• High power collection systems (horns, solenoids, etc)  Coordinator  J. E. Campagne (LAL)  shortname: COLLECTOR

  • The major motivation of a Network Activity and also R&D studies in this field  is that the collection system for the future neutrino beams will have to keep up with unprecendent challenging conditions as such as 1) more than one order magnitude more electric stresses (expressed in A.Hz) than the MiniBOONE Horn and  more than two orders of magnitudes than the present K2K Horn and the future NuMI and CNGS Horns and 2) a huge rapid neutron flux 10^22n/cm^2/6weeks due to the necessary  integration of the TARGET inside the COLLECTOR system. The NA will attack the challenge by
    • Defining, in collaboration with the TARGET team,  a viable solution to all the integration problems imposed by the need of locating the target inside the collector: neutron radiation, heat load, target exchange...
    • Comparing focusing and collection capabilities of the few main options of collection systems, as simulated by the few main existing codes
    • Conducting particle production and collection simulations using different Monte Carlo programs: GEANT, MARS,... 
    • Conducting simulation of  thermal and mechanical stresses of the collection systems to define the critical points 
    • Studing resistance of different materials proposed  for collectors operating under severe radiation conditions
    • Studing the cooling system to optimize  the operating heating temperature of the alloy 
    • Estimating reliably  lifetime expectations under unprecedented operation conditions (highly radioactive enviroments at high repetetition rate). 
    • Proposing R&D projects and establishing collaborations for the design and test of horns and other collection systems, as they are likely to evolve to cope with increasingly severe conditions, from the present conventional beams up to full power neutrino factories 

    Attempt to modify the content of the CONTRACTING PARTICIPANTS tables: IN2P3

    The Institut will coordinate a consortium including physicists from French CNRS and University Laboratories  (IPN Lyon, LAL, LPNHE Paris VI&VII) contributing long term expertise in the field of neutrino PHYSICS, experiments &  beams. It expects then to contribute to the general steering and provide technical expertise in the field of COLLECTOR technology design studies. (BETABEAM ???? )

    Deliverables and relevant milestones:
    The first deliverable for Summer 2004 will be a status report (R1) on existing collection systems used in the past and currently in operation (MiniBOONE/K2K) and in construction (NuMI/CNGS) and the review of the current status of the collector study done so far for the SuperBeam/Neutrino Factory.. Then, till end 2006, studies will be condcuted,  to produce a detail report (R2) on a specific solution for the SuperBeam project. Then, till the end of the NA Jan. 2008, it is foreseen to produce a detail report (R3) on the different solutions that will be avaliable for the Neutrino Factory project.

    The 2 last reports  (R2 and R3) will be based on

    1. a detailed particle production and collection simulations (Monte Carlo based simulations with state-of-the art code: GEANT4, MARS,...),
    2. thermo-mechanical simulations that implies for instence to experimentally measure some relevant parameters (heat diffusion coefficients, stress limit under high neutron fluxes and after 10^8 cycles...),
    3. complete technical specifications of electric power supply and discharge equipment
    4. state-of -the art knowledge of mechanical properties of alloys under high rate neutron irradiation as already mentionned.
    They  will include proposition of specific solutions or R&D to be conducted  necessary to achieve a lifetime of such system of few 100 Mega cycles or more. For instance, the documents will address solutions Other deliverables will be intermediate specialized notes and worshop proceedings that will be used for the final
    document, and simulation programs that will be worth to develop for these studies.

    5 Year Schedule (from Roger)

    Spring 2004 Initial meeting of the Target and Collector Sections. Allotment of specific duties.

    Summer 2004 1st Main Meeting (with international participants) to present the current progress in target and collector studies.

    Winter 2004 Publication of the current position of target and collector development.
    Preliminary recommendations for future R&D.

    Summer 2005  1st International Conference on Targets and Collectors.

    Spring 2006  Publication of Conference Proceedings.
    /Summer  2nd Main meeting of the Target and Collector Sections.

    Autumn 2006 Publication of interim report on Target and Collector developments.
       Recommendations for future R&D.

    Summer 2007  2nd International Conference on Targets and Collectors.

    Spring 2008  Publication of Conference Proceedings.
    /Summer 3rd Main and final meeting of the Target and Collector Sections.

    Winter 2008 Final report and recommendations of the Target and Collector Sections.

    Plans for the following 18th monthes COLLECTOR
    Before the NA will start:

    Afterwards their will be prototype realisation by the Design Studies TWP and measurement campain that will end by the writing of R2. Then, new work will be undertaken by DS TWP in the line of R3 report goal.