\subsection {$\theta_{13}$ and CP violation in oscillations} In the recent years, a series of experiments have provided strong evidence for oscillations of solar and atmospheric neutrinos, and have started to precisely constrain the associated parameters $\Delta m^2_{23}$, $\Delta m^2_{12}$, $\theta_{23}$ and $\theta_{12}$. The third mixing angle $\theta_{13}$ is still unknown: all we have is an upper bound of $\theta_{13} \leq 13^\circ$ coming from the CHOOZ experiment \cite{Apollonio:1999ae}. Its measurement, as well as the determination of the sign of $\Delta m^2_{23}$ and therefore of the type of mass hierarchy, is crucial for discriminating between different neutrino mass and mixing scenarios. Moreover a precise determination of the PMNS matrix (which contrary to the CKM matrix is free from hadronic uncertainties) would put very severe constraints on models of fermion masses, including realistic GUT models, and thus shed some light on the underlying flavour theory. A neutrino super-beam from the CERN SPL to a megaton water \v{C}erenkov detector located at Fr\'ejus would allow to make a significant progress in this programme, reaching in particular a sensitivity to $\sin^2(2\theta_{13})$ close to $10^{-3}$ %one degree and close to $2\cdot 10^{-4}$ %0.4 degree with a Beta-beam (and $1\cdot 10^{-4}$ %0.3 degree with both Super-beam and Beta-beam), see section~\ref{sec:oscillations}. Due to its sensitivity to $\theta_{13}$, a megaton water \v{C}erenkov detector would also be sensitive to the CP violating phase $\delta$ in a large portion of the ($\Delta m^2_{12}$, $\theta_{13}$) parameter space. Establishing CP violation in the lepton sector would represent a major progress in particle physics, since CP violation has only been observed in the quark sector so far. Moreover, CP violation is a crucial ingredient of leptogenesis, a mechanism for creating the matter-antimatter asymmetry of the Universe which relies on the out-of-equilibrium decay of heavy Majorana neutrinos. Although the phase involved in oscillations is generally distinct from the phase responsible for leptogenesis, the measurement of a nonzero $\delta$ would be a strong indication that leptogenesis may be at the origin of the baryon asymmetry \cite{Fukugita:1986hr}. Indeed, standard electroweak baryogenesis would require a very light Higgs boson, which is now excluded by LEP, and only a small window remains for supersymmetric electroweak baryogenesis. %After the discovery of neutrino oscillations, leptogenesis %therefore appears as one of the most plausible explanations of the %baryon asymmetry. Another necessary ingredient of leptogenesis is the existence of Majorana neutrinos, which could be established by a positive signal in future neutrinoless double beta decay experiments.