\subsection{Supernova neutrinos} \label{sec:SN} \subsubsection{Core-collapse} The large mass of a MEMPHYS-type detector means that the sample of events collected during a supernova explosion would outnumber that of all other existing detectors. For instance, for a supernova at 10 kpc $\sim 2\times 10^5$ events would be observed, whereas Super-Kamiokande (22.5 kt) will see only 9,000 events (see Figure \ref{fig:SN}, from ref.~\cite{Fogli:2004ff}). These numbers are to be compared with the 19 (11 for Kamiokande and 8 for IMB) events coming from the SN1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud (50 kpc). \begin{figure} \begin{center} \epsfig{figure=./figures/snburst.eps,width=8cm,height=8cm} \caption{\it % Figure to be redone for 440 kt! The number of events in a 400 kt water \v{C}erenkov detector (left scale) and in SK (right scale) in all channels and in the individual detection channels as a function of distance for a supernova explosion \cite{Fogli:2004ff}.} \label{fig:SN} \end{center} \end{figure} An estimated number of $3\pm 1$ supernovae occur in our galaxy and its satellites every century. A MEMPHYS-type detector would also be sensitive to supernovae occurring throughout the local group of galaxies. For a supernova explosion in Andromeda (730-890 kpc), the proposed detector will collect roughly the same amount of neutrinos detected for the SN1987A. A handful of events might be seen even at a distance as large as 3 Mpc. One of the unsolved problems in astrophysics is the mechanism of supernova core-collapse. Inverse beta decay events from the silicon burning phase preceding the supernova explosion have very low (sub-threshold) positron energies, and could only be detected through neutron capture by adding Gadolinium \cite{Beacom:2003nk}, provided that they can be statistically distinguished from background fluctuations. The silicon burning signal should then be seen with a statistical significance of 2$\div$8 standard deviations at a reference distance of 1 kpc. Unfortunately, at the galactic center ($\sim$10 kpc) the estimated silicon burning signal would be 100 times smaller and thus unobservable. There are better prospects to observe the neutronization burst from a galactic supernova by means of elastic scattering on electrons, including contributions from all flavors: a 0.4 Mton detector might observe such signal with a statistical significance at the level of 4 standard deviations. At the distance of the Large Magellanic Cloud, however, the sensitivity drops dramatically. Returning to the overall rate in the inverse beta channel, the high statistics available for a galactic supernova explosion will allow many possible spectral analyses, providing insight both on the properties of the collapse mechanism and on those of neutrinos. For the first topic, an example is given in~\cite{Fogli:2004ff} in the context of shock-wave effects, based on the comparison of arrival times in different energy bins. Concerning the spectral properties which depend on neutrino oscillation parameters, it has been shown in \cite{Minakata:2001cd} that a detector like the proposed one, considering the inverse-beta channel alone with the current best values of solar neutrino oscillation parameters, would allow the determination of the parameter $\tau_E$, defined as the ratio of the average energy of time-integrated neutrino spectra $\tau_E=\langle E_{\bar\nu_\mu}\rangle /\langle E_{\bar\nu_e}\rangle$, with a precision at the level of few percent, to be compared with a $\sim$20\% error possible at Super-Kamiokande. This would make it possible to distinguish normal from inverted mass hierarchy, if $\sin^2\theta_{13}>10^{-3}$ \cite{Lunardini:2003eh}. In the region $\sin^2\theta_{13}\sim (3\cdot 10^{-6}-3\cdot 10^{-4})$, measurements of $\sin^2\theta_{13}$ are possible with a sensitivity at least an order of magnitude better than planned terrestrial experiments \cite{Lunardini:2003eh}. Up to now we have investigate supernova explosions occurring in our galaxy, however the calculated rate of supernova explosions within a distance of 10 Mpc is about one per year. Although the number of events from a single explosion at such large distances would be small, the signal could be separated from the background with the request to observe at least two events within a time window comparable to the neutrino emission time-scale ($\sim$10 sec), together with the full energy and time distribution of the events \cite{Ando:2005ka}. In a MEMPHYS-type detector, with at least two neutrinos observed, a supernova could be identified without optical confirmation, so that the start of the light curve could be forecasted by a few hours, along with a short list of probable host galaxies. This would also allow the detection of supernovae which are either heavily obscured by dust or are optically dark due to prompt black hole formation. Neutrino detection with a time coincidence could therefore act as a precise time trigger for other supernova detectors (gravitational antennas or neutrino telescopes). Finally, one can notice that electron elastic scattering events would provide a pointing accuracy on the supernova explosion of about $1^\circ$. \subsubsection{Diffuse Supernova Neutrinos} An upper limit on the flux of neutrinos coming from all past core-collapse supernovae (the Diffuse Supernova Neutrinos~\footnote{We prefer to denote these neutrinos as ``Diffuse'' rahter than ``Relic'' to avoid confusion with the primordial neutrinos produced one second after the Big Bang.}, DSN) has been set by the Super-Kamiokande experiment \cite{Malek:2002ns}, however most of the estimates are below this limit and therefore DSN detection thorough inverse beta decay appears to be feasible at a megaton scale water \v{C}erenkov detector. Typical estimates for DSN fluxes (see for example \cite{Ando:2004sb}) predict an event rate of the order of 0.1$\div$0.5 cm$^{-2}$s$^{-1}$MeV$^{-1}$ for energies above 20 MeV, a cut imposed by the rejection of spallation events. After experimental selections analogous to the ones applied in the Super-Kamiokande analysis, such events are retained with an efficiency of about 47\% for energies between 20 and 35 MeV; this is to be considered as a very conservative estimate at MEMPHYS, where the bigger overburden will reduce the cosmic-muon induced background and less stringent selection criteria can be applied. Two irreducible backgrounds remain: atmospheric $\nu_e$ and $\bar\nu_e$, and decay electrons from the so called ``invisible muons'' generated by CC interaction of atmospheric neutrinos and having an energy below threshold for \v{C}erenkov signal. The spectra of the two backgrounds were taken from the Super-Kamiokande estimates and rescaled to a fiducial mass of 440 kton of water, while the expected signal was computed according to the model called LL in \cite{Ando:2004sb}. The results are shown in Fig.~\ref{fig:snr}: the signal could be observed with a statistical significance of about 2 standard deviations after 10 years. \begin{figure} \begin{center} \epsfig{figure=./figures/snrelic.eps,width=13cm} \caption{\it Diffuse Supernova Neutrino signal and backgrounds (left) and subtracted signal with statistical errors (right) in a 440 kt water \v{C}erenkov detector with a 10 years exposure. The selection efficiencies of SK were assumed; the efficiency change at 34 MeV is due to the spallation cut.} \label{fig:snr} \end{center} \end{figure} As pointed out in \cite{Fogli:2004ff}, with addition of Gadolinium \cite{Beacom:2003nk} the detection of the captured neutron would give the possibility to reject neutrinos other than $\bar\nu_e$ from spallation events and from atmospheric origin, and the detection threshold could be lowered significantly - to about 10 MeV - with a large gain on signal statistics. The tails of reactor neutrino spectra would become the most relevant source of uncertainty on the background. In such condition, not only would the statistical significance of the signal become much higher, but is would even be possible to distinguish between different theoretical predictions. For example, the three models considered in \cite{Ando:2004sb} would give 409, 303 and 172 events respectively above 10 MeV. An analysis of the expected DSN spectrum that would be observed with a Gadolinium-loaded water \v{C}erenkov detector has been carried out in \cite{Yuksel:2005ae}: the possible limits on the emission parameters of supernova $\bar\nu_e$ emission have been computed for 5 years running of a Gd-enhanced SuperKamiokande detector, which would correspond to 1 year of one MEMPHYS shaft, and are shown in Fig.~\ref{fig:sndpar}. Detailed studies on characterization of the backgrounds, however, are needed. \begin{figure} \begin{center} \epsfig{figure=./figures/sndpar.eps,width=8cm} \caption{\it Possible 90\% C.L. measurement of the emission parameters of supranova $\bar\nu_e$ emission after 5 years running of a Gd-enhanced Super-Kamiokande detector, which would correspond to 1 year of one MEMPHYS shaft. The points corespond to different assumptions on the average energy and integrated luminaosty: A,B,C are taken at the edge of the region excluded by SK, D is often regarded aas the canonical values for $\bar\nu_e$ emission before neutrino mixing. See \cite{Yuksel:2005ae}. } \label{fig:sndpar} \end{center} \end{figure} %\subsubsection{Gravitational trigger and GRBs (???)}