Envoie de mails au Program Advisory COm. membres poteniels. Le 27/02/08 Dear collegue, We are organizing NNN 08 Workshop to be held in Paris, France on September 11 - 13, 2008. NNN means "Next generation Nucleon decay and Neutrino detectors." This series of workshops has been devoted to discussion of experiments that go beyond the reach of current projects, as well as the related theoretical work. The topics include nucleon decay, astrophysical and supernova neutrinos, next-generation neutrino oscillation experiments, future of solar and atmospheric neutrino experiments, and large detector R&D and associated engineering studies. The first NNN Workshop was held in 1999 at Stony Brook, USA. Recently, NNN 05 was held in Aussois, France, and NNN 06 in Seattle, USA, and NNN 07 in Hamamatsu, Japan. The NNN 08 Local Organizing Committee, consisting of  Busto José  (CPPM), Campagne Jean-Eric (co-chair, LAL), Davidson Sacha (IPNL), de Bellefon Alain (APC) Dracos Marcos (IPHC), Duchesneau     Dominique (LAPP), Dumarchez Jacques (LPNHE), Katsanevas     Stvros     (IN2P3), Lavignac Stéphane (Saclay), Mosca     Luigi (Saclay), Patzak  Thomas (co-chair, APC), Tonazzo Alessandra (APC), Volpe Cristina (IPNO) wishes to consult the Program Advisory Committee for the shaping of scientific program. We would like to invite you to serve as a member of our Program Advisory Committee. Your kind consideration is appreciated very much. Best regards, Jean-Eric Campagne and Thomas Patzak for the NNN 08 Local Organising Committee NNN 08 Program Advisory Committee Email Reponse Web john.ellis@cern.ch OK John Ellis a nkm@tifr.res.in OK Naba K Mondal a sato@phys.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp OK Katsuhiko Sato a Franz.vFeilitzsch@ph.tum.de OK Franz von Feilitzsch a barger@pheno.wisc.edu OK Vernon Barger a hsobel@uci.edu OK Henry W Sobel a koichiro.nishikawa@kek.jp OK Koichiro Nishikawa a andre.rubbia@cern.ch OK André Rubbia a finley@fnal.gov OK David Finley a suzuki@icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp OK Yoichiro Suzuki a suzuki@post.kek.jp OK Atsuto Suzuki a totsuka@neutrino.kek.jp OK Yoji Totsuka a mauro.mezzetto@pd.infn.it OK Mauro Mezzetto a christian.cavata@cea.fr OK Christian Cavata a lindner@mpi-hd.mpg.de OK Manfred Lindner a sgweg@slac.stanford.edu OK Stanley Wojcicki a jacob@minos.phy.tufts.edu OK Jacob Schneps a samios@bnl.gov OK Nicholas P Samios a beacom@mps.ohio-state.edu OK John F. Beacom a Eliminer le 12 mars 08 boris@fnal.gov NON Boris Kayser geneb@hep.upenn.edu tsutomu@hep-th.phys.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp wilkes@u.washington.edu