source: Backup NB/Talks/MEMPHYSetal/LAGUNA/EU I3/PhysicsLatex/Laguna-before-xarchiv/acc_det.tex @ 422

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2%JEC 27/4/06 change the name of the section for symmetry with reactor neutrinos which also provide oscillation
3%parameters measurements
4\section{Neutrinos from beams}
6%\REDBLA{updated by A. Bueno 23/3/06}
7%\REDBLA{updated by T. Marrodan Undagoitia  10/4/06}
8%\REDBLA{updated by JEC 27/4/06-> 3/5/06
9%%(nb. the name of the file itself has been changed to acc_det.tex instead of osc_det.tex)
11%\REDBLA{updated by J. Bouchez 11/5/06}
12%\REDBLA{update by A. Bueno 19/5/06}
13%\REDBLA{updated by J. Campagne 24/7/06}
14%\REDBLA{updated by J. Campagne 26/9/06}
15%\REDBLA{updated by J. Campagne 16/10/06 this is a section now}
16%\REDBLA{updated by T. Marrodan Undagoitia  01/11/06}
17%JEC 27/4/06 START
20%JEC 2/5/06 START
21In this section, we review the physics program offered by the proposed detectors using different accelerator based neutrino beams to push the search for a tiny non-zero $\theta_{13}$ or the measurement in case of previous discovery for instance at reactor based experiment such Double-CHOOZ; the search for possible leptonic CP violation ($\delCP$); the determination of the mass hierarchy (i.e. the sign of $\Delta m^2_{31}$) and the $\theta_{23}$ octant (i.e. $\theta_{23}>45^\circ$ or $\theta_{23}<45^\circ$). We cover the potentiality of Liquid Argon detectors in an upgraded version of the existing CERN to Gran Sasso (CNGS) neutrino beam, and the MEMPHYS detector at the Fréjus site using a possible new CERN proton driver (SPL) to upgrade to 4MW the conventional neutrino beams (so-called Super Beams) and/or a possible new scheme of pure electron (anti)neutrino production by using radioactive ion decays (so-called \BB\ Beam). Note that LENA is considered also as a candidate detector for the latter beam. Finally, as an ultimate tool, one thinks of producing very intense neutrino beams by mean of muon decays (so-called Neutrino Factory) that may be detected with a Liquid Argon detector as large as GLACIER. 
22%JEC 2/5/06 END
24%A. Bueno 3/11/06 START new section
25\subsection{CNGS upgraded beam} 
27The determination of the missing $U_{e3}$ element (magnitude and phase)
28of the PMNS neutrino mixing matrix is possible via the detection of
29$\nu_\mu\rightarrow\nu_e$ oscillations at a baseline $L$ and energy $E$ given by the atmospheric
30observations, corresponding to a mass squared difference
31$E/L \sim \Delta m^2\simeq 2.5\times 10^{-3}\ eV^2$
32While the current optimization of the CNGS beam provides limited
33sensitivity to this reaction, we discuss the physics potential
34of an intensity-upgraded and
35energy-reoptimized CNGS neutrino beam coupled to an off-axis GLACIER
36detector \cite{Meregaglia:2006du}. This idea is based on the possible upgrade of the
37CERN PS or on a new machine (PS+) to deliver protons around 50~GeV/c
38with a power of 200~kW. Post acceleration to SPS energies followed
39by extraction to the CNGS target region should allow to reach MW
40power, with neutrino energies peaked around 2 GeV.
42To evaluate the physics potential we have assumed five years of
43running in the neutrino horn polarity plus five additional years in
44the anti-neutrino mode. We consider a systematic error on the
45knowledge of the $\nu_e$ component of 5$\%$. Given the superb $\pi^0$
46identification capabilities of GLACIER, the contamination on $\pi^0$
47is negligible.
49An off-axis search for $\nu_e$ appearance is performed with the
50GLACIER detector located at 850 km from CERN. For an off-axis angle of
510.75$^o$, we observe that $\theta_{13}$ can be discovered with 100$\%$
52probability (full $\delta_{CP}$ coverage) for $\sin^22\theta_{13}>0.004$ at
53$3\sigma$ (see Fig.~\ref{fig:fract_disc_theta}).
58Sensitivity to discover $\theta_{13}$: the fraction of $\delta_{CP}$
59coverage as a function of $\sin^22\theta_{13}$.}
62At this rather modest baseline, the effect of CP-violation and matter effects
63cannot be disentangled. In fact, the determination of mass hierarchy
64with at half-coverage (50$\%$) is reached only for $\sin^22\theta_{13}>0.03$ at
65$3\sigma$. A bigger baseline (1050~km) and a bigger off-axis angle
66(1.5$^o$) allows to be sensitive to the first minimum and the second
67maximum of the oscillation. This is key to resolve the issue of mass
68hierarchy. With this detector configuration, full coverage
69for $\delta_{CP}$ to determine the mass
70hierarchy can be reached for $\sin^22\theta_{13}>0.04$ at
71$3\sigma$. The sensitivity to mass hierarchy determination can be
72improved by considering two off-axis detectors: one of 30 kton at 850
73km and off-axis angle 0.75$^o$, a second one of 70 kton at 1050 km and
741.5$^0$ off-axis. Full coverage
75for $\delta_{CP}$ to determine the mass
76hierarchy can be reached for $\sin^22\theta_{13}>0.02$ at
77$3\sigma$ (see Fig.~\ref{fig:fract_disc_dm}).
78This two-detector configuration reaches very similar
79sensitivities to the ones of the T2KK proposal \cite{Ishitsuka:2005qi}
84Mass hierarchy determination for a two detector configuration at
85baselines of 850~km and 1050~km.}
87%A. Bueno 3/11/06 END
89%JEC 27/4/06 END
90\subsection{The CERN-SPL Super Beam}
92%%JEC 27/4/06 START : make it shorter
93The CERN-SPL Super Beam project 
94is a conventional neutrino beam although based on a 4MW SPL (Superconducting Proton Linac) \cite{Gerigk:2006qi}
95proton driver impinging a liquid mercury target to generate
96an intense $\pi^+$ ($\pi^-$) beam with small contamination of kaon mesons.
98%The expected neutrino fluxes of the optimized version of the SPL beam line are shown on \refFig{fig:Phys-Acc-SPLBBfluxes}.
100% \begin{figure}
101%  \centerline{\epsfig{file=./figures/show_fluxes_new.eps,width=0.25\textwidth}}
102%  \caption{Neutrino flux of $\beta$-Beam ($\gamma=100$)
103%   and CERN-SPL Super Beam, 3.5~GeV, at 130~km of distance (Fréjus).}
104%  \label{fig:Phys-Acc-SPLBBfluxes}
105% \end{figure}
109  \includegraphics[width=\columnwidth]{./figures/SPLBBMEMPHYS-fig8.eps}
110  \caption{\label{fig:Phys-SPL-atm-params} Allowed regions of $\Delta
111  m^2_{31}$ and $\sin^2\theta_{23}$ at 99\%~CL (2 d.o.f.)  after 5~yrs
112  of neutrino data taking for SPL, T2K phase~I, T2HK, and the
113  combination of SPL with 5~yrs of atmospheric neutrino data in the
114  MEMPHYS detector. For the true parameter values we use $\Delta
115  m^2_{31} = 2.2\, (2.6) \times 10^{-3}~\mathrm{eV}^2$ and
116  $\sin^2\theta_{23} = 0.5 \, (0.37)$ for the test point 1 (2), and
117  $\theta_{13} = 0$ and the solar parameters as: $\Delta m^2_{21} = 7.9 \times 10^{-5}~\mathrm{eV}^2$,
118  $\sin^2\theta_{12} = 0.3$. The shaded region corresponds to the
119  99\%~CL region from present SK and K2K data \cite{Maltoni:2004ei}.}
122The use of a near and far detector
123 will allow for both $\nu_{\mu}$ disappearance and
124 $\nu_{\mu} \rightarrow \nu_e$ appearance studies.
125 The physics potential of the SPL Super Beam
126 with MEMPHYS has been extensively studied (see  \cite{Campagne:2006yx,Baldini:2006fi,ISS06} for recent studies); however, the beam simulation will need some retuning after HARP results \cite{Catanesi:2001gi}.
128After 5 years exposure in $\nu_\mu$ disappearance mode, a $3\sigma$ accuracy of (3-4)\% can be acheived on $\Delta m^2_{31}$, and an accuracy of 22\% (5\%) on $\sin^2\theta_{23}$ if the true value is $0.5$ (0.37) that is to say in case of a maximal mixing or a non-maximal mixing (\refFig{fig:Phys-SPL-atm-params}). The use of atmospheric neutrinos (ATM) can alleviate the octant ambiguity in case of non-maximal mixing as it is shown in \refFig{fig:Phys-SPL-atm-params}. Note however, thanks to a higher energy beam ($\sim 750$~MeV), the T2HK project\footnote{Here, we make reference to the project where a 4MW proton driver may be build at KEK laboratory to deliver an intense neutrino beam, which send to Kamioka mine is detected by a large \WC\ detector.} can benefit from a much lower dependance on the Fermi motion to obtain a better energy resolution and consequently better results.
130In appearance mode (2 years $\nu_\mu$ plus
1318 years \nubarmu), a $3\sigma$ discovery of non-zero $\theta_{13}$, irrespective of the actual true value of $\delCP$, is achieved for $\stheta\gtrsim 4\ 10^{-3}$ ($\thetaot \gtrsim 3.6^\circ$) as shown on \refFig{fig:Phys-SPLBB-th13}. For maximal CP violation ($\delCP^\mathrm{true} = \pi/2, \, 3\pi/2$) the same discovery level can be achieved for $\stheta\gtrsim 8\ 10^{-4}$ ($\thetaot \gtrsim 0.8^\circ$). The best sensitivity for testing CP violation (i.e the data cannot be fitted with $\delCP =0$ nor $\delCP=\pi$) is achieved for $\stheta\approx 10^{-3}$ ($\thetaot \approx 0.9^\circ$) as shown on \refFig{fig:Phys-SPLBB-CPV}. The maximal sensitivity is achieved for $\stheta\sim 10^{-2}$ where the CP violation can be established at 3$\sigma$ for 73\% of all the $\delCP^\mathrm{true}$.
134  \includegraphics[width=\columnwidth]{./figures/SPLBBMEMPHYS-fig9.eps}
135  \caption{$3\sigma$ discovery sensitivity to $\stheta$ for
136  \BB, SPL, and T2HK as a function of the true value of \delCP\
137  (left panel) and as a function of the fraction of all possible
138  values of \delCP\ (right panel). The width of the bands corresponds
139  to values for the systematical errors between 2\% and 5\%. The
140  dashed curve corresponds to the \BB\ sensitivity with the fluxes reduced by a factor 2.\label{fig:Phys-SPLBB-th13}}
144   \includegraphics[width=\columnwidth]{./figures/SPLBBMEMPHYS-fig11.eps}
145   \caption{CPV discovery potential for \BB, SPL, and T2HK: For
146   parameter values inside the ellipse-shaped curves CP conserving
147   values of \delCP\ can be excluded at $3\sigma$ $(\Delta\chi^2>9)$.
148   The width of the bands corresponds to values for the systematical
149   errors from 2\% to 5\%. The dashed curve is described in \refFig{fig:Phys-SPLBB-th13}.\label{fig:Phys-SPLBB-CPV}}
152\subsection{The CERN-\BB\ baseline scenario}
155Although quite powerful, the SPL Super Beam is a conventional neutrino beam with known limitations due to 1) a lower production rate of anti-neutrinos compared to neutrinos which in addition to a smaller charged current cross-section impose to run 4 times longer in anti-neutrino modes; 2) the difficulty to setup a accurate beam simulation which implies to the design of a non-trivial near detector setup (cf. K2K, MINOS, T2K) to master the background level. Thus, a new type of neutrino beam, the so-called \BB is being considered.
157The idea is to generate pure, well collimated and intense
158\nue  (\nubare) beams by producing, collecting, accelerating radioactive ions.
159The resulting \BB\  spectra
160can be easily computed knowing the beta decay spectrum of the parent
161ion and the Lorentz boost factor $\gamma$, and these beams are virtually
162background free from other flavors. The best ion candidates so far
163 are  $^{18}$Ne  and $^6$He for \nue and \nubare,  respectively.
165A baseline study for the \BB\ has been initiated at CERN, and is now
166going on within the European FP6 design study for EURISOL.
167The potential of such \BB\ sent to MEMPHYS has been studied in the
168context of the baseline scenario, using reference fluxes of $5.8 {\cdot}
16910^{18}$ \He\ useful
170decays/year and $2.2{\cdot}10^{18}$ \Ne\  decays/year, corresponding to a
171reasonable estimate by experts in the field of the ultimately
172achievable fluxes.  The optimal values is actually $\gamma = 100$
173for both species, and the corresponding performances have been recently reviewed in reference \cite{Campagne:2006yx,Baldini:2006fi,ISS06}.
175On Figs.~\ref{fig:Phys-SPLBB-th13},\ref{fig:Phys-SPLBB-CPV} the results of running a \BB\ during 10 years (5 years with neutrinos and 5 years with anti-neutrinos) is shown and prove to be far better compared to a SPL Super beam run, especially for maximal CP violation  where a non-zero $\thetaot$ value can be stated at $3\sigma$ for $\stheta\gtrsim 2\ 10^{-4}$ ($\thetaot \gtrsim 0.4^\circ$). Moreover, it is noticeable that the \BB\ is less affected by systematic errors on the background compared to the SPL Super beam and T2HK.
179%%T. Marrodan Undagoitia 01.11.06 START : make it shorter
181%T. Marrodan Undagoitia  10/4/06 START
182%JEC 2/5/06 START
183Before combining the two possible CERN beams, let us consider LENA as
184potential detector.
185%JEC 2/5/06 END
186%T. Marrodan Undagoitia  12/12/06 START Small corrections
188 LENA (with a fiducial volume of $\sim 45$~kt) can as well be used as
189detector for a low-energy \BB\ oscillation experiment. In the energy
190range $0.2-1.2$~GeV, the performed simulations show that muon events
191are separable from electron events due to their different track
192lengths in the detector and due to the electron emitted in the muon
195%T. Marrodan Undagoitia  12/12/06 END Small corrections
198For high energies, muons travel longer than electrons as electrons
199undergo scattering and bremsstrahlung. This results in different
200distributions of the number of photons and the timing pattern, which
201can be used to distinguish between the two classes of events. For low
202energies, muons can be recognized by observing the electron of its
203succeeding decay after a mean time of 2.2~$\mu$s.
204%T. Marrodan Undagoitia  12/12/06 START Small corrections
206 Using both criteria, an efficiency of $\sim 90$~\% for muon appearance
207has been calculated with acceptance of 1~\% electron background.
209%T. Marrodan Undagoitia  12/12/06 END Small corrections
212The advantage of using a liquid scintillator detector for such an
213experiment is the good energy reconstruction of the neutrino beam.
214%T. Marrodan Undagoitia  12/12/06 START Small corrections
216 However, neutrinos of these energies can produce delta resonances
217which subsequently decay into a nucleon and a pion. In \WC\ detectors,
218pions with energies under the \v{C}erenkov threshold contribute to the
219uncertainty of the neutrino energy. In LENA these particles can be
220detected. The effect of pion production and similar reactions is
221currently under investigation in order to estimate the actual energy
224%T. Marrodan Undagoitia  12/12/06 END Small corrections
228%T. Marrodan Undagoitia  10/4/06 END
230%%T. Marrodan Undagoitia 01.11.06 END
233To conclude this section, let us mention a very recent development
234of the \BB\ concept: first, authors of reference \cite{Rubbia:2006pi} are considering a very
235promising alternative for the
236production of ions, and secondly, the
237possibility to have monochromatic, single flavor neutrino beams
238by using ions decaying
239through the electron capture process \cite{Bernabeu:2005jh,Sato:2005ma}.
240Such beams would in
241particular be perfect to
242precisely measure neutrino cross sections in a near detector with the
243possibility of an energy scan by varying
244the $\gamma$ value of the ions.
246\subsection{combining SPL Beam and \BB\ with MEMPHYS at Fréjus}
248Since a \BB\ uses only a small fraction of the protons available from the
249SPL, Super and Beta beams can be run at the same time. The combination of Super and $\beta$ beams offers advantages, from the experimental point of view, since the
250same parameters $\theta_{13}$ and $\delta_{CP}$ may be measured in many
251different ways, using 2 pairs of CP related channels, 2 pairs of T related
252channels, and 2 pairs of CPT related channels which should all give
253coherent results. In this way the estimates of the systematic errors,
254different for each beam, will be experimentally cross-checked.
255And, needless to say, the unoscillated data for a given beam will give a large
256sample of events corresponding to the small searched-for signal with the
257other beam, adding more handles on the understanding of the detector
260Their combination after 10 years leads to minor improvements on the sensitivity on $\theta_{13}$ and $\delCP$ compare to the \BB\ alone results as shown on \refFig{fig:Phys-SPLBB-th13}. But, the important point considering the combination of the \BB\ and the Super Beam is looking at neutrino modes only: $\nu_\mu$ for SPL
261and $\nu_e$ for \BB. If CPT symmetry is assumed, all the information can be
262obtained as $P_{\bar\nu_e\to\bar\nu_\mu} = P_{\nu_\mu\to\nu_e}$ and
263$P_{\bar\nu_\mu\to\bar\nu_e} = P_{\nu_e\to\nu_\mu}$. We illustrate this
264synergy in \refFig{fig:Phys-SPLBB-th13-5yrs}. In this scenario, time
265consuming anti-neutrino running can be avoided keeping the same physics discovery potential.
268   \includegraphics[width=\columnwidth]{./figures/SPLBBMEMPHYS-fig14.eps}
270   \caption{Discovery potential of a finite value of $\stheta$ at
271   $3\sigma$ $(\Delta\chi^2>9)$ for 5~yrs neutrino data from
272   \BB, SPL, and the combination of \BB\ + SPL compared to
273   10~yrs data from T2HK (2~yrs neutrinos + 8~yrs antineutrinos).
274   \label{fig:Phys-SPLBB-th13-5yrs}}
278One can also combine SPL, \BB\ and the atmospheric neutrinos (ATM) to alleviate the
279parameter degeneracies which lead to disconnected regions on the multi-dimensional space of oscillation parameters\footnote{See reference \cite{Burguet-Castell:2001ez,Minakata:2001qm,Fogli:1996pv} for the definitions of {\it intrinsic}, {\it hierarchy}, and {\it octant} degeneracies}. Atmospheric neutrinos, mainly multi-GeV $e$-like events, are sensitive to the
280neutrino mass hierarchy if $\theta_{13}$ is sufficiently large due to
281Earth matter effects, whilst sub-GeV $e$-like events provide sensitivity to the octant of
282$\theta_{23}$ due to oscillations with $\Delta m^2_{21}$.
284The result of running during 5 years on neutrino mode for SPL and \BB, adding further the ATM data, is shown on \refFig{fig:Phys-SPLBB-degeneracies_5yrs} \cite{Campagne:2006yx}. One can appreciate that practically all the degeneracies can be eliminated as only the solution with the wrong sign survives with a $\Delta \chi^2 = 3.3$. This last degeneracy can be completely eliminated using neutrino mode combined with anti-neutrino mode and ATM data \cite{Campagne:2006yx}, however the example shown is a favorable case with $\sin^2\theta_{23}=0.6$, and in general for $\sin^2\theta_{23}<0.5$ the impact of the atmospheric data is weaker.
286So, as a generic case, for the CERN-MEMPHYS project, one is left with the four intrinsic degeneracies. However, the important observation of \refFig{fig:Phys-SPLBB-degeneracies_5yrs} is that
287degeneracies have only a very small impact on the CP violation
288discovery, in the sense that if the true solution is CP violating also
289the fake solutions are located at CP violating values of
290$\delCP$. Therefore, thanks to the relatively short baseline without matter effect, even if degeneracies
291affect the precise determination of $\theta_{13}$ and $\delCP$, they
292have only a small impact on the CP violation discovery potential. Furthermore, one would quote explicitly the four possible set of parameters with their respective confidential level. It is also clear from the figure that the sign($\Delta
293m^2_{31}$) degeneracy has practically no effect on the $\theta_{13}$
294measurement, whereas the octant degeneracy has very little impact on
295the determination of $\delCP$.
300  \caption{Allowed regions in $\sin^22\theta_{13}$ and
301  $\delta_{CP}$ for 5~years data (neutrinos only) from \BB,
302  SPL, and the combination. $\mathrm{H^{tr/wr} (O^{tr/wr})}$ refers to
303  solutions with the true/wrong mass hierarchy (octant of
304  $\theta_{23}$). For the colored regions in the left panel also
305  5~years of atmospheric data are included; the solution with the
306  wrong hierarchy has $\Delta\chi^2 = 3.3$. The true parameter
307  values are $\delta_{CP} = -0.85 \pi$, $\sin^22\theta_{13} =
308  0.03$, $\sin^2\theta_{23} = 0.6$. For the \BB\
309  only analysis (middle panel) an external accuracy of 2\% (3\%) for
310  $|\Delta m^2_{31}|$ ($\theta_{23}$) has been assumed, whereas for
311  the left and right panel the default value of 10\% has been used.}
315Some other features of the ATM data are presented in \refSec{sec:Phys-Atm-neut}.
316% is to provide a non-trivial sensitivity to the neutrino mass hierarchy (i.e.
317%the sign of $\Delta m^2_{31}$) as shown on \refFig{fig:Phys-SPLBB-hierarchy} for 10 years run. The mass hierarchy can
318%be identified at $2\sigma$ CL provided
319%$\sin^22\theta_{13} \gtrsim 0.02$ for \BB\ and SPL combined \cite{Campagne:2006yx}.
322%  \includegraphics[width=0.50\textwidth]{./figures/SPLBBMEMPHYS-fig16.eps}
324%  \caption{Sensitivity to the mass hierarchy at $2\sigma$
325%  $(\Delta\chi^2 = 4)$ as a function of the true values of
326%  $\sin^22\theta_{13}$ and $\delta_{CP}$ (left), and the
327%  fraction of true values of $\delCP$ (right). The solid curves are
328%  the sensitivities from the combination of long-baseline and
329%  atmospheric neutrino data, the dashed curves correspond to
330%  long-baseline data only. For comparison we show in the right panel
331%  also the sensitivities of NO$\nu$A and NO$\nu$A+T2K extracted from
332%  Fig.~13.14 of Ref.~\cite{Ayres:2004js}. For the curve labeled
333%  ``NO$\nu$A (p.dr.)+T2K@4~MW'' a proton driver has been assumed for
334%  NO$\nu$A and the T2K beam has been up-graded to 4~MW, see
335%  Ref.~\cite{Ayres:2004js} for details.}
336%  \label{fig:Phys-SPLBB-hierarchy}
338 %
339\subsection{Neutrino Factory LAr detector}
341%Antonio Bueno 24/03/06 START
342In order to fully address the oscillation processes at a neutrino
343factory, a detector should
344be capable of identifying  and measuring all three charged lepton flavors
345produced in charged current interactions {\it and} of measuring
346their charges to discriminate the incoming neutrino helicity.
347%This is an experimentally
349%task, given the required detector mass for long-baseline experiments.
350The GLACIER concept (in its non-magnetized option)
351%offers a high granularity,
352%excellent calorimetry non magnetized target detector, which
353provides a background free identification of electron neutrino charged current
354and a kinematical selection of tau neutrino charged current
356We can assume that charge discrimination is available
357for muons reaching an external magnetized-Fe spectrometer.
358Another interesting and extremely
359challenging possibility would consist on magnetizing the whole
360liquid argon volume~\cite{Badertscher:2005te}. This set-up allows the clean
361classification of events into electron, right-sign muon, wrong-sign
362muon and no-lepton categories.
363In addition, high granularity permits a clean detection
364of quasi-elastic events, which by detecting the final state
365proton, provide a selection
366of the neutrino electron helicity without the need of an electron charge
368%From quantitative analyses of neutrino oscillation scenarios, we
369%conclude that in many cases the discovery sensitivities and the measurements of
370%the oscillation parameters
371%are dominated by the ability to measure the muon charge.
372%However, we identify cases where identification of electron and tau samples
373%contributes significantly.
375Table~\ref{tab:rates} summarizes the expected rates for
376GLACIER and $10^{20}$ muon decays at a neutrino factory with stored muons
377having an energy of 30 GeV~\cite{Bueno:2000fg}.
378$N_{tot}$ is
379the total number of events and $N_{qe}$ is the number
380of quasi-elastic events.
383\caption{\label{tab:rates}Expected events rates for the GLACIER detector in
384case no oscillations occur for $10^{20}$ muon decays. We assume E$_\mu$=30 GeV.
385$N_{tot}$ is the total number of events and $N_{qe}$ is the number
386of quasi-elastic events.}
391\multicolumn{8}{c}{Event rates for various baselines} \\ 
394 & & \multicolumn{2}{c}{L=732 km} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{L=2900 km} & 
395\multicolumn{2}{c}{L=7400 km} \\
397 & & $N_{tot}$ & $N_{qe}$ & $N_{tot}$ & $N_{qe}$ & $N_{tot}$ & $N_{qe}$ \\
398 %\hline
399 & $\numu$ CC & 2260000 & 90400 & 144000 & 5760 & 22700 & 900 \\
400$\mu^-$ & $\numu$ NC &  673000 & $-$ &  41200 & $-$ & 6800 & $-$  \\
401$10^{20}$ decays & $\anue$ CC &  871000 & 34800 & 55300 & 2200 & 8750 & 350 \\
402 & $\anue$ NC &  302000 & $-$  & 19900 & $-$  &  3000 & $-$  \\ \hline
403 %\hline
404 & $\anumu$ CC & 1010000 & 40400 & 63800 & 2550 & 10000 & 400 \\
405$\mu^+$ & $\anumu$ NC &  353000 & $-$ & 22400 & $-$ &  3500 & $-$ \\
406$10^{20}$ decays & $\nue$ CC &  1970000 & 78800 & 129000 & 5160 & 19800 & 800 \\
407 & $\nue$ NC &  579000 & $-$ & 36700 & $-$ &  5800 & $-$ \\ \hline
408 \hline
413shows the expected sensitivity in the measurement of $\theta_{13}$ 
414for a baseline of
4157400 km. The maximal sensitivity to $\theta_{13}$ is achieved for very small
416background levels, since we are looking in this case for small
417signals; most of the information is coming from the clean
418wrong-sign muon class and from quasi-elastic events.
419On the other hand,  if its value is not too small, for a
420measurement of $\theta_{13}$, the signal/background ratio could be
421not so crucial, and also the other event classes can contribute to
422this measurement.
424A $\nu$-Factory should have among its aims
425the over constraining of the oscillation pattern, in order to look for
426unexpected new physics effects. This can be achieved in global
427fits of the parameters, where the unitarity of the mixing matrix is
428not strictly assumed.
429Using a detector able to identify the $\tau$ lepton production via
430kinematic means, it is possible to verify the unitarity in
431$\nu_\mu\to\nu_\tau$ and $\nu_e\to\nu_\tau$ transitions.
432%For this
433%latter, the possibility of a kinematical $\tau$ identification
434%for wrong-sign muon events could allow for the first time a clear
435%identification of this type of oscillations.
439\caption{\label{fig:t13sensitivity} GLACIER sensitivity for $\theta_{13}$.}
442The study of CP violation in the lepton system probably
443is the most ambitious goal of
444an experiment at a neutrino factory.
445Matter effect can mimic CP violation; however, a multi parameter fit
446at the right baseline can allow a simultaneous determination of
447matter and CP-violating parameters.
448To detect CP violation effects, the most favorable choice of
449neutrino energy $E_\nu$ and baseline $L$ is in the region of
450the ``first maximum'', given by $(L/E_\nu)^{max}\simeq 500$ km/GeV
451for $|\Delta m^2_{32}|=2.5\times 10^{-3}\rm\ eV^2$~\cite{Bueno:2001jd}.
452To study oscillations in this region,
453one has to require that the energy of the ``first-maximum'' be smaller than
454the MSW resonance energy:
455$2\sqrt{2}G_Fn_eE^{max}_\nu\lesssim\Delta m^2_{32}\cos 2\theta_{13}$.
456This fixes a limit on the baseline $L_{max} \approx$5000 km
457beyond which matter effects spoil the sensitivity.
459As an example, \refFig{fig:cpsensitivity} shows the sensitivity
460on the CP violating phase $\delta_{CP}$ for two concrete cases.
461We have classified the events in the five categories previously mentioned,
462assuming an electron charge confusion of 0.1$\%$. We have computed the exclusion
463regions in the $\Delta m^2_{12} - \delta_{CP}$ plane fitting the
464visible energy distributions, provided that the
465electron detection efficiency is $\sim 20\%$. The excluded regions
466extend up to values of $|\delta_{CP}|$ close to $\pi$,
467even when $\theta_{13}$ is left free.
471\caption{\label{fig:cpsensitivity} GLACIER 90\% C.L. sensitivity on the $CP$-phase $\delta_{CP}$ as a function of
472$\Delta m^2_{21}$ for the two considered baselines.
473The reference oscillation parameters are
474$\Delta m^2_{32}=3\times 10^{-3}\ \rm eV^2$,
475$\sin^2 \theta_{23} = 0.5$,
476$\sin^2 \theta_{12} = 0.5$,
477$\sin^2 2\theta_{13} = 0.05$ and
478$\delta_{CP} = 0$.
479The lower curves are made fixing all parameters to the reference values
480while for the upper curves $\theta_{13}$ is free.}
483%Antonio Bueno 24/03/06 END
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