During the three day workshop in Paris, we will survey the results from current neutrino oscillations and nucleon decay searches, we will review theoretical interpretations of the existing results as well as the theoretical developments in supernova neutrino physics and discuss the future goals of the next generation neutrino detectors. We will exchange ideas for new massive underground detectors, and very long baseline neutrino oscillation experiments. The workshop will be informal, with emphasis on lively discussions and exchange of ideas. The Workshop will consist of a balance between review talks (invitation) and short contributions (call for abstract) during 5 plennary sessions. Topics will include but certainly not be limited to the following. * Nucleon decay theory and experiments * Theoretical developments and experiments on (relic) supernova neutrinos * Next-generation solar neutrino and neutrino mass measurements * Reactor neutrino experiments present and future * Present Accelerator experiments and future Superbeams, BetaBeams, Neutrino Factories projects * Large detectors development and construction : water Cerenkov, scintillator, LAr and other types * Developments in underground site evaluation and engineering * Developments in photodetectors, DAQ and related matter * Simulation and Analysis software for future large experiments