%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % INSTITUTE OF PHYSICS PUBLISHING % % % % `Preparing an article for publication in an Institute of Physics % % Publishing journal using LaTeX' % % % % LaTeX source code `ioplau2e.tex' used to generate `author % % guidelines', the documentation explaining and demonstrating use % % of the Institute of Physics Publishing LaTeX preprint files % % `iopart.cls, iopart12.clo and iopart10.clo'. % % % % `ioplau2e.tex' itself uses LaTeX with `iopart.cls' % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % First we have a character check % % ! exclamation mark " double quote % # hash ` opening quote (grave) % & ampersand ' closing quote (acute) % $ dollar % percent % ( open parenthesis ) close paren. % - hyphen = equals sign % | vertical bar ~ tilde % @ at sign _ underscore % { open curly brace } close curly % [ open square ] close square bracket % + plus sign ; semi-colon % * asterisk : colon % < open angle bracket > close angle % , comma . full stop % ? question mark / forward slash % \ backslash ^ circumflex % % ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ % abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz % 1234567890 % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % \documentclass[12pt]{iopart} % Uncomment next line if AMS fonts required %\usepackage{iopams} \begin{document} \title[Author guidelines for IOPP journals]{Preparing an article for publication in an Institute of Physics Publishing journal using \LaTeXe} \author{Neil Scriven\dag\ and Romneya Robertson\ddag \footnote[3]{To whom correspondence should be addressed (romneya.robertson@iop.org)} } \address{\dag\ Production Editor, Institute of Physics Publishing, Dirac House, Temple Back, Bristol BS1 6BE, UK} \address{\ddag\ Electronic Services Specialist, Institute of Physics Publishing, Dirac House, Temple Back, Bristol BS1 6BE, UK} \begin{abstract} This document describes the preparation of an article using \LaTeXe\ and \verb"iopart.cls" (the IOP \LaTeXe\ preprint class file). This class file is designed to help authors produce preprints in a form suitable for submission to any of the journals published by Institute of Physics Publishing. Authors submitting to any IOP journal, i.e.\ to double-column journals as well as the single-column ones, should follow the guidelines set out here. On acceptance, their source code will be converted to the appropriate journal format at Institute of Physics Publishing. For the printed version, Times fonts (and Helvetica in double-column journals) will be used instead of the Computer Modern used in the preprint form. \end{abstract} %Uncomment for PACS numbers title message %\pacs{00.00, 20.00, 42.10} % Uncomment for Submitted to journal title message %\submitto{\JPA} % Comment out if separate title page not required \maketitle \section{Introduction} Many authors use \LaTeX\ to produce their typescripts and we can use the source code to produce the printed version; this gives more rapid publication with a smaller chance of typographical error. We explain here the procedures and specific requirements for the preparation and presentation of text and illustrations for articles in \LaTeXe\ using the IOPP class file \verb"iopart.cls". We also illustrate \verb"iopart.cls" through its use in the creation of this document. The class file and accompanying documentation are available to all authors and copies can be obtained (free of charge) \begin{itemize} \item from the World Wide Web (\verb"http://www.iop.org/Journals/texstyle") by downloading zipped files for PCs or tar compressed format files for Unix \item from the World Wide Web by using our Author Enquiry Service\\ (\verb"http://www.iop.org/Journals/AES") to request that the files be sent on disk \item by contacting the Electronic Services Specialist, Institute of Physics Publishing, Dirac House, Temple Back, Bristol BS1~6BE, UK (\verb"esub@ioppublishing.co.uk") and requesting the files be sent by e-mail or on 3$1\over2$ inch PC or Macintosh disk \end{itemize} There are 10 and 12 point versions of the style, but the 12pt version should be used for preprints and is selected by opening the file with the initial line: \begin{verbatim} \documentclass[12pt]{iopart} \end{verbatim} If the \verb"[12pt]" is omitted the article will be set in 10pt type (i.e. in the same size type as in the printed journal). The 12pt version of the style gives a `preprint' form with a page width and type size 1.2 times larger than that for normal single-column journals with extra spacing between lines. The page depth is less than 1.2 times the normal page depth so that articles will fit on the page on both A4 and Letter paper. This form is the one required for the initial submission of a typescript for refereeing and copy editing. Authors need not aim to optimize the line and page breaks as they will inevitably change when converted to the final format for printing. The 10 pt version has the same page dimensions and type sizes as a single-column journal and shows approximately how the text would appear in print. It can also be used to produce camera-ready copy for journal special issues. Other compatible \LaTeXe\ packages can be used if they are available in the normal distribution of \LaTeXe; if it is essential to use a non-standard package then the extra files needed to process the article must also be sent in. Authors should be aware that the final version will be printed on a different page size and using different fonts to the preprint version so that any special effects used should not contain material that is not easily scalable. We recommend that authors use the IOPP \LaTeXe\ class file; however articles prepared using almost any version of \TeX\ or \LaTeX\ can be handled (${\cal AMS}$\TeX, L${\cal AMS}$TeX, PHYZZX, etc) and authors not using the IOPP style files can submit their source code in the way described below. Alterations to the source code will be made in-house by the Production Department in order to conform to IOPP house style and journal format. We aim to maintain our normal standards for articles published from \TeX\ and \LaTeX\ files so we reserve the right to make small alterations to clarify and improve the English where necessary and to put the article into IOPP house style. \subsection{Double-column journals} Authors writing for double-column journals should also use the IOPP preprint macros. Conversion from the single-column format to the double-column output required for printing will be done by the Production Department at Institute of Physics Publishing. \section{Submitting new articles} \subsection{Sending in files for submission to internally refereed journals} \label{int} Articles for consideration for publication in the journals listed in table~\ref{e-mail} may be submitted electronically without the need to supply hard copies of the manuscript. Those journals are refereed internally. Articles for consideration by all other IOPP journals must be submitted in hard copy form. Electronic files can then be sent in on acceptance or when requested by the editor. Authors are asked to prepare their articles using the 12pt style and submit by World Wide Web upload, e-mail, FTP or on PC or Mac floppy disk. Please send all files necessary to reproduce your article, including the article itself and all figure files. Combine all your files into a single archive using a compression or archiving program. Utilities like WinZIP or StuffIt will both archive and compress your files. Alternatively you could archive your files using a program like TAR and compress the resulting file using gzip. \subsection{By World Wide Web upload} Users of Netscape (version 2 or higher) or Internet Explorer (version 4 or higher) can submit using our World Wide Web upload form. This can be found at \verb"http://www.iop.org/Journals/authorsubs" Complete the on-line form with information about your submission and then upload your article in one of two ways. \begin{enumerate} \item Having created a single compressed file containing an archive of your text and graphics files, use the `Browse...' button on the form to select that file. \item If your article has already been posted to the LANL e-print archive, select the archive name and enter the e-print number. ({\it Note}: We cannot download your paper from the LANL e-print server until it has been publicly released, usually by 10 pm on the day you submitted it there.) Use the `Transfer File' button at the bottom of the form to submit your file. \end{enumerate} \subsection{By E-mail} \label{byemail} Files should be sent to the relevant journal mailbox (see table~\ref{e-mail}). Please send articles as attachments to e-mail messages. Any additional files such as figure files should be combined into a single archive with the article file as described in section~\ref{int}. All information about the submission should be included in the main body of the message. This must include: \begin{itemize} \item Your full name \item The name of the journal to which you are submitting \item The full title of the article \item The full list of authors \item The article type (e.g. Paper, Letter to the Editor etc.) \item The status of the article (i.e. new revised or accepted) \item Your postal address \item Your e-mail address \item Your telephone number \item Your fax number (if applicable) \item The article file format (i.e. \LaTeXe) \item The number of separate figure files \end{itemize} \begin{table} \caption{\label{e-mail}E-mail addresses for all the journals to which authors can submit electronically.} \lineup \begin{tabular}{@{}ll} \br Journal&{\rm E-mail address}\\ \mr Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General&jphysa@ioppublishing.co.uk\\ Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics &jphysb@ioppublishing.co.uk\\ Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter&jpcm@ioppublishing.co.uk\\ Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics&jphysd@ioppublishing.co.uk\\ Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics&jphysg@ioppublishing.co.uk\\ Classical and Quantum Gravity&cqg@ioppublishing.co.uk\\ Combustion Theory and Modelling&ctm@ioppublishing.co.uk\\ European Journal of Physics&ejp@ioppublishing.co.uk\\ Inverse Problems&ip@ioppublishing.co.uk\\ High Performance Polymers&hpp@ioppublishing.co.uk\\ Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering&jmm@ioppublishing.co.uk\\ Journal of Optics A: Pure and Applied Optics&jopa@ioppublishing.co.uk\\ Journal of Optics B: Quantum and Semiclassical Optics&jopb@ioppublishing.co.uk\\ Measurement Science and Technology&mst@ioppublishing.co.uk\\ Nanotechnology&nano@ioppublishing.co.uk\\ Nonlinearity&non@ioppublishing.co.uk\\ New Journal of Physics&njp@ioppublishing.co.uk\\ Physics Education&ped@ioppublishing.co.uk\\ Physics in Medicine and Biology&pmb@ioppublishing.co.uk\\ Physiological Measurement&pmea@ioppublishing.co.uk\\ Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion&ppcf@ioppublishing.co.uk\\ Reports on Progress in Physics&rop@ioppublishing.co.uk\\ Semiconductor Science and Technology&sst@ioppublishing.co.uk\\ Superconductor Science and Technology&sust@ioppublishing.co.uk\\ Waves in Random Media&wrm@ioppublishing.co.uk\\ \br \end{tabular} \end{table} \subsection{By FTP} Create a file named \verb"readme.txt" containing all your submission information (e.g. your name, the name of the journal you are submitting to etc. See section ~\ref{byemail} for full list). Create a single compressed file containing an archive of your text and graphics files along with the file \verb"readme.txt". Files should be sent by anonymous FTP to \verb"ftp.iop.org". Please logon with the username {\it anonymous} and use your e-mail address as the password. Change to the directory \verb"/incoming" and then change to the directory of the journal to which you wish to submit and upload your files. Please do not create any new directories on our server. Your files will remain in the \verb"/incoming" directory for no more than 90 minutes before they are moved to a secure location. \subsection{On Floppy Disk} Files may be sent in on 3.5 inch PC or Apple Macintosh formatted disk. Please include a file named \verb"readme.txt" containing all your submission information as described above. \section{Preparing your article} Using \LaTeX\ with the \verb"iopart" class file provides a simple way of producing an article in a form suitable for publication in one of the IOPP journals. Authors may add their own macros at the start of an article provided they do not overwrite existing definitions and that they send copies of their new macros with their text file. \verb"iopart" can be used with other package files such as those loading the AMS extension fonts \verb"msam" and \verb"msbm" (these fonts provide the blackboard bold alphabet and various extra maths symbols as well as symbols useful in figure captions); an extra style file \verb"iopams.sty" is provided to load these packages and provide extra definitions for bold Greek letters. In preparing your article you are requested to follow these guidelines as closely as possible; this will minimize the amount of file editing required and will hasten the production process. This is particularly important with regard to the reference list. The file name can be up to eight characters long with the suffix \verb".tex". Please use files names that are likely to be unique, and include commented material to identify the journal, author and reference number if known. The first non-commented line should be \verb"\documentclass[12pt]{iopart}" to load the preprint class file. Other standard predeclared option files can be included in square brackets; copies of any non-standard options must be sent in with the source code. Omitting \verb"[12pt]" produces an article with the normal journal page and type sizes. Macros for the individual paper not included in a style file should be inserted in the preamble to the paper with comments to describe any complex or non-obvious ones. The start of the article text is signalled by \verb"\begin{document}". Authors of very long articles may find it convenient to separate their article into a series of files each containing a section, each of which is called in turn by the primary file. \section{The title and abstract page} The code for setting the title page information is slightly different from the normal default in \LaTeX. \subsection{Titles and article types} The title is set in bold unjustified type using the command \verb"\title{#1}", where \verb"#1" is the title of the article. The first letter of the title should be capitalized with the rest in lower case. Mathematical expressions within the title may be left in light-face type rather than bold because the Computer Modern bold maths and symbol fonts may not be available at the size required for the title. The final printed version will have bold mathematical expressions in the title. If the title is unsuitable for use as a running head a short form can be provided as an optional argument (in square brackets) before the full title, i.e. \verb"\title[Short title]{Full title}". A short title is required when the title itself is too long to be used as the short title or when the title contains a footnote. For article types other than papers the IOPP class file, \verb"iopart.cls", allows a generic heading \verb"\article[Short title]{TYPE}{Full title}" and the specific definitions given in table~\ref{arttype}. In each case (apart from Letters to the Editor) an optional argument can be used immediately after the control sequence name to specify the short title; where no short title is given the full title will be used as the running head at the top of each page apart from the first. For Letters no short title is required as the running head is automatically defined to be {\it Letter to the Editor}. The generic heading could be used for articles such as those presented at a conference or workshop, e.g. \begin{verbatim} \article[Short title]{WORKSHOP ON HIGH-ENERGY PHYSICS}{Title} \end{verbatim} \begin{table} \caption{\label{arttype}Types of article defined in the {\tt iopart.cls} class file.} \begin{tabular*}{\textwidth}{@{}l*{15}{@{\extracolsep{0pt plus12pt}}l}} \br Command&Type&Heading on first page\\ \mr \verb"\title{#1}"&Paper&---\\ \verb"\review{#1}"&Review&REVIEW\\ \verb"\topical{#1}"&Topical review&TOPICAL REVIEW\\ \verb"\comment{#1}"&Comment&COMMENT\\ \verb"\note{#1}"&Note&NOTE\\ \verb"\paper{#1}"&Paper&---\\ \verb"\prelim{#1}"&Preliminary communication&PRELIMINARY COMMUNICATION\\ \verb"\rapid{#1}"&Rapid communication&RAPID COMMUNICATION\\ \verb"\letter{#1}"&Letter&LETTER TO THE EDITOR\\ \verb"\article{#1}{#2}"&Other articles&Whatever is entered as {\tt \#1}\\ \br \end{tabular*} \end{table} \subsection{Authors' names and addresses} The next information required is the list of authors' names and their affiliations. For the authors' names type \verb"\author{#1}", where \verb"#1" is the list of all authors' names. The style for the names is initials then surname, with a comma after all but the last two names, which are separated by `and'. Initials should {\it not} have full stops. First names may be used if desired. If the authors are at different addresses one of the symbols \dag, \ddag, \S, $\|$, \P, $^+$, *, $\sharp$ should be used after each surname to reference an author to his/her address. The symbols should be used in the order given. If an author has additional information to appear as a footnote, such as a permanent address, and the footnote symbols are not being used to identify an address, the footnote should be entered after the surname as a normal \LaTeX\ footnote, without specifying a sign. Where footnote symbols are being used to indicate which address the author is at, the symbol used for a footnote should be the next one from the list given above and has to be selected individually using the command \verb"\footnote[]{Text of footnote}", where \verb"" is a number representing the position of the desired symbol in the list above, i.e.\ 1 for \dag, 2 for \ddag, etc. The addresses of the authors' affiliations follow the list of authors. Each address is set by using \verb"\address{#1}" with the address as the single parameter in braces. If there is more than one address then the appropriate symbol should come at the start of the address. Please also add the corresponding author's e-mail address if applicable. This is done by inserting the command \verb"\ead{#1}" before the command \verb"\maketitle" where \verb"#1" is the e-mail address. See section~\ref{startsample} for sample coding. For more than one e-mail address, please use the command \verb"\eads{\mailto{#1}, \mailto{#2}}" with \verb"\mailto" surrounding each e-mail address. These macros allow us to convert e-mail addresses to `mailto' links when articles are published on our website. \subsection{The abstract} The abstract follows the addresses and should give readers concise information about the content of the article and indicate the main results obtained and conclusions drawn. It should be complete in itself with no table numbers, figure numbers or references included and should not normally exceed 200 words. To indicate the start of the abstract type \verb"\begin{abstract}" followed by the text of the abstract (not in braces). The abstract should normally be restricted to a single paragraph and is terminated by the command \verb"\end{abstract}" \subsection{Subject classification numbers} Following the abstract come any Physics and Astronomy Classification System (PACS) codes or American Mathematical Society (AMS) classification scheme numbers. The command \verb"\pacs{#1}", with the subject classification numbers from the Physics and Astronomy Classification Scheme as the parameter, defines the subject area of the paper (or for a single number \verb"\pacno{#1}"). If PACS numbers are not readily available, {\it Physics Abstracts\/} classification scheme numbers can be given instead. If this command is omitted the classification numbers for indexing will be allocated by IOPP staff. It is unnecessary to supply PACS numbers for {\it Inverse Problems} and {\it Physics in Medicine and Biology}. AMS classification numbers may be given as well as, or instead of, PACS numbers for mathematical articles, they are specified using the command \verb"\ams{#1}". After any classification numbers the command \verb"\submitto{#1}" can be inserted, where \verb"#1" is the journal name written in full or the appropriate control sequence as given in ~\ref{jlab1}. This will print a line indicating that the article has been submitted to one of the Institute of Physics journals. The command is not essential to the running of the file. \subsection{Making a separate title page} The command \verb"\maketitle" forces a page break after the point where it is inserted and so to keep the header material on a separate page from the body of the text insert \verb"\maketitle" or \verb"\newpage" after the classification codes or the end of the abstract. If \verb"\maketitle" is not included the text of the article will start immediately after the abstract. \subsection{Sample coding for the start of an article} \label{startsample} The code for the start of a title page of a typical paper might read: \begin{verbatim} \documentclass[12pt]{iopart} \begin{document} \title[The anomalous magnetic moment of the neutrino]{The anomalous magnetic moment of the neutrino and its relation to the solar neutrino problem} \author{P J Smith\dag, T M Collins\ddag, R J Jones\ddag\footnote[3]{Present address: Department of Physics, University of Bristol, Tyndalls Park Road, Bristol BS8 1TS, UK.} and Janet Williams\P} \address{\dag\ Mathematics Faculty, Open University, Milton Keynes MK7~6AA, UK} \address{\ddag\ Department of Mathematics, Imperial College, Prince Consort Road, London SW7~2BZ, UK} \address{\P\ Department of Computer Science, University College London, Gower Street, London WC1E~6BT, UK} \ead{williams@ucl.ac.uk} \begin{abstract} ... \end{abstract} \submitto{\JPG} \pacs{1315, 9440T} \maketitle \end{verbatim} \subsection{AMS macros} Please do not use the style file \verb"amsmath.sty" (part of the AMSTeX package) in conjunction with \verb"iopart.cls". This will result in several errors. To make use of the macros defined in \verb"amsmath.sty", we have provided the file \verb"setstack.sty" which reproduces the following useful macros from \verb"amsmath.sty": \begin{verbatim} \overset \underset \sideset \substack \boxed \leftroot \uproot \dddot \ddddot \varrow \harrow \end{verbatim} \section{The text} \subsection{Sections, subsections and subsubsections} The text of papers and reviews, but not comments or letters, should be divided into sections, subsections and, where necessary, subsubsections. To start a new section, end the previous paragraph and then include \verb"\section" followed by the section heading within braces. Numbering of sections is done {\it automatically} in the headings: sections will be numbered 1, 2, 3, etc, subsections will be numbered 2.1, 2.2, 3.1, etc, and subsubsections will be numbered 2.3.1, 2.3.2, etc. Cross references to other sections in the text should, where possible, be made using labels (see section~\ref{xrefs}) but can also be made manually. See section~\ref{eqnum} for information on the numbering of displayed equations. Subsections and subsubsections are similar to sections but the commands are \verb"\subsection" and \verb"\subsubsection" respectively. Sections have a bold heading, subsections an italic heading and subsubsections an italic heading with the text following on directly. \begin{verbatim} \section{This is the section title} \subsection{This is the subsection title} \end{verbatim} The first section is normally an introduction, which should state clearly the object of the work, its scope and the main advances reported, with brief references to relevant results by other workers. In long papers it is helpful to indicate the way in which the paper is arranged and the results presented. For articles not divided into sections, precede the start of the text (without leaving a blank line) with the command \verb"\nosections", which provides the appropriate space and causes the paragraph indentation to be cancelled for the first paragraph. Footnotes should be avoided whenever possible. If required they should be used only for brief notes that do not fit conveniently into the text. The standard \LaTeX\ macro \verb"\footnote" should be used and will normally give an appropriate symbol; if a footnote sign needs to be specified directly \verb"\footnote[]{Text}" can be used instead where \verb"" is the number of the appropriate symbol as discussed in relation to authors (1~=~\verb"\dag", 2~=~\verb"\ddag", 3~=~\verb"\S", etc). \subsection{Acknowledgments} Authors wishing to acknowledge assistance or encouragement from colleagues, special work by technical staff or financial support from organizations should do so in an unnumbered Acknowledgments section immediately following the last numbered section of the paper. The command \verb"\ack" sets the acknowledgments heading as an unnumbered section. For Letters \verb"\ack" does not set a heading but leaves a line space and does not indent the next paragraph. \subsection{Appendices} Technical detail that it is necessary to include, but that interrupts the flow of the article, may be consigned to an appendix. Any appendices should be included at the end of the main text of the paper, after the acknowledgments section (if any) but before the reference list. If there are two or more appendices they will be called Appendix A, Appendix B, etc. Numbered equations will be in the form (A.1), (A.2), etc, figures will appear as figure A1, figure B1, etc and tables as table A1, table B1, etc. The command \verb"\appendix" is used to signify the start of the appendixes. Thereafter \verb"\section", \verb"\subsection", etc, will give headings appropriate for an appendix. To obtain a simple heading of `Appendix' use the code \verb"\section*{Appendix}". If it contains numbered equations, figures or tables the command \verb"\appendix" should precede it and \verb"\setcounter{section}{1}" must follow it. \subsection{Some matters of style} It will help your readers if your article is written in a clear, consistent and concise manner. The Production Department at Institute of Physics Publishing will try to make sure that your work is presented to its readers in the best possible way without sacrificing the individuality of your writing. The main elements of consistency and style we look for are presented in the booklet {\it Notes for Authors} (available upon request from Institute of Physics Publishing, Dirac House, Temple Back, Bristol, BS1 6BE, UK or from our World Wide Web site (\verb"http://www.iop.org/Journals/nfa/"). Some recommended points to note, however, are the following. \begin{enumerate} \item Authors are often inconsistent in the use of `ize' and `ise' endings. We recommend using `-ize' spellings (diagonalize, renormalization, minimization, etc) but there are some common exceptions to this, for example: devise, promise and advise. \item English spellings are preferred (colour, flavour, behaviour, tunnelling, artefact, focused, focusing, fibre, etc). We write of a computer program on disk; otherwise, we use `programme' and `disc'. \item The words table, figure, equation and reference should be written in full and {\bf not} contracted to Tab., fig., eq. and ref. \end{enumerate} Please check your article carefully for accuracy, consistency and clarity before submission. Remember that your article will probably be read by many people whose native language is not English and who may not therefore be aware of many of the subtle meanings of words or idiomatic phases present in the English language. It therefore helps if you try and keep sentences as short and simple as possible. \section{Mathematics} \subsection{Two-line constructions} The great advantage of \LaTeX\ over other text processing systems is its ability to handle mathematics to almost any degree of complexity. However, in order to produce an article suitable for publication within a journal, authors should exercise some restraint on the constructions used. For simple fractions in the text the solidus \verb"/", as in $\lambda/2\pi$, should be used instead of \verb"\frac" or \verb"\over", care being taken to use parentheses where necessary to avoid ambiguity, for example to distinguish between $1/(n-1)$ and $1/n-1$. Exceptions to this are the proper fractions $\frac12$, $\frac13$, $\frac34$, etc, which are better left in this form. In displayed equations horizontal lines are preferable to solidi provided the equation is kept within a height of two lines. A two-line solidus should be avoided where possible; the construction $(\ldots)^{-1}$ should be used instead; for example use: \begin{equation*} \frac{1}{M_{\rm a}}\left(\int^\infty_0{\rm d} \omega\;\frac{|S_o|^2}{N}\right)^{-1} \end{equation*} instead of \begin{equation*} \frac{1}{M_{\rm a}}\biggl/\int^\infty_0{\rm d} \omega\;\frac{|S_o|^2}{N}. \end{equation*} \subsection{Roman and italic in mathematics} In mathematics mode \LaTeX\ automatically sets variables in an italic font. In most cases authors should accept this italicization. However, there are some cases where it is better to use a Roman font; for instance, IOPP journals use a Roman d for a differential d, a Roman e for an exponential e and a Roman i for the square root of $-1$. To accommodate this and to simplify the typing of equations we have provided some extra definitions. \verb"\rmd", \verb"\rme" and \verb"\rmi" now gives Roman d, e and i respectively for use in equations, e.g.\ $\rmi x\rme^{2x}\rmd x/\rmd y$ is obtained by typing \verb"$\rmi x\rme^{2x}\rmd x/\rmd y$". Certain other common mathematical functions, such as cos, sin, det and ker, should appear in Roman type. \LaTeX\ provides macros for most of these functions (in the cases above, \verb"\cos", \verb"\sin", \verb"\det" and \verb"\ker" respectively); we have also provided additional definitions for $\Tr$, $\tr$ and $\Or$ (\verb"\Tr", \verb"\tr" and \verb"\Or", respectively). Subscripts and superscripts should be in Roman type if they are labels rather than variables or characters that take values. For example in the equation \[ \epsilon_m=-g\mu_{\rm n}Bm \] $m$, the $z$ component of the nuclear spin, is italic because it can have different values whereas n is Roman because it is a label meaning nuclear ($\mu_{\rm n}$ is the nuclear magneton). \subsection{Alignment of mathematics} \subsubsection{Alignment on the secondary margin.} IOPP style for displayed mathematics in single-column journals is not to centre equations, as \LaTeX\ normally does, but to have each equation indented to a secondary margin a fixed distance from the left-hand margin of the text, except for long equations that will just fit on one line, or need to be continued on subsequent lines, which start full left. Any continuation lines are indented the fixed amount. The macros in the IOPP preprint style automatically line equations up on the secondary margin unless they are set within double dollar signs. Thus the use of double dollar signs should be avoided and the alternative \verb"\[ ... \]" should be used instead for unnumbered equations. The equation environment should normally be used for numbered single-line equations and the eqnarray array environment for multiline equations. It is then only necessary to indicate which lines should start full left and this is done by including \verb"\fl" (full left) at the start of the lines. Thus the equations: \begin{eqnarray} \phi_{k}(\vec{r})=(2\pi)^{-3/2} \exp(\rmi\vec{k}\cdot\vec{r}) \\ N^+=\exp(\case12\pi\nu)\Gamma(1-\rmi\nu). \end{eqnarray} are set with the code \begin{verbatim} \begin{eqnarray} \phi_{k}(\vec{r})=(2\pi)^{-3/2} \exp(\rmi\vec{k}\bdot\vec{r}) \\ N^+=\exp(\case12\pi\nu)\Gamma(1-\rmi\nu). \end{eqnarray} \end{verbatim} Where an equation will not fit on a line if indented but would if it were not, then the equation is started full left and this is achieved simply by adding \verb"\fl" to the start of the line. For example the equation \begin{equation} \fl R_{\rho l m,\rho'l'm'}(E)=\frac{1}{r_0}\sum_{i,j}\;\langle\rho l m r_0 \mid\Phi_i\rangle\; [(H_{\Omega}+B)-ES_{\Omega}]^{-1}_{i,j}\;\langle\Phi_j \mid\rho'l'm'r_0\rangle. \end{equation} does not fit on the line if indented to the secondary margin but fits in comfortably when full left. For equations which do not fit on one line, even if started full left, the first line should be set full left with the turnover lines at the secondary margin. This is achieved by using the eqnarray environment and adding \verb"\fl" at the start of the first line and \verb"\\" at the end of each line (apart from the final line of the equation). Equations should be split at mathematically sound points, often at =, + or $-$ signs or between terms multiplied together. The connecting signs are not repeated and appear only at the beginning of the turned-over line. A multiplication sign should be added to the start of turned-over lines where the break is between two multiplied terms. Where an equation is broken at an equals sign (or similar, i.e.\ $\equiv$, $\le$, $\sim$, etc) the sign is made more prominent by aligning it to the left of the secondary margin; where it is a +, $-$ or $\times$ the sign goes to the right. Alignment to the left of the secondary margin is achieved by adding \verb"\lo" in front of the sign (and enclosing the sign within braces if it consists of more than one character or control sequence, e.g.\ \verb"\lo{:=}"). An example demonstrating these features is: \begin{eqnarray} \fl\langle\cos(q\Omega_s)\rangle=\frac12\int^\infty_0 \frac{k_s(b)}{k^{\rm tot}_s}\{\cos[q\Omega^{\rm o}_S(b_f,R^s_{x})]+ \cos[q\Omega^{\rm i}_S(b_f,R^s_{x})]\} 2\pi b\, \rmd b\nonumber\\ \lo=\sum_c{(\mu^s_c)^2/\vert\Delta V'_s(R^s_{\rm c})\vert \over \sum_n (R^s_n\mu^s_n)^2(1-V^s_n/E)^{1/2}/\vert\Delta'_s(R^s_n)\vert}\nonumber\\ \times \frac12\int^{b_{\rm max}}_0 \{\cos[q\Omega^{\rm o}_S(b_f,R^s_{\rm c})] +\cos[q\Omega^{\rm i}_S(b_f,R^s_{\rm c})]\} b\, \rmd b/v_s(b,R^s_{\rm c}). \end{eqnarray} where a simplified version of the code used is: \begin{verbatim} \begin{eqnarray} \fl \nonumber\\ \lo= \nonumber\\ \times \end{eqnarray} \end{verbatim} Note that alignment at the secondary margin normally takes precedence over aligning equals signs so there is usually no need to include any ampersands within the \verb"eqnarray" environment. \subsubsection{Secondary alignment.} While the primary alignment either on the secondary margin or full left is adequate in most cases there are examples where additional alignment is desirable. Firstly, for repeated series of short equations, secondly for equations with attached conditions and thirdly for connected series of equations with a short left-hand side which together occupy more than a full line but where each individual part is short. In these cases the \verb"eqnarray" environment should be used; there will still be alignment at the secondary margin but ampersands should be positioned to provide the secondary alignment. For equations with conditions the space separating the longest part from its condition is provided by \verb"\qquad". Examples of equations requiring secondary alignment are: \begin{eqnarray} A^{(3/2)}=A^{(+)}-A^{(-)}&(I=\case32)\\ A^{(1/2)}=A^{(+)}+2A^{(-)}\qquad&(I=\case12)\\ A^{(0)}&({\rm otherwise}). \end{eqnarray} which is obtained with the code \begin{verbatim} \begin{eqnarray} A^{(3/2)}=A^{(+)}-A^{(-)}&(I=\case32)\\ A^{(1/2)}=A^{(+)}+2A^{(-)}\qquad&(I=\case12)\\ A^{(0)}&({\rm otherwise}). \end{eqnarray} \end{verbatim} and \begin{eqnarray} C(12)&=[\vec\pi(x)\cdot\vec\phi(x+r)]\nonumber\\ &\simeq 1-{\rm const}{r^2\over L^2}\int^L_r{x\, \rmd x\over x^2}+\cdots\\ &\simeq 1-{\rm const}{r^2\over L^2}\ln\left({L\over r}\right)+\cdots. \end{eqnarray} for which the code is \begin{verbatim} \begin{eqnarray} C(12)&=[\vec\pi(x)\cdot\vec\phi(x+r)]\nonumber\\ &\simeq 1-{\rm const}{r^2\over L^2}\int^L_r{x\, \rmd x\over x^2}+\cdots\\ &\simeq 1-{\rm const}{r^2\over L^2}\ln\left({L\over r}\right)+\cdots. \end{eqnarray} \end{verbatim} \subsection{Displayed equations in double-column journals} The way equations are displayed in the Institute of Physics Publishing double-column journals differs from that in single-column journals. However authors submitting to double-column journals can produce their equations as described above for single-column journals and conversion to the proper double-column format will take place here as proofs are being prepared. \subsection{Special characters for mathematics} Bold italic characters are used in our journals to signify vectors (rather than using an upright bold or an over arrow). To obtain this effect use \verb"\bi{#1}" within maths mode, e.g. $\bi{ABCdef}$. If upright bold characters are required in maths use \verb"\mathbf{#1}" within maths mode, e.g. $\mathbf{XYZabc}$. The calligraphic (script) uppercase alphabet is obtained with \verb"\mathcal{AB}" or \verb"\cal{CD}" ($\mathcal{AB}\cal{CD}$). The American Mathematical Society provides a series of extra symbol fonts to use with \LaTeX\ and packages containing the character definitions to use these fonts. Authors wishing to use Fraktur \ifiopams$\mathfrak{ABC}$ \fi or Blackboard Bold \ifiopams$\mathbb{XYZ}$ \fi can include the appropriate AMS package (e.g. amsgen, amsfonts, amsbsy, amssymb) with a \verb"\usepackage" command or add the command \verb"\usepackage{iopams}" which loads the four AMS packages mentioned above and also provides definitions for extra bold characters (all Greek letters and some additional other symbols). The package iopams uses the definition \verb"\boldsymbol" in amsbsy which allows individual non-alphabetical symbols and Greek letters to be made bold within equations. The bold Greek lowercase letters \ifiopams$\balpha \ldots\bomega$,\fi are obtained with the commands \verb"\balpha" \dots\ \verb"\bomega" (but note that bold eta\ifiopams, $\bfeta$,\fi\ is \verb"\bfeta" rather than \verb"\beta") and the capitals\ifiopams, $\bGamma\ldots\bOmega$,\fi\ with commands \verb"\bGamma" \dots\ \verb"\bOmega". Bold versions of the following symbols are predefined in iopams: bold partial\ifiopams, $\bpartial$,\fi\ \verb"\bpartial", bold `ell'\ifiopams, $\bell$,\fi\ \verb"\bell", bold imath\ifiopams, $\bimath$,\fi\ \verb"\bimath", bold jmath\ifiopams, $\bjmath$,\fi\ \verb"\bjmath", bold infinity\ifiopams, $\binfty$,\fi\ \verb"\binfty", bold nabla\ifiopams, $\bnabla$,\fi\ \verb"\bnabla", bold centred dot\ifiopams, $\bdot$,\fi\ \verb"\bdot", other characters are made bold using \verb"\boldsymbol{\symbolname}". Table~\ref{math-tab2} lists some other macros for use in mathematics with a brief description of their purpose. Both \verb"\ms" (medium space) and \verb"\bs" (big space) can be used to provide extra spacing between lines of a displayed equation or table. This space may be necessary when several separate equations are within the same equation environment. \begin{table} \caption{\label{math-tab2}Other macros defined in IOPP macros for use in maths.} \begin{tabular*}{\textwidth}{@{}l*{15}{@{\extracolsep{0pt plus 12pt}}l}} \br Macro&Result&Description\\ \mr Spaces\\ \verb"\fl"&&Start line of equation full left\\ \verb"\ms"&&Spread out lines in displayed equations slightly ($\sim$3pt)\\ \verb"\bs"&&Bigger space ($\sim$6pt) to separate lines in displays\\ \verb"\ns"&&Small negative space between lines in displays\\ \bs \multispan{3}{For symbols to left of 5 pica indent\hfill}&\\ \verb"\lo{#1}"&$\#1$&Any symbol overhanging to left\\ \verb"\eql"&$=$&Left overhanging equals sign\\ \verb"\lsim"&$\sim$&Left overhanging tilde\\ \verb"\lsime"q&$\simeq$&Left overhanging approximately equals\\ \verb"\lequiv"&$\equiv$&Left overhanging equivalent sign\\ \bs Miscellaneous\\ \verb"\case{#1}{#2}"&$\case{\#1}{\#2}$&Text style fraction in display\\ \verb"\Tr"&$\Tr$&Roman Tr (Trace)\\ \verb"\tr"&$\tr$&Roman tr (trace)\\ \verb"\Or"&$\Or$&Roman O (of order of)\\ \verb"\tdot{#1}"&$\tdot{x}$&Triple dot over character\\ \verb"\lshad"&$\lshad$&Text size left shadow bracket\\ \verb"\rshad"&$\rshad$&Text size right shadow bracket\\ \br \end{tabular*} \end{table} \subsection{Miscellaneous points} Exponential expressions, especially those containing subscripts or superscripts, are clearer if the notation $\exp(\ldots)$ is used except for simple examples. For instance $\exp[\rmi(kx-\omega t)]$ and $\exp(z^2)$ are preferred to $\e^{\rmi(kx-\omega t)}$ and $\e^{z^2}$, but $\e^2$ is acceptable. Similarly the square root sign $\sqrt{\phantom{b}}$ should only be used with relatively simple expressions, e.g.\ $\sqrt2$ and $\sqrt{a^2+b^2}$; in other cases the power $1/2$ should be used. It is important to distinguish between $\ln = \log_\e$ and $\lg =\log_{10}$. Braces, brackets and parentheses should be used in the following order: $\{[(\;)]\}$. The same ordering of brackets should be used within each size. However, this ordering can be ignored if the brackets have a special meaning (e.g.\ if they denote an average or a function). Decimal fractions should always be preceded by a zero: for example 0.123 {\bf not} .123. For long numbers commas are not inserted but instead a thin space is added after every third character away from the position of the decimal point unless this leaves a single separated character: e.g.\ $60\,000$, $0.123\,456\,78$ but 4321 and 0.7325. Equations that are referred to in the text should be numbered with the number on the right-hand side. \subsection{Equation numbering} \label{eqnum} \LaTeX\ provides facilities for automatically numbering equations and these should be used where possible. Sequential numbering (1), (2), etc, is the default numbering system although, if the command \verb"\eqnobysec" is included in the preamble, equation numbering by section is obtained, e.g.\ (2.1), (2.2), etc. In articles with several appendixes equation numbering by section is useful in the appendixes even when sequential numbering has been used throughout the main body of the text and is switched on by the \verb"\appendix" command. Equation numbering by section {\it must} be used for {\it Reports on Progress in Physics}. When referring to an equation in the text, either put the equation number, in brackets, e.g.\ `as in (2)', or spell out the word equation in full, e.g.\ `if equation (2) is factorized'; do not use abbreviations such as eqn or eq. When cross-referencing is used, \verb"\ref{