#include "ELYSE/EventAction.hh" //Geant4 #include "G4Event.hh" #include "G4RunManager.hh" #include "G4EventManager.hh" #include "G4UImanager.hh" #include "G4TrajectoryContainer.hh" #include "G4VVisManager.hh" #include "G4ios.hh" #include "globals.hh" #include "G4ThreeVector.hh" #include "G4TransportationManager.hh" #include "G4Navigator.hh" #include "G4SDManager.hh" #include "G4DigiManager.hh" #include "G4UnitsTable.hh" #include "G4UIcmdWith3VectorAndUnit.hh" //std #include #include #include #include #include //abs // AIDA : #include #include #include //ELYSE #include "ELYSE/Cast.hh" #include "ELYSE/Analysis.hh" #include "ELYSE/Trajectory.hh" #include "ELYSE/RunAction.hh" #include "ELYSE/PrimaryGeneratorAction.hh" #include "ELYSE/TrappVolHit.hh" #include "ELYSE/DetectorConstruction.hh" ELYSE::EventAction::EventAction(ELYSE::Analysis& aAnalysis, ELYSE::RunAction* myRun, ELYSE::DetectorConstruction* myDetector, ELYSE::PrimaryGeneratorAction* myGenerator) :fAnalysis(aAnalysis), runAction(myRun), generatorAction(myGenerator), detectorConstructor(myDetector), eventTuple(0) { //Get User Histo pointers AIDA::ITree* usrTree = aAnalysis.tree(); //get the tree if (!usrTree) { G4cout << "ELYSE::EventAction: cannot get Analysis Tree" << G4endl; return; } //see AIDA::IManagedObject a comment on dynamic_cast AIDA::IManagedObject* obj; //generic Object managed by a Tree obj = usrTree->find("Event"); if(!obj) { G4cout << "EventAction: WARNING: no tuple Event" << G4endl; usrTree->ls(); //exit(0); } else { eventTuple = CAST(obj,AIDA::ITuple); if (!eventTuple) { G4cout << "EventAction: FATAL: eventTuple not a Tuple" << G4endl; usrTree->ls(); exit(0); } } }//Ctor //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ELYSE::EventAction::~EventAction(){ }//Dtor //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void ELYSE::EventAction::BeginOfEventAction(const G4Event* evt){ G4cout << " (JEC) EventAction::Begin EventAction" << G4endl; if (!evt) evt->Print(); }//BeginOfEventAction //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void ELYSE::EventAction::EndOfEventAction(const G4Event* evt) { G4cout << " (JEC) EventAction::End EventAction" << G4endl; //see Analysis.cxx to get the Tuple variables // -------------------- // Get Event Information // -------------------- //JEC FIXME: difference between event_id & vecRecNumber G4int event_id = evt->GetEventID(); G4ThreeVector vtx = generatorAction->GetVtx(); G4int vtxvol = EventFindStartingVolume(vtx); G4cout << ">>>>>>>>>>>>> New Event "; G4cout << " evt Id " << event_id << " start in volume " << vtxvol << G4endl; G4cout << "Vertex (" << vtx.x()/cm << " , " << vtx.y()/cm << " , " << vtx.z()/cm << " , " << ")" << G4endl; //JEC FIXME: introduce enumeration for the column shared by Analysis/EventAction & namespace protected if(!eventTuple) return; eventTuple->fill(0, event_id); //eventId eventTuple->fill(1, vtxvol); //vtxVol AIDA::ITuple* vtxPos = eventTuple->getTuple( 2 ); vtxPos->fill(0, vtx.x()/cm); //vtxPos vtxPos->fill(1, vtx.y()/cm); vtxPos->fill(2, vtx.z()/cm); vtxPos->addRow(); // -------------------- // Get Track Information // -------------------- //variables used to fill the tuple (track part) G4int pId, parent; G4float timeStart; G4double dx, dy, dz; G4double ETot, px, py, pz; G4int startVol, stopVol; //---------------- // The beam: 1 particle for the moment //---------------- AIDA::ITuple* track = eventTuple->getTuple( 4 ); G4int beampdg = generatorAction->GetBeamPDG(); pId = beampdg; //pId track->fill(0, pId); parent = 0; //parent (none) track->fill(1, parent); timeStart = 0; //creation time track->fill(2, timeStart); G4ThreeVector beamdir = generatorAction->GetBeamDir(); //direction AIDA::ITuple* direction = track->getTuple( 3 ); dx = beamdir.x(); dy = beamdir.y(); dz = beamdir.z(); direction->fill(0, dx); direction->fill(1, dy); direction->fill(2, dz); direction->addRow(); G4double beamenergy = generatorAction->GetBeamEnergy(); G4double mass = G4ParticleTable::GetParticleTable()->FindParticle(beampdg)->GetPDGMass(); track->fill(4, mass); ETot = beamenergy; G4double pTot = ETot; if ( (beampdg != 22) && //gamma & Optical Photon (To be verified) (std::abs(beampdg) != 12) && //(anti)nu-e (std::abs(beampdg) != 14) && //(anti)nu-mu (std::abs(beampdg) != 16) ) { //(anti)nu-tau pTot = ETot*ETot - mass*mass; if (pTot < 1e-6){ pTot = 0.; } else { pTot = std::sqrt(pTot); } } track->fill(5, pTot); track->fill(6, ETot); AIDA::ITuple* momentum = track->getTuple( 7 ); //momentum px = pTot * dx; py = pTot * dy; pz = pTot * dz; momentum->fill(0, px); momentum->fill(1, py); momentum->fill(2, pz); momentum->addRow(); AIDA::ITuple* startPos = track->getTuple( 8 ); //start position startPos->fill(0, vtx.x()/cm); startPos->fill(1, vtx.y()/cm); startPos->fill(2, vtx.z()/cm); startPos->addRow(); AIDA::ITuple* stopPos = track->getTuple( 9 ); //stop position stopPos->fill(0, vtx.x()/cm); stopPos->fill(1, vtx.y()/cm); stopPos->fill(2, vtx.z()/cm); stopPos->addRow(); startVol = stopVol = -1; track->fill(10, startVol); //Starting Volume track->fill(11, stopVol); //Stopping Volume //add the Beam track to tuple track->addRow(); G4cout << "----> Tk{Beam}: " << " pId " << pId << " parent " << parent << " creation time " << timeStart << " Volumes " << startVol << " " << stopVol << "\n" << " dx,dy,dz " << dx << " " << dy << " " << dz << "\n" << " ETot " << ETot << " Mass " << mass << " pTot " << pTot << " px,py,pz " << px << " " << py << " " << pz << "\n" << G4endl; // -------------------------- // Loop over Trajectories // -------------------------- G4TrajectoryContainer* trajectoryContainer = evt->GetTrajectoryContainer(); G4int n_trajectories = 0; if (trajectoryContainer) n_trajectories = trajectoryContainer->entries(); G4int trjIndex; //this is the trajectory Index G4int parentIndex; //this the parent trajectory index G4ThreeVector mom; //px,py,pz G4double mommag; //p = sqrt(px*px + ...) G4ThreeVector stop; //stopping point G4ThreeVector start; //starting point G4String stopVolumeName; //Volume name of the stopping point for retreive eventTuple->fill(5, n_trajectories); //nPart G4cout << "Final # of tracks : " << n_trajectories << G4endl; for (G4int i=0; i < n_trajectories; i++) { Trajectory* trj = (Trajectory*)((*(evt->GetTrajectoryContainer()))[i]); pId = trj->GetPDGEncoding(); //pId trjIndex = trj->GetTrackID(); if ( ! trj->GetSaveFlag() ) continue; //only consider trajectories which are flaged (see TrackingAction, SteppingAction) // initial point of the trajectory G4TrajectoryPoint* aa = (G4TrajectoryPoint*)trj->GetPoint(0) ; track->fill(0, pId); //pId parentIndex = trj->GetParentID(); track->fill(1,parentIndex); //parent timeStart = trj->GetGlobalTime()/ns; track->fill(2, timeStart); //creation time mom = trj->GetInitialMomentum(); mommag = mom.mag(); direction = track->getTuple( 3 ); //direction dx = mom.x()/mommag; dy = mom.y()/mommag; dz = mom.z()/mommag; direction->fill(0, dx); direction->fill(1, dy); direction->fill(2, dz); direction->addRow(); mass = trj->GetParticleDefinition()->GetPDGMass(); track->fill(4, mass); //mass pTot = mommag; track->fill(5, pTot); //p Total ETot = sqrt(mom.mag2() + mass*mass); track->fill(6, ETot); //Total energy momentum = track->getTuple( 7 ); //3-momentum px = mom.x(); py = mom.y(); pz = mom.z(); momentum->fill(0, px); momentum->fill(1, py); momentum->fill(2, pz); momentum->addRow(); start = aa->GetPosition(); startPos = track->getTuple( 8 ); //start position startPos->fill(0, start.x()/cm); startPos->fill(1, start.y()/cm); startPos->fill(2, start.z()/cm); startPos->addRow(); stop = trj->GetStoppingPoint(); stopPos = track->getTuple( 9 ); //stop position stopPos->fill(0, stop.x()/cm); stopPos->fill(1, stop.y()/cm); stopPos->fill(2, stop.z()/cm); stopPos->addRow(); startVol = EventFindStartingVolume(start); track->fill(10, startVol); //Starting Volume stopVolumeName = trj->GetStoppingVolume()->GetName(); stopVol = EventFindStoppingVolume(stopVolumeName); track->fill(11, stopVol); //Stopping Volume //add the new track to tuple track->addRow(); G4cout << "----> Tk{"<GetHCofThisEvent(); TrappVolHitsCollection* TrappVolHC = 0; AIDA::ITuple* hit = eventTuple->getTuple(6); //hit G4int nHits=0; if (HCE) { G4String name = "TrappingVolume"; //see TrappingVolume.cxx Ctor G4int collectionID = SDman->GetCollectionID(name); TrappVolHC = (TrappVolHitsCollection*)HCE->GetHC(collectionID); } if (TrappVolHC) { nHits = TrappVolHC->entries(); eventTuple->fill(5, nHits); //nHits TrappVolHit* aHit; for (G4int i=0; iPrint(); hit->fill(0,aHit->GetTime()); //time of hit creation hit->fill(1,aHit->GetEtot()); //Total energy of the particle creating the hit hit->fill(2,aHit->GetCoordinates().x()); //position of the hit hit->fill(3,aHit->GetCoordinates().y()); hit->fill(4,aHit->GetCoordinates().z()); hit->fill(5,aHit->GetTrkId()); //Id of the particle hit->fill(6,aHit->GetParentId()); //Id of the parent of the particle hit->fill(7,aHit->GetPDGEncoding()); //PDG code of the particle hit->fill(8,aHit->GetEdep()); //Energy deposit hit->addRow(); }//loop on hits }//Hit container //Save the Event eventTuple->addRow(); }//EndOfEventAction //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- G4int ELYSE::EventAction::EventFindStartingVolume(G4ThreeVector vtx) { // Get volume of starting point (see GEANT4 FAQ) G4Navigator* tmpNavigator = G4TransportationManager::GetTransportationManager()->GetNavigatorForTracking(); G4VPhysicalVolume* tmpVolume = tmpNavigator->LocateGlobalPointAndSetup(vtx); G4String vtxVolumeName = tmpVolume->GetName(); return FindVolume(vtxVolumeName); }//EventFindStartingVolume //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- G4int ELYSE::EventAction::EventFindStoppingVolume(G4String stopVolumeName) { return FindVolume(stopVolumeName); }//EventFindStoppingVolume //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- G4int ELYSE::EventAction::FindVolume(G4String volumeName) { G4int volumeCode = -1; G4cout << "(FindVolume): VolumeName: <" << volumeName << ">" << G4endl; if ( volumeName == "expHall" ) { volumeCode = 0; } else if ( volumeName == "SensiVol" ) { volumeCode = 1; } else if (volumeName == "TyvekSheet") { volumeCode = 2; } else if (volumeName == "waterTank") { volumeCode = 3; } return volumeCode; }//FindVolume