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There is a project of such a beam at CERN using the Super Proton Linac with a 4~MW beam intensity. The presented posted described the simulation of the beam as well as the computation of the neutrino flux at the Fréjus laboratory. Sensitivity is computed for the nominal energy of the SPL ($2.2$~GeV) and the gain in sensitivity is shown in the case of an increase of the SPL energy up to $8$~GeV. \end{abstract} \section{Introduction} The very near future of the neutrino long baseline experiments is devoted to the study of the oscillation mechanism in the range of $\Delta m^2 = \Delta m^2_{atm} \approx 2.7\,10^{-3}\mathrm{eV}^2$ \cite{SKNU04,K2KNU04} using conventional $\nu_\mu$ beams. The current K2K experiment in Japan \cite{K2KNU04}, and the forthcoming MINOS in the USA \cite{MINOS} takes benefit of low energy beam to measure the $\Delta m^2$ using the disappearance mode $\nu_\mu\rightarrow\nu_\mu$, while OPERA/ICARUS experiments \cite{OPERA,ICARUS} using the high energy CNGS beam \cite{CNGS} will be able to detect $\nu_\tau$ appearance. If we do not consider the LSND anomaly \cite{LSND} that will be further studied soon by MiniBooNE experiment \cite{MINIBOONE}, the three flavor family scenario will be confirmed and accommodated by a $3\times 3$ Pontecorvo-Maki-Nakagawa-Sakata (PMNS) mixing matrix \cite{PMNS} with three angles ($\theta_{12}$,$\theta_{13}$,$\theta_{23}$) and one Dirac CP phase $\delta_{CP}$. Beyond this medium term plan, two of the next future tasks of neutrino physics are to improve the sensitivity of the last unknown mixing angle parameter, the so-called $\theta_{13}$, and to explore the CP violation mechanism in the leptonic sector. The present upper bound on $\theta_{13}$ is $\sin^22\theta_{13}<0.1$ for large $\Delta m^2$ at $90\%$~CL \cite{CHOOZ}. This sensitivity can be improved using reactor experiments in a $\bar{\nu}_e$ disappearance mode ($\sin^22\theta_{13}<0.03$) \cite{Wpaper}, and conventionnal high intensity $\nu_\mu$ beams, called Superbeam, by using the potentiality of $\nu_\mu\rightarrow\nu_e$ oscillations in the appearance mode. Ultimately, Superbeam facilities are foreseen to be extended to produce $\nu_\mu$ beams and $\bar{\nu}_\mu$ beams from muon decays, the so-called Neutrino Factory, in order to study the eventual leptonic CP violation. One of such Neutrino Complex is under study at CERN and details may be found in reference \cite{CERN}. The reactor experiment result on $\theta_{13}$ is straight forward as compared to Superbeam and Neutrino Factory results that are on one hand reacher but in an other hand more complicated to analyse due to the interplay between the different physics factors as for instance $\theta_{13}$, $\delta_{CP}$, sign$(\Delta m^2_{23})$, sign$\tan(2\theta_{23})$ \cite{DOUBLE-CHOOZ}. This paper presents results of a new simulation of the SPL (Super Proton Linac) Superbeam that could take place at CERN \cite{SPL}, using for definitiveness a UNO-like 440kT fiducial water \v{C}erenkov detector \cite{UNO} located in a new enlarged underground laboratory under study in the Fréjus tunnel, $130$~km away from CERN \cite{mosca}. The SPL neutrino beam is created by decays of pions, muons and kaons produced by the interactions of a $4$~MW proton beam impinging a liquid mercury jet \cite{CERN}. Pions, muons and kaons are collected using two concentric electromagnetic lenses (horns), the inner one and the outer one are hereafter called "Horn" and "Reflector" respectively \cite{Meer}. Horns are followed by a decay tunnel where most of the neutrinos are produced. A sketch of the beam line is shown on Fig.~\ref{fig:Sbeam}. \begin{figure}[htb] \centering \includegraphics[scale=0.4]{../picts/cernmeg3_6-02.eps} \caption{Sketch of the SPL neutrino Superbeam from CERN to the Fréjus tunnel.} \label{fig:Sbeam} \end{figure} The analysis chain consists of different stages: the simulation of the interactions between the proton beam and the mercury target, the propagation of the resulting secondary particles through the magnetic field and the materials of the horns, the tracking of the $\pi^\pm$, $K^{\pm,0}$ and $\mu^\pm$ particles until they decay in the tunnel, the computation of the neutrino flux at the detector site, and finally the $\theta_{13}$ statistical analysis. A part of the simulation chain has already been described in reference \cite{nuFact134,MMWPSCazes}. Compared to recent papers on the same subject \cite{JJG,Mezzetto,DONINI}, we have reoptimized the Horn and Reflector shapes \cite{nuFact138}, and introduced the kaon background simulation which allows us to update the SPL beam energy. The organization of this document follows the simulation chain: the interaction between the proton beam and the mercury target is presented in the second section. The kaon production is detailed in the third section. The simulation of the horns is described in the forth section, while the algorithms used to compute the neutrino fluxes are explained in the fifth section. Then, the sensitivities to $\theta_{13}$ and $\delta_{CP}$ are revisited with new studies about the optimization of the proton beam energy, the pion collection, the decay tunnel geometry. \section{Target simulation} \label{sec:target} Since hadronic processes are crucial to describe the interactions of the proton beam on the target, the FLUKA simulator \cite{fluka} has been chosen for this first step of the simulation. \begin{table}[htb] \centering \begin{tabular}{|l|c|} \hline \multicolumn{2}{|c|}{Hg target}\\ \hline % Materials & Liquid Hg jet \\ Hg jet speed & $20~m/s$ \\ density & $13.546$ \\ Length, radius & $30~cm\mbox{, }7.5~mm$ \\ \hline \end{tabular} \caption{Liquid mercury jet parameter} \label{tab:targ} \end{table} The target used in the present study is a mercury liquid jet \cite{CERN} simulated by a cylinder $30$~cm long (representing two hadronic lengths) and $1.5$~cm diameter (see Tab.~\ref{tab:targ}). The pencil like simulated proton beam is composed with $10^6$ mono energetic protons, and the beam axis is also the symmetry axis of the target, and the horns, and the decay tunnel. Simulations have been performed for $2.2$~GeV proton kinetic energy, the up to now nominal design \cite{SPL}, as well as for $3.5$~GeV, $4.5$~GeV, $6.5$~GeV and $8$~GeV according to possible new designs \cite{MMWPSGaroby}. \bet{|c||c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|} \hline $E_k$ (GeV) & p & n & $\gamma$ & $e^-$ & $e^+$ & $\pi^+$ & $\pi^-$ & $\mu^+$ & $\mu^-$ & $K^+$ & $K^0$ \\ \hline \hline 2.2 & $1.4$ & $17$ & $5.0$ & $0.17$ & $0.08$ & $0.24$ & $0.18$ & $4.~10^{-4}$ & $1.~10^{-4}$ & $7.~10^{-4}$ & $6.~10^{-4}$ \\ \hline 3.5 &$1.8$ & $17$ & 7.0 & 0.28 & 0.15 & 0.41 & 0.37 & $10.~10^{-4}$ & $3.~10^{-4}$ & $35.~10^{-4}$ & $30.~10^{-4}$ \\ \hline $4.5$ & $2.3$ & $17$ & $7.7$ & $0.35$ & $0.21$ & $0.57$ & $0.39$& $11.~10^{-4}$ & $3.3~10^{-4}$ & $93.~10^{-4}$ & $68.~10^{-4}$ \\ \hline $8$ & $3.1$ & $17$ & $11$ & $0.63$ & $0.41$ & $1.0$ & $0.85$ & $30.~10^{-4}$ & $9.5~10^{-4}$ & $413.~10^{-4}$ & $340.~10^{-4}$ \\ \hline \ent{Average number of the most relevant secondary particles exiting the $30$~cm long, $1.5$~cm diameter mercury target per incident proton (FLUKA). Note that the $K^-$ are at the level of $10^{-5}$ per proton.}{nbPart} Particle production yields are summarized in Tab.~\ref{tab:nbPart}. The level of the secondary proton and neutron emissions induces important radiation damages and power dissipation problems on the horns which have been addressed in reference \cite{nuFact134}, and which will require specific R\&D effort \cite{nuFact134}. At $2.2$~GeV, kaon yields are very low, but it has a dramatic energy dependence as further studied in Sec.~\ref{sec:kaon}. It is worth to mention that the numbers in Tab.~\ref{tab:nbPart} are not to be taken at face value, because the cross sections of pion and kaon productions using proton beam are still under studies as for instance by the HARP experiment \cite{harp} and in the future by the MINERVA experiment \cite{minerva}. The cross section uncertainties are the main source of discrepancy between simulator programs. Some comparisons between FLUKA and MARS \cite{MARS} have allready been presented in the same context \cite{nuFact134}. The energy distribution of the pions exiting the target, computed with the two simulator programs (FLUKA in blue dashed line and MARS in red full line), is shown on Fig.~\ref{fig:comp1}. Pions come from $\Delta$ decays which in turn are originated from two different sources. At low energy ($P<200$~MeV/c), $\Delta$ are produced by protons of the target excited by the beam interactions, while the highest energy part of the spectrum is due to transformation of protons of the beam into $\Delta$. The discrepancy is quite large for the low energy part. However, MARS and FLUKA are in better agreement for the energy spectrum computed at the entrance of the decay tunnel (Fig.~\ref{fig:comp2}). Moreover, the horns are designed to focus the high energy part of the spectrum (see Sec.~\ref{sec:horn}), and therefore, the discrepancy at low energy between MARS and FLUKA does not matter too much for the present application. \DBLFIG{ht}{compMARSmom_NB}{Momentum distribution of the pion exiting the target simulated by FLUKA (in blue dashed line) and by MARS (in red full line).}{comp1}{compCorneMARS_NB}{Same as figure \ref{fig:comp1} but after pions have been tracked through the magnetic fields of the horns.}{comp2} % \section{Kaon production} \label{sec:kaon} The possibility to increase the SPL energy in order to study the optimization of the physics program has been recently pointed out \cite{MMWPSGaroby}. Then, the kaon production should be clearly addressed because it is a source of $\nu_e$ and $\bar{\nu}_e$ background events. The kaon decay channels and branching ratios are presented in Tabs.~\ref{tab:BRkp}, \ref{tab:BRk0S} and \ref{tab:BRk0L} in appendix~\ref{sec:kaons}. The target simulation described in Sec.~\ref{sec:target} has been used with $500,000$ p.o.t with kinetic energy uniformly distributed between $2.2$~GeV and $5$~GeV. The momentum of outgoing pions and kaons are recorded when they exit the target. Numbers of produced $K^+$ at different proton beam energies are presented on Fig.~\ref{fig:kaons}. Numbers of $K^-$ is also plotted on the same figure (dashed line) but they are almost 40 times less numerous than the $K^+$. For comparison, the numbers of $\pi^+$ (solid line) and $\pi^-$ (dashed line) produced in the same conditions are presented on Fig.~\ref{fig:pions}. Pion production rate is about two orders of magnitude greater than the kaon production rate. % ET LES KO???? J.E 25/7/04 \DBLFIG{h}{kaons}{kaon production as a function of the incident proton beam energy for $500~000$ incident protons}{kaons}{piplus}{Same as figure \ref{fig:kaons} for the $\pi^\pm$ production}{pions} The behavior of the two pion and kaon production rates are quite different. The pion yield grows smoothly with the proton energy while the production of kaons seams to have two origins, which has been confirmed by FLUKA's authors \cite{FLUKAprivate}. For beam energy below approximatively $4$~GeV, the resonance production model is used, and one notices a low production rate with a maximum at about $3.4$~GeV. For beam energy above $4$~GeV, the dual parton model is used, and the production rate experience a threshold effect with a rapid rise. The ratio between positive kaon and pion production rates is about $0.5\%$ between $2.2$~GeV and $4$~GeV and grow up to $2.5\%$ at $5$~GeV. One notices that the maching between the two kaon production models may not be optimal. % \section{Horn simulation} \label{sec:horn} The simulation code of the electromagnetic horns is written using GEANT 3.2.1 \cite{geant} for convenience and since electromagnetic processes are dominant, FLUKA has not been considered as mandatory, but this may be revised in a future work. The geometry of the horns has been inspired by an existing CERN prototype and a reflector design proposed in reference \cite{SIMONE1}. Depending of the current injection, only positive secondary particles or negative secondary particles are focused. The relevant parameters are detailed in Tab.~\ref{tab:specif}. \begin{figure}[htb] \centering \includegraphics[width=0.75\textwidth]{../picts/corneSchema.eps} \caption{Design of the Horn (in blue) and the Reflector (in red). The target is located inside the cylindrical part of the Horn (in grey).} \label{fig:plan} \end{figure} %\FIG{corne}{}{fig:plan}{9} The mercury target is localized inside the Horn because of the low energy and the large emittance of the secondary pions produced: $/=240$~MeV$/400$~MeV. This explains the Horn design (Fig.~\ref{fig:plan}), with a cylindrical part around the target, called the neck, which is larger than the transversal size of the target to simulate the room for a cooling system, and a conic part designed such that the relevant pions are focused as much as possible to exit the magnetic field parallel to the beam axis. \begin{table}[ht] \begin{center} \begin{sloppypar} \parbox{8.0cm}{ \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{|l|c|} \hline \multicolumn{2}{|c|}{inner horn}\\ \hline neck inner radius & $3.7$~cm \\ neck length & $40$~cm \\ end cone inner radius & $15.7$~cm \\ outer radius & $20.3$~cm \\ total length & $180$~cm \\ Alu thickness & $3$~mm \\ %cooling water thickness & $2~mm$ \\ %double skin thickness & $2~mm$ \\ Peak current & $300$~kA \\ Frequency & $50$~Hz \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{center} } %\hspace{0.5cm} \parbox{8.0cm}{ \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{|l|c|} \hline \multicolumn{2}{|c|}{reflector}\\ \hline neck inner radius & $20.3$~cm \\ end cone inner radius & $35.7$~cm \\ outer radius & $40$~cm \\ total length & $200$~cm \\ Peak current & $600$~kA \\ Frequency & $50$~Hz \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{center} } \end{sloppypar} \caption{Relevant parameters of horns. The shapes of the conductors are not changed by proton beam energy changes, as the focusing has been optimized for a defined pion momentum.} \label{tab:specif} \end{center} \end{table} %\subsection{Study of the horns designs in function of the energy} The shape of the horns conductors is a crucial point since it determines the energy spectrum of the neutrino at the detector site. For a $\theta_{13}$ driven oscillation $\nu_\mu \rightarrow \nu_e$, a $\Delta m^2_{23}$ parameter value of $2.5\ 10^{-3}\mathrm{eV}^2$, and a baseline distance of $130$~km, the first oscillation maximum occurs for a neutrino energy of $260$~MeV\footnote{If one includes an energy spectral shape of the neutrino beam with a typical $\sigma_E/E \approx 1/3$, then a 10\% increase of the average neutrino energy is expected. But, the induced change on the $\theta_{13}$ sensitivity is negligeable.}. The optimization of the physics potential depends at first approximation on the pion neutrino characteristics, which energy is fully determined by the pion 2-body decay and boost. To reach an energy of $260$~MeV, the pion needs a $\beta=0.97$, which in turn induces a pion momentum of $600$~MeV/c. Figure \ref{fig:focusing} represents, in the $r-z$ plane, the trajectories of pions emitted at $z=r=0$ with different zenith angles. Particles are deviated\footnote{The magnetic field inside the aluminum conductors themselves is neglected as the material thickness is of the order of 3~mm.} by a toroidal magnetic field for $r>4$~cm: $$ B_\phi(r) = \frac{\mu_0 I}{2\pi r} $$ where $I$ is the peak current, which is set to $300$~kA for the Horn ($4~\mathrm{cm}0$) one gets better sensitivity with a $2.2$~GeV SPL beam than a $4.5$~GeV SPL beam. This is due to \begin{figure}[htb] \centering \includegraphics{../picts/compDelta5pos.eps} \caption{Same conditions as Fig.~\ref{fig:delta45} but at different SPL beam energy.} \label{fig:compDelta5pos} \end{figure} \begin{figure}[htb] \centering \includegraphics{../picts/compDeltaFocPM.eps} \caption{Same conditions as Fig.~\ref{fig:delta45FocPM} but at different SPL beam energy.} \label{fig:compDeltaFocPM} \end{figure} % \section{Summary and outlook} A complete chain of simulation has been set up for the SPL super beam project. It includes neutrino production from kaon decay, which is important to test higher SPL energy scenario. A simulation has been performed with the nominal energy of the SPL and also for an kinetic energy of $3.5$~GeV. The gain in the sensitivity is $30\%$ in this last scenario with a moderate change in the horn profiles, which leads to a potential sensitivity to $\sin^22\theta_{13} = 2.10^{-3}$ at $90\%$ CL. But, it could be improved since many parameters have not yet been optimized: reflector/horn design, decay tunnel length, $\pi^+$/$\pi^-$ focusing time... % \section*{Acknoledgments} The authors are very grateful to thanks M. Mezzetto to have express his interest at early stage of this work and to have provided us his sensitivity computation program. Also the authors thank S. Gilardoni for fruitful discussions. % \appendix \section{Decay probability computations} This appendix contains the probability formulas and the algorithms used in the flux computation (see Sec.~\ref{sec:algo}). \subsection{Pion neutrino probability computation} \label{sec:Ppi} Pions decay only as $\pi^+\rightarrow \mu^+ + \nu_\mu$ or $\pi^- \rightarrow \mu^- + \bar{\nu}_\mu$ and the neutrinos are emitted isotropically in the pion rest frame, with an energy of about $30$~MeV given by the 2-body decay kinematics. Applying a Lorentz boost knowing the pion momentum and direction, it is possible to compute the probability to reach the detector for the neutrinos. Only neutrino parallel to the beam axis are supposed to pass through the detector fiducial area, and therefore, the neutrino must be emitted by the pion with an angle opposite to the angle between the pion and the beam axis (see Fig.~\ref{fig:pionDecay}). This gives: \beq{probaPi} \mathcal{P}_\pi = \frac{1}{4\pi}\frac{A}{L^2}\frac{1-\beta^2}{(\beta\cos\alpha-1)^2} \enq where $\beta$ is the velocity of the pion in the tunnel frame, $A$ is the fiducial detector surface, $L$ the distance between the neutrino source and the detector, and $\alpha$ the angle between the pion direction and the beam axis in the laboratory frame. \begin{figure}[htb] \centering \includegraphics{../picts/pionDecay.eps} \caption{Pion decay in the tunnel frame. To reach the detector, $\delta = -\alpha$ is needed.} \label{fig:pionDecay} \end{figure} \subsection{Muon neutrino probability computation} \label{sec:Pmu} Muons decay only as $\mu^+ \rightarrow e^+ + \nu_e + \bar{\nu}_\mu$ or $\mu^- \rightarrow e^- + \bar{\nu}_e + \nu_\mu$, and will produce background events. The mean decay length of the muons is $2$~km , therefore, most of them do not decay in the tunnel. This induces a lake of statistics to estimate the corresponding level of background. This problem has been solved using each muon appearing in the simulation in the following steps: \begin{enumerate} \item the probability for the muon to decay into the tunnel has been computed using a straight line propagation; \item the available energy for the neutrino in the tunnel frame has been divided in $20$~MeV energy bins; % (the number of bin depending of the muon energy). \item one $\nu_e$ and one $\nu_\mu$ have been simulated in each of the energy bins (step 2). Then, the probability to reach the detector has been computed, and multiplied by the probability computed at step 1.%the neutrino energy is stored in an histogram, weighted with this probability and \end{enumerate} After the probability computation, the non useful muon is discarded by GEANT to gain in CPU time. The probability for the muon neutrino and the electron neutrino to be emitted parallel to the beam axis is \cite{donega}: \beq{probaMu} \frac{d\mathcal{P}_\mu}{dE_\nu} = \frac{1}{4\pi}\frac{A}{L^2}\frac{2}{m_\mu}\frac{1}{\gamma_\mu(1+\beta_\mu\cos\theta^*)}\frac{1-\beta_\mu^2}{(\beta_\mu\cos\rho-1)^2}\left[f_0(x)\mp \Pi_\mu^T f_1(x)\cos\theta^*\right] \enq where $\beta_\mu$ and $\gamma_\mu$ are the velocity and the Lorentz boost of the muon in the tunnel frame, $\theta^*$ is the angle with respect to the beam axis of the muon in the muon rest frame, $\rho$ is the corresponding angle in the tunnel frame. Like in the pion case, this angle appears because the neutrino must be parallel to the beam axis. $\Pi_\mu^T$ is the muon transverse polarization, the parameter $x$ is defined as $x=2E_\nu^*/m_\mu$ where $E_\nu^*$ is the neutrino energy in the muon rest frame, and the function $f_0(x)$ and $f_1(x)$ coming from the matrix element of the muon decay are given in Tab.~\ref{tab:Function}. The sign in front of $\Pi_\mu^T$ in Eq.~\refeq{probaMu} is $(-)$ for the $\nu_\mu$ and $(+)$ for the $\bar{\nu}_\mu$, respectively. \begin{table}[htb] \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{|c||c|c|} \hline & $f_0(x)$ & $f_1(x)$ \\ \hline \hline $\nu_\mu$ & $2x^2(3-2x)$ & $2x^2(1-2x)$ \\ \hline $\nu_e$ & $12x^2(1-x)$ & $12x^2(1-x)$ \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{center} \caption{Flux function in the muon rest frame \cite{Gaisser}.} \label{tab:Function} \end{table} Muon polarization is computed using the conservation of the transverse component of the velocity four-vector $\gamma(1,\beta)$ between the muon rest frame (where the polarization is computed) and the pion rest frame, where the muon helicity is $-1$, due to the parity non conservation. It yields \cite{picasso}: \beq{pola} \Pi_\mu^T = \frac{\gamma_\pi\beta_\pi}{\gamma_\mu\beta_\mu}\sin\theta^* %\mbox{ and }\Pi_\mu^L = \sqrt{1-\Pi_\mu^{T2}}\virg \enq where $\gamma_\pi$, $\beta_\pi$, $\gamma_\mu$, and $\beta_\mu$ are the Lorentz boost and velocity of the pion and of the muon in the tunnel frame, and $\theta^*$ the angle with respect to the beam axis of the muon in the pion rest frame. \subsection{The treatment of the kaons} \label{sec:kaons} Contrary to pions and muons, kaons have many decay channels. They are summarized in tables \ref{tab:BRkp}, \ref{tab:BRk0S} and \ref{tab:BRk0L}. There is a very small amount of kaons produced (Sec.~\ref{sec:algo}), and this number has been artificially increased in order to obtain statistically satisfactory results. The multiplicity of decay channels makes impossible the method used for the muon case (Sec.~\ref{sec:Pmu}). The method chosen for the good compromise between the gain in CPU and the statistical uncertaincy of the results, is to duplicate 300 times each kaon exiting the target. All the kaons daughter particles are tracked by GEANT until they decay. Three different types of daughter particles are identified in the kaon decays. The first type corresponds to primary neutrinos, the second type concerns charged pions and muons, and the neutral pions are left for the last type. In the $K^\pm\rightarrow\mu^\pm \nu_\mu(\bar{\nu}_\mu)$ decay modes, the computation of the probability for a neutrino to reach the detector is the same than the 2-body decay formula used to in the pion decay (Eq.~\refeq{probaPi}), where $\beta$ is now the kaon velocity, and $\alpha$ the angle of the kaon with respect to the beam axis. When a neutrino is produced by a kaon 3-body decay, the probability to reach the detector is computed using a pure phase space formula. It yields: \beq{probaL} \mathcal{P}_K = \frac{1}{4\pi}\frac{A}{L^2}\frac{1}{m_K-m_\pi-m_l}\frac{1}{\gamma_K(1+\beta_K\cos\theta^*)}\frac{1-\beta_K^2}{(\beta_K\cos\delta-1)^2}\virg \enq where $m_K$ is the kaon mass (charged or neutral), $m_\pi$ is the pion mass ($\pi^0$ mass in $K^\pm$ decays and $\pi^\pm$ mass in $K_L^0$ decays), and $m_l$ is the mass of the lepton associated with the neutrino. The $\beta_K$ and $\gamma_K$ are the velocity and the Lorentz boost of the kaon, $\theta^*$ is the angle between the neutrino direction and the kaon direction, in the kaon rest frame. Finally, $\delta$ is the angle between the kaon direction and the beam axis in the tunnel frame. \\ When a $\pi^\pm$ is produced in the kaon decay chain, it is tracked by GEANT until it decays, and the probability of Eq.~\refeq{probaPi} is applied to the produced neutrino. In case of a muon, it is treated as explained in Sec.~\ref{sec:Pmu}. The muon polarization is computed this time using the kaon decay informations. Finally, when a $\pi^0$ is produced, as it cannot create neutrinos, it is simply discarded. \begin{table} \begin{center} \begin{sloppypar} \parbox{5.cm}{ \begin{center} \mbox{ \begin{tabular}{|c|c|} \hline \multicolumn{2}{|c|}{$K^\pm$} \\ \hline $\mu^\pm\nu_\mu$ & $63,51\%$ \\ \hline $\pi^\pm\pi^0$ & $21,17\%$ \\ \hline $\pi^\pm\pi^+\pi^-$ & $5,59\%$ \\ \hline $e^\pm\nu_e\pi^0$ & $4,82\%$ \\ \hline $\mu^\pm\nu_\mu\pi^0$ & $3,18\%$ \\ \hline $\pi^\pm\pi^0\pi^0$ & $1,73\%$ \\ \hline \end{tabular} } \end{center} } \hspace{0.5cm} \parbox{4cm}{ \begin{center} \mbox{ \begin{tabular}{|c|c|} \hline \multicolumn{2}{|c|}{$K^0$ short} \\ \hline $\pi^+\pi^-$ & $68,61\%$ \\ \hline $\pi^0\pi^0$ & $31.39\%$\\ \hline \end{tabular} } \end{center} } \hspace{0.5cm} \parbox{5.cm}{ \begin{center} \mbox{ \begin{tabular}{|c|c|} \hline \multicolumn{2}{|c|}{$K^0$ long} \\ \hline $\pi^-e^+\nu_e$ & $19,35\%$ \\ \hline $\pi^+e^-\bar{\nu}_e$ & $19,35\%$ \\ \hline $\pi^-\mu^+\nu_\mu$ & $13,5\%$ \\ \hline $\pi^+\mu^-\bar{\nu}_\mu$ & $13,5\%$ \\ \hline $\pi^0\pi^0\pi^0$ & $21,5\%$ \\ \hline $\pi^+\pi^-\pi^0$ & $12,38\%$ \\ \hline \end{tabular} } \end{center} } %\end{sloppypar} % \begin{sloppypar} \parbox{5.cm}{ \caption{Charged kaons decay channels and branching ratios \cite{pdg}} \label{tab:BRkp} } \hspace{0.5cm} \parbox{5.cm}{ \caption{$K^0_S$ decay channels and branching ratios \cite{pdg}} \label{tab:BRk0S} } \hspace{0.5cm} \parbox{5.cm}{ \caption{$K^0_L$ decay channels and branching ratios \cite{pdg}} \label{tab:BRk0L} } \end{sloppypar} \end{center} \end{table} \begin{thebibliography}{9} \bibitem{PMNS} B. 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