\section{Atmospheric Neutrinos} \label{sec:Phys-Atm-neut} % %\REDBLA{Creation by JEC 27/4/06 waiting for M. Maltoni Draft $\sim$22May} %\REDBLA{Update by JEC 22/6/06} %\REDBLA{Update by JEC 16/10/06: this is a section now} %\REDBLA{Update by AB + JEC 3/11/06 : subsectioning + tau-neutrinos} \subsection{Introduction} %% %use \refTab{} and \refFig{} commands to reference Tables and Figures. %JEC 22/6/06 START: contribution from Michele Maltoni Atmospheric neutrinos originates from the decay chain initiated by the collision of cosmic rays with the upper layers of the Earth's atmosphere. % \begin{figure} \includegraphics[width=\columnwidth]{./figures/fig.octant.eps} \caption{ \label{fig:octant} % Discrimination of the wrong octant solution as a function of $\sin^2\theta_{23}^\mathrm{true}$, for $\theta_{13}^\mathrm{true} = 0$. We have assumed 10 years of data taking with a 440-kton detector.} \end{figure} The hadronic interaction between primary cosmic rays (mainly protons and helium nuclei) and the light atmosphere nuclei produces secondary $\pi$ and $K$ mesons, which then decay giving electron and muon neutrinos and antineutrinos. % At lower energies the main contribution comes from $\pi$ mesons, and the decay chain $\pi \to \mu + \nu_\mu$ followed by $\mu \to e + \nu_e + \nu_\mu$ produces essentially two $\nu_\mu$ for each $\nu_e$. As the energy increases, more and more muons reach the ground before decays, and therefore the $\nu_\mu / \nu_e$ ratio increases. % For $E_\nu \gtrsim 1$~GeV the dependence of the total neutrino flux on the neutrino energy is well described by a power law, $d\Phi / d_E \propto E^{-\gamma}$ with $\gamma = 3$ for $\nu_\mu$ and $\gamma=3.5$ for $\nu_e$, whereas at sub-GeV energies the dependence becomes more complicated because of the effects of the solar wind and of the Earth's magnetic field~\cite{Gonzalez-Garcia:2002dz}. As for the zenith dependence, for energies larger than a few GeV the neutrino flux is enhanced in the horizontal direction since pions and muons can travel a longer distance before reaching the ground, and therefore have more chances to decay producing neutrinos. Historically, the atmospheric neutrino problem originated in the 1980's as a discrepancy between the atmospheric neutrino flux measured with different experimental techniques. In the previous years, a number of detectors had been built, which could detect neutrinos through the observation of the charged lepton produced in charged-current neutrino-nucleon interactions inside the detector itself. % These detectors could be divided into two classes: \emph{iron calorimeters}, which reconstructed the track or electromagnetic shower produced by the lepton, and \emph{water \v{C}erenkov}, which measured instead the Cerenkov light emitted by the lepton as it moved faster than light in water. % The oldest iron calorimeters, Frejus \cite{Daum:1994bf} and NUSEX \cite{Aglietta:1988be}, found no discrepancy between the observed flux and the theoretical predictions, whereas the two \WC\ detectors, IMB \cite{Becker-Szendy:1992hq} and Kamiokande \cite{Hirata:1992ku}, observed a clear deficit in the predicted $\nu_\mu / \nu_e$ ratio. % The problem was finally solved in 1998, when the water Cerenkov detector SuperKamiokande \cite{Fukuda:1998mi} established with high statistical accuracy that there was indeed a zenith- and energy-dependent deficit in the muon neutrino flux with respect to the theoretical predictions, and that this deficit was compatible with the hypothesis of mass-induced $\nu_\mu \to \nu_\tau$ oscillations. Also, the independent confirmation of this effect from the iron calorimeter experiments Soudan-II \cite{Allison:1999ms} and MACRO \cite{Ambrosio:2001je} eliminated the discrepancy between the two experimental techniques. Despite providing the first solid evidence for neutrino oscillations, atmospheric neutrino experiments have received only minor consideration during the last years. This is mainly due to two important limitations: % \begin{itemize} \item the sensitivity of an atmospheric neutrino experiments is strongly limited by the large uncertainties in the knowledge of neutrino fluxes and neutrino-nucleon cross-section. Such uncertainties can be as large as 20\%. \item in general, water Cerenkov detectors do not allow an accurate reconstruction of the neutrino energy and direction if none of the two is known ``a priori''. This strongly limits the sensitivity to $\Delta m^2$, which is very sensitive to the resolution on $L/E$. \end{itemize} % During its phase-I, Super-Kamiokande has collected 4099 electron-like and 5436 muon-like contained neutrino events \cite{Ashie:2005ik}. With only about a hundred events each, K2K \cite{Ahn:2006zz} and MINOS \cite{Tagg:2006sx} already provide a stronger bound on the atmospheric mass-squared difference $\Delta m_{31}^2$. The present value of the mixing angle $\theta_{23}$ is still dominated by Super-Kamiokande data, being statistics the most important factor for such a measurement, but strong improvements are expected from the next generation of long-baseline experiments T2K \cite{Itow:2001ee} and NO$\nu$A \cite{Ayres:2004js}. \begin{figure} \includegraphics[width=\columnwidth]{./figures/SPLBBMEMPHYS-fig16.eps} \caption{ \label{fig:hierarchy} % Sensitivity to the mass hierarchy at $2\sigma$ ($\Delta\chi^2 = 4$) as a function of $\sin^22\theta_{13}^\mathrm{true}$ and $\delta_\mathrm{CP}^\mathrm{true}$ (left), and the fraction of true values of $\delta_\mathrm{CP}^\mathrm{true}$ (right). The solid curves are the sensitivities from the combination of long-baseline and atmospheric neutrino data, the dashed curves correspond to long-baseline data only. We have assumed 10 years of data taking with a 440-kton detector.} \end{figure} % \subsection{Oscillation physics} % Despite these drawbacks, atmospheric detectors can still play a leading role in the future of neutrino physics due to the huge range in energy (from 100~MeV to 10~TeV and above) and distance (from 20~km \begin{figure} \includegraphics[width=\columnwidth]{./figures/fig.theta13.eps} \caption{ \label{fig:theta13} % Sensitivity to $\sin^22\theta_{13}$ as a function of $\sin^2\theta_{23}^\mathrm{true}$ for LBL data only (dashed), and the combination LBL+ATM (solid). In the left and central panels we restrict the fit of $\theta_{23}$ to the octant corresponding to $\theta_{23}^\mathrm{true}$ and $\pi/2 - \theta_{23}^\mathrm{true}$, respectively, whereas the right panel shows the overall sensitivity taking into account both octants. We have assumed 8 years of LBL and 9 years of ATM data taking with the T2HK beam and a 1~Mton detector.} \end{figure} to more than 12000~Km) covered by the data. This unique feature, as well as the very large statistics expected for a detector such as MEMPHYS ($20\div 30$ times the present SK event rate), will allow a very accurate study of \emph{subdominant modifications} to the leading oscillation pattern, thus providing complementary information to accelerator-based experiments. More concretely, atmospheric neutrino data will be extremely valuable for: % \begin{itemize} \item resolving the octant ambiguity: although future LBL experiments are expected to considerably improve the measurement of the absolute value of the small quantity $D_{23} \equiv \sin^2\theta_{23} - 1/2$, they will have practically no sensitivity on its sign. On the other hands, it has been pointed out \cite{Kim:1998bv,Peres:1999yi} that the $\nu_\mu \to \nu_e$ conversion signal induced by the small but finite value of $\Delta m_{21}^2$ can resolve this degeneracy. However, observing such a conversion requires a very long baseline and low energy neutrinos, and atmospheric sub-GeV electron-like events are particularly suitable for this purpose. In \refFig{fig:octant} we show the potential of different ATM+LBL experiments to exclude the octant degenerate solution. \item resolving the hierarchy degeneracy: if $\theta_{13}$ is not too small, matter effect will produce resonant conversion in the $\nu_\mu \leftrightarrow \nu_e$ channel for neutrinos (antineutrinos) if the mass hierarchy is normal (inverted). The observation of this enhanced conversion would allow the determination of the mass hierarchy. Although a magnetized detector would be the best solution for this task, it is possible to extract useful information also with a conventional detector since the event rates expected for atmospheric neutrinos and antineutrinos are quite different. This is clearly visible from \refFig{fig:hierarchy}, where we show how the sensitivity to the mass hierarchy of different LBL experiments is drastically increased when the ATM data collected by the same detector are also included in the fit. \item measuring or improving the bound on $\theta_{13}$: although atmospheric data alone are not expected to be competitive with the next generation of long-baseline experiments in the sensitivity to $\theta_{13}$, they will contribute indirectly by eliminating the octant degeneracy, which is an important source of uncertainty for LBL. In particular, if $\theta_{23}^\mathrm{true}$ is larger than $45^\circ$ then the inclusion of atmospheric data will considerably improve the LBL sensitivity to $\theta_{13}$, as can be seen from the right panel of \refFig{fig:theta13} \cite{huber-2005-71}. %JEC 3/11/06 START place it at the end of the section % \item searching for physics beyond the Standard Model: the appearance % of subleading features in the main oscillation pattern can also be % a hint for New Physics. The huge range of energies probed by % atmospheric data will allow to put very strong bounds on % mechanisms which predict deviation from the $1/E$ behavior. For % example, the bound on non-standard neutrino-matter interactions % and on other types of New Physics (such as violation of the % equivalence principle, or violation of the Lorentz invariance) % which can be derived from \emph{present} data is already the % strongest which can be put on these % mechanisms \cite{Gonzalez-Garcia:2004wg}. The increased statistics % expected for MEMPHYS will further improve these constraints. %JEC 3/11/06 END \end{itemize} % %A Bueno 3/11/06 START new subsection \subsection{Direct detection of $\nu_\tau$ in the atmospheric neutrino flux} % At energies above a GeV, we expect unoscillated events to be upward-downward going symmetric. In contrast, we know that $\nu_\tau, \ \bar{\nu}_\tau$ induced events come from below the horizon (upward going events). Therefore the presence of $\nu_\tau$, $\bar{\nu}_\tau$ events can be revealed by a measured excess of upward going events. Hereafter we assume that the {$\nu_\mu$} and the {$\mathbf \nu_\tau$} are maximally mixed and their mass squared difference is {$ \Delta m^2 = 3. \times 10^{-3}$} eV{$^2$}. We use the Fluka 3D atmospheric neutrino fluxes. In GLACIER, the search for $\nu_\tau$ appearance is based on the information provided by the event kinematics and takes advantage of the special characteristics of $\nu_\tau$ CC and the subsequent decay of the produced $\tau$ lepton when compared to CC and NC interactions of $\nu_\mu$ and $\nu_e$, i.e. by making use of $\vec{P}_{candidate}$ and $\vec{P}_{hadron}$. Due to the large background induced by the natural abundance of the atmospheric neutrino flux in $\nu_e$ and $\bar{\nu}_e$, we note that the measurement of a statistically significant excess of $\nu_\tau$ events is very unlikely for the $\tau \to e$ decay mode, therefore we conclude that a search based on this channel is hopeless. Same conclusions apply to the muonic decay channel. The situation is much more advantageous for the hadronic channels: we consider tau decays to one prong (single pion, rho) and to three prongs ($\pi^\pm \pi^0 \pi^0 $ and three charged pions). After a careful evaluation of the performance of different combinations of kinematic variables, we decided to use: $E_{visible}$, $y_{bj}$ (the ratio between the total hadronic energy and $E_{visible}$) and $Q_T$ (defined as the transverse momentum of the $\tau$ candidate with respect to the total measured momentum). The chosen variables are not independent one from another but show correlations between them. These correlations can be exploited to reduce the background. In order to maximize the separation between signal and background, we use three dimensional likelihood functions ${\cal L}(Q_T,E_{visible}, y_{bj})$ where correlations are taken into account. For every channel, we build three dimensional likelihood functions for both signal (${\cal L}^S_\pi, \ {\cal L}^S_\rho, \ {\cal L}^S_{3\pi}$) and background (${\cal L}^B_\pi, \ {\cal L}^B_\rho, \ {\cal L}^B_{3\pi}$). To enhance the separation of $\nu_\tau$ induced events from $\nu_\mu, \ \nu_e$ interactions, we take a ratio of likelihoods as the sole discriminant variable: \begin{equation} \ln \lambda_i \equiv \ln({\cal L}^S_i / {\cal L}^B_i) \end{equation} where $i=\pi,\ \rho, \ 3\pi$. To further improve the sensitivity of the $\nu_\tau$ appearance search, we combine the three independent hadronic analyses into a single one. Events that are common to at least two analyses are counted only once and a survey of all possible combinations, for a restricted set of values of the likelihood ratios, is performed. Table \ref{tab:combi} illustrates the statistical significance achieved by several selected combinations of the likelihood ratios for an exposure equivalent to 100 kton$\times$year. \begin{table} \caption{\label{tab:combi}Expected background and signal events for different combinations of the $\pi$, $\rho$ and $3\pi$ analyses. The considered statistical sample corresponds to an exposure of 100 kton$\times$year. The best combination found is indicated in bold characters.} \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{cccclc}\hline\hline $\ln \lambda_\pi$ & $\ln \lambda_\rho$ & $\ln \lambda_{3\pi}$ & Top & Bottom & $P_\beta$ ($\%$) \\ Cut & Cut & Cut & Events & Events & \\ \hline 0. & 0.5 & 0. & 223 & $223 + 43 = 266$ & $2 \times 10^{-1}$ ($3.1\sigma$)\\ 1.5. & 1.5 & 0 & 92 & $92 + 35= 127$ & $2 \times 10^{-2}$ ($3.7\sigma$)\\ 3. & -1 & 0. & 87 & $87 + 33 = 120 $ & $3 \times 10^{-2}$ ($3.6\sigma$)\\ 3. & 0.5 & 0. & 25 & {$25 + 22= 47$} & {$2 \times 10^{-3}$ $(4.3\sigma)$} \\ 3. & 1.5 & 0 & 20 & $20 + 19 = 39$ & $4 \times 10^{-3}$ ($4.1\sigma$)\\ 3. & 0.5 & -1. & 59 & $59 + 30 = 89$ & $9 \times 10^{-3}$ ($3.9\sigma$)\\ 3. & 0.5 & 1. & 18 & $18 + 17 = 35$ & $1 \times 10^{-2}$ ($3.8\sigma$)\\ \hline\hline \end{tabular} \end{center} \end{table} The best combination, for a 100 kton$\times$year exposure, is achieved for the following set of cuts: {$\ln \lambda_\pi > 3$, $\ln \lambda_\rho > 0.5$} and {$\ln \lambda_{3\pi} > 0$}. The expected number of NC background events amounts to 25 (top) while 25+22 = 47 (bottom) are expected. $P_\beta$ is the Poisson probability for the measured excess of upward going events to be due to a statistical fluctuation as a function of the exposure. We have an effect larger than $4\sigma$ for an exposure of 100 kton$\times$year (one year of data taking with GLACIER). %A Bueno 3/11/06 START % % JEC 3/11/06 START new section \subsection{New phenomena beyond the "Standard Model"} % It is worth remembering that atmospheric neutrino fluxes are themselves an important subject of investigation, and at the light of the precise determination of the oscillation parameters provided by long-baseline experiments the atmospheric neutrino data accumulated by the proposed detectors can be used as a \emph{direct measurement} of the incoming neutrino flux, and therefore as an indirect measurement of the primary cosmic rays flux. The appearance of subleading features in the main oscillation pattern can also be a hint for New Physics. The huge range of energies probed by atmospheric data will allow to put very strong bounds on mechanisms which predict deviation from the $1/E$ behavior. For example, the bound on non-standard neutrino-matter interactions and on other types of New Physics (such as violation of the equivalence principle, or violation of the Lorentz invariance) which can be derived from \emph{present} data is already the strongest which can be put on these mechanisms \cite{Gonzalez-Garcia:2004wg}. So, the increased statistics expected for the proposed detectors will further improve these constraints. % JEC 3/11/06 END %JEC 22/6/06 END