source: Backup NB/Talks/MEMPHYSetal/MEMPHYS EOI/CAMPAGNE_MEMPHYS-EOI/pdk_det.tex

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1\subsection{Proton decay sensitivity}
2For proton decay, no specific simulation for MEMPHYS has been carried out yet.
3We therefore rely on the study done by UNO, adapting the results to MEMPHYS
4(which has an overall better coverage) when possible.
5\subsubsection{$p \rightarrow e^+\pi^0$}
7Following UNO study,
8the detection efficiency of $p \rightarrow e^+\pi^0$
9(3 showering rings event) is $\epsilon=$43\% 
10for a 20 inch-PMT coverage of 40\% or its equivalent, as envisioned for
11MEMPHYS. The corresponding estimated
12atmospheric neutrino induced background is at the level of 2.25 events/Mt.yr.
13From these efficiencies and background levels,
14proton decay sensitivity as a function of detector exposure can be
15estimated (see Fig. \ref{pdk1}).
18 \begin{minipage}[c]{0.44\textwidth}
20\caption{\it \label{pdk1} Sensitivity for $e^+\pi^0$ proton decay
21lifetime, as determined by UNO \cite{uno}. MEMPHYS corresponds to case (A).}
23 \begin{minipage}[c]{0.05\textwidth}
26 \begin{minipage}[c]{0.44\textwidth}
28\caption{\it \label{pdk9_jbz}
29Expected sensitivity on $\nu K^+$ proton decay as a function of MEMPHYS
30exposure \cite{uno} (see text for details).}
34$10^{35}$ years partial
35lifetime could be reached at the 90\% CL for a 5 Mt.yr exposure with MEMPHYS
36(similar to case A in figure~\ref{pdk1}).
39\subsubsection{$p \rightarrow \overline{\nu}K^+$}
41Since the $K^+$ is below the \v{C}erenkov threshold, this channel is
42detected via the decay products of the kaon: a 256 MeV/c muon and
43its decay electron (type I) or a 205 MeV/c $\pi^+$ and $\pi^0$
44(type II), with the possibility of a delayed (12 ns) coincidence
45with the 6 MeV nuclear de-excitation prompt $\gamma$ (Type III).
46In Super-Kamiokande, the efficiency for the reconstruction of
47$p \rightarrow \overline{\nu}K^+$ is $\epsilon=$ 33\% (I), 6.8\% (II)
48and 8.8\% (III),
49and the background is at the 2100, 22 and 6/Mt.yr level. For the
50prompt $\gamma$ method, the background is dominated by
51mis-reconstruction. As stated by UNO, there are good
52reasons to believe that this
53background can be lowered at the level of 1/Mt.yr corresponding
54to the atmospheric neutrino interaction $\nu p \rightarrow \nu
55\Lambda K^+$. In these conditions, and using Super-Kamiokande performances,
56a 5 Mt.yr MEMPHYS exposure would
57allow to reach the $2\times10^{34}$ years partial lifetime
58(see Fig. \ref{pdk9_jbz}).
60%\subsubsection{Comparison with liquid argon detectors}
61%Comparisons have been done between megaton scale \v{C}erenkov detectors
62%and liquid argon TPC's with a mass of 100 kilotons. The main results show an
63%advantage to \v{C}erenkov detectors for the $e^+ \pi^0$ channel, due to their
64%higher mass, while liquid argon TPC's get better results for the
65%$\bar\nu K^+$ channel, due to a much better detection efficiency.
66%The two techniques look therefore quite complementary.
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