with high
1334statistical accuracy that there was indeed a zenith- and energy-dependent deficit in the muon-neutrino flux with respect to the
1335theoretical predictions, and that this deficit was compatible with the
1336hypothesis of  $\nu_\mu \to \nu_\tau$ oscillations. The independent confirmation of this effect from the calorimeter
1337experiments Soudan-II \cite{Allison:1999ms} and
1338MACRO \cite{Ambrosio:2001je} eliminated the original discrepancy between the
1339two experimental techniques.
1341Despite providing the first solid evidence for neutrino oscillations,
1342atmospheric neutrino experiments suffer from two important limitations.
1343Firstly, the sensitivity of an atmospheric neutrino experiments is
1344strongly limited by the large uncertainties in the knowledge of
1345neutrino fluxes and neutrino-nucleon cross-section. Such uncertainties can be as large as 20\%.
1346Secondly, water Cherenkov detectors do not allow an accurate
1347    reconstruction of the neutrino energy and direction if none of the
1348    two is known a priori. This strongly limits the sensitivity to
1349    $\Delta m^2$, which is very sensitive to the resolution of $L/E$.
1351During its phase-I, Super-Kamiokande has collected 4099 electron-like
1352and 5436 muon-like contained neutrino events \cite{Ashie:2005ik}. With
1353only about one hundred events each, the accelerator experiments K2K \cite{Ahn:2006zz} and
1354MINOS \cite{Tagg:2006sx} already provide a stronger bound on the atmospheric mass-squared difference $\Delta m_{31}^2$. The present
1355value of the mixing angle $\theta_{23}$ is still dominated by Super-Kamiokande data, being statistically the most important factor for
1356such a measurement. However, large improvements are expected from the next
1357generation of long-baseline experiments such as T2K \cite{Itow:2001ee} and
1358NO$\nu$A \cite{Ayres:2004js}, sensitive to the same oscillation parameters as atmospheric neutrino experiments.
1361    \includegraphics[width=\columnwidth]{SPLBBMEMPHYS-fig16.eps}
1362    \caption{ \label{fig:hierarchy} %
1363      Sensitivity to the mass hierarchy at $2\sigma$ ($\Delta\chi^2 =
1364      4$) as a function of $\sin^22\theta_{13}^\mathrm{true}$ and
1365      $\delta_\mathrm{CP}^\mathrm{true}$ (left), and the fraction of
1366      true values of $\delta_\mathrm{CP}^\mathrm{true}$ (right). The
1367      solid curves are the sensitivities from the combination of
1368      long-baseline and atmospheric neutrino data, the dashed curves
1369      correspond to long-baseline data only. We have assumed 10 years
1370      of data taking with a 440 kton mass detector.}
1375    \includegraphics[width=\columnwidth]{fig.theta13.eps}
1376    \caption{ \label{fig:theta13} %
1377      Sensitivity to $\sin^22\theta_{13}$ as a function of
1378      $\sin^2\theta_{23}^\mathrm{true}$ for LBL data only (dashed),
1379      and the combination beam and atmospheric neutrino data (solid). In the left and central
1380      panels we restrict the fit of $\theta_{23}$ to the octant
1381      corresponding to $\theta_{23}^\mathrm{true}$ and $\pi/2 -
1382      \theta_{23}^\mathrm{true}$, respectively, whereas the right
1383      panel shows the overall sensitivity taking into account both
1384      octants. We have assumed 8 years of beam and 9 years of atmospheric neutrino data
1385      taking with the T2HK beam and a 1~Mton detector.}
1389Despite the above limitations, atmospheric neutrino detectors can still play a leading role in the future of neutrino physics due to the huge range
1390in energy (from 100~MeV to 10~TeV and above) and distance (from 20~km to more than 12,000~km) covered by the data.
1391This unique feature, as well as the very large statistics expected for a detector such as
1392MEMPHYS ($20\div 30$ times the present Super-Kamiokande event rate), will allow a
1393very accurate study of the subdominant modification to the leading
1394oscillation pattern, thus providing complementary information to
1395accelerator-based experiments. More concretely, atmospheric neutrino
1396data will be extremely valuable for
1399  \item Resolving the octant ambiguity. Although future accelerator
1400    experiments are expected to considerably improve the measurement
1401    of the absolute value of the small quantity $D_{23} \equiv
1402    \sin^2\theta_{23} - 1/2$, they will have practically no
1403    sensitivity on its sign.  On the other hands, it has been pointed
1404    out \cite{Kim:1998bv,Peres:1999yi} that the $\nu_\mu \to \nu_e$ conversion
1405    signal induced by the small but finite value of $\Delta m_{21}^2$
1406    can resolve this degeneracy. However, observing such a conversion
1407    requires a very long baseline and low energy neutrinos, and
1408    atmospheric sub-GeV electron-like events are particularly suitable
1409    for this purpose. In \refFig{fig:octant} we show the potential
1410    of different experiments to exclude the octant degenerate
1411    solution.
1413  \item Resolving the hierarchy degeneracy. If $\theta_{13}$ is not
1414    too small, matter effect will produce resonant conversion in the
1415    $\nu_\mu \leftrightarrow \nu_e$ channel for neutrinos
1416    (antineutrinos) if the mass hierarchy is normal (inverted). The
1417    observation of this enhanced conversion would allow the
1418    determination of the mass hierarchy. Although a magnetized
1419    detector would be the best solution for this task, it is possible
1420    to extract useful information also with a conventional detector
1421    since the event rates expected for atmospheric neutrinos and
1422    antineutrinos are quite different. This is clearly visible from
1423    \refFig{fig:hierarchy}, where we show how the sensitivity to the
1424    mass hierarchy of different beam experiments is drastically
1425    increased when the atmospheric neutrino data collected by the same detector are
1426    also included in the fit.
1428  \item Measuring or improving the bound on $\theta_{13}$. Although
1429    atmospheric data alone are not expected to be competitive with the
1430    next generation of long-baseline experiments in the sensitivity to
1431    $\theta_{13}$, they will contribute indirectly by eliminating the
1432    octant degeneracy, which is an important source of uncertainty for beam experiments.
1433    In particular, if $\theta_{23}^\mathrm{true}$ is larger than
1434    $45^\circ$ then the inclusion of atmospheric data will
1435    considerably improve the accelerator experiment sensitivity to $\theta_{13}$, as can
1436    be seen from the right panel of \refFig{fig:theta13} \cite{huber-2005-71}.
1439%At energies above 1 GeV, we expect unoscillated events to be
1440%quasi-symmetric with respect to the horizontal plane. In contrast,
1441%in the case of oscillations, we know that $\nu_\tau, \ \bar{\nu}_\tau$ induced events come from
1442%below the horizon (upward going events). Therefore,
1443%the presence of $\nu_\tau$, $\bar{\nu}_\tau$ events can be revealed by a
1444%measured excess of upward going events. Hereafter, we assume that {$\nu_\mu$} and
1445%{$\mathbf \nu_\tau$} are maximally mixed and their mass
1446%squared difference is {$ \Delta m^2 = 3. \times 10^{-3}$} eV{$^2$}.
1448In GLACIER, the search for $\nu_\tau$ appearance is based on the information provided by the event kinematics and takes advantage of the special characteristics of $\nu_\tau$ CC and the subsequent
1449decay of the produced $\tau$ lepton when compared to CC and NC interactions
1450of $\nu_\mu$ and $\nu_e$, i.e. by making use of $\vec{P}_{candidate}$ 
1451and $\vec{P}_{hadron}$.
1452Due to the large background induced by atmospheric muon and electron
1453neutrinos and antineutrinos, the measurement of a statistically
1454significant excess of $\nu_\tau$ 
1455events is very unlikely for the  $\tau \to e$ and  $\tau \to \mu$ decay modes.
1457The situation is much more advantageous for the hadronic channels.
1458One can consider tau-decays to one prong (single pion, $\rho$) and to three
1459prongs ($\pi^\pm \pi^0 \pi^0 $ and three charged pions). In order to select the signal,
1460one can exploit the kinematical variables $E_{visible}$,
1461$y_{bj}$ (the ratio between the total hadronic energy and
1462$E_{visible}$) and $Q_T$ (defined as the transverse momentum of the $\tau$
1463candidate with respect to the total measured momentum) that are not completely independent one from another but show
1464some correlation. These correlations can be exploited to reduce the
1465background. In order to maximize the separation between signal
1466and background, one can use three dimensional likelihood functions
1467${\cal L}(Q_T,E_{visible}, y_{bj})$ where
1468correlations are taken into account. For each channel, three
1469dimensional likelihood functions are built
1470for both signal (${\cal L}^S_\pi, \ {\cal L}^S_\rho, \
1471{\cal L}^S_{3\pi}$) and background (${\cal L}^B_\pi, \ {\cal L}^B_\rho, \
1472{\cal L}^B_{3\pi}$). In order to enhance the separation of $\nu_\tau$ induced
1473events from $\nu_\mu, \ \nu_e$ interactions, the ratio of
1474likelihoods is taken as the sole discriminant variable
1475$\ln \lambda_i \equiv \ln({\cal L}^S_i / {\cal L}^B_i)$ where $i=\pi,\ \rho, \ 3\pi$.
1477To further improve the sensitivity of the $\nu_\tau$ appearance search, one can combine
1478the three independent hadronic analyses into a single one. Events that are common to at least
1479two analyses are counted only once and a survey of all possible combinations, for a restricted set of  values of the likelihood
1480ratios, is performed. Table \ref{tab:combi} illustrates the  statistical significance achieved by several selected combinations of the
1481likelihood ratios for an exposure equivalent to 100 kton year.
1484\caption{\label{tab:combi}Expected GLACIER background and signal events for different
1485combinations of the $\pi$, $\rho$ and $3\pi$ analyses. The considered
1486statistical sample corresponds to an exposure of 100
1487kton year.}
1490$\ln \lambda_\pi$ & $\ln \lambda_\rho$ & $\ln \lambda_{3\pi}$ & 
1491Top & Bottom & $P_\beta$ ($\%$) \\
1492Cut & Cut & Cut & Events & Events &  \\ \hline
14930. & 0.5 & 0. & 223 & $223 + 43 = 266$ & $2 \times 10^{-1}$ 
14951.5. & 1.5 & 0 & 92 & $92 + 35= 127$ & $2 \times 10^{-2}$ ($3.7\sigma$)\\
14963. & -1 & 0. & 87 & $87 + 33 = 120 $ & $3 \times 10^{-2}$ 
14983. & 0.5 & 0. & 25 & {$25 + 22= 47$}
1499& {$2 \times 10^{-3}$ $(4.3\sigma)$} \\ 
15003. & 1.5 & 0 & 20 & $20 + 19 = 39$ & $4 \times 10^{-3}$ ($4.1\sigma$)\\
15013. & 0.5 & -1. & 59 & $59 + 30 = 89$ & $9 \times 10^{-3}$ ($3.9\sigma$)\\
15023. & 0.5 & 1. & 18 & $18 + 17 = 35$ & $1 \times 10^{-2}$ ($3.8\sigma$)\\ \hline\hline
1507The best combination for a 100 kton year exposure is achieved for the
1508following set of cuts: {$\ln \lambda_\pi > 3$, $\ln \lambda_\rho > 0.5$} and {$\ln \lambda_{3\pi} > 0$}.
1509The expected number of NC background events amounts to 25 (top)
1510while 25+22 = 47 are expected. $P_\beta$ is the Poisson probability
1511for the measured excess of upward going events to be due to a
1512statistical fluctuation as a function of the exposure. An effect larger than $4\sigma$ is obtained for an
1513exposure of 100 kton year (one year of data taking with GLACIER).
1515Last but not least, it is worth noting that atmospheric neutrino fluxes are
1516themselves an important subject of investigation, and in the light of
1517the precise determination of the oscillation parameters provided by
1518long baseline experiments, the atmospheric neutrino data accumulated by
1519the proposed detectors could be used as a direct measurement of the incoming
1520neutrino flux, and therefore as an indirect measurement of the primary cosmic-rays flux.
1522The appearance  of subleading features in the main oscillation pattern can also be
1523    a hint for New Physics. The huge range of energies probed by
1524    atmospheric data will allow to set very strong bounds on
1525    mechanisms which predict deviation from the $1/E$ law behavior. For
1526    example, the bound on non-standard neutrino-matter interactions
1527    and on other types of New Physics (such as violation of the
1528    equivalence principle, or violation of the Lorentz invariance)
1529    which can be derived from present data is already the
1530    strongest which can be put on these
1531    mechanisms \cite{Gonzalez-Garcia:2004wg}.
1537The total power dissipated from the Earth (heat flow) has been
1538measured with thermal techniques to be $44.2\pm1.0$~TW. Despite this
1539small quoted error, a more recent evaluation of the same data
1540(assuming much lower hydrothermal heat flow near mid-ocean ridges) has
1541led to a lower figure of $31\pm1$~TW.
1542On the basis of studies of
1543chondritic meteorites the calculated radiogenic power is thought to be
154419~TW (about half of the total power), 84\% of which is produced by
1545${}^{238}$U and ${}^{232}$Th decay which in turn produce $\bar{\nu}_e$
1546by beta-decays (geo-neutrinos).
1547It is then of prime importance to measure the
1548$\bar{\nu}_e$ flux coming from the Earth to get geophysical
1549information, with possible applications in the interpretation of the geomagnetism.
1551The KamLAND collaboration has recently reported the first observation
1552of the geo-neutrinos \cite{Araki:2005qa}. The events are identified by
1553the time and distance coincidence between the prompt $e^+$ and the
1554delayed (200~$\mu$s) neutron capture produced by $\bar{\nu}_e + p
1555\rightarrow n + e^+$ and emiting a 2.2~MeV gamma. The energy window
1556to search for the geo-neutrino events is $[1.7,3.4]$~MeV. The lower bound
1557corresponds to the reaction threshold while the upper bound is
1558constrained by nuclear reactor induced background events.
1559The measured rate in the 1~kton liquid scintillator detector located at
1560the Kamioka mine, where the Kamiokande detector was previously installed,
1561is $25^{+19}_{-18}$ for a total background of $127\pm 13$ events.
1563The background is composed by $2/3$ of $\bar{\nu}_e$ events from
1564the nuclear reactors in Japan and Korea.
1565These events have been actually used by KamLAND to confirm and precisely measure the Solar driven
1566neutrino oscillation parameters (see Section \ref{sec:Solar}).
1567The residual $1/3$ of the events originates
1568from neutrons of 7.3~MeV produced in ${}^{13}$C$(\alpha,n){}^{16}$O reactions and captured as in the
1569IBD reaction.
1570The $\alpha$ particles come from the ${}^{210}$Po decays, a ${}^{222}$Rn daughter which is of natural
1571radioactivity origin.  The measured geo-neutrino events can be
1572converted in a rate of $5.1^{+3.9}_{-3.6} \times 10^{-31}$ $\bar{\nu}_e$ per
1573target proton per year corresponding to a mean flux of
1574$5.7 \times 10^{6}\flux$, or this can be transformed into a $99\%$ C.L. upper
1575bound of $1.45 \times 10^{-30}$ $\bar{\nu}_e$ per target proton per year
1576($1.62 \times 10^{7}\flux$ and 60~TW for the radiogenic power).
1578In MEMPHYS, one expects 10 times more geo-neutrino events but this would imply to decrease the trigger
1579threshold to 2~MeV which seems very challenging with respect to the present Super-Kamiokande threshold, set to
15804.6~MeV due to high level of raw trigger rate \cite{Fukuda:2002uc}.
1581This trigger rate is driven by a number of factors as dark current of the
1582PMTs, $\gamma$s from the rock surrounding the detector, radioactive decay in the PMT glass itself and Radon
1583contamination in the water.
1585In LENA at CUPP a geo-neutrino rate of
1586roughly 1,000/year~\cite{Hochmuth:2006gz} from the dominant $ \bar\nu_e+p\to
1587e^+ + n $ IBD reaction is expected. The delayed
1588coincidence measurement of the positron and the 2.2 MeV gamma event, following neutron capture on protons in
1589the scintillator provides a very efficient tool to reject background events.
1590The threshold energy of 1.8 MeV allows the measurement of geo-neutrinos
1591from the Uranium and Thorium series, but not from $^{40}$K.
1592A reactor background rate of about 240 events per year for LENA at CUPP in the relevant energy window from 1.8~MeV to
15933.2~MeV has been calculated.
1594This background can be subtracted statistically using the information
1595on the entire reactor neutrino spectrum up to $\simeq$~8 MeV. 
1597As it was shown in KamLAND, a serious background source may come from radio
1598impurities. There the correlated background from the isotope
1599$^{210}$Po is dominating. However, with an enhanced radiopurity of the
1600scintillator, the background can be significantly reduced.
1601Taking the radio purity levels of the Borexino CTF detector
1602at Gran Sasso, where a $^{210}$Po activity
1603of $35\pm12/\rm{m^3 day}$ in PXE has been observed, this background would
1604be reduced by a factor of about 150 compared to KamLAND and would
1605account to less than 10 events per year in the LENA detector. 
1607An additional background that fakes the geo-neutrino signal is due to
1608$^9$Li, which is produced by cosmic-muons in spallation reactions with
1609$^{12}$C and decays in a $\beta$-neutron cascade. 
1610Only a small part of the $^9$Li decays falls into the energy window which is relevant
1611for geo-neutrinos. KamLAND estimates this background to be $0.30 \pm
16120.05$ \cite{Araki:2005qa}.
1614At CUPP the muon reaction rate would be
1615reduced by a factor $\simeq 10$ due to better shielding and this
1616background rate should be at the negligible level of $\simeq$~1 event per year in LENA.
1617From these considerations it follows that LENA would be a very capable
1618detector for measuring geo-neutrinos.  Different Earth models could
1619be tested with great significance. The sensitivity of LENA for probing
1620the unorthodox idea of a geo-reactor in the Earth's core was estimated,
1621too. At the CUPP underground laboratory the neutrino
1622background with energies up to $\simeq 8$~MeV due to nuclear power
1623plants was calculated to be around 2200 events per year.  A
16242~TW geo-reactor in the Earth's core would contribute 420 events per
1625year and could be identified at a statistical level of better than
1626$3\sigma$ after only one year of measurement.
1628Finally, in GLACIER the $\bar{\nu}_e + {}^{40}Ar \rightarrow e^+ + {}^{40}Cl^*$ has a threshold
1629of $~7.5$~MeV, which is too high for geo-neutrino detection.
1633\section{Indirect searches for the Dark Matter of the Universe}
1636The Weakly Interacting Massive Particles (WIMPs) that likely
1637constitute the halo of the Milky Way can occasionally interact with massive objects,
1638such as stars or planets. When they scatter off such an object,
1639they can potentially lose enough energy that they become gravitationally bound and
1640eventually will settle in the center of the celestial body. In
1641particular, WIMPs can be captured by and accumulate in the core of the Sun.
1647Expected number of signal and background events as a function of the
1648 WIMP elastic scattering production cross-section in the Sun, with a cut
1649of 10 GeV on the minimum neutrino energy.} 
1655\caption{\label{fig:GLACIERdm2} Minimum number of years required to claim a discovery WIMP signal
1656 from the Sun in a 100~kton LAr detector as function of $\sigma_{\rm{elastic}}$
1657 for three values of the WIMP mass.}
1661As far as the next generation of large underground observatories is concerned, although not specifically dedicated to the
1662search for WIMP particles, one could discuss the capability of GLACIER in identifying,
1663in a model-independent way,
1664neutrino signatures coming from the products of WIMP annihilations in the core
1665of the Sun \cite{Bueno:2004dv}.
1667Signal events will consist of energetic electron- (anti)neutrinos coming from the decay
1668of $\tau$ leptons and $b$ quarks produced in WIMP annihilation in
1669the core of the Sun. Background contamination from atmospheric neutrinos is expected to be low.
1670One cannot consider the possibility of observing neutrinos from WIMPs accumulated in the Earth.
1671Given the smaller mass of the Earth and the fact that only scalar interactions contribute,
1672the capture rates for our planet are not enough to produce a statistically
1673significant signal in GLACIER.
1675The search method takes advantage of the excellent angular reconstruction and
1676superb electron identification capabilities GLACIER offers in looking for an excess of
1677energetic electron- (anti)neutrinos pointing in the direction of the
1678Sun. The expected signal and background event rates have been evaluated, as said above in
1679a model independent way, as a function of the WIMP elastic scattering cross-section for a range of masses up to 100~GeV.
1680The detector discovery potential, namely the number of years needed to
1681claim a WIMP signal has been discovered, is shown in Figs.~\ref{fig:GLACIERdm1} 
1682and \ref{fig:GLACIERdm2}. With the assumed set-up and thanks to the low background environment
1683provided by the LAr TPC, a clear WIMP signal would be detected
1684provided the elastic scattering cross-section in the Sun is above $\sim 10^{-4}$~pb.
1688\section{Neutrinos from nuclear reactors}
1691The KamLAND 1~kton liquid scintillator detector located at Kamioka measured the neutrino flux from 53 power reactors corresponding to
1692701~Joule/cm${}^{2}$ \cite{Araki:2004mb}. An event rate of $365.2\pm23.7$ above 2.6~MeV for an
1693exposure of 766~ton year from the
1694nuclear reactors was expected. The observed rate was 258 events
1695with a total background of $17.8\pm7.3$. The significant deficit,
1696interpreted in terms of neutrino oscillations, enables a measurement
1697of $\theta_{12}$, the neutrino 1-2 family mixing angle
1698($\sin^2\theta_{12} = 0.31^{+0.02}_{-0.03}$) as well as the mass
1699squared difference $\Delta m^2_{12} = (7.9\pm0.3)~\times 10^{-5}$eV${}^2$.
1701Future precision measurements are currently being investigated. Running KamLAND
1702for 2-3 more years would gain 30\% (4\%) reduction in the spread of
1703$\Delta m^2_{12}$ ($\theta_{12}$). Although it has been shown in Sections \ref{sec:SN} and \ref{sec:Geo}
1704that $\bar{\nu}_e$ originated from nuclear reactors can be a serious
1705background for diffuse supernova neutrino and geo-neutrino detection,
1706the Fréjus site can take benefit of the nuclear reactors located in
1707the Rh\^one valley to measure $\Delta m_{21}^2$ and $\sin^2\theta_{12}$.
1708In fact, approximately 67\% of the total reactor
1709$\bar{\nu}_e$ flux at Fréjus originates from four nuclear power plants
1710in the Rhone valley, located at distances between 115~km and 160~km.
1711The indicated baselines are particularly suitable for
1712the study of the $\bar{\nu}_e$ oscillations driven by $\Delta m_{21}^2$.
1713The authors of \cite{Petcov:2006gy} have investigated the possibility of using
1714one module of MEMPHYS (147~kton fiducial mass)
1715doped with Gadolinium or the LENA detector, updating the previous work of \cite{Choubey:2004bf}.
1716Above 3~MeV (2.6~MeV) the event rate is 59,980 (16,670) events/year for
1717MEMPHYS (LENA), which is 2 orders of magnitude larger than the
1718KamLAND event rate. 
1723  \caption{The ratio of the event spectra in positron energy
1724  in the case of oscillations with $\Delta m_{21}^2 = 7.9\times 10^{-5}$~eV$^2$ and
1725  $\sin^2\theta_{12} = 0.30$ and in the absence of oscillations,
1726  determined using one year data of MEMPHYS-Gd and LENA located at Frejus.
1727  The error bars correspond to $1\sigma$ statistical error.}
1732In order to test the sensitivity of the experiments, the prompt energy
1733spectrum is subdivided into 20 bins between 3~MeV
1734and 12~MeV for MEMPHYS-Gd and Super-Kamiokande-Gd, and into 25 bins between 2.6~MeV and
173510~MeV for LENA (\refFig{fig:LENAMEMPHYS-reac-histo}).
1736A $\chi^2$ analysis taking into account the statistical and systematical errors shows that each of the two
1737detectors, MEMPHYS-Gd and LENA if placed at Fréjus, can be exploited to yield a
1738precise determination of the solar neutrino oscillation
1739parameters $\Delta m_{21}^2$ and $\sin^2\theta_{12}$.  Within one year, the
17403$\sigma$ uncertainties on $\Delta m_{21}^2$ and $\sin^2\theta_{12}$ can be
1741reduced respectively to less than 3\% and to approximately 20\% (\refFig{fig:reactor-sensitivities}).
1742In comparison, the Gadolinium doped Super-Kamiokande detector that might be envisaged in a near future would reach
1743a similar precision only with a much longer data taking time.
1744Several years of reactor $\bar{\nu}_e$ data collected by
1745MEMPHYS-Gd or LENA would allow a determination
1746of $\Delta m_{21}^2$ and $\sin^2\theta_{12}$ with
1747uncertainties of approximately 1\% and 10\% at 3$\sigma$, respectively.
1753  \caption{Accuracy of the determination of $\Delta m_{21}^2$ and
1754  $\sin^2\theta_{12}$, for one year data taking
1755  of MEMPHYS-Gd and LENA at Frejus, and Super-Kamiokande-Gd,
1756  compared to the current precision from solar neutrino and KamLAND
1757  data. The allowed regions at $3\sigma$ (2 d.o.f.) in the
1758  $\Delta m_{21}^2-\sin^2\theta_{12}$ plane, as well as the projections of the
1759  $\chi^2$ for each parameter are shown.}
1765However, some caveat are worth to be mentioned. The prompt energy trigger of 3~MeV requires a very low PMT dark
1766current rate in the case of the MEMPHYS detector. If the energy threshold is higher,  the parameter precision decreases as can
1767be seen in \refFig{fig:reactor-MEMPHYS-threshold}. The systematic uncertainties are also an
1768important factor in the experiments under consideration, especially the determination of the
1769mixing angle, as those on the energy scale and the overall normalization.
1771Anyhow, the accuracy in the knowledge of the solar neutrino oscillation parameters, which can be
1772obtained in the high statistics experiments considered here, are
1773comparable to those that can be reached for the atmospheric neutrino
1774oscillation parameters $\Delta m_{31}^2$ and $\sin^2\theta_{23}$ with the future
1775long-baseline Super beam experiments such as T2HK or T2KK \cite{Ishitsuka:2005qi} in Japan, or SPL from
1776CERN to MEMPHYS. Hence, such reactor measurements would complete the
1777program of the high precision determination of the leading neutrino
1778oscillation parameters.
1784  \caption{The accuracy of the determination of $\Delta m_{21}^2$ and
1785  $\sin^2\theta_{12}$, which can be obtained using one year of data
1786  from MEMPHYS-Gd as a function of the prompt energy threshold.}
1793\section{Neutrinos from particle accelerator beams}
1796Although the main physics goals of the proposed liquid-based detectors will be in the domain
1797of astro-particle physics, it would be economical and also very interesting from the physics point of view,
1798considering their possible use as "far" detectors for the future
1799neutrino facilities planned or under discussion in Europe, also given the large financial investment represented by
1800the detectors.
1801In this Section we review the physics program of the proposed observatories when using different accelerator
1802neutrino beams. The main goals will be pushing the search for a non-zero (although very small) $\theta_{13}$ angle
1803or its measurement in the case of a discovery previously made by one of the planned reactor or accelerator experiments
1804(Double-CHOOZ or T2K); searching for possible leptonic CP violation ($\delCP$);
1805determining the mass hierarchy (the sign of $\Delta m^2_{31}$) and the $\theta_{23}$ octant
1806($\theta_{23}>45^\circ$ or $\theta_{23}<45^\circ$).
1807For this purpose we consider here
1808the potentiality of a liquid Argon detector in an upgraded version of the existing CERN to Gran Sasso (CNGS) neutrino
1809beam, and of the MEMPHYS detector at the Fréjus using a possible new CERN proton driver (SPL) to upgrade to 4 MW the
1810conventional neutrino beams (Super Beams). Another scheme contemplates a pure electron- (anti)neutrino production
1811by radioactive ion decays (Beta Beam). Note that LENA is also a good candidate detector for the latter beam option.
1812Finally, as an ultimate beam facility, one may think of producing very intense neutrino beams by means of
1813muon decays (Neutrino Factory) that may well be detected with a liquid Argon detector such as GLACIER. 
1815The determination of the missing $U_{e3}$ ($\theta_{13}$ ) element of the neutrino mixing matrix is possible via the detection of
1816$\nu_\mu\rightarrow\nu_e$ oscillations at a baseline $L$ and energy $E$ given by the atmospheric neutrino signal,
1817corresponding to a mass squared difference $E/L \sim \Delta m^2\simeq 2.5\times 10^{-3}\ eV^2$.
1818The current layout of the CNGS beam from CERN to the Gran Sasso Laboratory has been optimized for a
1819$\tau$-neutrino appearance search to be performed by the OPERA experiment \cite{Acquafredda:2006ki}.
1820This beam configuration provides limited sensitivity to the measurement of $U_{e3}$.
1822Therefore,  we discuss the physics potential
1823of an intensity-upgraded and energy-reoptimized CNGS neutrino beam coupled to an off-axis GLACIER
1824detector \cite{Meregaglia:2006du}. This idea is based on the possible upgrade of the
1825CERN PS or on a new machine (PS+) to deliver protons of 50~GeV/c
1826with a power of 200~kW. Post acceleration to SPS energies followed
1827by extraction to the CNGS target region should allow to reach MW power, with neutrino energies peaked around 2 GeV.
1828In order to evaluate the physics potential one assumes five years of
1829running in the neutrino horn polarity plus five additional years in
1830the anti-neutrino mode. A systematic error on the
1831knowledge of the $\nu_e$ component of 5$\%$ is assumed. Given the excellent $\pi^0$
1832particle identification capabilities of GLACIER, the contamination of $\pi^0$ is negligible.
1837GLACIER in the upgraded CNGS beam. Sensitivity to the discovery of $\theta_{13}$:
1838fraction of $\delta_{CP}$ coverage as a function of $\sin^22\theta_{13}$.}
1842An off-axis beam search for $\nu_e$ appearance is performed with the
1843GLACIER detector located at 850 km from CERN. For an off-axis angle of
18440.75$^o$$\theta_{13}$ can be discovered for full $\delta_{CP}$ coverage for $\sin^22\theta_{13}>0.004$ at
1845$3\sigma$ (Fig.~\ref{fig:fract_disc_theta}).
1846At this rather modest baseline, the effect of CP violation and matter effects
1847cannot be disentangled. In fact, the determination of the mass hierarchy
1848with half-coverage (50$\%$) is reached only for $\sin^22\theta_{13}>0.03$ at
1849$3\sigma$. A longer baseline (1,050~km) and a larger off-axis angle
1850(1.5$^o$) would allow the detector to be sensitive to the first minimum and the second
1851maximum of the oscillation. This is the key to resolve the issue of mass
1852hierarchy. With this detector configuration, full coverage
1853for $\delta_{CP}$ to determine the mass
1854hierarchy can be reached for $\sin^22\theta_{13}>0.04$ at
1855$3\sigma$. The sensitivity to mass hierarchy determination can be
1856improved by considering two off-axis detectors: one of 30 kton at 850
1857km and off-axis angle 0.75$^o$, a second one of 70 kton at 1,050 km and
18581.5$^0$ off-axis. Full coverage  for $\delta_{CP}$ to determine the mass
1859hierarchy can be reached for $\sin^22\theta_{13}>0.02$ at
1860$3\sigma$ (Fig.~\ref{fig:fract_disc_dm}).
1861This two-detector configuration reaches very similar sensitivities to the ones of the T2KK proposal \cite{Ishitsuka:2005qi}
1866Upgraded CNGS beam: mass hierarchy determination for a two detector configuration at
1867baselines of 850~km and 1,050~km.}
1871  \includegraphics[width=\columnwidth]{SPLBBMEMPHYS-fig8.eps}
1872  \caption{\label{fig:Phys-SPL-atm-params} Allowed regions of $\Delta
1873  m^2_{31}$ and $\sin^2\theta_{23}$ at 99\%~C.L. (2 d.o.f.)  after 5~years
1874  of neutrino data taking for ATM+SPL, T2K phase~I, ATM+T2HK, and the
1875  combination of SPL with 5~years of atmospheric neutrino data in the
1876  MEMPHYS detector. For the true parameter values we use $\Delta
1877  m^2_{31} = 2.2\, (2.6) \times 10^{-3}~\mathrm{eV}^2$ and
1878  $\sin^2\theta_{23} = 0.5 \, (0.37)$ for the test point 1 (2), and
1879  $\theta_{13} = 0$ and the solar parameters as: $\Delta m^2_{21} = 7.9 \times 10^{-5}~\mathrm{eV}^2$,
1880  $\sin^2\theta_{12} = 0.3$. The shaded region corresponds to the
1881  99\%~C.L. region from present SK and K2K data \cite{Maltoni:2004ei}.}
1884Another notable possibility is the CERN-SPL Super Beam project. 
1885It is a conventional neutrino beam featuring a 4 MW SPL (Super-conducting Proton Linac) \cite{Gerigk:2006qi}
1886driver delivering protons onto a liquid Mercury target to generate
1887an intense $\pi^+$ ($\pi^-$) beam with small contamination of kaons.
1888The use of near and far detectors will allow both $\nu_{\mu}$ disappearance and
1889 $\nu_{\mu} \rightarrow \nu_e$ appearance studies.
1890The physics potential of the SPL Super Beam with MEMPHYS has been extensively studied \cite{Campagne:2006yx,Baldini:2006fi,ISS06}. However, the beam simulations will need some retuning after the forthcoming results of the CERN HARP
1891experiment \cite{Catanesi:2001gi} on hadro-production.
1893After 5 years exposure in $\nu_\mu$ disappearance mode, a $3\sigma$ accuracy of (3-4)\% 
1894can be achieved on $\Delta m^2_{31}$, and an accuracy of 22\% (5\%) on $\sin^2\theta_{23}$ if the true value is $0.5$ (0.37), namely in case of maximal or non-maximal mixing (\refFig{fig:Phys-SPL-atm-params}). The use of atmospheric neutrinos can contribute to solving
1895the octant ambiguity in case of non-maximal mixing as it is shown in \refFig{fig:Phys-SPL-atm-params}. Note however,
1896that thanks to a higher energy beam ($\sim 750$~MeV), the T2HK project\footnote{Here, we  to the project where a
18974 MW proton driver is built at KEK to deliver an intense neutrino beam detected by a large \WC\ detector.} can benefit from a much lower dependence on the Fermi motion to obtain a better energy resolution.
1899In appearance mode (2 years $\nu_\mu$ plus
19008 years \nubarmu), a $3\sigma$ discovery of non-zero $\theta_{13}$, irrespective of the actual true value of $\delCP$, is achieved
1901for $\stheta\gtrsim 4\ 10^{-3}$ ($\thetaot \gtrsim 3.6^\circ$) as shown in \refFig{fig:Phys-SPLBB-th13}. For maximal CP violation
1902($\delCP^\mathrm{true} = \pi/2, \, 3\pi/2$) the same discovery level can be achieved for $\stheta\gtrsim 8\ 10^{-4}$ 
1903($\thetaot \gtrsim 0.8^\circ$). The best sensitivity for testing CP violation ($i.e$ the data cannot be fitted with $\delCP =0$ nor $\delCP=\pi$) is achieved for $\stheta\approx 10^{-3}$ ($\thetaot \approx 0.9^\circ$) as shown in \refFig{fig:Phys-SPLBB-CPV}. The maximum sensitivity is achieved for $\stheta\sim 10^{-2}$ where the CP violation can be established at 3$\sigma$ for 73\% of all the $\delCP^\mathrm{true}$.
1906  \includegraphics[width=\columnwidth]{SPLBBMEMPHYS-fig9.eps}
1907  \caption{$3\sigma$ discovery sensitivity to $\stheta$ for
1908  Beta Beam, SPL, and T2HK as a function of the true value of \delCP\
1909  (left panel) and as a function of the fraction of all possible
1910  values of \delCP\ (right panel). The width of the bands corresponds
1911  to values for the systematical errors between 2\% and 5\%. The
1912  dashed curve corresponds to the Beta Beam sensitivity with the fluxes reduced by a factor 2.\label{fig:Phys-SPLBB-th13}}
1916   \includegraphics[width=\columnwidth]{SPLBBMEMPHYS-fig11.eps}
1917   \caption{CP violation discovery potential for Beta Beam, SPL, and T2HK: For
1918   parameter values inside the ellipse-shaped curves CP conserving
1919   values of \delCP\ can be excluded at $3\sigma$ $(\Delta\chi^2>9)$.
1920   The width of the bands corresponds to values for the systematic
1921   errors from 2\% to 5\%. The dashed curve is described in \refFig{fig:Phys-SPLBB-th13}.\label{fig:Phys-SPLBB-CPV}}
1924Although quite powerful, the proposed SPL Super Beam is a conventional neutrino beam with known limitations due to the low
1925production rate of anti-neutrinos compared to neutrinos which, in addition to a smaller charged-current cross-section,
1926imposes to run 4 times longer in anti-neutrino mode, and implies difficulty to set up an accurate beam simulation, and to
1927design a non-trivial near detector setup mastering the background level. Thus, a new type of neutrino beam, the so-called Beta Beam is being considered.
1928The idea is to generate pure, well collimated and intense \nue  (\nubare) beams by producing, collecting, and accelerating
1929radioactive ions \cite{Zucchelli:2002sa}.
1930The resulting Beta Beam  spectra can be easily computed knowing the beta-decay spectrum of the parent
1931ion and the Lorentz boost factor $\gamma$, and these beams are virtually free from other
1932background flavors. The best ion candidates so far are  $^{18}$Ne  and $^6$He for \nue and \nubare,  respectively.
1933A baseline study for the Beta Beam has been initiated at CERN, and is now going on within the European FP6 design study for EURISOL.
1935The potential of such Beta Beam sent to MEMPHYS has been studied in the context of the baseline scenario, using reference fluxes of $5.8 \times 10^{18}$ \He\ useful decays/year and $2.2 \times10^{18}$ \Ne\  decays/year, corresponding to a
1936reasonable estimate by experts in the field of the ultimately
1937achievable fluxes.  The optimal values is actually $\gamma = 100$
1938for both species, and the corresponding performance have been recently reviewed in \cite{Campagne:2006yx,Baldini:2006fi,ISS06}.
1940In Figs.~\ref{fig:Phys-SPLBB-th13},\ref{fig:Phys-SPLBB-CPV} the results of running a Beta Beam during 10 years (5 years with neutrinos and 5 years with anti-neutrinos) is shown and prove to be far better compared to an SPL Super beam run, especially for maximal CP violation  where a non-zero $\thetaot$ value can be stated at $3\sigma$ for $\stheta\gtrsim 2\ 10^{-4}$ ($\thetaot \gtrsim 0.4^\circ$). Moreover, it is noticeable that the Beta Beam is less affected by systematic errors of the background compared to the SPL Super beam and T2HK.
1942Before combining the two possible CERN beam options, relevant for the proposed European underground observatories,
1943let us consider LENA as potential detector. LENA, with a fiducial volume of $\sim 45$~kton, can as well be used as
1944detector for a low-energy Beta Beam oscillation experiment. In the energy
1945range $0.2-1.2$~GeV, the performed simulations show that muon events are
1946separable from electron events due to their different track
1947lengths in the detector and due to the electron emitted in the muon decay.
1948For high energies, muons travel longer than electrons, as the latter undergo scattering and bremsstrahlung. This results in different
1949distributions of the number of photons and the timing pattern, which can be used to distinguish between the two classes of events. For low energies, muons can be recognized by observing the electron of its
1950succeeding decay after a mean time of 2.2~$\mu$s. By using both criteria, an efficiency of $\sim 90$~\% for muon appearance
1951has been calculated with acceptance of 1~\% electron background. The advantage of using a liquid scintillator detector for such an
1952experiment is the good energy reconstruction of the neutrino beam.
1953However, neutrinos of these energies can produce $\Delta$ resonances
1954which subsequently decay into a nucleon and a pion. In \WC\ detectors,
1955pions with energies under the Cherenkov threshold contribute to the
1956uncertainty of the neutrino energy. In LENA these particles can be
1957detected. The effect of pion production and similar reactions is currently under investigation in order to estimate the actual energy
1960We also mention a very recent development of the Beta Beam concept \cite{Rubbia:2006pi} 
1961based on a very promising alternative for the
1962production of ions and on the possibility of having monochromatic, single-flavor neutrino beams
1963by using ions decaying through the electron capture process \cite{Bernabeu:2005jh,Sato:2005ma}.
1964In particular, such beams would be suitable to precisely measure neutrino cross-sections in a near detector with the
1965possibility of an energy scan by varying the $\gamma$ value of the ions.
1966Since a Beta Beam uses only a small fraction of the protons available from the
1967SPL, Super and Beta Beams can be run at the same time. The combination of a Super Beam and a Beta Beam
1968offers advantages from the experimental point of view since the
1969same parameters $\theta_{13}$ and $\delta_{CP}$ can be measured in many
1970different ways, using 2 pairs of CP related channels, 2 pairs of T related
1971channels, and 2 pairs of CPT related channels which should all give
1972coherent results. In this way, the estimates of systematic errors,
1973different for each beam, will be experimentally cross-checked.
1974Needless to say, the unoscillated data for a given beam will provide a large
1975sample of events corresponding to the small searched-for signal with the
1976other beam, adding more handles to the understanding of the detector
1979The combination of the Beta Beam and the Super Beam
1980will allow to use neutrino modes only: $\nu_\mu$ for SPL and $\nu_e$ for Beta Beam.
1981If CPT symmetry is assumed, all the information can be
1982obtained as $P_{\bar\nu_e\to\bar\nu_\mu} = P_{\nu_\mu\to\nu_e}$ and $P_{\bar\nu_\mu\to\bar\nu_e} = P_{\nu_e\to\nu_\mu}$. We illustrate this synergy in \refFig{fig:Phys-SPLBB-th13-5years}. In this scenario, time consuming anti-neutrino running can be avoided keeping the same physics discovery potential.
1986   \includegraphics[width=\columnwidth]{SPLBBMEMPHYS-fig14.eps}
1988   \caption{Discovery potential of a finite value of $\stheta$ at
1989   $3\sigma$ $(\Delta\chi^2>9)$ for 5~years neutrino data from
1990   Beta Beam, SPL, and the combination of Beta Beam + SPL compared to
1991   10~years data from T2HK (2~years neutrinos + 8~years antineutrinos).
1992   \label{fig:Phys-SPLBB-th13-5years}}
1996One can also combine SPL, Beta Beam and the atmospheric neutrino experiments to reduce the
1997parameter degeneracies which lead to disconnected regions on the multi-dimensional space of oscillation parameters.
1998One can look at \cite{Burguet-Castell:2001ez,Minakata:2001qm,Fogli:1996pv} for the definitions of {\it intrinsic}, {\it hierarchy}, and {\it octant} degeneracies. As we have seen above, atmospheric neutrinos, mainly multi-GeV $e$-like events, are sensitive to the
1999neutrino mass hierarchy if $\theta_{13}$ is sufficiently large due to
2000Earth matter effects, whilst sub-GeV $e$-like events provide sensitivity to the octant of
2001$\theta_{23}$ due to oscillations with $\Delta m^2_{21}$.
2003The result of running during 5 years in neutrino mode for SPL and Beta Beam, adding further the
2004atmospheric neutrino data, is shown in \refFig{fig:Phys-SPLBB-degeneracies_5years} \cite{Campagne:2006yx}.
2005One can appreciate that practically all degeneracies can be eliminated as only the solution with the wrong sign
2006survives with a $\Delta \chi^2 = 3.3$.
2007This last degeneracy can be completely eliminated by using a neutrino running mode combined with anti-neutrino mode and ATM
2008data \cite{Campagne:2006yx}. However, the example shown is a favorable case with $\sin^2\theta_{23}=0.6$ and in general,
2009for $\sin^2\theta_{23}<0.5$, the impact of the atmospheric data is weaker.
2010So, as a generic case, for the CERN-MEMPHYS project, one is left with the four intrinsic degeneracies.
2011However, the important observation in \refFig{fig:Phys-SPLBB-degeneracies_5years} is that
2012degeneracies have only a very small impact on the CP violation discovery, in the sense that if the true solution is CP violating also
2013the fake solutions are located at CP violating values of
2014$\delCP$. Therefore, thanks to the relatively short baseline without matter effect, even if degeneracies
2015affect the precise determination of $\theta_{13}$ and $\delCP$, they
2016have only a small impact on the CP violation discovery potential. Furthermore, one would quote explicitly the four possible sets of parameters with their respective confidential level. It is also clear from the figure that the sign($\Delta
2017m^2_{31}$) degeneracy has practically no effect on the $\theta_{13}$
2018measurement, whereas the octant degeneracy has very little impact on the determination of $\delCP$.
2023  \caption{Allowed regions in $\sin^22\theta_{13}$ and
2024  $\delta_{CP}$ for 5~years data (neutrinos only) from Beta Beam,
2025  SPL, and the combination. $\mathrm{H^{tr/wr} (O^{tr/wr})}$ refers to
2026  solutions with the true/wrong mass hierarchy (octant of
2027  $\theta_{23}$). For the colored regions in the left panel also
2028  5~years of atmospheric data are included; the solution with the
2029  wrong hierarchy has $\Delta\chi^2 = 3.3$. The true parameter
2030  values are $\delta_{CP} = -0.85 \pi$, $\sin^22\theta_{13} =
2031  0.03$, $\sin^2\theta_{23} = 0.6$. For the Beta Beam
2032  only analysis (middle panel) an external accuracy of 2\% (3\%) for
2033  $|\Delta m^2_{31}|$ ($\theta_{23}$) has been assumed, whereas for
2034  the left and right panel the default value of 10\% has been used.}
2039Some other features of the atmospheric neutrino data are presented in \refSec{sec:Phys-Atm-neut}.
2040In order to fully exploit the possibilities offered by a Neutrino
2041Factory, the detector should be capable of identifying  and measuring all three charged lepton flavors
2042produced in charged-current interactions and of measuring
2043their charges in order to identify the incoming neutrino helicity.
2044The GLACIER concept in its non-magnetized option provides a background-free identification of electron-neutrino charged-current events and a kinematical selection of tau-neutrino charged-current interactions.
2045We can assume that charge discrimination is available for muons reaching an external magnetized-Fe spectrometer.
2047Another interesting and extremely challenging possibility would consist in magnetizing the whole
2048liquid Argon volume~\cite{Badertscher:2005te,Ereditato:2005yx}. This set-up would allow the clean classification of events
2049into electrons, right-sign muons, wrong-sign muons and no-lepton categories.
2050In addition, high granularity permits a clean detection of quasi-elastic events, which
2051provide a selection of the neutrino electron helicity by detecting the final state proton,
2052without the need of an electron charge measurement.
2053Table~\ref{tab:rates} summarizes the expected rates for GLACIER and $10^{20}$ muon decays at a neutrino factory with stored muons
2054having an energy of 30 GeV~\cite{Bueno:2000fg}$N_{tot}$ is the total number of events and $N_{qe}$ is the number
2055of quasi-elastic events.
2058\caption{\label{tab:rates}Expected events rates for GLACIER in a Neutrino Factory beam,
2059assuming no oscillations and for $10^{20}$ muon decays (E$_\mu$=30 GeV). 
2060$N_{tot}$ is the total number of events and $N_{qe}$ is the number of quasi-elastic events.}
2065\multicolumn{8}{c}{Event rates for various baselines} \\ 
2068 & & \multicolumn{2}{c}{L=732 km} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{L=2,900 km} & 
2069\multicolumn{2}{c}{L=7,400 km} \\
2071 & & $N_{tot}$ & $N_{qe}$ & $N_{tot}$ & $N_{qe}$ & $N_{tot}$ & $N_{qe}$ \\
2072 %\hline
2073 & $\numu$ CC & 2,260,000 & 90,400 & 144,000 & 5,760 & 22,700 & 900 \\
2074$\mu^-$ & $\numu$ NC &  673,000 & $-$ &  41,200 & $-$ & 6,800 & $-$  \\
2075$10^{20}$ decays & $\anue$ CC &  871,000 & 34,800 & 55,300 & 2,200 & 8,750 & 350 \\
2076 & $\anue$ NC &  302,000 & $-$  & 19,900 & $-$  &  3,000 & $-$  \\ \hline
2077 %\hline
2078 & $\anumu$ CC & 1,010,000 & 40,400 & 63,800 & 2,550 & 10,000 & 400 \\
2079$\mu^+$ & $\anumu$ NC &  353,000 & $-$ & 22,400 & $-$ &  3,500 & $-$ \\
2080$10^{20}$ decays & $\nue$ CC &  1,970,000 & 78,800 & 129,000 & 5,160 & 19,800 & 800 \\
2081 & $\nue$ NC &  579,000 & $-$ & 36,700 & $-$ &  5,800 & $-$ \\ \hline
2082 \hline
2087shows the expected sensitivity in the measurement of $\theta_{13}$ 
2088for a baseline of  7,400 km. The maximal sensitivity to $\theta_{13}$ is achieved for very small
2089background levels, since one is looking in this case for small signals; most of the information is coming from the clean
2090wrong-sign muon class and from quasi-elastic events.  On the other hand,  if its value is not too small, for a
2091measurement of $\theta_{13}$, the signal/background ratio could be not so crucial, and also the other event classes can contribute to this measurement.
2093A Neutrino Factory should aim to over-constrain the oscillation pattern, in order to look for
2094unexpected new physics effects. This can be achieved in global fits of the parameters, where the unitarity of the mixing matrix is
2095not strictly assumed. Using a detector able to identify the $\tau$ lepton production via
2096kinematic means, it is possible to verify the unitarity in
2097$\nu_\mu\to\nu_\tau$ and $\nu_e\to\nu_\tau$ transitions.
2101\caption{\label{fig:t13sensitivity} GLACIER sensitivity to the measurement of $\theta_{13}$.}
2104The study of CP violation in the lepton system probably is the most ambitious goal of  an experiment at a Neutrino Factory.
2105Matter effects can mimic CP violation; however, a multi-parameter fit
2106at the right baseline can allow a simultaneous determination of
2107matter and CP violating parameters. To detect CP violation effects, the most favorable choice of
2108neutrino energy $E_\nu$ and baseline $L$ is in the region of  the first maximum, given by $(L/E_\nu)^{max}\simeq 500$ km/GeV
2109for $|\Delta m^2_{32}|=2.5\times 10^{-3}\rm\ eV^2$~\cite{Bueno:2001jd}.
2110To study oscillations in this region, one has to require that the energy of the "first-maximum'' be smaller than
2111the MSW resonance energy: $2\sqrt{2}G_Fn_eE^{max}_\nu\lesssim\Delta m^2_{32}\cos 2\theta_{13}$.
2112This fixes a limit on the baseline $L_{max} \approx$ 5,000 km
2113beyond which matter effects spoil the sensitivity.
2115As an example, \refFig{fig:cpsensitivity} shows the sensitivity
2116to the CP violating phase $\delta_{CP}$ for two concrete cases.
2117The events are classified in the five categories previously mentioned,
2118assuming an electron charge confusion of 0.1$\%$. The exclusion
2119regions in the $\Delta m^2_{12} - \delta_{CP}$ plane are determined by fitting the
2120visible energy distributions, provided that the electron detection efficiency is $\sim 20\%$. The excluded regions
2121extend up to values of $|\delta_{CP}|$ close to $\pi$,  even when $\theta_{13}$ is left free.
2125\caption{\label{fig:cpsensitivity} GLACIER 90\% C.L. sensitivity on the $CP$-phase $\delta_{CP}$ as a function of
2126$\Delta m^2_{21}$ for the two considered baselines.
2127The reference oscillation parameters are
2128$\Delta m^2_{32}=3\times 10^{-3}\ \rm eV^2$,
2129$\sin^2 \theta_{23} = 0.5$,
2130$\sin^2 \theta_{12} = 0.5$,
2131$\sin^2 2\theta_{13} = 0.05$ and
2132$\delta_{CP} = 0$.
2133The lower curves are made fixing all parameters to the reference values
2134while for the upper curves $\theta_{13}$ is free.}
2139\section{Conclusions and outlook}
2142In this paper we discuss the importance of outstanding
2143physics phenomena such as the possible instability of matter (proton decay), the production of neutrinos
2144in supernovae, in the Sun and in the interior of the Earth, as well as the recently discovered
2145process of neutrino oscillations, also detectable through artificial neutrinos produced by nuclear reactors and
2146particle accelerators.
2148All the above physics subjects, key issues for particle physics, astro-particle physics, astrophysics and cosmology,
2149call for a new generation of multipurpose, underground observatories based on improved detection techniques.
2151The envisioned detectors must necessarily be very massive (and consequently large) and
2152able to provide very low experimental background.
2153The required signal to noise ratio can only be achieved in underground laboratories suitably shielded against cosmic-rays
2154and environmental radioactivity. Some candidate sites in Europe have been identified and we are progressing
2155in assessing in detail their capabilities.
2157We have identified three different and, to a large extent, complementary technologies capable of meeting the challenge, based
2158on large scale use of liquids for building large-size, volume-instrumented detectors.
2159The three proposed large-mass, liquid-based
2160detectors for future underground observatories for particle physics in Europe (GLACIER, LENA and MEMPHYS),
2161although based on completely different detection techniques
2162(liquid Argon, liquid scintillator and \WC), share a similar, very rich physics program. For some cases of interest their
2163detection properties are quite complementary. 
2164A summary of the scientific case presented in this paper is given for astro-particle physics topics
2165in Table \ref{tab:Phys-potential-summary1}.
2170Summary of the physics potential of the proposed detectors for astro-particle physics topics.  The (*) stands for the case where
2171Gadolinium salt is added to the water of one of the MEMPHYS shafts.}
2176Topics             &        \textbf{GLACIER}            &    \textbf{LENA}    &      \textbf{MEMPHYS}\\
2177                   &         (100~kton)                    &      (50~kton)        &       (440~kton) \\
2180\multicolumn{4}{l}{\textbf{Proton decay}}  \\ 
2181$e^+\pi^0$ &    $0.5\times 10^{35}$ & -           &  $1.0\times 10^{35}$ \\
2182$\bar{\nu}K^+$  &       $1.1\times 10^{35}$ & $0.4\times 10^{35}$            &  $0.2\times 10^{35}$ \\
2187\multicolumn{4}{l}{\textbf{SN $\nu$ (10~kpc)}}          \\
2188CC & $2.5\times10^4 (\nue)$ & $9.0\times10^3 (\nubare)$ & $2.0\times10^5 (\nubare)$ \\
2189NC & $3.0\times10^4$ & $3.0\times10^3$ & - \\
2190ES & $1.0\times10^3 (e)$ & $7.0\times10^3 (p)$ & $1.0\times10^3 (e)$ \\   
2194\textbf{DSNB $\nu$}
2196(S/B 5 years) & 40-60/30 & 9-110/7  & 43-109/47 (*) \\
2202\multicolumn{4}{l}{\textbf{Solar $\nu$ (Evts. 1 year)}}  \\ 
2203$^8$B ES      & $ 4.5\times10^4$ & $1.6\times10^4$ & $1.1\times10^5$ \\
2204$^8$B CC     &           -              & $360$           & -\\
2205$^7$Be          &            -             & $2.0\times10^6$ &  -\\
2206$pep$             &              -           & $7.7\times10^4$ &    -\\
2211\textbf{Atmospheric $\nu$}
2212(Evts. 1 year)   &  $1.1\times10^4$                &     -    &   $4.0\times10^4$ (1-ring only) \\ 
2216\textbf{Geo $\nu$}
2217(Evts. 1 year)   &   below threshold                   &    $\approx 1,000$ & need 2~MeV threshold \\
2221\textbf{Reactor $\nu$}
2222(Evts. 1 year))  &  -                      &    $1.7\times10^4$        &  $6.0\times10^4$ (*) \\
2226\textbf{Dark Matter}
2227(Evts. 10 years)   &  3 events ($\sigma_{ES}=10^{-4}$,$M>20$~GeV) & -   & - \\
2237We wish to warmly acknowledge support from all the various funding agencies.  We wish to thank the EU framework 6 project ILIAS for providing assistance particularly regarding underground site aspects (contract 8R113-CT-2004-506222).
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