Beams for European Neutrino Experiments (BE?E)

Networking Activity: N3
Topic: Neutrino beams of superior intensity and quality
Co-ordinator: Vittorio Palladino (INFN-Napoli, Italy)

Draft last updated 01/02/2003                                                            This page prepared by : Vittorio Palladino

Link to proposal part B form prepared for the IA "Coordinating Accelerator Research in Europe"
Link to more information provided on the subjects covered by : N4

NB1 Text in Italic, like the one you are reading, should be viewed as preliminary generic text, likely to disappear or be replaced soon by a more specific and suitable              formulation. 
NB2 Text in grey fonts is text produced at various stages in the process of preparation. It is to be understood as removed text. Its shadow is left in the file as it
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Introduction and summary of the activity

Short description meant as an input to  Table 2?

Recent landmark discoveries have again confirmed that the investigation of the properties of neutrinos (?) is and will be revealing to us fundamental and unique information on the basic nature and texture of fundamental matter. Effective continuation will require an important  investment in accelerator-based beams for neutrino experiments.
This NA is aimed at co-ordinating and integrating the activities of the accelerator and particle physics communities that are giving or promise contributions to the realization of upgraded and/or new European neutrino facilities of unprecedented performance. The final objectives are 1) recommend the optimal road map from the present infrastructure to design and construction of the most rewarding future facilities 2) assemble a coherent community capable to sustain the long term program of technical realization and scientific exploitation.

Longer description to stay here
 The investigation of the properties of the ?, 70 years after its invention, 46 after the discovery of the its first ?e species , 27 after the first indirect evidence of its third and so far last ?? species, is and will still long be revealing to us fundamental and unique information on the basic nature and texture of fundamental matter. 

Recent experiments have established transitions in flight of one ? into another, very likely to be oscillations, over two independent long baselines (LBL), Thus ? do have non zero mixing rates and non zero masses. The exceptional smallness of the masses points to the existence of new fundamental physics occurring at a very high-energy scale, providing indeed the first experimental data constraining it. The pattern of large mixings is likely to carry the imprint of this new specific physics and, even more importantly, points to the possibility of a large leptonic CP violation phase. If true, this may be a key ingredient in the understanding of the matter-antimatter asymmetry of the universe (including the existence of our own physical bodies!), rooting it in a fundamental asymmetry of the mechanism of primordial lepto-genesis by decay of very heavy ?

This opens a field of research which will last several decades, perform the complete mapping of the patterns of masses and mixings and culminate with the discovery of leptonic CP violation. Long baselines impose very high power: constraints on the physics at the new scale will come only from statistically significant data samples. These studies will thus require an important investment in accelerator-based neutrino beams and experiments, improving significantly the present facilities and/or developing new ones. Proposed underground neutrino detector locations, both existing and new, will also need careful scrutiny.

Muon Study Groups, endorsed by ECFA since 2000,  are active since 1998, with mandate  to prepare the evolution of European research in the field of ? physics beyond the present CNGS facility.  Accelerator and particle physicists together and coherently intend to plan the technical effort, comparing the physics reach of the different approaches, while closely monitoring the rapid evolution of the field.  We apply for EC support to a decisive enhancement of the Networking Activity aspect of our initiative.

While Europe is presently building a ?facility (CNGS) based on a conventional ? decay tunnel, the concept of a Neutrino Factory, novel multi-accelerator complex whose final stage is a high energy ? storage & decay ring, has been proposed as  the ultimate tool for precise study of both ?? & ?e properties. Its high power p-driver would also offer, however, early on the way,  the possibility of a SuperBeam, a superior conventional ?? beam (as well as of an  unprecedented facility for fundamental  experiments  with  slow ?). In addition, the unique complentary physics reach of the BetaBeam, pure ?e  beam from a high energy storage & decay ring for ?-active ions, has recently been pointed out at CERN, as a possible evolution of existing accelerators. Our NA will investigate coherently these few attractive main options

The present European program (CNGS) is expected to produce decisive evidence of transitions into ?? . It will operate in 2006 and will, after that, will benefit from R&D towards improved performance. In addition. not much later its coming into operation, we should have a clear view of the nature, characteristics and logistics of the investments necessary for a further major upgrade of our discovery potential in this sector. This Networking Activity on neutrino beams, integrating all the proposed studies, aims at developping, from the present basic conceptual road map, a true road-map of technical milestones leading both to the most rewarding utilization of the existing facilities and to the realization of the most attractive and intense new European ? facility. A coherent and properly planned effort can make a Conceptual Design Report (CDR) of such a facility possible by 2008,  a conceivable date for discussions of new significant investments in an European particle physics program. We intend to foster, prepare and launch, assembling the necessary human and material resources, all the R&D and technical preparatory work indispensable to this achievement.

We plan to  continue to investigate coherently the requirements posed on accelerators by this long term program of experimental LBL neutrino physics, and to define and prepare (after HARP, MUSCAT, the first BNL-CERN target experiment and other current activities) the R&D necessary for our present few  main options of future ? beams of unprecedented intensity and quality. This implies a number of items to be assembled.
A wide consensus on physics requirements
A proper road map of specific priorities towards proposals of studies and R&D necessary to 
B.  choice and design of the optimal proton driver. 
C. and D.  design of an integrated Target and Collection Station.
E. design of a Neutrino Factory Front-end and of its acceleration system.
first design studies of a Betabeam.

Such a coherent and coordinated European program on neutrino beams will involve the large majority of the European experts in this field and will allow Europe to play a world leader role. It will enhance considerably the collaboration between accelerator physicists on the one hand and will develop a synergy between particle physicists and accelerator physicists on the other, ensuring the long-term sustainability of the field.

Very limited resources are presently available in Europe for accelerator neutrino physics. The LHC crisis appears to inevitably imply reduced support from the European agencies, even to the approved CNGS program. Decisive added  value would result, from the EC support that we are requesting here, to the strategic goal of producing a timely European initiative and leadership in the fondamental area of neutrino science. This applies both to this Networking Activity and to R&D Projects. Among those,  HIPPI, proposed within this IA, and MICE, entering soon its final design phase, appear as the natural continuation of the R&D projects (MUSCAT, HARP and the first BNL-CERN target experiment) that, as ECFA Muon Study Groups, we have initiated in the recent past. 

Objectives and Work Packages:
Summary of the objectives, described in terms of work packages (where relevant) 

The practical implementation of the program will be carried out by forming the following specific working group

  • Physics demands on neutrino accelerator facilities Coordinator: M. Mezzetto(Padova)  shortname: PHYSICS 

    • The group will establish a consensual set of physics requirements,  mainly emerging from collective studies of ? oscillation physics, on the ultimate reach of the CNGS and on the value of a Neutrino Factory,  Super-beam,  Beta-beam or combinations of them (but also on the value of additional powerful facilities made possible by a high power proton driver, slow muons and much  more).  It will have to take  into account the likely availability of funding and the state of the relevant technologies and provide indications driving the main choices listed below. More information is provided in table PHYSICS and  much more information is available here.
    • Monitor the development of the field of n-physics (SNO, Kamland, K2K, NuMI, ) and identify the most rewarding experimental and technical strategy
    • Follow closely realization & operation of the CNGS. Assess, at a later stage, gains in performance resulting from the HIPPI Joint Research Project, enhancements of neutrino yield per proton, in particular for future searches of the subdominant transition leading to nue appearance, ultimate intensity limitations. Explore nature, characteristics and logistics of the investments necessary for further major upgrades of the facilitiy.A. Guglielmi (Padova) is the proposed coordinator of this subset of the effort .....
    • Evaluate the impact on physics of n beam characteristics (neutrino energy, baseline, power & flux, energy spread, beam emittance, timing) for different type of beam (Superbeam, Neutrino Factory, Betabeam).  Define a strategy of successive measurements of neutrino oscillation rates with  different beams and baselines capable of a complete mapping of the mixing matrix overcoming ambiguities, correlations & degeneracies. 
    • Identify realistic and concrete future options building on existing or planned european accelerator facilities and undergound neutrino detector laboratories (LNGS, Frejus etc). 
    • Keep other interesting physics in view; in particular foster the design of a new high intensity slow muon facility A. V. der Schaaf (Zurich) is the proposed coordinator of this subset of the effort.........................  all this is being  properly reformulated by the Coordinator  ...... 
    • Study the optimization of future  n beams in terms of beam energy, beam structure, composition, flux, emittance, baseline etc. Study a design of the different beam options capable to reduce at minimum systematic errors.
    • Study the coherence of the neutrino detector(s) located close to the Superbeam decay tunnel with the beam instrumentationin target/collector/tunnel/dump areas. Do the same for the BetaBeam and Neutrino Factory.
    • Develop and define the analysis method for assessing the physics potential of different experiments
    • Monitor the development of the field of n-physics (SNO, Kamland, K2K, MiniBoone and further). Their results will provide the necessary information for the process of optimization.
    • Study the potential of already aproved experiments MINOS and CNGS
    • Study near term options: roadmap to a initial SB versus future reactor experiments (theta_13..)
    •  Define a strategy of successive measurements in the different beams capable of a complete mapping of the mass hierarchy and of the mixing matrix, including in particular the CP violating phase delta, overcoming ambiguities, correlations & degeneracies.   Define the possible synergies between SuperBeams, BetaBeams and Neutrino Factories.
    • Identify realistic and concrete future options building on existing or planned european accelerator facilities and undergound neutrino detector laboratories (LNGS, Frejus etc).. 
    • Identify and promote a serie of ancillary experiments devoted to reduce the experimental systematic errors:  measurements of neutrino cross sections, particle identification, charge measurement etc.
    • Implement the results of dedicated experiments (Muscat, Harp) in the simulation Monte Carlo codes. Promote the developing of MonteCarlo codes suitable to the simulation of the future beam lines.
    • Keep other interesting physics in view; in particular foster the design of a new high intensity slow muon facility A. V. der Schaaf (Zurich) is the proposed coordinator of this subset of the effort.
    It should finally be kept in view that the launch of neutrino detector studies and R&D, for future neutrino beams, will also become a necessity, at some point. 
  • High Power proton drivers Coordinator: P. Debu (CEA) shortname: DRIVER 

    • The group will foster the choice and design of a proton driver. Several possibilities are being considered: Superconductive Proton Linacs and similar CW machines in linear or cyclotron mode and/or  Rapid Cycling Synchrotron.  A careful study of the pros ccons of the various option, using the HARP data on particle production, could bring to definition of the baseline option by NUFACT05 (spring 2005) pmaking complete design possible in view of a CDR in 2008 . More information is provided in table DRIVER and much more information is available here.

    • Perform the studies of the several critical elements demanded for R&D towards high intensity proton drivers:                                                                                                                                           a reliable intense source of H- ions,                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   a very fast beam chopper to select the bunches to be injected inside the following synchrotron buckets,                                                                                                                                       the various accelerating structures, drift tube linacs, hybrid drift tube linacs, coupled cavities, side coupled linacs, low b superconducting structures, the RF system                                       the high intensity beam diagnostics and a very precise beam dynamics simulation code to estimate the beam halo and losses 
    • Share the expertise among the various laboratories and establish a common R&D strategy
    • Assess and disseminate the results of the Joint Research Project on High Intensity Pulsed Proton Injectors (HIPPI) which is proposed within this IA (I3). 
    • Progress on the conceptual design of  a Rapid Cycling Synchrotron ring alternative and/or complementary to Superconducting Proton Linac  .................. all this is to be revised, refined and finalized  by the Coordinator  .
  • High power targets (concept, materials, installations) Coordinator R.Bennett (RAL)  shortname: TARGET 

    • The group will share with the COLLECTOR group the aim to foster the choice and design an integrated Target and Collection Station. Considerable  progress was achieved, in collaboration with the US, for the option of a liquid metal target with collection by a high field solenoid. This requires now the design and construction or refurbishment of large (20T or so) solenoid. Alternative options include other targets (liquid jet, solid levitating rings, solid granular targets) imbedded in a solenoid or a horn. Use of several target & horn systems in parallel is also proposed. Work on a proposal to set up a target test area (TTA) in Europe including a beam, a liquid jet and a high field solenoid is in progress. A proposal for a test area to test the limits of  horns in term of rep. rate and sustainable beam power (resistance to radiation) is also being prepared A viable final design of target and collection area for 4->10 MW beam power, perhaps the most formidable challenge of the entire program,  including aspects of safety, radiation and waste disposal, may thus be achieved by 2008 More information is provided in table TARGET and much more information is available here.
    • Review the oustandingly severe technical problems in dissipating high power densities in targets for the proposed neutrino factories 1)  effective heat removal  2) sustainability of  severe pulsing shock waves 3) operation in large B field  4) integration in densely packed general layout 5) guarantee of safety in operation, maintenance & disposal 
    • Review merits & limitations of main leading technologies (molten metal jet or contained flow, tantalum spheres,  rotating bands ... ), none yet conclusively shown to work. Explore all new emerging options. 
    • Define an R&D roadmap towards solutions capable to overcome limitations, actively liasing with similar efforts for pulsed neutron facilities and radioactive beam facilities, in Europe, the USA and Japan .
    • Form R&D project collaborations aiming at proving realistic, safe and economic feasibility of one or more option.  NB the target sector apperas as the one most dangerous potential show stopper at the moment!  .................. all this is to be revised, refined and finalized  by the Coordinator  . 
    • The following issues need to be addressed:

    • 1.    Thermal dissipation and distribution in the target due to the beam
      2.    Thermal dissipation and distribution in the beam dump due to the beam
      3.    Thermal dissipation and distribution in the surroundings – horn, solenoid etc.
      4.    Radiation damage to the target
      5.    Radiation damage to the beam dump
      6.    Radiation damage to the surroundings – horn, solenoid etc.
      7.    Thermal cooling studies for the different target designs and the beam dump
      Impact on the surroundings – horn, solenoid etc.
      Water cooling requirements; activity in water. Helium cooling and activity.
      8.    Nuclear radiation heating and cooling in the target and the surroundings
      9.    Evolution of gases from the targets and surroundings. 
      Assess radioactive inventory and disposal.
      10.    Shock stress in solid targets and lifetime
      11.    Effects of pulsed proton beam on mercury jets
      12.    Effects of pulsed proton beam on contained flowing mercury targets
      13.    Effects of the magnetic field on the jet, contained mercury and rotating band targets
      14.    Mechanical design and maintenance of each target design and the beam dump
      The impact on the surroundings – horn, solenoid etc.
      15.    Disposal of radioactive items
      16.    Are proton and pion beam windows required? 
      Design of proton beam windows at this intensity
      17.    Health and Safety issues – radiation and chemical (with mercury)
      18.    Safety legislation - requirements

  • High power collection systems (horns, solenoids, etc)  Coordinator  J. E. Campagne (LAL)  shortname: COLLECTOR 

  • The major motivation of this group is that the Collection System for the high intensity neutrino beams foreseen 
    in SuperBeam and ultimatly Neutrino Factory projects will have to keep up with unprecedent challenging conditions. 
    So, the group will share with the TARGET group the aim to foster the choice and the design of an integrated Target and 
    Collection Station. The group will focus on "horn" technology those general principles are well known but it will push the concept
    at the limits. To do so, it will take benefit of the experience of the Europeen CNGS horn presently in construction, and also on gathering 
    experience of past and present european and non-european neutrino beam horn designs. The group will propose Researches 
    and Developments to validate technical choices that will emerge from conceptual studies. 
    More information is provided in table COLLECTOR and much more information is available here.
    • Study limitations of the present technologies                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              consequences of high power dissipation in targets for the design of collection systems                                                                                                                                                                  resistance of different materials proposed  for collectors operating under severe radiation condition                                                                                                                                              simulated predictions  of thermal stress, mechanical stresses and fatigue from  neutron irradiation                                                                                                        
    • Estimate reliably  lifetime expectations under unprecedented operation conditions (highly radiactive enviroments at high repetetition rate). 
    • compare focusing and collection capabilities of the few main options of collection systems, as simulated by the few main existing codes
    • define, in collaboration with the TARGET team,  a viable solution to all the integration problems imposed by the need of locating the target inside the collector
    • form R&D projects and establish collaborations for the design and test of horns and other collection systems,.as they are likely to evolve to cope with increasingly severe conditions, from the present conventional beams up to full power neutrino factories  ........................  all this is to be revised, refined and finalized  by the Coordinator  . 
    • The major motivation of a Network Activity and also R&D studies in this field  is that the collection system for the future neutrino beams will have to keep up with unprecendent challenging conditions as such as 1) more than one order magnitude more electric stresses (expressed in A.Hz) than the MiniBOON Horn and  more than two orders of magnitudes than the present K2K Horn and the future NuMI and CNGS Horns and 2) a huge rapid neutron flux 10^22n/cm^2/6weeks due to the necessary  integration of the TARGET inside the COLLECTOR system. The NA will attack the challenge by 
    • Defining, in collaboration with the TARGET team,  a viable solution to all the integration problems imposed by the need of locating the target inside the collector: neutron radiation, heat load...
    • Comparing focusing and collection capabilities of the few main options of collection systems, as simulated by the few main existing codes
    • Conducting particle production and collection simulations using different Monte Carlo programs: GEANT, MARS,... 
    • Conducting simulation of  thermal and mechanical stresses of the collection systems to define the critical points 
    • Studing resistance of different materials proposed  for collectors operating under severe radiation conditions
    • Studing the cooling system to optimize  the operating heating temperature of the alloy 
    • Estimating reliably  lifetime expectations under unprecedented operation conditions (highly radioactive enviroments at high repetetition rate). 
    • Proposing R&D projects and establishing collaborations for the design and test of horns and other collection systems, as they are likely to evolve to cope with increasingly severe conditions, from the present conventional beams up to full power neutrino factories 
  • Muon Front End (ionization cooling , phase rotatiion etc ) Coordinator: R. Edgecock (RAL)   shortname: COOLING 

    • The groups aims at the design of a muon frontend (pion decay channel, muon phase rotation, ionization cooling and initial acceleration). The muon frontend forms one of the most complex and expensive components of a Neutrino Factory and it is essential to select the optimum design for a European Neutrino Factory based on cost and performance. The network will develop existing simulations of frontends with cooling, will investigate alternatives both with and without cooling and will interact closely with US and Japanese colleagues working on different frontend designs in those countries. It will determine what R&D needs to be performed on these frontends before a final choice can be made and will assist it doing it. It will also perform simulations of the MICE experiment, which is proposed to investigate the muon cooling technique, ionisation cooling, to ensure that all the relevant information for the frontend selection that can be produced is made available and will participate in the analysis of the data. The network will conclude with a conceptual design report for the selected frontend. More information is provided in table COOLING and much more information is available here.
    The design of the Neutrino Factory Front-end (Ionization Cooling, Phase rotation) and of acceleration. The MICE experiment is being proposed and constitutes the major experimental effort in the area of muon cooling. R&D towards cheap, high peak power, pulsed RF power sources and fast kickers with large acceptance for future ring coolers is being undertaken. Comparative studies will be necessary of the two different European and American preliminary baseline front end designs (tboth based on cooling), as well as of the Japanese scheme that relies on little or no cooling, by means of a cascade of  very large aperture (Fixed Field Alternated Gradient) accelerators. A viable final design of the front end can thus be achieved by 2008. The acceleration scheme, with re-circulating linacs or with FFAG, must also be defined down to complete conceptual design.

    • Develop the baseline European  design of the muon front end, including more realistic RF and B fields and engineering context.
    • Investigate alternative front end designs, ranging from extended (cooling rings) to no application of cooling. 
    • Establish, through detailed simulation,  plans for additional experiments in MICE beyond its baseline plans
    • Assess the potential of MICE as a general tool to measure emittance reduction of  a variety of front end designs. 
    • Outline the road map for assessing muon front ends and defining the R&D towards the realization of one
    • Consolidate the links with the front end R&D geoups  in US and Japan .......................   all this is to be revised, refined and finalized  by the Coordinator  . 
  • Beta-beams R&D (ion sources, acceleration, storage) Coordinator: M. Lindroos(CERN)  shortname: BETABEAM 

    • The group will prepare a preliminary design study of a Betabeam. Some more description is probably needed here. In preparation for that, we are considering  target development studies at ISOLDE and possibly at at ISAC with high intensity proton beam,  pre-acceleration, accumulation and storage studies at existing facilities (TSL in Uppsala, ESR at GSI, LEIR at CERN), and low intensity test (possibly in the SPS) of the high energy accumulation scheme using stable ions. This could result in a conceptual design report by 2008. More information is provided in table BETABEAM and much more information is available here.
    • A "green field" study of a betabeam facility to establish limits imposed by using existing facilities and to create a site independent alternative 
    • A R&D roadmap including preparation (or execution, where possible) of R&D project collaborations, like                                                                                    1) target development studies at ISOLDE with possible tests at ISAC with high intensity proton beam                                                                          2) pre-acceleration, accumulation and storage studies at existing facilities (TSL in Uppsala, ESR at GSI, LEIR at CERN)                                                3) low intensity test (in the SPS ? ) of the high energy accumulation scheme using stable ions
    • Preparation of a proposal for a Design Study of all different parts of a complete beta beam facility.      .......................   all this is to be revised, refined and finalized  by the Coordinator  .       

Contracting Participants:
Participant number Organisation name 
 (and short name)
Local responsible and team members, number of FTE (incl. associated members) Interests, expertise  (and relevant WPs) Associated members (short names), number of FTEs
1  (co-ordinator) Sezione 
 Napoli, Italy
>8  scientists, >0,7 FTE
Organization co-ordinating a consortium of physicists from Italian Universities and Sezioni INFN (see Table below) contributing long term expertise in the field of neutrino physics, experiments & beams (design, detailed simulation, operation and analysis of their data), involved in several major R&D projects in progress (HARP,MICE). It will contribute  to the general steering and to the PHYSICS, COLLECTOR, COOLING and BETABEAM WPs Padova, Genova, Legnaro, 
and possibly more
 Laboratori. Nazionali
INFN, Frascati, Italy 
Michele.Castellano or 
3 scientists, 0,6 FTE
The Laboratory will contribute to the studies of COOLING techniques both theoretical (simulation, design) and experimental (measurements of emittances) as well as to the general steering (and to the PHYSICS WP').
CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
12 scientists, 1,75 FTE
The Laboratory has made together with other European labs a feasibility study for a Neutrino Factory and is currently building the next European neutrino beam (CNGS). It will provide expertise and some leadership in the R&D for a neutrino factory in general and specifically in target technology. Theoretical and experimental among the users physicists will be contributing leading expertise in the field of neutrino physics, experiments & beams and promotion of betabeam studies. Depending on the requirements excellent test beams may be available. It will contribute  to  the general steering and to the TARGET, COLLECTOR, COOLING, BETABEAM WPs and  probably more



Univ. of Geneva,  Geneva, Switzerland
(CH-nu) or
2 scientists, ? FTE
Organization coordinating a consortium of physicists from Swiss Universities (including ETH and Zurich) contributing long term expertise in the field of neutrino physics, experiments &  beams (design, detailed simulation, operation and analysis of their data), expertise in horn technology and in the field of intense low energy muon beams and leadership in the experimental studies of muon ionisation cooling,.   It will contribute to  the general steering and to the PHYSICS, TARGET, HORN, COOLING WPs and  probably more.

Zurich, ETH?,      Novosibirsk?

Paul Scherrer Institute, Villigen, Switzerland
2 scientists, 0,2 FTE
The Laboratory operates the highest power proton machine presently available and can contribute long term expertise in most sectors. It will specifically contribute to the general steering and to the studies of TARGET technologies. 


Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Didcot,UK
(CCLRC) or
? scientists, ? FTE
The Laboratory will contribute to the studies towards a Neutrino factory in general, and specifically to studies of proton drivers and targets. It is providing the home and the technical and human resources to make experimental studies of muon ionisation cooling possible. Infrastructure providing access? It will contribute to the general steeering and to the  PHYSICS, DRIVER, TARGET, COOLING WPs and probably more ....   to be revised by the local responsible  all the UK Universities?



Imperial College, London, UK
? scientists, ? FTE
Organization coordinating a consortium of physicists from UK Universities, including Oxford and who else?, contributing long term expertise in the field of neutrino physics, experiments & beams), involved in most major R&D projects in progress (HARP, MUSCAT, MICE). It will contribute to  the general steeering and to the  PHYSICS, DRIVER, TARGET, COOLING WPs and probably more.   to be revised by the local responsible  Oxford? A few more?

Forschungszentrum, Julich, Germany 
? scientists, ? FTE
The Laboratory will contribute to the general steering and to studies of high power TARGETry and related technologies with emphasis on liquid metal targets and their enclosure. The main sectors will be: studies relating to the effects of pressure wave mitigation in targets exposed to intense short pulses of energetic particles; radiation effects in target walls and on the wall-liquid interface; fluid dynamics and thermal hydraulics/ thermomechanics, spallation products and associated technology issues; loop components, diagnostics and remote handling issues; waste management. to be revised by the local responsible
Institute of Physics, University of Latvia(IPUL), 

NRG, Petten, NL

GSI (Gesellshaft fur Schwerionenforschung)
Darmstadt, Germany
5 scientists, 0,5 FTE
The Laboratory will contribute to the studies of beam dynamics in general, high intensity phenomena, beam stability. Main interest is in the general steering and  in the BETABEAM WP. ... to be revised by the local responsible

Technical University Muenchen, Germany
5 scientists, 2,05 FTE
Organization grouping around it a consortium of physicists from Germany Universities, including Dortmund, contributing long term expertise in the field of neutrino and muon  physics and experiments.  It will contribute to the general steering and studies of the PHYSICS potential of future long baseline experiments. The studies aim at guiding the exploration, planning and construction of conceivable setups by identifying the capabilities and the crucial components and limitations.                         Dortmund? 


CEA/DSM/DAPNIA, Saclay, France (CEA)
17 scientists, 2,0 FTE
The laboratory will mostly contribute to the studies of high power proton DRIVERs especially the low energy end, but also to general steering, to the definition of the PHYSICS demands on neutrino accelerator facilities, the COLLECTOR systems, the COOLING effort and the BETABEAM R&D.


IN2P3, France
9 scientists, 2,35 FTE
The Institute will coordinate a consortium including physicists from French CNRS and University Laboratories  (IPN Lyon, LAL, LPNHE Paris VI&VII) contributing long term expertise in the field of neutrino PHYSICS, experiments &  beams. It expects then to contribute to the general steering and provide technical expertise in the field of COLLECTOR technology (and of  BETABEAM ???? ) design studies... to be revised by the local responsible  IPN Lyon, LAL, LNPHE Paris 6&7


Univ. of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain
? scientists, ? FTE
Organization coordinating a consortium of physicists from Spanish contributing long term expertise in the field of neutrino PHYSICS experiments & beams, involved in major R&D projects in progress (HARP). This consortium  provides recognized leadership in the general steering and identification of the physics reach of future neutrino facilities. ... to be revised by the local responsible  Valencia? Madrid? 

Univ. Catholique, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium
3 scientists, 0,6 FTE
Organization coordinating a consortium of physicists from universities and laboratories from Benelux, contributing long term expertise in the field of neutrino physics, experiments & beams, involved in major R&D projects in progress (HARP, MICE) expected to contribute to the general steering, to  the COOLING and the BETABEAM WP, where it holds extensive experience in ion sources and in production of radioactive ion beams (6He,  13N, 18Ne, 18F,...) ... to be revised by the local responsible  Bruxelles? NIKHEF? 

Associated Members:
Organisation name 
(and short name)
Local team responsible, number of FTEs Interests, expertise 
(and relevant WPs)
Associated to:
(participant short name)
Sezione INFN Genoa, Italy
Sezione INFN Padova, Italy
Lab. Naz. INFN Legnaro, Italy
Sezione INFN Milano, Italy
Sezione INFN Roma 3, Italy 
Bologna, Torino expressed interested
Bari, Trieste may still join

but what if INFN were just one organization? 

Pasquale Fabbricatore  3 scientists, ? FTE's 
Mauro Mezzetto          >1 scientist, ? FTE's 
Ugo Gastaldi                1 scientist, ? FTE 
Maurizio Bonesini         1 scientist, ? FTE 
Domizia Orestano         ? scientists, ? FTE
general, PHYSICS 
Institute of Physics, University of Latvia(IPUL), 
Janis Freibergs            4 scientist 1,7 FTE's  general, TARGET
IPUL has many years of expertise in designing and operating liquid metal loops and in developing necessary equipment and technologies. IPUL will contribute to the study and development of liquid metal high power targets and make available its existing facilities for work within the collaboration
NRG, Petten, NL Ed Komen                    ? scientists, 2,5 FTE's general, TARGET
NRG is experienced in fluid dynamics, structural mechanics and thermal hydraulics calculations and in developing suitable computer software. Their contribution will be to the optimisation of the target configuration under the above aspects.
ITEP, Moscow, Russia
and here?
 The Laboratory will contribute to the studies of beam dynamics and RF technology NB As any Russian institute this can only be a  partner,  not  a participant. Groups of  Russian particle physicists may be associated in similar way.  RAL?
Novosibirsk, Russia 
and here?
The Laboratory will contribute to the studies of RF technology, superconducting magnets, general accelerator technology. NB As any Russian instituts this can only be a  partner,  not  a participant.  Groups of  Russian particle physicists may be associated in similar way.  CH-n?
 US Muon Collider & NuFact Collaboration
S. Geer, spokesman,
 Fermilab, USA 
We expect from contacts and synergy with the sister US Neutrino Factory Collaboration contributions of widest general scope aa well as significant technical  impact on the work of all WPs.  Coordinating Organization?
Japanese Nufact-J 
Y. Kuno, spokesman, 
Univ. of Osaka,
We expect from contacts and synergy with the sister NuFact J Collaboration contributions of widest general scope aa well as significant technical  impact on the work of all WPs.  Coordinating Organization?

Deliverables and relevant milestones:

Describe the results expected from the NA, in terms of achieved designs, solutions to problems, etc... 

Outline the milestones to be achieved by means of the NA, as relevant to each work package. 

Links to obtained results can also be given here (or a link to a site prepared for disseminating the acquired knowledge)

Main Deliverables 

The main deliverable of the NA wil be a road map of technical milestones for the realization of  an upgraded and/or new European neutrino facility. Its 
recognized goal is  a complete Conceptual Design Report (CDR ) of  such a facility by 2008.

Reports and proposals to be inserted here ............. 

This will imply the following individual deliverables in the early part of the life of the NA 

-- recommendation for the parameters of the proton driver (spring 2005) 
-- Interim tool: location and home lab for a Test Target Area  (summer 2003)
-- List and estimate of experiments to be carried out at the TTA. (summer 2003) 
-- Design of a 4 ® 10 MW target station.  (2007)
-- Design (2003) and realization (2006) of a horn power supply unit, horn(s), horn optics. 
-- Paper study (2004) of high aperture kickers for cooling (or phase rotation) rings 
-- Realization of a kicker prototype (2006). 
-- Design of the pulsed RF power stations needed for muon front-end and acceleration (2004)
-- Development of a prototype pulsed RF power station (2006) 
-- design of an FFAG magnet for acceleration and cost estimate (2004).
-- recommendation for accelerator design (2005) 
-- construction of a prototype FFAG magnet and characterization 

and  of  the production of contributions from each WP to the CDR in the second phase  of  the

There are some decision points: the launch of a super-beam experiment could probably be envisaged around 2005. 


We identify two major milestones, after 18 nicely matching the return to Europe, with three 
years periodicity, of the major international NuFact Workshop of the international community
working in the sector. 

NuFact 05 Summer 2005 Complete the phase of preliminary comparative studies. 
                                     Define a first set of parameters to launch design work. 

NuFact08   Spring-Sunmer 2008 Completion of design work. Publication of the CDR 

A more detailed set of deliverables and milestones, both the ones globally concerning  BENE and those specific of each working group, is given in tabular form in Table BENE_TIMETABLE.  It  includes meetings, workshpos, proceedings, mid road and final reports, web sites and more . Natural deadlines are identified for well defined proposals for R&D preparatory work,  adequately manned and supported. 

Describe the results expected from the NA, in terms of achieved designs, solutions to problems, etc..

 .....  specify the  deliverables  ......

The expected outcome of the NA will consist of technical notes, articles, reports, proceedings of workshops and meetings devoted to the solve (or prepare solution of) all problems necessary to launch in the shortest possible time complete conceptual design studies of a realistic option for each of the three mentioned types of future neutrino source.

NB More work needed, considering that the main delivrables of a NA are described by the EC as 
 -the organization of general meetings, workshops or specialized meeting with corresponding proceedings. Normally, the general meetings are meant to identify limitations, establish the state-of-the-art and share expertise, workshops and specialized meetings are meant to study particular issues.
Important deliverables will be also 
-reports on comparative studies, 
- development of roadmaps,
- definitions of joint research projects for which EU funding could be requested at a later stage. 
Other delivrables could be 
- the definition and selection of common protocols, for example for portability of software 
-  databases 
-  simulation codes and their maintenance. 
In any case, a detailed plan of the activities for the 18 first months with clear objectives and delivrables should be proposed and the longer-term perspectives should be explicited.
A proposal for full Technical Design Study can also be given as a deliverable. 

..... to be done largely by the 7 coordinators first and then in collegially by   the NA SG  ...   for now, excerpts from contributions from Coordinators are being collected below 


  • Organize 3-4 meetings/year continuing the existing activity of the ECFA neutrino oscillation working group. These meetings constitute an open forum of discussion with frequent contributes of overseas physicists. Transparencies of the meetings are regularly published on the web.
  • Three general reports will be written on a) the general problem of solving ambiguities, correlation and degeneracies with a set of measurements. b) the optimization of the design of future neutrino beams and the identification of the main sources of systematic errors and how to attack them. c)the definition of the roadmap for the mapping of the neutrino mixing matrix, the experimental choices and options providing the parameter list of the optimized neutrino beam characteristics.
  • Topical international workshops will be organized to focus on the subjects of the reports.
  • Regular contribution will be done to the NUFACT international workshops. In particular the budget will also used to subsidize young physicists to present their results at the conferences.
  • The "neutrino unbound" web site, which provides a complete, updated and elaborated information on experimental and theoretical work on the physics of neutrinos, will be mantained and improved. 
  • Monte Carlo codes ....
  • Organize 3 meetings/year continuing the existing activity of the ECFA neutrino oscillation working group. These meetings constitute an open forum of discussion with frequent contributes of oversea physicists. Transparencies of the meetings are regularly published on the web.
  • 3 general reports will be written on a) the general problem of solving ambiguities, correlation and degeneracies with a set of measurements. b) the optimization of the design of future neutrino beams and the identification the main sources of systematic errors and to attack them. c)the definition of the roadmap for the mapping of the neutrino mixing matrix, the experimental choices and options providing the parameter list of the optimized neutrino beam characteristics.
  • Topical international workshops will be organized to focus the arguments of the reports.
  • Regular contribution will be done to the NUFACT international workshops. In particular the budget will also used to subsidize young physicists to present their results at the conferences.
  • The "neutrino unbound" web site, which provides a complete, updated and elaborated information on experimental and theoretical work on the physics of neutrinos, will be mantained and improved. 
  • Monte Carlo codes and analysis tools.
Meetings will be held regularly (about once every 2 months) to discuss progresses, and a general workshop once a year is foreseen. Proceedings will be published describing the results obtained and the strategy to further develop the R&D topics. The broadening of expertise within the network will allow a better definition of technological developments to be undergone. The creation and maintenance of a website will facilitate the sharing of information.
Another important topic of the meetings and workshops will be a prospective to further extend the possible applications of such high intensity proton drivers in other physics domains and for practical applications. This would be an extra bonus to the R&D pursued within the HIPPI JRP. In addition, the regular publication of reports is a quality insurance of the JRP’s.
TARGET The main oustanding expected deliverable is a consensus on the best way forward for the successful construction of targets for a European Neutrino Factory. Individual deliverables are expected to be 1) a comprehensive summary report, reviewing the present status 2) solidly rooted links with the presently loosely tied existing world wide expertise  3) establishment in Europe of the best possible up-to-date and durable knowledge base of world wide activities in target development 4) careful & structured dissemination of information and progress 4) detailed investigation and documentation of the possible solutions of the limitations of each of the technological options 5) expression of interest and proposals of  detailed and realistic R&D projects capable to prove the solutions 
COLLECTOR The main expected deliverable is a comprehensive final report on horn designs, proposing multiple specific solutions respectivelly adequate to performance and lifetime requirements in a classical beam, a superbeam and ultimately in a neutrino factories.This will be based on detailed thermo-mechanical simulations, complete technical specification of electric supply and discharge equipment and state-of -the art knowledge of mechanical properties of alloys under high rate neutron irradiation. It will include specific solutions to the choices ( of material for the collection device, of machining, soldering and assembling techniques, of  heat removal and cooling system) necessary to achieve a lifetime  of 200 M pulses or more, as well as to the problems of real life integration of horn and target and of  periodic replacement of either or both after 200 M pulses, in the average.
The first deliverable for Summer 2004 will be a status report (R1) on existing collection systems used in the past and currently in operation (MiniBOON/K2K) and in construction (NuMI/CNGS). Then, till end 2006, studies will be condcuted,  to produce a detail report (R2) on a specific solution for the SuperBeam project. Then, till the end of the NA Jan. 2008, it is foreseen to produce a detail report (R3) on the different solutions that will be avaliable for the Neutrino Factory project. 

The 2 last reports  (R2 and R3) will be based on 

  1. a detailed particle collection simulations (Monte Carlo based simulations with state-of-the art code: GEANT4, MARS,...),
  2. thermo-mechanical simulations that implies for instence to experimentally measure some relevant parameters (heat diffusion coefficients, stress limit under high neutron fluxes and after 10^8 cycles...),
  3. complete technical specifications of electric power supply and discharge equipment
  4. state-of -the art knowledge of mechanical properties of alloys under high rate neutron irradiation as already mentionned.
They  will include proposition of specific solutions or R&D to be conducted  necessary to achieve a lifetime of such system of few 100 Mega cycles or more. For instance, the documents will address solutions 
  • to the choices of material for the collection device,
  • of machining, soldering and assembling techniques,
  • of  heat removal and cooling system,
  •  to the problems of TARGET integration in the collection system
  • and of  periodic replacement in a high radioactive environment.
Other deliverables will be intermediate specialized notes and worshop proceedings that will be used for the final 
document, and simulation programs that will be worth to develop for these studies. 

COOLING Main deliverables are 0) Formation of a European muon front end network , with consolidated link with US and Japan 1) Determination of the performance of the European  design incorporating realistic fields and real engineerization. 2) Simulation of cooling free  front ends in  comparison with our baseline; quantitative appraisal  of  the indispensability of cooling 3) Simulation of front ends based on cooling rings 4)Assessment of the technologies required by 1)2) & 3) and of  their feasibility 5) Proposal of a coherent R&D program as a result of this assessment 6) Determination of the resolution of MICE (in the measurement of emittance and emittance reduction) and of its potential beyond its baseline measurements plans 
We aims at a team including RAL, TSL in Uppsala, GSI, GANIL, INFN Legnaro associating TRIUMF and FermiLab. Its expected deliverables in the first 18 months are 
1) Meeting at GSI in September 2003: Follow up of Moriond in March and discussions on possible synergy with the future GSI design study.2) International workshop on a beta-beam facility in June 2004 3) Theoretical study and appraisal of experimental tests of longitudinal stacking scheme for the decay ring (in the CERN PS) 4) Computer simulation and theoretical study of losses in the decay ring 5) Proposal for targets to be tested for the production of suitable beta-beam isotopes 6) Study of cyclotron injection into a storage ring using a charge injection scheme (TSL and Triumf) 7) Study of dynamic aperture in the SPS (RAL)
A comprehensive report, "Ideas for a beta-beam facility", would conclude the first 18 months  Further meetings would be held at least once a year but it will depend on a possible design study. Reports will be delivered as conference papers and as CERN reports. The next stage would be a conceptual design report but the likely date for that would heavily depend on a possible design study.
Only fresh resources, presently unavailable, would evidently permit us to address a larger number of issues such as: lattice for decay ring and storage ring, optics for transfer lines and injection line, full simulation of stacking scheme, full simulation of losses, test of injection schemes (both storage ring and decayring), construction and test of prototype target at ISOLDE and test of targets at TRIUMF with a high intensity proton.

Outline the milestones to be achieved by means of the NA, as relevant to each work package.

 ..... to be done largely by the 7 coordinators first and then in collegially by   the NA SG


DEC 04 Workshop on Ambiguities, Degeneracies and Correlations in the search for Leptonic CP and possible experimental strategies. (Munich?)

JUN 05 A report on the same argument

FEB 06 Workshop on SuperBeams vs. Beta Beams vs NuFact, synergies and priorities (Valencia ?)

SEP 06 A report on the same argument

SEP 07 A report on an optimized parameter list for SB, BB and NF. Addressing the problems of systematic errors.
DEC 08 Final report with the roadmaps.

-    publication of the proceedings of  the yearly workshop 
-    2004 :  report on the state of the art for the various elements, redaction of an agreement for a common R&D strategy and sharing of work, plans to explore applications to other fields
-    2005 : publication of  results of the studies for most elements (source, chopper, accelerating structures, RF couplers, beam dynamics, rapid cycling cyclotron alternative)
-    2006 & 2007 : definition and revision of the planning for tests, prototyping, studies depending on results obtained and technical problems encountered
-    2008 : final general report on results, TDR for the realization of a  high power proton driver with draft costing and schedule, assessment of the outcomes of the NA, prospective, applications to other fields, proposals for further developments 
COLLECTOR milestones
1)a comprehensive status report of the current state of the art in the early phase of the NA
2) the formation of a collaboration to propose a complete  design study 
2) the publication of a detailed proposal for the evolution ("road map") towards  the design 
of a complete collection system, properly integrated upstream with the design of the target and 
downstream with the one of the muon  front end 
3)yearly international workshops, assembling EU,  USA and Japanese expertise and timely
addressing the milestones of this evolution 
4) a report on comparative studies of different simulation of the complete production and 
collection of neutrino parents

Plans for the first  18 monthes 
Before the NA will start: 

    • report on 6000 type alloy caracteristics on mecanical properties under high intensity neutron flux based on bibliographic documentation
    • initiate collaboration with French-CEA for stress limit measurement of 6000 type alloy under high level of neutron flux.
    • report on analytic solutions of the Horn thermal/mecanical design
    • start of  thermal/mecanical simulation of the Horn for a SuperBeam project
    • first report on electric power design of the Horn for SuperBeam project
    • proposal for Horn prototype building as Design Studies Technical Work Project
  • Spring 2004
    • first guide of the collection systems used in the past, present and near future (along R1 publication): mechanical stresses and design, electric power caracteristics and design, heat dissipation system design, failure description, lifetime in operation
    • status report of the CERN Horn prototype
    • reports on other mechanical tests as diffusion coefficient measurements
    • integration of preliminary TARGET parameters on thermal/mecanical simulation of the Horn for a SuperBeam project
    • first drawing design of a new Horn prototype
  • Summer 2004
    • R1 repport production
    • status report on thermo/mechanical simulations
    • status report on electric power design to deliver 300kA/50Hz
  • Spring 2005
    • first result on stress limit measurement of irradiated materials
    • final design of a new Horn prototype to launch realisation
Afterwards their will be prototype realisation by the Design Studies TWP and measurement campain that will end by the writing of R2. Then, new work will be undertaken by DS TWP in the line of R3 report goal.


(0) Q1 2004: have European network formed and working.
(1) Q2 2004: completion of simulation of at least one frontend without cooling
             using detailed simulation codes. Comparison with existing studies
             of the baseline European design.
(2) Q2 2004: complete detailed analysis of the systematic errors for the 
             baseline MICE experiment and hence a determination of total 
             emittance resolution.
(3) Q3 2004: begin assessment of US ring cooler designs and start to develop
             a ring cooler to fit into the European Neutrino Factory.
(4) Q4 2004: begin determination of more realistic fields for the baseline
             cooling channel.
(5) Q2 2005: determine performance of the baseline channel with realistic 
(6) Q3 2005: complete a preliminary outline design for a European ring cooler.
(7) Q3 2005: start assessment of the use of MICE for testing alternative
             frontends or running the cooling cell components in different
(8) Q4 2005: start optimising Neutrino Factory designs for different frontend
(9) Q2 2006: start to look at technological aspects of implementing the
             different frontends and preparing R&D programmes.
(10) Q1 2007: start assessment of first results from MICE.
(11) Q3 2007: complete studies of alternative MICE experiments. Start preparing
              a proposal if the results are positive.
(12) Q1 2008: complete technology investigations and Neutrino Factory design
(13) Q2 2008: assess impact of full MICE results.
(14) Q3 2008: complete detailed comparison between the alternative frontend
(15) Q4 2008: if sufficient information is not available from MICE, devise an 
              R&D programme for proving the best frontend can be built and 
              will work. Write a proposal.


Links to obtained results can also be given here (or a link to a site prepared for disseminating the acquired knowledge)
Bibliography? .... throu the EBNE Website, to be set  up ..... recycling the wealth of the ECFA Muon site  ... what else? 

Impact and benefits to the community:

Describe the expected benefits and impact on the community.

ie indicate how the participants and the relevant scientific community will benefit from the expected results of this particular networking activity. 

The NA plans to hold regular and structured Weeks of meetings and discussion organized 3 to 4 times a year. . In addition one or two dedicated workshop are foreseen per year. 

The international community meets once a year at the occasion of the ECFA-sponsored NuFact & Superbeam Workshop. A NUFACT School is held, since 2002, yearly on the same location of the Workshop ... this does not seem to be eligible ...

Such a coherent and coordinated European program on neutrino beams will involve the large majority of the European experts in this field and will allow Europe to play a world leader role. It will enhance considerably the collaboration between accelerator physicists on the one hand and will develop a synergy between particle physicists and accelerator physicists on the other, ensuring the long-term sustainability of the field.
R&D experiments and projects as the ones being performed (HARP, high intensity target R&D, horn R&D etc )  or planned (MICE), will be pursued and multiplied , will mark the technical progress of our studies and will provide training and learning opportunities to large number of students and postdocs. 

We should also contribute to the description of the overall plan to disseminate, promote and exploit the knowledge derived from the NA both within and beyond the consortium: publications, conferences, workshops and web-based activities aiming at disseminating the knowledge and technology produced.

NB Only preliminary thoughts. 

We are suggested also to explain, looking at the ensemble of the “networking activities”, how they will enhance the services provided by the research infrastructures in the proposed programme of activities under consideration.

To be done later.

Execution plan:

Describe in detail the execution plan in terms of a chart showing the time expected to be spent concluding each of the milestones specified in the different work packages. This chart can be made with standard tools and inserted here.

.e. give an indicative multi-annual execution plan (in tabular form) for the whole duration of the I3 that cover all the networking activities. For each activity, you should specify the relevant milestones and the expected deliverables. Additional information can be provided, if necessary, in free text.

Detailed work needed here.

A contribution of N4 to the18 months plan will also have to be provided. 
Should one give here a correspondingly more detailed execution plan for the first 18 months? 

We should also produce a general “road map”, detailing our view of the time scale of initiatives in the sector of neutrino beams in the medium and long-term future.

In order to prompt discussion, I just attempt the following

R&D and design studies from now to 2007 or 2008

Conceptual Design Report for a Neutrino Factory in 2008 
Realization of  a  Superbeam, a European high power conventional neutrino facility(2012 at earliest?)
Realization of the first Neutrino Factory in 2015 (or later?)
First possible date for a running Betabeam complex? 

..... collecting here from  the 7 coordinators first 

Estimate of total cost per participant and work package:
(including associate members)


(give short name and include ass. 

a.  FTE 
b.  networking


a.  FTE 
b.  networking


a.  FTE 
b.  networking

       ......   Sum per      participant
a.  FTE 
b.  networking
       1 a. 
       2 a. 
       3 a. 
   Sum per WP a. 
    Total  FTE 
Total networking

Requested cost per participant and work package:
(including associate members)


(give short name and include ass. 

a.  FTE 
b.  networking


a.  FTE 
b.  networking


a.  FTE 
b.  networking

       ......   Sum per      participant
a.  FTE 
b.  networking
       1 a. 
       2 a. 
       3 a. 
   Sum per WP a. 
    Total  FTE 
Total networking

Additional information concerning the cost estimate:
Specify additional details relevant to the structure of the budget requested (number of workshops and collaboration weeks to be attended, new events to be organised, eventual service tasks, fraction of young/senior researchers, inviting high-level experts from outside the IA, support for dissemination of the knowledge, educational tools and actions, outreach,...)
Specify additional details relevant to the structure of the budget requested (fraction of total cost requested to be funded, number of workshops and collaboration weeks to be attended, new events to be organised, eventual service tasks, fraction of young/senior researchers, inviting high-level experts from outside the IA, support for dissemination of the knowledge, educational tools and actions, outreach,...)

No attempt to fill the financial table has been done yet. Only an early first rough underestimate of the level of funding useful to adequately 
reinforce participation to these network of activities in 2004-7 was performed several weeks ago and is reproposed here as such for now. 

1) assuming that about 20 people would be supported to travel for each of the  Weeks, at 1000 € each, 60 to 80 K€ per year are needed 

2) 20 to 40 researchers would be supported to travel to the NuFact Workshop (faculty and postdocs) and/or the NuFact School (postdocs 
and students). About 40 to 80  K€ per year will be needed

3) additional funds will be needed to cover expenses of invited speakers to the Weeks

4) additional funds will be needed to support participation to dedicated workshops. 

A request of 800 to 1000 K€ over 4 years emerged at the time, to be soon seriously revised. 

The Guide for proposers implies that the main cost is to be requested for the organization of meetings, travel and subsistence expenses. In some special case, the cost of for hiring a postdocs or a student can be supported provided his task is a service task (such as maintenance and exportability of code, database…). EU funding can cover up to 100% of the real costs of the networking activities. No explicit limit is indicated, however it seems that total amounts largely exceeding 1 Meuros for each NA over the entire IA period (i.e. 5 years) will be difficult to obtain.

We are seriously considering requesting also the cost for hiring a postdoc in charge of the centralization, maintenance and distribution of the NA patrimony of simulation codes and of the NA Website. 

Management structure:
Specify the structure of the NA management, based on the guidelines provided, with names and functions of the people nominated. 
Deputy co-ordinator: 
Work-package co-ordinators:
A link to the WEB-based description of the central management structure of the CARE IA can be provided. Specific functions NA co-ordinators in the central management structure can be highlighted (for example the deputy co-ordinator of the NA is a member of the Knowledge Dissemination Board, etc...).