\subsection {Supernovae} The core collapse supernovae are spectacular events which have been theoretically studied for more than three decades. After explosion the star loses energy, mainly by neutrino emission, and cools down, ending as a neutron star or a black hole. Many features of the collapse mechanism are indeed imprinted in the neutrinos released during the explosion. At the same time, a galactic supernova would give particle physicists the occasion to explore the neutrino properties on scales of distance up to $10^{17}$ km and of time up to $\sim 10^{5}$ years and at very high density. The detected signal from a supernova explosion depends on the structure of the neutrino mass spectrum and lepton mixing. Therefore, in principle, studying the properties of a supernova neutrino burst one can get information about the values of parameters relevant for the solution of the solar neutrino problem, the type of the mass ordering (the so-called mass hierarchy), the mixing parameter $\sin^2\theta_{13}$, the presence of sterile neutrinos and new neutrino interactions. It is generally believed that core-collapse supernovae have occurred throughout the Universe since the formation of stars. Thus, there should exist a diffuse background of neutrinos originating from all the supernovae that have ever occurred. Detection of these diffuse supernova neutrinos (DSN) would offer insight about the history of star formation and supernovae explosions in the Universe. Now the requirements for a detector are to be very massive, located underground, to stay in operation for at least 20 years and to be equipped with a real time neutrino detection electronics with a threshold around 10 MeV. For those reasons a megaton water \v{C}erenkov detector with a fiducial volume around 450 kt is a good choice. Such a detector would detect $\sim 10^{5}$ events from a galactic stellar collapse, and of the order of 20 events from a supernova in Andromeda galaxy, which is one of the closest to our Milky way. The large mass of such a detector compared to other proposed and existing facilities means that the sample collected will outnumber that of all other detectors combined. The general and relative performances are summarized in section \ref{sec:SN}. %As an example for an explosion at the center of our galaxy, we expect %$\sim 300$ events per kiloton of water. A megaton water \v{C}erenkov detector %would be sensitive to three main neutrino signals All types of neutrinos and anti-neutrinos are emitted from a core-collapse supernova, but not all are equally detectable. The $\bar{\nu_e}$ is most likely to interact in a water \v{C}erenkov detector. Three main neutrino signals would be detected, each one yielding unique information: \begin{enumerate} \item Inverse beta decay events (89\%) allowing for a good determination of the time evolution and energy distribution of the neutrino burst. The potentials would be enhanced by the detection of the neutron with the addition of a small mount of Gadolinium \cite{Beacom:2003nk}. \item Neutral current events involving $^{16}O$ (8\%), which are sensitive to the temperature of the neutrino spectrum. \item Directional elastic scattering events from $\nu_{x}$ + $e^{-}$ and $\bar{\nu}_{x}$ + $e^{-}$ ($\sim$ 3\%). These events provide the direction of the supernova within $\pm 1$ degree. \end{enumerate} %Each one of these modes will yield unique information.