source: Backup NB/Talks/MEMPHYSetal/MEMPHYS EOI/CAMPAGNE_MEMPHYS-EOI/undlab_detector.tex

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[387]1\section{Underground laboratory and detector} 
3\subsection{Results of a feasibility study in the
4central region of the Fr\'ejus tunnels}
6The site located in the Fr\'ejus mountain in the Alps,
7which is crossed by a road-tunnel connecting France (Modane)
8to Italy (Bardonecchia), has a number of interesting characteristics
9making it a very good candidate for the installation of a megaton-scale
10detector in Europe, aimed both at non-accelerator and accelerator
11based physics.
12Its great depth (4800 mwe, see figure~\ref{muonflux}),
13the good quality of the rock,
14the fact that it offers horizontal access, its distance from CERN (130 km),
15the opportunity of the excavation of a second (``safety'') tunnel,
16the very easy access by train (TGV), by car (highways)
17and by plane (Geneva, Torino and Lyon airports),
18the strong support from the local authorities
19represent the most important of these characteristics.
23\caption{\it Muon flux as a function of overburden.
24The Frejus site is indicated by "LSM".}
28On the basis of these arguments, the DSM (CEA) and IN2P3 (CNRS) institutions
29decided to perform a feasibility study of a Large Underground Laboratory
30in the central region of the Fr\'ejus tunnel, near the already existing,
31but much smaller, LSM Laboratory. This preliminary study
32has been performed by the SETEC (French) and STONE (Italian) companies
33and is now completed. These companies already made the study and managed
34the realisation of the Fr\'ejus road tunnel and of the LSM
35(Laboratoire Souterain de Modane) Laboratory.
36A large number of precise and systematic measurements of the rock
37characteristics, performed at that time, have been used to make a
38pre-selection of the most favourable regions along the road tunnel
39and to constrain the simulations of the present pre-study for the
40Large Laboratory.
44\caption{\it Possible layout of the Fr\'ejus underground laboratory.}
48Three regions have been pre-selected :
49the central region and two other regions at about 3 km from
50each entrance of the tunnel.
51Two different shapes have been considered for the cavities to be excavated:
52the ``tunnel shape'' and the cylindrical ``shaft shape''. The main purpose
53was to determine the maximum possible size for each of them,
54the most sensitive dimension being the width (the so-called ``span'')
55of the cavities.       
57The very interesting results of this preliminary study
58can be summarized as follows :
60\item the best site (rock quality) is found in the middle of the mountain,
61at a depth of 4800 mwe;
62\item of the two considered shapes : ``tunnel'' and ``shaft'',
63the ``shaft shape'' is strongly preferred;
64\item cylindrical shafts are feasible up to a diameter $\Phi$ = 65 m 
65and a full height  h = 80 m ($\sim$ 250000 m$^3$);
66\item with ``egg shape'' or ``intermediate shape between
67cylinder and egg shapes'' the volume of the shafts could be still increased
68(see Fig.~\ref{fig:egg});
69\item the estimated cost is $\sim$ 80 M Euro per shaft.
74\epsfig{figure=./figures/egg.eps,width=8.5cm} &
77\caption{\it An example of ``egg shape'' simulation,
78constrained by the rock parameter measurements made during the road tunnel
79and the present laboratory excavation.
80The main feasibility criterium is that the significantly perturbated
81region around the cavity should not exceed a thickness of about 10 m.}
85Fig.~\ref{fig:tunnel} shows a possible configuration for this
86large Laboratory, where up to five shafts, of about 250000 m$^3$ each,
87can be located between the road tunnel and the railway tunnel,
88in the central region of the Fr\'ejus mountain.
90Two possible scenarios for Water \v{C}erenkov detectors are, for instance:
92\item 3 shafts of 250000 m$^3$ each, with a fiducial mass of 440 kton
93(``UNO-like'' scenario).
94\item 4 shafts of 250000 m$^3$ each, with a fiducial mass of 580 kton.
96In both scenarios one additional shaft could be excavated
97for a Liquid Argon and/or a liquid scintillator detector of about
98100 kton total mass.
100The next step will be a Design Study for this Large Laboratory,
101performed in close connection with the Design Study of the detectors
102and considering the excavation of 3 to 5 ``shafts'' of about 250 000 m$^3$ 
103each, the associated equipments and the mechanics of the detector modules.
105\subsection{Detector: general considerations}
107The 20 year long successful operation of the
108Super-Kamiokande detector has clearly
109demonstrated the capabilities and limitations of large water \v{C}erenkov
112\item This technique is by far the cheapest
113and the most stable to instrument a very large detector
114mass, as price is dominated by the photodetectors and their associated
115electronics (this price growing like the outer surface of the detector),
116while the active mass, made of water, is essentially free except for the
117purification system
118\item These detectors are mainly limited in size by the finite attenuation
119length of \v{C}erenkov light, found to be 80 meters at $\lambda = 400$~nm
120in Super-Kamiokande, and by the pressure of water on the photomultipliers at
121the bottom of the tank, which gives a practical limit of 80~m in height.
122At large depths, the maximal size of underground cavities actually limits
123relevant dimensions to about 70~m.
124\item The detection principle consists in measuring \v{C}erenkov rings produced
125by charged particles going faster than light in water. This has several
128\item neutral particles and charged particles
129below \v{C}erenkov threshold are undetectable, so that some energy may
130be missing
131\item complicated topologies are difficult to handle, and in practice only
132events with less than 3 to 5 rings are efficiently reconstructed
133\item ring topology, based on their degree of fuzziness, allows to separate
134between electromagnetic (e, $\gamma$) rings and ($\mu$, $\pi$) rings
135\item the threshold in particle energy depends mainly on photocathode
136coverage and also on water purity (due to radioactive backgrounds, such as
137radon). Super-Kamiokande has achieved an energy threshold of 5 MeV with
13840\% cathode coverage
139\item due to points 1 and 2, water \v{C}erenkov detectors are not suited to
140measure high energy neutrino interactions, as more rings and more undetectable
141particles are produced. A further limitation comes from the confusion between
142single electron or gamma rings and high energy $\pi^0$'s giving 2 overlapping
143rings. In practice water \v{C}erenkov's stay excellent neutrino detectors
144for energies below 1 (may be 2) GeV, when interactions are mostly quasi-elastic
145and the 2 rings from $\pi^0$ well separated.
149\subsection{Detector design}
151Three detector designs are being carried out worldwide,
152namely Hyper-Kamiokande \cite{uno} in Japan,
153UNO \cite{hyperk} in the USA  and the present project MEMPHYS in Europe.
154All of them are rather mild extrapolations of Super-Kamiokande, and rely on the
155expertise acquired after 20 years of operation of this detector.
156Their main characteristics are summarized in table~\ref{WC:tab-1}.
162 Parameters                  &        \textbf{UNO} (USA)            &   
163\textbf{HyperK} (Japan)          &      \textbf{MEMPHYS} (Europe)\\
165\multicolumn{4}{l}{\textbf{Underground laboratory}}  \\ 
166       location   &   Henderson / Homestake      &   Tochibora    & Fr\'ejus \\
167                depth (m.e.w.)  &    4500/4800                 &   
1681500                  &        4800  \\
169Long Base Line (km)   & $1480\div2760$ / $1280\div2530$ & 290    &   130 \\
170                       & FermiLab$\div$BNL       & JAERI         &   CERN \\
172\multicolumn{4}{l}{\textbf{Detector dimensions}}          \\
173type              & 3 cubic compartments   & 2 twin tunnels  & $3\div5$
175                  &                        & 5 compartments  &           \\
176dimensions            & $3\times (60\times60\times60)\mathrm{m}^3$ 
177                                                                        &
178$2\times 5 \times (\phi=43\mathrm{m} \times L=50\mathrm{m})$       &
179$(3\div5)\times(\phi=65\mathrm{m} \times H=65\mathrm{m}) $ \\   
180fiducial mass (kt)& 440                          &       550                 
181& $440\div730$\\
183\multicolumn{4}{l}{\textbf{Photodetectors}}          \\
184           type   & 20" PMT              & 13" H(A)PD           & 12" PMT
186    number (internal detector)     & 57,000      & 20,000 per compartment
187                                                & 81,000 per shaft \\
188 surface coverage & 40\% (1/3) \& 10\% (2/3) & 40\%  & 30\%\
195\it Some basic parameters of the three Water \v{C}erenkov
196detector baseline designs}
199These 3 projects aim at a fiducial mass around half a megaton, taking into
200account the necessity to have a veto volume on the edge of the detector, 1 to 2
201meters thick, plus a minimal distance of about 2 meters between photodetectors
202and interaction vertices, leaving some space for ring development.
203The main differences between the 3 projects lie in the geometry
204of the cavities (tunnel shape for Hyper-Kamiokande, shafts for MEMPHYS,
205intermediate with 3 cubic modules for UNO), and the photocathode coverage,
206similar to Super-Kamiokande for Hyper-Kamiokande
207and MEMPHYS, while UNO keeps this
208coverage on only 1 cubic detector, while the 2 others have only 10\% coverage
209for cost reasons. Another important parameter is the rock overburden, similar
210for UNO and MEMPHYS (4800~mwe), but smaller for Hyper-Kamiokande (1500~mwe),
211which might be a limiting factor for low energy physics, due to spallation
212products and fast neutrons produced by cosmic muons, more
213abundant by 2 orders of magnitude (see figure~\ref{muonflux}).
215The basic unit for MEMPHYS consists of a cylindrical detector module 65~meters
216in diameter and 65~meters high, which can be housed
217in a cylindrical cavity with 70~meter diameter and 80 meter height, as proven
218by the prestudy. This corresponds to a water mass of 215 kilotons, that is
219only 4 times the Super-Kamiokande detector.
220Conservatively substracting 2~m for the
221outer veto plus 2~m for the fiducial volume, this leaves us with a fiducial
222mass of 146 kilotons per module. The baseline design uses 3 modules, giving
223a total fiducial mass of 440 kilotons, like UNO, corresponding to factor
22420 increase over Super-Kamiokande (4 modules would give 580
225kiloton fiducial mass). The modular aspect is actually mandatory for
226maintenance reasons, so that at least 2 of the 3 modules would be active
227at any time, giving 100\% duty cycle for supernova explosions. Furthermore,
228it would offer the possibility to add Gadolinium in one of the modules, which
229has been advocated to improve diffuse supernova neutrino detection.
230We estimate an overall construction time of less than 10 years, and of course
231the first module could start physics during the completion of the two other
236The baseline photodetector choice is photomultipliers (PMT) as they have
237successfuly equipped the previous generation of large water \v{C}erenkov
238detectors and many other types of presently running detectors in HEP. The PMT
239density should be chosen to allow excellent sensitivity to a broad range
240of nucleon decays and neutrino physics while keeping the instrumentation costs
241under control.
243Our goal for MEMPHYS is to reach in the whole detector
244the same energy threshold as Super-Kamiokande,
245that is 5 MeV, important for solar neutrino studies, for the proton decay into
246$K^+ \nu$ using the 6~MeV tag from $^{15}$N desexcitation, and also very useful
247for SN explosions, since the measurement of the $\nu_{\mu}$ and $\nu_{\tau}$
248fluxes could be achieved using the neutral current excitation of Oxygen.
250Our first approach was to consider 20" Hamamatsu tubes as used by
251Super-Kamiokande, but the cost for 40\% coverage becomes prohibitive, as these
252tubes are manually blown by specially trained people, which makes them very
253expensive. Following a suggestion presented at the NNN05 conference by Photonis
254company, we have considered the possibility of using instead 12" PMT's, which
255can be automatically manufactured and have better characteristics
256compared to 20" tubes\,: quantum efficiency (24\% vs 20\%), collection
257efficiency (70\% vs 60\%), risetime (5~ns vs 10~ns), jitter (2.4~ns vs 5.5~ns).
258Based on these numbers, 30\% coverage with 12" PMT's would give the same number
259of photoelectrons per MeV as a 40\% coverage with 20" tubes. Taking into
260account the ratio of photocathodes (615~cm$^2$ vs 1660~cm$^2$), this implies
261that going from 20" tubes to twice as many 12" tubes will give the same
262detected light, with a bonus on time resolution and on pixel locations. If the dark
263current of better photocathodes does not increase dramatically the trigger rate,
264we can expect MEMPHYS performances be at least as good as Super-Kamiokande.
265A GEANT4 based Monte Carlo is under development to quantify the effective
266gain. Pricewise, each 20" PMT costing 2500 Euros
267is replaced by 2 12" PMT's costing 800 Euros each.
268The only caveat is to make sure that the savings on PMT's are not
269cancelled by the doubling of electronic channels. An R\&D on electronics
270integration is presently underway (see Sec. \ref{sec:photo}).
272\subsection{Photomultiplier tests}
274A joint R\&D program between Photonis company and French laboratories has been
275launched to test the quality of the 12" PMTs in the foreseen conditions of
276deep water depth, and to make a realistic
277market model for the production of about 250,000 PMTs that would be necessary
278to get the 30\% geometrical coverage.
280In parallel, studies on new photo-sensors have been launched.
281The aim is to reduce cost, while improving production rate and performance, as
282it is essential
283to achieve the long term stability and reliability which is proven for PMTs.
284Hybrid photosensors (HPD) could be a solution\,:
285the principle has been proven by ICRR and Hamamatsu with a 5" HPD prototype.
286Successful results from tests of an 13"
287prototype operated with 12 kV are now available,
288showing a $3 \cdot 10^4$ gain, good single photon sensitivity,
2890.8 ns time resolution and a satisfactory gain and
290timing uniformity over the photo-cathode area.
291The development of HPD has also been initiated in Europe,
292in collaboration with Photonis.
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