%\documentclass[aps,rmp,preprint,superscriptaddress,floatfix]{revtex4} \documentclass[aps,rmp,twocolumn,superscriptaddress,floatfix]{revtex4} %JEC 17/10/06 START %\usepackage{epsfig} \usepackage{graphicx} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage{eurosym} \usepackage[dvips]{color} %used explicitly in the text \newcommand{\be}{\begin{equation}} \newcommand{\ee}{\end{equation}} \newcommand{\delCP}{\ensuremath{\delta_{\rm CP}}} \newcommand{\nubarmu}{\ensuremath{\bar{\nu}_{\mu}}} \newcommand{\stheta}{\sin^22\theta_{13}} \newcommand{\thetaot}{\ensuremath{\theta_{13}}\,} \newcommand{\nue}{\ensuremath{\nu_{e}}} \newcommand{\nubare}{\ensuremath{\bar{\nu}_{e}}} \newcommand{\He}{\ensuremath{^6{\mathrm{He}\,}}} \newcommand{\Ne}{\ensuremath{^{18}{\mathrm{Ne}\,}}} \newcommand{\numu}{\ensuremath{\nu_{\mu}}} \newcommand{\anue}{\overline{{\mathrm\nu}}_{\mathrm e}} \newcommand{\anumu}{\overline{{\mathrm\nu}}_{\mathrm \mu}} \newcommand{\REDBLA}[1]{\color{red}#1\color{black}} \newcommand{\nunubar}[1]{\mbox{\raisebox{0ex}{ $\stackrel{\scriptscriptstyle (-)}{\displaystyle \nu_#1}$}}} \newcommand{\WC}{Water \v{C}erenkov} \newcommand{\degree} {^{\circ}} \newcommand{\flux}{\mbox{$ \mathrm{cm}^{-2}~\mathrm{s}^{-1}$}} \newcommand{\BB}{$\beta$B} \newcommand{\refTab}[1]{Tab.~\ref{#1}} \newcommand{\refFig}[1]{Fig.~\ref{#1}} \newcommand{\refSec}[1]{Sec.~\ref{#1}} %JEC 17/10/06 END \begin{document} %Title of paper \title{Large liquid detectors in Europe: Scientific Case} % repeat the \author .. \affiliation etc. as needed % \email, \thanks, \homepage, \altaffiliation all apply to the current % author. Explanatory text should go in the []'s, actual e-mail % address or url should go in the {}'s for \email and \homepage. % Please use the appropriate macro foreach each type of information % \affiliation command applies to all authors since the last % \affiliation command. The \affiliation command should follow the % other information % \affiliation can be followed by \email, \homepage, \thanks as well. %\author{J.-E. Campagne} %\email[]{Your e-mail address} %\homepage[]{Your web page} %\thanks{} %\altaffiliation{} % \author{ J. \"Ayst\"o } \affiliation{Department of Physics, University of Jyv\"askyl\"a, Finland} \author{ A. Badertscher } \affiliation{Institut f\"{u}r Teilchenphysik, ETHZ, CH-8093 Z\"{u}rich, Switzerland} \author{ L. Bezrukov } \affiliation{Institute for Nuclear Research, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, 117312 Russia} \author{ J. Bouchez } \affiliation{CEA - Saclay, 91191 Gif sur Yvette Cedex and APC Paris, France} \author{ A. Bueno } \affiliation{Dpto Fisica Teorica y del Cosmos \& C.A.F.P.E., Universidad de Granada, Spain} \author{ J. Busto } \affiliation{Centre de Physique des Particules de Marseille (CPPM), IN2P3-CBRS et Université d'Aix-Marseille II, 163 Av. de Luminy, B.P. 902, 13288 Marseille Cedex 09, France} \author{ J.-E. Campagne } \affiliation{Laboratoire de l'Accélérateur Linéaire (LAL), IN2P3-CNRS et Université PARIS-SUD 11, Centre Scientifique d'Orsay, B.P. 34, 91898 ORSAY Cedex, France} \author{ Ch. Cavata } \affiliation{CEA - Saclay, 91191 Gif sur Yvette Cedex, France} %\author{ S. Davidson } %\affiliation{CNRS/Université Lyon 1, %Institut de Physique Nucléaire de Lyon, 4 rue Enrico Fermi, %Villeurbanne, 69622 cedex France} \author{ A. de Bellefon } \affiliation{Astroparticule et Cosmologie (APC), UMR 7164 (CNRS, Universiti Paris VII, CEA, Observatoire de Paris), 11 pl. Marcelin Berthelot, 75231 Paris Cedex 05, France} \author{ J. Dumarchez } \affiliation{Laboratoire de Physique Nucléaire et des Hautes Energies (LPNHE), IN2P3-CNRS et Universités Paris VI et Paris VII, 4 place Jussieu, Tr. 33 - RdC, 75252 Paris Cedex 05, France} \author{ J. Ebert } \affiliation{Universität Hamburg, Institut für Experimentalphysik, Geb. 67/216, Luruper Chaussee 149, 22761 Hamburg, Germany} \author{ T. Enqvist } \affiliation{CUPP, University of Oulu, Finland} \author{ A. Ereditato } \affiliation{Laboratory for High Energy Physics, University of Bern, Sidlerstrasse, 5, CH-3012 Bern, Switzerland} %T. Marrodan Undagoitia 10/12/06 START \author{ F. von Feilitzsch } \affiliation{Technische Universit\"at M\"unchen, Physik-department E15, James-Franck-Str., 85748 Garching, Germany} %T. Marrodan Undagoitia 10/12/06 END \author{ M. G\"oger-Neff } \affiliation{Technische Universit\"at M\"unchen, Physik-department E15, James-Franck-Str., 85748 Garching, Germany} \author{ S. Gninenko } \affiliation{Unknown} \author{ W. Gruber } \affiliation{Institut f\"{u}r Teilchenphysik, ETHZ, CH-8093 Z\"{u}rich, Switzerland} \author{ C. Hagner } \affiliation{Universität Hamburg, Institut für Experimentalphysik, Geb. 67/216, Luruper Chaussee 149, 22761 Hamburg, Germany} \author{ K. Hochmuth } \affiliation{Max-Planck-Institut f\"ur Physik (Werner-Heisenberg-Institut), F\"ohringer Ring 6, 80805 M\"unchen, Germany} \author{ J. Holeczek } \affiliation{Institute of Physics, University of Silesia, Uniwersytecka 4, PL-40007 Katowice, Poland} \author{ J. Kisiel } \affiliation{Institute of Physics, University of Silesia, Uniwersytecka 4, PL-40007 Katowice, Poland} \author{ L. Knecht } \affiliation{Institut f\"{u}r Teilchenphysik, ETHZ, CH-8093 Z\"{u}rich, Switzerland} \author{ I. Kreslo } \affiliation{Laboratory for High Energy Physics, University of Bern, Sidlerstrasse, 5, CH-3012 Bern, Switzerland} \author{V. A. Kudryavtsev} \affiliation{Particle Physics and Particle Astrophysics, Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Sheffield, Hicks Building, Hounsfield Road, Sheffield S3 7RH, UK} \author{P. Kuusiniemi} \affiliation{CUPP, University of Oulu, Finland} \author{ T. Lachenmaier } \affiliation{Unknown} \author{ M. Laffranchi } \affiliation{Institut f\"{u}r Teilchenphysik, ETHZ, CH-8093 Z\"{u}rich, Switzerland} \author{ B. Lefievre } \affiliation{Astroparticule et Cosmologie (APC), UMR 7164 (CNRS, Universiti Paris VII, CEA, Observatoire de Paris), 11 pl. Marcelin Berthelot, 75231 Paris Cedex 05, France} \author{ M. Lindner } \affiliation{ Max-Planck-Institut fuer Kernphysik, Saupfercheckweg 1, D-69117 Heidelberg, Germany} \author{ J. Maalampi } \affiliation{ University of Jyväskylä, Finland } \author{A. Marchionni} \affiliation{Institut f\"{u}r Teilchenphysik, ETHZ, CH-8093 Z\"{u}rich, Switzerland} \author{ T. Marrodán Undagoitia } \affiliation{Technische Universit\"at M\"unchen, Physik-department E15, James-Franck-Str., 85748 Garching, Germany} \author{ A. Meregaglia } \affiliation{Institut f\"{u}r Teilchenphysik, ETHZ, CH-8093 Z\"{u}rich, Switzerland} \author{ M. Messina } \affiliation{Laboratory for High Energy Physics, University of Bern, Sidlerstrasse, 5, CH-3012 Bern, Switzerland} \author{ M. Mezzetto } \affiliation{INFN-Univ. di Padova, Dept. di Fisica, via Marzolo 8, 35100 Padua, Italy} \author{ L. Mosca } \affiliation{Unknown} \author{ U. Moser} \affiliation{Laboratory for High Energy Physics, University of Bern, Sidlerstrasse, 5, CH-3012 Bern, Switzerland} \author{ A. Müller } \affiliation{Institut f\"{u}r Teilchenphysik, ETHZ, CH-8093 Z\"{u}rich, Switzerland} \author{ G. Natterer } \affiliation{Institut f\"{u}r Teilchenphysik, ETHZ, CH-8093 Z\"{u}rich, Switzerland} \author{ L. Oberauer } \affiliation{Technische Universit\"at M\"unchen, Physik-department E15, James-Franck-Str., 85748 Garching, Germany} \author{ P. Otiougova } \affiliation{Institut f\"{u}r Teilchenphysik, ETHZ, CH-8093 Z\"{u}rich, Switzerland} \author{ T. Patzak } \affiliation{Astroparticule et Cosmologie (APC), UMR 7164 (CNRS, Universiti Paris VII, CEA, Observatoire de Paris), 11 pl. Marcelin Berthelot, 75231 Paris Cedex 05, France} \author{ J. Peltoniemi } \affiliation{CUPP, University of Oulu, Finland} \author{ W. Potzel } \affiliation{Technische Universit\"at M\"unchen, Physik-department E15, James-Franck-Str., 85748 Garching, Germany} \author{ C. Pistillo} \affiliation{Laboratory for High Energy Physics, University of Bern, Sidlerstrasse, 5, CH-3012 Bern, Switzerland} \author{ G. G. Raffelt } \affiliation{Max-Planck-Institut f\"ur Physik (Werner-Heisenberg-Institut), F\"ohringer Ring 6, 80805 M\"unchen, Germany} \author{M. Roos} \affiliation{Department of Physical Sciences, University of Helsinki, Finland} \author{ B. Rossi} \affiliation{Laboratory for High Energy Physics, University of Bern, Sidlerstrasse, 5, CH-3012 Bern, Switzerland} \author{ A. Rubbia } \affiliation{Institut f\"{u}r Teilchenphysik, ETHZ, CH-8093 Z\"{u}rich, Switzerland} \author{ N. Savvinov} \affiliation{Laboratory for High Energy Physics, University of Bern, Sidlerstrasse, 5, CH-3012 Bern, Switzerland} \author{ N. Spooner } \affiliation{Particle Physics and Particle Astrophysics, Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Sheffield, Hicks Building, Hounsfield Road, Sheffield S3 7RH, UK} \author{ A. Tonazzo } \affiliation{Astroparticule et Cosmologie (APC), UMR 7164 (CNRS, Universiti Paris VII, CEA, Observatoire de Paris), 11 pl. Marcelin Berthelot, 75231 Paris Cedex 05, France} \author{W. Trzaska} \affiliation{Department of Physics, University of Jyv\"askyl\"a, Finland} \author{ J. Ulbricht } \affiliation{Institut f\"{u}r Teilchenphysik, ETHZ, CH-8093 Z\"{u}rich, Switzerland} \author{ C. Volpe } \affiliation{Institut de Physique Nucleaire d'Orsay (IPNO), Groupe de Physique Theorique, Universite de Paris-Sud XI, Bat 100, rue Georges Clemenceau, 91406 Orsay, Cedex, France} \author{ J. Winter } \affiliation{Technische Universit\"at M\"unchen, Physik-department E15, James-Franck-Str., 85748 Garching, Germany} \author{ M. Wurm } \affiliation{Technische Universit\"at M\"unchen, Physik-department E15, James-Franck-Str., 85748 Garching, Germany} \author{ A. Zalewska } \affiliation{Unknown} \author{ R. Zimmermann } \affiliation{Universität Hamburg, Institut für Experimentalphysik, Geb. 67/216, Luruper Chaussee 149, 22761 Hamburg, Germany} %Collaboration name if desired (requires use of superscriptaddress %option in \documentclass). \noaffiliation is required (may also be %used with the \author command). %\collaboration can be followed by \email, \homepage, \thanks as well. %T. Marrodan Undagoitia 10/12/06 START \collaboration{LAGUNA collaboration} %T. Marrodan Undagoitia 10/12/06 END \email{hep-project-laguna@cern.ch} \noaffiliation \author{P. Fileviez Perez} \affiliation{Centro de Fisica Teorica de Particulas, Instituto Superior Tecnico, Departamento de Fisica, Av. Rovisco Pais 1, 1049-001 Lisboa, Portugal} \author{A. Mirizzi} \affiliation{Università di Bari, Dipartimento di Fisica, Via Amendola 173, 70126 Bari, Italy} \author{T. Schwetz} \affiliation{CERN, Physics Department, Theory Division, 1211 Geneva 23, Switzerland} \date{\today} \begin{abstract} % A. Bueno 3/11/06 START new version %A status report on the physics potential of the large scaled detectors as \WC\ (MEMPHYS), Liquid Argon TPC (GLACIER) and Liquid Scintillator (LENA) is presented covering both the non-accelerator and accelerator topics. This document contains a comprehensive study of the non-accelerator and accelerator physics potential of three future large-scale detectors proposed in Europe: MEMPHYS (\WC), GLACIER (Liquid Argon TPC) and LENA (Liquid Scintillator). % A. Bueno 3/11/06 END \end{abstract} % insert suggested PACS numbers in braces on next line \pacs{} % insert suggested keywords - APS authors don't need to do this %\keywords{} %\maketitle must follow title, authors, abstract, \pacs, and \keywords \maketitle %TOC \tableofcontents % body of paper here - Use proper section commands % References should be done using the \cite, \ref, and \label commands \section{Physics Motivation} \label{sec:Phys-Intro} % %New version by Juha Peltoniem 1/11/06 START The decay of proton is the most exciting prediction of Grand Unified Theories \cite{Nath:2006ut}. Several experiments have been built to search for it, with no discovery yet. The window between predicted (in the simplest models typically below $10^{37} $ years) and excluded \cite{Kobayashi:2005pe} (O($10^{33}$) years, depending on the channel) lifetimes is, however, within our reach, and the demand to fill the gap grows. Also a negative result would be important to rule out certain models (like minimal SU(5) \cite{Georgi:1974sy}) or constrain the parameter range. Identifying the proton decay and life time would set a firm scale for any unified theory, narrowing the scope for possible models and their parameters. This would be a mandatory step to go forward with the physics beyond the Standard Model, now partially stalled due to missing experimental data. The interior of the Earth is known unbelievably ill. We know much better what happens inside the Sun than inside our own planet. There are very few messengers that can give information from below the reach of drill holes, and mere theory is not sufficient for building a credible model for the Earth. However, there is a new unexploited window to the Earth interior, by observing neutrinos produced in the radioactive decays of heavy elements in the matter. Until now only KamLAND experiment \cite{Araki:2005qa} has been able to study geoneutrinos, but its event rate does not allow significant conclusions. Neutrinos are important messengers from stars. Indeed, neutrino astronomy has a glorious history, from the detection of solar neutrinos \cite{Davis:1968cp,Hirata:1989zj,Anselmann:1992um,Abdurashitov:1994bc,Smy:2002rz,Aharmim:2005gt,Altmann:2005ix} to the observation of neutrinos from a supernova %G. Raffelt 10/1/07 START: do not forget Baksan exp... \cite{Hirata:1987hu,Bionta:1987qt,Alekseev:1988gp}, %G. Raffelt 10/1/07 END acknowledged by Nobel Prizes for Koshiba and Ray Davis. These observations have given valuable information both from the stars and from the properties of the neutrinos. However, much more information would be available, if the neutrino spectra of stellar neutrinos would be known better. While the properties of neutrinos become better defined by other experiments, specific neutrino observations could give detailed information on the conditions of the production zone, whether in the Sun or a future galactic supernova. The latter would be extremely important as the explosion of the collapsed star is still a puzzle. An even more fascinating challenge would be to observe neutrinos from extragalactic supernovae, either from identified sources or a diffuse flux from unidentified supernovae from the past. Observing neutrinos produced in the atmosphere as cosmic ray secondaries \cite{Aglietta:1988be,Hirata:1988uy,Hirata:1992ku,Becker-Szendy:1992hq,Daum:1994bf,Allison:1999ms,Ashie:2005ik} gave the first compelling evidence on neutrino oscillation \cite{Fukuda:1998mi}. While the puzzle of missing atmospheric neutrinos can be considered solved, there remains challenges to study the sub dominant oscillation phenomena. Particularly, precise measurements of atmospheric neutrinos would help to resolve ambiguities and degeneracies that hamper the interpretation of other experiments, particularly future long baseline neutrino oscillation searches. These fascinating phenomena can be investigated with novel multipurpose experiments. The new experiments must be necessarily very large and they must have extremely low background. The required signal to noise ratio can be achieved only in well protected laboratories deep underground. We identify three complementary technologies to respond to the challenge: \begin{enumerate} \item \WC\ detector: As the cheapest available target material water is the only liquid that is realistic for extremely large detectors, up to several hundreds or thousands of kilotons. \WC\ detectors have rather good resolution for energy, position and direction. The technology is well proven, used previously in IMB, Kamiokande and SuperKamiokande. %T. Marrodan Undagoitia 9/12/06 START %\REDBLA{ \item Liquid Scintillator: Experiments using liquid scintillators provide a high energy resolution and a low energy threshold. They are particularly attractive for low energy detection, for example solar neutrinos or geoneutrinos. Liquid scintillator detectors are also based on an established technology, to name Borexino \cite{Back:2004zn} and KamLAND \cite{Araki:2004mb} as examples of previous experiments of regular scale. %} %T. Marrodan Undagoitia 9/12/06 END \item Liquid Argon: Cryogenic Time Projection Chambers have very good resolution to identify particles. Liquid Argon detectors are very versatile and work well with wide energy range. Experience from such detectors has been gained with ICARUS \cite{Amerio:2004ze,Arneodo:2001tx}. \end{enumerate} Three experiments are proposed to employ these techniques: MEMPHYS \cite{deBellefon:2006vq} for \WC, %T. Marrodan Undagoitia 9/12/06 START %\REDBLA{ LENA \cite{Oberauer:2005kw, Marrodan:2006} for Liquid Scintillator %} %T. Marrodan Undagoitia 9/12/06 END and GLACIER \cite{Rubbia:2004tz,Rubbia:2004yq,Ereditato:2004ru} for Liquid Argon. The purpose of this report is to study the physics potential of these experiments and rise some complementary aspects between the three techniques. Possible neutrino beams from future accelerators would provide an additional bonus for these experiments. Measuring the oscillation of controllably made neutrinos with a sufficiently long baseline would allow to determine the properties of neutrinos (particularly the mixing angle $\theta_{13}$, as well as CP violation) with an improved accuracy. The considered detectors may be used for observing neutrinos from beta and superbeams, in the optimal energy range characteristic to each experiment. A common example is a low energy ($\gamma \sim 100$) beta beam from CERN to MEMPHYS at Frejus, 130 km apart \cite{Campagne:2006yx}. However, higher energy beams up to O(6 GeV) have been suggested \cite{Rubbia:2006pi}, favouring longer distances up to O(2000 km). The neutrino factory would require a magnetized detector, which is beyond the scope of this study. A major experiment provides possibilities for major surprises. The history of neutrino astrophysics, like the history of science, has demonstrated that many experiments have made their glory with other discoveries that they were mainly intended for, just to name the proton decay experiments observing neutrinos. All of the three proposed experiments, with a huge improvement on size and resolution, will have a significant potential for surprises to be discovered. %New version by Juha Peltoniem 1/11/06 END %old version previous to 26/10/06 %%%%The pioneer \WC~detectors (IMB, Kamiokande) were built to look for nucleon decay, a prediction of Grand Unified Theories. Unfortunately, no discovery was made in this field and the neutrino physics has been the bread and butter since the beginning of running time of these detectors. Just to remind the glorious past: first detection of a supernova neutrino explosion (SN1987A) \cite{Hirata:1987hu,Hirata:1988ad,Aglietta:1987we,Bionta:1987qt} acknowledged by the Nobel prize for Koshiba, Solar \cite{Hirata:1989zj} and atmospheric anomalies discovery \cite{Hirata:1988uy,Fukuda:1998mi} which have been explained as mass \& mixing of the neutrinos, the latter being confirmed by the first long base line neutrino beam, i.e. the K2K experiment \cite{Aliu:2004sq}. %%%% %%%% %%%%The proposed detectors GLACIER\footnote{Giant Liquid Argon Charge Imaging ExpeRiment} \cite{Rubbia:2004tz,Rubbia:2004yq,Ereditato:2004ru}, LENA\footnote{Low Energy Neutrino Astronomy} \cite{Oberauer:2005kw,Undagoitia:1-2uu} and MEMPHYS\footnote{MEgaton Mass PHYSics} \cite{deBellefon:2006vq}, using different techniques will push the discovery frontiers on several domains: nucleon decay, supernova neutrinos (burst from sudden explosion or diffuse halo from past explosions), solar and atmospheric neutrinos, neutrinos from the Earth interior (geo-neutrinos), accelerator made neutrinos, indirect dark matter search... These items are reviewed in the following sections after a brief description of the key parameters of the detectors while the underground sites envisaged are described in section~\ref{sec:Phys-Sites}. % % \section{Brief detector description} \label{sec:Phys-detector} % % %The three detectors basic parameters are listed in \refTab{tab:Phys-detector-summary}. All these detectors are tens to hundreds of kilo tons mass all together of active target and situated in underground laboratories to be protected against background induced by cosmic rays. The large size of these detectors is motivated by the extremely low cross sections of neutrinos and/or the rareness of the interesting events. Some details of the detectors are discussed in the following sections while the Underground site related matter is discussed in section~\ref{sec:Phys-Sites}. %ABueno 23/10/06 START The three detectors basic parameters are listed in \refTab{tab:Phys-detector-summary}. All of them have active targets of tens to hundreds kilotons in mass and are situated in underground laboratories to be protected against background induced by cosmic rays. The large size of these detectors is motivated by the extremely low cross sections of neutrinos and/or the rareness of the interesting events searched for. Some details of the detectors are discussed in the following sections while the Underground site related matter is discussed in section~\ref{sec:Phys-Sites}. %ABueno 23/10/06 END % \begin{table*} \caption{\label{tab:Phys-detector-summary} Some basic parameters of the three detector baseline designs. The underground laboratory related matter are described in section~\ref{sec:Phys-Sites}} \begin{tabular}{rccc} \hline\hline\noalign{\smallskip} & \textbf{GLACIER} & \textbf{LENA} & \textbf{MEMPHYS}\\ \noalign{\smallskip}\hline\noalign{\smallskip} %A Bueno 19/5/06 START: The table should contain only the basic parameters of the proposed detectors.The location is more a "political" o scientific decision that in principle should not influence the basic design proposed in this study for the detectors. %\multicolumn{4}{l}{\textbf{Underground laboratory (Europe)}} \\ % location & ? & Pyh\"asalmi (CUPP) & Fréjus \\ % depth (km.e.w) & ? & 4.0 & 4.8 \\ % type & ? & mine & road tunnel \\ %Long Base Line (km)& ? & ? & 130 \\ % & ? & ? & CERN \\ %\noalign{\smallskip}\hline\noalign{\smallskip} %A Bueno 19/5/06 END \multicolumn{4}{l}{\textbf{Detector dimensions}} \\ type & vertical cylinder & horizontal cylinder & $3\div5$ shafts\\ diam. x length & $\phi=70\mathrm{m} \times L=20\mathrm{m}$ & $\phi=30\mathrm{m} \times L=100\mathrm{m}$ & $(3\div5)\times(\phi=65\mathrm{m} \times H=65\mathrm{m}) $ \\ typical mass (kt) & 100 & 50 & $440\div730$\\ \noalign{\smallskip}\hline\noalign{\smallskip} \multicolumn{4}{l}{\textbf{Active target and readout$^\dag$}} \\ type of target & liquid argon &liquid scintillator & water \\ & (boiling) & & (option: 0.2\% GdCl$_3$) \\ readout type & \parbox[t]{4cm}{\begin{itemize} \item[$e^-$ drift] 2 perp. views, $10^5$ channels, ampli. in gas phase \item[\v{C} light] 27,000 8" PMTs, $\sim 20\%$ coverage \item[Scint. light] 1,000 8" PMTs \end{itemize} } & \parbox[t]{4cm}{\center{12,000 20" PMTs\\ $\gtrsim 30\%$ coverage}} & \parbox[t]{4cm}{\center{81,000 12" PMTs\\$\sim 30\%$ coverage}} \\ %\noalign{\smallskip}\hline\noalign{\smallskip} %\multicolumn{4}{l}{\textbf{Cost \& Schedule}} \\ %estimated cost & & & 161M\euro{} per shaft (50\% cavity) \\ % & & & $+$ 100M\euro{}-infrastructure \\ %tentative schedule & & & \multicolumn{1}{l}{$t_0^{**}+8$ yrs cavities digging} \\ % & & & \multicolumn{1}{l}{$t_0+9$ yrs PMTs production} \\ % & & & \multicolumn{1}{l}{$t_0+10$ yrs detectors installation} \\ % & & & \multicolumn{1}{l}{Start of Non Accelerator Prog.} \\ % & & & \multicolumn{1}{l}{as soon as a shaft is commissioned} \\ \hline\hline \end{tabular} % \end{table*} % \subsection{Liquid Argon TPC} GLACIER (Fig.~\ref{fig:Phys-GLACIERdetector}) is the foreseen extrapolation up to $100$~kT of a Liquid Argon Time Projection Chamber. %JEC 14/12/06 A summary of parameters are listed in \refTab{tab:Phys-detector-summary}. The detector can be mechanically subdivided into two parts: (1) the liquid argon tanker and (2) the inner detector instrumentation. For simplicity, we assume at this stage that the two aspects can be decoupled. \begin{figure} \includegraphics[width=\columnwidth]{./figures/T100K_3d} \caption{\label{fig:Phys-GLACIERdetector} An artistic view of a 100~kton single tanker liquid argon detector. The electronic crates are located at the top of the dewar.} \end{figure} % %%%JEC 18/10/06 START rewrite to make it shorter The basic idea behind this detector is to use a single 100~kton ``boiling'' cryogenic tanker with Argon refrigeration (in particular, the cooling is done directly with Argon, e.g. without nitrogen). Events can be reconstructed in 3D using the information provided by ionization, in the fact the imaging capabilities make this detector an "electronic bubble chamber". Scintillation and \v{C}erenkov light readout complete the event information. One can profit from the ICARUS R\&D which has shown that it is possible to operate PMTs immersed directly in the liquid Argon \cite{Amerio:2004ze}. %One is using commercial %Electron Tubes 8'' PMTs with a photocathode for cold operation and %a standard glass window. In order to be sensitive to DUV scintillation, the PMTs are coated with a wavelength shifter (Tetraphenyl-Butadiene). About 1000~immersed phototubes with WLS would be used to identify the (isotropic and bright) scintillation light. To detect \v{C}erenkov radiation about 27000 immersed ~8''-phototubes without WLS would provide a 20\% coverage of the surface of the detector. As already mentioned, these latter PMTs should have single photon counting capabilities in order to count the number of \v{C}erenkov photons. Charge amplification and an extreme purity is needed to allow the foreseen long drifts ($\approx 20\rm\ m$), so the detector will run in bi-phase mode. Namely, drift electrons produced in the liquid phase are extracted from the liquid into the gas phase with the help of an electric field of the order of $3\ \rm kV/cm$ to compensate the charge attenuation along drift. The charge will be amplied and read by means of Large Electron Multiplier (LEM) devices. A possible extension of the present design is the use of an external magnetic field. Contact with the LNG (Liquefied Natural Gas) and Technodyne LtD have been taken to make feasibility studies to build such cryogenic detector in underground site. % %%GLACIER (Fig.~\ref{fig:Phys-GLACIERdetector}) is the foreseen extrapolation up to $100$~kT %%of a Liquid Argon Time Projection Chamber. %%A summary of parameters are listed in \refTab{tab:Phys-detector-summary}. %% %%The detector can be mechanically subdivided into two parts: %%(1) the liquid argon tanker and (2) the inner detector instrumentation. %%For simplicity, we assume at this stage that the two aspects can be decoupled. %%% %%\begin{figure} %%\includegraphics[width=\columnwidth]{./figures/T100K_3d} %%\caption{\label{fig:Phys-GLACIERdetector} An artistic view of a 100~kton single tanker liquid argon detector. %%The electronic crates are located at the top of the dewar.} %%\end{figure} %%% %%%%%JEC 18/10/06 START rewrite to make it shorter %% %%The basic idea is to use a single 100~kton ``boiling'' cryogenic tanker with Argon refrigeration (in particular, %%the cooling is done directly with Argon, e.g. without nitrogen). The event 3D reconstruction is done by the charge imaging, the so-called "electronic bulbbe chamber", and the scintillation and \v{C}erenkov light readout complete the event information. %% %%One can profit from the ICARUS R\&D %%which has shown that PMTs immersed directly in the liquid Argon is possible \cite{Amerio:2004ze}. %%One is using commercial %%Electron Tubes 8'' PMTs with a photocathode for cold operation and %%a standard glass window. In order to be sensitive to DUV scintillation, %%the PMT are coated with a wavelength shifter (Tetraphenyl-Butadiene). %%Summarizing about 1000~immersed phototubes with WLS would %%be used to identify the (isotropic and bright) scintillation light. While about 27000 immersed %%~8''-phototubes without WLS would provide a 20\% coverage of the surface %%of the detector. As already mentioned, these latter should have single photon %%counting capabilities in order to count the number of \v{C}erenkov photons. %% %%The charge amplification and an extreme purity is needed to allow the extremely long drifts ($\approx 20\rm\ m$) foreseen, so the detector will run in bi-phase mode. Namely, drift electrons produced in the liquid phase are extracted from the liquid into the gas phase with %%the help of an electric field of the order of $3\ \rm kV/cm$ to compensate the charge attenuation along drift. %%A possible extension of the present design is the use of an external magnetic field. %% %%Contact with the LNG (Liquefied Natural Gas) and Technodyne LtD have been taken to make feasibility studies to build such cryogenic detector in underground site. %JEC 26/4/06 START: this table may be too technical for this document %\begin{table}[htb] %\small \begin{tabular}{p{0.4\linewidth}p{0.5\linewidth}} %\hline\hline %Item & Comments \\ %\hline %Dewar&$\Phi\approx$ 70~m, height $\approx 20~m$, passive perlite insulated, %heat input $\approx 5$~W/m$^2$ \\ %%\hline %Argon Storage & Boiling argon, low pressure ($<$~100~mb overpressure)\\ %%\hline %Argon total volume & 73118 m$^3$ (height = 19 m),ratio %area/volume$\approx$15\%\\ %%\hline %Argon total mass&{\bf 102365 TONS} \\ %%\hline %Hydrostatic pressure at bottom&$\approx 3$~atm\\ %%\hline %Inner detector dimensions & Disc $\Phi \approx$ 70~m located in gas % phase above liquid phase\\ %%\hline %Electron drift in liquid &20~m maximum drift, HV= 2MV for E=1~kV/cm, %v$_d\approx 2 $~mm/$\mu$s, max drift time $\approx$~10~ms \\ %%\hline %Charge readout views& 2 independent perpendicular views, 3~mm pitch, in gas %phase (electron extraction) with charge amplification\\ %%\hline %Charge readout channels&$\approx 100000$\\ %%\hline %Readout electronics & 100 racks on top of dewar (1000 %channels per crate)\\ %%\hline %Scintillation light readout & Yes (also for triggering), 1000 immersed %8''PMT with WLS (TPB)\\ %%\hline %Visible light readout & Yes (\v{C}erenkov light), 27000 immersed 8''PMTs or %20\% coverage, single photon counting capability\\ %\hline\hline %\end{tabular} %\caption{ %Summary parameters of the 100 kton liquid Argon detector %} \label{tab:sumpar} %\end{table} %JEC 26/4/06 END %%%The inner detector instrumentation is made of: a cathode, located near the bottom of the tanker, %%%set at $-2$~MV that creates a drift electric field of 1~kV/cm over the distance of 20~m. %%%In this field configuration ionization electrons %%%are moving upwards while ions are going downward. The electric field is delimited on the sides of the tanker %%%by a series of ring electrodes (race-tracks) put at the appropriate voltages (voltage divider). The breakdown voltage %%%of liquid argon is such that a distance of about 50~cm to the grounded tanker volume is electrically safe. %%%For the high voltage we consider two solutions: (1) either the HV is brought inside the dewar through an appropriate %%%custom-made HV feed-through or (2) a voltage multiplier could be installed inside the cold volume. %JEC 26/4/06 START If necessary introduce some key parameters in the text. %The relevant parameters of the charge readout are summarized in \refTab{tab:readoutpar}. %JEC 26/4/06 END %%%The tanker contains both liquid and gas argon phases at equilibrium. Since purity is a concern for very long %%%drifts of the order of 20 meters, we think that the inner detector should be operated in bi-phase mode, %%%namely drift electrons produced in the liquid phase are extracted from the liquid into the gas phase with %%%the help of an appropriate electric field. Our measurements show that the threshold for 100\% efficient %%%extraction is about $3\ \rm kV/cm$. Hence, just below and above the liquid two grids define the appropriate %%%liquid extraction field. In addition to charge readout, we envision to locate PMTs around the tanker. %%%Scintillation and \v{C}erenkov %%%light can be readout essentially independently. One can profit from the ICARUS R\&D %%%which has shown that PMTs immersed directly in the liquid Argon is possible \cite{Amerio:2004ze}. %%%One is using commercial %%%Electron Tubes 8'' PMTs with a photocathode for cold operation and %%%a standard glass window. In order to be sensitive to DUV scintillation, %%%the PMT are coated with a wavelength shifter (Tetraphenyl-Butadiene). %%%Summarizing about 1000~immersed phototubes with WLS would %%%be used to identify the (isotropic and bright) scintillation light. While about 27000 immersed %%%~8''-phototubes without WLS would provide a 20\% coverage of the surface %%%of the detector. As already mentioned, these latter should have single photon %%%counting capabilities in order to count the number of \v{C}erenkov photons. %%JEC 26/4/06 START: this table may be too technical for this document %\begin{table}[htb] %\small \begin{tabular}{p{0.4\linewidth}p{0.5\linewidth}} %\hline\hline %Item & Comments \\ %\hline %Electron drift in liquid & 20 m maximum drift, HV=2 MV for E=1kV/cm, $v_d\simeq 2 mm/\mu s$, %max drift time $t_{max}\simeq$~10~ms\\ %%\hline %Charge readout views & two independent perpendicular views, 3~mm pitch\\ %%\hline %Maximum charge diffusion & $\sigma_D\simeq 2.8 mm$ ($\sqrt{2Dt_{max}}$ for $D=4 cm^2/s$)\\ %%\hline %Maximum charge attenuation & $e^{-tmax/\tau}\simeq 1/150$ for $\tau=2$~ms electron lifetime\\ %%\hline %Needed charge amplification & $10^{2}$ to $10^{3}$ \\ %%\hline %Methods for amplification & Extraction to and amplification in gas phase \\ %%\hline %Possible solutions & Thin wires+pad readout, GEM, LEM, ... \\ %\hline\hline %\end{tabular} %\caption{Parameters of the LAr charge readout} %\label{tab:readoutpar} %\end{table} %%JEC 26/4/06 END % Antonio Bueno 23/03/06 END % \subsection{Liquid Scintillator} % %T. Marrodan Undagoitia & M. Wurm 22/6/06 START %The LENA detector is planned %to have a cylindrical shape with about $100$~m length and 30~m %diameter (\refFig{fig:Phys-LENAdetector} and \refTab{tab:Phys-detector-summary}). %An inside part of 13~m radius will contain approximately %50~kt of liquid scintillator while the outside part will be filled %with water to act as a muon veto. A fiducial volume for proton decay %will be defined having a radius of 12~m. Covering about 30$\%$ of the %surface, 12\,000 photomultipliers of 50~cm diameter each will collect %the light produced by the scintillator. PXE (phenyl-o-xylylethane) is %foreseen as scintillator solvent because of its high light yield and %its safe handling procedures. The optical properties of a liquid %scintillator based on PXE have been investigated in the Counting Test %Facility (CTF) for BOREXINO at the Gran Sasso underground %laboratory~ \cite{CTF}. A yield of 372~$\pm$~8 photoelectrons per MeV %(pe/MeV) have been measured in this experiment with an optical %coverage of 20$\%$. The attenuation length of $\sim$~3~m (at 430~nm) %was substantially increased to $\sim$~12~m purging the liquid in a %weak acidic alumina column \cite{CTF}. With these values an expected %photoelectron yield of $\sim$~120~pe/MeV can be estimated for events %in the center of the LENA detector. Currently the optical properties %of mixtures of PXE and derivatives of mineral oils are under %investigation \cite{PXE}. % %T. Marrodan Undagoitia 10/12/06 START Some small corrections %\REDBLA{ The LENA detector is cylindrical in shape, with a length of about 100\,m and 30\,m diameter (\refFig{fig:Phys-LENAdetector}). An inside part of 13\,m radius contains approximately $5 \times 10^7$\,m$^3$ of liquid scintillator while the outside part is filled with water acting as a muon veto. Both the outer and the inner volume are enclosed in steel tanks of 3 to 4\,cm wall thickness. For most purposes, a fiducial volume at 1\,m distance to the inner tank walls is defined, corresponding to 88\,$\%$ of the inner detector volume. The axis of the detector is aligned horizontally. A tunnel-shaped cavern harbouring the detector is well feasible at most locations. In respect to accelerator physics, the axis should be oriented towards the neutrino source (e.g. CERN) in order to contain the full length of muon and electron tracks. The default setting for light detection in the inner detector is the mounting of 12\,000 photomultipliers (PMTs) of 20'' diameter each to the inner cylinder wall, covering about 30\,$\%$ of the surface. As an option, light concentrators can be installed in front of the PMTs, increasing the surface coverage $c$ to values of more than 50\,$\%$. Alternatively, $c=30\,\%$ can be reached by the equipment of 8'' PMTs with light concentrators, thereby reducing costs compared to the default setting. Additional PMTs are supplied in the outer muon veto to detect the \v{C}erenkov light of incoming particles. Possible candidates for the liquid scintillator are (1.) pure PXE (phenyl-o-xylylethane), (2.) a mixture of 20\,$\%$ PXE and 80\,$\%$ Dodecane, or (3.) Linear Alkylbenzene (LAB). All three liquids are of minor toxicity to the environment and provide high flash and inflammation points. %} %T. Marrodan Undagoitia 10/12/06 END Some small corrections %JEC 18/10/06 START comment to make it shorter %\begin{enumerate} %\item PXE (C$_{16}$H$_{18}$, $\rho \simeq 0.985$\,g/cm$^3$) has already been tested in the Counting Test Facility of the BOREXINO experiment. Combining the CTF data \cite{Back:2004zn} with results of laboratory measurements done both in Heidelberg and in Munich \cite{Wurm:2005thesis}, a light yield of about 10$^4$\,photons/MeV can be reached by adding 6\,g/l PPO 20\,mg/l bisMSB as primary and secondary fluors that shift the scintillation light to 430\,nm. At this wavelength, attenuation lengths of up to 12\,m can be achieved after purification of PXE in an aluminum column \cite{Back:2004zn}. For an event in the center of the LENA detector, a photoelectron (pe) yield of about $400c$\,pe/MeV is therefore feasible. %\item The admixture of Dodecane (C$_{12}$H$_{26}$, $\rho \simeq 0.749$\,g/cm$^3$) both lowers the light yield and increases the transparency of the scintillator. The effective photoelectron yield is comparable to the one of PXE up to about 80 mass percent of Dodecane. The resulting increase in the number of free protons and therefore in events due to the inverse beta decay of $\bar\nu_e$ is $\sim26\,\%$. %\item LAB (C$_{17.6}$H$_{30}$, $\rho \simeq 0.862$\,g/cm$^3$), a basic and therefore cheap ingredient of many detergents, has been tested as a liquid scintillator for the SNO+ experiment. Laboratory measurements done by the SNO collaboration show excellent light yield and transparency. Investigations in Munich are in preparation. %\end{enumerate} %JEC 18/10/06 % %T. Marrodan Undagoitia 10/12/06 START New picture \REDBLA{ \begin{figure} \includegraphics[width=\columnwidth]{./figures/LenaPictureNov06.eps} \caption{\label{fig:Phys-LENAdetector}Sketch of the LENA detector.} \end{figure} } %T. Marrodan Undagoitia 10/12/06 %T. Marrodan Undagoitia & M. Wurm 22/6/06 END %LENA (Fig.~\ref{fig:Phys-LENAdetector}) \cite{LENA} is the foreseen extrapolation up to $50$~kT ($\phi=30$~m, $Leangth=100$~m) of PXE Liquid Scintillator surrounded by a water active veto shielding. % \subsection{\WC} % The MEMPHYS detector (\refFig{fig:Phys-MEMPHYSdetector}) is an extrapolation of SuperKamiokande up to $730$~kT. This \WC\ detector is a collection of up to 5 shafts, and 3 are enough for 440~kt fiducial mass which is used hereafter. Each shaft is 65~m in diameter and 65~m height for the total water container dimensions, and this represent an extrapolation of a factor 4 with respect to the Super-Kamiokande running detector. The PMT surface defined as 2~m inside the water container is covered by about 81,000 12" PMTs to reach a 30\% surface coverage equivalent to a 40\% coverage with 20" PMTs. The fiducial volume is defined by an additional conservative guard of 2~m. The outer volume between the PMT surface and the water vessel is instrumented with 8" PMTs. If not contrary mentionned, the Super-Kamiokande analysis (efficiency, background reduction) is used to compute the physcis potential of such a detector. In the US and in Japan, there are two competitors to MEMPHYS, namely UNO and Hyper-Kamiokande. These projects are similar in many respects and the hereafter presented physics potential may be transposed also for those detectors\footnote{Specific characteristics that are not identical to the projects concern the distance to accelerators or reactors}. Currently, there is a very promising on going R\&D activity concerning the possibility to introduce Gadolinium salt (GdCl${}_3$) in side SuperKamiokande. The physics goal is to decrease the background in many physics channels by tagging the neutron produced in the inverse beta decay interaction of $\bar{\nu}_e$ on free protons. For instance, 100~tons of GdCl${}_3$ in Super-Kamiokande would yield more then 90\% neutron captures on Gd \cite{Beacom:2003nk}. % \begin{figure} \includegraphics[width=\columnwidth]{./figures/MEMPHYS.eps} \caption{\label{fig:Phys-MEMPHYSdetector}Sketch of the MEMPHYS detector under the Fréjus mountain (Europe).} \end{figure} % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %JEC 16/10/06 place the site here \input{site.tex} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %JEC 16/10/06 START each physics subject is a Chapter now %\section{Detector Perfomances} %\label{sec:DetPerf} %JEC 16/10/06 END % \input{pdk_det.tex} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \input{snv_det.tex} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \input{nusolar_det.tex} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \input{nuatm_det.tex} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \input{geo_det.tex} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \input{darkmatter_det.tex} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %JEC 16/10/06 come back to the main stream !!! \input{reactor_det.tex} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \input{acc_det.tex} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \section{Summary} \label{sec:Phys-Summary} %\REDBLA{version 0 by JEC 26/4/06} The three proposed detectors (MEMPHYS, LENA, GLACIER) based on completely different detection techniques (\WC, Liquid Scintillator, Liquid Argon) share to a large extent a very rich physics program and in some cases their detection specificities are complementary. A brief summary of the scientific case is presented both for non-accelerator based topics and the accelerator neutrino oscillation topic on tables \ref{tab:Phys-potential-summary1} and \ref{tab:Phys-potential-summary2}, respectively. % \begin{table*} \caption{\label{tab:Phys-potential-summary1} Brief summary of the physics potential of the proposed detectors for non-accelerator based topics. The (*) stands for the case where one MEMPHYS shaft is filled with Gadolinium.} % \begin{tabular}{lccc} \hline\hline\noalign{\smallskip} Topics & \textbf{GLACIER} & \textbf{LENA} & \textbf{MEMPHYS}\\ & (100~kt) & (50~kt) & (440~kt) \\ \noalign{\smallskip}\hline\noalign{\smallskip} % \multicolumn{4}{l}{\textbf{Proton decay}} \\ $e^+\pi^0$ & $0.5\times 10^{35}$ & - & $1.0\times 10^{35}$ \\ $\bar{\nu}K^+$ & $1.1\times 10^{35}$ & $0.4\times 10^{35}$ & $0.2\times 10^{35}$ \\ \noalign{\smallskip} \hline \noalign{\smallskip} % \multicolumn{4}{l}{\textbf{SN $\nu$ (10~kpc)}} \\ CC & $2.5~10^4 (\nue)$ & $9.0~10^3 (\nubare)$ & $2.0~10^5 (\nubare)$ \\ NC & $3.0~10^4$ & $3.0~10^3$ & - \\ ES & $1.0~10^3 (e)$ & $7.0~10^3 (p)$ & $1.0~10^3 (e)$ \\ \noalign{\smallskip}\hline \noalign{\smallskip} % %JEC 3/5/06 START scale to 5years 1 MEMPHYS shaft only with Gd %\textbf{DSN $\nu$} %(5 yrs Sig./Bkgd) & \REDBLA{?-60/30} & 10-115/4 & 150-375/165 \\ \textbf{DSN $\nu$} %T. Marrodan Undagoitia 10/12/06 START New value (5 yrs Sig./Bkgd) & 40-60/30 & 9-110/7 & 43-109/47 (*) \\ %T. Marrodan Undagoitia 10/12/06 END New value %JEC 3/5/06 END \noalign{\smallskip}\hline \noalign{\smallskip} % \textbf{Solar $\nu$} (1 yr Sig.) & \parbox{3cm}{\center{$4.5~10^4/1.6~10^5$\\($^8$B ES/Abs)}} %T. Marrodan Undagoitia 10/12/06 START Some missing values & \parbox{4cm}{\center{$2.0~10^6/7.7~10^4/1.6~10^4/360$\\($^7$Be/$pep$/$^8$B ES/$^8$B CC)}} %T. Marrodan Undagoitia 10/12/06 & \parbox{2cm}{\center{$1.1~10^5$\\($^8$B ES)}} \\ \noalign{\smallskip}\hline \noalign{\smallskip} % \textbf{Atmospheric $\nu$} (1 yr Sig.) & $1.1~10^4$ & TBD & $4.0~10^4$ (1-ring only) \\ \noalign{\smallskip}\hline \noalign{\smallskip} % \textbf{Geo $\nu$} (1 yr Sig.) & below threshold & $\approx 1000$ & need 2~MeV threshold \\ \noalign{\smallskip}\hline \noalign{\smallskip} % \textbf{Reactor $\nu$} (1 yr Sig.) & - & $1.7~10^4$ & $6.0~10^4$ (*) \\ \noalign{\smallskip}\hline \noalign{\smallskip} % \textbf{Dark Matter} 10 yrs Sig. & 3 events ($\sigma_{ES}=10^{-4}$,$M>20$~GeV) & TBD & TBD \\ \noalign{\smallskip}\hline \noalign{\smallskip} \hline\hline \end{tabular} % \end{table*} % \begin{table*} \caption{\label{tab:Phys-potential-summary2} Brief summary of the physics potential of the proposed detectors for accelerator oscillation topic. \REDBLA{To be completed}} % \begin{tabular}{llcl} \hline\hline\noalign{\smallskip} Detector & Beam type & Running time & \multicolumn{1}{c}{Potentialities} \\ \hline\hline\noalign{\smallskip} MEMPHYS & CERN-SPL (disapp.)& 5~yrs & $\delta\Delta m^2_{31} = (3-4)\%$ and $\delta\sin^2\theta_{23} = (5-22)\%$ \\ & CERN-\BB\ ($\theta_{13}\neq 0$) & 10~yrs & $\sin^22\theta_{13}^{3\sigma} \approx 4\ 10^{-3} (2\ 10^{-4})$\\ & SPL+\BB\ ($\theta_{13}\neq 0$) & 5~yrs & $\sin^22\theta_{13}^{3\sigma} \approx 3\ 10^{-3} (2\ 10^{-4})$\\ & CERN-\BB\ (CPV ) & 10~yrs & $\sin^22\theta_{13}^{3\sigma} \approx 2\ 10^{-4} (\delta_{CP} = \frac{\pi}{2},\frac{3\pi}{2} )$ \\ & SPL-\BB\ (CPV ) & 5~yrs & $\sin^22\theta_{13}^{3\sigma} \approx 4\ 10^{-4} (\delta_{CP} = \frac{\pi}{2},\frac{3\pi}{2} )$ \\ & SPL+\BB+ATM & 10~yrs & $2\sigma$ mass hier. for $\sin^22\theta_{13}\approx 0.02$ + degeneracy reduction \\ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \noalign{\smallskip}\hline\noalign{\smallskip} GLACIER & & & \\ \hline\hline \end{tabular} % \end{table*} % % % \begin{acknowledgments} %JEC 22/12/06: moved to author list \REDBLA{To be completed: M. Maltoni, P.F. Perez, A. Mirizzi} \end{acknowledgments} % Create the reference section using BibTeX: \bibliography{Laguna} \end{document}