The AstroParticle and Cosmology laboratory located 10, rue Alice Domon et Léonie Duquet at Paris 13e will host the next International Workshop on Next Generation Nucleon Decay and Neutrino Detectors (NNN08). The Workshop will be held in the Physics Building on the Paris 7 University Denis Diderot campus, Thursday through Saturday, September 11-13, 2008 with a registration on Wednesday the 10th afternoon. The Workshop is sponsored by the CNRS/IN2P3, CEA/DAPNIA and Paris 7 University and several industrial partners. NNN08 will be the eighth in a series of workshops to discuss future large underground detectors, as well as the theoretical work that motivates and describes such advances. New detectors will explore proton decay lifetimes over 10^{35} years, and advance our understanding of the neutrino sector, including mass hierarchy, additional oscillation parameters, CP violation, supernova dynamics, and high energy cosmic neutrino sources. -------------------------------------------- Topics -------------------------------------------- During the three day workshop in Paris, we will survey the results from current neutrino oscillations and nucleon decay searches, we will review theoretical interpretations of the existing results as well as the theoretical developments in supernova neutrino physics and discuss the future goals of the next generation neutrino detectors. We will exchange ideas for new massive underground detectors, and very long baseline neutrino oscillation experiments. The workshop will be informal, with emphasis on lively discussions and exchange of ideas. The Workshop will consist of a balance between review talks (invitation) and short contributions (call for abstract) during 5 plennary sessions. Topics will include but certainly not be limited to the following. • Nucleon decay theory and experiments • Theoretical developments and experiments on (relic) supernova neutrinos • Next-generation solar neutrino and neutrino mass measurements • Reactor neutrino experiments present and future • Present Accelerator experiments and future Superbeams, BetaBeams, Neutrino Factories projects • Large detectors development and construction : water Cerenkov, scintillator, LAr and other types • Developments in underground site evaluation and engineering • Developments in photodetectors, DAQ and related matter • Simulation and Analysis software for future large experiments -------------------------------------------- Practical information -------------------------------------------- See the for travel and lodging information, abstract submission and registration forms. In case of problem use the Contact LOC bouton. We plan a welcome reception and a social dinner and excursion (nicknamed “Seine trip” hereafter) on a boat on the Seine river. Weather in Paris during September is typically excellent, with moderate temperatures and moderate rain. Paris is a major tourist destination, so please book early. -------------------------------------------- The Fees -------------------------------------------- The fees cover all expenses including the social dinner and excursion which will take place on a boat on the Seine river (“Seine trip”). For practical reasons, we need to know the total number of participants to the Seine trip, including accompanying persons, by June 1st (early registration date). We cannot guarantee participation to the Seine trip if you register after this date. Please note that the fees for accompanying persons covers the social dinner and excursion (ie. Seine trip). ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Early registration (until June 1st) | After June 1st | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Regular: with Seine trip 280 € | Conference only 200 € | without Seine trip 160 € | (no Seine trip) | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Student: with Seine trip 200 € | Conference only 120 € | without Seine trip 80 € | (no Seine trip) | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Accompanying person: Seine trip only 60 € | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The available mode of payment will be described in the next bulletin. -------------------------------------------- Abstract submission -------------------------------------------- As mentioned in the Topics section, in addition to invited papers, contributed papers for oral presentation are welcome. Please use the Web form to submit your abstract. Deadline for contributed abstracts: 15th May 2008. Acceptance will be notified by 25th May 2008. -------------------------------------------- Key date summary -------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------ Early Registration 1st June | ------------------------------------------------ Abstract submission 15th March-15th May | decision by 25th May | ------------------------------------------------ Registration at APC 10th September | ------------------------------------------------ Conference 11th-13th September | ------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------- Next bulletin -------------------------------------------- More details will be provided in the Third Bulletin for the Workshop, to be posted on the website and sent out by email at the end of May, 2008. -------------------------------------------- Editeur : NNN08 --------------------------------------------