source: Backup NB/Talks/MEMPHYSetal/LAGUNA/EU I3/PhysicsLatex/Laguna-before-xarchiv/Laguna_pdk_changes/pdk_det.tex @ 458

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1\section{Proton decay sensitivity}
2%\REDBLA{version 0 by JEC 6/3/06}
3%\REDBLA{update Introduction by Pavel F. Perez 8/3/06}
4%\REDBLA{update by A. Bueno 23/3/06}
5%\REDBLA{update by T. Marrodan Undagoitia 10/4/06}
6%\REDBLA{update by JEC 20/4/06}
7%\REDBLA{update by JEC 21/6/06}
8%\REDBLA{update by JEC 10/10/06: this is a section now}
9For all relevant aspects of the proton stability in grand unified theories,
10in strings and in branes see reference~\cite{Nath:2006ut}.   
12Since proton decay is the most dramatic prediction coming from theories
13where the matter is unified, we hope to test those scenarios at future experiments.
14For this reason, a theoretical upper bound on the lifetime of the proton is very
15important to know about the possibilities of future experiments.   
17Recently a model-independent upper bound on the total proton decay lifetime has
18been pointed out~\cite{Dorsner:2004xa}:
21        \tau_p^{upper} =       
22                \left\{\begin{array}{lr}
23        6.0 \times 10^{39} & (\text{Majorana case})
24         \\ 
25         2.8 \times 10^{37}  & (\text{Dirac case})
26        \end{array}\right\}
27                 \times 
28         \frac{\left(M_X/10^{16}GeV\right)^4}{\alpha_{GUT}^2} \times \left( \frac{0.003GeV^3}{\alpha} \right)^2 \ \text{yrs}         
31where $M_X$ is the mass of the superheavy gauge bosons. The parameter $\alpha_{GUT}= g_{GUT}^2 / 4 \pi$,
32where $g_{GUT}$ is the gauge coupling at the grand unified scale. $\alpha$ is the matrix element.
33See \refFig{fig:Phys-PDK-Majorana} and \refFig{fig:Phys-PDK-Dirac} for the present parameter space allowed by the experiments.
35Most of the models (Supersymmetric or non-Supersymmetric) predict a lifetime $\tau_p$ below
36those upper bounds $10^{33-37}$~years, which are very interesting since it is the possible
37range of the proposed detectors.
39In order to have an idea of the proton decay predictions, let us list in \refTab{tab:Phys-PDK-Models} 
40the results in different models.
43                \caption{\label{tab:Phys-PDK-Models}Summary of some recent predictions on proton partial lifetimes.}
44                \begin{tabular}{cccc} \hline\hline
46Model       &   Decay modes     &  Prediction   &  References \\ \hline
48Georgi-Glashow model & - &  ruled out      &     \cite{Georgi:1974sy}            \\ 
51\parbox{4cm}{\center{Minimal realistic\\ non-SUSY $SU(5)$}} & all channels & $\tau_p^{upper} = 1.4 \times 10^{36}$ & \cite{Dorsner:2005fq,Dorsner:2005ii}
52%\REDBLA{JEC:BibTex pb}
54% \hline
56Two Step Non-SUSY SO(10) &  $p \to e^+ \pi^0$ &  $\approx 10^{33-38}$ & \cite{Lee:1994vp} \\[5mm] 
59Minimal SUSY $SU(5)$   &   $p \to  \bar{\nu}K^+$  &  $\approx 10^{32-34}$  &  \REDBLA{JEC:BibTex pb}
65\parbox{4cm}{\center{SUSY $SO(10)$ \\ with $10_H$, and $126_H$}} & $p \to \bar{\nu} K^+$ & $\approx 10^{33-36}$ &  %\cite{Babu:1992ia,Aulakh:2003kg,Fukuyama:2004pb,Goh:2003nv}
66\REDBLA{JEC:BibTex pb}
68% \hline
70M-Theory($G_2$)   & $p \to e^+\pi^0$    &  $\approx 10^{33-37}$     & \cite{Friedmann:2002ty} \\
73                \end{tabular}
78\caption{\label{fig:Phys-PDK-Majorana} Isoplot for the upper bounds on the total
79proton lifetime in years in the Majorana neutrino case in the
80$M_X$--$\alpha_{GUT}$ plane. The value of the unifying coupling
81constant is varied from $1/60$ to $1/10$. The conventional values
82for $M_X$ and $\alpha_{GUT}$ in SUSY GUTs are marked in thick
83lines. Experimentally excluded region is given in black~\cite{Dorsner:2004xa}.}
89\caption{\label{fig:Phys-PDK-Dirac} Isoplot for the upper bounds on the total
90proton lifetime in years in the Dirac neutrino case in the
91$M_X$--$\alpha_{GUT}$ plane. The value of the unifying coupling
92constant is varied from $1/60$ to $1/10$. The conventional values
93for $M_X$ and $\alpha_{GUT}$ in SUSY GUTs are marked in thick
94lines. Experimentally excluded region is given in black~\cite{Dorsner:2004xa}.}
98No specific simulation for MEMPHYS has been carried out yet. We therefore rely on the study done by UNO, adapting the results to MEMPHYS (which has an overall better coverage) when possible.
100% Antonio Bueno 20/01/07 START
101To study the physics potentialities
102of very large underground Liquid Argon Time Projection Chambers (LAr TPC),
103a detailed simulation of signal efficiency and
104background sources, including atmospheric neutrinos and cosmogenic
105backgrounds was carried out~\cite{GLACIER_pdk}. Liquid Argon TPCs,
106offering good granularity and energy resolution, low particle detection threshold,
107and excellent background discrimination, should 
108yield  very good signal over background ratios in many possible
109decay modes, allowing to reach partial lifetime sensitivities in
110the range of $10^{34}-10^{35}$~years with exposures up to 1000~kton$\times$year,
111often in quasi-background-free conditions optimal for discoveries
112at the few events level, corresponding
113to atmospheric neutrino background rejections of the order of $10^5$.
114Multi-prong decay modes like e.g. $p\rightarrow \mu^- \pi^+ K^+$
115or $p\rightarrow e^+\pi^+\pi^-$ and channels involving kaons like
116e.g. $p\rightarrow K^+\bar\nu$, $p\rightarrow e^+K^0$ and $p\rightarrow \mu^+K^0$
117are particularly suitable, since liquid
118Argon imaging
119provides typically an order of magnitude improvement in efficiencies for similar
120or better background conditions compared to Water Cerenkov detectors.
121Up to a factor 2 improvement in efficiency is expected for modes like $p\rightarrow e^+\gamma$
122and $p\rightarrow \mu^+\gamma$ thanks to the clean photon identification
123and separation from $\pi^0$. Channels like $p\rightarrow e^+\pi^0$ or $p\rightarrow \mu^+\pi^0$,
124dominated by intrinsic nuclear effects,
125yield similar efficiencies and backgrounds as in Water Cerenkov detectors.
126An extremely important feature of GLACIER is that thanks to the self-shielding
127and 3D-imaging properties of the liquid Argon TPC,
128this result remains valid even at shallow depths where
129cosmogenic background sources are important.
130The possibility of a very large area annular active muon veto shield in order to
131further suppress cosmogenic backgrounds at shallow depths is also a very promising
132option to complement the GLACIER detector.
133% Antonio Bueno 20/01/07 END
135%T. Marrodan Undagoitia  10/4/06 START
136In order to quantitatively estimate the potential of the LENA detector
137for measuring the proton lifetime, a Monte Carlo simulation for the
138decay channel $p\to K^{+}\overline{{\nu}}$ has been performed. For
139this purpose, the Geant4 simulation toolkit has been
140used \cite{Agostinelli:2002hh}. Not only all default Geant4 physics lists were
141included but  also optical processes as scintillation, Cherenkov light
142production, Rayleigh scattering and light absorption. From these
143simulations a light yield  of $\sim 110$~pe/MeV for an event in the
144center of the detector results. In  addition, to take into account the so
145called quenching effects, the  semi-empirical Birk's formula \cite{Birk}
146has been introduced into the code.
147%T. Marrodan Undagoitia 10/4/06 END
149\subsection{$p \rightarrow e^+\pi^0$}
151%JEC MEMPHYS version 0
152Following UNO study, the detection efficiency of $p \rightarrow e^+\pi^0$
153(3 showering rings event) is $\epsilon=43\%$ 
154for a 20 inch-PMT coverage of 40\% or its equivalent, as envisioned for
155MEMPHYS. The corresponding estimated
156atmospheric neutrino induced background is at the level of $2.25$~events/Mt.yr.
157From these efficiencies and background levels,
158proton decay sensitivity as a function of detector exposure can be
159estimated. A $10^{35}$ years partial
160lifetime ($\tau_p/B$) could be reached at the 90\% C.L. for a 5~Mt.yr exposure (10~yrs) with MEMPHYS
161(similar to case A in \refFig{fig:pdk1}). Beyond that exposure, tighter cuts may be envisaged to further reduce the atmospheric neutrino background to $0.15$~events/Mt.yr, by selecting quasi exclusively the free proton decays.
165\caption{\label{fig:pdk1} Sensitivity for $e^+\pi^0$ proton decay
166lifetime, as determined by UNO \cite{Jung:1999jq}. MEMPHYS corresponds to case (A).}
172Expected sensitivity on $\nu K^+$ proton decay as a function of MEMPHYS
173exposure \cite{Jung:1999jq} (see text for details).}
177%Antonio Bueno 20/01/07 START
178The positron and the two photons issued from the $\pi^0$ gives clear events
179in the GLACIER detector. We find that the $\pi^0$ is absorbed by the nucleus
180$\sim$45\% of the times.
181Assuming a perfect particle and track identification,
182one may expect
183a $45\%$ efficiency and a background level of $1$~event/Mt.y.
184So, for a 1~Mt.yr (10~yrs) exposure with GLACIER one
185reaches $\tau_p/B > 0.4~10^{35}$~yrs at 90$\%$ C.L. (see Fig.~\ref{fig:GLACIERpdk}).
191\caption{\label{fig:GLACIERpdk} Expected proton decay lifetime limits ($\tau / B$ at 90\% C.L.) as a function of exposure for GLACIER. In this plot, only atmospheric neutrino background
192has been taken into account.}
194%Antonio Bueno 20/01/07 END
197%T. Marrodan Undagoitia  10/4/06 START
198 In a liquid scintillator detector the decay $p\to e^{+}\pi^{0}$ will
199produce a $\sim 938$~MeV signal coming from $e^{+}$ and $\pi^{0}$
200showers. Only atmospheric neutrinos are expected to cause background
201events in this energy range. Using the fact that showers from both
202$e^{+}$ and $\pi^{0}$ propagate $\sim$4~m in opposite directions
203before being stopped, atmospheric neutrino background can be
204reduced. Applying this method, the current limit for this channel
205($\tau_p/B=5.4~10^{33}$~y \cite{Nakaya:2005nk}) could be improved.
206%T. Marrodan Undagoitia 10/4/06 END
208\subsection{$p \rightarrow \overline{\nu}K^+$}
210%Update by T.M.U see below
211%LENA use the pulse shape analysis (rise time) to discriminate the kaon production then decay 18~ns later, from the atmospheric neutrino kaon production and the atmospheric neutrino charged current production of muon and charged pion. The signal efficiency is expected to be $65\%$ keeping the background below $1$~event/Mt.y. Then, one can reach $\tau_p/B > 4~10^{34}$~yrs (90\% CL) in 0.5~Mt.yr exposure (10~yrs).
213%T. Marrodan Undagoitia  10/4/06 START
214In LENA, proton decay events via the mode $p\to K^{+}\overline{{\nu}}$
215have a very clear signature. The kaon causes a prompt monoenergetic
216signal (T=105~MeV) and from the kaon decay there is a short-delayed
217second monoenergetic signal, bigger than the first one. The kaon has a
218lifetime of $\tau(K^{+})=12.8$~ns and two main decay channels: with a
219probability of 63.43~$\%$ it decays via $K^{+}\to\mu^{+}{\nu_{\mu}}$
220and with 21.13\%, via \mbox{$K^{+}\to\pi^{+} \pi^{0}$}.
222Simulations of proton decay events and atmospheric neutrino background
223has  been performed and a pulse shape analysis has been applied.
224From the analysis an efficiency of 65\% for
225the detection of a possible proton decay has been determined and a
226background  suppression of $\sim2~10^{4}$ has  been
227achieved \cite{Undagoitia:1-2uu}. A detail study of background implying pion and
228kaon production in atmospheric  neutrino reactions has been performed
229leading to a background rate of $0.064~\mathrm{y}^{-1}$ due to the reaction
230${\nu}_{\mu}+p\to \mu^{-}+K^{+}+p$.
232For the current proton lifetime limit for the channel considered
233($\tau_p/B=2.3~10^{33}$~y) \cite{Kobayashi:2005pe}, about 40.7 proton decay
234events would be observed in LENA after a measuring time of ten years
235with less than 1 background event. If no signal is seen in the detector
236within this ten years, the lower limit for the lifetime of the proton
237will be placed at $\tau_p/B>4~10^{34}$~y at $90\%$~C.L.
238%%JEC 21/6/06 START: From T. Marrodán Undagoitia this part is to be removed
239%\REDBLA{Although interesting, it may be too detailed here (comment by JEC): If one candidate is observed, the lower limit will be reduced to
240%$\tau>3~10^{34}$~y at $90\%$~C.L. and the probability of
241%this event being background would be 32\%.}
242%%JEC 21/6/06 END
243%T. Marrodan Undagoitia 10/4/06 END
245%Antonio Bueno 20/01/07 START
246For GLACIER, this is a quite clean
247channel due to the presence of a strange meson and no other particle in
248the final state. Using $dE/dx$ versus range as discriminating variable
249in a Neural Net, we can determine the particle identity. We expect
250less than $1\%$ of kaons mis-identified as protons.
251In this channel, the selection efficiency is high ($97\%$)
252for a low atmospheric neutrino background $< 1$~event/Mt.y.
253In case of absence of signal and for a detector location at a depth of
2541 km w.e., we expect for 1~Mt.y (10~years) exposure one event background
255due to cosmogenic sources. This translates into a limit
256$\tau_p/B > 0.6~10^{35}$~yrs at 90\% C.L. This result remains
257valid even at shallow depths where
258cosmogenic background sources are a very important limiting factor for proton
259decay searches.
260A very large area annular active muon veto shield could be used in order to
261further suppress cosmogenic backgrounds at shallow depths.
262For example, the study done by~\cite{GLACIER_pdk} shows that
263a three plane active veto at a shallow
264depth of about 200~m rock overburden in the {\it under a hill configuration} yields
265similar sensitivity for $p\rightarrow K^+\bar\nu$ as a 3~km~w.e. deep detector.
266%Antonio Bueno 20/01/07 END
268For the MEMPHYS detector, one should rely on the detection of the decay products of the $K^+$
269since its momentum ($360$~MeV) is below the water \v{C}erenkov threshold (ie. $570$~MeV): a 256~MeV/c muon and its decay electron (type I) or a 205~MeV/c $\pi^+$ and $\pi^0$
270(type II), with the possibility of a delayed (12~ns) coincidence
271with the 6~MeV ${}^{15}\mathrm{N}$ de-excitation prompt $\gamma$ (Type III).
272Using the imaging and timing capability of Super-Kamiokande, the efficiency for the reconstruction of
273$p \rightarrow \overline{\nu}K^+$ is $\epsilon=$ 33\% (I), 6.8\% (II)
274and 8.8\% (III), and the background is at 2100, 22 and 6 events/Mt.yr level. For the
275prompt $\gamma$ method, the background is dominated by
276mis-reconstruction. As stated by UNO, there are good
277reasons to believe that this background can be lowered by at least a factor 2 corresponding
278to the atmospheric neutrino interaction $\nu p \rightarrow \nu
279\Lambda K^+$. In these conditions, and using Super-Kamiokande performances,
280a 5~Mt.yr MEMPHYS exposure would allow to reach $\tau_p/B > 2~10^{34}$~yrs (see \refFig{fig:pdk9_jbz}).
282%Antonio Bueno 20/01/07 START
283\subsection{Comparison between the detectors}
285Preliminary comparisons have been done between the detectors
287For the $e^+ \pi^0$ channel, the \v{C}erenkov detector gets a better limit due to their
288higher mass. However it should be noted that GLACIER, although five times smaller
289in mass than MEMPHYS, 
290gets an expected limit that is only a factor two smaller.
291Liquid argon TPCs and liquid scintillator detectors get better results for the
292$\bar{\nu} K^+$ channel, due to their higher detection efficiency.
293The two techniques look therefore quite complementary.
294We have also seen that GLAICER does not necessarily requires very deep underground
295laboratories, like those currently existing or future planned sites, to perform very
296sensitive nucleon decay searches.
297% and it would be worth to
298%investigate deeper the pro and cons of each techniques with other
299%channels not yet addressed by
300%the present study as $e^+ (\mu^+) +\gamma$ and neutron decays.
302\caption{\label{tab:Phys-PDK-Summary}Summary of the $e^+\pi^0$ and $\bar{\nu}K^+$ discovery potential by the three detectors. The $e^+\pi^0$ channel is not yet simulated in LENA.}
304                                                & GLACIER             &      LENA              &  MEMPHYS \\ \hline
305$e^+\pi^0$      &                     &                        &          \\
306$\epsilon (\%)
307/ \mathrm{Bkgd (Mt.y)}$ & $45/1$  &         -               &   $43/2.25$ \\
308$\tau_p/B$ (90\% C.L., 10~yrs) &        $0.4\times 10^{35}$ & -           &  $1.0\times 10^{35}$ \\ \hline
310$\bar{\nu}K^+$                    &                         &              \\
311$\epsilon (\%)
312/ \mathrm{Bkgd (Mt.y)}$ & $97/1$  &         $65/1$               &   $8.8/3$ \\
313$\tau_p/B$ (90\% C.L., 10~yrs) &        $0.6\times 10^{35}$ & $0.4\times 10^{35}$            &  $0.2\times 10^{35}$ \\
314 \hline\hline
317%Antonio Bueno 20/01/07 END
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